PakMag Cairns - December 2022 Issue 186

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186 ISSUE: DEC 2022 CAIRNS Parents and Kids Magazine FREE The Mumma Bear Attachment Find Out What’s On in the Community Jobs of The 44 School Holiday Activity Guide FAMILY How to Dissolve CONFLICT Lift-Out Kids Activity Mag Inside Massive Christmas Giveaways! 2023 Extracurricular Activities and Hobbies 7 Things Parent’s Need to Know About Money Eat, Drink and Be Merry with Christmas Recipes Your Local Eat, Play, Stay Guide Activities to Build This Christmas CLOSENESS 12 & CONNECTION FUTURE

PakMag Founder and Editor-in-Chief

Bree James

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Merry Christmas! I cannot believe 2022 is basically done and dusted.

If this year was a Christmas gift, it was either the gift you’ve been wanting and you loved it, it was a mix of precious items and a few pairs of ugly socks, or it was the type of gift you’d love to return but you can’t. Whichever one applies to you, December is a time for deep reflection to evaluate what you want to do more of, less of, and banish for good in 2023. This activity is wonderful to do with family members, so get some paper, draw three columns with ‘more’, ‘less’, and ‘banish‘ and see what everyone writes. It could be things, feelings, or habits; you can put whatever feels right for you.

This edition covers lots of helpful ideas to help you build closeness with your family. Whether that is through our Check It Out Guide, School Holiday Guide, Christmas themed activities, or advice on how to dissolve family conflict with the amazing Dr Demartini, there is a lot of gold in this edition.

My team and my family have had a rollercoaster of a year and we are certainly looking forward to a well deserved break.

Thanks so much for all of the amazing support from our advertisersit’s been a tough year for many of us in business, so please spend wisely and support local businesses where you can. Thank you also to you, our readers, we are so grateful for your support.

Wishing you and your family an amazing end of 2022, and we look forward to supporting your family’s journey more than ever in 2023.

Have a wonderful, safe, and connected festive season, and remember to tell everyone you read it in PakMag.

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PakMag would like to acknowledge the First Nations people of the Yirrganydji, Djabugay, Buluwai, Yidinji, Gunggandji, Muluridji, Kuku Yalanji, Jirrbal, Wanyurr Majay, Ngadjon-ji (Choorechillum), Mamu, Djiru and Gulngay clans of Far North Queensland; the first storytellers and Traditional Custodians of all the lands on which we work, live and enjoy. We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging.

Disclaimer: No part of this magazine, including the advertisements within it may be reproduced, in part or in whole without the expressed permission of the editor. Whilst the greatest of care is taken to ensure that the information in the magazine is correct at the time of going to press, readers are advised to check details before visiting. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. The ideas expressed within PakMag are not necessarily the views of the publishers, but those of individual writers. We have done our best to ensure all events and information was correct at the time of going to print. Please check with individual businesses and authorities.

Net distribution per issue: 10,000.

Please keep this issue for future reference, pass onto your friends and family, use for craft projects or place into the recycling bin.

families f i

| December 2022 3
5 The Thing Is 6 Build Closeness and Connection 8 Exploring STEAM This Christmas 11 How to Dissolve Family Conflict 15 Learn Through Art, Community, Creativity and Sharing 17 7 Things Parents Need to Know Right Now About Money 21 Bites and Stings 25 All Things Health 29 The Mumma Bear Attachment 30 Bump, Bub and Beyond 33 Mini Mag 36 Mega Christmas Giveaway 39 Christmas Recipes 41 Your Local Eat, Play, Stay Guide 45 School Holiday Guide 51 44 Jobs of the Future 55 Powering Potential with Self-Belief 56 All Things Tweens and Teens 59 Daddy Diary 60 Check It Out 64 Community Noticeboard 66 Parent’s Puzzle

The Thing Is with Bree James

If you’re listening to nice, normal Christmas carols, check on your friends with boys. We’re stuck listening to ‘Rudolf the Butt-Nosed Reindeer’, ‘Poop the Halls’, and ‘Jingle Bells Batman Smells’ on repeat. If it was us changing the words to songs, I think it would be “Jingle Bells, what’s that smell, please stop talking back, it’s that time when we lose our minds, and the Elf On The Shelf is back - HELP!”

The thing is, our kids think that Christmas time is our favourite time of year because Santa takes care of everything and we can sit back and relax. But… the reality is that there is so much to think about this time of year that it’s no wonder we accidently put our keys in the freezer and forget to pick up our kids on time. Or that we end up ordering five large bags of coffee beans instead of one because ordering online while rushing around is a recipe for disaster. Our kids don’t make it any easier either as their end of year tiredness kicks in and gets fuelled with too many treats from social gatherings. A foolproof mix that ensures more frequent meltdowns. Our children’s moods become as unpredictable as the weather in Melbourne, with four seasons in one day. Add to that the summer heat, a few power outs and some inlaws visiting… it’s the opposite of a relaxing December.

My kids have asked me what I want for Christmas, to which I replied “I just want you to get along, not argue and for us to have a lovely day together.” So yes, I have now 95% transformed into my own mother... where treetops glisten AND CHILDREN LISTEN is really all we want for Christmas boys and girls.

Nevertheless, despite the madness, I do love Christmas. It’s a wonderful time to be together with family and friends and celebrate another end of year. But I also feel that with every passing year, I am getting more “Grinchy”. No matter how much I try to be organised, Christmas Eve is the day where I, like many parents, come face-to-face with how much I haven’t cleaned, cooked or wrapped.

So whatever your plans are this Christmas, I hope you make some beautiful memories, and remember the

six days between Christmas and New Year is one of the best times of year where you should strive to do absolutely nothing. Make zero progress and go on a holiday from your holiday, you deserve it!

At this hectic time of year it becomes abundantly clear that getting more clarity in our lives is important, and that once the dust has settled, we need time to reflect, revive and rise. Taking time out is tricky, but so important. This is why I run My Vision Voyage Retreats. There are three retreats running in 2023, and each is tailored specifically for those undertaking the voyage. Head to for more information. Book now as numbers are limited.

Thrive and Dive is a retreat for leaders and business owners who want to work smarter not harder. Co-hosted by my brother Scotty Schindler who is the Founder of Renet, an international brand and company that managed over $1.125 Trillion Dollars in real estate across Australia and New Zealand. This retreat will be diving deep into you as a leader, your business, and the ocean. It’s held from the 25th - 28th of January on The Great Barrier Reef. This retreat includes obtaining Padi Open Water Dive Certification and 9 dives for those currently not certified. If you are already dive certified you will participate in 11 dives.

Reset Retreat is for women who are feeling pulled to improve their life. It’s held in Mission Beach from the 2nd - 5th of June, and is perfect for those who need ‘me time’ and want some clarity and a plan for the future.

Strategise and Energise Retreat is for leaders and business owners who want to re-energise themselves and their business and plan strategies to achieve their goals personally and professionally. It’s held in Mission Beach from the 23rd - 26th August.

BreeScan for more info on the Vision Voyage Retreats

• | December 2022 5 The Thing Is

12 Activities to Build Closeness and Connection this Christmas

STORY The PakMag Team

We’re all familiar with the rush and busyness of the silly season, and sometimes we juggle so many things that our family takes a back seat. So, this year, the PakMag team shares 12 activities that build closeness and show appreciation for each other. Some can even be used as presents, freeing up your time while creating lasting memories; a double win!

1. Personalise Surprise Christmas Cards

Organise as many christmas cards as you have family members in your household. On Christmas Eve, pass the cards around the table so that each family member can write an endearing and positive message on the card of every other family member (but not seeing their own card). No one gets to see their personalised card until Christmas morning. Before opening any gifts, hand out the cards. Watch and feel the room light up as everyone reads their messages from those they value the most.

2. Volunteer for a Cause

Many charities look for volunteers this time of the year. Instead of volunteering alone, you can volunteer together, which not only strengthens the family bond but also demonstrates the importance of giving back to the community. Some volunteer ideas are serving meals at a shelter, helping to wrap presents or gift hampers with the Salvation Army, or participating in a fundraising drive for a worthy cause.

3. Bake and Decorate Christmas Cookies

Baking cookies, gingerbread characters, handmade chocolates or rum balls together is always fun, especially if you get creative with the decorations. To share the joy, gift them to friends, family, co-workers and neighbours.

4. Create Personalised Gift Vouchers

Make some personalised vouchers for family members to redeem over the coming year. To do this, you can use a small book of 10 or 12 vouchers and include activities and things that each family member would value. Examples include a treat to a favourite smoothie, a ‘Chore Free Week’ voucher, a movie marathon lounge sleepover, a tuckshop order, a special day out with mum and dad on your own, or a shopping day with a voucher to the value of $xx.

5. Host a Games Night with Your Closest Friends

A games night can bring out the inner child in everyone. Some classic board games to consider are Monopoly, Pictionary, Uno, Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit. Multiplayer games that can be played on the Wii, Nintendo or PlayStation are also fun, especially on hot and steamy summer days. Alternatively, you can go outdoors and play a game of beach volleyball, basketball, or tennis, or if you have time, an Amazing Race type event. To make it christmassy, arrange platters with christmas treats, cookies, chocolate Santa’s, or make a trifle.

6 December 2022 |

6. Host a Christmas Party or Picnic, Theme it and Get Everyone to Bring Something to Share

Take your family and friends on a traditional picnic with all the trimmings. Let everyone pack one of their favourite foods and get the kids involved in making platters, organising drinks, or picking the spot for your picnic. Dressing Christmas themed is optional but encouraged!

7. Christmas Camp Out

For this family activity, you need a tent and sleeping bags, bug repellent, and a torch. Keep it simple and cook hot dogs and marshmallows over a hot grill or fire pit. Afterward, take turns telling stories, singing carols together, or watching the stars.

8. Plan Your Family Goals, Holidays, and Desires for the Following Year

Family goals can help your family develop healthier habits, build stronger bonds, and achieve your family’s vision. Sit together at the table or go out for dinner and discuss what you liked about the past year, and what you would like to change or achieve. You can also add holiday plans, and make a wish list for family activities that everyone can participate in.

9. See the Christmas Lights

Decorate your car together and go for a drive to see the Christmas lights around your neighbourhood. Bring hot chocolates, marshmallows, and finger food. Pack extra pillows and blankets for sleepy little ones.


Create a Family Newsletter and Include a Christmas Photo

Get the family together and create a newsletter including all the wonderful things you have done and achieved the past year. Ask a friend or neighbour to take a family photo for you. Silly or dressed up photos always make everyone laugh. Email or post the newsletter to your closest friends and family to show your appreciation for them and share the joy of the festive season.

11. Dress Up and Head to a Carols By Candlelight Event

Keep an eye out for Carols by Candlelight events. These community events are a wonderful way to bring out the Christmas spirit in even the most reluctant Grinch, so invite your friends and family to come along.

12. Gratitude Jars

Similar to a gratitude journal, it's a jar or box filled with reminders of what you're grateful for or any accomplishments you have achieved. You can make a family jar that holds notes about each other, and read them out once a week. You might be surprised what your kids are grateful for, and vice versa! Recycle a glass jar and tie a ribbon around the rim. Every day, write down "Gratitude Notes" and add them to the jar. This is a lovely way to show appreciation for family members, and remind ourselves of the good things we share. Hot tip-save your weekly notes into another jar and read on New Years Eve and reflect on what an amazing year you have been blessed with.

This time of year is a wonderful time to focus on spending time together and consider everyone’s input. Have all family members agree to set time aside for the activity, and establish some rules such as:

1. Complete all homework before participating in the activity

2. Turn off all cell phones and cease text messaging

3. Don't bring work home from the office on family night

To make the most of your family time, make sure that everyone is enjoying themselves. There are many activities to choose from, so pick the ones that appeal the most to your family's specific interests. | December 2022 7

Exploring STEAM This Christmas

These magical STEAM activities will teach your kids the creative thinking of an engineer and an artist with a little tech twist for good measure.

wear gloves and avoid getting any on your skin. Set up this experiment in a well ventilated area to avoid accidental inhalation. If borax powder gets in your eyes or on your skin, flush your skin and eyes with water for at least 15 minutes.

Make your snowflake shape. Using the pipe cleaners, bend loops until a star shape is formed. If you want to get creative you can create different shapes such as a stick figure which the crystals will form into a snow themed gingerbread man or make rounded shapes for a snowman.

Setup. Set up your jars, then using the pipe cleaners, create hooks for your shapes to dangle from pencils (so you can carefully remove the decoration after the crystals have formed).

Making the magic happen. Fill the jars with hot water, add Borax powder and a few drops of food colouring to determine the colour the crystals will form as. Hang your prepared ornaments from the pencils and place the pencils on the jars so your ornaments sit in the water. Here is where the magic happens. Borax is a mineral powder that forms in repeating patterns when it is dissolved in liquid. For Borax to form crystals it needs something for it to stick to like your pipe cleaner ornaments. Let the liquid cool and watch your pipe cleaners form into beautiful wintery-like crystal ornaments.

playgrounds, etc. Or, indoors on sturdy furniture. Use two strings to create the zipline and tie the strings to where your zipline setup will be, making two lanes with the string. The speed of the zipline can be changed by adjusting the height of the strings. The more arched the zipline is the faster your elf will travel!

Now the fun part of this STEAM activity is design, prototype and testing. This part will get your kids thinking of creative ways for the Elf to securely get to their destination. There are numerous ways for kids to come up with ideas for this next step. We will share one of our methods and leave your kids to come up with their own creative ideas to help their Elf travel on the zipline.

The PakMag method. We placed our Elf on a Shelf in a plastic cup to help measure the length of the ribbon. On the sides of the cup we carefully cut out two holes on the opposite sides and tied each end of the ribbon

8 December 2022 |

over the two zipline strings so the cup can hang like a handbag on the zipline. Our Elf on a Shelf is light so we placed some pebbles to add weight. Finally, we placed our Elf in the cup and off they went!

Write your message. Binary code is a system of coding that uses zeros and ones to represent data and is used in computers to read and execute programs or activities. Using the beads, your kids can write their own messages.

Firstly write out your message on paper and then convert it into binary code. You can use binary code converters but for this method we have you covered with ‘Merry Christmas!’

01001101 01100101 01110010 01110010 01111001 00100000 01000011 01101000 01110010 01101001 01110011 01110100 01101101 01100001 01110011 00100001

To turn your message into a Christmas ornament you will need to colour coordinate your beads. We’ll make the 1s red, the 0s white and the inbetweens green to separate each set of numbers for easy reading.

Using a pipe cleaner or string, thread your beads in while following your binary code message. Once all the beads have been threaded through, tie the pipe cleaner together and form a loop up the top so your ornament can be hung on the Christmas tree. Your Computer Themed Christmas Ornament can be reshaped afterwards so make many and decorate your Christmas tree with different messages, you can also gift these to friends and family to see if they can work out the message.

How to Dissolve Family Conflict

In all probability, you’ve perceived many types of challenges, conflict, defiance and a difference of opinion with family members in your family life. While you may perceive it to be frustrating and challenging at times, I am certain that it also helps you grow.

That said, there are certain tools you can implement if you would love to reduce defiance and conflict with one or many of your family members by mastering the art of communication.

The Value of Values in a Family

You may have a brother or sister who is quite different from you and has a vastly different set of values than you. You may be dedicated to organisation, structure and goal setting, while they may just go with the flow. You may be focused on metaphysics and philosophy, while they may be more practical, and interested in science and engineering. Differences like these are incredibly common in families, which can result in challenges when communicating. What you may think is important is something they are not interested in, and vice versa.

Everyone has a unique set of values and priorities. Whatever is highest on their values and priorities is what they're dedicated to.

• Their identity revolves around it.

• Their purpose is an expression of what's highest on their values.

• This is what they want to learn the most.

• This is how they filter their reality.

Whatever's most important to them, most meaningful to them, and most fulfilling and inspiring is what their life is about - the same with you, your siblings, parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts, cousins, etc.

Everyone Will Show You Love According to Their Own Unique Set of Values

If your father is dedicated to education, he's highly likely to encourage education. Your mum may educate and attempt to inspire you on health. Someone else may encourage you to get married and start a family. Others may want the whole family to get together as often as possible. In contrast, others may be dedicated to their work and not prioritise family gatherings as much as others. | December 2022 11

Everyone is Also Likely to Project Their Values Onto You

Some of those values may be more meaningful than others, and others may be frustrating. So, what is the wisest way to communicate with them so they’re not resistant and defiant (which they are likely to be if you’re projecting), and how do they communicate with you so you’re not resistant and defiant to them? What is the wisest way to meet in the middle as equals?

Step 1: Identify Your Top Three Highest Values and Those of Your Family Members

If you've never taken the time to do that, you are not likely to fully know them. If you don't know what they're dedicated to, what's most inspiring to them, and what they're most fulfilled by, you're unlikely to know what their life's really about.

As such, you may be projecting assumptions that they're living in the same values as yours, which is impossible. Identifying both your and their unique set of values and their priorities is a crucial step in communication.

Step 2: Compare Your Values and Ask Yourself:

"How is the most important thing to them helping ME fulfil what I’M dedicated to and inspired by?".

If you can't see how what they're dedicated to is serving you, you're likely to self-righteously project your values onto them. As a result, they're likely to automatically feel resistant and become defiant, resulting in conflict.

• Anytime you inflate yourself above other individuals and project your values onto them, you’ll likely experience their resistance.

• Anytime you deflate yourself below them and sacrifice what's valuable to you to be with them, you'll likely experience resistance from within.

• If you look down on them and think your values are more important than theirs, you're likely to be careless.

• If you're looking up at them, you're likely to be cautious and walk on eggshells.

• When you perceive that you are equal to them, you are most likely to have a caring dialogue.

Caring Communication Reduces Much of the Conflict and Defiance in Relationships

and Makes Them More Sustainable

An individual is not likely to be defiant if you communicate what you would love to say in terms of what they would love to hear. If it's helping them fulfil

what they value most, they're more likely to turn around and help you fulfil what you value most.

I am certain that most conflict amongst families is based on these perceived inequalities. If you think that your values are superior and expect others to live in those values, it can create resistant chaos. Most of the chaos in relationships stems from assumptions that others see the world through our eyes.

It is therefore wise to take the time to find out what your and their top three values are and ask:

• How is their top value helping you fulfil yours?

• How is their second value helping you fulfil yours?

• How is their third value helping you fulfil yours?

• How do your top three values help them fulfil theirs?

If you can see how what they're dedicated to is serving you, you’ll experience an amazing shift in your relationship. You'll have a different respect for them and be far more likely to think before you speak. The more links you create between everyone’s highest values, the more respectful and effective your communication will be.

When you see other individuals as your equals, you'll be less likely to emotionally react because you are operating more out of the executive centre of your forebrain than your subcortical amygdala. When you communicate from your amygdala, you are more likely to miscommunicate, include gestures, and go into anger and aggression - the lowest level of communication.

In Conclusion

• Nobody has the same hierarchy of values as you.

• Everyone wants to be loved and appreciated for who they are, and who they are revolves around what they value most.

• If you can't see how what they truly value is helping you fulfil what you truly value, you're likely to want to change them.

• Individuals don't want to be changed. They want to be loved and appreciated for who they are.

• Communicating in terms of an individual’s highest values is a gold mine. It will change the relationships you have with the people you care about.

• There's no reason for unnecessary family conflict when you have the tools to master communication to dissolve it.

• The amount of energy it takes to master this skill is insignificant compared to the amount of energy you'll likely spend in all those conflicts throughout your life.

Dr. John Demartini is a world-renowned specialist in human behaviour, a researcher, best-selling author and global educator. He has made a commitment to dedicate his life to the understanding of universal laws as they relate to maximising human awareness and potential. In 1982 Dr Demartini founded the Demartini Institute, a private research and education institute located in Texas. This story was used with permission from the Demartini Institute.

12 December 2022 |

Learning Through Art, Community, Creativity & Sharing

This is a story of sharing, learning and art that has resulted in some stunning and meaningful collaborative creations. In 2020 St Therese’s School staff and students were inspired to begin a creative process to design and implement our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). CES Identity and Outreach Team worked with Leadership and our Indigenous Liaison Officer, Leanne Wanders, to conduct a half day workshop with a group of students to create an icon specifically for our school, one that tells our story unique to our community.

As traditional landmarks were used in our icon, we consulted with traditional elder of Cairns (Gimuy), Hendrick Fourmile, who has been visiting and advising our school for a number of years to make sure our design was respectful and considered.

From this icon emerged the idea of a First Nation staff shirt design which had always been a dream for our team and our newly designed RAP icon really took this idea to a new level. Rebecca Nash and Leanne Wanders took their creative idea to Mr Brendon Napier and the Leadership Team and with their support this dream was realised.

Mrs Kimberly See Kee, a proud Kuku Yalanji and Kunganji woman and a Year 4 School Officer at St Therese’s, is an exceptionally talented artist. Kimberly previously painted a triptych entitled St Therese's Way for the school’s Engagement Office and has gifted many other beautiful designs that represents and embodies our school’s vision and values throughout the school for staff and these are displayed proudly in a variety of learning spaces throughout the school.

Kimberly was keen to work with a group of students to create a unique painting inspired by our RAP icon and our school’s vision “Inspired by Christ, we journey together embracing faith, life and learning”. A number of students from Year 4 to Year 6 gave up their lunch times to contribute to the vibrant diptych painting entitled One. This piece was inspired not only by our RAP icon and vision, but also by the gifts of God’s creations right on our doorstep, the Great Barrier Reef, rainforest, waterways and our beautiful surrounding mountains. Students with Torres Strait Islander connections painted the two dhoeri’s and our students learned more about storytelling through art, cultural appropriation and the power of symbolism.

One is now the design for the school’s First Nations staff shirt and it has become a powerful image that would change and inspire other graphic images, branding and imagery throughout the school. This piece is now the inspiration behind a variety of visuals around our school and our staff shirts captures the pride we have in our school, our story and our community. St Therese’s School is committed to encouraging student agency and we have started a new initiative which supports our students to take on the responsibility of writing our 2023 Acknowledgement of Country. Students have been working hard with Mrs Wanders, Miss McGrath and support staff to create different meaningful and authentic acknowledgements to reflect our school’s values and commitment to continue our journey together inspired by Christ, embracing faith, life and learning. | December 2022 15 Advertorial

7 Things Parents Need to Know Right Now About Money

1. The Jones’ are Not Real

The Jones’ used to be the neighbours; they had a bigger house than you, better jobs, their kids behaved better and they were better looking! To try and keep up with them you started buying things you didn’t want and couldn’t afford, just to make it look like you were no lesser than ‘them’.

Once upon a time, The Jones’ were just your next door neighbours, but now they are in your pockets and on your screens. But here is the kicker; they are not real, they never were.

Be wary of measuring your self-worth based on what you see and hear online. Those social feeds, fake reviews and filtered pictures are not real. The picture a friend captured might only be one nice snapshot

within a day of chaos, and we add music to our posts so that you don’t hear the moaning and sighs in the background. The fake reviews make us think we are the last person on earth to own a Steve Madden Bag and we are sold the idea that if we have the latest thing we will be happy.

However, the truth is you’re not behind, you’re not ahead – you’re exactly where you need to be. Where you go next is up to you and has no bearing on what anyone else appears to have around you.

2. We’ve Got Brains – Let’s Use Them

Instead of bingeing the latest Netflix series today, declare a brainstorming session for yourself. Throw ideas around and start to explore your dreams and unquantified plans. | December 2022 17

Let loose and accept that there are no right or wrong answers. It’s time to be curious. Here are some questions to start with.

• What would be cool to be doing two years from now?

• Do I want to reduce my hours of work but still need the same income?

• Who gets my assets when I die? Who would have the kids if it was tomorrow?

• What does retirement look like?

• Do I feel the need to pack everything away and go in a caravan around Australia for a year?

• What is on the bucket list?

• How much savings in the bank would give me peace of mind?

• Is there a time in my life that I expect to be debt free?

• Is there something I would like to learn?

By doing this, you start to give yourself something to aim for. Here is where you start living your life the way you want to. Weed out what is important, release what isn’t - You do you Boo!

3. Confront Finance Head-On

If you are ‘guessing’ what money comes in and what goes out, you are going to find financial happiness very hard to attain. Here are three tips:

1. Work out what money is coming in through wages, sale of goods, government benefits, dividends, interest and rental income.

2. Money out: This is hard, I get it, but if you do nothing else, do this. Living within your means is your number one way to be successful no matter how old you are and no matter how hard you work. Use an amazing template that helps you plan your expenditure and get an understanding of how you make spending decisions.

3. DO NOT do this when you are tired or already mad at the world. Eat first, keep refreshments handy. This is no time to blame or fight, just facts for now. When you know what you receive as income and what you spend, then you will know what you have spare to put towards your goals or how much you must cut back by. This one matters.

4. Should You Save, or Should You Borrow?

Not always an easy one to answer. The more debt you have, the more you’ll need to maintain the path you’re on. Potentially you will also need more personal insurances such as income protection and that means more costs. The more debt you have, the less choices you have and potentially less of those goals you get to achieve. However, it would take a gazillion years to save the cash needed for a home, so some debt may be acceptable. Be conservative and realistic when choosing debt over using your savings.

5. End of Life Planning is Vital

If you have superannuation, life insurance, kids, or ‘stuff’, you most certainly need to be the boss of it, even when you are dead. A Will can explain what you want to happen to your ‘stuff’ as well as Superannuation and Life Insurance proceeds. A Power of attorney will allow someone to make decisions for you if you are unable to do so yourself. A death nomination on your super and your insurances ties it all together and makes your intentions very clear. We see people happiest when they have these things done professionally.

Don’t leave your loved ones to be sad and grieving and trying to work out what your last wishes were.

6. Start Now

Did you know that if you save $100 a week every week from age 10 to age 60 and let that interest compound, you would have a million dollars? If you start at age 20, you will have a little over $600,000. The earlier you start the easier it is. I know I couldn’t have started saving at age 10 either, but don’t use that as an excuse to not start saving until you are 55 years old. Start now. Start as soon as you can, do not put it off for later when you can start today.

7. Make Appointments, Get Stuff Done

Be curious and learn about money. Watch the news, ask questions. Surround yourself with people who will help you put these things into place or guide you to the easiest path to meet those goals.

Jody Payne is a licensed financial planner for Her extensive experience allows her to explain the complex in simple terms and show you how to build wealth, protect the ones you love and prepare for retirement.

If you want help sorting out your financial plan, their team are a bunch of Sumo’s supporting adults to get better at “Adulting”. Call us for a no obligation free chat today 0400 590 037

18 December 2022 |

Bites and Stings –The Risks and Remedies When Living in North Qld

As a parent, we want to keep our kids safe, and living in North Queensland comes with its own set of risks that are important to be aware of. There are a variety of creatures that can bite or sting us here, so what do you do if you suspect your little one has been bitten or stung? It can be difficult to know whether or not a bite or sting is dangerous, so let’s clarify common bites and stings that happen in and around North Queensland.

Insect Bites

Common symptoms of insect bites are skin irritation, inflammation or swelling, or a bump or a blister around the bite mark. Insect bites usually clear up within a couple of days without any treatment.

Mosquitoes can cause itchy bites and severe allergic reactions are rare. Itching is quite common and children will often scratch, breaking the skin. If the skin is broken

it can lead to an infection, so if itching persists for more than 48 hours, it is best to take your child to the doctor.

Bees and wasps can produce a painful sting, however the major cause for concern is the development of serious allergy, also known as anaphylaxis. If a child shows signs of anaphylaxis, ring 000 immediately and wait for the ambulance. Signs and symptoms of Anaphylaxis are discussed below, as well as what you should do in such a medical emergency.

Wasps rarely leave their sting in the skin but if a bee’s stinger is left behind, gently remove it by scraping it carefully from the side with a fingernail or credit card, flicking the sting out to reduce the amount of venom injected. Do not use tweezers as you may release more venom from the sac. Follow general first aid for bites and stings. More information on general first aid is discussed below. | December 2022 21

Hairy Caterpillars can cause painful, itchy and inflamed skin reactions as caterpillar hairs become embedded in the child’s skin. These hairs can also cause eye injury if they get into the eye, so see your doctor immediately if there are caterpillar hairs in the eye. Remove visible hairs with tweezers, then apply and remove adhesive tape to the area to remove the finer hairs. Do not scratch or rub the area as this may cause the hairs to penetrate deeper into the skin.

Other Bites and Stings

Snake bites in north Queensland can be potentially fatal and an ambulance should be called immediately by dialling 000 for all cases of suspected snakebite. While not all snakes are venomous, it is difficult to identify snakes, and therefore all bites should be treated as potentially dangerous. Immediately apply a pressureimmobilisation bandage, lay the child as still as possible and wait for the ambulance to arrive. Do not attempt to kill or capture the snake yourself.

Box jellyfish are found mostly in the warm waters along the North Queensland coast. Stings are potentially fatal. Douse the tentacles with vinegar, and then call 000 for an ambulance. If the child isn’t breathing, start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Do not attempt to remove the tentacles and do not rub the sting.

Bluebottle jellyfish are found in all coastal waters and can be seen when walking along the beach in summer. The sting can cause immediate intense pain followed by redness at the site. Remove any remaining tentacles by washing the area with water. Soaking the affected area in hot but not scalding water (ideally 45°C) for 20 minutes may relieve the pain. This, however, is not suitable for infants, as hot water may burn their skin. Do not use vinegar. If pain persists, patients should see their GP.

Irukandji Syndrome can be a potentially lethal condition, however, most cases are not life threatening. The initial sting is usually not felt but can develop into a progressive syndrome (over minutes to hours) characterised by restlessness, sweating, nausea, vomiting and severe pain affecting the limbs, back, abdomen or chest. For suspected Irukandji Syndrome, douse the site with vinegar. Ring 000 for an ambulance, so your child can attend an Emergency Department for assessment.

Flying foxes and bats can cause infection that can be transmitted after scratches or bites. If your child is bitten or scratched by a bat, wash the area with soap

and water for five minutes, apply an antiseptic and then see your GP.

General First Aid for Bites and Stings

1. Wash with soap and water and apply an antiseptic if available.

2. Ensure your child’s tetanus vaccination is up to date.

3. An icepack can be applied to reduce local pain and swelling.

4. Pain relief may be required e.g., paracetamol or an antihistamine (to reduce swelling, redness or itch).

5. See your doctor if your child develops any other symptoms or signs of infection.


Signs and symptoms to look out for in children after a bite or sting are:

• difficult/noisy breathing.

• swelling of tongue.

• swelling/tightness in the throat.

• difficulty talking and/or hoarse voice.

• wheeze or persistent cough.

• persistent dizziness or collapse.

• pale and floppy.

• abdominal pain and vomiting (these are signs of anaphylaxis for insect allergy).

Anaphylaxis is a medical emergency and therefore follow these steps:

1. Lay the child flat (do not allow them to stand or walk).

2. Administer an autoinjector (EpiPen or AnaPen) if one is available.

3. Dial 000 for the ambulance.

4. Administer second autoinjector if there is no response after 5 minutes.

5. The child will be transported to the Emergency Department for at least 4 hours of observation.

If this is your child’s first anaphylactic event, the ambulance will administer adrenaline on the way to the hospital. Commence CPR if the child is unresponsive and not breathing normally.

For more information, check out and

Loretta Woodford is passionate about educating parents and carers to be confident in an emergency situation through her Baby / Child First Aid sessions. She is a Registered Nurse with a Master in Nursing (Education) and the Owner of Parentmedic North Qld. She is dedicated to ensuring every parent in north Queensland can be their child’s lifesaver. To book a private or public session, contact Loretta at

22 December 2022 |

All Things Health

Dr Anusha Lazarri

Birds of Paradise

Dear Dr Lazzari, How can I best prepare for the birth of my baby?

As your due date approaches, you may be wondering what to expect during childbirth and what you can do to prepare for this wonderful, exciting time. One of the things you can prepare is a birthing plan which details how you ideally would like your birthing experience to unfold. It’s a great idea to pack your birthing bag early, and determine your best route to get to the hospital. You also need a plan for who will look after pets and other children when the time arrives. If you are unsure about your birthing plan or have any questions, reach out.

4041 5081

Dr Bobby Griffin

Sunbird Orthodontics

Dear Dr Bobby, When is the best time to get braces?

The best time is when all adult teeth are formed. If you delay treatment, you may further increase treatment time due to teeth becoming more and more crooked. Many people delay due to finances, but we have many payment options to help and make treatment more accessible. The long-term gain is worth the investment and getting treatment sooner rather than later can help with confidence. No referral needed and your first appointment is free, so come and see us to find out how we can help you.

4038 1036

The Work of Kidneys

Your kidneys are located in your lower back, right below the rib cage. They are usually asymmetrical, with the right kidney being smaller and sitting a little lower than your left kidney because it needs to make room for the liver, whose bulkiest part is also on the right side of your body.

Most people have two kidneys at birth, but only one kidney is needed to live healthily.

Although the heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body, the kidneys do their fair share of work by filtering a half-cup of blood every minute, which works out to be enough to fill a bathtub and a half every day!

Consult your local health practitioner, doctor or pharmacist for advice on these topics first to ensure the best health outcomes.

| December 2022 25 Health

All Things Health

Resetting After Overindulgence

Christmas is just around the corner which is that special time of year we overindulge in all the Christmas goodies. Here are some helpful tips to reset your body and get you back on track:

Don’t beat yourself up - Overindulgence isn’t necessarily bad. As long as you get yourself back on track and treat yourself every once in a while it can be healthy.

Stay hydrated - By staying hydrated you can rid your body of any toxins and support the liver.

Love your liver - Eat well-balanced meals that are high liver-supportive foods (such as berries, cruciferous vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and fatty fish) as your liver will be working a little harder after holiday gatherings.

Try detox teas - Detox teas may help to remove impurities from the blood in the liver. They may also help detox toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymphatic system and skin.

Get active - Get yourself moving again. Being active can help you feel good physically and mentally.

Karen Lade

Naturopath & Nutritionist at Terry White Chemmart, North Cairns

Dear Karen, What can we do as a family to boost our immune system?

Have a rainbow coloured meal (lots of different vegetables) for a good variety of vitamins and minerals. Fresh seasonal fruit contains essential vitamins and can be blended into a smoothie for a nutritious breakfast or snack. Add coconut water, which is high in minerals.

Vitamin C & Zinc powder is ideal for the whole family, and safe to take from two years of age in correct dosing. Take after breakfast or dinner. Look for a Probiotic powder that contains the probiotic strain Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LGG). This strain is proven to support immunity and reduce frequency of mild upper respiratory infections.

Calanna WholeHealth Pharmacy

Before You Speak Coffee Range

Sometimes coffee alone isn’t enough. The Before You Speak Coffee range combines our favourite morning shot with even more goodies such as collagen for skin and joint health, turmeric to combat inflammation and MCT oil for added energy.

This functional coffee is suitable for those living their keto best, or wanting to make the most and supercharge their caffeine intake.

‘Tis the season, Before You Speak Coffee also makes a great gift for the coffee-lover in your life to help them get the most out of their day.

Find what fuels you - The Before You Speak Range is available at your local Calanna TerryWhite Chemmart.

Consult your local health practitioner, doctor or pharmacist for advice on these topics first to ensure the best health outcomes.

26 December 2022 |

The Mumma Bear Attachment

Every Christmas we celebrate with our loved ones, and as the family expands and introduces new members, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed.

Picture this - it’s Christmas day and your little one’s first Christmas, you arrive at the family festive lunch and are swarmed with “can I hold the baby?” “Let me take him and give you a break” or “it’s good to get the baby used to other people, here let me take him”.

This may be a welcome reprieve, but what if your inner mumma bear rages inside and tells you that you don’t want to hand your baby around like a sparkly new toy? You don’t want everyone’s saliva kisses on their head and you especially don't want your uncle carrying your baby in one hand and a beer in the other. But it’s Christmas and they’re family, so you override your inner mumma bear and keep telling yourself it’s okay.

Now, aren’t you meant to be enjoying yourself? Yes. Are you enjoying yourself? No. You spend the entire Christmas lunch watching your baby, following them

around, wishing they would cry so you can have the excuse to take them back.

The guilt sets in, you shouldn’t be feeling like this, they’re family and your baby’s family, right?

People tend to forget that you carried that little bundle of joy in your belly for nine months. You’ve gone through the gift and maybe the trauma of birth. You’ve bonded, cried and loved more than you ever have before.

Saying no is often seen as being selfish or rude. It is especially hard to say no to family and friends, and even harder when you fear you’ll dampen the mood of the family’s festive get together. But it’s important that you say no if that’s what you need at that moment - your own mental health comes first. Saying no allows us to value ourselves more and help prioritise our needs. Offering a simple explanation of why you have made that decision should hopefully be met with understanding and kindness.

So cast out that guilt and enjoy the day, whatever you decide!

Here are some self care tips for new mums:

• Sleep when the baby is asleep.

• Eat well and stay hydrated.

• Go at your own pace.

• Allow others to help you. You’re not a bad mum for asking for help.

• Attend Mums and Bubs activities. Bond with your baby and meet other mums and bubs.

• Fresh air - Go for a stroll with your baby to get you and your baby some fresh air.

• Make time for yourself. Take a long warm shower or bath and enjoy this time to relax and refresh yourself.

• Sharing is caring. Share the responsibilities with your partner. | December 2022 29 Bump, Bub and Beyond
Happy Mum Means Happy Baby

Bump, Bub and Beyond

Visit for your chance to win!

WIN a Let’s Go, My Friend Pup from Vtech

$49.95 - Let’s Go, My Friend Pup is ready to be the newest member of the family. With a detachable leash and puppy care accessories, this pup comes with exactly what your little one needs to care for their new pet. Your little pet-owner-in-training can walk, feed, give water to, and play with their new doggy friend. Two play modes enhance puppy playtime by introducing colours and numbers in Learning mode. Experience the joys of pet ownership without the mess, vet bills or badweather walks! Accessories store in the hip pouch for easy storage.

WIN a Vacuum Insulated Straw Bottle and Stainless Steel Food Jar from Foogo

$57.98 -

The 290ml Foogo® Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated Food Jar uses thermos vacuum insulation technology for maximum temperature retention while being cool to the touch with warm foods and sweat-proof with cold. The Jar is BPA Free, ergonomically designed lid with rubber grip, dishwasher safe, light, compact and portable. The 290ml Foogo® Vacuum Insulated Straw Bottle uses thermos vacuum insulation technology for maximum temperature retention and is sweat-proof and won’t leave water rings. Foogo® Phases drinkware features interchangeable parts that fit all Phases cups, a hygienic push button lid with pop-up silicone straw is easy to open and is dishwasher safe. Phase 3 is for children ages 18m+.

WIN a Care Bears Baby Bundle

$230.00 -

Do you remember your first Care Bear? This year Care Bears celebrate their 40th anniversary and invite even their littlest fans to join the celebrations! Introducing Care Bears Baby featuring everything from clothing to toys, decor, bedding and more. These special Care Bears Baby Bundles will transform your nursery into the kingdom of Care-a-Lot, including a gorgeous cot linen and bedding, wall decals and milestone blocks along with cuddly rattles and toys for your little one.

30 December 2022
Bump, Bub and Beyond

Santa Bonding with Baby

It’s that time of year where you may introduce your baby or toddler to Santa Claus and take baby photos on Santa’s lap. However, your baby may find this as a scary experience and may cry out of fear and unfamiliarity to the big bearded man.

A photo with Santa is a cultural tradition just like singing Christmas Carols and exchanging gifts. Although no parent wants to upset their baby by making them sit on Santa’s lap, many of us would still like to get that Christmas photo.

Here are some other bonding methods to teach your baby about Santa and the meaning of Christmas that you can do with the family:

• Reading Christmas stories

• Watching Christmas movies and/or cartoons

• Singing Christmas Carols

• Baby friendly Christmas toys such as a Santa teddy bear

• Sending a Christmas letter to Santa

• Looking at the Christmas lights in your neighbourhood

First Christmas

Did you know that babies can sense their mum’s discomfort? First Christmas with your baby may become stressful especially if you’re attending Christmas festivities with friends and family. You are your baby’s calm, loving, safe space. If they sense your discomfort they are likely to become agitated or stressed so if you need to, take a few deep, soothing breaths or step away from the festivities with your baby to calm yourself and help your baby feel safe and secure. This will also give you quiet time to feed your baby without the loud Christmas carols interrupting the two of you.

One way to capture that perfect Christmas photo is for Grandpa to put on a Santa suit and bond with his grandchild. Start slowly and save the big bushy beard for last to get your baby accustomed to Grandpa’s new look. Tune into some Christmas Carols and all sing together and see your baby’s eyes light up and hear your baby’s laughter. Have your camera ready and capture these magical memories of the bond between grandpa and grandchild. If no Grandpa is available, try a shopping centre Santa with the whole family instead. This is a great tradition so you at least get one family photo a year! And you can always ask for no Santa in the picture if it’s all too much. | December 2022 31 Bump, Bub and Beyond

For your chance to WIN a family pass to PUSS IN BOOTS - THE LAST WISH, enter at Competition closes 12/12/2022. No need to submit activity to enter.

For your chance to WIN a family pass to Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile, enter at Competition closes 12/12/2022. No need to submit activity to enter.

1. Hape Toy Pack - $120.00 - - Each pack includes a Hape Musical Cloud Light, a Hape Whale Fountain and a Hape Tubing Pull-Back Boat. Babies enjoy sounds and music as they develop their senses. The Hape Musical Cloud Light helps little ones drift peacefully off to sleep. Featuring three hanging raindrops which let you change the lighting settings. Select between ten audio tracks, eight gentle melodies and soothing heartbeat and rain sounds. The nursery mobile includes a sleep timer and a sensor that will activate the cloud if your baby wakes up crying, and it easily attaches to a cot, crib or stroller. Make bath time magical with this wonderful Hape Musical Whale Fountain. Easily attached to the bottom of the bath with a suction cup, choose between watching the fountains dance to music or play each whale like the keys of a piano. Ideal for bubs and bath fun is the Hape Tubing Pull-Back Boat, a speedboat complete with a tubing bear. Let them pull back on the string and the boat will actually move through the water, pulling the bear behind on a tube until it reaches the boat safely.

2. Osmo Little Genius Starter Kit - $159.00 - - The Genius Starter Kit includes everything your kids need to experience hands-on learning and digital fun with lessons across maths, science, puzzle solving, vocabulary and creativity. Designed for kids aged 6-10. The award winning Little Genius Kit introduces little ones to core concepts like ABCs, shapes, numbers and narrative storytelling through the power of fun and promotes positive screen time. Designed for kids aged 3-5. 3. Wahu Mega Slide - $50.00 - will love racing each other down this massive 7.5m Super Slide. The continuous water spray means you’ll be zooming down the slide and into the splash bumper in no time! This is the ultimate backyard toy! For Ages 6+. Available from all leading retailers. 4. Cool Maker Stitch N’ Style Fashion Studio - $59.99 - - Have a fashionista on your hands? Let children live out their fashion designer dreams with this all-in-one Cool Maker Stitch N’ Style Fashion Studio. This fashion studio makes sewing safe and easy due to its innovative cartridge thread system and automatic sewing sensors that know when to sew. Customise the designs with unique prints that are magically applied with water. The Stich N’ Style Fashion Studio works with most fabrics for the ultimate DIY projects. 5. Globber Go Up Sporty - $170.00 - - The Globber Go Up Sporty is a ride on, a walking bike and a scooter - all in one! Simply switch modes as your child grows and their needs change. The seat height is adjustable, as is the scooter height, so this product can truly grow with your child. Suitable from about 15 months to 6 years. Available in navy blue, lime green, deep pink and mint.

2 4 5 3 1
Mega Christmas Giveaway!
Head to for your chance to win!

‘Tis the Season to Eat, Drink and Be Merry!

Rudolf The Red-Nosed Reindeer Burgers

‘Rudolf, the red-nosed reindeer, had a very shiny nose.’ Transform your burgers into Rudolfs with this fun festive recipe.

Serves 4

Burger Patty Ingredients

• 500 grams minced beef

• 1 egg

• ½ cup breadcrumbs

• ½ tsp onion powder

• 1 tsp minced garlic

• 1 tsp dijon mustard

• Salt and pepper to taste


Burger Ingredients

• Burger Buns

• Pretzels

• Cherry tomatoes

• Black olives

• Mayonnaise

• Toppings of choice

Combine all the burger patty ingredients into a bowl and mix well. Shape the mince into equal sized patties and press down with baking paper. Cook in a frying pan with a little bit of oil.

Serve patties on a burger bun with your favourite toppings. Decorate the buns with cut in half pretzels for the reindeer horns, a dab of mayonnaise to make the whites of the eyes and black olives for the pupils.

To attach the cherry tomato for Rudolf’s nose, break off a piece of pretzel (around 2cm long) and gently twist one end into the tomato until it is halfway through, then poke the other end of the pretzel into the bun.

Custard Filled Profiterole Christmas Stack

Serves 18

Profiterole Ingredients

• 80g room temperature butter

• 1 cup plain flour

• 3 eggs

Decoration Ingredients

• Strawberries

• Icing sugar for dusting

• Mint Method

Custard Creme Patissiere Ingredients

• 1 ¾ cups milk

• 1 vanilla bean split lengthwise, seeds separated

• 3 egg yolks

• cup caster sugar

• cup plain flour

To make the profiteroles, line two trays with baking paper. Put the butter and 1 cup of water in a saucepan and bring to boiling point. Remove from heat. Sift the flour and beat in. Stir over medium heat for 2-3 minutes until mixture can be made into a ball. Cool dough for 5 minutes. Gradually add the yolks, 1tbs at a time until the dough is thick and glossy. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Roll heaped spoonfuls of dough and place them on the trays, leaving 3cms in between and bake for 30 - 35 minutes or until puffed and golden.

Prepare the custard: In a saucepan heat the milk and vanilla seeds. Whisk egg yolks and sugar in a bowl until thick. Whisk in flour and then milk. Pour into the saucepan and whisk over low heat for 5 minutes or until thickened. Let cool, then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate. Once chilled, fill the piping bag with the mixture and use a 5mm nozzle to push into the base of each profiterole to fill.

Scan for more delicious recipes.

Once profiteroles have been filled, stack them together with cream. Dust the stacked profiteroles with icing sugar and add a final touch with strawberries and mint. | December 2022 39 Food

Your Local Eat, Play, Stay Guide

Whether you’re looking for the perfect place to stay, want to keep the kids entertained, or can’t wait to enjoy a family dinner where even the fussiest eaters will be happy, PakMag’s Eat-Play-Stay Guide has it all.

Eat (Child / Family-Friendly Restaurants)

Nonna Leotta’s House

Nonna Leotta’s is about family and good food, locally crafted from their family to yours. Enjoy the delicious Italian Cuisine that satisfies even the fussiest little ones with 2 metre pizzas, pasta, and kids meals including ice cream and drinks.

A 68 Shields St, Cairns City P 07 4220 9223

Meldrum’s Bakery Cafe

Meldrum’s has your party covered. Order your cake or platters online, and keep an eye on the website for holiday specials. Best thing is - you can even stay in your car and order through their drive-through bakery on Reservoir Road. Now with two locations, there’s no excuse to miss out. Get in to enjoy the deliciousness!

A 27 Reservoir Road, Cairns

A 97 Grafton Street, Cairns City


Boasting a world-class sporting stadium, ever-changing live entertainment, exciting gaming lounge, a new restaurant, and a large children’s entertainment area, Cazalys has it all when it comes to entertaining the whole family. Barassis Restaurant is open 7 days a week, offering a range of gourmet Sandwiches, Melts and Wraps, a popular Pizza menu and other light meals throughout the day. Kids meals start at $10.00 including dessert.

A 344 Mulgrave Road, Cairns City P 07 4054 1464

Gallo Dairyland

Take a one hour trip from Cairns to Gallo Dairyland. Positioned between Atherton, Malanda, and Yungaburra, it offers an insight into a fully operational dairy farm and gourmet cheese factory, with all the tasty goodies available at the restaurant and last but not least, the beautifully hand-crafted chocolate. Also there’s a nursery to visit the farm animals.

A Malanda Road, Atherton P 07 4095 2388

Trinity Beach Sports Club

Trinity Beach Sports Club is offering great food, friendly service and a local fee. This is the perfect place for a relaxing dining experience with the family. Enjoy tasty value meals, kid’s fun and live music during the week.

A 1 Nautilus St, Trinity Beach P 4057 6478

South Cairns Sports Club

The perfect place to relax, eat and be entertained on the south side. With so many options there is something for everybody. Kid’s clubhouse, coffee shop and great meal variety in the restaurant - even for diners with dietary concerns.

A 57 - 59 Robert Rd, Edmonton P 4045 2107 | December 2022 41 Eat, Stay, Play

Stay (Child / Family-Friendly Accommodation)

King Reef Resort

If you’re looking to revitalise in paradise, gather the family and head to the gorgeous King Reef Resort at Kurrimine Beach. Explore all day, swim in the tranquil ocean or pool, build sandcastles on the beach and return to relax with a gorgeous sunset view from your beachfront shack. Stay 7 nights and only pay for 6 at King Reef Resort. Situated on a tropical beach in one of the most unique, beautiful and unspoiled parts of the world, Kurrimine Beach is suitable for the entire family. Enjoy pet and kids-friendly accommodation, including cabins and beachfront camping sites. Offer excludes long weekends.

A 75 Jacobs Rd, Kurrimine Beach P 07 4065 6144 E King Reef Resort

Cairns Colonial Club Resort

Fancy a tropical resort-style holiday in your own backyard? Cairns Colonial Club offers loads of fun for kids of all ages! Splash and play on the water slides in the sparkling lagoon-style pools, stroll among the rainforest gardens, get active on the playground or simply relax, soak up the rays and enjoy the feel of warm, golden sand between your toes. Contemporary accommodation rooms are spacious with full airconditioning and Thirsty Flamingo, their popular poolside bar and dining outlet, combines warm hospitality with fresh, family-friendly meals, great coffee and exotic cocktails! For best rates, book directly on their website. Become a Club Colonial member and get a FREE night! See website for details.

A 18-26 Cannon St, Manunda P 07 4053 8800

Lavender Hill

Perfectly positioned on the shores of Lake Tinaroo, Lavender Hill is an expansive, absolute waterfront property, offering our guests breathtaking views amongst three and a half acres of tranquil surroundings. This fully equipped holiday lodge, just eight minutes from Atherton provides the ultimate getaway for the whole family. Perfect for those who enjoy water sports, you can water ski, fish, swim, sail, or canoe right from the banks of Lavender Hill. The large grounds offer opportunities to view unique native wildlife and birdlife including platypus, possums, and pelicans.

A 231 Favier Road, Kairi P 0401 439 698 / 0412 186 299


Play (Child / Family-Friendly Activities)

The CaPTA Group

The CaPTA Group Annual Pass gives you 12 months unlimited admission to the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary, Cairns Zoom and Wildlife Dome, Rainforestation Nature Park and Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas. Come face to face with crocs, explore the tropical rainforest and marvel at the wildlife of the Far North! Visit the website for terms and conditions and to claim your locals offer of 20% off. P 4035 3555

The Reef Eye Ferris Wheel

Open until January 2023. See Cairns and the Reef from above with a ride on the Reef Eye Ferris Wheel. The brand new, state-of-the-art 35-metre high Ferris Wheel offers 360-degree views through fully enclosed, plexiglass-wrapped gondolas and a fully illuminated hotel-style frontage and flight deck. During operation, tickets can be purchased online and in person at the rides ticket box, and locals receive a 10% discount.

A Cairns Esplanade, Western Event Lawn

The Reef Eye

Games Station

With laser tag, VR rides, prizes, and a range of games, there’s hours of entertainment to be had. $14.00 for a 30 minute unlimited games session (or one hour if you mention PakMag!), or $26.00 for one hour (or two hours if you mention PakMag!). If you mention PakMag you can double your time for the same cost. Plus, if you’ve got a little one who just can’t get enough, Games Station offers birthday packages so they can share in all the fun on their special day.

A Earlville Shopping Centre, 537 Mulgrave Rd, Cairns

Cairns Wake and Aqua Park

Cairns Wake Park is Tropical North Queensland’s one and only Cable Water Ski park. The Wake Park is suitable for ages 10 and above. However, Kids Club runs on Saturday mornings and additional weekdays during Queensland School holidays aimed at children 6-12 years old. There is also an Aqua Park that provides hours of entertainment, and weekend activities and entertainment are regularly announced on Facebook.

A Skyrail Dr, Smithfield P 07 40381304


42 December 2022
Eat, Stay, Play

School Holiday Guide

Mount Sheridan Plaza

Come do your Christmas shopping these school holidays at Mount Sheridan Plaza. They will have Christmas gift wrapping services from the 3rd up to Christmas Eve and Sensory Santa to ensure every child gets time with Santa this Christmas. There will also be a magical morning with a Picnic with Santa. Children will meet Santa and his friends, and enjoy something yummy to eat, take a photo with Santa, and write Santa a Christmas wish-list. Tickets are $5 per child and are donated to the Wheels of Wellness Mobile Clinic. Tickets can be purchased at Centre Management during business hours or Saturday between 9.00am - 1.00pm. Office accepts cash only.

A 106 Barnard Dr P 4036 3150

Mt Sheridan Plaza

Smithfield Shopping Centre

This year the centre will have bauble decorating workshops on weekends, Santa Photography, Pet Photography, Sensitive Santa Photography and gift wrapping services for a gold coin donation. Plus spend $50 or more at participating stores between 1 - 24

December for your chance to win a $10k shopping spree! As well as being home to the usual giants such as Coles and Woolies, Smithfield Shopping Centre also has over 125 specialty and service retailers. The centre is also home to Event Cinemas, providing movie-goers with the ultimate cinema experience, plus the Casual Dining Precinct featuring family friendly restaurants. A Cnr Captain Cook and Kennedy Highway, Smithfield P 4281 3800

Smithfield Shopping Centre

Cairns Central

Cairns Central is your destination for entertainment these school holidays with everything to keep the kids entertained, including the latest releases at Event Cinemas, iPlay for endless fun and over 180 stores to enjoy. This year Cairns Central brings the Christmas spirit with Santa Photography, gift wrapping services for a gold coin donation and Make Merry-Mories with Christmas surprises awaiting to be seen. See website for late trading hours in the lead into Christmas.

A 1-21 McLeod St, Cairns P 4041 4111

Cairns Central | December 2022 45
School Holiday Guide

Gallo Dairyland

Well worth a drive and only an hour from Cairns, Gallo Dairyland is a go to this festive season. Gallo Dairyland offers an insight into a fully operational dairy farm, gourmet cheese factory and restaurant. Not to mention their chocolate is worth the trip on its own, and they have special chocolate boxes, Christmas hampers, tasty rum balls, plum puddings and gift vouchers if you are looking for a unique gift.

A Malanda Road Atherton P 07 4095 2388

Gallo Dairyland

Cairns Wake and Aqua Park

The Wake Squad School Holiday Training runs on 10, 17, 24, and 31 December. Cost for 1 day is $99, 3 days costs $269, and 5 days cost $379. Wakeboarding progression sessions and off water activities, lunch, snacks and a drink are included.

Kids club school holiday sessions run from 8.30am to 10.00am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Designed for kids 7 to 12 years old, professional coaches can easily ensure that all kids have a fun time while being introduced to the Wake Park in the most friendly way. The cost is $35 per session, with discounts available for multi-session passes such as Buy 4 Get 1 Free at $28 per session, or a 10-session-pass. Bookings required.

A Cairns Wake Park P 07 40381304 E

Cairns Art Gallery

The Cairns Art Gallery will be running a variety of workshops and classes throughout the school holidays with a range of mediums including paints, sculpture and more. Bookings are essential so check online for

upcoming classes and costs. Suitable for children aged 4 - 14. P 4046 4800

Cairns Art Gallery

The CaPTA Group

Looking for the perfect gift for the family this Christmas? The CaPTA Group Annual Pass gives you 12 months unlimited admission to the Australian Butterfly Sanctuary, Cairns Zoom and Wildlife Dome, Rainforestation Nature Park and Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas. Come face to face with crocs, explore the tropical rainforest and marvel at the wildlife of the Far North. Visit the website for terms and conditions and to claim your locals offer of 20% off. P 4035 3555

Australian Butterfly Sanctuary

Be surrounded by 1500 colourful butterflies in the magical Australian Butterfly Sanctuary in Kuranda Village. Enjoy a guided tour, see butterflies in all life stages in the laboratory and explore the fairy garden! Locals receive 20% off with code BUTTERFLYLOCAL. Open daily from 10.00am - 3.00pm. A 8 Rob Veivers Dr, Kuranda QLD 4881 P 4093 7575

Rainforestation Nature Park Pamagirri Mini Mob

Rainforestation Nature Park is an award-winning attraction. Explore the rainforest on the Army Duck, learn about Indigenous Culture on the Pamagirri Aboriginal Experience, and view their iconic Aussie animals up close at The Koala and Wildlife Park. Locals receive 20% off with the code RFSLOCAL.

A 1030 Kennedy Hwy, Kuranda QLD 4881 P 4085 5008

46 December 2022 | School Holiday Guide

Cairns ZOOM & Wildlife Dome Keepers In Training

Enjoy the ultimate experience of a high ropes course and wildlife park combined. Walk outside the roof of the Dome and enjoy an adrenaline rush on their 13m Power Jump! Join for an interactive, hands-on experience, which includes a take home wildlife photo. Locals receive 20% off with the code ZOOMLOCAL.

They also offer ‘Keepers In Training’, sharing what it’s really like to be a Wildlife Keeper. The program runs on Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday of QLD school holidays 9.00am – 10.00am (includes one adult companion), and for 8 to 13-year olds from 11am – 12 noon. Cost is $40.00

A The Reef Hotel Casino P 40317250

Child’s World Early Learning Centre

Need care for your kids in the lead up to Christmas? Child’s World Early Learning Centres not only accommodate children from the age of 6 weeks old, they also do vacation care for children up to the age of 12. School Holiday Vacation Care includes chef cooked nutritious meals, fun excursions, games and activities, a home bus service on request and more.

A Bentley Park, Mount Sheridan and Manoora P 4045 4045

Cairns Library Events

The Cairns Council Libraries, along with their usual offerings, run holiday programs that include storytime, family fun activities, mindfulness and yoga, science programs, music, and craft workshops. Check the website for more information and booking options.

A Various locations

The Reef Eye Ferris Wheel

Sign up for their new locals VIP Club and get 10% off. If you are looking for a unique way to celebrate Christmas, ask about their bulk ticket purchase options and fully catered Christmas events on the Esplanade. See Cairns and the Reef from above these school holidays with a ride on the Reef Eye Ferris Wheel. The brand new, state of the art 35-metre high Ferris

Wheel, offers 360 degree views through fully enclosed, plexiglass-wrapped gondolas, and a fully illuminated hotel style frontage and flight deck. During operation, tickets are able to be purchased both online and in person at the rides ticket box.

A Cairns Esplanade, Western Event Lawn The Reef Eye

Art Class with Carly

Let your kids’ creativity shine with art these school holidays! Classes are for kids age 6 and up and tickets are $40 per class. Kids only need to bring their creativity and water bottles. Materials and morning tea will be provided.

P 04 0265 9504

A Brown Street Westcourt Art class with Carly

FNQ Dance Academy

The academy offers dance classes in Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary, Hip Hop, Musical Theatre and Acrobatics for anyone 2 years to adults. They also offer a dedicated Under 5’s program, boys only classes and recreational or exam/comp stream classes. Visit the website for more information. There are two convenient locations in Portsmith and Woree.

A The City - 168 Draper St, Cairns

A The Grounds - 117 Toogood Rd, Woree P 4051 4888

UMA Australia

Learn how to maximise the body’s force-producing capabilities through easy-to-learn martial arts movements. UMA Australia is not designed for sports competition but rather for individuals to learn practical self-defence skills. Classes cater for children as young as four years old, providing them with life-long skills in a familyfriendly environment while also improving general health, wellbeing, strength, confidence, coordination and fitness.

A 1/21 Donaldson St, Manunda P 0414 782 189 P 4051 5582 | December 2022 49 School Holiday Guide

44 Jobs of the Future

The creators of 1989’s Back to the Future II predicted we would be riding around on hoverboards by the year 2015. And - they were not too far off! Marty McFly would be proud of our efforts to defy gravity by adding jets, wheels, and motors to almost anything (Google ‘jetpack’ for a visual).

In reality though, if the past three years have shown us anything, it’s that none of us know what the future holds. And as the world changes around us, it can be daunting for parents to consider what might await our children down the track.

It is also exciting to think about the opportunities they will encounter, and where they might find their passion. Technology has changed life as we know it, and it has also served up a bevy of new career prospects for the savvy kids of generations Z and Alpha.

So how do we encourage our children’s hopes and dreams, and help them on their way when their future job may not even exist yet? Experts say there are still ways to help children discover their passions.

The people of Generation Z were born in the mid to late 1990s while Generation Alpha encompasses children born since 2010. Cranfield University’s Professor Joe Nellis predicts Generation Alpha “will be the wealthiest, most intensely educated and most dynamic generation that human society has yet seen”. “When it gets to the stage of making choices, Gen Alpha won’t be looking for a broad education anymore, a strict curriculum to follow, or generalist qualifications. They will be looking to train as specialists, going far deeper into particular topic areas and niches,” he said.

Meanwhile, according to the Australian Government’s Job Outlook career tool, there is likely to be strong demand in already-existing industries where employment has boomed in recent years due to technological advancements and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

These Industries Include:

• Healthcare and social assistance

• Professional, scientific and technical services

• Education and training

• Construction

With all of this in mind, here’s a list of 44 careers to consider, both in the near future and further down the track.


1. Flood Control Engineer - Assisting with water management strategies in light of rising sea levels and extreme weather.

2. Digital Apiarist - Building and collecting data on beehives to support agriculture and plant life.

3. De-extinction Geneticist - Restoring extinct animal and plant species to rebalance ecosystems.

4. Rewilders - Replacing roads with forests and reintroducing native species.

5. Bio-jacker - Undertaking precision genome editing of plants and animals, including humans.


6. Cricket Farmer - Monitoring and breeding crickets for high-protein food production.

7. Farm Safety Advisor - Reducing farm accidents and injuries.

8. Agroecological Farmer - Growing crops while restoring agricultural balance.

9. Vertical Farmer - Farming on rooftops and inside purpose-built skyscrapers.


10. School Teacher / Education Aide - The number of school-aged children is growing, and there’s demand for adult and community education. | December 2022 51
STORY Caitlin Francis, Digital Media Officer, Cairns Catholic Education

11. Aesthetician - Helping people enhance their appearance using biochemistry and fashion technology.

12. 100-year Counsellor - Assisting people to have a productive and fulfilling life.

13. AI Educator - Helping people make the most of artificial intelligence, including learning how to work with robots.

14. Local Community Coordinator - Organising activities to help communities come together.

15. Displaced Persons Re-integrator - Supporting people who have been displaced from their communities to settle into their new lives.

16. Local Experiences Guide - Offering “in-destination” experiences to travellers.

17. Behaviour Prediction Analyst - Predicting behaviour based on data and algorithms.


18. Aged, Disabled, and Child Carers / Registered Nurses / Welfare support workers - Investments in hospitals and the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) means there is a growing demand for aged care, childcare and home-care based services.

19. Virtual Surgeon - Performing surgery using robotics and virtual technologies.

20. Health Shaper - Building health solutions customised to clients’ lives.

21. Genetics Coach - Helping people understand their genetic profiles and the impact of genes on their health.

22. End of Life Counsellor - Offering therapy when technology enables us to know how long we will live.


23. Net Positive Architect - Designing solutions to create responsible commercial buildings or houses.

24. Sustainable Energy Solutions Engineer - Designing storage, transport and use systems that are sustainable and safe.

25. Trades Workers - Trades workers are vital to construction, with apprenticeships and traineeships the main entry pathway.


26. Bioprinting Engineer - Creating viable tissue for human implants.

27. Ethical Hacker - Identifying weaknesses in cybersecurity systems to find and fix potential security risks.

28. Satellite Network Maintenance Engineer - Keeping the global wireless satellite network functioning.

29. Robotics Technician / Self-driving Car MechanicMaintaining robots and autonomous vehicles.

30. Space Captain / Space Tour Guide - Leading reallife tours across the solar system

31. Remote Drone Divers / Pilots - Delivering items remotely.

32. Drone Airspace Regulator - Developing road rules for the sky.

33. Virtual Reality Programmer - Designing virtual experiences for healthcare, marketing or entertainment.

34. Multi-sensory Experience Designer - Bringing together technologies to create fully immersive games, leisure activities, marketing campaigns and education.


35. Community Farm Finance Broker - Connecting farmers with individuals who wish to invest in their own food production.

36. Fusionist - Bringing together professionals from art, engineering, research, science and other disciplines to create innovative ideas and solutions.

37. Personalist Marketer - Implementing marketing strategies where content is tailored to an individual person.


38. Software Programmers - Designing and developing program code.

39. Management and Organisation Analysts - Helping organisations achieve greater efficiency and solving problems.

40. Accountants - Providing services relating to taxation, auditing, insolvency, budgeting and cost management.

41. Data Privacy Strategist - Designing solutions to protect people's data.

42. Freelance Virtual Clutter Organiser - Helping to manage a person's virtual clutter.

43. Data Waste Recyclers - Receiving data recommended for deletion and reviewing it to see if it can be recycled.

44. Media Remixer - Combining a variety of media from across time to create one-of-a-kind experiences.

What Advice Should I Offer my Child?

We all want our children to thrive throughout their career however, most parents value their child’s happiness more than anything else. The age-old adage “Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life” still rings true, even if the job prospects nowadays look a little different than in the past. A great way for our children to identify jobs they might enjoy is to think about the tasks they like doing and how they like to work. Are your children:

• Practical

• Analytical

• Creative

• Helping

• Enterprising

• Administrative

Secondary schools have career counsellors on staff who can provide expert advice about which industries and roles may suit your child. Job Outlook also offers an online career quiz to help your child identify what kinds of work they may be good at or enjoy doing.

Further details about many of these careers can also be found at You can also visit for more information.

52 December 2022

Powering Potential with Self-Belief

As adults, we understand how important confidence and self-belief are, and our sense of self-worth drives us and helps us succeed. Nevertheless, many of us recall how insecure we felt during our teenage years. I, for one, can remember feeling awkward, unattractive, and embarrassed, even when a group of my closest friends surrounded me.

Working with high school students, I notice that many experience similar insecurities. They avoid trying out for sports or getting involved in clubs because they feel they aren’t as talented or qualified as others. They compare themselves to others and put a lot of pressure on themselves to meet other people’s standards. Doing this is exhausting!

While insecurities are a normal experience during teenage years, no doubt having confidence will help your teen succeed. It can help them make safe and informed decisions, face challenges, and set and achieve goals. There are many different ways to boost your teen’s confidence, but below are six of my favourite strategies:

Create a collage about your teenager. Include pictures, words, and phrases describing their best characteristics and strengths. This board helps you remember the parts of your teen that you want them to feel good about. Make a comment whenever you notice your teen exhibiting any of those characteristics. Include what you saw, how it helps them now, and how it can help them in the future.

Seek out a volunteer experience. To a teen, knowing that they are making an impact on someone else’s life can boost their self-worth and confidence immensely. Plus, instead of your teen being the one needing help, the dynamic shifts to your teen being the one providing assistance to someone else.

Surround them with positive role models. Work on finding a role model or mentor. Family friends, teachers, coaches, or someone working in your teen’s interest field are all excellent starting points. You can also look for motivational speakers on YouTube because even though it is a virtual influence, the exposure can impact them positively and become a source of comfort and motivation for them.

Find a physical outlet. Running, yoga and exercise classes are great for the mind and the body. If team sports are too much pressure, try an individual sport like golf or bowling or joining a gym. Personal trainers are also a great idea as they can motivate your teen to keep going and reach desired goals.

Help them get a job. If your teen has time outside of school commitments, you can help them find a job in an area that interests them. This helps them learn responsibility, meet new people and make some money.

Praise the process rather than the outcome. Praise the hard work put into a project rather than the ‘A’ your teen received as a grade. If we praise the process instead of the outcome, teens will eventually recognise that they can feel confident about themselves without basing their sense of self-worth on a score or an academic result.

Natalie is the Founder of Life Success for Teens. During her eight years of coaching high school and competitive cheerleading, she realised that she had a gift for connecting with teenagers and motivating them to be their best version. She also has fourteen years of experience working as a school psychologist in a public high school. Her area of expertise is working with students who need a confidence boost to feel successful both in and outside the classroom. | December 2022 55
All Things Tweens and Teens

All Things Tweens & Teens

Christmas Holidays with TeensWays to Make Them Merry

The holiday season is supposed to be fun and memorable. But with a moody teen, you may find it more memorable than fun - and perhaps not in a good way. Your teen might be less enthusiastic about spending extended time with the family and have lost interest in previously enjoyed activities.

Our kids’ behaviour may challenge us even more because it is magnified by our own stress, emotional fatigue and, perhaps, lack of availability due to increased obligations.

So, what is a parent to do?

Make Friends with Your Feelings

Decide what’s important to your family, encourage your teen to think about others, lower your expectations, and don’t let moodiness ruin it for everyone else. Remember that despite our wishes, giving teens personal space and time is important.

If all fails, try to, in the words of most teens, “just chill”. Easier said than done, but not a bad thing for parents to strive toward during this festive time of year - you might find yourself feeling merrier.

WIN a My First Victorinox Children Set in Animal Edition Parrot

$99.95 -

Children are naturally curious. This fun pocket knife set will help them explore and engage with the world around them. In three exciting animal designs, each set comes with a practical neck strap and an adventure-filled colouring book that also shows children how to safely use their knives (with adult supervision). From carving little figures to whittling sticks, help them create memories for a lifetime.

Head to for your chance to WIN!

During our lifetime, we will experience all sorts of emotions ranging from elation to despair, clarity to confusion. Teens especially are likely to experience their feelings like a sudden tornado - an unexpected, fiercely whirling mix of conflicting emotions. Helping your teen to recognise, respect and accept their feelings is an important part of nurturing good mental health. By learning to identify these different feelings and putting them into words, they can uncover what needs are met or unmet, what triggers certain emotions, and how to seek help. Often, journaling can assist with externalising feelings, and also helps to become more self aware and self compassionate.

56 December 2022 |
All Things Tweens and Teens

Daddy Diary

Is it just me or is it feeling extra Christmassy this year? I mean it is December, so the festive season has well and truly arrived. But even last month, and dare I say it, the end of October was feeling more festive than usual. Some businesses had Halloween and Christmas decorations out at the same time. The month of Christmas has finally arrived and it truly is (to the tune of Michael Bublé) beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

One little boy who has taken to Christmas like some wild, festive fanatic is my son Charlie. He turned three in April so this is the first Christmas where he truly gets it, lead up and all. Back in the first week of November we were lining up to pay for groceries when he noticed Santa hats perched right there on the register. Strange impulse by Coles but it worked a treat. Although I refused to buy him one on the spot (we already have about five at home somewhere) he did manage to find a particularly old and sad looking one somewhere in the dark recesses of his toybox. For the next week he quite literally wore that red, pom pom monstrosity everywhere he went. It’s like the thing was glued to his scalp. It must have been like a

furnace under there. But little did we know Charlie’s obsession with the Santa hat was just the beginning.

Every single morning since the start of November started the same way at our place:

1. Charlie wakes up.

2. Charlie screams for someone to come and get him out of his cot (yes, he’s a three-year-old who still sleeps in a cot or “toddler jail” as I call it).

3. Charlie asks us if Santa came last night.

This has been mine and my wife’s morning every single day since early November. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. Forget about Saint Nicholas, we’ve been the true saints of Queensland this festive season.

It feels like it’s had more build up than the final episode of Neighbours. But once and for all December has arrived - the most wonderful time of the year (again to the tune of Michael Bublé). And if there’s one thing that’s too hard to begrudge any child for loving too much, it’s Christmas. Even if my wife and I are only asking how many sleeps until Christmas so we can stop each morning starting like it’s Groundhog Day.

Merry Christmas from the Cliffo’s... Cliffo

Hit 103.5

Scan to read more of Cliffo’s Daddy Diaries. | December 2022 59
Daddy Diary

Check it Out

Christmas in Cairns Thanks to Cairns Regional Council

Christmas Tree Light Up - 1 December / 5.30pm

Visit the Esplanade in your best Christmas attire and enjoy live music, dance performances, face painting, hula hooping and a special visit from Santa. The Mayor, Santa and his helpers will light up the Christmas Tree at 7.00pm.

Carols in the Park - 11 December / 5.00pm Live stage performances at Munro Martin Parklands, streamed to Cairns Performing Arts Centre.

Mayor’s Christmas Cheer Appeal - Become a contributor to help spread Christmas cheer to those in the community who need it the most, providing food hampers at Christmas. Donate at

School Holidays - Cairns Libraries and The Court House have a jam-packed program for families and children with special events over the Festive season. Visit or The Court House Facebook page for more info.

‘Joy to the World’ - Cairns Community Christmas

Carols and Fireworks

Nikolaus - A German Christmas Experience

When: 2 December / 5.00pm

Where: German Club

More Info: German Club Cairns

It’s the final event for the German Club Cairns for 2022 so you know that it’s gonna be spesh. Kicking off with old man Nikolaus arriving to give gifts to all the kids. Parents/carers/Omas and Opas bring a prezzie for your darling and one for charity and drop both at the bar. The gifts keep coming with a massive TOMBOLA, the raffle that keeps giving. Buy a bunch of tickets, unwrap them and if there is a number on it, that’s what you win. The restaurant is serving traditional German Christmas goodness- so stay, eat, drink and have some fun.

When: 3 December / 5.00pm - 9.00pm Where: Cairns Showgrounds More info: Cairns Churches or

Enjoy carols, good food, great music and spend time and a big fireworks display with friends and family. This event is hosted by Cairns Churches in partnership with many local companies and groups, including Cairns Regional Council, Xplosive Art and Cairns Show Association.

Carols for Kids 2022

When: 4 December / 4.00pm - 6.00pm Where: The Lakes Church 102-104 MacNamara Street, Edge Hill More info:

This wonderful FREE family will have Christmas carols, an animal farm, photo booth, jumping castles, sausage sizzle and family activities. Due to limited space, tickets are free, but bookings are essential.

60 December 2022 |

Santa Photos - Cairns Animal Rescue

When: 4 December / 10.00am - 2.00pm Where: Petbarn, Bungalow More Info: Cairns Animal Rescue Inc 2

Come and get a professional photo with Santa for a $10 donation. 100% of funds raised help provide food and medical care for all our furry rescues. No bookings required, just pop down to Petbarn, Westcourt. You will receive a digital file. Cash and card donations accepted.

With HIT 103.5’s Cliffo and Bronte

Bulkaway Muruku Song and Yarning for Families and Their Babies

When: 5 December / 10.00am - 10.45am Where: Manunda Library More info: Cairns Libraries

Bulkaway Muruku Bulkaway Muruku Song and Yarning is a great experience for families and their children. It is all about bringing stories to life through yarn and song, the age-old way of handing down knowledge. The Bulkaway Muruku program coincides with Storytime at Manunda Library to enable families and their children 0 - 5 years to experience stories in a live interactive setting that encourages self-exploration in story sharing.

Textural Patterns in Nature Workshops

When: 10 December / 10.15am - 1.15pm Where: Tank 4 - Tank Arts Centre

Drawing and Painting workshops. Depict and replicate patterns from nature, using charcoal and mixed media. The artist will instruct on various mark making techniques and pre-format in producing a mixed media painting on canvas. Students are to supply their own canvas (60 x 90cm) or larger brushes. The Artist will provide acrylic paint and binding materials and brushes. Book by the 8 December. For more details, pricing or to book visit or call 0459 030 095.

Event Cinemas Earlville Re-opening

When: 10 December Where: Event Cinemas, Stockland Shopping Centre More Info: BCC Cinemas Earlville

The official re-opening of Event Cinemas Earlville. Hit FM will be broadcasting live and there will be heaps of children’s activities. You can get $10 traditional tickets to use that day. The new Vmax will open from 10.00am to 12.00pm where you can experience the comfort of double daybeds, recliners and Vmax chairs. | December 2022 61
Scan to check out more local events

Check it Out

Driftwood Mobiles for Kids

When: 13 December, 10.00am and 16 December, 10.00am

Where: Limberlost Nursery & Vines Café More info: Limberlost Nursery

Driftwoods Mobiles are a great gift idea for Christmas. This workshop is a great opportunity for kids to make a handmade, unique present for someone special. Inspired by the sea, all materials for this workshop are provided, and gift wrapping will be available on the day to wrap your special creation. Suitable for ages 6 and up.

Christmas Succulent Arrangement Workshop

When: 15 December / 5.30pm Where: Succuliving & Co. More Info: Succuliving & Co /

Take home your very own Christmas Succulent Arrangement. Use it as a Christmas Table centerpiece or gift to your loved ones. In this workshop, you will create a succulent arrangement by using varieties of succulent plants, gravel, sand, rocks and other accessories. You will also learn an Introduction to succulents, how to create a beautiful succulent arrangement and ‘How to Care’ guide. A glass of Champagne and Grazing board to share included. Cost: $85.00pp. Classes are limited.

HIT’s Cavalcade of Lights 2022

When: 16 December / 4.00pm Where: Cairns Showgrounds More Info: Hit Far North Queensland

Hit FM’s 19th Annual Cavalcade of Lights proudly brought to you by Westco Volkswagen is back. It’s a must do this Christmas season, so bring your family and your friends to view some of the best Christmas Lights Cairns has to offer! Hit FM Breakfast team, Cliffo & Bronte will be there once again leading the charge. Enjoy Christmas music and a great community spirit as you follow the lead cars around the suburbs!

62 December 2022 |

Stable at Riverway, Townsville

When: 18 - 22 December / 5.30pm - 9.00pm Where: Riverway Complex More info:

If you love Christmas add this to your bucket list. Stable shares a very unique experience and the story of Christmas. Stable at Riverway transforms into the historic town of Bethlehem, complete with live actors, Roman soldiers, traditional craftspeople, livestock, shepherds and of course Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. The event attracts up to 40,000 visitors a year and is a must see for all families in North Queensland. The event is an interactive re-creation of the traditional Christmas story, and is a free event for the whole family, and is fast becoming a Christmas tradition for families in North Queensland. There is heaps of entertainment, a wide selection of food and a designated youth area.

FREE Christmas Lights Run / Walk

When: 22 December / 6.45pm

Where: Purbeck Close, Edge Hill More info: Cairns Dynamic Running

Join us for this fun FREE event! If you can’t make it, you can register for the virtual option. Run with a crowd and go faster and further.

Christmas Day Lunch and Dinner Options

When: 25 December

Eat out with family and friends on Christmas day at these six venues. Bookings essential.

Cairns Colonial Club - Three course lunch 12.00pm - 2.30pm

Pullman Cairns International - Christmas lunch buffet 12.00pm - 3.00pm / Christmas dinner buffet 6.00pm - 9.00pm

Novotel Cairns - Christmas lunch 12.00pm - 3.00pm / Christmas dinner 6.00pm - 9.00pm

Shangri-La Hotel - Christmas lunch buffet 12.00pm - 3.00pm

CC’s Bar and Grill - Christmas lunch 12.00pm

The Benson Hotel - Christmas lunch buffet 12.00pm - 3.00pm

Check Out These New Year’s Eve Events

When: 31 December Celebrate the coming of the New Year at one of the three venues across the city. Cairns Council’s New Year’s Eve firework displays will be held at the Cairns Esplanade, Palm Cove jetty and Walker Road in Edmonton.

Cairns City - 6.30pm free family movie DC League of Super Pets, 8.30pm fireworks and midnight fireworks. Edmonton - 6.30pm free family movie DC League of Super Pets and 8.30pm fireworks. Palm Cove - 8.30pm fireworks.

Port Douglas - 8.00pm and midnight fireworks. Ace DJ dropping the beats. From 5.30pm, kids can enjoy a UV GLOW Kids Disco, free face painting and prizes prior to the 8pm family fireworks.

Pullmans International - Live music with 3’s A Crowd, seafood buffet or Antipasto, charcuterie and cheese buffet with 3 hour drinks package.

The Benson- Head back to the 80s with DJ Just Andy and indulge in a bottomless Veuve Clicquot and beverage package from 8.00pm to midnight, arrival canapés and seafood and meat boards.

Novotel Cairns Oasis - Tuck into a low and slow BBQ and enjoy lawn games, a kids dance party and a white claw pop up bar. | December 2022 63
With Triple M’s Tammy Barker Scan to check out more local events

Community Noticeboard

YAPS Animal Refuge Need Your Help this Festive Season

More info:

If you are having a clean out of pet toys, towels, pet beds, dog houses, or any useful pet items, all donations are greatly appreciated. Donations of pet food are also in high need, you can drop them to Pet Café, Stockland in front of BigW or at YAPS. A donation of your time is always appreciated, especially by tradies. If you are looking for a pet - rescue one in need from here.

Congratulations to the Wildlife Habitat for winning silver at the 2022 Queensland Tourism Awards in the Tourist Attraction Category. Wildlife Habitat Port Douglas

Lullaby of Broadway

When: 3 December / 1.00pm

Where: Cairns Performing Arts Centre

You won’t want to miss this Theatrical Extravaganza! Bring the family along to embark on a marvellous journey through all the hits and sensations of Broadway with Julia Macalpine Dance Studio’s all dancing, all singing 2022 Tribute Production “Lullaby of Broadway.”

Tickets: Adults: $49.00 / 3 - 17 yrs: $35.00. For more details or to book, visit

New Rules for E-Scooters

New rules and increased penalties of up to $1078 for personal mobility device riders (such as e-scooters and e-skateboards). 12 - 15 year olds must be supervised, under 12’s are prohibited. Helmet on, mobiles off, ride responsibly, no doubling or going over 25km/h.

Story Dogs Reading Program

Visit Edmonton Library with your children for them to read, experience the loving nature of dogs, their focus can improve and their literacy skills can increase. Happening every Tuesday at 3.30pm.

64 December 2022 |
Please confirm the above details are correct before visiting during these uncertain times.We have done our best to ensure all details are correct at time of print.

Pantomime is back with A Jolly Roger Christmas

When: 2 - 10 December Where: The Rondo Theatre More info:

Cairns Little Theatre Inc. Pantomime presents A Jolly Roger Christmas written and directed by Noelene Rees.

A Christmas show for the whole family! Join the delightful elves with their unfailing Christmas Spirit, as they happily go about their work until a storm, a wind-whipped sky-ship and a lack of baked beans, threatens to expose the North Pole. Follow as two bumbling pirates wonder lost and scared in the unfamiliar snowy landscape. Who will they meet? Will the Pirates steal Christmas? Running time is approximately 2 hours including a 20 minute intermission. For more details on ticket prices and times or to book, visit or call 0415 822 333.

Christmas Lights On the Move

When: Thursday 8th December / 5.00pm - 8.30pm Where: Fogarty Park More info:

Christmas Lights on the Move is an annual fundraising event supporting Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) North Australia. This family-friendly event encourages participants to get in the Christmas spirit and ride, walk, run, skip or scoot in support of North Australian families with sick and injured children. Get your family ‘on the move’ with two route options available, a 6km Esplanade Loop or the traditional 16km Christmas Lights House Tour. All funds raised will go to programs like the RMHC accommodation adjacent to the hospital which can accommodate 25 families and over 100 people each night. The Ronald McDonald Family Retreat in Palm Cove gives families with a critically ill child or families suffering from a bereavement the chance to take time out together for a family getaway, and lots more.

community noticeboard online. | December 2022 65

Parent's Puzzles

Sudoku - Each of the nine blocks must contain all the numbers 1-9 within its squares. Each number can only appear once in a row, column or box.

WIN SERVD. Kids Vs Parents $34.99 -

Obliterate boredom with SERVD Kids Vs Parents: the hilarious real-life card game where kids (aged 8 - 15) go headto-head with their parent(s), taking real-life scenarios and turning them into hilarious actions in a card game. SERVD turns your household into the playing field and can be played oneon-one or between the whole family. To play, just agree to a timeframe (E.g. a week, a month, 6 months), split the cards up between everyone playing and start dishing out cards wherever and whenever you need them.

Visit for your chance to win! Competition closes 10/01/2023. No need to submit answers to enter.

Scan to check out more great prizes.

Find the two identical images

Answers can be found at

66 December 2022 |

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