Magic Moments with Your Partner Your Local Childcare and Kindy Guide
Strategies to Help Your
Harness the Power of Goal Setting
3 Powerful Tips to Mentally Unload
Spoil Mum this
DIY Gifts + a Delicious Meal
Welcome 5
The Thing Is with Bree James
Hello and Happy Mother’s Day!
Goal-Setting with Children
Share the Mental Load
Of all the things I have done in life, being a mum has been the most challenging, but also the most rewarding.
12 STEAM: Art and Creativity 15 Couple Time -
“Motherhood is messy and challenging and crazy and sleepless and giving and still unbelievably beautiful.” – Rachel Martin
The Importance of Talking,
I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Listening and Having Fun
I hope you remember how incredibly amazing you are and how important you are to the little humans who call you mum. We are often so hard on ourselves, but if we could see ourselves through our kids’ eyes for just a moment, I am sure we would never doubt our value.
19 How to Help Your Child Focus 23 MacKillop’s 21st Century
Learning Environments
With such an important job to do, it’s vital to show up not just for your children - but for yourself as well.
27 Recipes to Treat Mum 29 All Things Health 32 Parent’s Puzzle: Sudoku 33 Mini Mag 37 Adult Colouring 38 Mother’s Day Craft 41 All Things Tweens and Teens 43 Baby’s First Foods 44 Bump, Bub and Beyond 47 Childcare and Kindy Guide 53 Developing 21st Century Skills
in Your Child
In this edition of PakMag, we talk about the ‘Mental Load’ that women carry and tips on how you can unload for a healthier and happier you. We also have plenty of expert advice on the power of goal setting, how to help your child focus and ways to cultivate couple time with your partner. We also have some fun crafts and recipes for the kids to spoil you this Mother’s Day. Our whole team hopes you have an extra special day thank you for including us on your parenting journey. Happy parenting, happy reading and don’t forget to tell everyone, you read it in PakMag.
61 What’s On
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families | May 2021 3
The Thing Is
The Thing Is with Bree James Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I didn’t become a parent. I often joke that I had to have kids so that I could make this magazine a success - as I wasn’t a parent when I first started PakMag. Sadly, the tax man doesn’t agree they should be deductible.
could improve; there would be lots to work on – but it’s important to remember that as parents, we are a work in progress too. We aren’t always going to get it right, but if we’re trying our best, we learn and grow as parents along with our children.
You look at the lives of non-parents with a little bit of envy for their peaceful days; being able to pee without being watched; and being able to do whatever they want, when they want - without having to think about who is going to watch the kids. No noise, no negotiating about naps, teeth cleaning or homework, and no one complaining that they suddenly don’t like the favourite food that you just cooked them, or messing up the house you just spent hours cleaning.
It is an honor to raise children, and sometimes with the relentlessness of life - it’s easy to fall into the trap of autopilot mode.
The thing is, parenting is relentless. It is constantly thinking about a zillion things all day long, whilst having a mini version of yourself or your partner challenging you to your core - because they can. It is an endless list of to dos, mental exhaustion, and living in a zombie state of brain fog from the sleepless nights, constant demands and emotional rollercoaster. How kids can go from happy to sad, angry to loving, laughing to loathing - in the space of five minutes is impressive to watch, and oh so hard not to join them at times. As an observer, I have loved analysing parenthood. I think being a parent is the most important job in the entire universe and isn’t valued enough. We are raising the next generation of people for our planet - what job is more important than that? How we raise them, will determine the type of world we end up with - as they will be our future leaders. This scares and excites me, but also reminds me that I have a very important job to do. Sometimes I do it well, but if I had a boss giving me feedback on how I
I can honestly say I am a better person because I became a parent. I am enrolled in the most challenging course I have ever taken. My teacher? - my kids. They have taught me just as much, if not more, than what I am teaching them. They have taught me to let go of control. When you have kids, you soon realise that as much as you try to be in control, you are not… and if you keep trying to be in control it will drive you crazy. Especially when it comes to having a spotless house with everything in its place. They have taught me how selfish I was before becoming a parent. Having kids, you have to be selfless and put their needs before your own. They have taught me that no matter how hard life can get, that you have to keep going - giving up is never an option. My kids remind me to have fun, to be silly, and to love more than I ever thought possible. My kids give my life meaning, and I am so grateful to be their mum.
Bree | May 2021 5
Goal-Setting with Children STORY Brian Caswell, Dean of Research and Programme Development, MindChamps PreSchool Limited In 1968, Dr Edwin Locke introduced the concept of goal-setting as motivation, showing a significant increase in performance when subjects pursued challenging, but clear and achievable goals accompanied by appropriate feedback. In 1990, he published, with Dr Gary Latham, A Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance, which presented five principles for improving success. In it, they recommended goals that encompassed:
But children, especially young children, are not great planners. They live in the eternal present, have limited capacity for holding more than a couple of concepts in mind simultaneously and they have short attentionspans (which was true even before the advent of the touch-screen!).
4. Feedback and
Does this mean that we should leave goal-setting for a later age? Some think it does, but even if a child is too young to make – or stick to – a plan, as parents and teachers, we can learn a great deal from the goalsetting principles first developed by Locke and Latham. We can be the goal-setters for them, while still giving them the autonomy and agency they need to make sense of the world.
5. Task Complexity
But Locke and Latham were working with adults in a work environment. How does this help us understand the role of goal-setting with children? The key words are ‘clear’, ‘achievable’ and ‘appropriate’.
As humans, we make sense of the world through experience. Every new learning is stored as a concept, and those concepts make it easier to process new experiences through a process of association (this is like that, therefore, what I know about this helps me work out what that means to me) we call this ‘analogous thinking’, and it is an essential building block of intelligence (which is not, as used to be believed, fixed at birth!).
1. Clarity 2. Challenge 3. Commitment
There is no doubt that children respond to challenges. Like adults, they relish the feeling of satisfaction they get from achieving something difficult, especially if it impresses the important people in their lives – their peers, their parents and their teachers.
6 May 2021 |
But children are inexperienced. They don’t have a deep reservoir of concepts to draw upon – which is why tasks that an adult may find fundamental, may, for a child, seem incomprehensible.
terms, describes the distance between what a child can do on their own, and what they can accomplish with the support of someone more knowledgeable about the activity.
A focus on clarity means seeing things from the perspective of the child and setting the challenge in terms of what they already know.
This is where our goal-setting for children should sit. The Challenge should excite the child, the level of Task Complexity should stimulate, but should fall within the ZPD so that we are able to subtly assist, without becoming didactic or taking over the learning experience.
Challenge Does this mean that we only give children things they can already do? Of course not – otherwise they would never progress beyond their limited comfort-zone. The goals we set for them in any activity (remember, they learn ‘hands-on’ through play) should stretch them; make demands of them that require them to solve problems and think logically and creatively to achieve the goal. And it should, above everything, engage and excite them. They must want to achieve the goal – only then will they have the Commitment they will need to follow the plan through to a productive conclusion. Psychologist Lev Vygotsky developed the concept of the ‘zone of proximal development’ (ZPD), which, in simple
This is how we measure the appropriateness of our
1. Are we solving the problem/supplying the answer, or are we stimulating the child’s imagination in a direction that we know, will eventually lead (with effort, on their part) to an answer which is meaningful to them – not necessarily the answer we would have come up with, or the one we planned?
2. Are we maintaining a level of fun, engagement and excitement that makes the activity ‘structured play’ rather than a boring ‘learning activity’?
Remember, it is not the destination that is the real goal, but the journey itself. Learning is an idiosyncratic process – no two children make sense of the world the same way, and none of them make sense of it the way the adults in their lives do. The important thing is not that they completely achieve the original ‘goal’ that we may set for them, but rather that they learn something – anything – that makes them more able to face whatever challenge we, or the world, may throw at them next.
Brian Caswell is the Dean of Research and Programme Development at MindChamps PreSchool Limited. He is an internationally-acclaimed, multi-award-winning author, researcher and educator who has dedicated his time to research into the psychology and neuroscience of the learning brain. Over the past 20 years, he has developed ‘brainfriendly’ learning strategies and enrichment programmes for young learners. With a particular interest in early childhood, Brian developed the MindChamps S.M.I.L.E.STM approach to early learning, which is hailed as a breakthrough in preschool curriculum design and used in all Mindchamps PreSchool and Early Learning centres worldwide. To-date, Brain has written over 300 books.
Head to to tune into episode 95 of the PakMag Parents Podcast, with Brian Caswell joining Bree to discuss more on how you can help your child with their goals.’ | May 2021 7
It’s Time to Share the Mental Load STORY Dr Robyn Miller My favourite part of telling people what I do at The Mental Load Project is about 30 seconds into the explanation. That’s when the expression on (mostly) women’s faces changes from a blank stare to a look of deep comprehension and relief. So, there is an actual term for what they feel and experience every day! I can’t see your face but, if you've not yet heard of the mental load - allow me to give you some illustrations and I bet you’ll be making the same expression. Who remembers birthdays in your household? Who notices the sunscreen is running out? Who remembers that school swimming happens on Tuesdays for Harper and Wednesdays for Jack? Who remembers that this Friday is Harmony Day and finds an orange t-shirt? Who plans vacation care on school holidays? All of these tasks together are the mental load. It’s all the planning, organising, remembering and noticing that happens in addition to any actual physical task. The mental load is invisible. And it is, by and large, carried by women. Even if it is invisible, remembering all this stuff takes a lot of time and brain space! That’s why the women I talk to about the mental load get this look of visceral relief when they understand it’s not just happening to them. There’s a reason why they feel tired and exhausted (even if their toddler has granted them a few hours of uninterrupted sleep!) So, why do women carry the mental load? Over the last generation or two, there have been massive changes in gender roles at home and in the workplace. Women have become much more present in the workplace. Fathers these days are much more likely to cook a
family meal regularly. But, although the physical load of parenting may (sometimes) be more evenly shared, the mental load, by default, continues to fall to women. There’s so much to unpack to achieve mental load equality. It starts in our language. We refer to “Working Mums” but not “Working Dads”. We ask our partners to “help” us with the housework, even though it is as much their house as it is ours! It’s internalised in our expectations. Women are the first ones to be judged (and probably to judge ourselves) if our mother-in-law’s birthday is forgotten or if the house is untidy when guests come over. In fact, Australian data shows that the highest earning women end up taking on even more of the housework to avoid seeming like a “bad” mum (note: this is not a trend seen amongst high earning dads). It’s ingrained in our habits. Women do tend to notice the socks lying on the floor or that the kids’ clothes are getting too tight, more than men. But this is not biological. We’ve just been conditioned to notice these things from when we were little girls - and then the more we notice and fix them, the better we get at noticing all these things. So we’ve ended up here, where women and men may be much more equal in practical parenting and paid employment, but women continue to carry the lion’s share of the mental load. We’re using precious, and finite time, brain space and energy on the mental load while our partners are not. As such, women end up with less mental energy and time to ponder work-related matters. This may not be a bad thing all the time, but solving problems at work creates way more career | May 2021 9
opportunities than successfully organising swimming lessons for next term. In this way, inequality in the mental load at home actually contributes to the glass ceiling at work.
My Three Biggest Tips to Mentally Unload 1. Do. Do what you can - immediately, rather than waiting. How many times do you think of sending that text message before you actually do? There are lots of “mental load” tasks like that which can be done in less than 60 seconds. Doing them the first time they pop into our head saves mental energy, simply by not having to “remember” them several times before doing them.
2. Drop. Be selective with your finite mental space While it’s satisfying to name the problem, the obvious and more important question is: what can we do about it? I first became hyper aware of mental load inequality when I returned to work post maternity leave. I was heartened to come across countless articles describing my problems with the mental load. But there were so few solutions. The only options I found were to “put up with it” (getting increasingly frustrated and resentful) or “drop the ball” (stop doing stuff and get increasingly frustrated and resentful while the house falls apart).
and energy. Consider what you value most, and on the flipside, what things take up your mental load that aren’t actually important to you anymore?
3. Divide. We need to achieve division of the mental load NOT delegation. This means dividing overall activities with our partners so that one person is responsible for the whole thing rather than just delegating smaller individual bits and pieces. Think; “I will make dinners on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and you can make dinner on Thursdays and Fridays”; rather than; “Can you cook chicken stir fry on Thursday? I’ll defrost the chicken on Wednesday, and I’ll leave the recipe on the bench.”
This led me to try to find the root cause of the problem. Why do women notice things before their partners? Why do highly capable men rely on their partners to tell them what needs to be done? I realised it was due to generations of social conditioning forming our habits and expectations. Yikes. So, how do we undo this?
These three steps sound pretty simple but following them actually requires us to break and re-form habits that we have probably held for decades. At the Mental Load Project, I run a six-week Share the Mental Load course to teach women exactly how to do this and provide all the support they and their partners need to make the new habits, and mental load equality, stick.
Having more gender equal family policies would help. Although women are likely to carry more of the mental load - even before children, studies have shown that longer paternity leave at a child’s birth increases the involvement of fathers in day-to-day childcare-related tasks during toddlerhood.
It feels pretty good to never organise the dog’s visits to the vet again. It feels even better not to blame myself for any dinner that falls slightly under nutritional standards. It feels amazing to know that my daughter is growing up forming different, more gender equal expectations and habits.
But we don’t have to wait for better parental leave policies and community expectations on mothers and fathers to change before we can redistribute the mental load within our own relationships.
And that is the ultimate goal: that in another generation, our sons and daughters will both be spending equal mental energy on getting promotions at work and remembering to wash the bath towels.
Robyn Miller is an Australian medical doctor working in Northern Australia. Upon returning to work after maternity leave, Robyn, like many women, experienced the struggles of the “mental load”. When she couldn’t find any strategies to effectively “off-load” half of this invisible labour to her partner, Robyn drew upon her own skills and experience in neuroscience and organisational management to develop her own, unique strategy. In 2019, she founded The Mental Load Project to help other women to recognise and rebalance the mental load in their relationships.
Find out more at and tune into episode 95 of the PakMag Parents Podcast with Robyn joining Bree to discuss The Mental Load.
10 May 2021 |
STEAM: Art and Creativity Benefitting Us All Art in all its forms is enjoyed by the masses, but often not given the credit it deserves in terms of its importance. In schools, the Arts and Humanities subjects aren’t weighted as highly as the Science, English and Maths subjects. A student’s Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is affected by the combination of subjects chosen, depending on how they are scaled that year - regardless of the marks received in the individual subject. It would take a lot to try and unpack the ATAR system, but in general, the way subjects are scaled, not just now, but historically, has influenced how society feels about them. It engrains a belief that the• subjects that fall lower on the scale are ‘easier’ or ‘less important’. But it’s far from the truth. The truth is, ‘creatives’ see the world in a very different way and can benefit all of society by what they bring to it; music, visual art, design, poetry, comedy, a movie or a play. All of which have so much power to generate emotion and make people feel good. Think of a world without those things, or the people that create them in it? It’d be a bit boring right? It is so interwoven in our lives - everyone is a conscious or an unconscious consumer of art daily. It’s important to remind ourselves how valuable those things are to us, and be more conscious about how much it enriches our lives.
Giant Cardboard Cupcakes What You Need • Cardboard / cardboard box • Oil pastels • Cupcake paper templates – (or colourful paints bottom and top (design your own) or markers) • Pencil • Decorative items • Scissors (pom poms, glitter, • Glue gun (adult stickers etc) supervision required) • Craft glue
“Art makes us think, it stands for something. It illuminates culture and draws us into a conversation with ourselves and with others… Art does not merely reflect or represent the world, but it illuminates the world. It brings us into an encounter with concrete experience. It brings to the fore qualities of life otherwise overlooked, or qualities that other disciplines cannot account for. Art speaks to us in ways nothing else can. But its voice is being stifled.” – Sam McAuliffe (Daily Review, July 2020) If art was ‘easy’, there’d be a lot more artists. More credit needs to be given to these skills and to the artists that create. That doesn’t mean you should ‘leave’ art and creativity to the professionals though… art and creativity are for everyone! There’s so much to gain – just by giving it a go. By simply participating, you can experience many benefits including: • Development of fine and gross motor skills as well as hand-eye coordination, • Learning history, music, art, dance and drama are an expression of the time they were created and by exploring art (past and present), we get a snapshot into the time and place it was created.
Method Use an A4 sheet of paper to create a template for the base of your cupcake. Use another sheet to create the template for the top. Unfold an old cardboard box. Trace around the paper templates on your cardboard. As it is thick cardboard, you’ll need sturdy scissors and potentially some help from a parent to cut out your designs from the cardboard. Glue the top of the cupcake to the bottom of the cupcake with the glue gun. For safety: depending on the age of the child, parents can prepare the cardboard cupcakes for them to design and skip these steps.
• Risk-free exploration. Children can build confidence in their abilities and learn to be innovative and problem-solvers. Skills, that are essential for success in all areas of life.
Now it’s time to get creative and decorate. Start by colouring the cupcake and base however you would like, and then add whatever decorative craft items you like to finish your artwork with your craft glue.
• As a vehicle for emotion, the arts allow the person creating to work through ideas, issues and express themselves, which in turn supports their mental health.
There really are no rules with how your cupcake is supposed to look. Simply create your own - as unique as you are.
12 May 2021 |
Flower Threading Boards What You Need • Flowers (from your own garden or bought) • Cardboard • Pencil
• Scissors • Something sharp to create the threading holes
Method Draw your desired threading board shape onto your cardboard. Cut out your shape with your scissors. The next step is for a parent: carefully create the threading holes in the board. The number of holes you will need to create in your threading board will depend on the size of your threading board and your flowers. The example shown used a ceramic clay needle, followed by a sharp pencil to widen the holes. You may want to try a sharp pencil or pen lid to make the holes. Once the holes have been created, it is ready to start threading. Prep your flowers, by cutting off excess stem. Aim for 3cm of stem per flower to make threading easy. Feed (thread) the stems of your flowers through the holes in your board until you fill your design and end up with a beautiful floral arrangement.
Life, Love and Parenting
Couple Time – The Importance of Talking, Listening and Having Fun STORY Julia Nowland Each week my partner and I go for a walk around the harbour at lunchtime. It’s a way for us to get outside and just catch up, we debrief about work, parenting, life and so forth. This week, out of nowhere he turns to me and says:
reality - he was feeling more and more disconnected from his wife, the words to describe the quality of relationship were like “transactional”, “functional” and “boring”.
“This probably doesn’t come as a shock to you. I’m sure you see this stuff all the time… but, it dawned on me that the reason a lot of affairs start up, particularly in the workplace, is because when people are in a long-term committed relationship, their stories aren’t interesting and exciting anymore. When someone new comes along, it’s the first time they’ve heard the story not the fifth or tenth; so, you suddenly come across as someone interesting and exciting.”
Now, affairs are a rich tapestry of complexity and aren’t based on how often your partner laughs at your same jokes. However, my partner raised an important observation for all relationships.
At first, I wasn’t sure where this conversation was going - seeing as I often tease him about having only a handful of stories that he brings up time and time again. But I was aware that only a week ago one of his teammates had left his wife for a colleague and it had rattled my partner a little. This friend looked like he was living the dream, he had a good job, was married with three kids and bought a beautiful home overlooking the water. However, in
When it comes to relationships - intimacy, connection, fun and passion need to be cultivated; it’s not a case of set and forget. Bring in the stresses of work, kids and sometimes ailing parents and the relationship slips lower and lower on the priority list. The window of intimacy becomes small and rigid. Date nights can either be a last second thought, or routine dinner at the local restaurant. One couple complained to me the thought of having to book babysitters felt too hard. They were tired from the end of the week and felt it was easier to opt for just hanging out at home again and watching TV. No variety, no spark. | May 2021 15
Life, Love and Parenting
When it comes to the excitement of new relationships, you’re more likely wanting to explore your partner and their world more. You’ll listen to the stories and respond with shock, awe, and laughter. You listen closely as they tell you tales of their favourite holiday experience in Thailand when they were twenty. You feel cranky when you hear that they were passed over for a new project or promotion. It’s these little moments of turning towards your relationship and your partner that are the breeding ground of trust, compassion, kindness, and generosity.
have a turn booking in a surprise date according to the letter of the alphabet. They’ve been kayaking on Sydney Harbour, hot air ballooning and apple picking.
3. Keep the Variety and Appreciation Going This rolls on from number two, but it is just as important. Studies have shown that what keeps the “spark” alive is variety and appreciation. You’ll be able to keep the variety going if you can keep up with the creativity of the Alphabet Dates. However, the appreciation is also crucial. This can be about the effort your partner has made to organise the date to just who they are in general. Let them know what it is about them that you like / love.
4. Tell Me More
In the beginning stages of your relationship, you found yourselves going out, being social, having shared interests or at least trying something new. Now ask yourself “how often do we as a couple spend time together talking, laughing, having fun and trying something new?” Here are four ways you can cultivate more couple time:
1. Plan Ahead Figure out how often you want to schedule in some awesome couple time. Weekly, monthly - whatever works for your schedules and access to resources like babysitters. Now block that time out in advance; make sure you both agree to prioritise the time you’ve blocked out.
2. Alphabet Dates I’ve stolen this idea from my brother and sister in-law to keep things interesting, different and fun. They each
When it comes to the art of conversation during the couple-time, be present with what your partner is saying and enquire to know more about them. Ask them questions about parts of their lives that they don’t often talk about. What was your favourite movie growing up? Were you a cat or dog family? What’s been your biggest regret and / or achievement? If you want to cultivate more of those magical moments where you truly feel it’s you and your best friend giggling in the pantry, hiding from the kids whilst eating chocolate. Then it’s about taking your relationship off autopilot, turning towards each other and having a look at ways that you can bring back that spark. The sense of joy and fun. Look at your partner again with new eyes. Balance out the transactional and functional part of the relationship with a pinch of irresponsibility - don’t go stealing cars, but maybe play hooky on Wednesday morning and have breakfast together.
Julia Nowland is the founder of Whole Heart Relationships. She specialises in helping parents of young children prioritise their relationship and strengthen their love.
If you’d like to hear more on this topic with julia, head to and tune into Episode 93 of the Pakmag Parenting Podcast.
16 May 2021 |
How to Help Your Child Focus STORY Alexandra Eidens – Founder, Big Life Journal Daydreaming, doodling, disrupting, and other distractions are common for children of all ages. Still, it’s natural for parents to worry that difficulty focusing may negatively impact a child’s learning, retention, and academic achievement. If you’re concerned about your child’s ability to focus, remember that this is a normal area of difficulty for young children. At the same time, you can help your child take steps toward improvement. Here are some great tools and strategies to help your child master the art of concentration!
Why Do Kids Struggle with Concentration? Young children have much shorter attention spans than adults. Paying attention is an executive functioning skill, part of a set of mental skills that continue developing into the mid-20s. Children and teens develop their executive functioning skills at varying rates, generally with no cause for concern. Additionally, children are naturally curious and have high energy levels. They want to explore and have fun. When this isn’t the case, children easily grow bored and shift their attention elsewhere. Adults, meanwhile, have the ability to power through a task even when it’s unenjoyable. So, difficulty paying attention is normal for children. But if your child seems to struggle more than their peers, you may want to consider underlying causes like: • Lack of quality sleep • A poor routine • Too much screen time, especially before bed • Need for a more nutritious diet • Anxiety associated with learning and/or school • Mismatched learning style or lack of challenge
Seven Tips to Help Your Child Focus In many cases, children can improve their ability to focus on a task with a few simple adjustments. Try the strategies below to enhance your child’s concentration.
1. Break Tasks into Smaller Pieces Sometimes, a task with many steps feels too overwhelming. Children may not know where to begin, or they may feel so intimidated by the task that they give up. It’s extremely helpful to break big tasks into smaller pieces. Give children only one or two steps to complete at a time. Not only does this make the task easier to tackle, but it will also build your child’s confidence as they successfully complete each piece. Of course, you can’t control how tasks are delivered in your child’s classroom. Practice breaking tasks into smaller pieces at home, and encourage your child to apply the strategy at school too. You can teach them simple tricks, like using a sheet of paper to cover every question on an assignment except the first one, then sliding the paper down as they progress through the task.
2. Make Lists Think about the tools that help you stay focused on your daily tasks. Perhaps you use a calendar, sticky notes, or a checklist. These strategies are also helpful to children who struggle with attention. Experiment with different organisational tools to determine what works for your child. Younger children can use visual checklists, with images of the tasks they need to complete.
• Worries over problems or recent changes at home
3. Organise a Dedicated Workspace
Start by trying the concentration-boosting tips below. Then, consider and address any potential underlying causes. If your child still has significant problems with a focus that impacts their learning, you may want to consult a healthcare professional to look into possible learning difficulties. If a learning difficulty is diagnosed, you’ll find there are plenty of supports to help your child succeed in the classroom.
Consistently completing schoolwork or homework in the same space creates structure, which feels predictable and safe for children. At home, help your child choose a dedicated workspace. Ensure that the space is well-lit, clean, and stocked with the materials your child needs. This prevents your child’s focus from being interrupted by getting up to search for a pencil, paper, or other supplies. | May 2021 19
Remove clutter and minimise visual distractions. Make the space comfortable and calming with a supportive chair, cheerful colours, and even a moodboosting air freshener. Lemon, jasmine, and lavender are productivity and mood enhancers, cinnamon is said to sharpen the mind, and citrus boosts energy. Again, you can’t control your child’s environment at school. But you can encourage them to keep their desk clean and organised. And, as your child has positive and successful learning experiences at home, they’ll develop confidence and good habits that travel with them to school.
4. Create Manageable Routines Routines are another way to incorporate structure and safety, which ultimately enhances your child’s ability to accomplish tasks. Create a routine around important times of the day such as waking up and getting ready for school, eating meals, doing homework, and going to sleep. Include physical activity, time for connecting as a family, and limited interactions with screens. It’s important that you’re able to be consistent with your routine, so create something that’s manageable and practical for your family. Stabilising and healthy routines at home provide a firm foundation for optimal learning anywhere. Additionally, routines encourage other executive functioning skills like prioritisation and time management.
5. Take Brain Breaks Sometimes, children who have trouble focusing simply need more breaks. Learn and study in smaller, more productive blocks broken up by rejuvenating brain breaks. Brain breaks only need to last for a few minutes, and they should help restore your child’s energy and focus. At school, brain breaks are likely incorporated into your child’s day through lunch breaks, physical education, or activities like art class. At home, you can take brain breaks when your child’s focus wanders during homework, chores, or other tasks. Ideas for brain breaks include: • Yoga stretches • Jumping or running in place • Making silly faces • Telling jokes • Dancing to a favourite song • Drawing or colouring in • Tossing a ball • Mindfulness exercises, such as deep breathing and visualisation
Taking a brain break is like pressing a reset button. Your child will return to their task feeling re-energised and ready to focus. Just like breaks at work they actually enhance productivity. Brain breaks are a time saver and not a time-waster.
6. Play Memory Games Memory games are a fun way to work on improving your child’s concentration. Memory matching cards and games like Concentration can help. Even simple activities that require focus, like Simon Says and RedLight-Green-Light, can teach children to pay attention. Similarly, jigsaw puzzles, tongue twisters, and picture puzzles (e.g., “Spot three differences between these two images”) help children fine-tune their ability to concentrate for longer periods of time.
7. Build Your Child’s Confidence You may wonder what confidence has to do with concentration. In some cases, children don’t focus or make an effort in school because they don’t believe in their abilities. Some of the strategies above will help boost your child’s confidence by setting them up for successful, positive learning experiences. Likewise, find your child’s talents and areas of excellence, then create opportunities for success. Celebrate and encourage them for effort, perseverance, and creativity too not just successful outcomes. Other ways to increase your child’s confidence include: • Modelling and practicing positive self-talk • Joining their play and letting them lead • Asking for their advice or opinion • Giving them age-appropriate ways to contribute around the house • Offering unconditional love and acceptance • Teaching social skills, including role playing social scenarios that your child finds difficult or uncomfortable Taking steps to increase your child’s self-esteem and social skills can help them feel more comfortable at school, which in turn can motivate them to focus and learn. It’s also helpful to work with your child on managing their feelings, as unregulated emotions can also contribute to trouble concentrating in the classroom. Incorporate these simple strategies into your child’s daily life, and you’re likely to see their powers of concentration soar.
Alexandra Eidens is the founder of Big Life Journal, a growth mindset company for children and teens. Big Life Journal creates practical tools to help parents and teachers integrate growth mindset into their kids’ everyday lives. Their guided journals are approved by psychologists and top parenting experts (like Dr. Shefali Tsabari and Dr. Tina Bryson) and now used by over 500,000 children worldwide. When not creating journals, Alexandra is reading the latest research on brain science and the mind-body connection.
20 May 2021 |
MacKillop’s 21st Century Learning Environments At MacKillop, learning happens a little differently when compared to the classrooms we as parents grew up with. We are not a traditional school – and unashamedly so! Our goal is to prepare our students for the future, and we use technology for a blended learning environment, just like our children will experience when they enter the workplace. MacKillop is a purpose-built agile and flexible learning environment. We have large, shared spaces; a team of educators working with all the children in these spaces; and large class groupings which can be differentiated into smaller, targeted groups. Educators, working as a team – target and individualise the needs of all students. We differentiate, target, extend and support the learning of all students through varied instruction, collaboration with parents, and having common goals. Our aim is to prepare students for the world in which they will live, learn, and grow. The flexible learning environment reflects current research and knowledge on 21st century teaching and learning practices which helps to prepare students for the skills they will need in the future such as collaboration, communication, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity and global citizenship.
It is empowering for students to understand themselves as learners and have control and responsibility over where they learn. In a flexible environment, students build independent learning behaviours and develop a strong understanding of themselves as learners. Students are given the opportunity to take advantage of both indoor and outdoor learning environments and the space enables students to work in a variety of ways and areas. They can move around, work at tables, on the floor, in small groups, on stools, as well as standing. Large, open, and flexible learning areas can be rearranged to create distinct learning areas that suit different students. Sometimes we use retractable walls, special furniture, inside and outside areas and quiet withdrawal spaces. Here at MacKillop we are working with all students in an ongoing capacity to help them build their skills in independence and understanding of themselves as learners and how they learn best. We use the spaces and vary our instruction and learning activities based on the needs of our students and the content being covered. Our learning areas, and teaching practices, help develop our students as trusted and independent learners. Because, one day very soon, that’s exactly what they will need to be in the world we are preparing them for. | May 2021 23
Treat Mum this Mother’s Day Get the Perfect Gift at Smithfield Shopping Centre
If you know she loves nothing more than a day of pampering, then a relaxing spa treatment from Avoca Cosmetology or beauty treatment from Clear Skincare will leave her glowing.
12. 11.
7. 10. 8. 13. 9.
16. 14.
15. 17.
1. Himalayan Salt Rock Aroma Diffuser - $55.00 - Kmart 2. Focus Crystal Facial Duo - $15.00 - Kmart 3. Bluetooth Portable Pro Mini Speaker $39.00 - Kmart 4. Glasshouse Candle, Ode to Women - $54.95 - Alive Pharmacy 5. Peta & Jain Padma Shoulder Bag Black - $49.95 - Edge Clothing 6. Marikai Santorini Travel Bag - $59.99 - Strandbags 7. Garden Tools - $8.00 - Kmart 8. Ambrosia Native Cotton Apron - $16.99 - Robins Kitchen 9. Vans True White - $109.95 - Surf Dive & Ski 10. Chunky Mule Scuffs - $15.00 - Kmart 11. Silver Half Round Bangle - $169.00 - Prouds 12. Mermade Hair Blow & Wave Kit - $135.00 - Hairhouse WareHouse 13. Napoleon Perdis - Love Thyself Skin Kit - $95.00 - Alive Pharmacy 14. Age Management Kit - $270.00 - Avoca Cosmetology 15. j’ADORE Fragrance Set: Eau de Parfum & Beautifying Body Milk - $180.00 - Alive Pharmacy 16. Elite Lades Rose Tone Watch - $69.00 - Prouds 17. Deluxe Picnic Set - $29.00 - Kmart
Smithfield Shopping Centre
Recipes to Treat Mum
Spaghetti Bolognese
Braided Raspberry Danish
Olive oil 1 onion (finely diced) 2 cloves of garlic (minced) 100g diced bacon 1 carrot (diced) 1 celery stalk (diced) 500g beef mince 2 beef stock cubes 1 cup of boiling water 2 cans of diced tomatoes
2 tsp white sugar 2 tsp Worcestershire sauce 1 ½ tbsp tomato paste 2 dried bay leaves and sprigs of thyme Salt and Pepper to taste Spaghetti noodles Shredded Parmesan cheese Parsley (garnish)
Method Heat 1 – 2 tbsp of olive oil in a large pot or electric frypan (medium - high heat). Place carrot, celery, onion, garlic and bacon in the pan and lightly brown for approximately 3 minutes. Add beef and turn your heat up to high. Brown your beef, stirring and breaking it up as you go. Create beef stock with stock cubes. It is usually 1 stock cube per cup of water, but use 2 stock cubes and 1 cup of water. There is a lot of moisture in this dish and we want flavour, without being too watery. Add to pan. Add all other ingredients, except the noodles, salt and pepper and parmesan cheese. Stir well, bringing Bolognese to a simmer. Turn the heat down to medium and let the mix bubble gently, stirring occasionally for 20 – 30 minutes. Add water (a little bit at a time) if the sauce starts getting too thick. Cook your spaghetti as per packet instructions. Once Bolognese is ready, serve over or toss through your pasta, add salt and pepper and Parmesan cheese to taste. Sprinkle with some parsley to finish.
1 Puff pastry sheet 50g cream cheese 2 tbsp Ricotta cheese 2 tbsp sugar ½ tsp lemon juice
¼ cup raspberry jam 1 x egg, mixed with 1 tbsp of water for egg wash ½ tbsp milk ¼ cup icing sugar
Method Place cream cheese, ricotta, sugar, and lemon juice in a bowl and blend with a handheld mixer. Place thawed puff pastry onto a sheet of baking paper you’ve sprinkled in flour. You are going to want to picture your sheet of puff pastry in thirds. You will use the two outer sections to cut into strips and braid. The middle will need to stay intact and provide the base for your filling. Cut both top corners off your pastry sheet. Cut strips at an angle down each side of the pastry. The strips should be about 1 ½ - 2 cm wide. There will be another triangle of pastry to remove at the bottom, once you have cut all of the strips. Spread out the cheese filling evenly on the middle puff pastry sheet. Then add a layer of jam on top. Braid by crossing the strips over each other – alternating the sides. Don’t forget to pinch the strip down once you have pulled it over to the other side. Before you get to the last strips, fold the bottom middle flap up, so it can be secured under them. Brush your danish with the egg wash. Bake at 200°C for 20 minutes or until it goes a nice golden brown. Once your danish is cooled, combine your milk and icing sugar to make a glaze and drizzle over the top. You can serve with fresh raspberries if you like. | May 2021 27
All Things Health Jana Gorski Naturopath Calanna Whole Health Pharmacy Dear Jana, My prebiotic is making me bloated. What do I do? If you get bloated from pre-biotic fibre, the most common cause is an overgrowth of otherwise beneficial bacteria in the wrong place. Our microbiome should be a symbiotic relationship – we feed our bacteria what they need to keep multiplying (i.e. fibre) and in return, they supply us with vitamins and nutrients that fuel our gut cells, the by-product being gas. Too much gas in your upper digestive tract and you’ll feel bloated. There are natural ways to correct this, under the guidance of an experienced Naturopath. Calanna Whole Health Pharmacy
Organ and Tissue Donation Ever considered the option of donating your organs after you pass away? More and more Australians today are choosing to become a registered organ and tissue donor. It has the potential to save and completely transform someone’s life, with around 1650 people currently on a waitlist for a lifechanging transplant, and hundreds more on dialysis. Sadly, many pass away waiting for a transplant.
The simple fact is that organ and tissue donors save lives. Registering as a donor means that one day you can change the lives of 10 or more people. You can donate regardless of gender, ethnicity or age, and even people over the age of 80 or with chronic health conditions have successfully donated their organs. Over 70 percent of Australians are willing to be donors. The Australian Organ Donor Register is where you can register your donation decision for after your death, including which organs and tissue you would like to donate. Be sure to discuss this with your family, as they will give the final confirmation. You can change your mind at any time. Head on over to
Supporting Your Immunity with Echinacea When it comes to Echinacea, the plant species used, part of the plant used and the quality of the preparation is really important. That’s why you want to leave it to a trained Naturopath or Herbalist to carefully select an Echinacea preparation that can support your immunity. Mario’s Range of immune tonics contain the highest quality of Echinacea with standardised alkylamides. These constituents activate macrophages and increase the number and activity of natural killer cells – the immune system’s first responders – helping your body to overcome viral infection swiftly and effectively which may shorten the severity and duration of colds and flu. Ask in store at your nearest Calanna Whole Health Pharmacy about which Mario’s Range Tonic is best for you.
Consult your local health practitioner, doctor or pharmacist for advice on these topics first to ensure the best health outcomes. | May 2021 29
All Things Health Health Benefits of Chickpeas
Dr Bobby Griffin
Chickpeas, part of the legume family, have a nutty texture which pairs well with other ingredients. Not only are they delicious, they’re a rich source of vitamins, inexpensive and are surprisingly easy to incorporate into your diet.
Sunbird Orthodontics Dear Dr Bobby,
Appetite – Chickpeas may help keep your appetite under control because of the protein and fibre they contain. Because of their high protein content, they’re a great option for those who don’t eat animal products. May help control weight – Chickpeas have a fairly low-calorie density, and the protein and fibre in chickpeas may promote healthy weight management. May benefit digestion – Since they’re full of fibre, chickpeas may aid your digestive health. May support blood sugar control – They have a low glycemic index (GI), a marker of how rapidly your blood sugar rises after eating. Chickpeas are often sold in canned and dry varieties, and are super easy and delicious when added to salads, soups, veggie burgers, wraps or curries. They’re also the main ingredient in hummus which is delicious eaten with veggies or crackers, or you can simply roast them in the oven for a crunchy snack.
What does an orthodontist do that a dentist doesn’t? Firstly, an Orthodontist IS a dentist! The main difference is that an Orthodontist has done another University Degree, which gives them much greater skills in identifying and treating developmental disorders of the teeth. Children are referred to Orthodontists specifically to look for developmental disorders of the teeth and jaws. Therefore, an Orthodontist works alongside your dentist, but will focus much more on the transition from baby teeth to adult teeth. If a dentist is worried about your kid’s dental development, they will send you to an Orthodontist. But you don’t need a referral to see me, if you are worried about your child’s teeth - come on in. 4038 1036
30 May 2021 |
Consult your local health practitioner, doctor or pharmacist for advice on these topics first to ensure the best health outcomes.
Parent's Puzzle: Sudoku Each of the nine blocks must contain all the numbers 1-9 within its squares. Each number can only appear once in a row, column or box.
WIN a Connect Smart LED Strip Light 5m Worth $69.00 Connect SmartHome defines the exploration of connectedness between two aspects - modern design and the rise of technology; delivering seamless, multi-product home automation solutions that are simple, easy to use and install. Create unique ambient lighting with the Connect Smart LED Strip Light. Shape the strip to nearly any form and use the adhesive backing to attach to any solid surface, the Connect Smart LED Strip Light creates vivid colours and soft whites for accenting details and highlights. Visit for your chance to win! Competition closes 31/05/2021. No need to submit answers to enter. Sudoku answers can be found at
32 May 2021 |
Pull-out kids activity mag!
Where does each slide lead?
8 7 2
Cross -word
3 –>
Colour by numbers
6 1–>
6 a Matching Game 1 b 2
d 4
Win a Tiger Tribe STEAM Activity Pack Worth $50.00 Win a pack of two engaging STEAM activity sets created by Aussie kids’ brand Tiger Tribe. Explore vision, shadows and the effect of light with Light and Shine - Playing with Optics (RRP $25) and discover the wonderful world of colour with Rainbow Lab - Playing with Colour (RRP $25). With every project in both sets fact checked by a PhD scientist, the kits are designed to help kids apply STEAM principals to the world around them, making maths and science relevant and fun. At the same time integrating Arts (“A” in STEAM) with activities that encourage creativity, intuition and imagination. Visit for your chance to win! Competition closes 31/05/2021. No need to submit answers to enter.
Which path leads this hungry pup to his bone?
Use the grid to draw the dog, then colour them in!
WIN a PAW Patrol Prize Pack Worth $49.99 Don’t lose it, reuse it! With PAW Patrol’s Rocky and his Reuse It Truck, you can recycle materials and turn them into tools to help you save the day! Equipped with rolling wheels and moving arms, Rocky’s Reuse It Truck makes it easy to play out your missions. Kids can recycle just like Rocky thanks to the new PAW Patrol Recycling Program with TerraCycle. Visit for your chance to win! Competition closes 31/05/2021. No need to submit answers to enter.
Colour me in!
Connect the dots
Colour by numbers
WIN a Set of Australian Animal Alphabet Flashcards Worth $32.95 An A-Z of unusual and vulnerable species. If our children don’t know the animals exist, why will they want to save them? They are to be used as a tool for children and the grown-ups who nurture them. The information on the reverse is for adults to use and instruct where appropriate. These cards are designed to grow with your little one – as they learn about their own world in more detail, they will learn more about the animal one. Visit for your chance to win! Competition closes 31/05/2021. No need to submit answers to enter.
Relax and Unwind: Adult Colouring
Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea Green Queen Teabags Worth $34.95 Fusspot Collagen Beauty Tea’s “Green Queen” biodegradable teabags are organic green sencha tea infused with hydrolyzed collagen peptides and packed with antioxidants and polyphenols to promote improved skin and wellness, and help promote plumper skin, improved skin elasticity and skin texture, diminish fine lines, promote hair and nail growth and support your overall beauty from within when drunk twice daily. With a range of 11 blends to choose from, you’ll discover this is no ordinary tea… it’s a tea with major benefits and your skin will love you! Visit for your chance to win! Competition closes 31/05/2021. No need to submit colouring in to enter. | May 2021 37
Mother’s Day Craft for Kids
Hand-Print Flowers
What You Need • Coloured paper or cardboard • Pencil • Scissors
Bean Mosaic Art What You Need
• Popsicle sticks • Green paint • Paintbrush • Craft glue
• Dried beans (eg. black eyed peas, kidney beans, corn kernels) • Craft glue • Acrylic paint
• Paintbrushes • Paper plates • Pen or pencil
Method Paint your popsicle sticks using the green paint and paint brush. They will be the stems of your flowers. Set aside to dry. Place your hand on the sheet of paper or cardboard you are going to use as the flower. Spread out your fingers and trace around your hand with the pencil. Repeat this on the same sheet or different coloured sheets of paper to create your flowers for the bouquet. If there are multiple children in the family, get all the children to trace their hands and make a collective bunch from all of the kids. To create your leaves, draw a leaf template, cut it out and trace around it multiple times on the green paper. Cut all of your leaves out. Glue your flowers and leaves to the stems (popsicle sticks). Once the glue has dried you can place your flowers in a vase you have decorated (old jar) or wrap them in paper (as shown).
38 May 2021 |
Method Take your paper plate and using your pencil or pen, draw out a design you would like to make. The creation process will happen in stages, as the glue will dry if you put it all on there at once. Choose a section of your design to start with and fill it using the craft glue. Choose the bean or kernel you want to fill the glued section with and arrange them as you would like. Let each section dry completely, before you move onto the next. It is good to have another plate design you are working on at the same time so you can go back and forth between them. Once the glue is dry, paint the beans in the colour of your choice. Apply a second coat if you feel it needs it. Repeat all the steps above until your design is complete.
Hand-Print Cactus Card What You Need
What You Need • Artist paper • Fine tip marker pen • Non-toxic ink pad • Large clear glass stones • (4 - 5 cm wide) often called ‘cabochons’
• Scissors • Clear drying glue (we like Mod Podge) • Foam brush • Ceramic magnets (2 ½ - 3 cm wide)
• Cardboard (green, pink, dark pink) • Craft glue • Fine black marker
• Pencil • Flower stickers or other flower decorations
Fingerprint Glass Magnets
Method Method Using your ink pads and artists paper, help your child create a finger or thumbprint design. You can use a single fingerprint or multiple fingerprints to create an animal, heart or a flower (like you see pictured). Add the details to your design with your fine tip marker. To help keep your design to the size of your glass stone that you’ll be gluing it to, trace around your stones with pencil on the paper first. You child can use the space traced, to work in. Cut out your design. Once your design is dry, glue it to the back of the glass stone by placing a drop of Mod Podge in the middle back of the stone and then pressing the stone onto your paper design. You are aiming for the glue to go all the way to the edges. Wipe away excess glue with a damp cloth. Allow to dry overnight. The next day, paint over the back of the paper design with your foam brush and Mod Podge to seal it. Place a magnet on the back. Allow to dry overnight before use.
To make your card, simply fold your green carboard in half. Place your child’s left hand on the card, with the pinky lined up along the fold line. Trace around your child’s hand. Cut the handprint out, leaving the left side connected along the fold line. With your black marker pen, draw spines on the cactus, so it looks prickly. Create the pot for the cactus by drawing a half oval shape. It needs to be slightly wider than your cactus. Cut the shape out. Create the water tray for your pot, by cutting out a small rounded bowl- shaped sliver on the dark pink paper, as seen in the image. Glue the ‘water tray’ to the bottom of the ‘pot’, then glue the ‘pot’ to the bottom of your cactus. The ‘pot’ is glued on top of the cactus. Attach your flower stickers or other flower decorations over the cactus, like you see pictured. Once the card is dried, write a special Mother’s Day message to your Mum. | May 2021 39
All Things Tweens and Teens
All Things Tweens & Teens Inspiration Corner It’s true, we are generally a lot harder on ourselves than we are on others. But, why? If you wouldn’t say those things about someone else, or to someone else – why on earth would we say them to ourselves? Be a friend to yourself. You have so much love to give others, don’t forget to share it with yourself too. Offer yourself the same love, kindness, compassion, support and respect you would your closest friends and family. Try to eliminate your negative self-talk and become your greatest supporter and cheerleader. Remember you
Tips for THAT Conversation: The Birds and the Bees STORY Row Murray Every parent and every child in their relationship is different, so it’s always best when parents use their own common sense as they know their kids best. But I definitely recommend having lots of small, non-invasive, nonconfrontational conversations that flow naturally, rather than some great big ‘now, now let’s have a sit down and talk about the birds and the bees.’ There’s so much to cover with sex and sexuality, from puberty and body changes, to sexual health, STI’s and safer sex and how it all works - including conception. But it’s not just about biology, it’s also a bunch of conversations about relationships, how you communicate with people and consent.
Tips • Have lots and lots of little conversations and research reputable advice to share, even before the conversations start – so you are ready. • Create a safe space: don’t be judgemental no matter how confronting or scary questions can be. The best thing for them to be able to do, is to be able to come to their parents and feel safe in having those conversations with you. • Regardless of how great a parent / child relationship might be, there is always going to be stuff that a teenager wants to keep to themselves. Find your teen a ‘sex fairy godmother’- a trusted relative that they are really comfortable with, and reassuring your child it’s okay to talk to them, if they feel they can’t come to you.
are awesome! Remind yourself of all the good qualities you have, all the things you do well, and the things others love about you and you love about yourself. This kind and compassionate self-talk reduces anxiety and depression and helps you feel calm, empowered and resilient.
For more on the topic tune into Episode 31 of the PakMag Parent’s Podcast with special guest Row Murray. You can also buy a copy of Row’s book - For Foxes Sake for help with ‘those conversations’ with your child.
Girls Luxe Printed Top Worth $49.95 With feature print back panel detailing, and created using super soft cotton jersey, this girls luxe printed top will quickly become your new go-to and is guaranteed to be on high rotation! They use premium cotton jersey in all their girls tops and tanks that last wash after wash. Pair it with some denim shorts or skinny jeans and white sneakers for casual cool styling. Visit for your chance to win! | May 2021 41
Bump, Bub and Beyond
Baby’s First Foods Story Sara Williams Around the age of six months your baby will start to need more nutrients than milk can provide. You may start to notice your baby reaching for food and opening and closing their mouth when you’re eating, or when you offer them a spoon – these are signs your baby is ready to discover a whole new world of solid foods. Other signs include your baby’s ability to sit upright when supported and demonstrating good head and neck control.
When your baby is relaxed, usually after their breast milk or formula, start with only a couple of spoonfuls once or twice a day. Try a single food for about three days before moving onto something new in case any allergies arise. Although the food may seem bland to you, each food is an entirely new experience to baby. It is important to expose them to a range of healthy foods with different flavours and textures to establish a good foundation for future eating.
When you start to offer new foods to your baby, things will get a little messy. From investigating new food with their fingers, to throwing it on the floor when they’re no longer interested and of course the change in their nappies. But the delighted – or disgusted, expression on their faces makes it all worth it.
Foods to Avoid
Once you have identified your baby’s food interest and they’re older than four months, here are a few first foods recommended to provide key nutrition;
• Sugary foods including honey
• Well-cooked and pureed meat, fish, poultry or cooked tofu and legumes • Cooked and pureed sweet potato, pumpkin and broccoli • Mashed banana, avocado, pear and apple • Plain unsweetened yoghurt and well-cooked egg
• Unpasteurised foods • Smoked and cured meats • Fish with high levels of mercury • Refined grains • Cow's milk • Fruit juice Always supervise your baby during feeding time to ensure their safety. If your baby has developed a rash, contact your GP as they may have a food allergy. Call 000 immediately if your baby is vomiting, has diarrhoea, face swelling or difficulty breathing after eating.
Tip: Purees are a Parent’s Life-Saver
You can cook a large batch, freeze it into ice-cube trays and they’re ready to prepare whenever you need. As your baby develops chewing and motor skills, they are able to manage soft pieces of fruit and finger foods. If you are spooning puree directly from the jar, this can transfer bacteria from your baby’s mouth to the food. Always serve what you need into a separate container. | May 2021 43
Bump, Bub and Beyond
Bump, Bub and Beyond Featured products, reviews and prizes. Visit for your chance to win!
Cloth Nappy Trial Pack $55.00 - Smarty Pants are making cloth nappies easy. Made with bamboo, their modern cloth nappies are eco friendly, super absorbent, quick to wash and super soft on your baby’s skin. With button snaps, the nappies adjust to fit and one size fits all. Their trial pack includes everything you need to start saving time, money and the planet.
Smart Sock 3 $479.99 - The Smart Sock is the first baby monitor to track your baby’s oxygen level and heart rate - the best indication of baby’s health - while they sleep. If your baby’s readings leave preset “safe” zones, you’ll receive a notification that lets you know your baby really needs you. Now you can feel more confident, more freedom and more peace of mind knowing that Owlet is helping you to know your baby is okay.
VTech Starlight Sounds Polar Bear $49.95 - Sweet dreams are ahead with the Starlight Sounds Polar Bear. This cute polar bear projects a soothing starry night sky onto the ceiling in four different colours to the sounds of peaceful tunes, nursery rhymes, nature sounds and lullabies. Colourful rhythmic light effects enhance visual awareness, while the comforting sounds and songs help soothe your baby to sleep. Sleep tight, little one!
44 May 2021 |
Bump, Bub and Beyond
Parenting Trend – Breast Milk Portraits Gina Jones started creating breastmilk paintings towards the end of 2020, finding a unique and beautiful way to preserve such a precious time in a mother and baby’s life. “What motivated me to try this was a combination of curiosity and daydreaming, which led me to experiment with breastmilk in my alcohol ink portrait painting. I am also a passionate breastfeeding advocate, so it was only natural for me to experiment with including breastmilk in art.”
venture ready to tackle it and help educate those people along the way too.”
What About Those Nervous the Milk May Spoil? “I have developed my own preservation method as the preservation powder went gritty in my art. The process has not been disclosed, and is a closely guarded secret to protect the Intellectual Property. I had lab results done on a breastmilk painting that confirmed zero mould or yeast cultures were present on the paintings. These test results are available in the FAQ on my website to view. The paintings also come with a five-year warranty for extra peace of mind.” Find out more about Gina and her creations at
The Importance of Self-Care
How Has the Reaction Been to Your Works? “It has been a mix of reactions. Most mothers absolutely love the idea of such a unique breastfeeding keepsake which they can have their own breastmilk incorporated into the painting. As breastfeeding and breastmilk is still unfortunately a bit of a taboo subject and sexualised to some people, there have been a couple of negative comments, but I went into this
Self-care is not selfish. It’s also not a luxury, it’s an essential part of being a good mother. The more we fill up our own bucket, the more we have to give to those we love. It’s important to remember that you are not only a mother you are a person with wants and needs as well. So, don’t forget to participate in activities that help you feel happy, balanced and fulfilled. You spend so much of your time making sure your children have all of those things, don’t forget you need them too. By doing them, you also show your children by example these things matter, which will in turn help them set healthy habits for their own lives. | May 2021 45
Childcare and Kindy Guide
Childcare and Kindy Guide Childs World Early Learning Centre Childs World Early Learning Centre operates four child care centres on site, from 6:30am - 6:30pm. Centres accommodate from the age of 6 weeks (Nursery) to Kindergarten/Pre-School, along with Before and After School Care and Vacation Care programs. Childs World also has its own Gold Accredited AUSTSWIM Learn to Swim School. Additionally, all rooms are well-equipped and age-specific, offering children a stimulating learning environment. A 2 Borrowdale Close, Bentley Park P 4045 4045 E Childs World Early Learning Centres
Butterflies Early Learning and Childcare Conveniently located in Bentley Park, this centre offers childcare from 15 months through to pre-prep. Complete with spacious outdoor areas for children to play, the centre also has large sandpits, a water park, vegetable garden, and much more. The dedicated team is made up of highly qualified educators. A 120-126 Swallow Street, Mooroobool P 4032 3588 E Butterflies Early Learning Centre
Sanctuary Early Learning Sanctuary Early Learning at Bentley Park provides high quality education, care and experiences for children aged 6 weeks old to school age, through a holistic approach. The indoor and outdoor spaces allow children to explore and discover with multiple water play areas, chess boards, an in-ground trampoline, and much more. They also offer great programs like yoga, dance, music, art and sports. A 77 - 83 Timberlea Drive Bentley Park P 4243 3719 Sanctuary Early Learning Adventure Bentley Park
Cairns South Early Learning
by the 5 star Chef and the Government Approved Kindergarten Program is delivered by qualified teachers. Additionally, children can experience animal encounters with barn animals, enjoy the outside play areas including bike tracks and a sun safe waterpark. Children are always looked after by the friendly staff. Flexible enrolments are available. A 31-33 Bruce Highway Edmonton P 4055 5534 E cairnssouthelc
Trinity Anglican School Early Learning Centre, Kewarra Beach TAS Kewarra Beach Early Learning Centre is located in the beautiful Northern Beaches of Cairns. Dedicated and experienced staff are committed to fostering a welcoming, home-away-from-home environment, rich in nature-based and enquiry-based learning. Children learn in a modern, open-plan environment, benefitting from the resources of the integrated primary school. A Poolwood Rd, Kewarra Beach P 4036 8263 E Trinity Anglican School, Cairns
Trinity Anglican School Early Learning Centre, White Rock TAS White Rock Early Learning Centre fosters independence, social learning, health, wellbeing, and language development. Children benefit from resources of the integrated primary and high school that allows them access to modern technology, library resources, buddies, specialist lessons, and a complete perceptual motor program. Dedicated staff are committed to fostering a welcoming enquiry-based learning environment. A 200 Progress Rd, White Rock P 4036 8228 E Trinity Anglican School, Cairns
Cairns South Early Learning is a 150 place service located in Edmonton. All meals and snacks are provided | May 2021 47
Childcare and Kindy Guide
Natural Choice Early Learning Natural Choice Early Learning offers a “home away from home” - where children are prepared for their next stage in life in a nurturing and safe environment. The team of Educators provide high-quality childcare with a focus on children’s emotional and intellectual development, allowing children to develop at their own pace through a variety of educational activities and play. The centre is open from 8.00am - 4.00pm on weekdays. A 95 Kennedy Hwy, Tolga P 4095 4828 E Natural Choice Early Learning - FDC
C&K Edmonton Community Kindergarten Edmonton Kindy has amazing teachers that go above and beyond when it comes to building relationships with the children and their families. They are supportive and accommodating of different needs while providing a caring and positive learning atmosphere. Additionally, the experiences they plan for the children are unique and amazing. A 19 Hartill Street Edmonton P 4055 4402 E EdmontonKindy
Modern Family Learning Modern Family Learning offers a curriculum based on the children’s Interests, brought to the children by dedicated and trusted educators, from 6.30am - 6:30pm. Curiosity is encouraged and they provide healthy and nutritious meals, adventurous learning spaces, child care subsidy and more. A 40 Tills street, Westcourt P 4033 5170 E Modern.Family.Early.Learning.Cairns
Redlynch Daycare Centre This daycare centre provides a warm and secure environment for your child to learn in, with play-based learning as the focus. Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and a late snack are all provided and prepared by the onsite chef. The centre prides itself on their friendly and committed educators. A Cnr Kamerunga & Fairweather Roads, Redlynch P 4055 2020 E Redlynch Daycare Centre
Peace Lutheran Kindergarten Peace Lutheran Kindergarten is an approved 48-place, long-day Kindy running from 8.00am to 5.00pm - for
48 May 2021 |
children four years old. It is the perfect preparation for your child’s learning journey with quality education and care, spacious classrooms and even visits to the big school’s library. Additionally, the Kindergarten’s lush, tropical, natural setting enhances play based learning. A 50-60 Cowley St, Kamerunga P 4039 9039 E peacelutherankindy
Freshwater Christian College - Kindergarten Freshwater Christian Kindergarten is full of fun and laughter as the children learn about the world through play and discovery, particularly through the Nature Playground and famous ‘Bush Kindy’ program. Additionally, kindergarten children are prepared for school by joining in with the ‘big kids’ for College events such as sports carnivals and Chapel. Open Monday to Friday, 7.00am - 3.00pm, during school terms. An optional holiday program is available. A Freshwater Christian College grounds, 369-401 Brinsmead Rd, Brinsmead P 4055 1337 E Freshwater Christian Kindergarten
Cairns Hinterland Steiner School Early Childhood at Cairns Hinterland Steiner School offers Playgroup (2-3 years), Kindergarten (4 years), Kindergarten (5 years) and a Prep program (6 years). The home-like environment they create provides a warm, secure and calm atmosphere to help young children’s imagination and creativity to unfold within their play and work. The children are free to join the teachers in a range of wholesome, home-based activities, crafts and artistic pursuits including; baking bread for morning tea, working in the garden to grow vegetables and flowers, building cubbies, weaving or sewing, painting, drawing, wood work, singing and ring-dancing. A 46 Boyles Rd, Kuranda P 4093 8809 E CairnsHinterlandSteinerSchool
Smithfield Child Care Centre Smithfield Child Care Centre is your community based, not for profit service on the Northern Beaches. They run a Queensland Government Approved Kindergarten that offers a vibrant learning space with dedicated and passionate teachers, each who ensure your child care needs are met. Current vacancies are available for ages 3 - 4. A 80 Cheviot St, Smithfield P 4057 7866 E smithfieldchildcare
Childcare and Kindy Guide
NQ Family Daycare
Catholic Early Learning and Care
NQ Family Day Care have Educators from Cairns to the Beaches up to the Tablelands and down to Townsville. Their service includes Daytime Care, Evening Care, Weekend Care, and Overnight Care. They also provide a Play session, Forest School, and Intergeneration Practice. Each child receives a safe, comfortable environment to engage with play-based learning.
Catholic Early Learning and Care services in the Diocese of Cairns, cater for children aged from 6 weeks to 13 years. Services include Early Learning, Kindergarten and Outside School Hours Care (Before School, After School and Vacation Care). These services are founded upon the love of Jesus Christ, the values of the Gospels, the significance of relationships, developmental excellence and quality learning.
A 108 Collins Ave Edge Hill P 4032 1259 E NQFamilyDayCare
Natural Beginnings Childcare Gordonvale
A 130 Lake St, Cairns City (Catholic Early Learning and Care Head Office) P 4046 5677 E Catholic Early Learning and Care - Diocese of Cairns
Natural Beginnings Childcare Gordonvale offers a great learning space for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years from 6.30am - 6.30pm - one that allows each child to develop a sense of belonging. They provide all children with a nutritious morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea. Nappies, a free courtesy bus, and swimming lessons are also available alongside the Connecting to Country Junior Ranger Program.
C&K Boopa Werem Kindergarten
A 21- 23 Fisher Road, Gordonvale P 4056 3267 E NaturalBeginningsChildcareGordonvale
This kindergarten is open from 8.55am - 3.00pm. A Queensland Government subsidy is available.
John Wall Childcare: Cairns Central Childcare Centre, Smithfield Village Early Learning and Bluewater Early Learning John Wall Childcare Centres early learning approach manages and understands the importance of a balance between education, care, play and ‘Wildhood’. Children can enjoy a ‘wildhood’ with the centre’s outdoor environment that has four sand pits, two large bike tracks, a waterpark, a large grassy area for children to run around in, a Barnyard, which is home to goats, chickens, ducks, guinea pigs, reptiles and a wide range of bird species. There’s even a Garden World where children learn how to plant, tend to, and eat a variety of herbs and vegetables. A Cairns Central Childcare Centre, 317 Draper St, Parramatta Park P 4041 2288 E A Smithfield Village Early Learning, Cnr O’Brien Rd & Smithfield Village Dr Smithfield P 4057 8479 E A Bluewater Early Learning, 1 Maritime Way, Trinity Beach P 4229 9007 E
Boopa Werem Kindergarten is committed to providing quality early childhood education that meets the developmental needs of all children, but especially Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and their families. They are a service that provides an educational program delivered by a qualified early childhood teacher for children aged 3.5 to 4.5 years.
A 12 – 14 Barrett St, Bungalow P 4051 4367 E Boopa Werem Kindergarten and Preschool
C&K Edmonton Community Kindergarten C&K Edmonton Community Kindergarten welcomes children and families to join their innovative and inclusive Pre-Prep program, with qualified and highly experienced educators. This Kindy is open from 8.30am - 2.45pm, Monday to Friday. Prepare your child with an exceptional program where they will be happy, make friends, and learn through positive experiences. A 19 Hartill St, Edmonton P 4055 4402 E Edmonton Community Kindergarten
Goodstart Early Learning Centre Goodstart believes every child should have the best possible start in life and access to quality early learning. Children have the opportunity to explore, try new things and have great early learning experiences. Goodstart can inspire a love of learning so that your child goes on to embrace literacy and numeracy. Diversity is embraced and celebrated. They have 12 locations in Cairns and the wider area, including eight between Edmonton and Brinsmead, two in Innisfail, one at Trinity Beach and one in Mossman. A various locations P 1800 222 543 E Goodstart Early Learning | May 2021 51
Developing 21st Century Skills in Your Child Steiner education was originally developed in Germany in the early 20th century by Austrian philosopher and social reformer, Rudolf Steiner. Today, it is the fastest growing independent education system across the world in more than 65 countries. Steiner education provides a social and emotional foundation for children through nurturing a sense of reverence for life, feelings of wonder and awe, and a love of learning. Ms. Shelley Bowen, Education Director at Cairns Hinterland Steiner School explains “students know and understand the content, but as their feelings have been touched by the learning process, they also care about what they are learning.” With a child-focused approach at the heart of the curriculum, Steiner education equips students to meet the complex needs of the 21st century - developing skills in creativity, curiosity, lifelong learning, critical thinking, innovation, connectedness and positivity. To meet this need, digital devices are not introduced in the primary years as they are typically in mainstream schools. An important principle of Steiner education is that young children need to communicate and learn without digital technology. This ‘unplugged’ experience is seen as crucial for children to develop an uncluttered self-image and self-worth. “Digital technologies are shaping our world and we want our children to master them, not be shaped by them” says Ms. Bowen, “In Steiner education
it is a question of when to introduce digital technologies, not to avoid them altogether.” Research shows that children are having greater difficulty focusing on educational tasks, have interrupted sleep patterns, lack resilience and increased mental health issues. Ms. Bowen explains “It’s worrying but half of all mental illnesses begin by age 14 with cyber-bullying, screen addiction and social media peer pressure being recognised as playing a major role.” The Steiner early childhood and primary curriculum are transferable to the digital world, but without the adverse impact that technology can have on children. Once students enter high school, they are able to embrace digital technologies effectively, creatively and ethically. “Our high school students see it as a tool, like a hammer, and recognise that it is a useful tool that can facilitate human creativity but does not replace it,” explains Ms. Bowen. Cairns Hinterland Steiner School’s Open Day is on Saturday, 15 May from 9.00am – 12noon. It’s a wonderful opportunity to meet our educators, tour the classrooms and facilities, see student’s work and to learn how the national curriculum is delivered using the Steiner approach. Waitlists do currently apply in Early Childhood with some remaining places available in the lower Primary. All are welcome, contact the school for more information or 4093 8809. | May 2021 53
Daddy Diary
Daddy Diary Nothing makes me feel like a man quite like a pair of tongs. The simple act of giving them a few test clicks before burning a dozen snags is a feeling I live for. Throw a Great Northern into my left hand (the right is my primary snag turning hand) and a couple of kids at my feet and I am in fatherhood heaven. I come from a long line of backyard-barbecuers. And like the many snag burners before me - it’s a tradition I lovingly continue. I have great memories of my father sizzling away under our back patio in the late 80’s. Again, beer in hand, Cold Chisel blaring out of the family stereo and slabs of red meat sizzling so fiercely the dogs three doors down are having conniptions. This folks, is the Aussie barbie in all its glory. What I do in the backyard these days - is quite the opposite to what seems to be taking off all over the
Head to Parents and Kids of North Queensland YouTube Channel to see Bree’s up close interview with Cliffo.
country right now. Of course, I’m referring to low ‘n’ slow, American-style BBQ. The cooking trend they make Netflix specials about every other day. Taking ribs, briskets and pork butts (that’s seriously what they call them) and seasoning them inch-thick with some guy named Bubba’s secret blend. You then cook your chosen cut over coals from June till about mid-October. The results are always incredible. It’s the kind of food I like to devour wearing a bib with a bowl of lemon-water close by. But do I have the patience to cook it myself? Hell no. So, for me it’s the Aussie method all the way. Like I said - the “Aussie method” is pretty much the exact opposite to low ‘n’ slow. It’s more - hot ‘n’ fast. Example below: Step 1 - Turn on gas and turn all burners to max temp. Step 2 - Once hotplate reaches similar temperature to that of the Sun’s surface - add snags. Step 3 - Drink beer and get lost in thought or conversation. Step 4 - Forget about said snags until wife reminds you. Turn snags. Step 5 - Once sufficiently charred, remove snags from barbeque, add diagonally to bread and drown in enough tomato sauce (tomato only) to re-float the Titanic. Whilst this method of barbequing is not going to win me any awards (or friends with the neighbour’s dog) it is my way of doing it. And my family seems to love it. I haven’t had any complaints yet. Now to find those tongs and give ‘em a few test clicks. Happy Barbequing! Cliffo Hit 103.5 | May 2021 55
Check it Out Port Douglas Carnivale When: Carnivale Friday 21 - 23 May, Wonderland Spiegeltent from 14 - 22 May Where: Port Douglas, Various locations More info:
Cairns Children’s Festival When: Saturday 15 May - Sunday 16 May Where: CPAC and Tanks Art Centre More info:, Children 12 and under can celebrate this year with the 2021 Cairns Children’s Festival. From May 15 - May 16 there will be awesome performances including ‘Erth’s Dinosaur Zoo’ at CPAC Theatre as well as ‘Chores’ at CPAC Studio.
Party in paradise with Port Douglas Carnivale. The Wonderland Spiegeltent kicks things off from Friday 14 May with Cabaret, Music, Comedy, Circus and more. Shows will continue through Carnivale’s massive weekend of events from Friday 21 May to Sunday 23 May. The iconic Longest Lunch will satisfy your tastebuds and tummy on the afternoon of the 21st, before the Tropic and Exotic Street Parade heads down Macrossan Street, with activities starting from 4.30pm, including a FREE kids disco. The Parade starts at 6.30pm, followed by fireworks at 8.00pm and then the fun continues with amusements rides and food stalls. Enjoy the FREE Family Beach Day on Four Mile Beach on Saturday 22 May - with a Sand Sculpting Competition, Salsa in the Sand, an epic skydiving display, facepainting, kids activities, market stalls and Kites QLD with their Monster Kite Display happening. Spiderbait will perform live at Rex Smeal Park Saturday night before the fun wraps up with Plantation Picnic in the Park on Sunday afternoon.
Cost: Tickets are now on sale, so get yours quickly, from just $12.00 - $21.00. There will also be FREE fun activities at both Tanks Art Centre and Cairns Botanic Gardens including Regurgitator's Pogogo Show and Beyond the Waves performances that the kids are sure to love! Make sure to visit the websites for more information.
Great Barrier Reef Masters Games 2021 When: Thursday 20 May to Sunday 23 May, varying times Where: Cairns, varying More info: Whether you are participating or spectating, get ready for the biggest multisport event in North Queensland this May with the Great Barrier Reef Masters Games 2021. Over four days there will be three social nights and 18 sports ranging from swimming, duathlon and running to golf, netball, tennis and many more. The Sportsperson’s Dinner will take place on Friday 21 May at the Hilton Ballroom, with keynote speaker - Olympic gold medallist Natalie Cook OAM OLY. Cost: Various, see website for details.
Red Hot Summer Tour When: Saturday 15 May, Gates open 1.00pm, Opening Act 1.30pm. Finishes 9.30pm. Where: Cairns Showgrounds More info: Celebrate great Aussie Rock with a huge line up at the Red Hot Summer Tour rolling into the Cairns Showgrounds on May 15. Warm up your vocal chords to belt out your favourite songs from Jimmy Barnes, Hoodoo Gurus, Jon Stevens, Diesel, Vika and Linda, Killing Heidi and Chris Cheney (The Living End) . Cost: GA $128.90 . This event is all ages. Patrons under 18 years must be accompanied by a parent / guardian at all times. Patrons under 6 years of age will be admitted free of charge with a paying parent / guardian.
56 May 2021 |
Cancer Council - Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea May 27th When: Official date Thursday 27 May - but you can host any time in May or June. More info: Cancer Council Queensland is encouraging the community to host an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea in support of those affected by cancer. By hosting or attending an Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea, in person or virtually, you’re helping Cancer Council Queensland continue their life-saving cancer research, prevention, advocacy and support programs. This year the event hopes to attract over 20,000 hosts and every dollar raised helps support those impacted by cancer. The community can register to host or donate online.
Historic Village Herberton’s Pioneer Weekend When: Saturday 8 May and Sunday 9 May, 9.00am - 5.00pm Where: HistoricVillage Herberton More info: HistoricVillageHerberton Old fashioned fun and wonder will be the focus of the Historic Village Herberton’s Pioneer Weekend. Families of all ages are invited to join in at the replica mining town and have a go at ‘olden day’ activities, try their skills at sack races and the egg and spoon challenge, or strut their stuff in period costume for Fashions on the Field. Historical engines will be fired up including a 1923 Harley Davidson, the Ruston Hornsby, steam engines, mineral ore stampers and tractors. There’ll also be live music for all to enjoy. Cost: Normal entry fee ($32.00 Adults, $29.00 Concession, $16.00 child).
Rotary FNQ Field Days
Virtual Dance for Sick Kids Fundraiser
When: Wednesday 26 May - Friday 28 May Where: Mareeba Rodeo Grounds More info:
When: Saturday 15 May - Friday 21 May Where: Wherever you want to dance! More info:
Held over three days, the multi award-winning Field Days is the largest Field Days in Northern Australia. Plus, it’s all for charity! Brought to you by Rotary Clubs of Atherton and Mareeba, families can enjoy the Tractor Pull, Vintage Static Tractor Display, the Health and Wellbeing Pavillion, a special kids area, an alfresco dining family area, and more!
Dance your heart out for a cause this May with the Virtual Dance for Sick kids fundraiser, run by the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Dance anytime for however long you want, whether solo or in a team, to help raise vital funds for seriously injured and sick children as well as their families all across the country.
Make sure to visit the website for more information.
Registration is FREE ( donations optional)and everyone is welcome. Alongside the challenge will be a range of virtual workshops.
Cairns Airport Adventure Festival When: Thursday 3 June - Sunday 6 June Where: Cairns (Various locations) More info: The Cairns Airport Adventure Festival is back in 2021 with the Quicksilver Reef Swim, COUCH Charity Fun Run, IRONKIDS Cairns, Ironman 70.3 Cairns and Ironman Cairns. The Cairns Sport and Lifestyle Expo will also be happening by the Lagoon on the Cairns Esplanade, Thursday to Sunday. Register to participate or support those who are taking on the challenge. Find out more about the events, the course and how to be involved on their website. | May 2021 57
What’s On SATURDAY 1 MAY Keepers in Training Runs every Saturday and Sunday Cairns Zoom and Wildlife Dome 9.00am - 10.00am (3 - 7 years), 11.00am - 1.00pm (8 - 13 years) / $40.00 / 3 - 13 years The Toni Childs Retrospective - A 30 year Anniversary Celebration! Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 5 3.30pm and 8.00pm / $50.50 155.50 / PG Registration Open: Great Barrier Reef Masters Games 2021 Open until Thursday 13 May, Varies / 50.00 - $89.00 / 30 + Exhibition: 2020 Archibald Prize Runs until 2 May Cairns Art Gallery 9.00am / FREE - Bookings required / PG Exhibition: Young Archie in Cairns Cairns Art Gallery 9.00am / FREE - Bookings required / PG Kids Audio Tour Runs all month Cairns Museum 10.00am / $6.00 + / BYO headphones and device for download / 9 +
With HIT 103.5’s Cliffo & Gabi
Hooked - Dr Hook and the Medicine Show Tribute CPAC 7.30pm / $40.00 - $69.50 / MA 15 + Bamboo Connect - Building Bridges by Co-Lab Runs until Sunday 2 May Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 3 9.30am, 1.00pm / FREE Bookings required / G 2 Weekend Colour Linoprint Workshop Also runs Saturday 8 May Inkmasters Cairns Workshop 55 Greenslopes St Edge Hill / 8.45am / $100.00 - $145.00 Bookings required / G SUNDAY 2 MAY Human Nature - The AAA Australian Tour CPAC 7.30pm / $89.90 / PG Health, Happiness and Harmony Expo The Pier Cairns FNQ Oriental Healing Centre 10.00am - 4.00pm / FREE / G Pole Play Studios - Carnivale The Paramour Cabaret Theatre Doors 6.00pm, Show 7.00pm / from $35.00 / MA 18+
Please check with individual businesses before visiting during these uncertain times.
Laughing Heart Comedy – Stand Up Comedy Runs every Monday The Paramour Cabaret Theatre Doors 6.30pm, show 7.00pm
2021 Cairns Expo Cairns Showgrounds 8.30am - 4.00pm (Friday and Sunday), 8.30am - 5.00pm (Saturday) / $12.00 - $18.00, Children under 16 FREE (Register online) / G
TUESDAY 4 MAY Poppers and Popstars 6 week courses Runs every Tuesday until Tuesday 8 June Relationships Australia Cairns, Shop B, 125 Grafton Street, 07 4041 6063 or 1300 364 277 3.30pm / FREE Call to register / 7 - 13 years, for children experiencing parents separation WEDNESDAY 5 MAY Wednesday Rookies Junior Golf Clinic Runs every Saturday until Wednesday 16 June Half Moon Bay Golf Club, Yorkeys Knob, 4.00pm / $99.00 / Children 6 - 12 years THURSDAY 6 MAY Golf Clinic - Junior Girls Runs until Thursday 17 June Half Moon Bay Golf Club, Yorkeys Knob, 4.00pm / $99.00 / Girls 5 - 10 years
Maifest. It’s May so why not celebrate? German Club Cairns German Club Cairns 5.00pm / $10.00 donation / G Orchid Society Flower Show Runs until 9 May Mount Sheridan Plaza 9.00am- 3.00pm / FREE Entry /G SATURDAY 8 MAY Tones and I Munro Martin Parklands Doors open 5.30pm, show 6.30pm / $115.50 / PG Pioneer Weekend Runs until Sunday 9 May Historic Village Herberton HistoricVillageHerberton or www.historicvillageherberton. 9.00am - 5.00pm / $16.00 $32.00 / Family Gordonvale Races Gordonvale Turf Club Gordonvale races 11.00am - 6.30pm / $15.00 / G | May 2021 61
What’s On SUNDAY 9 MAY
Come Pour With Me - Unique Mother’s Day experience 1009 Redlynch Intake Rd, Redlynch What’s On Cairns (7 News) 11.00am / $240.00 - $350.00 / G (Mothers and guests)
Opera Queensland presents Are You Lonesome Tonight Innisfail Shire Hall 7.00pm / from $15.00 / G
Mother’s Day at Pullman Cairns International Pullman Cairns International www.pullmancairns 11.00am - 4.00pm / from $59.00 / All Ages
Wonderland Spiegeltent Popcorn Underground Runs until Saturday 22 May Dixie Park, Port Douglas www.wonderlandspiegeltent. 7.30pm / From $55.00 / 18 +
Mother’s Day Markets Mount Sheridan Plaza 9.00am - 3.00pm / FREE Entry / G
German Club Quiz Night: Shine and Enjoy German Club Cairns German Club Cairns 5.00pm / $10.00 donation / PG
MONDAY 10 MAY Yoga in the Gallery Runs weekly on Mondays Cairns Art Gallery 5.30pm / $15.00 - $35.00 / PG Botanical Drawing and Painting with Julie Mcenerny Cairns Art Gallery 5.30pm / $130.00 - $150.00 Bookings required / Adults Women Taking Control of Their Finances in 2021 - Evening Seminar Spinal Life Healthy Living Centre, 2-4 Smith St, Cairns North What’s On Cairns (7 News) 5.30pm / $300.00 -$500.00 / Women - MA Secondary Information Night - Freshwater Christian College Open Day Freshwater Christian College 5.30pm / FREE - Register Online / G TUESDAY 11 MAY Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Course Run suntil Wednesday 12 May Ravenshoe Community Centre, 9.00am (7 hour course per day) / $50.00 - $100.00 / Adults who work with adolescents Opera Queensland presents Are You Lonesome Tonight CPAC 7.00pm / $35.50 - $45.50 / PG
62 May 2021 |
SATURDAY 15 MAY Cairns Children’s Festival Runs until Sunday 16 May CPAC, The Court House and Tanks Arts Centre Various Times / Various Prices / Family Red Hot Summer Tour Cairns Showgrounds 1.00pm - 9.30pm / $128.90, children under 6 FREE - with paying parent or guardian / G Tex Perkins and Matt Walker Dixie Park, Port Douglas www.wonderlandspiegeltent. 5.00pm / From $45.00 / 15 + Virtual Dance for Sick Kids fundraiser - Ronald McDonald House Charities Runs until Friday 21 May FREE - Donations welcomed / G Cairns Children’s Festival Chores - Presented by Hoopla Clique and Cluster Arts CPAC Studio 10.00am and 12.00pm / $12.00 $15.00 / G Cairns Children’s Festival Erth’s Dinosaur Zoo CPAC Theatre 11.00am, 1.00pm, 7.00pm / $18.00 - $21.00 / G Cairns Children’s Festival at the Courthouse The Court House 10.00am - 4.00pm / FREE / Children under 12 Inkmasters The Big Print Vinylcut Workshop No 2 Runs until Sunday 16 May Inkmasters Print Workshop 8.45pm / $75.00 members, $120.00 non members Bookings required / G The Voice of your Ancestors Runs until Sunday 16 May Rydges Esplanade Resort Cairns What’s On Cairns (7 News) 9.30am / $450.00 + / MA Cairns Hinterland Steiner School Open Day Cairns Hinterland Steiner School 9.00am / FREE / G Cheaper Microchipping Day Cairns Regional Council Cannon Park 9.30am / $20 / G / Dogs and cats SUNDAY 16 MAY Cairns Children’s Festival First 5 Forever Story Walk Gondwanan Lawn, Cairns Botanic Gardens 9.00am / FREE / G Cairns Children’s Festival Regurgitator’s Pogogo Show Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 3 10.00am, 1.00pm / FREE / G Cairns Children’s Festival Ngamumu - Infant Zone Gondwanan Lawn, Botanic Gardens 9.00am / FREE / G (0 - 12 years) Cairns Children’s Festival Bamboo Connect - Building Bridges by Co-Lab Runs until Sunday 2 May Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 4 9.30am, 1.00pm / FREE Bookings required / G Cairns Children’s Festival screenPLAY Zone Tanks Promenade 9.00am / FREE / G Cairns Children’s Festival 5 Minutes of Fame Stage Tanks Promenade 9.30am / FREE / G
Cairns Children’s Festival - Beyond The Waves - An Arc Disability Services and Dead Puppet Society Theatre Collaboration Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 5 www.tanksartscentre.comm 10.00am, 12.00pm, 2.00pm / FREE / G Cairns Children’s Festival Cairns Minecraft Live Build Battle Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre, Juniors 10.00am, Seniors 12.00pm / FREE / G Mad Hatters Family Fun Day Marlin Coast Neighbourhood Centre, Trinity Park Mad Hatters Family Fun Day 10.00 am - 3.00pm / FREE entry / G MONDAY 17 MAY Prep Information Night Freshwater Christian College Open Day Freshwater Christian College TBA / Registration open soon / Prep TUESDAY 18 MAY May Race Day Cannon Park Racecourse Gates open 12.00pm / FREE $10.00 / G WEDNESDAY 19 MAY GBRMG Games Gallop 4 km fun run McKenzie Street Parkland, Cairns Esplanade 4.30pm / $5.00 / G THURSDAY 20 MAY Nautilus Scuba Club Cairns - Underwater Photography Exhibition Runs until Sunday 20 June Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 4 www.tanksartscentre.comm 9.00am / FREE / G Great Barrier Reef Masters Games 2021 Runs until Sunday 23 May Various (Cairns) Various Times / Various Prices /G
What’s On Gardens and Tanks Precinct Heritage Tour Cairns Botanic Gardens Visitor Centre 10.00am / FREE / G FRIDAY 21 MAY Port Douglas Carnivale Street Parade Macrossan Street, Port Douglas 4.30pm onwards / FREE / G Wonderland Spiegeltent Blunderland Runs until Saturday 22 May Dixie Park, Port Douglas www.wonderlandspiegeltent. 10.30pm / From $45.00 / 18 + Ben Lee Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 5 Doors open 6.30pm, show 7.30pm / $40.40 - $45.50 / PG Port Douglas Carnivale’s Longest Lunch Rex Smeal Park, Port Douglas 12:30pm - 5.30pm / $189.00 (includes food and drink) / MA Master’s Games Sportsperson’s Dinner Hilton Cairns 6.30pm / $69.00 - $76.00 / Adults SATURDAY 22 MAY John Butler Munro Martin Parklands 6.30pm / $115.50 / PG Port Douglas Carnivale Family Beach Day Four Mile Beach, Port Douglas 9.00am - 3.30pm / FREE / G Kites QLD - Monster Kite Display Four Mile Beach, Port Douglas 10.00am - 2.00pm / FREE / G Wonderland Spiegeltent -The Greatest Magic Show Dixie Park, Port Douglas www.wonderlandspiegeltent. 11.00am and 2.00pm / Tickets from $25.00 / G
With Triple M’s Elliott
Spiderbait Rex Smeal Park, Port Douglas 5.00pm - 10.30pm / $60.00 / G Eves Karydas Queensland Tour Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 5 4.00pm (PG), 8.00pm (18 +) / $30.00 - $35.20 A Taste of Ireland - The Irish Music and Dance Sensation CPAC 7.30pm / $59.90 - $89.90 / PG CBWC Businesswoman of the Year Awards - Black Tie Gala Ball Tanks Arts Centre 6.00pm / $180.00 / MA - 18 + Blue is the new Black! Sun Print Workshop - Cyanotype and Wet Cyanotype Workshop Runs until Sunday 23 May Inkmasters Cairns Workshop 8.45am / $100.00 - $145.00 Bookings required / G 9.00am / FREE - donation optional / G
Ravizza Park 9.30am / $20.00 / G / Dogs only
Peace Lutheran College Year 7 Information Evening Peace Lutheran College 5.30pm - 7.00pm / FREE / 9 - 11 years and their parents / guardians
Orchid Quartet - Romance of Flute and Strings CPAC Studio Doors open 2.00pm, show 3.00pm / $29.50 - $48.50 / PG
WEDNESDAY 26 MAY Grace Under Pressure CPAC Studio Doors open 7.00pm, show 8.00pm / $30.00 - $35.00 / M Rotary FNQ Field Days Runs until Friday 28 May Mareeba Rodeo Grounds G THURSDAY 27 MAY
CAFNEC’S 40th Anniversary Dinner Cairns Colonial Club 6.30pm / $25.00 - $55.00 / G
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea Supporting those affected by cancer Register to host or donate Official date Thursday 27 May, but you can host anytime in May or June / G
Wonderland Spiegeltent -The Greatest Magic Show Dixie Park, Port Douglas www.wonderlandspiegeltent. 11.00am / Tickets from $25.00 / G
Jeff Lang “Some Memories Never Die” Book Tour - An Evening of Words and Music Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 5 Doors open 6.30pm, show 7.30pm / $30.00 - $35.00 / PG
Eurovision Fanatix Viewing and Party German Club Cairns German Club Cairns 5.00am / FREE / PG Plantation Picnic in the Park Rex Smeal Park, Port Douglas 2.00pm - 8.00pm / FREE entry / G MONDAY 24 MAY Residency - Leonie Leivenzon - Fragments of a Collective Identity Runs until Sunday 20 June Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 4
Please check with individual businesses before visiting during these uncertain times.
Hannah Parker and Jane Dennis - SKIN: peels, heals and regenerates Runs until Sunday 20 June Tanks Art Centre - Tank 4 9.00am / FREE / G SATURDAY 29 MAY Banff Mountain Film Festival 2021 CPAC Theatre Doors open 6.00pm, show 7.00pm / $24.00 - $34.00 / PG Cheaper Microchipping Day Cairns Regional Council
THURSDAY 3 JUNE The Cairns Airport Adventure Festival including Quicksilver Reef Swim, COUCH Charity Fun Run, IRONKIDS Cairns, Cairns Sport and Lifestyle Expo, Ironman 70.3 Cairns and Ironman Cairns Runs until 6 June Cairns (various locations) G FRIDAY 4 JUNE Queen Bohemian Rhapsody Tribute Show CPAC Theatre Doors open 6.30pm, show 7.30pm / $34.00 - $69.00 / PG Schnitzel Sounds of Music Singalot Night German Club Cairns German Club Cairns 6.00pm / FREE entry / PG SATURDAY 5 JUNE Jimeoin - Ramble On CPAC Theatre Doors open 7.00pm, show 8.00pm / $54.90 - $59.90 / MA 15 + SATURDAY 12 JUNE Cheaper Microchipping Day Cairns Regional Council Smithfield Library grounds 9.30am / $20.00 / G / Dogs only WEDNESDAY 16 JUNE Peter Williams Medium – Searching Spirit Tour The Paramour Cabaret Theatre 7.00pm / from $45.00 / MA | May 2021 65
Regular Markets Rusty's Markets
Holloways Beach Markets
Gordonvale Cottage Markets
Date: Every Friday and Saturday Time: 5.00am - 6.00pm Date: Every Sunday Time: 5.00am - 3.00pm Location: 57 - 89 Grafton St, City
Date: 2nd Sunday of the month Time: 8.00am - 1.00pm Location: Holloways Beachfront
Date: 1st Saturday of the month February to December Time: 7.00am - 12 noon Location: Norman Park, Gordonvale
Palm Cove Markets
Date: 2nd Sunday of the month Time: 9.00am - 3.00pm Location: Mount Sheridan Plaza
Date: 1st Sunday of the month April to November Time: 8.00am – 2.00pm Location: Williams Esplanade
The Market Place Date: 3rd Sunday of the month Time: 9.00am - 2.00pm Location: The Pier Cairns
Malanda Markets Date: 3rd Saturday of the month Time: 7.00am - 12.30pm Location: Malanda Showgrounds
Mossman Community Markets Date: Every Saturday Time: 7.00am - 1.00pm Location: 3 - 5 Foxton Ave, Mossman
66 May 2021 |
Mount Sheridan Plaza Markets
Kuranda Original Rainforest Markets
Time: 4.30pm - 10.30pm Location: 71 - 75 The Esplanade
Port Douglas Markets Date: Every Sunday Time: 7.30am - 1.30pm Location: Market Park
Woree Markets
Date: Open every day excluding Tuesday and Wednesday Time: 9.30am - 3.00pm Location: 7/13 Therwine St
Date: 3rd Sunday of every month Time: 8.00am – 1.00pm Location: Cannon Park Racecourse Car Park
Date: 2nd Sunday of the month Time: 7.00am - 12 noon Location: Archers Creek Rest Area, Kennedy Highway
Kuranda Heritage Markets
Koah Monthly Markets
Atherton Lions Club Indoor Markets
Tolga Markets
The Ravenshoe Lions Archer Creek Markets
Date: 2nd Sunday of the Month Time: 7.00am - 12 noon Location: Merriland Hall (Robert St)
Yungaburra Markets Date: 4th Saturday of the month Time: 7.30am - 12.30pm Location: Bruce Jones Market Grounds
Date: Open Thursday to Sunday Time: 10.00am - 3.00pm Location: 2 Rob Veivers Dr Date: 1st Sunday of the month Time: 7.30am - 12 noon Location: Morrow Park Racecourse
Herberton Markets Date: 3rd Sunday of the month Time: 7.00am - 12 noon Location: Wondecla Showgrounds
Night Markets Date: Open every day
Date: 1st Saturday of the Month Time: 8.00am – 12 noon Location: Koah Hall, Koah Road
Mareeba Markets Date: Every 2nd and 5th Saturday of the month Time: 7.30am – 12.30pm Location: Mareeba Centenary Park, Byrnes St
Tumoulin Country Markets Date: 4th Sunday of the month Time: 8.00am – 12.00pm Location: Tumoulin Railway Station, Tumoulin Rd
Please check with individual businesses before visiting during these uncertain times.