MARYBETH LANDERMAN Volunteers of the Year are outstanding volunteers who have achieved success in and dedicated a significant amount of time to their organization over the past year. We are so grateful for their efforts!
PALATINE CELTIC SOCCER CLUB Marybeth played in the Palatine Celtic program as a child and has come full circle to become Volunteer of the Year in the same program. Over her 10 years of service, she has worked as a division director, managed special projects, has been executive board secretary, coach, and managed volunteers for the Celtic cup tournament committee in the last few years. Of all the roles Marybeth has held she most enjoys coaching her youngest son Bryson, a role she currently shares with her brother Patrick.
BIKE PALATINE CLUB Wayne Mikes has served as president of the Bike Palatine Club since its inception in 2013. Prior to that he helped organized the original Greater Palatine Bicycle Task Force in 2009, out of which the club developed. Besides generously donating bike gear at various events, like Bike to School Day, Wayne has devoted Mikes Bike Shop resources to refurbishing used bikes and providing them to needy groups and individuals in the area.
The Palatine Historical Society is proud to nominate Marlee Buenrrostro as this year’s Volunteer of the Year! Joining our team over three years ago, Marlee current serves in a leadership position with the Board as the Long-Range Goals Director as well as one of the Clayson Museum docents where her skills are especially enjoyed by our tour guests from surrounding schools. Her willingness to lend a hand when there’s a job to be done is admirable. Marlee is reliable, professional, detail oriented and exemplifies all the attributes of being a dedicated team player. Congratulations Marlee!
Jill Powers is a volunteer hockey coach at the Rolling Meadows Renegades and is a proven leader both on and off the ice for our organization. Jill is a phenomenal example of a great coach for developing children into not just great hockey players, but great adults. Her work has helped build a community within our organization where she has educated and provided opportunities for everyone from players, parents, and coaches. Jill is an absolute asset to our organization, and we are so thankful to have her.
Gina Elstrom has been involved in PAFA for the past 6 years – starting as a team manager for a Pee-Wee flag team in 2016 and eventually becoming Director of Administration for the whole program in 2021. Gina helped our organization navigate these in creative ways and leave us in a stronger position than we were in before. She was instrumental in helping PAFA grow to 250 players for the 2021 season - an increase of 38% compared to the 2019 enrollment. Her efforts were central to strengthening our program in the current season as well as going forward.
PENGUINS LACROSSE Amy has been involved in Penguins Lacrosse for over 8 years so far. As her two older sons (Charlie and Brady) have either graduated from Penguins or will soon move on, she has another son (Jackson) who just began his Penguins journey as a 5-year-old! Amy has dedicated a tremendous amount of time and energy as a spirited mom, organizer of team uniforms, and currently serves as a member on the Penguins Board. Her input has had a positive influence for all of our players to find success across all levels of lacrosse. We truly appreciate everything that Amy continues to add to Penguins Lacrosse.
PALATINE WOODS AUDUBON SOCIETY Bill has been a volunteer at Palatine Prairie for 15 years. He attends the restoration workdays every month, year ‘round no matter what the weather is. He has assisted us with all possible tasks, including prescribed burns, hand pulling weeds, clipping blooms of invasive plants, seed collecting, and cutting and burning invasive woody brush. Everyone enjoys volunteering with Bill, he likes to joke with people and interacts with interesting stories and conversation. Bill is an inspiration to all of us relatively younger volunteers to keep active and stay involved. Thanks, Bill, for all of your contributions over so many years!
PALATINE COMMUNITY BASEBALL & SOFTBALL The PCBS Board is very excited to present Adam Deegan as our Volunteer of the Year for 2021. Adam began coaching within our program 5 years ago. PCBS as a whole has advanced in so many areas this past year, and so much of that is due to Adam’s leadership. To say that Adam Deegan has been a blessing to all of us would be an understatement. There has not been one meeting, committee, volunteer opportunity or conversation that he hasn’t either been a part of or full-on led in 2021. Furthermore, he brings a calm, level head to every situation. He is kind and fair as both a coach and an Executive Board Member.
PALATINE HILLS GOLF ASSOCIATION Bill has been an active member of the Palatine Hills Golf Association since 2006. Bill has served on the PHGA board for 12 years, serving as secretary, vice president, director, and president of the association in 2014. His contributions have been complimented with Bill’s enthusiasm, leadership, and ability in creating a relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere within the PHGA organization. His presence has been a catalyst in generating membership involvement.
PALATINE PICKLEBALL CLUB This was Marv’s fourth year as a Palatine Picklers Mentor, sixth as a member of the Palatine Pickleball Club. The occasional, truly uncoordinated, or slow to grasp mentoree has forced Marv into some very creative teaching techniques. Marv’s dedication, passion, and desire to have such a positive impact on literally hundreds of newer Palatine Picklers has contributed largely to the growth of our Mentoring Program, and, thus, our club.
PARTNERS FOR OUR COMMUNITIES We, at Partners for Our Communities have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Mike Schroeder for over 4 years. Mike has been a Learning Lab Volunteer two times a week in supporting our clients and community in language acquisition through conversation. He has a gift of making difficult concepts more understandable by his stories. Mike has made our group feel connected in many ways. He treats people with great respect and dignity. He goes above and beyond in his outreach to our clients and their families.
PALATINE TOWNSHIP SENIOR CITIZENS COUNCIL Mary has been a volunteer with the Palatine Township Senior Citizens Council for eighteen years. Mary’s friendly and cheerful personality helps to present a welcoming environment to first time visitors to the center. She is eager to help when she sees a need. Her desire to get others involved helps PTSCC to offer new programs and continue to offer a welcoming environment.
PALATINE TIGER SHARKS SWIM TEAM Kari Kaleta and her family joined the Palatine Tiger Sharks Swim Team in the fall of 2014. She quickly jumped into volunteering when opportunities were available. Kari is always one of the first people on deck on the day of a meet and is helping out in any way she can until the meet is over on Sunday night. She is quick to make sure that everyone is happy and taken care of – something that does not go unnoticed. Kari has great dedication to the team and her role on the parent board. Thank you, Kari, for all you do.She is smiling and ready to work at a swim meet and is happy to explain a volunteer role to any parent volunteer. Despite how crazy and busy a meet can get, Kari always gets it done. Thank you, Kari, for all you do.
Rick Grimes has been an outstanding volunteer over the past 3½ years that he has been part of the Palatine Stables’ community. His greatest asset is his ability to work with the special needs students at the Stables, as we rely heavily on his horse handling skills to provide a safe experience for these riders. He is always kind, patient, friendly and his willingness to give his time to help those with special needs is something that deserves the recognition of being our Volunteer of the Year. Thank you, Rick, we appreciate all you do!
Teresa Arnold is well known as a great performer, but her volunteering as the Marketing Director of Theatre Nebula has been invaluable. This tough position requires intelligence, attention to detail, important decision making and ability to be creative while making decisions at a rapid pace. Teresa fits that bill with experience and accomplishments. She has been volunteering in this position, since her first production with us over 10 years ago. We are lucky to have her within our organization.
An Honor Roll member must have had a leadership position within their organization(s), had significant years of service to an organization(s), and have demonstrated an outstanding contribution to their organization(s) that had a major effect. We are so grateful for their dedication and leadership!
PALATINE CELTIC SOCCER CLUB Greg’s first role in Celtic soccer was a House league coach in 2013. After two years of coaching, Greg joined the Celtic Board as the U8 Boys Division Director and served in that position for two years. In 2017, Greg was elected Club President. Greg also held a leadership role in several Celtic Cup tournaments. The Club has benefited from Greg’s commitment to his position as President, as Greg fully immersed himself in the position from day one, spending countless hours working to make the Club better and better.
BIKE PALATINE CLUB With the pandemic shutdown’s negative impact on volunteers, Bike Palatine Club president Wayne Mikes was the driver behind continuation of the club-sponsored Bike to School Day in May and three main cycling events for the year: Oktoberfest ride, CycleFest/ Tour of Palatine and Full Moon Ride/Annual Members Meeting. With his extensive connections in the village, Wayne organized these events and ensured they came off on schedule. He helped organized the original Greater Palatine Bicycle Task Force in 2009, out of which the club developed. The task force function remains a resource for municipal leaders seeking information and recommendations regarding cycling issues in the village. Biking infrastructure installed in the village over the past few years–bike lanes, road “sharrows,” way-finding signage, etc.–reflects the club’s community-wide impact. Wayne is often the individual that village leaders contact first. Wayne is also the owner of Mikes Bike Shop, a 60+ year-old establishment that has been a source of bikes and maintenance for villagers young and old.
For almost a decade now, Frank Stark has been an absolute pillar in the Palatine Football Community. Frank is a Teacher at Palatine High School with 5 wonderful children, an amazing wife and multiple travel sports schedules. As you can imagine, he’s a REALLY busy man... yet somehow never too busy for the children of Palatine. I’m not sure that PAFA has ever previously nominated anyone for the Honor Roll, but if anyone in this program deserves it, it’s Frank Stark. Frank has been a PAFA Coach for at least one team (typically multiple teams simultaneously) for the past 10 years. He immediately began taking on leadership roles as Head Coach at multiple levels throughout the years. Frank has always been an amazing coach who brings his knowledge, compassion, and charisma to the field every day. It didn’t take long for Frank to join the PAFA Board, where he served as Vice President for 2 years and then President for 2 years. He was an amazing leader throughout arguably the toughest possible climate to run a successful football program. Under Frank, PAFA grew by 35%, maintaining and exceeding our position as the largest tackle football program in the BGYFL. Frank continues to volunteer for PAFA as a coach for multiple teams, a field commissioner and whatever other job is necessary at any given moment. Thank you, Frank, for the countless hours you have offered, and continue to offer, to our community both on and off the field.
PALATINE COMMUNITY BASEBALL & SOFTBALL The Palatine Park District Volunteer Honor Roll. What a prestigious honor to be given this award, and the Board Members of PCBS cannot think of a person more deserving of this award than Joanne Wojcik. She is the glue that has been holding this program together, through all of our ups and downs, for the past 20 years. In a nutshell, Joanne is our rock. You would be hard pressed to find a position Joanne hasn’t held within the PCBS and formerly PYBS Organizations. Joanne has been the President, Executive VP, VP of Travel, a Commissioner and, most recently, our Secretary. She consistently volunteers for nearly every sub committee, and often hosts those meetings at her home. I’m pretty sure the 20 person table in her dining room was purchased just for the meetings that she would host. Joanne was absolutely instrumental in the merger between PYBS and PBA, creating our current product, Palatine Community Baseball and Softball. Having seen every situation from every position within the organization, Joanne brings both her knowledge and love of the program into every scenario. More importantly, every decision or suggestion she makes is with the best interest of the children of Palatine. As a program, we would not be where we are today without the love, support and guidance of Joanne Wojcik. We can’t think of a single Baseball/softball Day where Joanne wasn’t handing out hot dogs, giving speeches at the podium, showing up at the crack of dawn for set up or helping take everything down 16 hours later. She has been the heart and backbone of Baseball and Softball in Palatine, and we are so very excited to honor her.
PALATINE GOLF HILLS ASSOCIATION Larry J Niemczyk has been a valuable contributor and leader of the Palatine Hills Golf Association (PHGA) for over 40 years. He has supported and participated in the association’s events both as a chairman and as a very competitive golfer. Larry has always been willing to accept responsible positions by serving as chairman of various events and committees as well as serving as president for two terms in 1998 and 1999 and secretary in 2007 and 2008. He continued to serve on the Board of Directors for over 30 years. Larry, along with fellow member Bob Mathieson, a 2009 Honor Roll Inductee, designed a significant landscaping feature near the 18th green with the assistance of the retired superintendent, Brad Helms. It featured a large P and H logo on the side of a berm between the 10th tee and the 18th green. (See attached photo.) It has become a signature feature of the course. Following the passing of the PHGA founder, Jim Takahashi, a 1980 Honor roll inductee, a Takahashi Memorial Garden, funded mainly by donations from PHGA members, was built next to the first tee. To enhance the garden, Larry developed a program of honoring deceased PHGA members by laying engraved bricks for those members who passed during the previous year. These bricks encircle the patio of the memorial garden. (See attached photo.) Each year on Memorial Day following the PHGA holiday event, Larry chairs, co-ordinates, and MC’s a memorial ceremony for those passed members by inviting close family members to join the PHGA in honoring those members. Over 70 members have been honored with their brick since the inauguration of this program in 2010. In addition to his participation with the PHGA Larry also served as a baseball coach with the youth baseball organization for several years. Larry and his family are charter members of Holy Family Church where he has served as church usher.
VOLUNTEEr! Questions? Contact Jessica Drew, Recruitment & Volunteer Coordinator District Services & Projects at 847.496.6212 or