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• Pleas e
Take me home; I'm all YOURS!
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fresh copy h om his t e e
e at this time. ien Ta k yg
School Holiday Guide • Back to School • Extracurricular Activity Guide Huge Prizes • Harmful Vs Nurturing Communication • Kids Activities
Welcome 5
The Thing Is with
Hello and welcome to a brand-new year, and a brand-new edition
Bree James
of PakMag.
Playing Small -
We’ve survived 2020 and the festive season with our family, now I hope
Stop Shrinking Yourself to Fit
you have a bit of RnR planned and some time to focus on yourself to
Places You’ve Outgrown
recharge those batteries.
STEAM Activities
Usually, this time of year we are off visiting family or holidaying somewhere.
Harmful vs Nurturing
This year, like many NQ families we’ve decided to stay put and enjoy all the beauty of our region. I’m looking forward to the sound of rain, relaxing in
our beautiful swimming holes, wearing my PJ’s all day and taking each day
15 The Power of a First
as it comes.
We’ve found lots of great programs and ideas to keep the family occupied
19 All Things Health
for the summer break, and you’ll also find lots of great after school activities
21 Active Healthy Kids
to enrol in too.
22 Bump, Bub and Beyond
I truly hope you have an amazing start to the New Year. I wish you and
24 Parent’s Colouring In
yours; health, joy, abundance and contentment in all areas of your life.
25 Mini Mag
Until next time, happy reading and don’t forget to tell everyone, you read
28 Back to School Giveaway 31 Vacation Care Fun 33 Extracurricular Activity Guide 39 Back to School: Starting the
Year on the Right Foot
it in PakMag.
Bree Bree James PakMag Founder and Editor-in-Chief Contact Us: p 4053 3331 e a PO Box 7433 Cairns Qld 4870
43 School Holiday Guide 47 Daddy Diary 49 Get Out and About
PakMag Founder and Editor-in-Chief Bree James
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Sara Williams
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Disclaimer: No part of this magazine, including the advertisements within it may be reproduced, in part or in whole without the expressed permission of the editor. Whilst the greatest of care is taken to ensure that the information in the magazine is correct at the time of going to press, readers are advised to check details before visiting. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. The ideas expressed within PakMag are not necessarily the views of the publishers, but those of individual writers. We have done our best to ensure all events and information was correct at the time of going to print. Please check with individual businesses and authorities during these uncertain times. Net Distribution Per Issue 10,000. Most recent CAB Publisher Statement Conducted September 2019. We encourage recycling. Please keep this issue for future reference, pass onto your friends and family, use for craft projects or place into the recycling bin.
families | January 2021 3
The Thing Is
The Thing Is with Bree James A new year filled with fresh beginnings. Usually I love to plan out my year, set my goals and standards I am going to live by, and have absolute clarity about what the ‘plans’ are for the year. As I write this, it’s at the tail end of a messy 2020. ‘Current Bree’ thinks ‘future Bree’ is silly to waste time planning for 2021 after all her grand plans changed rapidly in 2020. The thing is, life the past twelve months was all about surviving. One thing I know for sure - is that change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. Goals, plans, trips, dreams, and celebrations went completely out the window, and life was literally living in the moment. Special occasions were very hard to make and stick to, and every celebration was cherished even if it looked different to what you had planned - many done via a screen to include those that couldn’t be with you. I am not sure about you, but I regretted a lot of plans I made whilst I was in a five-minute extroverted mood. It took a lot of positive self-talk of; “you should go, get dressed up and talk to people - you haven’t been social in months!” to get me out the door. Having plans sounds like a great idea until you have to put on clothes and leave your house. I think many of us got used to being at home a lot more, and enjoyed it way more than we thought we would. So, with that said, I have decided that 2021 is the year ‘of space.’ I’m giving myself room for my plans to change, for time to chill out and to see what happens. In the words of John Lennon – ‘life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.’ One thing 2020 taught me is that we can’t take life too
seriously, we don’t know how much time we have and things can change in an instant. So, it’s time to go with the flow and lose the ‘control-freak’ a little, okay - a lot. As they say; ‘the only constant - is change,’ so 2021… I have no expectations of you. I will still set my goals, but I will release my expectations, and as a result the pressure we so often put on ourselves. The extra covid-kilos I have accumulated, the nonexistent travel plans and concerns about money… I am just going to go all ‘Elsa’ and let it go. What will be, will be. Sure, I hope that the health, wealth and adventure in my life and those I love, is abundant but often, when chasing these goals, we put more pressure on ourselves and don’t enjoy the process of getting there. This year is about being a little gentler on myself and enjoying the journey - laughing, loving, living more and spending time with those I adore. 2021, I don’t know what you have in store- but please be kind… to us all. Take the time to really consider what you are grateful for and what you want your 2021 to look like. And, as you set those goals, don’t forget to allow for ‘room to move’ and kindness for yourself, as we navigate this new year together with hope.
Bree | January 2021 5
Playing Small Stop Shrinking Yourself to Fit Places You’ve Outgrown WITH Dr Gail Saltz
What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Fear of failure holds us back from doing what we truly love and what we are capable of - because it matters more if we fail at our passions or our purpose - than something you’re doing for duty or as the safe or comfortable alternative. If you don’t really care about what you are doing, it doesn’t matter if you fail at it. But then, we get caught in a pattern of living a watered-down version of our lives, not rising to our potential, but rather playing small going through the motions - more as a passenger than a pilot. Once you’re in that pattern it can be hard to break. But the good news is – you can. You have the power to rewrite your story and eliminate the messages you keep telling yourself that keep holding you back.
a tape of what your telling yourself that’s driving a lot of your behaviour, like self-defeating stories, or your need to be a super-achiever, the competitor, a person that is dependant or passive. All your stories have a theme. For example; why you keep picking the same person - either as a friend or in a romantic capacity. These relationships tend to follow the same path, leading to the same outcome. If you were able to be introspective about what was going on in your mind during that process, you would find a story that says: ‘I have to go for that person, because that’s the best I can do’ or ‘I have to go for that person, because they’re here now and I have to have someone, because it’s too scary to be on my own.’ How can we break those patterns and take control of our life and our course?
But how? Dr Gail Saltz - acclaimed Psychiatrist, Psychoanalyst and best-selling Author, joins us to help.
“The first and the hardest part is awareness and the ability for self-observation. And, a willingness to investigate internally and self-analyse - even when it’s painful.”
Firstly, why do people play small?
How do you do that?
“There’s a comfort in repeating what you know. It’s scary for most people to break out of a pattern and do something differently, seeing the uncertainty of what the outcome will be.”
“Pick something that’s not working for you. What are the repetitive thoughts you have around that issue? Once you’re aware of that, question the thoughts. What does it mean? Where did I get that Idea? Allow yourself the space and the time to conduct a ‘mental investigation’, to uncover the origins of that story. Does it really still fit for you? Are the things you’ve based that story on accurate or current? Are you that same person, or a different person? As you question, you move toward re-writing that story.
In your best-selling book - Becoming Real: Defeating the Stories We Tell Ourselves That Hold Us Back, what are those stories? “They range from person to person, between biological givens combined with our environment and life experiences that evolve our personality, our way of thinking and relating to others. Think of the ‘stories’ as
6 January 2021 |
It is possible to do this work on your own, but sometimes we need an objective outer party - like a
psychotherapist to help bounce things off in order to get a clearer perspective on the thoughts and feelings we tell ourselves, because we are too close to them. This psychodynamic work is the process of taking unconscious material and making it conscious for yourself; questioning it, analysing it, looking at the roots of it, then reforming it. The knowledge of what’s going on in your unconscious mind - is the power to undo it, because your unconscious thoughts and feelings drive behaviour. Once you’re aware of those thoughts and feelings – you can change them, and your story.
Knowing who you are and how you want to live your life is also key to taking back control. In your book you discuss the five qualities of becoming ‘real’: Authenticity, Personal Freedom, True Strength, Self-Acceptance and Intimacy. What are those qualities and how can we develop them? “Authenticity is really knowing who you are, how you really got there and being at peace with that. It’s understanding devoid of self-blame. To build real relationships, real trust and achieve true intimacy you need to be able to be vulnerable. It’s being seen and accepted for who you really are, and seeing and accepting others the same way. If you’re a secret from yourself, you can’t be an open book to someone else. Personal freedom: behaviours are driven from unconscious thought and unconscious intense emotions. When we make that unconscious material conscious – it frees you from being forced into repetitive behaviours.
When you know your stories, you have the opportunity to defeat them and feel free to make your decisions, life choices and behaviours - based on all the information. True Strength: I think true strength is having the courage to really know yourself. ‘It takes great courage to see the world in all its tainted glory, and still to love it. And even more courage to see it in the one you love’ - Oscar Wilde The same theory applies to yourself. Self-Acceptance is knowing all of the things about yourself (some of them may be not so great), and being willing to work on them - but accepting that they’re there. One of the biggest defence mechanisms that people run up against is denial; ‘knowing this about myself makes me very anxious, so I’m just not going to know.’ Seeing it, accepting it, working on it -that’s self-acceptance. Intimacy - with yourself as well as with others. Remember it’s a two-way street. Be willing to accept others and love them as they are. If you find yourself being judgemental of other people- you’re probably judgemental of yourself. If you can’t be selfcompassionate, chances are it’s hard to do the same for other people.” The new year presents fresh opportunities. We’d love for you to be truly, vibrantly, unashamedly you in 2021, and feel empowered to be the pilot in your life, knowing you have the ability to change your story and live your best, most authentic life. If we have learned anything in 2020, it is to not take a day of our lives for granted. Be brave for yourself, in the words of Nelson Mandela; “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” We hope you can step away from the shackles of whatever you are telling yourself that is holding you back and do what you would do if you knew you were not going to fail.
Dr. Gail Saltz is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry with The New York Presbyterian Hospital and psychoanalyst at The New York Psychoanalytic Institute. She is a bestselling author of numerous books including her most recent, "The Power of Different: The Link Between Disorder and Genius," serves as a Medical Expert for the Physicians for Human Rights, and is host of the “Personology” podcast from iHeart Radio.
If you’d like to listen to our full conversation with Dr Gail Saltz, head to and tune into Episode 86 of the Pakmag Parenting Podcast. | January 2021 7
Fun Activities to Get the Kids STEAM Ready for School
Design a Paper Plate Maze
Solar Oven Smores
What You Need
What You Need
Marbles Large paper plates Straws (alternatively you can use rolled up craft paper or a similar item). Hot glue gun and glue sticks Scissors
Empty and clean pizza box (or cardboard box in a similar size that has a lid) Aluminium foil Black paper Hot glue gun and glue stick
Cling wrap Scissors Stick or skewer Craft knife Tape Smore ingredients
Method Cut up straws into different sized pieces. You may need to use a pencil to sketch out the maze on the paper plate beforehand, to use as a guide and to make sure the maze will work. Glue the pieces of straw down to create the walls of the maze, making sure to leave roughly a 1.5cm space between the walls for the marble to roll through easily. There will need to be one or multiple maze entrances and exits so the marble can enter at one point and exit at another, as well as different paths and corners. Once the glue is dry take a marble and place it at a maze entrance. Now it’s up to you to help the marble roll out! Gently tilt and turn the paper plate to get the marble rolling in the direction you choose.
Method Use a craft knife to cut out three sides of a square from the box lid, leaving the top of the square connected to the box so it lifts up like a flap. Tape a sheet of aluminium foil over this flap (see pictures). Then glue a black sheet of paper inside the box, on the bottom, completely covering it. Place your smores inside and use a sheet of cling wrap to cover the box and smores (see pictures). Use a length of cardboard or a skewer (a stick from the garden will also work!) to hold the flap open, taping it in place. Put the oven in the sun and watch the smores slowly cook through solar power! When the marshmallow is puffed up and your chocolate has melted – they’re ready to eat.
8 January Month 2021 2021| |
Tip: Decorate your solar oven with felt tip pens.
WIN the Math Wizard and the Magical Workshop Game or the Math Wizard and the Secrets of the Dragons - Worth $99.99 Each! Maths can be stressful enough as it is, especially in the foundational years of a child’s schooling. Osmo’s new Math Wizard series aims to quell the anxiety around maths to prevent delayed learning and understanding of the subject, by allowing kids aged 6-8 to learn at their own pace - experiencing maths through fun, hands-on, narrative- and adventure-driven games, where kids actually learn maths by touching, manipulating, and experimenting how it is used everyday. The self-paced nature of the Osmo Math Wizard series allows kids to build confidence and understanding in what they are learning, a confidence that they can take to the classroom, homework or maths test. The Math Wizard series acts as your kids’ personal maths tutor, but more affordable and available anytime. For your chance to win visit Competition closes 31/01/2021
Life, Love and Parenting
Your Relationship with Your Children: Harmful vs Nurturing Communication STORY Julia Nowland Sticks and stones may break their bones, but the words you use will shape them. Your words become the inner dialogue that your children will use to describe themselves and their world. Are you a champion, compassionate, critical, harsh, or apathetic? All these styles of communication will colour the relationship you form with your child and ultimately the relationship they have with themselves. The quality of the relationship you have with your child will help shape them in many ways throughout their life. From the way they see themselves, engage in school, solve problems, and their ability to form friendships and romantic relationships in years to come While most people focus on the behaviour of children, it’s important to understand that even if you use the ‘best behavioural modification’ skills in the world, unless you have a strong, warm and clear relationship with your child, your behavioural skills training is only going to get you so far. In a study that was conducted by relationship expert Dr John Gottman, he discovered that children thrived socially and emotionally best when they had parents who responded to them positively. Gottman realised there are four parenting types:
The Dismissing Parent disengages from the relationship with the child, often feeling uncertain about how to handle ‘negative emotions’ and fears feeling out of control. These parents’ resort to using
distraction techniques and hope that the passing of time will ‘cure’ the issue. Example: When a child is upset and crying because they can’t get what they want. The parent roles their eyes, and says “don’t be ridiculous, go play with your brother.” Effects: Children learn that there is something wrong with them, cannot regulate their emotions, interpret that what they are feeling is not appropriate, not right, and ridiculous.
The Disapproving Parent is like the dismissing parent but harsher. They can be negative, critical, and overly concerned with discipline. Example: When a child is upset and crying because they can’t get what they want. The parent becomes angry and says “You’re just being manipulative. Stop crying!” Effects: Similar to the dismissing parenting techniques, children learn that there is something wrong with them, cannot regulate their emotions and fear upsetting others.
The Laissez-Faire Parent is often permissive of behaviour they don’t set limits on, or gives in to certain behaviour in order to ‘keep the peace.’ They offer little to no guidance about problem solving or understanding emotions. Example: When a child is upset because they can’t get what they want. The parent gives in and gives the child what they want to keep the peace. | January 2021 11
Life, Love and Parenting
Effects: Kids can’t concentrate, can’t get along with other others or form friendships and can’t regulate their emotions in a healthy way.
The Emotion Coaching Parent
This is a critical step in deescalating the situation. It’s important to take your child’s emotions seriously by showing them you understand what they’re feeling and that it’s okay for them to feel that way. Avoid criticising, judging, and dismissing the emotions.
The fourth category of parent was created from a culmination of positive parenting interactions that Gottman observed. He looked where the parents were able to respond to their child in ways that helped the child calm their emotions and problem solve together. They were clear, warm, and created boundaries or rules which were fair. This parenting style Gottman called ‘Emotion Coaches’. The important element for this style of parenting has to do with how the parent relates to their child. The words they use, their body language and most importantly, an understanding of their own emotional state. There are five steps that you can follow to ensure that you are an emotion coaching parent:
The Five Essential Steps of Emotion Coaching Step 1 – Get familiar with your own emotions and pay attention to the child’s emotions. Understand that emotions are a natural, normal, and valuable part of life. It’s important to be familiar with all our emotions; from hurt, sadness, anger, fear, joy, happiness and love. The best way to start to understand your child’s emotions is to be familiar with your own. Then, observe your child and watch how they express their emotions. Knowing that they don’t have the knowledge of what they’re feeling like adults do. So, their feeling ‘powerless’ might come out as aggression for example. First start with their facial expressions, body language, posture and tone of voice.
Step 4 – Help your child become familiar with emotions by naming them. It’s easy to tell your child what they should be feeling or what you want them to be feeling; “don’t be sad”, “oh, I don’t like it when you’re sad - be happy for me.” Instead, identify the emotions the child is experiencing by simply naming the emotion you’re helping the child to soothe. It also helps your child build a vocabulary of different feelings. Step 5 - Help your child solve a problem by finding a solution together.
Step 2 - Connect with your child by using emotional moments as opportunities to connect.
It’s important to help children recognise that their feelings are separate from their behaviour. You can encourage expression of emotion, but put limits on behaviour. Start to help your child think through possible solutions, however, be mindful not to expect too much from them, too soon. Catch the child doing lots of things right and praise them for it. There should be five positive interactions for every negative.
Once you start to pay close attention to your child’s emotions, there will come a time where you can either avoid or dismiss them, or, you can see them as an opportunity to connect and use these moments as opportunities to teach.
Being an emotion coach means that you are sensitive to your child’s emotions. You’re responsive - in a caring and compassionate way, that allows your child to understand their emotional world and learn to regulate their feelings and find solutions to problems.
Recognise the emotion and encourage your child to talk about their emotions too, and give guidance before the emotions escalate and turn into misbehaviour.
However, we are human as well and with that comes our own stresses and mistakes. It’s important to remember that the ideal is to be a ‘good enough’ parent. That is a parent who is able to emotionally attune to your child 30-50% of the time.
Step 3 – Listen to your child and respect their feelings by taking time to listen carefully.
Julia Nowland is the founder of Whole Heart Relationships. She specialises in helping parents of young children prioritise their relationship and strengthen their love.
If you’d like to hear more on this topic with julia, head to and tune into Episode 84 of the Pakmag Parenting Podcast.
12 January 2021 |
All Things Tweens and Teens
The Power of a First Impression STORY Allan and Barbara Pease We’ve all heard how important it is to make a good impression. But do you really know why or how to make that first meeting magic happen? If it’s so important, we thought we should consult the Body Language and Relationship Experts – Allan and Barbara Pease, to find out and pass on their advice. Here’s their responses:
What’s the Best Way to Make a Good First Impression? During first impressions, our ancient brain searches the other person for signals of aggression or friendliness. Early humans relied on the ability to read the image and body signals of others to work out if they could be trusted or posed a threat. Our brains still operate this way tens of thousands of years later - people form up to 90 percent of their opinion about a new person in under four minutes. And most of that opinion is formed in under ten seconds! It does not matter whether it’s a work or personal meeting – if you screw up that first four minutes by the way you appear, behave or speak then it will be a struggle to win that person over. Fortunately, you can strategically dress to suit the occasion and train yourself to use positive body language and create trust. Your overall body language behaviour continually impacts how well you will or won’t succeed, face-to-face.
The Heart Hello achieves several things; first, it makes the other person feel welcomed and accepted. Second, it maintains physical distancing and it’s germ free. And third, it allows you to read the other person’s full body language signals, which is harder in an upclose handshake.
2. Smile with Your Teeth Visible Smiling is a primate appeasement gesture, showing others that you are non-threatening. Our research shows the more frequently you smile, the closer others will stand to you, the more eye contact they will give you, the more likely they will be to touch you and the longer they want to stay with you. In other words, smiling is great for your work and personal life! Practice your smile in front of the mirror - a genuine smile wrinkles the outer corners of the eyes, lifts the corners of the mouth up and shows the teeth.
3. Palm Power When used correctly, palm power invests its user with a degree of authority and silent command. Palm-FacingUp is a non-threatening gesture that’s been used since caveman times to show that the person is not holding any weapons. If you give a presentation and continually use the Palm-Down position, you’re more likely to suffer rejection from your audience.
Before Covid, people shook hands. Now handshakes are scary due to the risk of germ transmission, so we recommend a germ-free alternative - the Heart Hello.
Avoid finger pointing. The pointed finger is a symbolic club with which the speaker figuratively beats the listener into submission. If you are a habitual finger pointer, practice the palm-up and palm-down and you’ll find that a combination of these positions can create a more relaxed atmosphere and you’ll have a more positive effect on the people you are talking to.
Do the following-
4. Left Hand-Holding
1. Place your hand over your heart.
Practice holding folders, papers and drinks in you left hand. We typically greet each other, open doors, move a chair or wave goodbye with our right hand. So, if your right hand is free of objects you’ll avoid looking clumsy. This strategy may seem obvious at first but few people pay it much attention.
Here are 6 strategies for making a good first impression:
1. The Heart Hello
2. Smile (with your teeth visible) and lean forward. 3. Maintain eye contact with the person you’re greeting (this allows you to be connected to them but not submissive). | January 2021 15
All Things Tweens and Teens
5. Territorial Respect We each carry a bubble of space around our body called Personal Space. Its width depends on population density and what culture the person is from. If you are standing close to someone and you notice them move back, they’re telling you this is the amount of space they need to feel comfortable with you. Keep your distance and resist moving forward.
6. Dress For Success The secret when it comes to choosing ‘what to wear’ when it comes to work, is to ask yourself how the other person expects you to be dressed. For you to appear credible, approachable, likeable, authoritative, knowledgeable and successful, how would you be dressed in their opinion? You never get a second chance to make a first impression. When you practice these techniques you will become more successful at making a positive first impression every time.
Is There Anything Else I Can Do to Improve the impression I make? Practice mirroring. Mirroring others’ Body Language is what we do when we feel comfortable around them. So, copy the positive body language gestures of the other person to build rapport. Practice in front of the TV with the sound turned off. Take a positive body language gesture, such as someone using their palms visible while talking, wait three seconds, then use the gesture yourself. Make eye contact. Research shows Gen Y and beyond make less eye contact with others, most likely because they’ve been raised with less face to face contact and more screen time. Eye contact is one of the fastest
ways to build rapport, older generations expect it, and you should practice it if you want to make a good first impression. In Western society, we meet the gaze of others for 70 percent of the time and look away for 30 percent.
How Do You Know if You’ve Made a Good Impression? Watch for positive and negative body language reactions from the other person. Crossing arms, looking away, sitting back in the chair or moving their body away from you are all signs they don’t like what you’re saying. If this happens, ask a straight question: ‘I can see you have a question. Would you mind if I ask what it is?’. Then you have an opportunity to respond. If you’re making a good impression, the other person may respond with positive gestures, such as leaning in, smiling, opening their palms as they speak.
If I Have Made a Bad Impression on Someone, How Can I Change Their View of Me? In face-to-face interaction, body language accounts for 60 – 80 percent of the impact of the messages you are communicating. People who understand this and use it are the most persuasive and convincing people in society. When you know how to make people feel relaxed with you, they will be more open to your ideas. Those who don’t understand how this works have difficulty making friends and being convincing. You have an advantage over other people if you understand this. If you do make a mistake or notice the other person is not responding to you the way you’d hoped, pointing out your mistake in a humorous way can break the tension and give you an opportunity to start again. It’s important to remember it won’t happen overnight. These skills take time to develop, and practice will make perfect.
Barbara and Allan Pease are the most successful relationship authors in the business. They have written 18 bestsellers – including 10 number ones – and travelled the world extensively giving seminars in 70 countries. See
WIN a Belkin Boost Charge Power Bank 10K Stand + Play A powerful, personal and portable power bank that allows you hours of streaming or gaming on the go. It includes a convenient, inbuilt retractable stand to hold your device at the perfect viewing angle while you charge. This 10,000mAh battery offers up to 36 hours of extra battery life for your smartphone*. You can also power up 2 devices at the same time, meaning you can charge both your smartphone and game controller or headphones, while you play. For more details check out WIN a Belkin Boost Charge Power Bank 10K Stand + Play worth $84.95! Visit for your chance to win!
16 January 2021 |
All Things Health The Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep
Ask Matthew Calanna
A good night’s sleep is something that many of us don’t realise the importance of. In fact, it’s just as important as eating well and getting enough exercise. It allows our body and brain to rest, repair and reset. When we get enough sleep, it can improve our concentration and productivity. In addition, our energy levels are usually higher when we get a good night’s sleep, and sleep is even shown to improve immune function. However, poor sleep is linked to depression, weight gain, higher risk of heart disease and much more. Humans cannot survive if we don’t sleep because our brains are a muscle that work very hard every day. They need to rest in order to be able to work just as hard the next day. That’s why people who don’t get enough sleep can be grumpy, have trouble focusing, and likely won’t perform as well as usual - whether it be at work, school, sports etc. Good sleep hygiene habits can help you fall asleep faster and have better quality of sleep. To learn more about good sleep hygiene and how you can practice it, read our blog at
Calanna Whole Health Pharmacy Dear Matthew, I have a holiday planned and I don’t want to get sick! What can I do to prevent that from happening? There’s nothing worse than getting sick on a holiday. These products will help ensure good hygiene and lessen the chances of your family getting sick: Hand sanitizer, baby wipes, toothbrush and toothpaste, sunscreen, Panadol, throat lozenges, vitamin C, Chapstick, a personal water bottle and something for an upset tummy, along with any other regular medicines you take (check with your GP about any medicines you may need). Make sure you wash your hands regularly. Calanna Whole Health Pharmacy
Naturopathy Appointment at Calanna Pharmacy Make 2021 your year of health by tackling your health issues from the get go, or by using preventative measures to keep you in tip top shape. At Calanna Pharmacy, they understand that everyone’s health is different. Their Naturopaths would love to see you for a consultation and provide a plan tailored to your health goals and outcomes. They can assist with an array of issues such as cardiovascular health, hormonal imbalance, fertility and menopause, weight loss, digestion and gut health, immunity, degenerative illnesses, healthy ageing, mood and sleep disorders, allergies and skin conditions, migraines and DNA and food sensitivity testing.
Consult your local health practitioner, doctor or pharmacist for advice on these topics first to ensure the best health outcomes. | January 2021 19
Active Healthy Kids Exercise in Children with Neurodevelopmental Difficulties STORY Dr Adele Heyer, Townsville Paediatrics We all know about the importance of exercise, but in today’s electronic world children are spending more time in front of screens and less time in the backyard. Only a quarter of children participate in the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity every day, yet the average child spends up to 90 minutes per day in front of screens. The physical benefits of exercise are well known. Regular exercise helps us to develop strong bodies and prevent a variety of cardiovascular and metabolic health problems. The mental health benefits are especially important. Regular exercise improves sleep, reduces stress and symptoms of anxiety and depression. In children with neurodevelopmental difficulties, exercise can also support development by improving muscle strength, balance and coordination, and will boost confidence and self-esteem. For children with ADHD, regular physical exercise is especially important to help burn off some of their excess energy. I often tell my patients about the several wellknown professional athletes who have ADHD and have used their abundance of energy to their advantage. Several studies have proven the benefits of exercise in children with ADHD. The studies showed a reduction in the severity of ADHD symptoms and improvements in cognitive
functioning and motor abilities. These studies stressed the importance of exercise as a useful add-on option, but that it does not replace other behavioural interventions or the need to use medication in some children. Participation in organised sport has the additional benefits of giving children opportunities to socialise, work in teams, learn patience, turn-taking and perseverance. Organised sport also teaches selfdiscipline and supports the development of emotional regulation skills, especially dealing with disappointment if they lose a game. Whether your child enjoys playing in a team or prefers solo sports, whether they enjoy competitive sports or prefer developing their own skills in their own time, there is a sport to suit most children. The best sporting activity is probably the one that your child enjoys and feels motivated to do. How can I help my child to become more active? Put down the electronic devices, switch off the television and go for a walk or kick a ball with the children. Most electronic devices have some sort of parental control and can help parents to enforce time limits. Make sure that physical activities are built into the weekly routine such as through enrolling your child in an organised sport. Most importantly, set an example and enjoy the time spent together. | January 2021 21
Bump, Bub and Beyond
Bump, Bub and Beyond Featured products, reviews and prizes. Visit for your chance to win!
A Little Love Neon Heart Sign
Tipper Toy Mat
$169.00 -
The Tipper Toy Mat lays flat to put all your toys on. When it's clean up time you pick it up from the corners, hold it like a sack over the toy box and open the bottom flap for all the toys to fall out quickly and easily. All machine washable and easy maintenance. The perfect solution for play and pack away time.
This gorgeous LED neon light is small enough to sit on a table, in the corner of the room, or be used as wall decor. Available in a range of gorgeous colours it will compliment your little one's room perfectly. Used with the dimmer, you can set the ideal ambience. Low light for those nighttime feeds and a little brighter for bedtime stories. They also make a perfect photo shoot addition!
$40.00 -
Hinkler Baby Prize Pack $130.00 - Celebrate your new baby or growing toddler with this exciting prize pack of books and learning kits from Hinkler. My Baby Record Book lets you cherish every baby keepsake. As they grow, share the fun and learning with the My Little Library set of books, bright Alphabet, Bedtime and Numbers books and special Toilet Training books to help every parent along the way!
22 January 2021 |
Bump, Bub and Beyond
Positive Goodbyes STORY Director of Operations Nicole Hanlon, Childs World Early Learning Centres The first day at childcare or kindergarten is quite a milestone, both for your child and yourself. The transition from home to an early learning environment is a big one, and many parents worry whether their little one is ready or if they will like the new environment. The first day usually brings some mixed emotions; there’s excitement and uncertainty about the new experience, and there are often some tears involved (sometimes from the parents, too). Here are some ways to make the first day easier on both your child and yourself. Visit the centre. For your own peace of mind, visit the centre and talk with the staff to gain as much information as possible. Come ready with a list of questions you’d like to ask. Orientation visits are great to allow your child to get used to the environment. Take them shopping. Prior to their first day, take your child shopping to pick out the items needed,
Toilet Training Tips Toilet training is a different story for each child, but most will start around two years of age. You can (hopefully) make the process a bit easier by establishing a routine such as putting them on the toilet every half hour, offering them a little treat or gift when they do it right or helping them feel comfortable going potty.
such as a bag, hat and lunch box, if applicable. Establish a routine. Routines are so important for young children and will make the transition process much easier. When the big day comes… it’s easier said than done, but don’t worry. Inform your child of what’s going to happen, leave them with a comforting object if needed, give them a kiss goodbye and let them know you’ll be back later to pick them up. If they cry, they will be comforted by the staff and be playing happily in no-time. Remember to bring some tissues in case you cry yourself!
Toilet Training Fact More than 80 percent of children experience setbacks when it comes to toilet training, so don’t worry if it takes time. It typically takes three to 12 months from the start of training to daytime toilet independence, and most children are capable of independent toileting by the ages of two and a half and four.
Sometimes, a brightly-coloured potty, a themed seat on top of the toilet or a good bribe does the trick. Keep at it, and they’ll get there – remember that accidents will happen, and it’s all normal. | January 2021 23
Relax and Unwind: Adult Colouring
WIN a Wrinkles Schminkles Prize Pack worth $50.00! Revealing the latest innovation from Wrinkles Schminkles; Wrinkles Schminkles Liquid Exfoliation Peel Pads. Single use exfoliating pads that literally wipe away dull, dead skin cells and reveal beautiful glowing skin in two new formulas designed specifically for the Neck and Decolletage and Face. Peel and reveal! Visit for your chance to win! Competition closes 31/01/2021
24 January 2021 |
IN CINEMAS NEW YEAR’S DAY Pull-out kids activity mag!
For your chance to WIN a family pass to Dragon Rider enter at Competition closes 10/01/2021
Colour in the beach and count how many
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Beach umbrellas Beach chairs People Towels
Using the grid copy the drawing and colour it in
WIN a Fun Craft Pack by Hinkler worth $85.00! This fun pack of activities will have little hands busy and wildly creating thanks to Hinkler! Prize pack includes; Make It Your Own kits, Inkredibles Art Packs with Magical Colouring Pens, Paint by Numbers Kit and SunCatcher Kit. Happy crafting! Visit for your chance to win! Competition closes 31/01/2021
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1. Wrap’d - $21.95 each ($43.90 for the pack of 2) - Wrap, store and serve lunch wraps in this handy, reusable, peel-to-open silicone pouch. Peel down each side like a banana, little by little, to keep the wrap together as you eat. Shop waste free, toxin free and ethically at Biome Eco Stores. 2. Big Bundle by Doodle Dents™ Australia - $52.00 - Doodle Dents™ is a brand new colouring activity, with a difference. Standard colouring books have their pictures in black lines, however, these designs are indented in the page. Grab your textas or gel pens and fill in the Dents. 3. Leap into Literacy - $99.00 - Ignite a love of lifelong learning through fun. Leap into Literacy is a PhD designed program that helps children become engaged in reading and writing. Their goal is to instil a lifelong love of reading and writing for all students. 4. Ginnie & Pinney ‘Learn and Grow’ Book Set - $18.99 each ($57.96 altogether) - - Ginnie & Pinney ‘Learn and Grow’ is an award-winning series of books and animated videos promoting emotional development and well-being. With their delightful characters, engaging stories and whimsical approach the eight book set encourages ethical thinking, empathy and emotional intelligence in young children. The Learn & Grow set includes ‘Flight of the Kite’, ‘Pinney the Winner’ and ‘Roll Up, Roll Up, Clean Up’.
5. Postix Sticker Club - $50.00 - - Stickers can be loved by all ages and Postix have packs designed for kids, young adults and busy professional ladies. Join our sticker club to get $50 worth of exclusive stickers in your letterbox each for only $19. 6. Numbers Stencil - $30.00 - - This handmade stencil will guide your little one, one step at a time. Learning to write numbers, help improve their fine motor skills, number recognition and create muscle memory in those cute tiny hands. Recommended for children 3+. 7 . sHEROes 5 Pack of Girl’s School Underwear - $41.95 per pack - - sHEROes girl’s school undies keep your daughter covered, comfortable and confident, even when she is wearing a dress. - They’re the wedgie-proof, superhero size underwear that stays in place when she’s cartwheeling or sitting cross-legged on the floor. Made from super soft bamboo, they feel great, breath well and last for ages. 8. Litter Free Lunch Kit - $40.00 - - Not only will you save $100s every year compared to buying pre-filled yoghurt pouches, you can also save even more by ditching single use ziplock bags and glad wrap. Includes 5 x Reusable Sandwich bags, Reusable Snack bags, Reusable Wrap bags and 150ml Top Spout reusable pouches in the design of your choice. 9. Grin Kids Fluoride Free Oral Care Pack - $39.00 - - Grin’s formulation uses the very best of what nature has to offer to improve your oral hygiene and provide you with a healthy flora balance - because toothpaste needs to get the job done. Their toothpaste is natural with NO sodium lauryl sulfate, NO added sugar, NO preservatives, NO artificial colors, NO artificial flavours, NO fragrance and NO harsh abrasives. 10. jude&moo Yellow Bus Bag - $35.00 - - These durable, custom made bags are roomy enough to fit all the essentials, and comfy to wear with the padded back and shoulder straps. Perfect for daycare, kindy and school, plus, overnight stays and adventures with friends.
Vacation Care Fun Heading back to work, before the kids head back to school? Looking for ways to entertain the kids these school holidays? With Christmas behind us and ‘Back to School’ just around the corner, there is still time to have some fun with Mary MacKillop Vacation Care programs. Centres across the MMCNQ network of Outside School Hours Care programs have organised action-packed programs to keep the children occupied and engaged in supervised and safe surroundings. All Mary MacKillop Childcare NQ Vacation Care programs are staffed by qualified and professional staff to ensure the safety and care of your children. Some of the activities planned across the many Vacation Care programs include cooking activities, arts and crafts, discos and music fun, sports and other fun events and activities. One centre has even organised a fun day of ‘Lego Masters’ for the children.
During the programs, some services offer offsite excursions like visits to the movies and beach activities. The coordinators of Mary MacKillop NQ Outside School Hours Care programs are dedicated staff who take time and care to prepare programs that will provide families with engaging programs for their children. There is still time to book your child into one of the programs for the final weeks of the school holidays. Programs run at the following locations: St Joseph’s North Ward, Marian OSHC, St Joseph’s Mundingburra, Southern Cross OSHC, Ryan OSHC, St Benedict’s OSHC, St Clare’s OSHC, St Anthony’s OSHC, Holy Spirit OSHC, Our Lady of Lourdes OSHC Ingham, Columba OSHC Charters Towers and St Catherine’s OSHC Proserpine. Contact a program running at a location near you, knowing the kids will love it and are in safe hands. A full list of the programs and contact details for each location is available from | January 2021 31
Extracurricular Activity Guide Sk8way Have fun and skate, whether competitively or recreationally. Sk8way provides sports people, schools and the general community with the perfect facilities for skating. You can join ‘learn to skate’ lessons or simply do your own thing by yourself or with friends; during the school term they are often open from after school to night. They also offer dance parties and recreational events. Cost: Varies. Skate hire is also available. Find all information including session times online. A Unit 3/72 – 88 Hervey Rd, Thuringowa P 4755 4422 E Sk8way Townsville
Ninja Parc Ninja Parc aims to inspire a world of movement through an indoor obstacle course - one that will challenge you and improve your agility. Not only is it fun, it’s also accessible for all ages and skill levels. Mini Ninjas program is for 3 – 6 years and Little Ninjas is for kids aged 7 – 12 years. Casual play and membership options are available on their website. School holiday programs and school programs are both available. A 18 Black Hawk Boulevard, Thuringowa Central P 0427 139 762 E Ninja Parc Townsville
hours and they are open on both Saturday and Sunday at different times. Cost: Prices start from $12.00. Book online to save 10 percent off entry price. And don’t forget your socks! A 72-88 Hervey Range Rd, Condon P 4755 4422 Inflatable Kingdom Townsville
Wildcatz Indoor Sports Wildcatz Indoor Sports offer a fun and social way to exercise, get fit and have fun. There are a variety of junior sports such as cricket, netball and soccer, as well as plenty of fun for adults too, from social teams through to competitive levels. Nominate a team with your friends or let the staff find a suitable team for you. Rain or shine, it’s always time for a game at Wildcatz Indoor Sports. A 18 Black Hawk Boulevard, Thuringowa Central P 4723 1414 Wildcatz Indoor Sports (Official)
Paul Sadler Swimland Paul Sadler Swimland provides swimming lessons in a tension free and exciting environment for kids. Baby swimming classes run from four months to three years and Learn to Swim Classes run for children from three years and above. They will develop life-saving swimming skills while having fun and learning to love the water.
Inflatable Kingdom
Classes run from Monday to Thursday and Saturdays, and are conducted in the comfortable indoor heated pool. Visit the website for more information. Also available are adult swimming classes and private lessons.
Inflatable Kingdom is every kid’s dream – a giant inflatable playground where kids are free to slide, climb and jump on 10 jumping castles in fully air conditioned comfort. Just be prepared to be met with “just one more slide!” when it’s time to go. Sessions last a massive 2.5
A 20-22 Freshwater Dr, Douglas P 4779 4647 E Paul Sadler Swimland Riverside Gardens
We have done our best to ensure all events and information was correct at the time of going to print. Please check with individual businesses and authorities during these uncertain times. | January 2021 33
PCYC Townsville The Police-Citizens Youth Club (PCYC) is a provider of youth and community programs, facilities and more. There are a variety of fun programs and activities for all ages and skill levels available, including Gymnastics, Gym and Fitness, plus other Youth and Community activities. This includes KinderGym, recreational gymnastics, Gym Sports, Competitive Gymnastics programs and more. PCYC chooses to focus on the emotional, social and physical development of young people. Visit the website to find your nearest PCYC branch and more information. A French St, Pimlico P 4781 9100 E PCYC Townsville
Learn to Sail with Townsville Sailing Club Tackers is a course that aims to provide water confident children aged 7 - 12 with a fun, safe and affordable way to get into sailing and learn the basics. The social and educational course runs on Tuesdays after school and through school holidays. It will start back up this February 2021. Cost: $300.00, includes ‘Tackers’ pack and three month’s membership to the Townsville Sailing club. Other courses available include Out There Sailing for teenagers, She Sails for women and girls and Start Sailing Level 1 and 2 weekend courses for teens and adults. Visit the website for more information.
Kumon Maths and English Kumon’s Maths and English programs build students’ abilities step-by-step, at the students’ own pace. This means those who missed essential concepts in class can go back and catch-up. If your child needs a bit of extra help after school then Kumon is right for them. Classes run at different days and times – visit their website for more information. Cost: $100.00 initial enrolment fee. Classes: $140.00 per month (per student, per subject). P 0424 155 171 Pimlico E Kumon Townsville - Pimlico Education Centre P 0417 070 826 Kirwan E Kumon Townsville - Kirwan Education Centre
A 3 Mariner Dr, The Strand P 4772 1105 E Townsville Sailing Club
City Cheer & Dance Studios City Cheer and Dance Studios is one of the fastest growing dance studios in North Queensland. The staff have an endless ever-growing passion for teaching children about the amazing world of dance. They offer classes in jazz, contemporary, cheerleading, tumble and acro. City Cheer and Dance Studios operates with a friendly, cheerful vibe to make sure everybody that passes through the doors has fun! A 8/9-13 Woodman Crt, West End E City Cheer & Dance Studios Townsville
The Choi Kwang Do Master Academy Choi Kwang Do is a martial art for everyday people. At the Master Academy there are many specific age group classes for pre-schoolers and kids, right up to teenagers and even family classes, making it easy to find the perfect fit for you and your child. Classes run Monday to Sunday in the morning, afternoon and evening, full of fun, fitness and self defence. Visit the website for special offers, drop in for a visit or call. All are welcome! Cost: From $34.00 - mention you saw this in PakMag and get the school holiday’s special Unlimited Pass ($50.00 for January) as well as a uniform.
34 January 2021 |
A CKD Building 741 Riverway Drive, Thuringowa Central P 4773 9794 or 0481 749 607 E Choi Kwang Do Master Academy
Let’s Celebrate Australia Day Including the Get Active Expo Let us come together in true Aussie style for a free community event on the 26th of January. The event will include formal Australia Day/Flag Raising Ceremonies and the Celebrate Australia event, this will be an inclusive event for all ages with a strong focus on fun activities for the whole family, local food and the Get Active Expo. A Jezzine Barracks What’s On Townsville
We have done our best to ensure all events and information was correct at the time of going to print. Please check with individual businesses and authorities during these uncertain times.
Back-to-School: Starting the Year on the Right Foot STORY Dr Rosina McAlpine Are you worried about getting yourself and your child ready for back-to-school time? Do you want more than the same tips on getting uniforms ready, saving money on school supplies and creating routines? Are you interested in helping your child develop life skills that will help them socially and academically? Then you’ll enjoy Dr Rosina’s back-toschool guide with a difference.
Encouraging your child to be open to diversity in their friendships and to befriend different kinds of people, some who share their own interests and culture and others who don’t, holds many advantages. A final tip for your child; is to explain that a child on their own is more likely to want a friend than a child who’s already in a group – so that is a great place to start to make new friends – it’s a win-win!
Interacting positively with teachers is so important for you and your child, so take the time to get to know your child’s teachers.
Did you know that studies have suggested that approximately 75 percent of your child’s time at school is spent in social interactions? So, the quality of your child’s interactions with their teachers, peers and their friends has a significant impact on their success at school. While you can’t pick your child’s friends, you can provide them with strategies that will help them select their friends wisely. You can start by helping your child understand that the idea of just one ‘best friend forever’ can lead to a lot of disappointment and unhappiness, as arguments and change are inevitable. Instead, encourage your child to enjoy having a number of friends. This is a good strategy as it is less likely to result in your child feeling isolated and alone when disagreements between children arise.
Meet Teachers As you get closer to the back-to-school date, organise for an onsite or virtual tour of the school with your child and meet with their teachers. Opening the lines of communication and building a friendly relationship with your child’s teacher will support your child in many ways. You can share any special needs your child may have and discuss any difficulties they may be experiencing. Your child is more likely to feel more confident on the first day of class if they have already met their teacher in a video chat or in person. You can also understand more about the activities and new classes for the year and how much (and the type of) homework to expect. | January 2021 39
Having a dedicated quiet place at home for children to read, write, draw, be creative and complete homework - helps them to continue their learning. Completing homework can play an important role in your child’s learning journey and teaches them about responsibility and perseverance. While most children don’t ‘love’ the idea of doing homework, there are ways to help make it easier.
Homework Area Prepare a special area for your child to study and complete their homework after school. Ideally, this is a clean and quiet space with no access to internet or television. Involve your child in the design so they feel part of the process and it is inviting for them. Let them know you’ll be available to help with homework once school starts and have their special homework space ready to go by the first day of school with all the school supplies they might need. To encourage reading, create a comfy place to sit back and enjoy a book. A timer helps motivate children to complete their homework on time as they know it once it’s done - they can play!
Even if your child doesn’t have formal homework requirements for school, having a quiet place to read, watch educational videos, listen to podcasts and enjoy creative activities, will create the right environment for exploration and support your child’s ongoing learning. Preparing for homework after being away from school and enjoying the summer holidays can result in back-toschool anxiety.
Relieve Back-to-School Nerves and Inspire Your Child Talking about the upcoming school year and the changes your child might experience can help reduce some of their back-to-school anxiety. You can also motivate and inspire your child by discussing the exciting new classes, activities and events they can participate in during the year. Making time to listen is important. Ask open ended questions and be patient when it comes to waiting for answers. What do you think it will be like when you go back to school? What are the things you’re looking forward to? Is there anything you’re worried about – seeing friends? New teachers?
School is not always a good experience as it can be a source of problems and difficulties.
Exploring Solutions to Potential Problems Can you remember back to your days at school and the difficulties you faced and all things that can go wrong? Imagine, if you had discussed them with your parents beforehand and developed and practised strategies to cope. Take the time to talk about topics like: not knowing anyone, bullying, accidents, drugs and alcohol, strangers and peer pressure. Your child is more likely to cope better if they have discussed these kinds of situations; role-played and practised strategies before a problem actually occurs in real life. Children will look to you for guidance and solutions until they can develop their own strategies.
Set a Good Example Children learn more from what their parents do than what they say. So, it’s up to you to set a great example and be the kind of person you’d like your child to become. You can’t expect them to be organised, tidy and thoughtful if you’re messy, disorganised and inconsiderate. You can’t expect children to be able to resolve conflict peacefully if you yell at them and punish them for making mistakes. Help children learn to regulate their emotions and to try and resolve problems with kind words rather than using their fists or by being mean. You can help your children learn how to manage their emotions and make friends by completing the 12 activities in my life skills e-book www.drrosina. com/communication-and-relationships A little kindness goes a long way.
A Special Surprise for Your Child Prepare a little surprise like a personal note, a special photograph or even a treat and place it in your child’s bag for them to find throughout the day. This little surprise will show you care, reassure your child that they are loved and probably inspire a big smile!
Self-Care is at the Heart of Good Parenting On a final note, remember to take care of yourself not just over the school holidays, but throughout the year, as a tired and grumpy parent is no fun for anyone. Well-rested and happy parents make better decisions, are calmer and more compassionate with the children and each other, which supports a happier and calmer household. It also sets a great example of work-life balance for your whole family. You and your child are now ready to start a new school year with confidence! This will make the transition back to school easier and will also help your child develop the key life skills they need to lead a happy and successful life.
Dr Rosina McAlpine is the CEO and creator of the Win Win Parenting program. Win Win Parenting’s practical and fun programs are delivered across a variety of organisations including early learning, school, corporate and government organisations in Australia, New Zealand and The United States. Dr Rosina is an internationally recognised awardwinning researcher and educator.
40 January 2021 |
School Holiday Guide
School Holiday Guide Mary MacKillop Childcare NQ
Online Resources from CityLibraries
Make this school holiday season less stressful by booking your child into part time or full time vacation care at one of the 14 Mary MacKillop Childcare NQ Outside School Hours Care centres. Vacation Care services are located at many Catholic Schools across the Diocese in Mount Isa, Charters Towers, Ingham, Proserpine, Bowen and Townsville.
Kids can enjoy the Summer Reading Club challenges and its fun activities by picking up the challenge sheet from the libraries (also downloadable). Plus, the epic Kid’s History Hunt with Townsville’s local museums lets you test your scavenger skills and even win a prize at the end!
As part of the vacation care program, children aged 5 - 11 years will engage in fun activities and excursions that are supervised by caring, qualified staff, all in a safe and nurturing environment that encourages free learning. Visit their website to find a Vacation Care program near you. P 4726 3299 E Townsville Catholic Education
School Holiday Program at Ninja Parc Ninja Parc is designed to get kids moving and learning new skills through an indoor obstacle course. It’s extremely fun and your child can improve their agility through the various rope climbs, bouldering challenges and much more. The school holiday program is fully supervised and available from 2.00pm – 5.00pm weekdays for kids aged 6 – 14 years old. Or, join them for a single session at any time. Cost: From $19.95. (Food, drink, lolly bag and free Ninja Parc water bottle provided for the fully supervised school holiday sessions for $50.00) A 18 Black Hawk Boulevard, Thuringowa Central P 0427 139 762 E Ninja Parc Townsville
Visit the libraries for even more games, puzzles, the best books and toys. You can find more information on fun summer activities on their website below.
Townsville Treasure Hunt Grab a copy of the FREE treasure hunt map and go exploring the inner city center with friends these school holidays! Answer the questions and drop your completed sheet into a treasure chest at the Gallery for the chance to win awesome arty prizes, right up until January 22. A Inner City Townsville P 4727 9011 E
Northern Lights Trail Until January 3 you can experience Townsville’s very own Northern Lights in the city. The trail of lights will begin in Flinders Street and takes you through a walking tour of the CBD, showcasing different light displays and with fun experiences along the journey. This is a FREE experience that the whole family will enjoy, day or night, so you don’t want to miss it! What’s On Townsville
We have done our best to ensure all events and information was correct at the time of going to print. Please check with individual businesses and authorities during these uncertain times. | January 2021 43
School Holiday Guide
Inflatable Kingdom Inflatable Kingdom is every kid’s dream – a giant inflatable playground where kids are free to slide, climb and jump on 10 jumping castles in fully air conditioned comfort. Just be prepared to be met with “Just one more slide!” when it’s time to go. Sessions last a massive 2.5 hours. It’s a great way to let your kids enjoy themselves while getting out of the house and exercising. Cost: Prices start from $10.00. Book online to save 10% off entry price. And don’t forget your socks! P 4755 4422 A 72-88 Hervey Range Rd, Condon Inflatable Kingdom Townsville
Sk8way There’s nothing more fun than speeding round a track with an awesome pair of skates on – whether you’re racing your friends or simply having a good time. Sk8way provides all Townsville locals with the facilities to do so and offers plenty of school holiday sessions for your kids to let that energy out, exercise and develop their skating skills. They also have ‘learn to skate’ lessons starting from just $10.00. Cost: From $10.00 - $18.00. Skate hire is available for just $4.00 per person – or purchase your own pair from the Skate Shop. A Unit 3/72-88 Hervey Range Rd P 4755 4422 E Sk8way Townsville
P 0424 155 171 Pimlico Kumon Townsville - Pimlico Education Centre P 0417 070 826 Kirwan Kumon Townsville - Kirwan Education Centre
King Reef Resort If you’re looking to revitalise in paradise, gather the family and head to the gorgeous King Reef Resort at Kurrimine Beach. Explore all day, swim in the tranquil ocean or pool, build sandcastles on the beach and return to relax with a gorgeous sunset view from your beachfront shack. You can also hire a family pedal bike, go fishing, and more – the possibilities are endless. A 75 Jacobs Rd, Kurrimine Beach P 4065 6144 E King Reef Resort
Fairfield Central Pop over to Fairfield Central for all your shopping needs and great bargains, with over 40 specialty stores, cafés and restaurants to enjoy. Fairfield eats is open seven days a week until late. Kids will love to play in the new indoor space; Fairfield Play while you take a break and relax. A Cnr Waterfront Parade and Lakeside Dr P 4778 4249 E Fairfield Central
Wildcatz Indoor Sports Wildcatz Indoor Sports offer a fun and social way to exercise, get fit and have fun. There are a variety of junior sports such as cricket, netball and soccer, as well as plenty of fun for adults too - from social teams through to competitive levels. Nominate a team with your friends, or let the staff find a suitable team for you. Rain or shine, it’s always time for a game at Wildcatz Indoor Sports. A 18 Black Hawk Boulevard, Thuringowa Central P 4723 1414 Wildcatz Indoor Sports (Official)
Pandanus Park Golf Centre Get the kids off the iPad and outside for some fun! Kids of all ages can come and try golf at Pandanus Park Golf Centre’s undercover driving range, where they can learn and practice how to hold a golf club, practice their hand-eye coordination, and see how far they can hit the ball. The golf centre is open 7 days a week, bookings not required. Cost: Free entry. Kids aged 14 and under can play from $10.00 each with the ‘Have-A-Go Pack’, which includes a small bucket of 45 balls and Kids Club hire. Adults from $12.00 each.
Kumon Maths and English Kumon’s Maths and English programs build students’ abilities step-by-step, at the students’ own pace. Students who missed essential concepts in class can go back and catch-up, and if your child needs a bit of
44 January 2021 |
extra help after-school, or if they need a challenge, then Kumon is here to help. Whether you’re staying at home during the Christmas break or going on holiday, the flexibility of Kumon’s learning options will suit any family’s schedule.
A 2 Tompkins Road, Shaw P 4774 6532 E Pandanus Park
We have done our best to ensure all events and information was correct at the time of going to print. Please check with individual businesses and authorities during these uncertain times.
Daddy Diary
Daddy Diary I’m a bogan. There I said it. It’s something that happens at this time of year, every year. I didn’t want it to happen. It just did. It’s certainly not something I’m ashamed of, in fact quite the opposite. It just is what it is. In the words of Popeye, the Sailor Man “I yam what I yam”. And a bogan it is. Exhibit A, re: my summer bogan-ness. It’s at this time, every year, my “thong tan” makes its return. And for the record I am talking about thongs on my feet. You need to be really careful if telling a friend from the US about your “thong tan”. It means something very different in their neck of the woods. I’ve gotten to the point now where I can kick off my pluggers and it looks like I’m still wearing them. We can put this down to the fact that I
Head to Parents and Kids of North Queensland YouTube Channel to see Bree’s up close interview with Cliffo.
haven’t worn enclosed shoes since I finished up work for the year a week before Christmas. Why would I? Exhibit B: It’s at this time of year (again, every year), that I go back to drinking XXXX Gold tinnies. I don’t know why I always go back to drinking from a tin over summer, I just do. Usually, I’m more of a stubbie-kindabloke. And if I’m totally honest, I’m often the guy taking home a bag of limes from my mate Alan’s tree, so I can put them in Coronas. Fancy beer. Not quite up there with all the craft brew that’s super popular right now, but definitely a step up from the Milton Mangoes in a tin. That’s my summer drink. The third and final piece of bogan-dence (evidence of bogan) I’ll leave you with - is my music taste. Usually I’m a top 40 guy. I host breakfast on HIT after all. But again, not over summer. If you check my Spotify favourites at this time of year, Miley’s replaced by Barnsey (a fact, that no doubt has Jimmy screaming at the top of his lungs). I think my summer transformation is just a reflection of where, and most importantly, who I am now. I have a beautiful wife & kids. I’m well (very well) into my 30’s and for the first time in my life, I’m really settled into who I am as a person. Even if that person is a thong wearing, XXXX drinking, Barnsey-loving bogan. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Happy New Year Townsville. It’s hard to imagine this one being any stranger than the last. Cliffo Hit 103.1 | January 2021 47
Get Out and About FRIDAY 1 JANUARY Northern Lights Trail Runs until 3 January Townsville CBD All day / FREE / Family Summer Reading Club Runs until 31 January Townsville Libraries FREE / Kids Townsville Treasure Hunt Runs until 22 January Perc Tucker Gallery / Townsville City Centre FREE / Kids Giant Water Hunt Runs until end of school holidays Water Smart Garden, Anderson Gardens FREE / Family - Kids Maritime Museum Pirate Trail Runs until end of school holidays Maritime Museum of Townsville 9.30am / $5.00 - $10.00 / Kids - Family Maritime Museum Shipwreck Trail Runs until end of school holidays Maritime Museum of Townsville 9.30am / $5.00 - $10.00 / Kids - Family
With HIT 103.1’s Cliffo & Gabi
Roving Rangers Runs until 4 January Billabong Sanctuary 10.30am / $26.00 - $115.00 / Kids - Family
Townsville Dance and Cheerleading 9.00am (5 - 12 years) and 4.00pm (12 - 18 years) / $15.00 / Kids/Teenagers
Exhibition: Leonie Wood - Life Lines Runs until 7 February Perc Tucker Gallery 10.00am / FREE / G
Exhibition: Andrea Huelin - Men and Cones Runs until 7 February Perc Tucker Gallery 10.00am / FREE / G Exhibition: Regi Cherini All the Single Ladies Runs until 7 February Perc Tucker Gallery 10.00am / FREE / G SATURDAY 2 JANUARY The Ultimate ABBA Show Runs every Saturday until 16 January Townsville Stage Door Theatre Restuarant 5.45pm / $79.00 - 89.00 / PG TUESDAY 5 JANUARY Cheerleading Every Tuesday and Thursday until the end of School Holidays
Please check with individual businesses before visiting during these uncertain times.
Landscape Photography Workshop Jezzine Barracks 3.30pm / $127.69 / Mature - Adults MONDAY 11 JANUARY Kids Rock Climbing Classes Runs until 22 January Hot Rock Adventure Centre 1.30pm / $20.00 / Kids Take Home Messy Play Packs Dan Gleeson Memorial Gardens Townsville Libraries 8.30am / FREE / Kids - Family TUESDAY 12 JANUARY Young Forensic Investigators Also runs 14, 19, 21 January Forensii - Legal and Forensic Pyschology Education: Online course 10.0am / $50.00 / Kids | January 2021 49
Get Out and About WEDNESDAY 13 JANUARY Free Council Microchipping Day (dogs and cats) Runs once a month until June Animal Care and Adoption Centre 9.00am / FREE - Bookings Required / Pet Owners THURSDAY 14 JANUARY Networking 101 Co Habitat Townsville 9.00am / $97.00 / 18 + FRIDAY 15 JANUARY
With Triple M’s Pricey
Anthony Lamond Comedy Workshop The HinchinBrook Way TYTO Conference Centre 8.00am / TBA / Adults
Speakeze Fun Runs until 21 January Speakeze Pimlico State High School 10.00am / $39.00 / Kids 12 - 17 years
Let’s Celebrate Australia Jezzine Barracks FREE / Family
Burdekin Singers presents Mary Poppins Runs until14 February Burdekin Theatre 8.00pm / $39.00 - $150.00 / Family
Creedence The John Fogerty Show Dalrymple Hotel 8.30pm / $29.60 / 18+
Adrenaline Games School Holiday Fun The HinchinBrook Way, TYTO Parklands 1.00pm / FREE / kidas - Family
Northern Stories Runs until 26 January Queens Gardens and Jezzine Barracks FREE/ G / Family
THURSDAY 20 FEBRUARY Australian Indigenous V Maori Kiwis Queensland Country Bank Stadium Townsville 7.00pm / $25.00 - $125.00 / Family - PG (No entry for those U12 with no Parental Guidance).
Family Camping Weekend at Lake Paluma Townsville Sailing Club Townsville Sailing Club 9.00am / $43.40 / Family
Mel Buttle and Friends Molly Malones Irish Pub 7.30pm / $35.00 - $180.00 / 18 +
Regular Markets Bluewater Twilight Markets Date: 2nd Saturday of the month Time: 2.00pm - 6.00pm Location: Bluewater Community Centre
Bushland Beach Markets Date: 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month Time: 8.00am – 12.00pm Location: On the foreshore, end of Mount Low Parkway
Renegade Handmade Markets Date: 2nd Sunday of the month Time: 8.00am - 1.00pm Location: Marian School Hall
Horseshoe Bay Markets Date: Every 2nd and last Sunday of the month
Time: 9.00am - 2.00pm Location: Horseshoe Bay Foreshore
Balgal Beach Markets Date: 1st Saturday of the month Time: 8.00am - 1.00pm Location: Fisherman’s Landing Balgal Beach
Strand Night Markets Date: 1st Friday of the month (runs from Feb to Dec) Time: 5.00pm - 9.30pm Location: Strand Park, North Ward
Mundingburra Markets Date: 3rd Sunday of the month Time: 7.30am - 12.00pm Location: Mundingburra State School
50 January 2021 |
Willows Rotary Markets
Wulguru Markets
Date: Every Sunday
Date: Every Sunday
Time: 7.30am - 11.30am
Time: 7.00am – 12.00pm
Location: Willows Shopping
Location: Wulguru Soccer
Centre Car Park
Grounds, 14 Edison Street,
Cotters Markets
Date: Every Sunday
Mercer Lane Markets
Time: 8.00am - 1.00pm
Date: 1st Saturday of the month
Location: Flinders St
Time: From 8.30am – 12.30pm
Magnetic Island Markets
Location: Mercer Lane
(Horseshoe Bay)
Conroy Hall Markets
Date: Every week on Sunday
Date: 2nd Saturday of the month
Time: 9.00am – 2.00pm Location: Foreshore in
Time: From 7.30am – 9.30am Location: Conroy Hall
Horseshoe Bay
Please check with individual businesses before visiting during these uncertain times.