Pakmag Cairns - November 2011

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issue 53

N o v 2011

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Fun in the sun

best of Cairns!

Cover photo courtesy of Steffen Binke Photography >

Vote for your favourites


on nov

Check out the latest guide

WIN A $1000 Prize Thanks to Kurrimine Beach Holiday Mum’s summer essentials Thumbsucking worries





41 publishers note Hello and welcome to the 53rd edition of PakMag, getting you ready for Summer & the Festive Season. I can’t believe how fast this year has flown. This time last year, I had just got married, launched in Townsville and then found out I was pregnant again. I really didn’t know how I was going to cope with two magazines and two kids, but thanks to a wonderful team and family, we have successfully pulled it off! Sean is already trying to crawl and he isn’t even 16 weeks old yet. Jordan is really coming into his own and seems so much older than his 2.5 years. Kids really are timekeepers to life and make you realise how fast it goes. Before I know it they will both be at school. This month we want your help to award the Best Businesses catering to the family market in Cairns. Many local businesses have done it tough this year so we want to show them our support. All you need to do is vote and you’ll be in the running to win a HUGE prize thanks to the Good Guys. Go to page 38 to find out more.


pakmag Publisher: Bree James Editor: Elaine Seager What’s On/MiniMag: Janelle May Client Manager: Angelina Mortley Design & Layout: Trina Jensen Articles: Elaine Seager, Amanda Cranston & submitted writers Phone: 4034 3331 Fax: 4034 3342 Email: Address: Level 2, 68 Abbott Street Virginia House, Cairns QLD 4870 Postal: PO Box 7433, Cairns QLD 4870 Disclaimer: No part of this magazine, including the advertisements within it may be reproduced, in part or in whole without the expressed permission of the editor. Whilst the greatest of care is taken to ensure that the information in the magazine is correct at the time of going to press, readers are advised to check details before visiting. The publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. The expressions expressed within PakMag are not necessarily the views of the publishers, but those of individual writers.

contents parents 02 What’s new

pakmag : for parents of beans to teens

kids 21 Kid’s MiniMag

04 Bully’s Gameplan 07 Bugs, mud & hidey holes! 08 Education Partners 10 Harley’s Educational 11 Money & Work 13

Fun in the Sun





babies & toddlers 31 PakBaby - Thumb sucking

things to win

20 Out & about photos

02 WIN ‘Snow Queen’ theatre tickets

21 Mini Mag


WIN Calanna supplements

23 What’s On


WIN a mystery prize

29 Out & about photos

22 WIN a mystery prize

31 PakBaby


34 PakParent

33 WIN a ‘Beyond Baby Blues’ Book

37 Wardrobe Wake Up

46 WIN a Family Holiday

39 Tackling Teens

48 WIN a $50 Stockland Voucher

4 mystery prizes to WIN

41 Take the Plunge 42 Fav Pets 43 Biz Directory

cover shot

45 Cricket

Model: Montana Ellery

46 WIN a Family Holiday!

Photographer: A big thanks

47 Movie of the Month

to Steffen Binke Photography

48 Laugh with a Local

Find PakMag exclusively in:


what’s new november Splash shots

Movie Releases

what’s new november Next PakClub: 11 Nov

Santa arrival times

Come dressed as Santa’s Little Helpers – we’ll be getting the kids ready for Christmas nice and early with some Xmas craft activities. Anya from Cheeky Monkey Photography will also be there to take your family Christmas portraits. Prizes for best dressed. Cazaly’s (5-7pm). Bookings are highly recommended

I Don’t Know How

to reserve tables call 4054 1464.

She Does It (TBA)

Also book now for the Cazaly’s Kids Club

In cinemas November 3

Christmas Party in December (3.30pm to

Child’s World

4.30pm) followed by PakClub from 5pm-7pm.

Our Idiot Brother (TBA) In cinemas November 3

Childs World Early Learning Centres at Bentley

If you like the mermaid shot on this month’s front cover, check out to see his portfolio of underwater family

Park are now open with vacancies for Nursery

Christmas cheer

portraits. This is possibly the coolest way of getting family portraits taken for Christmas!

Anonymous (TBA)

Steffen has a special offer this summer - book

In cinemas November 3

a shoot, purchase two products and get an A4 metallic print for free worth $95. For more info go to the website or call 4054 5324 or

The Debt (TBA)

WIN Theatre tickets! In cinemas November 10

The Young Company is presenting the beloved tale of ‘The Snow Queen’ from 30 Nov-10 Dec at the TYC Adventure Theatre, 169 Bunda St. Featuring TYC Associate Artists

Arthur Christmas (TBA) In cinemas November 24

and student performers it is a show especially for children and families. Duration: 2 hours. Cost: $10 adults, $8 children. Tickets can be purchased via the website

Immortals (TBA) In cinemas November 24

Open Day on Saturday 26 Nov (10am–1pm)

At the opening event there will be pony rides, face painting, a jumping castle and lots more.

so parents can see all four centres on one

For enrolments, or for more information,

site and find out about the high standards in

contact Child’s World on 4045 4045.

In cinemas November 24 or call 4041 4066.

WIN theatre tickets! For your chance to win one of four family passes (2 adults, 2 children) thanks to The Young Company simply email us at


• Stockland – 12 Nov (10am) • Smithfield – 26 Nov (10am) • Mt Sheridan – 3 Dec (10am) • Raintrees – 19 Dec (11am)


Friday family fun

Santa’s Letters

With the summer holidays approaching

Thanks to Gecko’s you can now go out on a

You will soon notice some PakMag post

maybe it’s time to think about buying the

Friday night without having to worry about

boxes popping up around town – you can

kids some magic tricks for Christmas from

babysitters! They are holding themed family

use these to post your competition entries,

the new Xtreme Illusions Magic Shop. From

disco’s on Fridays – the next one is on 25 Nov

send us feedback, ask questions or just send

levitating wine bottles to magic boxes that

(5.30-7.30pm). The last one was a sell-out so

us nice letters! You can also use them to write

make money appear from thin air, most items

book your tickets early. Tickets cost: $7.50 for

a letter to Santa and we will personally

require less than five minutes of practise to

kids aged 1-2 years and $9.50 for 3-11 year

deliver it to him. Please make sure you

make you look like a pro. Open 7 days from

olds. If you pay before 23 Nov they are only

include a self addressed envelope so Santa

5pm-11pm and located in the Night Markets.

$7 each. Call Gecko’s on 4038 1181 for info.

can send a reply.

Show the kids what Christmas spirit is all about by supporting these local appeals:

BooK noW For our EXciTinG cHrisTMas scHool Holiday VacaTion carE proGraM

• Mayor’s Christmas Appeal – raises funds to buy hampers for about 500 families who need a helping hand. Donations can be placed in boxes displayed throughout the

The Inbetweeners (TBA)

• Cairns Central – 19 Nov (10.30am)

0405 019 581.

In cinemas November 10

Moneyball (TBA)

through to Pre-School. There will be a Grand

quality care and education being offered. and tell us who wrote The Snow Queen?

• Commencing 12 December 6.30am-6.30pm • Childcare Benefit Available

region or via credit card at www.cairns.qld.

Monday-Friday 6.30aM-6.30pM

• ‘I believe in Santa’ Toy Drive – Sea FM &

Located beside the bentLey Park coLLege 2 Borrowdale Close, Bentley Park For more information email:

Cazaly’s are encouraging locals to donate wrapped toys or cash which will be distributed by the Salvo’s over Christmas. Drop gifts off at Cazaly’s.

call us on

4045 4045



Bullying Week Story thanks to Jutta Dempsey

bully’s gameplan Child Psychologist Jutta Dempsey explains why some children become bullies There are many reasons why children become

opportunity to get even and it’s the way they’ve

in adult life (including more marriage break-

bullies. If your child has been accused of bullying

been shown to behave by others who they

ups), poor functioning in the workplace, higher

the first thing to do is to find out what their

consider successful. Some bullies are having

incidence of drug and alcohol abuse and a

intent is with this behaviour. Do they realise that

difficulty dealing with their own feelings, so they

greater chance of having a criminal record (one

they are actually hurting others? If they were only

focus on the feelings of others instead. The weak

in four chance of by the age of 30).

teasing and having fun, they will usually react

child reminds them of their own vulnerability and

with surprise and shame and immediately stop.

anxiety so they displace these uncomfortable

However, some children don’t stop. True bullies attack because they need to have the power, control and status that being the bully brings.

feelings onto someone else who is weaker by attempt or substitute for intimacy. Some bullies can be quite insensitive or attention

power, control and status?

seeking, both at the victim’s expense. They can

others gives them belonging to, or leadership

be socially unaware and don’t know how to relate to others. They can be impulsive.

of, their peers. They are often popular children

For parents, it’s natural to feel responsible when

surrounded by friends and use their peers to

your child is accused of bullying but remember

support them. Often they have good leadership

that although some will come from dysfunctional

skills which are misdirected.

families where there is a lack of warmth,

Some want to cause pain and suffering for their own gain and pleasure. These are often unhappy

goes a long way.

being dominant and aggressive. Or it can be an

The question is - why do they have this need for

Some children believe that their bullying of

If your child is a bully a little help early on often

unconditional acceptance, consistent discipline or appropriate role models, many do not.

Parent checklist • What is the communication style within the family and home? Is it respectful of others? • How do family members express frustration, anger and hurt? Is it aggressive or assertive? • Are the children held accountable for their behaviour and thus taught appropriate ways of behaving?

children who are quite angry although they

The role of the parent is of utmost importance.

present as positive and confident and work very

The bully may have learned an inappropriate

hard to maintain this status. Many things can

way of coping and may need to “unlearn” ways of

cause this child to be unhappy and angry, the

behaving and be taught to manage and express

most common being an unhappy home life or

themselves in ways that are socially cohesive

• Is the media and gaming negatively

academic difficulty at school.

rather than destructive.

influencing my child’s values and

Some bullies have suffered bullying themselves

It is worth preventing your child from being a

when they were younger, or are bullied at home

bully. Statistics show that childhood bullies are

by an older sibling. They see bullying as an

more likely to develop poor social relationships

• Is the value of empathy and understanding of others important within the family?



• How is my child going academically at school?



Catholic Early Learning & Care Story thanks to Rebecca Ireland

bugs, mud & hidey holes! Kindergarten: enriching the play environment



sticks, and much more. Having a multisensory

for active exploration and experimentation?

the morning she puts her bag away in her locker

play space like a garden, allows children to learn

Are there quiet spaces to hide and relax with or

with her photo on it and then, because she loves

through their five senses of taste, touch, smell,

without friends? Young children love hidey-holes

bugs she likes to race out to the veggie patch to

sound and sight. Plan the garden together and

and there is nothing better than a good game of

look for bugs, especially butterflies. Lily also loves

talk about what sort of plants would be perfect

hide and seek!

to snuggle up on the couch with all of the comfy

for a sensory garden. Fruit trees, herbs, and

cushions to read her favourite books on bugs.

vegetables are all live things that offer a sensory

There is a little lamp for her to read, just like at

experience as well as teaching children about

home in her lounge room.

sustainability and where food comes from.

Lily also loves to help Cook by taking the herbs

Providing opportunities for children to reflect

into the kitchen to be cleaned and chopped ready

on what is included in their environment and to

for lunch. She loves her job; it makes her feel so

add their own personal touches allows them to

important! Then she sets off to find her friends to

explore who they are and what they enjoy.

see if they want to discover any more bugs!

Are there areas where children can interact with others including adults and other children in small and large groups? Putting thought and planning into the play environment enables adults and children to create an environment that lets children know their opinions are important and valued. Through a little planning, flexibility, understanding a child’s

To further enrich learning, incorporate different

needs and intentional teaching, young children’s

Children see the wonder in everything. From a

textures into play spaces – rough, smooth,

learning environments can be exciting places to

CCB Approved • EnroL today • 3-5 yeAr olds

rainbow to a butterfly or a worm, young children

bumpy, scratchy – all of these broaden a child’s

learn and be.

learn through the environment around them.

descriptive vocabulary and provide a touch

Learning through Play each & every day

They love to ask questions and investigate and

sensory experience.

For more information visit or call 4055 1814 or email


Lily loves Kindergarten. When she gets there in

explore their world. Children are naturally creative and enjoy using their imaginations to construct objects out of everyday items like mud, rocks,

Rebecca Ireland is Director – Catholic Childcare & Community Kindergarten, Redlynch.

Consider how and why the space is set up the way it is. Do the children have access to spaces



Education feature


Story thanks to Amanda Cranston

partn e rs

Parents who are actively involved in their children’s education and view school teachers as a partner, ensure better outcomes, writes Amanda Cranston. Decades of research has shown a link between

opportunities for parents to communicate with

most parental concerns should be easily resolved

parents being actively involved in their child’s

and be engaged with the school, but what do

within the school.

education and their academic achievements. In

you do if you don’t feel like your child’s needs are

fact, it not only leads to higher grades, scores and

being met or your concerns are going unheard?

graduation rates but also to increased motivation and self esteem as well as less likelihood of being involved in drugs, alcohol and violent behaviour.

school, despite seeming quite bright, you may

many Government departments that can help.

also choose to consult with a tutor or educational

The Education Queensland Government Schools

psychologist to assess whether your child has

website is a good starting point and provides

a learning disorder. About 10% of children are

children stay in education for longer and achieve

a wealth of information for parents including

affected by learning disorders and many dislike

more. Reynolds and Clements reported in 2005

how to make a complaint to the school, how to

school or exhibit problem behaviours that mask

that school programs that enable parental

get financial assistance for textbooks, transport

an undiagnosed difficulty.

involvement in their child’s schooling yield

and living away from home allowances, what

greater and longer-lasting results than increased

resources are available for children with

public spending on smaller class sizes and after-

disabilities, where to go if your child is gifted

school programs.

and what help is available to address bullying,

Studies showed that almost two thirds of parents are in fact highly involved in their children’s

harassment and discrimination. Go to http://, click on to the Parents and Carers link, then click on the Life at School link.

Tips for parents: [1] Attend teacher-parent events [2] Get to know the teacher [3] Get over your own insecurities

education and that those who were less involved

If you have concerns about your child’s

were likely to have a lower socio-economic status

experiences at school the first step is always to

(often because they had negative experiences of

speak with their teacher. Make an appointment

school themselves) or were from different ethnic

to discuss the matter with them and approach

and cultural backgrounds (sometimes because of

this meeting as a partner with the intention of

[5] Occasionally drop in to watch

language difficulties), which is unfortunate given

finding a solution together. Allow the teacher

extracurricular activities when

that children from these backgrounds are most

time to resolve the matter but if it remains

you have time

likely to benefit.

unresolved to your satisfaction, your next step

[6] You can ask for a translator if English

is to speak with the principal. Beyond this, the

complaints process involves the local education

[7] Volunteer for school activities if

office and an independent review, although

Most schools are aware of the importance of family involvement and provide lots of

child is not performing well academically at

Firstly, there are many websites available and

When schools and families work together

A study by the Australian Institute of Family


In situations where you are concerned that your

about school

[4] Network with other busy parents

to share tasks

is your second language

you have time



education begins at home

Harley’s Educational

Money & work

Story thanks to Kristy Vallely & Michelle I’Anson

Main story thanks to Fiona Mountford

Building incidental learning in to your daily activities Parents have the privilege of being their children’s

[1] Shopping Centre: Ask your kids to go and

[6] When you are driving along talk about what

first teacher but hectic family schedules often

pick out 5 red tomatoes - Colours and

signs mean (speed signs, traffic lights etc) –

cause parents to worry that they are not spending



enough quality time teaching important skills to their children. However, the good news is learning does not have to take place in a structured

[2] Eating Dinner: Ask your children what

[7] During craft activities discuss what shapes,

colours they have on their plate - Colours

size and colours they are using – Shapes,

[3] Use magnetic letters for your fridge so while

by participating in daily activities.

you’re cooking you can talk to them about

[8] When you are reading with them talk to

letters and sounds the letters make -

them about the story, characters and words

Language and Phonics

– Comprehension, Values and Literacy

to teach their children important knowledge, skills and values through incidental learning. This

[4] When you are walking up and down stairs

[9] Encourage them to engage in conversation

can also be great fun for your children and, when

– ask them what was the best part of your

day? – Communication.

they’re having fun, they can be learning a great deal without even noticing.

count with them - Counting

[5] When you are helping them with a task

future retirement plans

Sizes and Colour

environment, as children can also learn informally

Parents can utilise many different everyday tasks


Chances are you’ve spent hours dreaming about your perfect retirement – when you want to retire, where you want to live, how you want to spend your time.

[10] Talk to them about their feelings - Values

say use your left arm so they become

Here are 10 simple ideas to build incidental

familiar with their left and right – Directions

you are dreaming of an early retirement in the

learning in to your daily activities:

and Motor Planning

country, your partner could be making plans to continue working well into their twilight years. Needless to say not having any agreement on your ultimate goals is bound to make retirement planning a difficult and painful process for both you and your partner, leading to possible arguments, disappointment and financial miscalculations. That’s why it’s important to start the conversation But have you really discussed it with your

Let no child ever come to us without leaving happier, smarter and more confident. Early learning & primary school education program

ENROL NOW FOR TERM 4 • Encourage a love of learning • Develop social & emotional skills • Letter names & sounds • Small groups - 1 hour classes • Numbers to 20 • Full-colour workbooks • Games & hands-on activities • Fine motor & handwriting skills • Degree qualified & experienced teacher

For more information & 0407 536 587

partner? And if so, do you share the same

with your partner sooner rather than later. Here is a list of questions to ask each other:

retirement outlook?

• What age do you want to retire?

While lifetime partners often assume they are

• Do you want to continue working in

heading towards the same retirement goals,


this isn’t always the case. For all you know, while

• Where do you want to live? • What type of lifestyle do you want in retirement? • Do we both know where all our important documents and assets are? • Have you got a long-term retirement plan? There’s no doubt talking about your retirement with your partner can be a little tricky, but it can also be an exciting time – learning about each other’s dreams and uniting around a common goal. Fiona Mountford is a Financial Planner at TFS Financial Planning. For more information or help discussing your retirement goals, call 4046 5555 or visit

pocket money

paid parental leave

Giving your children pocket money is an important first step in

It was recently announced that about 100,000

teaching them about financial responsibility. But how much do

families have used paid parental leave in its

you pay them? A survey by the Raising Kids Network found that

first year. The scheme pays parents about

two-thirds of children receive pocket money by the time they’re six

$590 a week for 18 weeks to help them with

years old, usually $2 or less a week. By the time they’re 11, children

the costs of having a child. The scheme will be

are most commonly paid around $5 a week, and once they’re over

extended on January 1, 2013, to provide an

12 nearly half of them will get more than $12 a week. Financial

additional two weeks’ pay to fathers and other

experts recommend connecting pocket money to chores although

partners. People will be able to register for the

about 25% of parents expect nothing in return.

new payment from October 1 next year. |




Be Sun Smart Story thanks to Dr Nita Ling

fun in the sun It’s good for kids to be outside playing in the sunshine but unfortunately it’s bad for your skin so to take full advantage of the great benefits of sunshine we need to protect ourselves. This applies for fair skins, olive skins, dark skins and Asian skins. Skin cancer can be sometimes be cured with

There are loads of things on skin that are not

surgery or various creams, but in some cases it

cancers, and they can all look fairly similar,

can be deadly. The most common type of sun

so don’t panic, don’t guess and don’t rely on

cancer is BCC (basal cell cancer), which grows

internet pictures. Skin checks should be top

the slowest and does not spread elsewhere,

to toe and done as a regular check up with

but does gradually eat away the part. SCC

your GP.

(squamous cell cancer) is the next most common, and grows a bit more aggressively and can spread to lymph glands as well as eating away the tissue. Melanoma can be removed with surgery, but can spread not only to lymph glands but also to many other distant organs like brain or liver or bone, and can kill at any age. I have removed skin cancers from teenagers, young children and even babies, although they are all more common as you get older and collect more sun. Some types run in families, and have a greater likelihood if there is a genetic tendency. Skin cancers can grow anywhere, including where the sun doesn’t even go. They can develop from normal areas of skin or from old moles or new moles. Anything new growing or changing on the skin should be checked. Any area that still changes after checking


should be rechecked again!

As a general rule of thumb, low risk skins should be checked every 1-3 years. Most skins that have been exposed to any sunburns or sun baking should have skin checks every 6-12 months. You should have any new or changing spot checked right away even if you’ve recently had a skin check. If melanoma or some types of genetic skin cancers (e.g. Gorlins syndrome) run in your family, you should have your children checked from the time they are babies at least every year. Anything new growing or changing on skin should be checked earlier when it is noticed, rather than waiting for the regular skin check time. Dr. Nita Ling is a Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon based at the Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery Centre on McLeod Street. For more information call 4041 6088. Your first port of call should be your GP.

Slip slop slap • Make slip, slop, slap a family habit •

Model good sunsmart behavior yourself otherwise they won’t follow your advice when they’re old enough to do it themselves

Sunblock – must be broad spectrum and at least 30+. It takes 15-20 mins to set on your skin so apply it before you leave home and carry it with you for re-application. Teens with oilier skin should exfoliate 2-3 times a week to remove excess build up.

Clothing – there are lots of hats and clothes available with SPF 50+ fabrics that are cool and breezy to wear. Try the adventure or workwear stores.

• Sunglasses – eyes suffer from sun damage and can even grow skin cancer. Sunglasses are particularly important in the tropics so teach your kids to be comfortable wearing them. Look for sunglasses with EPF (eye protection factor) of 9 or more. • Avoid the hottest part of the day – structure outdoor activities before or after 10am-3pm.



Woree Family Medical Centre

PakHealth feature


Story thanks to Elaine Seager

• Child & AdolesCent heAlth • Women’s heAlth • men’s heAlth (inCluding VAseCtomies) • skin CheCks • FemAle nurse (For PAP smeAr CliniC) • minor surgery • VACCinAtions • Free Childhood immunisAtions

Woree Family

medical Centre

pelvic pain For many women Endometriosis and pelvic pain are an unfortunate reality. But it’s not just affecting older women – a recent Menstrual Disorder of Teenagers study found that almost 20% of Australian teenage girls aged 16-18 suffer severe menstrual pain which interferes with their schooling and normal life activities.

CoNSULTATIoNS: mondAy to FridAy 8am-5pm sAturdAy 8am-12pm oUr DoCTorS: • dr robert d’hotman • dr deepa gadhvi • dr matthew Warburton

Dr. Susan Evans, a gynaecologist and author of

• Pelvic pain that causes them distress or stops

and updated version of her

newly revised Endometriosis and Pelvic Pain

them doing things they enjoy.

best-selling book, Endometriosi

Continuing to care for the Cairns Community

the cracks’ due to a complex mix of symptoms.

1/600 Bruce Hwy, Woree (behind Calanna Pharmacy) For more inFormAtion PHoNE: 4033 2525

concerns,” she says, “and they can end up having

says that many women and girls ‘fall through

Awakening your energy is our specialty! nAturAl heAlth cAre sAfe for your entire fAMily • Acupuncture • naturopathy • homeopathy • Massage • iridology • Kinesiology • Psychotherapist

quite disjointed care.”

also offering a free eBook answering common questions that is available on her website

endometriosis, but healthy, low wheat, low fat

• Period pain that lasts for more than 1-2 days

pain. Exercise is also essential although some

each month.

core-strength exercises can make pelvic muscle

For your chance to win a copy of this book

pain worse. Walking is one of the best exercises.

email us at

• Period pain that doesn’t get better on the pill or with normal period pain medications.


and low salt diets can really help alleviate pelvic

To coincide with the release of the revised

WIN this book! and tell us what is endometriosis?

thanks to Dr Julia Driscoll

Sleep is essential for our mental and physical health but whilst we can be firm about our children having a good sleep routine, we often neglect our own. sleep problems. A good routine is also needed.

TVs. Remember it takes the good sleeper an

These four guidelines are abstracted from the

average time of seven minutes to fall asleep so

Very qualified & experienced team

“Psychiatric Times” (Dec 2009):

if you’ve been lying there for over half an hour

of practitioners under one roof.

[1] Train the brain to feel sleepy and awake.

sPeciAlists in natural health Care

s and Pelvic Pain Dr. Susan i

Common symptoms to watch for:

intimacy and sleep. Remove computers and

get up and read quietly in another room.

Stick to approximately the same times to wake

[3] Avoid being overstimulated at bedtime.

up and go to bed. Wake up at a fixed time.

Avoid caffeine late in the day (after 3pm) and

Avoid the temptation to nap.

whilst exercise is good for sleep avoid exercising

your bed and sleep. Use the bedroom only for

open 6 days • 13 Anderson st, MAnundA • phone 07 4031 1124

more that can be done to help now. Dr. Evans says changing diet won’t get rid of

[2] Develop a strong association between


had problems with pelvic pain. There is much

Sleeping tablets are only a temporary fix for

• herbalist

“There’s no-one able to help them with their

• Girls or women whose mothers or sisters have

late at night. Create a soothing bedtime “ritual” for yourself in the same way that you do with your children. This may include a warm bath,

reading, listening to soothing music etc. [4] Create an environment conducive to sleep. Invest in a comfortable bed and make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet. If you tend to awaken after falling asleep, learn some simple relaxation exercises and turn your alarm clock away so you can’t see it. Consider keeping a journal to write down your worries and don’t rely on alcohol; it causes non-restful sleep.



PakHealth snippets Main story thanks to Gina Davis

family meal times Australians spend about one third of their household budget on convenience foods, which tend to be higher in fat, sugar and salt, but healthy meal preparation need not be time consuming.

Here are a few tips to help you:

[4] Re-invent leftovers - leftover pasta sauce

• Frittata - lightly fry onion and diced vegies in

can be used in jaffles, cold meats turned into rice/

a frypan (ham or lean bacon can be added).

pasta meals, a little bit of everything can make a

Top with beaten egg and grated cheese and

delicious frittata.

pop under a grill to brown on top.

[5] Takeaways - serve salad and jacket potatoes

• Pasta stir through sauces are quick, nutritious

with a BBQ chicken. Finish off the meal with fresh

and adding left over cold meats, fish or chicken


can make it more appetising.

Quick healthy meal ideas:

For more detailed recipes check out:

• Baked stuffed potatoes. Cook in the microwave

[1] Menu planning – plan meals for about two

and top with your favourite ingredients. Tuna,

weeks so that when you shop you have the

grated cheese and chopped tomato are




[2] Stock favourites – keep ingredients like

• Pizza bases (you can use flat bread or English

tomato pasta sauces, tinned fish, tinned beans,

muffins) topped with tomato paste, chopped

rice and pasta and frozen vegetables.

vegetables, diced meats, cheese.

[3] Extra servings – cook extra quantities to

• Fried rice using left over rice, diced BBQ chicken

Prevention Health Services. For more information

freeze when you have the time.

and packet of frozen stir-fry vegetables.

call 4226 4430. Pages/default.aspx Gina Davis is a Healthy Lifestyle Program Coordinator at the Community and Primary

Vision guard Diet can play a role in good eye health. Studies

eyes healthy. If you are concerned you are not

suggest that diet is important in reducing

getting enough nutrients in your diet, you may

the risk of Macular Degeneration (MD) and

consider using a supplement such as Calanna

in slowing its progression. Eating a healthy

Vision Guard ($27.95) that has been specially

well-balanced diet, high in antioxidants,

formulated to provide the essential nutrients to

vitamins and other nutrients can help keep

preserve and support macular eye health.

WIN Calanna Supplements! For your chance to win a sample of Calanna Vision Guard simply email us at and tell us what the macular is?




with Qld Yoghurt Company

parents in the pantry Chicken, Bacon & Corn Soup

Recipe thanks to: Jolene Sperring

• Bacon - diced/chopped remove the fat to keep it healthy • 1 Onion • Garlic • 2 tins of corn

kids in the kitchen Green Eggs & Ham

Recipe thanks to: Dani Thompson

• Wholemeal bread

• 1 litre chicken stock

• Eggs

• 6-10 medium/large potatoes

• Milk • Ham slices • Cheese grated

Method Dry fry the bacon, chopped onion and garlic, (the small amount of fat in the bacon is enough), peel and cut potatoes in half, (quarters if you’re in a hurry). Add potatoes, tins of corn (with water) and chicken stock and cook until potatoes are soft. Process in batches to make a smoother soup, you can add skim milk (depends on how thick you like it).

WIN a Mystery prize!!! Send in a recipe to for your chance to win! Entries close: 18/11/2011


• Pesto

Method Grease a muffin tray. Using an egg round, cut out a large circle from a slice of wholemeal bread. Use a rolling pin to flatten the bread and place it in the muffin tray. Do this with 4-6 slices of bread. Line the bread with a piece of ham. In a bowl, whisk 2 eggs and a dash of milk. Add 3 teaspoons of pesto. Pour the egg and pesto mix into the muffin tray. Top with grated cheese. Bake in a moderate oven for 12-15 mins.



out & about

submit your photos

email to:


mag lub Gaby the dragon at Halloween PakC

at Cazalys Cleopatra and Harley scaring up a stor

Luca the Pirate at PakClub

Toby and Jasper at PakClub

m for Halloween PakClub

Sarah playing around at PakClub

Out & About photos thanks to anya at Cheeky Monkey Photography

Cassidy and Ella at PakClub

1 1 0 2 r e b Novem ld win! u o c u o y & Colour it in ds! r o w n e d d i Find the h es! r u t c i p & s d r Match the wo

In Cinemas

24 november 20



what’s on nov

pink = family


Sunday 13 November 5-7pm at Cazalys For more information: (07) 4054 1464

DATE 1/11/11


To enter this great competition just colour-it-in and mail to:


PAKMAG, Colour-it-in November 2011


PO Box 7433, Cairns QLD 4870


and WIN a fantastic mystery prize!


Closing Date: 18 November 2011


VENUE Earlville Library

green = kids


6.3Opm 13 November Taipans Vs Wildcats For more info visit:



Colour-it-in & win

TIME 10:30 AM

blue = adults

Tim Finn

26 NOV @ 7.3Opm Tanks Arts Centre To book go to:

FOR MORE INFO 4044 3766



Cairns Regional Gallery

Tiny Tackers (Tuesday) Art Class

10:00 AM

4046 4888



Cairns Regional Gallery

Tiny Tackers (Tuesday) Art Class

11:00 AM

4046 4888



Cairns Regional Gallery

PipSqueaks Art Class

3:45 PM

4046 4888



Gordonvale Library


10:30 AM

4056 1365



Mondos - Hilton Cairns

Family Night - Melbourne Cup theme

5:30 PM



Manunda Library


10:30 AM

4044 3779



Birch Carroll & Coyle

Babes in Arms - The Three Musketeers

10:00 AM



Cairns Regional Gallery

Tiny Tackers (Thursday) Art Class

10:00 AM

4046 4888



Cairns Regional Gallery

Tiny Tackers (Thursday) Art Class

11:00 AM

4046 4888



Edmonton Library


10:30 AM

4055 1421



Mossman Library

Storytime and Rhyme Time

10:30 AM

4099 9496



City Place

Mark Lane Solo

2:00 PM



City Place


2:00 PM



City Place

Relay Rockers - Rock N Roll Dance Group

2:00 PM





7:00 PM



Go Bowling Cairns


9:00 PM



Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 5


7:30 PM


Kuranda Amphitheatre

Loony Poets Night

6:30 PM

$25/$30 Cost


Cable Ski Cairns

Australian Rail Jam

9:00 AM

4038 1304



Cable Ski Cairns

Australian Rail Jam

9:00 AM

4038 1304



Lake Placid General Store

Sausage sizzle fundraiser for Jonno

8:00 AM




Cairns Regional Gallery

Free First Saturday

All Day

4046 4888.



Cairns RSL

Monster Cent Sale CRTA Fundraising for RFDS

12:30 PM



Cooktown Amateur Turf Club

Cooktown Races

12:00 PM

0418 128 991


Coastwatcher Park Trinity Beach

Flicker Fest - 20th International Short Film Festival.

7:00 PM


Esplanade Plaza

Esplanade Cotters Market

8:00 AM




Claire & de Loons

11:00 AM




Jaia Rain - Trio

3:00 PM



Cairns Showgrounds

Small Buisness Christmas Fair

9:00 AM Free



Cairns Bonsai Show

10:00 AM

Cost Donation




what’s on nov DATE 5/11/11



pink = family

ENTERTAINMENT/EVENT NAME Cairns Region Tourism Assoc & Royal Flying Doctor Service Monster Cent Sale

green = kids

TIME 12:30 PM

blue = adults

FOR MORE INFO 4054 4794


what’s on nov DATE


16/11/11 Babinda Library

pink = family


green = kids

TIME 10:30 AM

blue = adults

FOR MORE INFO 4067 1112



Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 5


7:30 PM


16/11/11 Birch Carroll & Coyle

Babes in arms - I Don’t Know How She Does It

10:00 AM



The Reef Hotel Casino

ZUMBATHON Fundraiser for Jonno Cattell

11:00 AM

4033 5315


17/11/11 Stratford Library

Baby Rhyme Time

10:30 AM

4044 3733



Cairns Esplanade - Funship

Cairns Rotary Day for Daniel - Community Walk and Family Fun Day 8:30 AM

0419 785 812


17/11/11 Cairns Regional Gallery

Tiny Tackers (Thursday) Art Class

10:00 AM

4046 4888




4 in a groove


17/11/11 Cairns Regional Gallery

Tiny Tackers (Thursday) Art Class

11:00 AM

4046 4888



Cairns Recreation Centre

The 2011 Kick Start Cairns Trade Fair

All Day

4053 5353

17/11/11 Mossman Library

Storytime and Rhyme Time

10:30 AM

4099 9496



Stratford Library


10:30 AM

4044 3733


17/11/11 City Place

Don MacGregor

3:00 PM



Cairns Regional Gallery

10:00 AM

4046 4888


18/11/11 Go Bowling Cairns


8:00 PM

Tiny Tackers (Tuesday) Art Class

3:00 PM


Cairns Regional Gallery

11:00 AM

4046 4888


18/11/11 Go Bowling Cairns


9:00 PM



Cairns Regional Gallery

PipSqueaks Art Class

3:45 PM

4046 4888


18/11/11 Esplanade


6:30 PM



Mondos - Hilton Cairns

Family Night with Terry Doyle and Rachel the Face painter

5:30 PM


18/11/11 City Place

Relay Rockers - Rock N Roll Dance Group

7:30 PM



Cairns Recreation Centre

The 2011 Kick Start Cairns Trade Fair

All Day

4053 5353

19/11/11 Cairns Central

Santa arrives

10:30 AM

4047 7407

Tiny Tackers (Tuesday) Art Class


City Library


10:30 AM

4044 3720


19/11/11 The Clink Theatre Port Douglas

Barron River Dance

2:30 PM



Birch Carroll & Coyle

Babes in arms- In Time

10:00 AM


19/11/11 The Clink Theatre Port Douglas

Barron River Dance

7:30 PM



KickArts Contemporary Arts

ArtBABIES: Art workshops for children ages 2-5

10:00 AM

(07) 4050 9494


19/11/11 Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 5


7:30 PM



Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 5


7:30 PM


19/11/11 Esplanade Plaza

Esplanade Cotters Market

8:00 AM


10/11/11 Cairns Recreation Centre

The 2011 Kick Start Cairns Trade Fair

All Day

4053 5353

19/11/11 Esplanade

The Hit Fanatics - Trio

11:00 AM


10/11/11 Smithfield Library

Baby Rhyme Time

10:30 AM

4044 3711


19/11/11 Esplanade


3:00 PM


10/11/11 Cairns Regional Gallery

Tiny Tackers (Thursday) Art Class

10:00 AM

4046 4888


20/11/11 City Place

Hillbilly Goats Trio

3:00 PM


10/11/11 Cairns Regional Gallery

Tiny Tackers (Thursday) Art Class

11:00 AM

4046 4888


20/11/11 Brothers Leagues Club

The Grates

8:00 PM


10/11/11 Mossman Library

Storytime and Rhyme Time

10:30 AM

4099 9496


20/11/11 Go Bowling Cairns


1:00 PM


10/11/11 City Place

Lucky Phil

2:00 PM


20/11/11 Cairns Convention Centre

NBL - Cairns Taipans v New Zealand Breakers

4:00 PM


11/11/11 City Place

Chris 'Live & Acoustic' - Solo

2:00 PM


22/11/11 Manunda Library

Baby Rhyme Time

10:30 AM

4044 3779


11/11/11 Go Bowling Cairns


9:00 PM


22/11/11 Mondos - Hilton Cairns

Family Night with Terry Doyle and Rachel the Face painter

5:30 PM


11/11/11 Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 5


7:30 PM


23/11/11 Birch Carroll & Coyle

Babes in arms - MoneyBall

10:00 AM


12/11/11 Wangan Hall

Live music - camping - Fundraiser for Cairns Blues Festival

4:00 PM


23/11/11 City Library

Baby Rhyme Time

10:30 AM

4044 3720


12/11/11 Esplanade Plaza

Esplanade Cotters Market

8:00 AM


24/11/11 Earlville Library


10:30 AM

4044 3766


12/11/11 Esplanade


11:00 AM


24/11/11 Mossman Library

Storytime and Rhyme Time

10:30 AM

4099 9496


12/11/11 Esplanade

Snake Gully

3:00 PM


24/11/11 City Place


2:00 PM


12/11/11 Stockland

Santa arrives

10:00 AM

4054 3066

25/11/11 Gecko's Indoor play centre

DISCO - Theme Crazy Dress

5:30 PM

4038 1181


12/11/11 Brothers Leagues Club

George FIJI Veikoso

8:00 PM


25/11/11 Go Bowling Cairns


9:00 PM


13/11/11 Esplanade

DJ Bart

3:00 PM


25/11/11 Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 5


7:30 PM


13/11/11 Bramston Beach

Bramston Beach Christmas Markets

9:00 AM

4067 4121


26/11/11 Smithfield Centre

Santa arrives

10:00 AM

4038 9306

13/11/11 Cazayls

PakClub - Santa's Workshop

5:00 PM

4054 1464


26/11/11 KickArts Contemporary Arts

Creative Workshop with Kristin Tennyson: Workshop for adults

1:00 PM

4050 9494

13/11/11 Cairns Convention Centre

NBL - Cairns Taipans v Perth Wildcats

6:30 PM


26/11/11 KickArts Contemporary Arts

Creative Workshop with Kristin Tennyson: Workshop for kids aged 5-12

10:00 AM

4050 9494


15/11/11 Smithfield Library


10:30 AM

4044 3711


26/11/11 Brothers Leagues Club

Christmas Jazz at Brothers

7:00 PM



15/11/11 Cairns Regional Gallery

Tiny Tackers (Tuesday) Art Class

10:00 AM

4046 4888


26/11/11 Tanks Arts Centre - Tank 5


7:30 PM


15/11/11 Cairns Regional Gallery

Tiny Tackers (Tuesday) Art Class

11:00 AM

4046 4888


26/11/11 Esplanade Plaza

Esplanade Cotters Market

8:00 AM


15/11/11 Cairns Regional Gallery

PipSqueaks Art Class

3:45 PM

4046 4888


26/11/11 Esplanade


2:00 PM


15/11/11 Mondos - Hilton Cairns

Family Night with Terry Doyle and Rachel the Face painter

5:30 PM


27/11/11 Brothers Leagues Club


7:30 PM



what’s on nov DATE


pink = family


green = kids


blue = adults



27/11/11 Tanks Art Centre


9:00 AM


27/11/11 Esplanade

Amy Chase

3:00 PM


29/11/11 Mondos - Hilton Cairns

Family Night with Terry Doyle and Rachel the Face painter

5:30 PM


30/11/11 Birch Carroll & Coyle

Babes in arms - Arthur Christmas 2D

10:00 AM


Zoe Strickland Hypnobirthing classes Hypnobirthing birth preparation classes Every Wed @ 5.30pm > Call 0420 504 421 to book GO Bowling Cairns Every Saturday & Sunday is “Cheap As Chips” night Mon-Fri > Mums Club up to 24pp for 2hrs for $99* (before 6pm) Mon-Sun > Ticket of Fun with up to 24pp for 2hrs for $99* (before 6pm, local junior sports groups only) For more information visit

Cairns Recreation Centre Heaps of fun activities for kids 7 days a week. For further information and session times call (07) 4053 5353 Active Living (Fun Free Fitness) (07) 4044 3715 - For all timetables & class info go to: The SANDS Support group meets on the second Sunday of each month 10am-12pm at the Manoora Community Centre (Cnr Marchant & Murray Streets, Manoora). If you would like more info call Kelly on 4033 7917 or Nerissa on 4098 3089. The 24/7 phone listeners line is 1800 228 655. Cairns PCYC Monday to Thursday - Kindy Kidz Gym @ 9am-10am Cost is $7. Call (07) 4053 1532 for more information.

[3] sfni

_ _ _ _

Playgroup Queensland 1800 171 882 Monday to Friday for families with 0-5 year olds

[4] noaen

_ _ _ _ _

Gecko’s Indoor Play Centre 4038 1181 Celebrate your child’s special occasion at Gecko’s. All your party food favourites, games & a party host so you can relax & enjoy.

[5] rrvie

_ _ _ _ _

Geckos indoor play centre Sunday Breakfast – Every Sunday from 9.30am For info call 4038 1181 or visit

[6] oolp

_ _ _ _

CAZALY’s Wed throught to Sat > Live Music @ 7.30pm > Juniors Kids Club 6pm Sundays

[7] wreta

_ _ _ _ _

[8] bascu

_ _ _ _ _

[9] fngisru

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

[10] rwtae

_ _ _ _ _

Cooktown Markets Every Sat from 8am - noon at Lions Park

Mt Sheridan Markets 2nd Sat of month at Mt Sheridan Plaza

Babinda Markets 1st Sat of each month, except January, from 8am, Munro St

Gordonvale Cottage Markets 1st Sat of each month from 8am-12pm at Norman Park

Pier Farmgate Market 7.30am-2pm every Sat at the Pier Shopping Centre

Rusty’s Markets All day Fri, until 2pm Sat & Sun, Grafton St

Innisfail Red Cross Markets 3rd Sun of each month at Anzac Memorial Park

Port Douglas Markets Every Sun from 8.30am-2pm at Anzac Park

Esplanade Markets Every Sat from 8am-4pm at the Esplanade

Kuranda Markets Every Wed, Thu, Fri & Sun 9am-3pm in Therwine St

Ravenshoe Markets 4th Sun of the month

Holloways Beach Markets 2nd Sun of month 8am-1pm at Holloways Beachfront

Malanda Markets 3rd Sat of each month from 6am-12pm at Jack May Park

Mt Sheridan Markets 2nd Sat of every month

Mareeba Markets 2nd Sat of each month at Centenary Park, Byrnes St

SPeewah Markets Every Sun 8am-2pm Carpark of the Speewah Tavern, Speewah Road, 6ks past Kuranda

Night Markets Daily from 4.30pm-11pm, entry from Espanade or Abbott St

Mission Beach Markets 1st & 3rd Sun of each month 6.30am-12pm, opposite Hideaway

Tanks Art Centre Markets Last Sun of each month from 9am-1pm

Mossman Markets Every Sat from 7am-12pm under the raintrees

Join the dots, name the item & win a great prize!

_ _ _ _

Atherton Markets 1st Sat of each month from 7am at Platypus Park

Monster Markets Last Sun of each month 8am-2pm, April-Nov at Marcs Park

Unscramble these words and you could win!!!

[2] vdei

regular markets

Northern Beaches Markets 3rd Sun of each month from 9am-3pm, Smithfield Shopping Centre

Halloween dot to dot

_ _ _ _

Brothers Leagues KIDS Club Every Sun - Kids Disco 3.30pm-6pm (ages 3-12yrs)

Swap Meet @ Rodeo Drive-in Mareeba Every Sun from April-September, Highway 3 Tolga Markets First Sun of each month at Morrow Park Race Course Tully Markets Every second & fourth Sat of each month at Tully Showgrounds Yungaburra Markets Fourth Sat of each month 7.30am-12.30pm in the Main St

Simply email us the words at the end and you could win a mystery prize! Send to:

Simply email us the item name and you could win a mystery prize! Send to:

Swimming word search

Match the words & pictures

Find all of the words and when complete circle the remaining letters left to right, top to bottom to learn an interesting swimming fact and you could win a prize!!!

WORDS Breaststroke Dive Dog Paddle Fins Floating Front Crawl Horseplay Lake Lifeguard Ocean Pool River Scuba Side Stroke Snorkel Splash Summer Surfing Swimsuit Water

Simply email us the words at the end and you could win a mystery prize! Send to: 26

Competitions close: 18 November 2011

Swimming word scramble

[1] mswi

regular weekly events Cairns Central Shopping Centre NEW “Drop n Shop” fully supervised child minding. Toys, games & craft with fully qualified staff (behind Customer Service) > Outside School Holidays: Mon-Fri 10am-2pm > During School Holidays: Mon-Sat 10am-2pm

mini mag prize page

Match the word with the right picture and win!!! Shark Octopus Crab Jelly Fish Star Fish Whale Send in your entry and you could win a mystery prize! Send to: Competitions, PO Box 7433, Cairns Q 4870 Name:



out & about

submit your photos

email to:

Rebecca balancing at Palm Cove Louisa and teddy enjoying a day in

Amanda Seawright and family

Kyle enjoying a run at Palm Cove

Macey cooling off

the park

Noah soaking up the sun

Out & About photos thanks to anya at Cheeky Monkey Photography



Get fit the fun way


PakBaby feature


Story thanks to Carla Lejarraga

Saturday morning classes for kids 2-5 Kindy Cheer Program available for 2-5 year olds. Combination of song and dance + fun, fitness & friends! Classes starting from only $10 For more information contact Tamara 0402 225 630 or email or visit


thumb sucking When does the soothing comfort of thumb sucking start to become a concern, asks Carla Lejarraga Parents are often amazed at their child’s sucking. Many claim, “They’ve been doing it since they were in the womb,” and they’re not kidding.

contribute to sucking. Try putting triggers like blankies, toys and teddies where they can’t be

with, one that infants associate with warmth

A child who sucks, however, generally has a habit

and safety. It is the endorphins and dopamine

of keeping their tongue in a low resting position,

When your child is watching TV or in the car,

that is produced in the brain during sucking that

often underneath a digit or thumb.

have distractions nearby that keep their hands

WHEN: Mon-Fri 9am-10am Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri 10am-11am

transfer to a finger, or a thumb or an object, still

COST: $10 per class

Dentists are also anxious that the forces of the thumb can displace the adult teeth causing them

seen or touched.

occupied such as a “busy box” full of Lego, stress balls, playdough and puzzles.

to become maligned. For most parents, that

Children that thumb and digit suck find that

statement translates into one word – “braces.”

warmth and attention from both parents is

Beyond the age of four, however, if children are

Although much cooler than when we were kids,

helpful during the “quit” phase, so it is important

still sucking, it has merely become a habit. So, the

its still a road most parents would prefer their

not to try to stop the habit during busy and

question is, when does thumb and digit sucking

child not to have to go down.

stressful times.

producing the same calming and relaxing effects.

become a concern?

Kids who thumb and digit suck also have the

Some children are able to quit on their own,

Dentists and orthodontists generally become

potential to develop a mouth-breathing habit,

but others may need professional guidance. An

concerned when the adult teeth begin to erupt.

callouses and cuticle infections and speech and

Orofacial Myologist is a qualified dental hygienist

In most children, this is around five years of age.

articulation difficulties.

or speech pathologist that is specifically trained

Dental professionals believe that prolonged and vigorous sucking can affect normal development of the jaws. The forces that are placed on the soft growing bones of the palate by the digits and

is meant to rest in the roof of the mouth, shaping

and stroking (theirs or another person’s), can

it into a nice horseshoe shape as the child grows.

older, this self-soothing comfort can sometimes


That role actually belongs to the tongue, which

Triggers such as blankets, toys, hair pulling

Sucking is a primitive reflex that we are all born

gives babies pleasure and comfort. As infants get

(There is also a $40 annual registration fee)

thumb are not an ideal shape or pressure.

If your child is over the age of five and has expressed a desire to quit, it is definitely a time to take action.

to assist children in the correction of noxious oral habits. Carla Lejarraga is a registered dental hygienist with over 10 years experience.



pakbaby Babes in arms

beyond baby blues

This month’s Babes in Arms movie sessions at Birch Carroll & Coyle Cinemas are:

Beyond the Baby Blues by Catherine Knox, Benison O’Reilly and Seana Smith is the first comprehensive Australian resource guide to perinatal depression and anxiety (PND). It gives readers solid scientific advice combined with the experiences of individuals and families affected and the professionals who treat them. A recent prevalence study found that one in three Australian women had experienced depression or an anxiety disorder at some stage in their life so it’s perhaps not surprising that women are vulnerable at this time of their life.

NOV 2 - The Three Musketeers NOV 9 - In Time NOV 16 - I Don’t Know How She Does It NOV 23 - Moneyball NOV 30 - Arthur Christmas 2D Children under five are free; only $8 for adults.

capsule service

sunsmart breastfeeding lifesaver Forget swapping elastic bands from one wrist to the other, a new product has hit the market that will make life a whole lot easier for those with foggy baby brains.

Each year, Queensland Ambulance Service

When using sunscreen on your baby do a test

Sunscreen should be applied 15 minutes

patch first to make sure it doesn’t cause a skin

before heading outside and reapplied every


four hours, especially after swimming.

two weeks prior to your due date but

[1] Apply a small amount of the product to

Try to choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen

appointments need to be arranged 4 – 6

the forearm of the baby/child.

that is water resistant for up to 4 hours with

weeks ahead. To book an appointment

[2] If the baby is going to react they will

an SPF rating of 30+ that has been approved

And, when you’re no longer breastfeeding

for a baby capsule fitting with Queensland

develop a red area.

by the Cancer Council of Australia.

it also works as a nightlight and room

Ambulance Service, you can make an

[3] If this does happen, do not apply any

Check out for

• Remember which breast side your baby

thermometer. How cool is that? For info or to

appointment online at

more of the product. Seek medical advice if

long-sleeved sun protection shirts for babies.

finished on

buy online go to

carbabyseats or call 13 QGOV (13 7468).

Mum of two young toddlers, Brooke Nicol,

• Remind you when the next feed is due

has spent the last three years designing and

• Record how long your baby fed for

developing a first-on-the-market babyfeeding tool called breast mate ($79.95). It will help you: • Remember when the last feed was

• Record the number of feeds in a 24 hour period

Cairns Swim School • Heated shaded pool • Qualified & experienced staff • Small classes • Mums & Bubs • Beginner • Intermediate • Advanced • Mini Squad • Senior Squad • Adult Squad Tobruk Pool • 370 Sheridan Street • PHoNE: 4052 1266 32

Young children and babies are especially vulnerable to the harmful effects of North Queensland’s extreme UV rating and the best way to protect them is with a combination of sunscreen and sun protective clothing.

fits over 10,000 baby capsules across Queensland through 61 locations. Baby capsules can be installed approximately

the reaction is severe.

We help you to remember those precious moments by making an impression Twinkle Toes is under new ownership & is located in Whitfield

The book includes the scientific explanation for PND that will come as a relief to many and an exploration of perinatal screening, the ideals and the realities, which also addresses how Australia compares with the rest of world in this area. Caring professionals, family members and friends explain how they helped PND sufferers, as well as how their involvement affected their own lives, while self-care strategies will help parents take care of themselves and their families.

WIN this book! For your chance to win a copy of this book email us at and tell us what perinatel depression means?

TENS machines and Dopplers now available! Capsules, Bassinettes, Hammocks & Breast Pumps! Short and long term hires! Free advice on all your baby needs! Accredited restraint fitter! Compare our prices!

For more info call 4034 3131 or visit


pakparent problems in the panties

Low libido is a silent epidemic among busy

Kate’s take on family life

mums. The mind might be willing but often the body is too tired. There really is no replacement for a good nights sleep and taking a good look at causes for poor sleep is important. I know you are saying pre-kids it wasn’t a problem but as they get older other issues can contribute. Discomfort, continual bleeding, spotting or leukorrhoea should be investigated. Libido is

domestic sector

a complicated process that includes estrogen and testosterone. If either are out of balance, it shows in the bedroom! If your get up and

This morning I achieved the impossible: I managed to go to the toilet on my own.

go has left it may be that your adrenals are

Trust me, this is by no means an easy task. In our house the toilet is equivalent only to the telephone – the minute you decided to use it you become a magnet for every dramainfused situation that presents itself.

amounts of protein and iron rich foods can

“Mummy, he’s not sharing” “Mummy, I want something to eat” And, most predictably: “Mummy, I need to use the toilet” The fact that there’s another toilet in the house is of no consequence. And, despite my careful efforts to sneak upstairs while no one’s looking, it seems the only one worth using is the one I’m sitting on. So, to have an uninterrupted visit, albeit brief, is a major achievement.

Unfortunately the shower was a different story. Despite distracting the kids with toast, milo and ABC kids, I was only halfway through lathering up when I realised I wasn’t alone. Nothing new about that of course, except that this time they came equipped with my pink iphone, determined to give the built-in camera a workout. My first instinct was to shrug it off and ignore the incessant giggling. But then it occurred to me just how easy it might be for a six and a four-year-old to upload images to facebook.

depleted. An under-active thyroid is also known for contributing to fatigue as well as a deficiency in iron or B12. Eating regular help. Herbs such as withania, liquorice and rhodiola can help with fatigue while you are addressing the causes. Chinese herbal medicine has some specific formulas to help with libido including addressing older women’s needs. For more information about natural alternatives, call Julie Simpson at Awakening Therapies on 4031 1124.

Chicks Flicks

Needless to say, it was the quickest shower I’ve ever had.

The next Chicks at the Flicks night is on

Kate van Eck is a freelance writer and stressed-out mother of two.

continues with Breaking Dawn, tickets start

At MacDonnells Law we understand what is important to you.

Wednesday 30th from 7pm. The Twilight saga from $21 and include a gift bag. For more info go to

Our family law specialists will listen to you and provide assurance about where you stand. | Separation & divorce | Asset protection | Matrimonial property | Parenting conflicts | Financial support | De facto relationships Corner Shields & Grafton Streets, Cairns, QLD 4870 | T: 4030 0600 34



Summer essentials Story thanks to Gerlinda Aras

Summer style 1 Gold Marion Sunnies, Sussan Cairns Central $34.95


3 Large Straw Bag Sussan Cairns Central $59.95


All mum’s need an

Moni Mollie, echo sandal, Suna Cairns Central $59.95

oversized bag to fit all the kids essentials

5 W E EK C OURSE S H E L D E V E R Y T U E S D A Y School Holiday Programs & Adult Courses also available


COST $195





AGES 10-13YRS FROM 5PM - 6.30PM

AGES 14+ FROM 6.30PM - 8PM

COST $265

COST $295



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Gerlinda Aras is a stylist and image consultant for Mirror Image Consultations. For more information go to:


the Best of Cairns


What are your favourite vote &win businesses in Cairns? thanks to the Good Guys

vote on the beloW Categories and you Could Win biG!!! • Best family restaurant

• Best family takeaway

• Best family Medical Centre

• Best local tourist attraction

• Best Café

• Best local recreational activity

• Best free day out

• Best Children’s Party entertainer

• Best Childcare Centre

• Best Party supplier

• Best family dentist

• Best family accommodation

• Best family health Provider

• Best family Markets

• Best family hairdresser

• Best family swim school

• Best Mobile business

• Best family Camping spot

• Best family owned business

• Best family swimming hole

• Best family Mechanic

• Best local Park

tackling teens Columnist Denise Bewert answers your questions about handling challenges with today’s teenagers. READER QUESTION: My daughter and three

The 2011 Schoolies Survival Guide by Former

of her friends have booked accommodation

Schoolies includes headings such as Alcohol

on the Gold Coast for Schoolies Week. She

Poisoning, Drugs at Schoolies Week, Avoid Having

has worked on weekends to pay for her flight

your Stomach Pumped, Hospital During Schoolies

and her hotel room. I don’t want to spoil her

Week, Sexual Assault at Schoolies and Drink

excitement about the trip, but I am worried. Do

Spiking at Schoolies Week. No wonder many

you have any suggestions on some ‘tips’ I can

parents are concerned about their child’s safety at

give her to stay safe?

Schoolies Week!

Since the first Schoolies Week at Broadbeach in

Here are some tips to help your

can phone a taxi to get to somewhere safe. • Provide your daughter with the numbers of organisations that support young people celebrating Schoolies Week. These include Rebecca’s Community, Rosie’s Youth Mission, Hotel Chaplains and Drug Arm. They are available 24 hours a day during Schoolies Week. • Encourage your daughter to read the 2011 Schoolies Survival Guide. Despite some of the

the 1970’s, this celebration of the transition from

daughter stay safe:

high school to the adult world has spread to most

• Have conversations with her about the

tips by those who have experienced – and

Australian States and to international destinations

importance of the girls looking out for each

survived - previous Schoolies Weeks.

such as Bali and Fiji.

other and letting each other know where they

Some Schoolies Week celebrations in the past

are going and who they are going to be with

scary headings, there are some very practical

Denise Bewert is a Guidance Officer, mother of two and author of two books, Tackling Teens and

have been linked to alcohol and drug abuse,

when they are not together.

property damage, vandalism, unprotected sex,

• Encourage your daughter to always have money

question about your teenager send an email to:

sexual assault and drink spiking.

in her pocket and a charged phone so that she

Troubled Teens. If you would like to ask Denise a

VotINg closes MIdNIght 30 NoVeMber 2011. busINesses WIll be aWarded MId deceMber.

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Fun in the sun Story thanks to Elaine Seager

take the Tips for getting kids to wear sunnies

by Kelcey Hala

Did you know that our eyes are even more

• Set a good example by wearing sunglasses

sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) rays than our skin?

yourself. Make wearing sunglasses a requirement

And, children’s eyes are at greater risk of damage

for playing outside just like sunscreen (they

because their clearer lenses allow 70% more UV

should also wear them in the car).

radiation to reach the back of the eye so getting them to wear sunglasses as early as possible is important but how do you get them to keep them on? Here’s some tips: • Let your child choose which pair they want. Buy good quality (Category 3 or 4), wraparound ones that are comfortable to wear.

• Getting them to wear goggles in the bath will get them accustomed to wearing eyewear on

Sunny clothing

their face. • Teach your toddler to never look at the sun.

Fed up with smothering small bodies in sunscreen? Cut down on the time it takes by

Bruce Mellick Optometry stocks a range of

investing in funky sun protective clothing that

Children’s Sunglasses - Julbo sunglasses fit

• Get your children used to wearing sunglasses early and you’ll have less of a battle when it comes to keeping them on during outdoor play.

kids will want to wear all day. Babes in the Shade

children from newborn upwards, and they are polarised. Mention PakMag and receive 10% off the RRP.

make clothing for mums and children – perfect for a day by the pool. For more info go to

TOP 5 pool toys







Swim Sportz Floating Log

Swimways Ocean Art Light

Aquafun Aqua Rocker

Paddle Wheel

Floating See Saw

Joust Set ($46.95)

Up Jellyfish ($39.95)

A Clark Rubber summer

Clark Rubber’s most popular

New to this summer season at

favourite ($79.95)

pool toy for kids ($79.95)

Clark Rubber ($44.95)


fav pet shots Fav pet shot of the month wins a mystery prize to the value of $30!

biz directory this month’s entries




Mini day spa theme created for 4-13 year olds Pedicures • Manicures • MakeuP & hair & 0402 482 025

Max & Turbo catching zzz’s

Blackie the chook loved by Billie

• Face Painting • Puppets • Balloons • Games • Music • Other costumes available 4057 8019 or 0408 183 032

October winner

Kyuss loved by Zarah

Amber riding Bella the labrador

Email your photo, name/s & address to: • Deadline for photos is 18 November for the December edition of Pakmag.

pakclub Free fun for parents & kids

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Santa’s Little Christmas Helpers • Loads of Christmas Craft and aCtivities to get you ready for Christmas • Prizes for best dressed Christmas theme • heaps of fun games and activities for the kids • Cheeky monkey Photo Booth - get your Christmas family portrait done early

BookingS are Limited! Phone 4054 1464 to secure your table!

Health Services

Sunday 11 nov 5pm-7pm Cazalys FunCtion Room PHONE: 4054 1464 • Email: • Terms & conditions apply: You need to be a member of Cazaly’s to enter due to the Qld liquor act 1992, which is $5 for the year.




Children’s Activities Story thanks to Rick Stella


Australia’s favourite summer sport

Why do Australians love cricket so much? It is our love of the sun, summer, backyard BBQs and Christmas holidays that has long driven our passion. Who hasn’t played a game of backyard cricket at some point in their life? Australia’s love affair with all things outdoors lends itself perfectly to the game of cricket. We’ve all heard the joke; the only job more

As a coach, I often see kids laughing, playing

play a modified game on a small field that makes

important than being Prime Minister, is the

together and forming friendships. For the parents

it easier to hit and bowl the ball. The middle age

Captain of the Australian cricket team. The

it’s a great opportunity to bring a chair, sit in the

groups (11-12 yrs) play on a larger field, with a set

origins of cricket in Australia started with the

shade, relax, chat with other parents, and even

number of overs to bowl per player. Each batter

settlers of the first fleet in 1788. The first official

watch some cricket!

has a set number of balls to face irrespective of

test match was in 1877 when the touring English team played against the Australian 11. Several years later the Australian team toured England and played probably the most famous test match of all at The Oval in 1882 which gave rise to The Ashes, the biennial cricket series between Australia and the old enemy, England. Cricket’s a great game for our kids as it’s a wonderfully social sport. How many sports are there where children spend time talking and bonding with each other between the many small breaks in play? It is one of the few sports where the whole team is important but individual brilliance is always rewarded. When your team is batting there is plenty of spare time together to practice, play and have fun.


Cricket is one of the best games to improve hand to eye coordination. Whether batting, bowling, catching or fielding, your eyes are constantly on

how many times they may be out. Above this age the competition gets more serious with the same rules as senior cricket.

the ball and in motion with your hands and feet.

Even if you don’t have the next Matthew

No other sport offers this wide range of hand, eye

Hayden or Glenn McGrath lurking in one of your

and running skills in a non-contact environment.

bedrooms, cricket is still fun to play for kids of

All the kids have a role to play in the team and a specialist position to cover in the field. This gives each player a chance to feel special. In the younger age groups each player moves around in all the different positions. They all have an equal chance to bat, bowl and be wicket keeper. The most important aspect of the game is kids having fun. To increase participation and enjoyment, the younger age groups (7-10 yrs)

any ability. The Season is currently underway with plenty of places still available for children of all ages 7 – 16. Contact the Cairns Junior Cricket Association Registrar, Mike Stoodley, on 0418 155856, email, or for further information or to sign up. We’d love to see you down there in the whites enjoying a summer of fun and good times for all.


WIN a family holiday! Nestled in the tropical paradise of Kurrimine Beach and only a short 1.5 hour drive south of Cairns, Kurrimine Beach Holiday Park is a fun destination for both young and old. It’s the perfect getaway for families. As someone who usually sits back and lets the

bathroom. After a jam-packed day of activity,

Kurrimine Beach Holiday Park. Contact

kids be kids and the husband be, well, a kid, I

it was so lovely to sit out on our covered patio

the friendly team at Kurrimine Beach Holiday

decided for once that I’d free myself up to get in

and have some quiet time. Cabins have been

Park on 1300 725 525 or you can email them on

amongst it. We had so much fun in the enormous

individually landscaped and are quite private. or

pool with its awesome pool toys which included an inflatable slip-n-slide, balancing poles and massive blow up balls that put a whole new spin on the game of dodge ball. I’m still sore from laughing!

Powered sites are also available for $30 per night for camping and caravans. Shady campsites with grassy areas are located close to the pool and camp kitchen. The amenities are lovely and clean and the camp kitchen is amazing – very well

When some indoor ‘wind-down’ time is needed

decked out with stove, oven, microwaves, great

there is a TV room with Wii games. If you want

TV, and more!

more activities there is outdoor chess and hopscotch, a giant jumping pillow (which saw plenty of action) plus ping pong. For the real little ones there is a playground and games room and for those who just can’t completely leave normal life behind, there is internet access and a gym. There are three styles of air-conditioned cabin accommodation available that cater well for families and include a self-contained kitchenette. They can sleep up to five people and cost from $75-$130 per night (plus 10% discount for ‘Top Tourist Parks’ members). Our two-bedroom villa was more like a unit than a cabin and had plenty of space for the four of us, with a good sized



WIN a weekend away at Kurrimine Beach Holiday Park

And to top it all off, the Park is pet friendly so you don’t have to stress about leaving your pooch behind – you can bring them with you! This ‘escape from it all’ destination has the added advantage of the Great Barrier Reef right on its doorstep, allowing you to walk out and explore King Reef when the tides are right. There is also

For your chance to win 2 night’s accommodation for a family of four, simply email and tell us how long is the swimming pool at Kurrimine Beach Holiday Park.

fishing, beach horse riding, beach and nature walks to waterfalls, white water rafting or a picnic on South Bernard Island, to name just a few other

Terms & conditions: Prize must be used within six months of

activities, if you find you have any spare time!

being awarded. Not valid during school holiday periods, public holidays

So, don’t wait any longer, rally the troops and take yourself away for an amazing stay at

or long weekends, and subject to availability. Not transferable and cannot be taken as cash. By entering this competition you are giving permission for your details to be made available to the management of Kurrimine Beach Holiday Park for promotional purposes.


Segment thanks to Stockland Cairns

laugh with a local This month on facebook we’ve been talking about what weird habit your partner has that drives you mad! From: Tiffany Quayle

Pr ize


“My husband is a mechanic
and at least once a fortnight he comes home with an engine, gearbox, car part or something of that sort. Once he even came home with a boat full of holes.
He says he got them cheap and is going to fix them up and make money on them. Sometimes he even brought home three motors with the intention of pulling them apart to make ONE that actually works! Unfortunately he never gets time to finish any of them before the next project arrives and his shed and our carport are FULL of bits and pieces. And he wonders why I show so little enthusiasm!”

From: Jenny Page “I took to NOT having all of the washing done on Fridays as my

husband would strip the beds in order to get them washed. I now have a sign IN the washing machine saying “Walk away and find something else to do!” He is a wonderful husband who cooks and cleans but sometimes enough is enough!”

From: Tara-Maree Rhodes “My husband has a habit of chewing on every little bit of plastic he can get his hands on. Straws, bubs dummies, bits off a packet etc.”

From: Annalisa Tuoto Siefken “After bathing our little 12 month old baby my partner always holds him up high and, in a very nasal-ish pitch, sings the Lion King tune. He then puts the hooded towel on and walks around going “Hi, I’m Mother Teresa” in another voice. Bub just goes with it while I laugh”.

From: Socsc Dimoble “My partner has many strange habits but my favourite one is washing his feet during the day. He stands in the shower with the water running and washes the top of his foot with his other foot...that’s after he rubs his feet back and forth on the floor of the shower. He does this A LOT during the day (he works from home). I guess wearing socks just wouldn’t be weird enough for him hahahah”

From: Prue Keating “My boyfriend is fixated on his Saturday morning ritual - he has to have two steak and kidney pies, a Dare iced coffee and the Cairns Post, even if we have guests staying. I once spent hours getting a big cook-up ready for everyone (what man doesn’t like a cook-up?), but since it was a Saturday he needed his usual fix! Love ya!!”

Next month’s question: What is your funniest ever Christmas moment? Email your answers to “Laugh With A Local” with your name and number to by November 18 and you could WIN a $50 Stockland Voucher!

Baz & PaCey The S e a F M M o r n i n g C r e w weekday MorningS FroM 5.30aM on The loCal you know, 99.5 SeaFM CairnS 48


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