Daddy Diary
Daddy Diary If 2020 was a person, it would be Thanos from The Avengers. If you're not a Marvel fan, he's a bad guy. A very ugly, very bad guy. Thanos is 2020. Bushfires, break-in's and a not so run-of-the-mill pandemic called COVID-19... it's been an average-at-best start to the year. Thankfully Easter is upon us. And I think now, more than ever we need to grab onto the joy of this holiday and hold on for dear life. Often amongst the chaos, we lose sight of the little pleasures around us. Mine include; eating my daughters cheese sticks (when she's not looking), Netflix binges, Cowboys games and the big daddy of them all‌ family time. And for those lacking Easter inspo here's my top three things to do with the fam-bam this holiday break:
Head to Parents and Kids of North Queensland YouTube Channel to see Bree’s up close interview with Cliffo.
1. Make something. Even if it's as simple as a cake. A few days ago, my daughter and I got our Betty Crocker on. I'm not ashamed to admit the cake (Banana flavoured) was even out of a packet. But the joy that stupid $2 cake brought my nearly 6-year-old was enough to power her for days. If we achieved that from a packet cake mix, imagine what a backyard garden or cubby house could do. Please note: I do not have the tools and most importantly, skills, to build a backyard garden or cubby house. 2. Raid the board game cupboard. We've recently done this and rediscovered UNO, Snakes & Ladders and a bunch of dusty puzzles. My wife and I even pulled out Monopoly and enjoyed it over a bottle (or two) of wine. I won for the record. 3. Get Away. Look, easier said than done given the current climate of the world, but my family and I find travel the best battery-recharger of all. Even if it's just a trip to Cairns or across the isle to Maggie. As long as there's coffee for my wife and I and a playground for the kids. Jobs a goodin. Happy Easter Townsville. Take a few days for you and your tribe, enjoy way too many Caramilk Easter Eggs, and maybe come up with your own Top 3. Heaven knows we deserve the distraction right now. Big love. Cliffo Hit 103.1 Townsville
64 April 2020 |