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Putting Your Relationship First • Over"Seas" Adventures in NQ Huge Prizes • School Holiday Guide • Puzzles for Adults and Kids
Welcome 6 9 10 13 17 21 23 27 29 31 32 33 37 39 40 43 45 47 51 52 55 65
Why the Relationship with Your Partner Needs to Come First The Thing Is with Bree James STEAM - Anyone can be an Inventor! Over”Seas” Adventures in NQ How to Tackle Parental Guilt Calling all Parents! Outdoor Education, More Than Just a Camp! Baked by Our Family for Yours Father’s Day Recipes Local Family Dining Guide Parent’s Puzzle: Codebreaker Mini Mag Parent’s Colouring In 10 Things all New Dads Need to Know Bump, Bub and Beyond Top 7 Myths in Family Law Matters The PakMag Experts All Things Health Let’s Talk Teen Hygiene All Things Tweens & Teens School Holiday Guide Get Out and About
PakMag Founder and Editor-in-Chief Bree James
Hello and welcome to our special Father’s Day edition of PakMag. To all the Dads, Pops, Poppy’s, Nonno’s, Opa’s, Da’s, Sofu and every other name for a man that has raised a child- Happy Father’s day. This one will certainly go into the memory banks, but luckily unlike Mother’s Day in QLD this year we shouldn’t be in lock down, so hopefully we can celebrate the dads in our life in a semi-normal capacity. I know this is a day of celebration for many, and sadness for others as they mourn the loss of a loved one, or they are unable to see their kids this year. Please reach out to the dads and family members that may be doing it tough on this day. To all the males in the lives of children who are being amazing role models, I am truly grateful to you. Your love, guidance and most importantly the time you invest in them is shaping them to be the next generation of men and women. Every year that goes by, I have more and more appreciation for dads. Thanks for all of the incredible ones in my life, especially my dad and my husband, I love you both dearly. Enjoy this edition, and don’t forget to tell everyone, you read it in PakMag.
Bree Bree James PakMag Founder and Editor-in-Chief Contact Us: p 4053 3331 e a PO Box 7433 Cairns Qld 4870
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Disclaimer: No part of this magazine, including the advertisements within it may be reproduced, in part or in whole without the expressed permission of the editor. Whilst the greatest of care is taken to ensure that the information in the magazine is correct at the time of going to press, readers are advised to check details before visiting. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. The ideas expressed within PakMag are not necessarily the views of the publishers, but those of individual writers. We have done our best to ensure all events and information was correct at the time of going to print. Please check with individual businesses and authorities during these uncertain times. Net Distribution Per Issue 10,000. Most recent CAB Publisher Statement Conducted September 2019. We encourage recycling. Please keep this issue for future reference, pass onto your friends and family, use for craft projects or place into the recycling bin.
families Answer: 1=O, 2=L, 3=I, 4=G, 5=P, 6=Y, 7=S, 8=J, 9=C, 10=U, 11=E, 12=T, 13=X, 14=B, 15=K, 16=R, 17=A, 18=N, 19=Z, 20=M, 21=H, 22=W, 23=D, 24=F, 25=V, 26=Q | September 2020 3
Why The Relationship with Your Partner Needs to Come First With Barbara and Allan Pease With 1 in 3 marriages ending in divorce and the average marriage lasting 12.1 years we wanted to dig deeper on why some relationships don’t make the distance. One of the most stressful times for a relationship is during the parenting years. With only so many hours in the day, it’s easy to prioritise the kids and neglect your partner. We want you to have a thriving life – not just as a parent, but as a human in a romantic relationship too. But how do you do both and why does your relationship with your partner need to come first? We asked relationship experts Allan and Barbara Pease some questions to help us out with this very important topic.
Should the relationship with our partner come first? “Becoming a parent is the single greatest gift in my life”, says Barbara – mother of three, stepmother of three and grandmother of eight. “But there is no question that being a parent is hard work. While children bring new and urgent demands, the couple should remain the overall priority or resentment, anger and feelings of being neglected can build. Without a strong ‘couple relationship’, separation and divorce can rear its head.” “At the beginning of a relationship, you are lovers and friends. Hormones are keeping you ‘in love’, but it doesn’t last forever. From about six months on, most couples enter a new phase where their relationship shifts as hormones return to their default levels. There is less hormone-driven passion and the bonding-partnership phase begins ”, says Allan. “When children come along, several things happen – you lose sleep, you focus most of your attention on your child and whatever is left over is spread thinly between other priorities. All of a sudden, you’re not a Husband or Wife or a sexy lover, you’re a Mum or Dad facing the demands of little people who vomit over you. That can make intimacy difficult to maintain if you stop making an effort with your partner and it’s easy for a partner to feel neglected. What worked in the beginning may not now work as kids grow. You have to be prepared to adapt. It’s also important to have regular relationship check-ins with each other”.
“That’s why it’s so important to carve out time for the two of you, right from day one. Create an opportunity to
6 September 2020 |
laugh and reconnect with your partner. Keep a sense of humour about nappies and night-time duties, school runs and snotty noses – each phase has its end”, says Barbara. “And prioritise sex – it builds intimacy and is good for your mood!”
Why is it so important to invest in your relationship with your partner after having children? “Two is a couple – three is a crowd. You’ve gone from being a sexy, selfish, loving couple to being in 2nd place (or even 3rd place if you have a pet). If this goes unchecked, resentment and anger can grow”, says Allan. “Having children is exciting and rewarding. But separation and divorce rates spike in the 18-month period after the birth of a first child. Make your relationship a priority at all times.”
Here are some daily tips: Make time every day to chat with your partner and tell them about your day. Even if it is only 10 minutes…make a cup of tea and go to a quiet space and focus 100% on them. Make intimate contact every day, whether it's hugging, holding hands or caressing. For men this is not necessarily the cue to having sex every night but a chance to connect in a loving way. Create a ‘you’ time either weekly or monthly where you go for a walk on the beach, have dinner, go to the movies or just sit on the couch and cuddle up. Have a book that you write in each day about what you loved about each other that day… no negatives just positives and share it once a week. Have fun together like you used to before you became a Mum and a funny show, go out and just laugh.
How does my relationship with my partner affect my children? “Without intimacy, a relationship can easily become victim to the stresses of raising children”, says Barbara. “It’s so important to put your relationship first, because without it, you are heading for a very rocky ride.”
“You are a relationship role model for your children – show them that love between parents is a natural and important part of a happy family life. Children will mimic the behaviour of their parents, so you pass on great habits to your future generation. Honest and frequent communication between partners is a key to a long-lasting relationship. It generates understanding so there are less arguments and it means you’re sharing your life with one another, so you’re less likely to grow apart and seek a new relationship. Children find comfort and security in their parents' healthy relationship, so nurturing it is important. Partners need to come first, but with the understanding that there will be times when children will be your top priority. It comes down to communicating with each other and finding that happy place and letting your partner know that they will always be number one, above everything and everybody."
If my connection with my partner has been lost, how can I find it again/ rekindle it? “To create a strong and long-lasting relationship, communication must come first” says Allan. “But you won’t do it if it’s not enjoyable, so create a fun little ritual for the two of you" says Barbara. "Allan and I have a coffee and work out in the gym together daily. This is our time to connect and at night we are always watching funny movies together. Every Sunday we walk to our favourite coffee shop and it is our time to reflect and be a couple, without the interruption of children.”
The couple add these tips for better intimacy and a happier family life: Be upfront and open about what you want in your relationship. Aim for balance – spend some time apart and some time together. Accept that children will change your relationship, but that with communication you can solve any problem together. Make time for each other. In the long run, your children will admire happy parents who support and love each other. If one parent needs time out from the world then this needs to happen….it may be that the Dad needs to go fishing for the weekend or the Mum needs some girl time with her friends. You will come back relaxed and happy to reconnect to your family. “Remember the reasons you fell in love with your partner and that they are still your soul mate, lover and best friend and not the enemy when times get tough. Your relationship will be the model and guide for your children when they have a relationship and intimacy. Children absorb everything that they learn through our behaviours. They learn about gender roles, respect, boundaries, intimacy and love. When a child watches his father love and respect his mother, he will do the same to his partner. When a child watches his Mother have a strong sense of self-worth, unconditional love and respect, that child will pass this onto the next generation. Handling conflict together so that you are coming from the same page is what the children need to see and learn from. Your children will pass this onto their children. Making your partner number one at all times ensures that your bond is strong and that your emotional connection is resilient, helping your relationship last a lifetime”.
Barbara & Allan Pease are the most successful relationship authors in the business. They have written 18 bestsellers – including 10 number ones – and travelled the world extensively giving seminars in 70 countries. See | September 2020 7
The Thing Is
The Thing Is with Bree James Being the only female in a house of boys, it’s a celebration of the XY chromosome most days. I have certainly learnt a lot about the male species since becoming a mother of boys, and there are a lot of things I wish I didn’t learn, but also many I am so pleased I have. The thing is little boys are fuuullllll on. I know girls can be too, but from what I have witnessed most girls can sit still whilst watching tv, at a dinner table and when a passenger in the car. I am sure some boys can too, but mine…cannot. My boys have so much energy they could power a small town. From the time they wake up, until the time they go to bed, they are jumping, wrestling, throwing, play fighting, twitching, jiggling, and any other movement you can think of. And no matter how much activity they have in a day, you feed them and off they go again. You cannot take them to the shops without them turning it into a maze, battlefield, or racetrack. It doesn’t matter how much you warn them when you go into the shops that they have to behave, not run and to stay close they do not. It takes all of a parent’s power to keep their cool whilst copping knowing or judgmental looks at your inability to keep your boys in line in public. Boys also attempt really dumb things. Getting chills up and down your spine is a daily occurrence with many of us surprised at how little time we spend in the Emergency Room. Parents of boys have a special “I feel you” nod we give each other when passing by a chaotic scene. Boys are really weird too, they love the topics of farts, poop, bottoms, and private parts. If you want to make your boys laugh, it’s really simple. Mention one of the
above and you are seriously the funniest human being on the planet. My boys have also recently started naming their farts-why? Because they can. And don’t get me started on the 3rd leg. From the time boys are born their hands are always on it. My dad used to say he was so poor when he was a kid his mum cut holes in his pockets so he had something to play with. It doesn’t matter if your son has every toy they could ever want, that thing is by far their favorite. As a new mum, I remember the first day of my precious baby being born. It’s a harsh reality that I wasn’t expecting nor knew what to do with and I was horrified. Yes- from the time they are born that happens! And don’t forget to always point it down in a nappy, learnt that the hard way many times… Noise is another thing you have to live with. Boys are so loud. I know if I ever go away for work and come back it takes a good 24 hours to get used to the noise again. They talk loud, play loud, fight loud, walk loud, go to the toilet loud, eat loud, everything is loud and it can be so draining. I know the grunting, sleeping teenage boy stage is just around the corner. So, for now, I am embracing the chaos, gaining grey hairs and mild anxiety from their risk taking, and taking deep breaths knowing they have an amazing dad that I hope they turn out like one day. We’ve just got to get through the next ten years.
Bree | September 2020 9
Anyone can be an Inventor! "Necessity is the mother of invention, it is true, but its father is creativity, and knowledge is the midwife." Jonathan Schattke, scientist
don’t have as much experience with this process, so instead they simply follow their own ideas and intuition to solve a problem.
Multiple Intelligences Theory creator Dr. Howard Gardner, defines intelligence as “the capacity to solve problems or make things that are valued by a culture." AKA ... Invention! And the process of inventing, according to world-recognized childhood education expert, Ellen Booth Church, “invites your child to use both critical thinking and two kinds of creative thinking — fluent and flexible.”
Our job as parents is to help encourage and support their inventive spirit. But how?
Ellen defines critical thinking as ‘the ability to mentally break an idea or problem into parts. Fluent thinking is the ability to brainstorm ideas’ and ‘flexible thinking is the ability to see many possibilities, or view objects or situations in different ways.’
Encourage your child to build, create, and work on solutions that they believe in - instead of following the usual mould. Provide plenty of engaging materials, your attention, good open-ended questions and positive feedback on their efforts. Examples of great openended questions include: “What should we try next?”, “How else could you use this?”, “Is there a way we can make this even better?” Don’t forget you are their rolemodel so ‘narrating’ or talking through your approach to solving your own problems out loud will help model inventive thinking to your child.
Children have naturally inventive brains and can make great inventors, because they have a key ingredient that adults tend to lack in comparison – unchained imagination and creativity. They take their own ideas, thoughts, interests, and do what they want to get to their ideal end product, or result. Think back to kindergarten or primary school and the crazy arts and crafts or science projects that would be made. Throughout school and growing up in general, we are taught to memorise formulas and take common approaches to problems, all in the same way. Children
One of the greatest gifts we can give our children is an understanding of their limitless potential. One of the ways we can support this belief is by helping them become great critical and creative thinkers to find solutions to problems they will encounter throughout their lives. The process of invention helps children develop skills that will help them work through difficulties in everyday life, and who knows…you might even raise your very own little inventor who could make a huge difference in the world. We can always use new, better methods, ideas and products.
10 September 2020 |
Get 15% OFF! Use code: PakMag15
Some Great Aussie Inventions
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Refrigerator Hills Hoist Dual Flush Toilet Polymer Bank Notes Wi-Fi Paper Notebooks Google Maps The Power Board Electronic Pacemaker Spray on Skin Penicillin The Electric Drill
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1. My Crazy Inventions Sketchbook by Andrew Rae and Lisa Regan From $18.24 - 2. Genius Lego Inventions with Bricks You Already Have Book by Sarah Dees - From $25.05 3. Engino Inventor 30 in 1 Models Motorised Set - $79.95 - Get 15% off this price (and storewide) with code PakMag15 4. Tom Swift Inventors' Academy Starter Pack (first four books in series) - from $43.25 - 5. Engino Inventor 4 in 1 Models Cars - $19.95 - Get 15% off this price (and storewide) with code PakMag15 - | September 2020 11
North Queensland Gems
Over“Seas” Adventures in NQ You might not be able to travel overseas right now, but you can have a local ‘over-seas’ adventure at one of North Queensland’s fantastic islands! These islands all provide the perfect family getaway to witness the beauty of the tropics, both on land and sea.
Fitzroy Island - Fitzroy Island adventures offers half day and full day tours.
Fitzroy Island is a lush, thriving Island on the Great Barrier Reef. The majority of the island is National Park, a beautiful scenery of mangroves, tropical rainforests and coral beaches that you can view by following one of the walking trails on the island. The island is 29Km’s south-east of Cairns and offers hiking trails, snorkelling, swimming, sea kayaking, an ocean trampoline and a viewing of the reef through a glass bottom boat! One of the best parts of the Island are the packages, tours and specials available, to suit each individual and family. Kids of all ages can learn to snorkel right off the beach and there is plenty of nature to explore throughout the day. You can also visit the turtle rehabilitation facility on the Island. Please check availability. If you want to stay instead of taking a day tour, resort accommodation offers affordable, relaxing spaces including studios, beach cabins and both one and two bedroom apartments. Families will be entertained by the kids play room, games room and cinema. After a day in the sunshine, go for a cooling swim in the pool and spa, where adults can grab a drink at the swim-up pool bar. Local discounts available. Visit by ferry services aboard the Fitzroy Flyer or with Fitzroy Island Adventures departing from Marlin Marina. You can also take your own boat. Find out more and book your stay:
Green Island Big Cat Green Island Reef Cruises have been operating for over 29 years, offering spectacular half day and full day tours. Half day tours allow you to enjoy the beauty of the island for a couple of hours while the full day tours let you enjoy the tropical island at your leisure. For an extended experience you can stay at the luxurious Green Island Resort, filling your day with either relaxation or adventures. You can dive, snorkel, explore the island, windsurf, kayak, tour the outer reef and much more! The spacious rooms are ideal for a tropical island escape for the family, and suite rooms are perfect for a romantic getaway. Vibrant birds can be seen and heard through the rainforest walk, and the gorgeous coral reef quietly waits to be experienced. The fantastic packages include the Family Escape Package and Island Experience Package, which let you take the family on an affordable voyage of discovery. 27Km’s east of Cairns. Visit by boat transfers. Green Island Resort also offers helicopter transfers. Get to Green Island with Big Cat Green Island Reef Cruises | September 2020 13
North Queensland Gems
Townsville Magnetic Island This island has a range of palm-fringed gorgeous beaches, cute koalas, hiking trails, snorkelling adventures and so much more. It’s just a short 20-minute ferry ride from Townsville and offers accommodation from backpacker hostels to holiday homes, luxury resorts and quaint BnB’s to suit everyone’s style. Take a walk on the wild side to get up close with aussie wildlife at the Bungalow Bay Koala Sanctuary or sail into the sunset, enjoying the scenic journeys through Big Mama Sailing or Pilgrim Sailing adventures. The famous Forts Walk combines WWII history, koala sightings and stunning ocean views. The family will never get bored of the tours, beautiful bays, diving sites and delicious food. Scallywags Café is pirate themed and family friendly and perfect for a break with refreshments along with Sandi’s – a relaxed venue where you can unwind and enjoy Horseshoe Bay.
The island offers over 60 exciting activities overall and a range of family-friendly activities are available during school holidays. Massage and spa are perfect for when you’re in the mood for some relaxation time. Accommodation guests of all ages can have fun in the resort pools, games and Kids Fun Zone all for free! A Roughly 27Km’s from Airlie Beach. Visit by commercial and private flights, ferries and private boats.
Daydream Island Located in the heart of Whitsundays Islands, this tranquil island offers modern rooms and suits with a view of garden landscapes or ocean views. Food and beverages are plentiful along with non-motorised water activities. The Living Reef in the centre of the island is home to over 80 species of coral and 100 species of marine fish.
A Roughly 14Km from Townsville
The spectacular attractions are sure to stun you and there are great deals and packages available, including the Queensland Locals Winter Escape. This deal offers a full buffet breakfast each morning, complimentary WiFi and use of non-motorised water sport and recreational activities. Kinds under 12 stay FREE using existing bedding and eat FREE from a special kids menu. On top of this, locals receive 25% off food and beverages (T&C’s apply).
Visit by SeaLink Queensland or Magnetic Island Ferries, operating daily from Townsville.
Visit by boat from Hamilton Island, Proserpine Airport, or Port of Airlie. or – For accommodation and things to see & do
How to get there: Cruise Whitsundays – Offering Island Transfers to Hamilton and Daydream Islands and the chance to visit the world-famous Whitehaven Beach.
SeaLink Queensland specialises in day tours, accommodation, transport and activities in Townsville and Magnetic Island. The award-winning ferry service can help you plan your ultimate holiday, offering air-conditioned comfort, a bar to relax at and grab a drink, and they are even pet friendly! SeaLink has a variety of specials and deals so make sure to check out their website! Magnetic Island Ferries travel daily.
Mackay & Whitsundays Hamilton Island Here is where your island escape awaits. You’ll be surrounded by white beaches and bustling coral and marine life. Enjoy the bars and restaurants, a variety of activities and water sports along with exhibitions and performances. There are six levels of accommodation to suit everyone including family-friendly holiday homes and apartments, along with golf and sailing!
14 September 2020 |
Another Whitsunday Island to check out: Hayman Island, Long Island and Camp Island. Each of these have beautiful resorts to stay at with stunning scenery.
How to Tackle Parental Guilt STORY Dr Rosina McAlpine, Win Win Parenting Parents often feel guilty about not spending enough time with their children. Life seems so busy with work, taking care of the home and all the things that need to be done when raising a family. With all that busyness there’s often very little time left to spend with the kids. It’s easy to see that if parents don’t spend quality time with their children, their children could come to the conclusion that they’re not important - and this can harm a child’s sense of self-worth.
So, What Can Busy Parents Do? By making time to spend just 10-15 minutes of one-on-one quality time with each of your children every day (or every other day), parents show their children that they are important – that they matter. Making time for your child demonstrates you care, that you’re interested in how they’re going and that you’re there for them if they need support or just someone who’ll listen. | September 2020 17
Try getting together when your children get home from pre-school or school; after you return from work; after dinner or just before bed. Remember, it's only 10-15 minutes – every parent can find a few minutes each day.
a video or board game or having a yummy snack together.
Explain to Your Children How Important They Are Your children might not realise how much you love them and how important they are especially if you seem busy all the time and have little time for them. Explain clearly to your child in words they’ll understand how important they are and that you’re making time just to be with them.
More Than One Child? If you have more than one child, you can schedule one-on-one meetings at different times during the day or make it at the same time each day and meet with a different child on consecutive days. Having one-on-one time makes every child in your family feel special.
The Key is Being Fully Present One-on-one time with your full attention says so much to your child about your priorities. Remember, no phone, no cooking or being distracted, just being 100 per cent present with your child. It's not about the quantity of time, it's about the quality of the time you spend together. What child wouldn’t feel loved and valued in that environment? So, why not try it?
Let Your Child Choose the Activity Ask each of your children to think about how they might like to spend 10-15 minutes one-on-one with you. It could be to simply hang out together and talk, or something more active like going for a walk, kicking a ball, or as simple as playing
You might say something such as; “I know it might seem to you that I’m often very busy doing my job or house work and don’t have much time for you, but I want you to know that you are very important to me and I love you with all my heart. So, I want to show you how much I care, and from now on every day (or every second day) I’m going to make time just for you and me to talk, play and just be together and you get to decide what we do. It’s our special time together”.
The Bottom Line The key is to make uninterrupted special time for your child, doing what they want to do with you and sharing what they want to share with you. Remember, if you can’t manage to find the time every day, then make it every second day – just make it a regular thing that your child can count on. Now, that might not sound like much, but think about it like this; what if your child looks back on their childhood and can say, “My mum or dad made time for me every day – I was important to them. I got to choose what we did together and they made time for me to talk about my day – the good things and the not so good things. They were always there to celebrate my successes with me and to help me through the hard times. I remember walking, talking and playing games…” Making a small change to your daily routine to make special time for each of your children can make an enormous difference to family life by creating beautiful memories and nurturing a deep bond with your children that you'll share for life.
Dr Rosina McAlpine is the CEO and creator of the Win Win Parenting program. Win Win Parenting practical and fun programs are delivered across a variety of organisations including early learning, school, corporate and government organisations in Australia, New Zealand and The United States. Dr Rosina is an internationally recognised awardwinning researcher and educator.
18 September 2020 |
Calling all Parents! Are You Looking for an Outstanding School for Your Child?
Do you Want:
What are our Parents Saying?
• A caring, committed staff who will encourage your child to strive for his/her best in the academic sphere?
Doreen Deede: “It’s like home, we love it here. I believe MCC offers a very special and unique learning experience and opportunity for all the kids to learn and to grow.”
• An excellent pastoral care program which fosters the development of the whole child – academically, socially and spiritually? • 21st century facilities and a cutting-edge pedagogical approach? • A one-stop, birth-to-graduation education solution? Our Early Learning Centre caters for babies from six weeks through to Kindy age. Your child will transition seamlessly from day care to kindy through to primary and secondary school. • Affordable fees? Look no further – come and discover what MacKillop has to offer!
What do MacKillop Students Love About Their School? “We learn about writing and we make parrots”- Thomas (Prep). “I love all my friends, and the sandpit! When I came here everyone was very friendly and kind to me.”Zaria (Year 4). “It’s a great school because you get to make a lot of friends.” - Helecia (Year 6). “I love the new learning facilities.” - Paige (Year 7). “The teachers are kind and always available to help us.” - Ayla (Year 7).
Chrisstella Fourmile: “The sense of the community here at MacKillop is respectful and inclusive. I couldn’t talk more highly of MacKillop. The teachers are passionate and want to be at the school. What more can you ask for? MacKillop is a welcoming, safe space for families”
How About our Staff? Alice Bowman: “The best part of my job is getting to engage with the kids, not only at a classroom level, but outside the classroom as well. A lot of the time we feel like a big family.” Sarah Coleman: “The facilities have been masterplanned to encompass flexible spaces and agility in classrooms – everything from write-able surface to multiple screens, to floor-to-ceiling walls to pin things to. Students have ownership of the spaces and can determine how and where they work within them.” Luke Reed (College Principal): “We are committed to joining with parents and families in partnership for the education, development and formation of our young people. And this we do in a safe, caring and disciplined environment."
Take a tour for your chance to win a $500 Harvey Norman Computers voucher. | September 2020 21
Outdoor Education, More Than Just a Camp! STORY Darren Osmond, Director of Outdoor Education and Co-Curricular at Trinity Anglican School Students in Tropical North Queensland are incredibly fortunate to have great access to many outdoor experiences at several venues and in a range of diverse environments. The term “camp” is used in this context to describe a myriad of experiences where students spend time away from their normal school and home environments. This time spent away sets aims of achieving a range of personal development outcomes and covering several curriculum elements.
and do have several associated benefits, particularly related to health and physical education curriculum. These camps are often residential in nature, of shorter duration (2-4 days), use hard-top or similar permanent accommodation, have catering provided and rely on activity instructors to lead various outdoor activities. Little processing of learning from each activity is present, with an approach of “let the experience speak for itself” commonly employed.
While the majority of these experiences occur “outdoors”, they can be separated along a continuum with outdoor recreation at one end and outdoor education at the other. Outdoor recreation focuses on participation in outdoor activities for the sake of the activity itself, and for fun and enjoyment. Many “camps” fall towards this end of the continuum,
There is value in taking students outdoors for recreation purposes alone, especially in today’s society where students are spending less time being physically active and outside. True outdoor education programs also provide students with the above benefits, along with an array of broader, richer learning experiences. Outdoor Education can be most simply defined as “experiential | September 2020 23
learning in, about and for the outdoors”. Experiential learning is learning through experience, or learning by doing. More specifically, it is about learning through reflecting on doing. It is this process of continual reflection and development which separates outdoor education from outdoor recreation. The focus of true outdoor education must be on learning, or education – about oneself, about others and about the environment. Outdoor Education draws upon the philosophy, theory, and practices of both experiential education and environmental education.
Self-management, Responsibility & Autonomy developing and showing autonomy, the ability to manage oneself and to take full responsibility for one’s own actions and behaviours. Resilience and Self Confidence - being confident in one’s own abilities and having a positive outlook for overcoming challenges, setbacks and trying new things - especially those outside of one’s comfort zone.
Outdoor education programs can include residential programs for primary aged children especially, along with more rigorous journeybased/expedition programs for secondaryaged students. These carefully designed and sequenced programs often have students on the move each day (mostly by self-powered means such as hiking, paddling or cycling), sleeping in more mobile and rustic accommodation, cooking their own food and being more involved in the overall leadership and management decisions of their group. These programs are generally longer in duration (4+ days) and in many cases are linked with previous lead-up experiences as part of a larger and sequential overall program.
Problem-solving and Creativity - developing innovative, creative and practical solutions to problems.
Through experience I have identified and continually observe 10 key personal attributes and qualities that students develop through active participation in quality outdoor education programs.
Empathy and Understanding — the ability to truly understand and appreciate the perspective and needs of others, and to show this in considered actions.
These attributes are sought after by 21st century employers, and enable schools to graduate young adults who become contributing members of society. Some of these attributes can be developed rapidly, through one experience. Other attributes take significantly longer and occur after a range of sequential learning experiences: Teamwork – working effectively with different people, developing group collaboration skills, understanding group development and dynamics. Leadership and Followership – understanding leadership theory and practicing various leadership styles, including how to support leaders. Communication – sharing ideas, actively listening to others, giving and receiving effective feedback, public speaking. Planning and Organisation – managing resource use, developing and following schedules, modifying plans on the fly.
Self-reflection / Appraisal - being able to evaluate and reflect on oneself, performance and experiences, and to set goals. Expressing oneself in a variety of ways. Initiative and Enterprise - embracing challenge and opportunities, plus working under pressure. Having a desire to learn and perform well.
Outdoor Learning is the term used in the Australian Curriculum for these experiences. Their intention is for students to develop skills and understandings while valuing a positive relationship with natural environments and promoting sustainability. Outdoor Education also links to other key learning areas including Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Geography and Science. Outdoor learning also helps children to develop personal and social capability, critical and creative thinking, ethical understanding, an understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, as well as sustainability. Kurt Hahn, regarded as one of the forefathers of modern outdoor education, eloquently says that “there is more in us than we know, and if only we could be made to see it, for the rest of our lives we would be unwilling to settle for less”. True outdoor education aims to reveal to students their potential and provides them with the necessary skills and strategies to achieve this.
Darren Osmond has a degree in Outdoor Education and is the Director of Outdoor Education and Co-Curricular at Trinity Anglican School (TAS) in Cairns. All year 2-12 TAS Students participate in the award-winning TAS Outdoor Education Program.
24 September 2020 |
Baked by Our Family for Yours
It is a well-known fact that Jackley’s Bakehouse is a locally owned and family run business but to reinforce their ethos they adopted the tag line of ‘baked by our family for yours’ very early in their journey. “Our business is fuelled by the support of local families that have grown with us over time, a lot of our loyal clientele come back to us for every occasion knowing that we can help them celebrate” said Bec Jackley, owner of the much-loved Bakehouse. The couple behind the brand, Dale and Bec, treat the business as an extension of their home, much like many local small business owners. “Our kids enjoy spending time in the store and even feature on a lot of our marketing, our oldest daughter, Tia (10), helps out in the shop every Saturday at 4:30 am when most of her school buddies are still fast asleep” mentioned Dale. If teaching work ethic is as ‘easy as monkey see monkey do’ Tia will be able to follow her dreams with the same ambitious approach that has built the Bakehouse to its current standing.
The couple don’t do it all on their own and contribute their success to the team they have managed to build up around them. “We have long standing team members who we love and treat like family and in turn they have a lot of pride in our brand and what they do for Jackley’s Bakehouse” With the help of a hard working team, Jackley’s Bakehouse have been able to keep up with demand and has grown overtime, as well as being able to offer additional services such as cupcake decoration classes, Kindy visits and fundraising efforts to help local sports clubs and schools. “We have been blessed with such great support over the years and we strive to give back when we can, getting out and about to schools and kindys is something we take great pride in and seeing the look on kids faces is so rewarding!” With their motto of ‘everyday is a birthday’ the team at Jackley’s plan to be around for many years to come turning birthdays and your family celebrations into memories! | September 2020 27
Father's Day Recipes
Heavenly Burgers Pancakes with Strawberries, Butter and Maple Syrup RECIPE Matthew Calanna Makes 18 Pancakes Ingredients 2 cups plain flour 3 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt ¼ cup sugar 1 egg
2 cups milk ¼ cup butter, melted (for serving) You’ll need extra for cooking Punnet of strawberries Maple Syrup
Method Whisk the egg and milk together. Combine all your dry ingredients in a bowl. Mix. Create a well in the centre of the dry ingredients to pour your milk mixture into. Beat together until all ingredients are combined and the batter is almost smooth (do not over mix). Pour batter onto preheated greased frypan (electric or on stove). Use medium heat. You can use a 1/4 cup measure of batter for each pancake. You’ll know the pancake is ready to turn when bubbles break on the surface. Once the pancakes are cooked. Serve hot with butter, maple syrup and strawberries. Matthew's Tip
RECIPE Tracey Patterson Makes 4 Burgers Burger Patty Ingredients 500g minced beef salt and pepper (to season) 1 brown onion finely chopped 2 x garlic cloves, minced
3/4 cup of breadcrumbs 1 egg (lightly whisked) 1 tbsp Italian Herbs 2 tbsp BBQ sauce.
Other Ingredients 2 tbsp olive oil Cheddar cheese, thinly sliced 4 hamburger buns, halved Lettuce
Tomatoes, sliced Spanish onions, sliced Sliced Pickles Mayonnaise
Method Slightly brown the onion and garlic in a medium pan with some oil. Add to the other burger patty ingredients in a bowl. Combine. Divide the mix into four equal portions. Create patties that are about 10 cm wide and 1.5 cm thick. Rest the patties for 30 minutes on a lined tray covered in plastic wrap in the fridge for 30 minutes before cooking. Heat 1 tbsp oil in a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Cook the patties for about 4 minutes each side or until they are browned and cooked through. Place cheese on top of the cooked side of the patty as you’re waiting for the other side to cook to melt the cheese.
Other toppings can be lemon juice and sugar or cinnamon sugar (tastes like a cinnamon donut).
Toast the inside of the hamburger buns under the oven grill for 1 minute or until golden and serve with whatever salad and condiments you like.
Calanna Whole Health Pharmacy
King Reef Resort | September 2020 29
Advertiser Feature
Local Family Dining Guide Cazalys Cairns
South Cairns Sports Club
Family dining at Cazalys is enjoyable, easy and entertaining. It’s the place to be for your family! Cazalys offers daily meal deals, social activities in the kids club and fun, educational activity packs for the little ones to engage in. Barassis café and restaurant is open 9 am- 10 pm, 7 days a week. Book in for their special Father’s Day breakfast September 6th. During COVID-19, Patron limits apply. It is recommended to book, to avoid disappointment.
The perfect place to relax, eat and be entertained on the south side. With so many options there is something for everybody. Enjoy the kids club house, coffee shop and great meal variety in the restaurant - even for diners with dietary concerns. Your next meal at Souths could win you a brand new car! Simply spend $20.00 to be entered and the winner will be drawn on Friday 9 October. T&Cs apply.
A 344 Mulgrave Rd, Westcourt Cairns P 4045 1464 Cazalys Cairns
Coco's Kitchen + Bar, Pullman Cairns International Coco’s Kitchen + Bar offers one of the best, most exciting foodie outings in Cairns, with a fresh and local menu inspired by the sea. The menu is full of variety which is bound to please even the fussiest diner, big or small. Whether you’re looking for great breakfast, lunch or dinner dining options, they have everyone’s tastebuds covered. Coco’s is also the place to go for a unique and tasty high tea experience. A 17 Abbott St, Cairns P 4050 2112 Pullman Cairns International
Paradise Palms
A 57 – 59 Robert Rd, Bentley Park P 4045 2107 South Cairns Sports Club
Trinity Beach Sports Club Trinity Beach Sports Club offers great food, friendly service and a local feel. This is the perfect place for a relaxing dining experience with the family. Enjoy tasty value meals, kids fun and live music during the week. Why not treat your dad to a special lunch at Trinity Beach Sports Club where he can choose between a Chef’s Special or Carvery along with a chocolate mud cake –for just $22.00! Dads will receive a complimentary beer as well as a special gift. Plus, all Dad’s dining will have a chance to win a wheelbarrow of goodies! The Father's Day lunch starts at 12.00pm and ends at 3.00pm. A 1 Nautilus St, Trinity Beach P 4057 6478 Trinity Beach Sports Club
Find all your family entertainment needs in one place at Paradise Palms. Enjoy mini golf, swimming, an adventure playground and affordable family dining for a great outing. Whether you’re visiting to relax, dine or play, it’s all a possibility at Paradise Palms. Open Friday to Sunday from 10am. During September enjoy FRIDAY FREEBIES at Paradise Palms with FREE Mini Golf, FREE admission to the Adventure Playground and FREE use of the swimming pool, with any purchase from the restaurant.
Colonial Club
A Paradise Palms Dr, Kewarra Beach P 4059 9915 Paradise Palms Cairns
A 18 – 26 Cannon St, Cairns P 4053 8800 Cairns Colonial Club Resort
Become a CLUB COLONIAL Member and enjoy exclusive benefits including a FREE nights accommodation, a $50 Dining Voucher on your birthday, year round use of the Cairns Colonial Club main lagoon pool and playground PLUS 20% off all food & drinks at Thirsty Flamingo! *Mention this deal at hotel reception desk to purchase a Club Colonial Membership for just $149 per year. Valid until 31/12/2021. Conditions apply | September 2020 31
Parent's Puzzle: Codebreaker The same number represents the same letter. Crack the code and fill the grid. To help you get started some words are already in place.
WIN a Solitaire Game from Wolfpack Games worth $19.95! This single player traditional puzzle is known world-wide but most people can’t solve it. How to Play: Move by jumping a peg over an adjacent peg, horizontally or vertically only. The peg jumped over is then removed. Repeat until only one peg is left in the centre of the board. Use code PAKWOLF10 for 10% OFF sitewide! Visit win for your chance to win! Competition closes 30/09/2020
Answers on contents page.
32 September 2020 |
How do you get Pikachu on a bus?
Submitted by Readers
You Pokèmon! (Dantè, age 12)
Why couldn't the ghost go to the party?
I wouldn't buy anything with Velcro, it's a total rip off!!
He had nobody to go with! (Denzel, age 8)
(Leo, age 8)
What do you call a bear without any teeth? A gummy bear
How does a monkey cook toast? Under a Gorilla! (Jaylen, age 6)
(Isabella, age 6)
Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill? To get to the bottom! (Hannah, age 6)
Pull-out kids activity mag!
Which Ostrich has its Head Under Ground?
WIN a Pictionary & Scrabble Set by Mattel worth $79.98! Count on big laughs and find out who's an artist and who really isn't with Pictionary! Scrabble is more than just a game, it improves your vocabulary as you’re introduced to new and exciting words each time you play! Visit for your chance to win! Competition closes 30/09/2020
For your chance to WIN a family pass to Trolls World Tour enter at Competition closes 30/09/2020
Father's Day Giveaway Visit for your chance to win! Competition closes 30/09/2020
2 1
1. Inchargebox - $209.00 (5% off for all readers using code QLDDAD at checkout) - InChargeBox is the world's first stylish lockable tech charging station here to deal with the tech mess and create screen time balance for all. Perfect for charging iPads, iPhones, portable lights, UEbooms and gaming remotes! Available in 6usb or 12usb port options and in a range of colours. 2. Apple Airpods Pro - $399.00 - www.studioproper. - Apple AirPods Pro have been designed to deliver Active Noise Cancellation for immersive sound, Transparency mode so you can hear your surroundings and has a customisable fit for all-day comfort. Just like AirPods, AirPods Pro connect to your iPhone or Apple Watch. 3. Victorinox Climber Swiss Army Knife $86.95 - - Welcome to the world of the Officer's knife. It’s 14 functions are as sharp, strong and intuitive as you need them to be. So, no matter if you're climbing up the corporate ladder or a class 5 crag, the Climber is with you all the way to the top. 4. Thermacell Bristol Lantern & Repeller - $45.95 - - Stay protected from pesky mozzies with the Thermacell Bristol Lantern & Repeller. Providing a 21m² insect protection perimeter. Ideal for use while you are gardening, at sporting events, hanging around the backyard, camping or fishing. 5. Funky Trunks $40 Voucher - - Known for bright colours and comfy styles, dad is sure to make a statement at the pool, gym or hitting the beach this summer. Choose from high quality, chlorine resistant swimwear, underwear, apparel, accessories or skincare. The Eco range of prints is made from used plastic bottles, giving new life to waste, reducing the environmental impact and keeping dad swimming day in and out in the brightest swimwear on the market.
36 September 2020 |
Relax & Enjoy Some Quiet Time Colouring
WIN a PremiumYoga Mat from Sydney Yoga Collective worth $50.00! These premium yoga mats are made from sustainably sourced rubber and have two sides that have been designed to be non-slip, but not too grippy. The two rubber sides have been fused together using heat technology, which means there are no glues or toxins used in the manufacturing process. 100% Australian owned and designed. #doyouevenyoga / Visit for your chance to win! Competition closes 30/09/2020 | September 2020 37
Bump, Bub and Beyond
10 Things all New Dads Need to Know STORY Jenna Galley When my partner first became a dad, he figured he knew what he was doing. Bathe them, change them, love them, play with them. Piece of pie, right? Then our daughter was born and he realised something I already knew - there is a whole heck of a lot more to it than that, especially when they are newborns. There are poo explosions at 2am, and crazy mood swings. Oh, and arguments about who’s more tired. And that’s just the beginning! I asked him to share his top 10 things he wished he knew before we had our daughter and he gladly accepted the challenge. So, without further ado, here is a dad’s guide on how to prepare for the craziness of what’s to come.
Baby Care Tips for New Dads 1. Try to keep a routine for your baby: Bath, lotion, swaddle, dummy, even the room temperature. Try to keep it all the same.
2. Two words – Baby poo: How many, how often, what colour, what texture. It’s exciting stuff and probably one of the main conversations around the dinner table – if you manage to time dinner for when the baby is asleep.
3. Breastfeeding is full on: Babies want milk ALL THE TIME. Expect your partner to pretty much be a full-time milk maid from now on.
4. Nappy changes really aren’t that bad: Just make sure you have triple the amount of wipes you think you’ll need. And always wipe from front to back.
General Tips for New Dads 5. Expect a whole new level of tiredness: Work, baby, broken sleep. Repeat. You’re be worn out within a week but trust me, there’s no point complaining about it. Your partner is just as tired as you are.
6. Expect crazy moods from your partner: Pregnancy mood swings were nuts. New mum mood swings are next level. Crying one minute to giving me the stink eye the next because I unloaded the dishwasher the wrong way.
7. Clean up as you go: Because otherwise it will snowball. Never think you’re going to get around to it later because it’s never going to be a good time.
8. Take over when you can: Baths, nappy changes, even late night laps around the house. As tired as I was, there was something peaceful about walking my daughter around the house at 4am.
9. Happy mum, happy baby: Ask if she wants water or snacks, cut up her food so she can eat one-handed, hold the baby so she can sleep or shower. Little things like these make a massive difference.
10. A new mother is always right: It’s not worth your effort to argue so just go with it. Smile, nod and pass her the bickies. Yes, it’s hard. But it’s also awesome. Nothing compares to seeing your baby smile up at you and realise you’re her dad. It’s corny stuff, but it makes everything worth it. Even the mood swings. | September 2020 39
Bump, Bub and Beyond
Bump, Bub and Beyond Featured products, reviews and prizes. Visit for your chance to win!
VTech Tummy Time Discovery Pillow $39.95 - This soft friendly Tummy Time Discovery pillow provides comfortable support for your baby with 3 ways to play. The crescent-shaped pillow provides support during tummy time play as your child begins strengthening their neck muscles; supports them when they’re learning to sit on their own; and as your child grows, just pop the removable toys in your nappy bag for on-the-go entertainment. The pillow has multiple textures, patterns and colours for visual and tactile stimulation, plus removable baby-safe mirror, rattle and piano. Light-up keys on the piano introduce numbers, colours, shapes and animals, play sing-along nursery rhymes, music and tunes.
Organic Baby Nest $239.00 -
Baby Favourites Pack $56.00 - Milk & Co has three of their Baby Favourites Pack (Baby Moisturiser 150ml, Baby Bath Wash 375ml, Baby Shampoo & Conditioner 375ml) for this giveaway (RRP: $56.00 each). The Milk & Co Baby Range is suitable for young skin up to the age of 10 years old, and is especially suited for those with sensitive skin and eczema.
40 September 2020 |
The Bubnest® Baby Nest provides a healthy toxin free space for your baby to rest anywhere anytime. Let bub rest next to you whilst watching TV in the sofa, whilst having a shower, whilst grabbing some lunch, at a picnic, at a dinner party, when traveling. It’s a must for any new parent and the Nest will enable you to get some ease and your two hands back for a while. The Baby Nests are made in Brisbane out of organic materials to ensure a toxin-free space for your baby. The natural materials are all biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
Bump, Bub and Beyond
Social Development STORY Director of Operations Nicole Hanlon, Childs World Early Learning Centres From the moment we are born, we’re communicating. What starts as babbling and cooing eventually turns into full stories shared with family and friends. Social development is so important in the first few years of your child's life to set them up for a happy, successful future. Here are some ways to encourage social development in your little one.
Playing with Others Organise playdates with other young children, take them to a playground or attend a local playgroup. Not only will this help your child socialise, you as the parent get to socialise with like-minded parents too. Going to childcare is also highly beneficial as they get to meet many different children. Encouraging early friendships will gradually teach your child to share, take turns and resolve minor conflicts.
Understanding Feelings Once your tot has a firmer grasp of themselves as an individual, they’ll start to experience more complex feelings such as embarrassment. Use words to describe these emotions to help your child make sense of what they’re feeling. You can also describe the emotions your child is experiencing throughout the day (“are you feeling sad because your brother took your toy away?”) and label your own feelings too (“I’m so frustrated that I can’t find my keys”).
Stories and Games
New Dad Tip Becoming a dad will be one of the biggest events in your life. It’ll bring many life changes, both good and bad, but infinitely rewarding. Being a new dad can be daunting, but you can make it easier by being hands on from the beginning, talking to your baby as often as you can, having some one-on-one time with your little one and your partner and looking after yourself will make it all a bit easier. Don’t wait for your partner to ask, just jump in and help – and if you’re struggling to cope, seek help. Postnatal depression can affect both mums and dads.
Reading books and telling stories will help with your child’s social and language development. Imaginary play will help with their social development too, such as pretending to be a shopkeeper or a doctor.
Stay at Home Dads Fact While stay-at-home dads are not common in Australia, the numbers are on the rise. From a 2011 study conducted by the Australian Institute of Family Studies, there were approximately 68,500 families with stay-at-home dads compared to 495,600 with stay-athome mums. The numbers have been estimated to have risen to 80,000 in 2018. | September 2020 41
Top 7 Myths in Family Law Matters You are sitting around with friends talking about your separation. As well as their support, they are offering advice based on what happened to someone they know… should you take that on board? Probably not. In Family Law each case is decided according to its facts and the specific situation of the family. Just because one case was decided a certain way doesn’t mean your case will be! It’s really important to get some good advice from an expert family lawyer. In the meantime, here are some common beliefs you might have heard- proven or debunked by an expert family lawyer;
#1 - “I have a right to see my child.” - It is actually not the parent who has any rights, it is the right of the child to have a “meaningful relationship” with both parents, to the extent that fits with the child’s best interests.
#2 - “I pay child support so I should get to see my child”(or) “He/she doesn’t pay child support so why should they get to see the child.” - Whether or not a person provides financial support for a child, is but one of many considerations as to what is in a child’s best interests. The payment (or non-payment) of child support doesn’t determine what time should be spent with a child. However, the court will definitely look more favourably on a person who pays their child support.
#3 - “I have to wait 12 months before I can sort out my property settlement.” - You have to wait 12 months before you can apply for a Divorce; but otherwise you can – and should – start sorting out your property settlement as soon as you can after separation.
#4 - “He/She can’t touch my superannuation... can they?” – Yes, they can. Superannuation is an asset just like any other. Sometimes it is the biggest asset of the relationship. The court can and will make orders for it to be “split” (divided).
#5 - “I was the breadwinner so shouldn’t I get more than 50% of the property?” – When deciding a property case, the court looks at ALL the contributions made by both parties during the relationship – financial, and non -financial; and contributions of each party as homemaker and/or parent. The court makes it clear that the “homemaker” role is of equal importance to that of the breadwinner.
#6 - “If I am the one to leave the home, I will lose my entitlement.” –The person who leaves the home does not forgo their entitlement to a property settlement. What will be relevant are the financial and other contributions made by each party after separation.
#7 - “We are a defacto couple after 6 months.” In order to access the family law system, the relationship needs to be of at least 2 years duration, but there are exceptions to that rule. | September 2020 43
Expert Advice
The PakMag Experts Dr Bobby Griffin
Dr Richard Thomas
Sunbird Orthodontics
Cairns Vet Clinic
Dear Dr Bobby,
Dear Dr Richard Thomas,
Will braces break the bank? There’s no doubt that a course of orthodontic braces is a significant financial investment. However, the benefits of a fantastic smile and a healthy mouth can be life changing – it really is the gift that keeps on giving!
What is the ideal first pet for my child? Pets can be a great way to teach responsibility and empathy, but they do come with, well… responsibility! Some ideal first pets include guinea pigs,
To get maximum value for your investment see a specialist trained Orthodontist that you trust.
rats, budgerigars, and goldfish. Dogs and cats are
Most Orthodontic practices offer multiple ways to fit within your financial budget, including payment plans to spread the cost over months or even years if necessary. Health funds also contribute to the cost of orthodontic treatment.
though there are some dogs that are more difficult
4038 1036
4032 9999
probably the next step up in terms of commitment, to take care of than others. Generally, we'd advise against reptiles, hermit crabs, and more challenging fish, unless you are prepared for many years of quite involved care.
Matthew Calanna
Jana Gorski
Calanna Whole Health Pharmacy
Naturopath - Calanna Whole Health Pharmacy
Dear Matthew,
Dear Jana,
What’s the main difference between a doctor and a pharmacist?
I have a holiday planned and I don’t want to get sick! What can I do to prevent that from happening?
For any minor medical concerns, your pharmacist is always a great place to start. We can let you know if you’ll need to see a GP, who can diagnose you and help you figure out what’s wrong. You don’t need an appointment to see your pharmacist (it’s free and easily accessible too!). We can advise you as to how your medicines work, how they may affect your body and how they may interact with other medicines or supplements you may be taking along with many other things – just ask!
The dry air in aeroplanes and close proximity to others can increase the chance of getting a cold. An immune booster such as the Mario’s Immune Tonic taken in the days before and days after travelling will help you defend against viruses. Using a saline nose spray during and after your flight will also help. Make sure you’re washing your hands thoroughly, regularly and keep them away from your face. When you can’t wash your hands, use a hand sanitiser.
Calanna Whole Health Pharmacy
Calanna Whole Health Pharmacy | September 2020 45
All Things Health Men’s Health When it comes to prevention and early detection, men’s health often takes a back seat in comparison to women’s health. However, statistics show that men are more likely to drink alcohol, smoke, lead unhealthy lifestyles and have a shorter lifespan – so this needs to change! Men are more likely than women to put off routine medical check-ups and delay seeing a doctor for symptoms. Fortunately though, many health conditions can be prevented or treated if found early. The most common conditions that affect men include heart disease and testicular, prostate and colon cancer.
Interesting Facts about Adolescence Puberty occurs at a different time for everyone, but usually between the ages of 8 and 13 for girls, and between 9 and 14 for boys.
Mental health is another common issue that is often overlooked. Women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with a mental health problem, while men make up an average of six out of every eight suicides every day in Australia. It’s just as important for men as it is for women to break down the stigma and talk to loved ones or medical professionals if you are not feeling like yourself. On top of getting any unusual symptoms checked out and seeing the doctor for regular check-ups, it’s important to eat a healthy diet, limit alcohol intake, quit smoking and exercise regularly.
Migraine Stick from Mario’s Range Mario’s Migraine Stick blends a beautiful combination of three 100% essential oils which include Bergamot, Peppermint and Vetiver. These three oils are traditionally used in aromatherapy to relieve stress, tension and pain. Jojoba oil is present in this blend, meaning its light texture is perfect for being used on facial skin along with other benefits. The Migraine Stick has been packaged so you can carry it on you at all times, for use whenever you feel a pesky headache coming on. To use, simply rub a small amount of the combination into the temples. Available at Calanna Wholehealth Pharmacies. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare professional.
Consult your local health practitioner, doctor or pharmacist for advice on these topics first to ensure the best health outcomes.
Most teens don’t get enough sleep. That one might be obvious, but teens need more sleep than you probably think. In fact, they need about eight to 10 hours per night to function best. Social media and mobile phone usage has increased drastically over the last few years. In 2012, only 41 per cent of teenagers had a smartphone, compared to 89 per cent of teens in 2018. | September 2020 47
All Things Health Health Benefits of Walnuts To say that this brain-shaped nut is nutritious is somewhat of an understatement. Walnuts carry a huge number of benefits for your health, and you should definitely be eating more of them. Rich in antioxidants – Walnuts have a higher antioxidant content than any other common nut, which may prevent oxidative damage of the LDL (“bad”) cholesterol.
Natural Remedies for Head Lice Head lice are pesky little bugs, and getting rid of them can be a frustrating ordeal. Thankfully, there are a number of natural remedies available that may help.
Source of omega-3 – They contain a high level of omega-3, an essential fat that may help lower your risk of heart disease. May help reduce cancer risk – The polyphenols in walnuts may help reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as prostate, breast and colorectal cancers. May help lower blood pressure – Some studies suggest that eating 28 grams of walnuts daily (as part of a heart-healthy diet), may help lower blood pressure. Supports good brain function – Funnily enough, the brainy-looking walnut can have benefits for your brain. Research has shown that eating walnuts may help reduce oxidative damage and inflammation to your brain. Walnuts are very healthy and easy to add to your diet. Try adding them to salads, cookies, muffins, pastas, smoothies, chutney or pesto. When crushed up, they are easy to sneak into your kids’ diets, too.
Essential oils – Tea tree, lavender, clove, eucalyptus and peppermint oil have all been shown to be effective. A few drops of oil diluted with a carrier oil, then rubbed through your child’s hair and combed out can do wonders. Vinegar – While vinegar doesn’t kill lice, it’s very effective at removing nits (head lice eggs). Mix one-part vinegar with one-part water and use as a rinse. The vinegar will break down the gluelike substance that makes the nits stick to the hair. Garlic – Head lice hate garlic, so if you don’t mind the smell, it’s a great way to get rid of them. Lime juice and 8-10 minced garlic cloves grinded into a paste can be applied to your child’s scalp. Let it stay for 30 minutes and rinse, and all the lice should be dead.
48 September 2020 |
Consult your local health practitioner, doctor or pharmacist for advice on these topics first to ensure the best health outcomes.
All Things Tweens and Teens
Let’s Talk Teen Hygiene STORY Kalisha Fitsch Puberty brings a lot of changes with it, including body odour. This means a little bit of adjustment to the hygiene routine they may be accustomed to. Why is hygiene important? Firstly, it’s a nice feeling to be clean. However, it’s necessary to be clean in order to function socially. Generally speaking, you expect the person you’re interacting with to be clean (whether they are a friend or a colleague), and it reduces our risk of catching disease.
The Basics So, what does good teen hygiene look like? Generally speaking, teens should shower every day (maybe twice a day depending on the weather and their lifestyle), and wash your hair every other day. Use deodorant or antiperspirant before heading out for the day and re-apply as needed. Wear clean underwear and socks every day, and brush your teeth twice a day. Washing your face daily will (hopefully) help keep acne at a low, and some teens may also express interest in learning how to shave. However, these are just general guidelines; your teen may need to adjust this routine to suit them. For instance, if they have dry skin, they may need to moisturise; or if they have greasy hair, they may choose to use dry shampoo to keep it looking fresh in between washes. If they have braces, they’ll have to adjust their oral hygiene routine to keep their braces clean.
Encouraging Good Hygiene Be a Good Role Model Start young, as children learn by observing. Be sure to practice good hygiene habits from a young age, and continue this into their teenage years. Help Them Your teen may still need your help, even if they don’t show it. Offer to help them if they ask for it. Show them how to use deodorant and how often, and show them how to safely shave if they show interest in learning. Look into Skin Care Skin care can be a tough code to crack. What works for one person may not work for another, and acne can have detrimental effects on a teen’s self-esteem. Encourage your teen to try out a variety of different routines to see what works for their skin, and consider where their skin type is oily, dry or a combination of the two. Discourage them from picking at pimples or blackheads, as this can make it worse. It’s Different for Girls and Boys Girls need to know how to manage their periods and how often to change their pad or tampon, and both girls and boys need to learn how to clean their genitals. It’s likely that the topic will be an awkward one for them to discuss, so remember to be prepared for any question that may come your way. | September 2020 51
All Things Tweens and Teens
All Things Tweens & Teens How To Be A Great Role Model Teenagers need positive role models in their lives with all the negativity they are exposed to over adolescence. As the parent, it’s important you’re the best role model you can be to them as they will spend time with you regularly. The stronger your relationship with your teenager is, the more influence you’ll have.
Device Usage Research shows that Aussie teens average 3.3 hours of social media use per day, with total average screen time in excess of six hours daily. While screen time can be useful and engaging in terms of researching projects, video calling with friends and family and being creative, a lot of it consists of endless scrolling through social media feeds, which isn’t healthy.
You can be an awesome role model by working towards your own goals, showing honesty, admitting when you are wrong, showing compassion towards others, learning healthy coping skills to get through challenges, having an optimistic outlook on life and using your problem-solving skills. It’s also a good idea to show an interest in your teen’s interests and get to know their friends to strengthen your bond.
You can help your teen disconnect by encouraging a morning routine (so they don’t look at their phone first thing in the morning), encouraging an evening routine (reading is great at helping you wind down), avoid sleeping with your phone next to your bed and keeping busy. Pick up a new hobby that doesn’t involve using your phone, such as cooking, drawing or scrapbooking. It’s also a good idea to delete any social media apps you don’t love and leaving your phone in another room (for instance when you’re having dinner or socialising with visiting family).
WIN a Kooki U Emma Makeup Kit Kooki U prides itself on bringing you the most natural makeup possible. Australian Made, mineral makeup and they do not test on animals. The Kooki U Emma makuep kit includes Mineral Cream Eyeshadow, Shimmery Lip Gloss and Makeup Applicators presented in their gorgeous Kooki U Makeup Tin. Perfect for young faces and kids who want to play and experiment with makeup. For more details check out WIN a Kooki U Emma Makuep Kit worth $34.95! Visit for your chance to win!
52 September 2020 |
School Holiday Guide
School Holiday Guide Art Classes at Cairns Regional Gallery Still Life Drawing with Yixy for kids 7 – 10 years, 22 September, 10.00am. Still Life Drawing with Yixy for teens 11 – 14 years, 22 September, 1.00am. Botanical Drawing and Painting with Heather Koowootha for kids 8 – 12 years, 24 September, 10.00am. Tropical Collage with Hayley Gillespie for kids 5 – 7 years, 28 Sept, 10.00am. Under the Sea Painting with Hayley Gillespie for kids 8 – 13 years, 28 September, 1.00pm. Tropical T -shirt with Hayley Gillespie for kids 5 – 8 years, 29 September, 10.00pm. Tropical T -shirt with Hayley Gillespie for teens 9 – 13 years, 29 September, 1.00pm. Landscape Painting with Jim Rea for kids 10 – 14 years, 30 September, 10.00am. Cost: Prices vary for each class and depending on whether you are a member. Visit the website to learn more. A 40 Abbott St, Cairns City P 0421 106 462 E
Cairns Aquarium The adventure begins at Cairns Aquarium. The only aquarium in the world exclusively dedicated to the habitats and species of Tropical North Queensland. It’s a great way to keep the kids learning these school holidays in the most fun way possible. The best part? Locals receive a 20 per cent discount year-round on general admission prices!
There are tickets available for adults, children, families (2A + 2C) and even an annual pass for 12 months admission. A 5 Florence St, Cairns City P 4044 7300 Cairns Aquarium
Cairns Libraries Check out Baby Rhyme Time, a recurring event, for song singing, action rhymes, the opportunity to explore books and nurture your baby’s language, literacy, social skills and more. Storytime is another recurring event for pre-school aged children to encourage a love for books and help develop their early social and literacy skills. The sessions usually have themes and can involve movement and rhymes along with the stories. Visit the website for times, locations and more. A Smithfield, City, Earlville, Stratford, Manunda,
Cairns Night Markets There’s something for the whole family at Cairns Night Markets, with so many stalls offering souvenirs, clothing, arts, crafts, homewares, skincare products, jewellery and much more. You can enjoy the markets after dinner as they’re open late, or go there for dinner – they always have delicious food and desserts. Open daily from 4.30pm – 10.30pm (food courts open daily at 11.00am). A 71 – 575 The Esplanade, Cairns P 4051 7666 Night Markets
We have done our best to ensure all events and information was correct at the time of going to print. Please check with individual businesses and authorities during these uncertain times. | September 2020 55
School Holiday Guide
Cairns Ice Skating Rink The Cairns Ice Skating Rink will be open daily during the school holidays so get your long socks on and get ready to slide! Test your skating skills or have a casual outing with the family or friends with sessions starting from 9.30am – 11.00am, 11.30am to 1.00pm, 1.30pm – 3.00pm and lastly 3.30pm – 5.00pm. Tobogganing is also available. Cost: From $5.00. No bookings required. A DFO Cairns, 274 Mulgrave Rd, Westcourt P 0437 929 373
DFO Cairns Cupcake Decorating Workshop Monday 21 September – Friday 25 September, 11am - 1pm daily *Option to create in our workshops or take it home. No bookings required. Lasertag Tournament Monday 28 September – Friday 2 October, 4pm daily *Bookings required, keep an eye on the DFO Facebook page for the link. A 274 Mulgrave Rd, Westcourt P 4051 7444
A 343 Sheridan St, Cairns North P 0439 897 776 Edu-Kingdom College Cairns
FNQ Dance Academy Classes are available for ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary, hip hop, acrobatics, and singing! Suitable from two years of age to adults. They have great classes for beginners, including Playdance for 2 – 3 year olds, Babies Ballet for 3 – 4 year olds, and a junior class for budding male dancers. Cost: From $11.50 (30 min class). Family discounts are available: 50% off third child, 4th child free. A 168 Draper St, Cairns City P 4051 4888 E FNQ Dance Academy
Hartley’s Crocodiles Adventures Visit Hartley’s for an adventure you’ll never forget, with a choice of the crocodile and snake shows, plus MUCH more. Between the shows you can stroll the 2500 metres of pathways and boardwalks that will take you through Melaleuca Wetlands, Eucalypt, Woodland and Riverine rainforest.
Cazalys Kids Club
Cost: $41.00 Adults, $20.50 Children, $102.50 Family (2A + 2C)
Cazalys FREE Kids Club is Open! The room is unsupervised but a great escape to enjoy a coffee or a meal while watching the kids enjoy what’s on offer. The room is decked out with PlayStation and Nintendo stations for the older kids, with large tv screens and a playground which will keep the little ones busy for hours.
A Hartleys Crocodile Adventures – Captain Cook Hwy, Wangetti P 4055 3576 E Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures
A 344 Mulgrave Rd, Westcourt Cairns P 4045 1464 E
Edu-Kingdom College Cairns Edu-Kingdom specialise in tutoring services for students from Year 1 to 12 for any topic, from calculus to power writing. The professional tutors have years of experience as well as a range of teaching styles, ensuring your child will leave prepared for school and a life of learning. Visit the website for all of the information you need regarding courses, assessments, and more.
Inflatable Kingdom Experience two and a half hours of action-packed fun on TEN massive jumping castles, inflatable obstacle courses, and games. Use the sports court and ball pit to get out all your child’s energy for the day - they’ll have the absolute best time! Cost: $10.00 for children aged five and under and $17.00 for children six and over. Online bookings will save 10 percent off entry price. Don’t forget your socks! A 164 Mayers St, Manunda P 4032 2844 Inflatable Kingdom
We have done our best to ensure all events and information was correct at the time of going to print. Please check with individual businesses and authorities during these uncertain times. | September 2020 57
School Holiday Guide
iPlay Cairns
Lake Eacham Tourist Park
Come in for holiday fun at iPlay Cairns, where they have great deals with play packs and load bonus deals. There is no age limit for the great arcades, whether you're a little kid or a very grown-up kid, they’ll have something for everyone. Games include Wizard of Oz, Jurassic Park, Dark Escape, Quik Drop and much more. Sun-Wed 9 am - 9 pm. Thu-Sat 9 am - 10 pm
The park is complete with family cabins and camping sites (powered), kitchen and BBQ, and an open campfire to roast marshmallows with the kids while camping. It’s surrounded by beautiful rainforest and the perfect place for a relaxing family getaway as you can go to the lake less than 10 minutes away.
Cost: Varies, see website.
A 198 Lakes Dr, Lake Eacham P 4095 3730
A Cairns Central Shopping Centre P 4243 3209 E
Lake Tinaroo Holiday Park
Jamie Gosling Football Clinics Start the school holidays on the right foot by learning and improving your soccer skills with the JGFA clinics. Clinics are every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during the school holidays. Learn skills, techniques, enjoy competitions, all while having fun and making new friends! Whether at a beginner, intermediate or advanced level, all boys and girls aged 5 – 16 years old are welcome to join. Places are limited so register online now! A Hollaways Beach Sporting Complex P 0450 181 626 Jamie
If you’re looking to revitalise in paradise, gather the family and head to the gorgeous King Reef Resort at Kurrimine Beach. Explore all day, swim in the tranquil ocean or pool, build sandcastles on the beach and return to relax with a gorgeous sunset view from your beachfront shack. You can also hire a family pedal bike, go fishing, and more – the possibilities are endless.
58 September 2020 |
These school holidays, Lake Tinaroo Holiday Park will be abuzz with all the excitement of Spring. We'll have Crazy Bron return for Saturday morning face painting for guests, as well as live music by the camp fire on Saturday evenings. Come Stay & Play for some good old-fashioned holiday fun. Cost: FREE (for guests) from $95.00 / night accommodation A 4-28 Tinaroo Falls Dam Road, Tinaroo P 4095 8232 E
King Reef Resort
A 75 Jacobs Rd, Kurrimine Beach P 4065 6144 E King Reef Resort
Cost: From $24.00 for two people (unpowered site).
Bring your games to life with 90 minutes of laser tag for $25.00/player. Sessions are strictly limited to allow for safe social distancing rules. Sessions start at 10.00am, 12.00pm, 2.00pm or 4.00pm every day during school holidays. Minimum contact, Maximum fun! Bookings ESSENTIAL. Anyone over the age of 6 is welcome to play! A T1, DFO Shopping Centre, 274 Mulgrave Rd, Westcourt P 4031 9865 E LaserfunCairns
We have done our best to ensure all events and information was correct at the time of going to print. Please check with individual businesses and authorities during these uncertain times.
School Holiday Guide
Little Pearls Swim School
Paradise Palms
Little Pearls Swim School has passionate and caring instructors ready to guide your baby and child through their swimming journey. Offering uniquely small class sizes, an award-winning program and a gentle filtration system perfect for sensitive skin. The swimming program is developed around child development principles and gentle techniques.
Treat the family to 18 holes of fun for all ages on their mini golf course, or let the kids run free on the amazing 2-acre adventure playground, complete with slippery slide, climbing frame and the hugely-popular 21-metre bouncing pillow!
Contact the Little Pearls Swim School team for information on pricing. A 1 Cumberland Ave, Smithfield P 4038 1241 E Little Pearls Swim School
Mt Sheridan Plaza Build a Bear Workshops - A FURbulous experience at Mt Sheridan Plaza where you can bring to life their very own Lil Cub by participating in a fun heart ceremony! Clothes and accessories will also be available and sold separately. Once you’ve customised the look of your new teddy bear, you can bring it to life with scents, make a wish and add a heart - a Build-A-Bear Workshop trademark. Cost: $7.00 per bear. Sessions run for one hour, every 30 minutes from 9.00am - 3.00pm. Places are limited so book online now! Zoo to You - Zoo to You will transform Centre Court to life, enjoy this engaging educational and entertaining wildlife experience. Learn fun facts with the entertaining team, who will take delight in teaching you about each animal's amazing ecological story. After all every animal has a job to do! The Wild Action shows are nestled into centre court with 5 shows daily at 10:00am, 10:30am, 11:00am, 11:30am and 12.00pm. Bookings are essential due to Covid Restrictions, book online. A 106 Barnard Dr, Mt Sheridan P 4036 3150 Mt Sheridan Plaza
Nukzu Muay Thai This small family-run gym teaches a variety of classes for ages 6 years and up, at any fitness level. Classes include, Muay Thai based fitness, circuit based HIIT, yoga, and much more. They aim to make you fit, fast, and can help fighters improve their techniques or learn more about the art of Muay Thai itself. It’s always a good time to start going to this gym! A Shed 4, 39 Cannon St, Manunda P 0415 331 262 Laura P 0449 026 280 Boy E
A Paradise Palms Dr, Kewarra Beach P 4059 9922 E Paradise Palms Cairns
Sandcastle Comp at Kurrimine Beach Holiday Park Visit Kurrimine beach these holidays and make sure to get your building skills ready in the meantime for an intense sandcastle competition on 27 September. There are also a number of accommodation options available at the park if you’re after a little getaway, plus a pool and great on-site café. Phone in to check availability and book. Register for the competition at the park’s reception. A 9 Coyle St, Kurrimine Beach P 4065 6166 E
Live, Interactive Workshops Online at Stockland There are live and interactive online workshops these holidays including animation, coding, arts, science and more! Online bookings open from 14 September, limited spaces available. In addition, you’ll find everything the family could want at Stockland, from specialist shops and great sales, to the delicious food court with a play area right next to it for the kids to enjoy. A 537 Mulgrave Rd, Earlville P 4054 3066 Stockland Cairns
Table Tennis Cairns Table tennis is easy to get into and heaps of fun for all ages. They have social play, practice, coaching and regular fixtures all available for people of all skill levels, for adults and juniors (under 18 years). The club has plenty of bats available for you to use free of charge. Cost: $7.00 adult non-members, $5 members / $7.00 junior non-members, $4.00 members. Visit the website for membership prices and more general information. A 99 Sheridan St, Cairns City P 4051 6825 Table Tennis Cairns
We have done our best to ensure all events and information was correct at the time of going to print. Please check with individual businesses and authorities during these uncertain times. | September 2020 61
School Holiday Guide
The Young Company
Cost: $31.00 Adults, $15.00 Children.
Your young performer will discover their electrifying creative abilities through the four-day, fun and explorative school holidays programs. They will leave with new confidence, problem solving skills, improved acting skills, and knowledge on the essentials of stage performance. Teachers are enthusiastic and passionate.
A 6 Broadway, Herberton P 4034 3404 Historic Village Herberton
You can view the timetable for 2020 online and email them for any questions.
Get out and explore the Daintree Rainforest this school holidays at the Daintree Discovery Centre. Its elevated tree top walks offers a unique rainforest experience. Take on the 23 metre high canopy tower, or the ancient Jurassic Forest, featuring life size animatronic dinosaurs that will delight the kids. Or why not experience a world where tiny creatures rule? Inspect our fascinating live Jungle Bug display and learn about how important they are in keeping our ecosystems healthy.
A 169 Bunda St, Cairns City P 4041 4066 E The Young Company Theatre – TYC
Daintree Discovery Centre
Wuchopperen’s Children and Family Centre offers a range of programs, including Read and Play, Parenting Under Pressure, Playgroup, Come Yarn and Craft and more. All these are beneficial and young children will enjoy the playgroups full of fun activities.
Cost: $90.00 (Family)
A 6 Moignard St, Manoora P 4080 1000 A 7 Stokes St, Edmonton P 4040 3100 E
Kick Academy FNQ Clinics These school holiday clinics are packed full of fun games, skills, and personal development, for both girls and boys alike. Your footy mad kids will not only get exercise but will gain a deeper understanding of AFL. No Kick Academy FNQ membership required. Ages 6+ welcome.
Historic Village Herberton Australia’s mining, timber and farming heritage lives again at the Historic Village Herberton. Spend some quality time with family and friends exploring the collection featuring more than 60 original buildings, each housing an extensive display of memorabilia. With quirky Australian collectibles, olden day machinery, vehicles and thousands of genuine antique items, the Village is regarded as one of the most significant outdoor museums in Australia and a whole lot of fun too.
62 September 2020 |
A Turn off, Tulip Oak Road, Cape Tribulation Rd, Cow Bay P 40989171
Week one: Monday 21 September – Wednesday 23, 8.30am – 2.00pm. Week two: Wednesday 30 September – Friday 2 October, 8.30am – 2.00pm A Centrals Junior AFL Club, Trinity Beach E Kick Academy FNQ
We have done our best to ensure all events and information was correct at the time of going to print. Please check with individual businesses and authorities during these uncertain times.
Get Out and About Cairns Airport IRONMAN AsiaPacific Championship Cairns and IRONMAN 70.3 Cairns Get set for all the Ironman action on September 27. If you’re not competing, you can support those that are, simply head to and check out the supporters guide. You can also download the IRONMAN Oceania App from the App Store or Google Play- for everything you need to know including tracking athletes and the leaderboard throughout the course. A Palm Cove, Cairns and Port Douglas
Banff Mountain Film Festival This three-hour film festival tour celebrates the mountain and adventure sport world, 7. 00pm, Thursday 10th Sept at CPAC. It will be showing intense and exhilarating short films from mountain bikers, explorers, climbers, skiers and more, from all around the world, allowing you to visit some of the wildest corners of the world through awesome cinematography. Tickets: From $24.00. A CPAC Theatre, 9 – 11 Florence St, Cairns City P 1300 855 835 E
Anh Do, The Happiest Refugee Alive
Hayride. Book online now!
Wonderland Under the Stars
Cost: $39.95 per adult, $29.95 per kid (4 – 11 years). Price includes food and one free beer for dad. Smaller kids meals are available for $10.00 (nuggets or fish and chips). For something extra special you can also add a 300g Wagyu Steak for $49.00.
This event will provide all of the live entertainment you could ask for with music, world class circus and more, all under the beautiful tropical skies of Port Douglas. Over the weekend of September 10th – 13th, you can experience the music and magic all while social distancing in the outdoors. Busby Marou will be performing live Friday and Saturday nights with opening act Lady Valiant.
A 112 Barnwell Rd, Kuranda P 1300 587 269 E
Special Father’s Day Lunch Treat your dad to a special lunch at Trinity Beach Sports Club where he can choose between a Chef’s Special or Carvery along with a chocolate mud cake – and all for just $22.00! Dads will receive a complimentary beer as well as a special gift. All dads dining will be entered to win a wheelbarrow of goodies! Lunch starts at 12.00pm and ends at 3.00pm. A 1 Nautilus St, Trinity Beach P 4057 6478 E
Father’s Day Breakfast Start your dad’s day right with a delicious special breakfast on Father’s Day at Cazalys. Barassis are offering a breakfast on Father’s Day, 6 September from 8.00am – 11.00am. Or, he can grab a full rack of smokey BBQ pork ribs for only $32.90!
Based on his book ‘The Happiest Refugee’, Anh Do returns with his smash hit stage show on September 23. It combines comedy with videos and photos that tell his amazing story of his escape on a boat to Australia from war-torn Vietnam.
Bookings are essential.
Tickets: From $59.90.
South Cairns Sports Club
A CPAC Theatre, 9 – 11 Florence St, Cairns City P 1300 855 835 E
Father’s Day BBQ KUR-Cow Barnwell Farm are hosting a Father’s Day BBQ to give dads a special day of beers, slow cooked meats and live music on Sunday 6 September from 10.30am – 3.00pm. You will also gain entry to the Horse Stables, Mini Animal Farm and
A 344 Mulgrave Rd, Westcourt P 4054 1464 E
Your next meal at Souths could win you a brand new car! Simply spend $20.00 to be entered and the winner will be drawn on Friday 9 October. You don’t even need to be present to be a winner. On top of this, there are a whopping 10 x $100.00 fuels cards available. T&Cs apply. A 57 – 59 Robert Rd, Bentley Park P 4045 2107 South Cairns Sports Club
Please check with individual businesses before visiting during these uncertain times.
Family Fun Day will take place from 12.00pm – 2.00pm on 13th September with free entertainment. Tickets: From $20.00. On sale right now so get in quick! A Wharf St, Rex Smeal Park, Port Douglas P 0402 499 798
Big Boys Toys Expo This is the ultimate boating, fishing, camping, caravan and 4 x 4 Adventure Show. Check out all the ‘Toys’ and be entertained by Jake Johns, Australia’s No.1 Jet Pack Stuntman, and Eljay - The motorcross stuntshow with danger and comedy all rolled into one. See what's NEW in the camping outdoor world, as well as the latest cars, bikes, boats and ATV's. Plenty of hot rods, muscle cars and vintage / classic cars to view. 12 – 13 September. This is a family friendly event with entertainment suitable for all ages. Plus, their very own Food Truck Rumble to keep you satisfied. Cost: Adult $16.75, Child (6yrs +) $6.25, Concession / Senior $11.50, Child 5yrs and under- FREE, Persons with disability and Carer – FREE. Family Pass (2 Adults and 2 Children) $37.75 Book Online A Barlow Park, Scott St and Severin St
Targa Great Barrier Reef Event Targa is bringing its unique form of motorsport and intensity to Cairns on September 4th – 6th. This tarmac rally is MADE for those motoring enthusiasts out there who are ready to compete and take their car through beautiful - but technically challenging - roads. Visit the website for details. P 6144 9500 E | September 2020 65
Get Out and About 7 Cairns Marathon Virtual Run Although the usual 7 Cairns Marathon has been cancelled, a virtual run festival is taking its place on September 19 – 20 to bring the community together. Get the sneakers ready and run for a reason - with entries fees being donated to Ronald McDonald House Charities North Australia. You can design your own dream course and pick your distance, from 2km all the way to 42.2km. Cost: $35.00 registration for all distances. P 5445 1711 E Cairns Marathon
With Triple M’s Elliott
playing in the Prep playground. The event is free but you must register online. A 50 – 60 Cowley St, Kamerunga P 4039 9000
FREE Virtual Scientific Expedition The Australian Museum and the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney are inviting all children aged 5 – 15 to join this virtual quest. It will explore areas of science, from earth and animals to technology and space. There will be expert panel discussions with huge names in Australian Science, The Living Laboratory 360 degree virtual tour, games, science shows, and more – all until September 15! Find out more and register online.
Prep Open Days at Peace Lutheran College
Super Cardiac Challenge 2020
Ever wonder what really goes on in a Prep classroom? Why not come and experience Prep classes in action on Tuesday 15th & Wednesday 16th September 2020 at 9:00am. You can discover what it is that makes a Peace Preppie love coming to school. Talk with the Principal and Head of School over refreshments while your child has fun
The Cardiac Challenge is a fundraising event where cyclists get up close and personal with the beautiful but challenging terrain of Far North Queensland, raising money for the Far North Queensland Hospital Foundation. They will cycle from Cairns to Cooktown from September 19th – 21st. Registrations have closed, but you can donate online or sponsor a participant.
A Cairns through to Cooktown P 4226 6663 E
Smokey Blue Rally with Moyamoya Australia Moyamoya Australia will be having The Smokey Blue Rally event on the 3 – 5 October, a long weekend. It will celebrate Jed’s 17th Birthday, a young boy with Moyamoya disease, and raise funds and awareness. Vehicles will travel throughout Tablelands' towns in search of treasure (tokens). Collect the tokens along the way and you could win some prizes! Undara will be the last stop, where you can spend the evening enjoying live music. A Atherton Tablelands P Nicola Baker 0417 929 382 P Wayne Missingham 0421 734 405. E Smokey Blue Rally
Regular Markets Rusty's Markets Date: Every Friday and Saturday Time: 5.00am - 6.00pm Date: Every Sunday Time: 5.00am - 3.00pm Location: 57 - 89 Grafton St, City
Palm Cove Markets Date: 1st Sunday of the month April to December Time: 8.00am – 2.00pm Location: Williams Esplanade
Malanda Marketst Date: 3rd Saturday of the month Time: From 7.00am - 12.30pm Location: Malanda Showgrounds
Mossman Community Markets Date: Every Saturday Time: 7.00am - 1.00pm Location: 3 - 5 Foxton Ave, Mossman
Holloways Beach Markets Date: 2nd Sunday of the month
With Triple M’s Mark
Time: From 8.00am - 1.00pm Location: Holloways Beachfront
Location: Tanks Art Centre, Collins Avenue, Edge Hill
Mount Sheridan Plaza Markets
Yungaburra Markets
Date: 2nd Sunday of the month, excluding Aug and Nov. Time: From 9.00am - 3.00pm Location: Mount Sheridan Plaza
Ravenshoe Markets Date: 2nd Sunday of the month Time: 7.00am - 12 noon Location: Archers Creek Rest Area, Kennedy Highway
Atherton Lions Club Indoor Markets
Date: 4th Saturday of the month (3rd Sunday in Dec) Time: From 7.30am - 12.30pm Location: Bruce Jones Park
Gordonvale Cottage Markets Date: 1st Saturday of the month Time: 7.00am - 12 noon Location: Norman Park, Gordonvale
Kuranda Original Rainforest Markets
Date: Every 2nd Sunday of the Month Time: From 7.00am - 12 noon Location: Merriland Hall (Robert St)
Date: Open every day excluding Tuesday and Wednesday Time: 9.30am - 3.00pm Location: 13 Therwine St
Tanks Art Centre Markets
Kuranda Heritage Markets
Date: Last Sunday of the month (Apr to Nov excluding Aug) Time: From 9.00am - 2.00pm
Date: Open Thursday to Sunday Time: 10.00am - 3.00pm Location: 2 Rob Veivers Dr
Please check with individual businesses before visiting during these uncertain times.
66 September 2020 |
Tolga Markets Date: 1st Sunday of the month Time: 7.30am - 12 noon Location: Morrow Park Racecourse
Herberton Markets Date: 3rd Sunday of the month Time: From 7.30am - 12 noon Location: Wondecla Showgrounds
Night Markets Date: Partially Opening on 10th July Time: 4.30pm - 10.30pm Location: 71 - 75 The Esplanade
Port Douglas Markets Date: Every Sunday Time: From 8.00am - 2.00pm Location: Market Park
Mount Sheridan Plaza Community Markets Date: September 13 Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Location: Mt Sheridan Plaza, 106 Barnard Drive Mt Sheridan