A Guide to Local Shopping and Fun
Champion of Dunbar: Jane Ingman Baker Dunbar Pizza & Grill Kerrisdale Equipment Free www.DunbarLife.com
February 15 - April 15, 2016
A Guide to Local Shopping and Fun Inside 4 Message from DVBA President 8-9 Champion of Dunbar: Jane Ingman Baker 14-16 Story: Kerrisdale Equipment 20-21 Map 22-24 Story: Dunbar Pizza & Grill 26 Story: New Year Joy by Sue Dvorak 28 Dunbar Village Holiday photos 29-37 Dunbar Directory 38 Calendar
Jane Ingman Baker. Read her story on page 8.
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Carolynne Palla
Owner & Publisher Sandra Steier
Photographer & Stylist Sarah Gordon
Writer & Editor Dunbar Life is produced in partnership with the Dunbar Village Business Association to promote local shopping, dining, services and events. Dunbar borders are between W 16th Avenue in the north to W 41st Avenue in the south, and UBC Endowment Lands in the west to MacKenzie Street to the east. Go online to www.dunbarlife.com for a full and up-to-date directory and calendar.
email info@pallamedia.com
telephone 604-812-5658
No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form - print or electronic - without the written permission of the publisher. Photographs are copyright to Sandra Steier Photography and are available for purchase.
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
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A Message from DVBA Karen Wyder, President of the Dunbar Village Business Association Welcome to the Spring Issue of Dunbar Life! Snowdrops and hellebores have pushed their way through the winter soil to remind us spring is on the way. In quick succession, crocuses and other early bloomers including cherry trees and star magnolias will join them. The Dunbar Village Business Association’s (DVBA) holiday banners and lights are down and our whimsical and cheerful spring banners are up. Before we say goodbye to winter, we would like to extend an enormous thank you to Stong’s Market and Vancity for sponsoring the DVBA’s event, Dunbar Village for the Holidays, this past December 19th. It was a highly successful event with the cappella trio, Musically Yours, filling local stores with their beautiful carolling and many residents enjoying complimentary sleigh rides and hot chocolate. On this month’s cover, we feature a Champion of Dunbar, Jane Ingman Baker. Please read her story and if you haven’t already met her, you will quickly understand
how her active volunteerism in this community helps make it such a great place to call home. Her work at the Dunbar Community Centre is nothing short of phenomenal. Jane’s go-getter attitude may very well create a spike in Dunbar volunteerism. Jasvir Nandda, the hard-working owner of Dunbar Pizza & Grill, has proudly been operating his busy restaurant for 17 years. The recipe for his success is offering a diverse menu of pizza and Indian cuisine that appeals to a large cross section of food lovers. For dinner, don’t forget to call Jasvir at Dunbar Pizza & Grill. Kerrisdale Equipment has been serving Vancouver for 56 years. Owner Ron Russell bought the equipment and tool rental stores from his father in 1979. Dunbar is very fortunate to have this incredibly well stocked equipment and tool rental business right at our fingertips. Additionally, Kerrisdale Equipment has a service department as well as a sharpening service. Keep Ron in mind when you are planning your spring clean up or renovation needs. As a final note, we would like to thank you for your patience during this challenging time of change on Dunbar Street. Your local merchants have so much to offer and on behalf of the DVBA, we thank you again for your continual support of your Dunbar businesses.
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
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Carolynne Palla Owner/Publisher PALLA MEDIA info@pallamedia.com
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www.dunbarlife.com www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
a spin studio for e
testimonial linda simons, age 67
Pulse CyCling studio is owned by loCal dunbar resident danielle, who wanted to Create a CyCling studio for “every body”. danielle has been a fitness instruCtor for over a deCade and balanCes her “day job” as a Canine handler at the Canadian border (you may recognize her from the popular tV show, Border security) and her Passion for fitness. in 2013 danielle sustained an ankle injury that kePt her immobile for months. sPinning was the only fitness aCtivity that she Could Partake in and that’s when Pulse Came to fruition. a warm and welComing
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damage to my Body and
enVironment and staff and instructors are there to help.
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ride and push yourself to reach your goals.
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www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Champion of Dunbar Village: Jane Ingman Baker Story by Sarah Gordon
Photo by Sandra Steier
The saying “If you want something done, give it to a busy person” applies tenfold to Dunbar resident Jane Ingman Baker. Ingman Baker’s resume reflects an incredibly diverse academic career and a full slate of volunteerism equal in length to her employment experience. Not only does she hold a degree in law but also a PhD in biochemistry. When asked about this she laughs and says, “Some would call me jack of all trades, master of none.” More likely people would call her an active community-minded citizen who has the best interests of Dunbar at the top of her list. Her array of volunteer work includes five years as a board member with the Dunbar Residents Association, her ongoing role as chair of the Dunbar Vision Implementation Group (she has been actively involved for nine years), and her latest volunteer venture, as vice president of programing with the Dunbar Community Centre Association. Ingman Baker has lived in Dunbar for 27 years. She recalls visiting the Dunbar Community Centre frequently when her children were growing up but noticed in the last few years that patron usage was slipping. She isn’t one to sit back and wait for someone else to do something; she rolls up her sleeves and jumps in to offer assistance. Her volunteer work with the Dunbar Community Centre Association is currently her largest involvement with a commitment of close to 20 hours each week. She joined the executive 18 months ago and is happy to report that the facility has “turned a corner.”
The Dunbar Community Centre’s parking lot is busy again. This is largely due to adapting programming to meet the community’s needs. 8
She has a visionary quality and is determined to make the community an even better place to live. The seasoned lawyer/UBC adjunct professor in the Faculty of Medicine is always asking questions and looking for answers. She chuckles when she reports she is currently taking a master gardener course, as she would like to see gardening flourish in the community. She believes gardening is an important part of our culture and the Dunbar Community Centre will eventually offer a course to teach new residents these skills. Ingman Baker feels it will help bring people together and ultimately help to better understand each other. She says new residents from Asia often hail from concrete cities and are in awe of our city’s greenery, lawns and gardens. It is her belief that working side by side and creating a gardening community will foster more tolerance and break down stereotypes. Examples of other adaptive programming include an exercise class for ages 50 plus. She says some octogenarians really love it. An outdoor preschool program has been well received and line dancing to Mandarin music, mahjong and table tennis always draw crowds. Speaking of crowds, Ingman Baker is extremely impressed with the turn out at 2015 holiday craft fair. Vendors reported higher sales than the last few years and over 2,500 people passed through the community centre. Salmonberry Days is one of this dedicated volunteer’s favourite events. With a smile she says, “It is wonderful to see happy people enjoying a free event with bouncy castles and volunteers barbequing $2 hotdogs.” She and the entire Dunbar Community Centre Association board have taken the Food Safe course so they can serve food at all events. Ingman Baker is always searching for ways to engage more adults on a volunteer basis in their community. www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
She asks, “How do we give people the tools to get a satisfying volunteer experience?” She believes it is entirely possible based on the record number of volunteers that popped out of the woodwork during the 2010 Winter Olympics. She says teen volunteerism is in good shape thanks to the mandate of accruing community volunteer hours as part of the high school curriculum. Ingman Baker grew up in London and started volunteering as a teenager. She regularly visited seniors’ homes and psychiatric hospitals and later became an active volunteer at the University of Sussex. Where did her philanthropic nature stem from? She says it is a combination of being innate and modeled by her parents and grandparents. “I come from a family of gregarious people. We are people who know our neighbours.” She adds, “Your personal health reflects the health of your community.” Regarding volunteer experiences and moving on after a time she says, “It is a time to refresh and renew with new experiences.” A good friend shared words that resonate www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
with her, “Leave an organization in better shape than you find it.” She has certainly taken this to heart with the legacy of valuable work she has contributed to many Dunbar organizations through her gift of experience and time. She says, “There is a lot of talk about Dunbar village, and a lot of things that happen here are village-like.” She notes that the only move she and her family made was when they bought their neighbour’s house four doors away. She feels this is part of the small town charm of Dunbar. She recalls when a new headmaster arrived at St. George’s School. He was smitten with the local independent shops where merchants know their customers by name and people recognize each other on the street. It is Ingman Baker’s hope to foster and maintain this sense of community. She feels, “It is possible. You have to see the silver linings.” This champion of Dunbar’s commitment to her community is inspiring. She says, “The level of engagement and opportunities in Dunbar unparalleled in the city.” Ingman Baker’s go-getter attitude may very well spawn a spike in Dunbar volunteerism as others follow suit and seek out the plethora of opportunities that lurk in this great neighbourhood. 9
Dunbar Village businesses! Your generosity helped make Immaculate Conception Elementary School’s Christmas Fair a huge success.
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www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
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Dunbar Homeowners’ Garden Specials Garden Clean Up √ Pruning, Weeding, Raking √ Hedge Trimming √ Bark mulch installation Call now for your free estimate Hedge Trimming √ Professional Shape & Trim √ Debris Clean Up Price based per hedge Call now for your free estimate
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“The Garden Pro’s to Call from Spring through Fall” Residential Gardening Professionals
www.HigherGroundGardens.com Get in Sync with Nature in Your Garden These days, while people are willing to travel far to spend time in nature, it bears mentioning that your garden awaits out your back door. Here we explore technology and garden projects that infuse a lot of fun and ease into how we engage with nature, right in our own backyards. This article does not mention weeding. Inject your garden with fun elements such as growing hops for home brewing experiments. Plant flowers to attract pollinating insects like bees and butterflies. Install a raised garden bed to replace your ripped up lawn, and bring all generations together using food to connect. Fruits and root vegetables can be used to make natural dyes for craft projects. Garden design trends are shifting, with gardeners planting a mix of shrubs, trees and plants that are drought tolerant and will remain hardy for years to come. There is a move away from extensive perennial gardens as homeowners strive to bring more sustainable plantings into their yards. Skip
the chemical fertilizers and top dress beds with composted bark mulch. LED lighting is making a designer appearance in the garden on everything from swings to containers. Technology is making gardening easier. Following in the footsteps of Nest, the intelligent thermostat, SkyDrop controls watering timers but adjusts schedules to weather forecasts. Make use of screen time to get the family out in nature by watching DIY gardening videos on mobile devices. Use your imagination, automate with technology, and create a personalized ecosystem in your backyard. Watch how family, friends and nature come together in your own backyard.
Jessica Salvador is a Certified Landscape Horticulturist. She is Co-Owner of Higher Ground Gardens with Christian Kessner, a Certified Landscape Technician 12
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
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Kerrisdale Equipment: Serving Vancouver for 56 Years Story by Sarah Gordon
Photos by Sandra Steier
In a city where so many head spinning changes are taking place it is refreshing to see long term businesses like Kerrisdale Equipment continuing to flourish. Ron Russell has owned his equipment and tool rental stores since 1979. He purchased Kerrisdale Equipment from his father Howard Russell who was a plumbing and mechanical heating engineer, and his friend, Fred Topping, who was a homebuilder. The two men came from different trades, yet they shared a common ambition to open a hardware business on Kerrisdale’s West Boulevard in 1960. When Ron Russell purchased the business he took it in a new direction with the introduction of tool rentals. It was never Ron Russell’s childhood dream to follow in his father’s footsteps. Born and raised in Vancouver, he grew up in Kerrisdale and attended Vancouver College. After completing his first year of university (he had dreams of being an architect) his father 14
offered him a summer job and that was the end of his schooling. He has never looked back although he chuckles when he says, “If I had gone into a government job I would have had a pension and that would be nice.”
Kerrisdale Equipment is a success story and under Ron Russell’s ownership the business has grown in size considerably. In 2001 he opened a second location on Dunbar (next door to the Dunbar Public Library), which replaced a former tool rental business. In 2012 he took the company to a whole new level when he opened a 20,000 square foot Southwest Marine Drive location near Heather Street. Russell reports that homeowners are not as familiar with this location but it is well worth exploring. He was sad to see the original West www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Boulevard location close its doors last autumn when the building sold. A direct result of the Kerrisdale closure has been a doubling of business at the Dunbar store. Ron Russell points out, “While homeowner rentals are declining, contractor use is up.” This is directly related to the volume of building that is taking place all over Vancouver.
small engines, chainsaws, trimmers, blowers, generators and more. They also offer a complete sharpening service for mower blades, chainsaws, shears and reel mowers. Bonus: For a fee Kerrisdale Equipment offers pick up and delivery service within the Lower Mainland for both regular and heavy equipment.
From air tools and equipment to cleaning and floor care, masonry and tile, painting and decorating, pumps and plumbing, wood working, heavy equipment, ladders, scaffold, landscaping and gardening, lifting and moving, lighting and electrical, welding and much more, Kerrisdale Equipment is very likely to have what you are looking for and if they don’t happen to have it they are happy to source it.
There are now very few independent equipment rental stores left in the city as large nationals such as Home Depot have stepped into the market. In fact, only three remain in Greater Vancouver.
Ron Russell is extremely proud of his skilled and knowledgeable employees who are well versed in how to use the equipment. Is your lawn mower on the fritz or perhaps your hedge trimmer is not in tiptop shape to tackle the big project ahead? Kerrisdale Equipment’s service department repairs many makes of lawn and garden equipment,
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Ron Russell finds it a shame that we live in such a disposable world. He says, “Some people will buy cheap tools rather than rent them.” He recommends renting, as you will not be faced with storing, servicing or ultimately disposing of poorly made equipment. More importantly, contractor grade tools and equipment do a superior job.
He forecasts there will be a movement back to being do it yourselfers as costs of trades will become prohibitive for some homeowners.
Very much a supporter of the community, in a humble manner Ron Russell admits his business is a keen supporter of the local Little League, Canuck Place Children’s Hospice and a new endeavor, they are lending support to the new Pacific Autism Family Centre currently being constructed in Richmond. As many small business owners will attest, there isn’t often a lot of spare time outside of one’s work life, however when Ron Russell does get a chance to break away he enjoys a game of golf. He also likes to get out on the
local water in his 20-foot boat with his wife and their 10-year-old son. After 56 years in business what makes him most proud? He replies, “I am proud the business has survived for so long by consistently staying ahead of the game for our customers.” Kerrisdale Equipment 4522 Dunbar Street Vancouver BC V6S 2G6 Telephone 604-224-3255 www.kerrisdaleequipment.com
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
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www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Dunbar Pizza & Grill: Where Italy Meets India Story by Sarah Gordon
Photos by Sandra Steier
Jasvir Nandda is the jovial owner of Dunbar Pizza, a business he has proudly run for 17 years. The menu is as unique as the inviting aroma of pizza and Indian cuisine, which mingle and fill the air. Nandda’s genuine warmth makes you feel like you have stepped into his home kitchen.
Don’t be surprised if he calls you “my friend” as that is what you will quickly become when you converse. Up front the establishment is small, with a window counter and seating for a handful of people. Behind the scenes the deep restaurant houses pizza ovens, walk in coolers, a big gas stove and more fry pans and pizza boxes than you can shake a stick at. Nandda is originally from the city of Jalandhar, located in the state of Punjab, 22
India where several generations of his family, dating back to his grandfather, worked in the restaurant industry. Their specialty was Indian food and sweets. His father and uncle worked as cooks, although he points out his mother’s important role was to be the “home boss.” In 1993 Nandda moved to Canada to join relatives here. He loves his life in his adopted country and does not miss the pollution or the hot climate he left behind. He also appreciates how safe Canada is in comparison. After working in various professions he decided to take a risk and open his own business based on his experience as a cook. He thanks a friend of his brother-in-law for encouraging him to purchase a pizza business. Why set up shop in Dunbar? He explains it took time to find the right location. Two attempts to lease businesses in North www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Vancouver and New Westminster fell through, and then one day he was visiting Dunbar and spotted a for rent sign in the window. He had finally found a home for his business, which was formerly a pizza restaurant. Capital outlay for equipment was a consideration when he started out and therefore he started only making pizza. Two years later he introduced Indian food to the menu. He started slowly. Samosas were the first item to debut. A clever marketer, when customers would purchase a pizza Nandda would tempt them with a couple of complimentary samosas. Today his Indian food is as popular as his pizza. Customers go wild for his butter chicken in addition to the lamb korma and spinach lamb. Those items are only the tip of the iceberg; the Indian menu features appetizers (pakoras, samosas), lamb, chicken and a good selection of vegetarian dishes. Tandoori breads (naan, parantha and roti) and a number of biryani rice dishes round out the Indian menu. Flip the menu and a long list of pizzas can be found ranging from the Dunbar Special to international salutes to India, Italy and Greece. Nandda says the most popular choices are the Canadian, butter chicken and Hawaiian pizza.
High school students are big fans of Dunbar Pizza. They sweep in during lunch hour and after school for pizza by the slice. Special prices on pizza by the slice (based on volume) make a meal even more enticing with a can of pop included to sweeten the deal. Remarkably, in addition to pizza and Indian food Nandda also offers Greek and Italian cuisine. Craving souvlaki, spaghetti, lasagna or barbeque baby ribs? No worries, he has you covered.
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
“We are so lucky to have so many culinary options in this multicultural city.” Jasvir Nandda What does he enjoy most about the business? He says eating what he cooks ranks high on the list. He enjoys the variety of pizza and Indian food and says he doesn’t have a favourite dish.
ago that he was last in India. With a smile on his face, Nandda concludes,” I am born to work.” Based on the pizzas that my children tried and gave two thumbs up, I would also add he was born to cook. I will be back to try the Indian fare. Dunbar Pizza & Grill 3348 Dunbar Street Vancouver BC V6S 2C1 Telephone 604-732-4999
His customers make the long hours well worth it. Many of them are locals and have been supporting his business for years. When people call him for deliveries (a big part of his business) often he is so well acquainted with them that he knows their order. He says some customers will even let him select on their behalf. Living in Surrey means long days for this hard working business owner. The restaurant is open seven days a week until late at night. Nandda likes to spend his limited free time with his wife and two teenagers. Vacations don’t happen often, in fact it was three years 24
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
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5670 East Boulevard at 41st Ave Admission $7 • Free Parking • Cafe 21st Century Promotions 604-980-3159 • www.21cpromotions.com www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund
Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund 25
New Year Joy Story by Sue Dvorak I heard the sound of joy the other day. It was such a happy thing but did not occur where you would expect to hear it. The most common place we hear joy in the neighbourhood is on the playgrounds of our elementary schools at recess and lunchtime. That steady din of voice and ball and feet and laughter punctuated by shrieks and calls is a universal sound of happiness. Recess play is also one of the few times all our kids run around outside together, making their own play without adult design and order. Joy. The unexpected joy I heard while walking the dog the other day was at one of the many home construction sites in our Dunbar neighbourhood. At some distance I heard a singular man perched high up in the trusses of a roof construction singing at the top of his lungs. I mean really belting it out. And this was not a ballad, a swooning song of long notes and deep voice. No, this song I had never heard before was a rowdy, upbeat one, sung loudly with additional sharp, snappy percussion voice sounds thrown in. This guy was good. Really good.
But what I noticed as I walked up was that everyone on the job site was smiling. A few guys were laughing and egging him on. One hard-hatted worker, walking toward me between the stacks of materials, construction debris, and the ever-present port-o-potty, rolled his eyes, shook his head and raised his hands in mock dismay, but at the same time sincerely looked as if he could not believe what the singing rafter-worker was doing. A woman getting into her car on the other side of the street was smiling too. The scene was so light, so unusual. The sound of joy. A long time ago we lived in an apartment near South Granville. A small, older gentleman used to walk slowly, even majestically, down Granville Street a few times a week, singing extremely loudly in Italian in a deep baritone. This too was unusual but made everyone on the street smile. Public whistlers have the same effect on me: those people who unselfconsciously whistle away while waiting in a drugstore lineup or at an ATM. And then there are the amazing laughers among us: those people whose laugh makes you laugh, from the booming big laugh, to the cackles, to the distinct one-of-a-kind laughs like you have never heard before. You would think we would hear joy more often, given the fabulous part of the world we live in and the opportunities our lives all hold. Maybe every work place needs to hire at least one guy or gal who sings out loud or has a stunning laugh or whistles happily while waiting for a printer to finish. In this new year we might all think of ways to spread a little joy. Let’s hear you out there.
Sue Dvorak is a physiotherapist, mother of 6 children and lives in Dunbar with her husband Marcel. She has been a regular writer for Dunbar Life magazine since 2011. 26
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
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The right legal advice today, building for your tomorrow Kerfoot Burroughs LLP 300-5687 Yew St. Vancouver BC V6M 3Y2 www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
kblawllp.com Call us 604-263-2565 27
Thank you Stong’s Market and Vancity for your sponsorship of Dunbar Village for the Holidays!
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Bigsby The Bakehouse 4894 Mackenzie St 604-267-2253
Grocery | Specialty IHUA Bakery 3522 W 41st Ave 604-261-0189
Butter Baked Goods & Cafe 4907 Mackenzie St 604-221-4333 butterbakedgoods.com
Mac’s Convenience Store 4470 Dunbar St 604-736-9528 mymacs.ca
Celtic Treasure Chest 5639 Dunbar St 604-261-3688 celtictreasurechest.com
MarketPlace IGA 3535 W 41st Ave 604-261-2423 marketplaceiga.com
Dunbar DQ/Orange Julius 3380 Dunbar St 604-733-2884 dairyqueen.com
Stong’s Market 4560 Dunbar St 604-266-1401 stongs.com
The Heights Market 4889 Mackenzie Ave 604-638-0651 heightsmarket.com Tryphe Specialty Foods 4495 Dunbar St 604-879-7439
Weigh to Go Bulk Foods 3534 W 41st Ave 604-266-6206 Windsor Meat Co. 4889 Mackenzie St 604-638-2470 windsormeats.com
Dunbar Produce 4355 Dunbar St 604-228-8615
Liquor BC Liquor Store 3453 Dunbar St 604-224-4412 bcliquorstores.com
L’amour du vin 3458 Dunbar St 604-228-9463 lamourduvin.ca
Dunbar Liquor Boutique 5460 Dunbar St 604-267-2337 dunbarlb.com
Pacific Spirits Liquor Store 4474 Dunbar St 604-738-1299 pacificspiritsliquorstore.com
Village VQA Wines 3536 W 41st Ave 604-269-9433 villagevqawines.com
Restaurants | Cafes Blaq Sheep Coffee House & Breakfast Bistro 5601 Dunbar St 604-261-8188 blaqsheepcoffee.com Cheshire Cheese Inn 4585 Dunbar St 604-224-2521 cheshirecheeseinn.ca Cosy Inn Cafe 4455 Dunbar St 604-224-3133 Crepe & Cafe 3500 W 41st Ave 604-566-9787 crepecafe1.com
Domino’s Pizza 3480 Dunbar St 604-733-0188 dominos.ca Dream Sushi 4385 Dunbar St 604-221-7874
Dunbar Pizza & Grill (article p. 22-24) 3348 Dunbar St 604-732-4999 Dunbar Sushi 3626 W 16th Ave 604-568-5959
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Handi Cuisine
(ad p. 3) 4432 Dunbar St 604-738-3186 handicuisine.com Hungry Dog Cafe 3625 W 29th Ave 604-657-5481 Jethro’s Fine Grub 3420 Dunbar St 604-569-3441 jethrosfinegrub.com Kokopelli Cafe 4593 Dunbar St 604-228-0818 kokopellicafe.ca 29
FOOD | DRINK Restaurants | Cafes ... con’t Kuma Japanese 3446 Dunbar St 604-739-0170
Riya’s Pizza 4464 Dunbar St 604-558-4466 riyaspizza.com
La Notte Ristorante
Simon’s Kitchen 4418 Dunbar St 604-734-1135
(ad p. 13) 3307 Dunbar St 604-222-4033 lanotte.ca
Red Tuna Japanese 3592 W 41st Ave 604-266-7355
Mexi-Cali Diner 4424 Dunbar St 604-731-6517 mexicali.ca
Starbucks Coffee 4467 Dunbar St 604-222-8069 starbucks.ca
Moki’s Pizza 5530 Dunbar St 604-263-4440 mokispizza.com
Subway 4490 Dunbar St 604-263-4023 subway.ca
Sushi Inn 4414 Dunbar St 604-739-3818 The Dunbar Public House 4497 Dunbar St 604-222-9922 thedunbar.ca Tim Hortons 3463 Dunbar St 604-222-3130 timhortons.ca Wild Sushi 4288 Dunbar St 604-568-9668 wildsushi.ca
SERVICES Automotive with Convenience Store Chevron Gas Station with Town Pantry 5505 Dunbar St 604-261-4048
Shell Canada 3596 W 41st Ave 604-263-9330
Beauty | Hair | Spa Blink Beauty Bar 3562 W 41st Ave 604-261-8144 blinkbeautybar.com Cabello Spa & Salon 3518 W 41st Ave 604-267-4247 cabellosalonspa.com Care Well Esthetics 4311 Dunbar St 778-999-8908 Clippers Edge 4535 Dunbar St 604-224-0500 30
Duet Salon & Spa 3231 Dunbar St 604-222-8715 Dunbar Barbers 4264 Dunbar St 604-738-3165 dunbarbarbers.com Electrolysis by Natalie 3309 Dunbar St 604-518-6625 George’s Hair Styling 4196 Dunbar St 604-738-4603
Great Clips 4484 Dunbar St 604-732-5123 greatclips.com Hair Place Kiji’s 4311 Dunbar St 604-742-0299 kijishairsalon.com Hair Zone 3378 Dunbar St 604-788-8233
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Beauty | Hair | Spa ... con’t J’aime Les Cheveux 3591 W 26th Ave 604-714-1118 Jade’s Feet & Spa 1-3618 W 16th Ave 604-221-1166 Kari’s Hair & Esthetics 3593 W 26th Ave 604-736-6700 Pampered by Kadie 4238 Dunbar St 604-809-5395 pamperedbykadie.com
Rose Nails & Spa 3383 Dunbar St 604-221-2200 rosenailsandspa.com Sunflower Spa 3368 Dunbar St 778-379-2688 The Shop Hair & Esthetics 4446 Dunbar St 604-736-7467 theshophairandesthetics.com Top Barber Cut 5631 Dunbar St 604-696-0581
Top Cut Barbers 4238 Dunbar St 604-739-0744 Touch of Beauty 3291 Dunbar St 604-221-0010 touchofbeautyspa.ca
New Name
Valentin Salon 4260 Dunbar St 604-732-3523 vyvalentinsalon.com
Churches Dunbar Heights United 3525 W 24th Ave 604-731-6420 dunbarheightsuc.ca Dunbar Evangelical Lutheran 3491 W 31st Ave 604-266-6818 dunbarlutheran.ca Dunbar Heights Baptist 3996 W 17th Ave 604-224-1031 dhbc.ca
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church 3778 W 28th Ave 604-224-5678 icvancouver.ca Knox United Church 5600 Balaclava St 604-261-3747 knoxunitedvancouver.org
Marineview Chapel 4000 W 41st Ave 604-261-1444 marineview.org
St Philip’s Anglican Church
(ad p. 18) 3737 W 27th Ave 604-224-3238 stphilipsdunbar.com
Dr. Alex K H Chan 203-3540 W 41st Ave 604-266-2860 dralexkhchandentist.com Dentists on Dunbar 3335 Dunbar St 604-224-5611 dentistsondunbar.com Dr Benjamin Pliska 103-2786 W 16th Ave 604-732-6333 vwda.ca Dr. George Porteous 5-3615 W 19th Ave 604-224-3115
Dunbar Dental Centre (ad p. 11) 215-3540 W 41st Ave 604-261-2220 dunbardental.ca
Dunbar Family Dental
(ad p. 3) 4210 Dunbar St 604-733-1616 dunbarfamilydental.com
Southlands Dental Group 3579 W 41st Ave 604-266-6232 Technident 2000 Lab 100-3540 W 41st Ave 604-266-1121 Westside Orthodontics 3619 West 18th Avenue 604-736-5705 westsidesmiles.ca
Prodent Dental Lab 101-3540 W 41st Ave 604-263-3111
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
SERVICES Dry Cleaning | Alterations | Shoe Repair Busy Bee Cleaners 3556 W 41st Ave 604-263-2215 Dunbar 1 Hour Dry Cleaners 4479 Dunbar St 604-224-3818 dunbardrycleaners.ca Dunbar Laundromat & Dry Cleaning 4410 Dunbar St 604-736-5808
Gold Star Shoe Rebuilders 3308 Dunbar St 604-734-7477 goldstarshoerebuilders.com
Pressed 4 Time Dry Cleaning 3594 W 41st Ave 604-261-0440 pressed4timedrycleaning.com
Mai’s Dry Cleaners 3336 Dunbar St 604-739-6638
Yim’s Alterations 3378 Dunbar St 604-737-8822
Money’s Dry Cleaning 4389 Dunbar St 604-224-5112
Education & Performing Arts - Private 4Cats Dunbar 3354 Dunbar St 604-569-2426 4cats.com/dunbar
Dr. Yang Educational Centre 103-3540 W 41st Ave
Journey To Learning
(ad p. 27) 4428 Dunbar St 604-734-7374 journeytolearning.com
Dunbar Memorial Preschool 4747 Dunbar St Ace Education Consulting Ltd 604-222-6065 210-3540 W 41st Ave dunbarmemorialpreschool.ca Little House Tutoring 604-620-4848 4895 Mackenzie St Elite Montessori Academy 604-266-1023 New! 5520 Dunbar St littlehousetutoring.com Columbia International 604-655-2045 University Planning elitemontessori.ca Little People’s Preschool 3393 Dunbar St 5600 Balaclava St New! 604-332-9099 604-261-2219 Elite Montessori Preschool columbiaedugroup.com littlepeople.ca 103-3641 West 29th 604-655-2045 Creative Minds Monkey See Monkey Do 5351 Camosun St Montessori elitemontessori.ca 604-263-4711 3525 W 24th Ave 778-371-4659 Harmonious Music Crofton House School monkeyseemonkeydo.ca Studio (ad p. 27) 3200 W 41st Ave 3594 W 17th Ave 604-263-3255 Montessori Ivy School 604-767-0136 croftonhouse.ca harmoniousmusicstudio.com 3641 W 29th Ave 604-221-9300 Crown Preschool ivymontessori.ca Immaculate Conception 3737 W 27th Ave School (ad p. 10) 604-228-1316 New Concept Chinese School 3745 W 28th Ave crownpreschool.ca 5739 Collingwood St 604-224-5012 604-773-3858 icschoolvancouver.com Curiousity Corner Preschool nccchinese.com 3455 W King Edward 604-261-4434 curiousitycornerpreschool.ca
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Education & Performing Arts - Private ... con’t Opus Academy 5635 Dunbar St 604-267-3749 opusacademy.com Reading Gate Academy 204-3540 W 41st Ave 604-261-8984 vanwest.readinggate.com
St George’s School Jr Boys: 3851 W 29th Ave Sr Boys: 4175 W 29th Ave 604-224-1304 stgeorges.bc.ca Tom Thumb Preschool 3737 W 27th Ave 604-222-2550 tomthumbpreschool.ca
Vancouver Child Study Centre 3525 West 24th Ave 604-222-1943 vancouverchildstudycentre.ca
Westside Kumon 3584 W 16th Ave 604-222-0182 kumon.ca
Education - Public Schools (School District #39) Carnarvon Elementary 3400 Balaclava St 604-713-5396 crn.vsb.bc.ca
Kerrisdale Elementary 5555 Carnarvon St 604-713-5446 kerrisdale.vsb.bc.ca
Queen Elizabeth Annex 4275 Crown St 604-713-5482 queenelizabeth-anx.vsb.bc.ca
Jules Quesnel Elementary 3050 Crown St 604-713-4577 quesnel.vsb.bc.ca
Lord Byng High School 3939 W 16th Ave 604-713-8171 byng.vsb.bc.ca
Queen Elizabeth Elementary 4102 W 16th Ave 604-713-5408 queenelizabeth.vsb.bc.ca
Kerrisdale Annex Elementary 3250 W 43rd Ave 604-713-5488 kerrisdale-anx.vsb.bc.ca
Lord Kitchener Elementary 3455 West King Edward Ave 604-713-5454 kitchener.vsb.bc.ca
Southlands Elementary 5351 Camosun St 604-713-5414 go.vsb.bc.ca/southlands
Financial BMO Bank of Montreal 4395 Dunbar St 604-665-7093 bmo.com CIBC 4306 Dunbar St 604-665-7697 cibc.com
Donald A. Nybo Chartered Professional Accountant (ad p. 27) 6-3615 W 19th Ave 604-228-1166
Edward Jones
(ad p. 25) 3560 W 41st Ave 604-731-6117 edwardjones.com H & R Block 4220 Dunbar St 604-713-1500 hrblock.ca RBC Royal Bank 4205 Dunbar St 604-665-5972 rbc.com
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
TD Canada Trust 4200 Dunbar St 604-654-6888 tdcanadatrust.com Trusha Desai Innovation Management 3585-BSMT West 24 Ave 604-738-0764 trushadesai.com
Vancity Credit Union (ad p. 13) 4445 Dunbar St 604-877-7000 vancity.com
SERVICES Fitness & Sports 30 Minute Hit 3516 W 41st Ave 604-569-3233 30minutehit.com/kerrisdale
Elements Academy 4465 Dunbar St 604-568-3441 elementsacademy.com
Southlands Riding Club 7025 Macdonald St 604-263-4817 southlandsridingclub.com
Body Function 4345 Dunbar St 604-565-6630 body-function.ca
Prime Personal Training
Spire Wellness & Yoga 2885 W 33rd Ave 604-569-0963 s-pire.ca
CrossFit Empower 3321 Dunbar St 778-873-4427 crossfitempower.com Dunbar Lawn Bowling Club 3850 W 31st Ave 604-228-8428 dunbarlawnbowling.com
(ad p. 3) 3636 W 16th Ave 604-568-5220 primepersonaltraining.com
Pulse Cycling Studio (ad p. 7) 3630 W 16th Ave pulsecycling.ca
Shamrock Equestrian Centre 3320 W 55th Ave 604-649-4586
The Dailey Method 3584 W 41st Ave 604-266-9191 thedaileymethod.com Third Eye Martial Arts 4256 Dunbar St 604-669-8707 temartialarts.com
Health | Medical Alex Musial MD Inc. 4298 Dunbar St 604-731-3612 Chaldecott Medical Clinic 4186 Dunbar St 604-739-9881 Dr. Brian Harris Inc. 211-3540 W 41st Ave 604-261-5015 Dunbar Eyecare Optometry 2-3554 W 41st Ave 604-263-8874 dunbareyecare.com Dunbar Physio 205-3540 W 41st Ave 604-266-3303 dunbarphysio.com
Envision Counselling 202-3641 W 29th Ave 604-222-1120 envisioncounselling.ca
Image Optometry 4250 Dunbar St 604-293-3937 image.ca
FYidoctors - Dunbar 4292 Dunbar St 604-739-2022 fyidoctors.com/vancouverdunbar
Life Chiropractic 4168 Dunbar St 604-742-0702 lifechiropracticandmassage.com
Gail Olive Masage Therapy 4-3615 W 19th Ave 604-224-5856 Go Physiotherapy 2-3657 W 16th Ave 604-568-4628 gophysiotherapy.ca
Life Labs 112-3540 W 41st Ave 604-264-9815 lifelabs.com
Massage Therapy on Dunbar (ad p. 5)
4192 Dunbar St 604-733-3376 massagetherapyondunbar.com
Head and Heart Counselling 3309 Dunbar St Mark Finch & Associates Dunbar Pyschological Services 604-787-4008 202-3641 W 29th Ave 216-3540 W 41st Ave headandheartcounselling.com 604-222-9505 604-264-1777 markfinch.ca dunbarpsychology.com Hotz Consultants Ltd 208-3540 W 41st Ave Meris Williams, PhD Dunbar Spinal Decompression 604-873-0013 101-3309 Dunbar St 4168 Dunbar St hotzconsultants.com 778-828-9702 604-742-0702 meriswilliamsphd.com dunbarspinaldecompression.com 34
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Health | Medical ... con’t Physical Medicine & Rehab 200-3540 W 41st Ave Preventum Personalized Health Care 3210 Dunbar St 604-731-9866 preventum.ca
Skinworks 3568-3578 W 41st Ave 604-737-7100 dermatology 604-733-9711 plastic surgery skinworks.ca Southland Medical Group 110-3540 W 41st Ave 604-261-5340
Southland’s Physiotherapy 3579 W 41st Ave 604-263-8110 Tessa Cherniavsky Massage Therapy Clinic 203A-3540 W 41st Ave 604-266-2757
Insurance Buntain Insurance - Dunbar 4446 Dunbar St 604-736-8855 Buntain Insurance Southlands 5540 Dunbar St 604-266-5433 buntaininsurance.com
Johnston Meier Insurance (ad p. 5) 120-3479 Dunbar St 604-736-3831 jmins.com
Rand & Fowler Insurance 4860 Mackenzie St 604-266-2357 randandfowler.com
Pets Alta Vista Animal Hospital 4543 Dunbar St 604-221-5858 altavistaanimalhospital.ca
Barktholomews Pet Edibles 4883 Mackenzie St 604-568-3600 barktholomews.ca
Artistic Styling Salon for Pets 4188 Dunbar St 604-739-6822
Bosley’s Pet Food 3502 W 41st Ave 604-266-2667 bosleys.com
Bearclaw Captial Corp. 214-3540 W 41st Ave 604-682-2201 bearclawcapitalcorp.com
Luxmore Group 5737 Collingwood St 604-558-0666 jasonliurealty.com
Browns Restaurant Group 207A-3540 W 41st Ave 604-630-0885 brownsrestaurantgroup.com
Martin Brothers Funeral Services 3398 Dunbar St 778-330-7799 mbfunerals.com
K & K Pet Foods 4595 Dunbar St 604-224-2513 Pets Beautiful 5620 Dunbar St 604-261-5310 petsbeautiful.com
Digital Photo Station 4485 Dunbar St 604-222-3513 Innovative Information 201-3540 W 41st Ave 604-264-4685
Natural Balance Premium Home Builders 3288 Dunbar St 778-330-7607 naturalbalancehomes.com
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Sage Construction (ad p. 17) 3349 Dunbar St 604-569-2692 sageconstruction.ca
Southlands Heritage Farm 6767 Balaclava St 604-261-1295 southlandsfarms.com Visual Space Gallery 3352 Dunbar St 604-559-0576 visualspace.ca
SHOP - RETAIL Clothing | Accessories Dragon & Phoenix 3510 W 41st Ave 604-261-1317 dragonandphoenix.ca
MacGillycuddy’s 4881 Mackenzie St 604-263-5313
Olinda’s 4305 Dunbar St 604-228-0022
Floral | Nurseries Christina’s Flower Shop 5615 Dunbar St 604-263-3011 christinaflowers.com
Gardenia Flowers 5636 Dunbar St 604-269-9234 gardeniaflorists.com
Quince Fine Florals 4870 Mackenzie St 604-263-0202 quincefineflorals.com
Pharmacy Pure Integrative Pharmacy 4198 Dunbar St 604-732-3010 purepharmacy.com
Shoppers Drug Mart 4326 Dunbar St 604-732-8855 shoppersdrugmart.ca
All Nations Stamp & Coin 5630 Dunbar St 604-684-4613 allnationsstampandcoin.com
Dunbar Vacuum Ltd 3468 Dunbar St 604-733-8713 dunbarvacuum.com
Blight’s Home Hardware
Educational Book Supply 3548 W 41st Ave 604-677-8147
Omega Custom Framing 4290 Dunbar St 604-732-6778 omegagallery.ca
Enmark Jewellers Ltd 4315 Dunbar St 604-224-3513
Sher’s Stationery 2000 3552 W 41st Ave 604-261-2001
Germaine’s Antiques 4268 Dunbar St 604-306-8364
Studio Gallery 33 4850 Mackenzie St 604-838-8670 studiogallery33.com
Southland Guardian Pharmacy 3554 West 41st Ave 604- 266-2882
Specialty Shops
(ad p. 5) 3322 Dunbar St 604-738-3312 blightshomehardware.com Cheap Skates 3644 West 16th Ave 604-222-1125 Dunbar Greetings 3456 Dunbar St 604-731-3322 Dunbar Lumber 3637 W 16th Ave 604-224-0434 dunbarlumber.com Dunbar Paint Centre 3601 W 16th Ave 604-224-0421 bmvan.com
Golden Rug Co. 3211 Dunbar St 604-224-3222 goldenrug.com Hob Too Thrift Shop 3470 Dunbar St 604-737-7304 vancouverhospice.org
Kerrisdale Equipment
Lawrence Books 3591 W 41st Ave 604-261-3812
The Carrington Shoppe 3434 W 55th Ave 604-266-5725 thecarringtonshoppe.com Toorak Tile & Design 3496 Dunbar St 604-739-5966 tooraktile.com
(article p. 14-16) 4522 Dunbar St 604-224-3255 kerrisdaleequipment.com www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Dunbar Theatre 4555 Dunbar St 604-222-2991
Businesses Without Storefront in Dunbar Kerrisdale Antiques Fair 21st Century Promotions Kerrisdale Arena (ad p. 25) 21cpromotions.com
D-Original Sausage Haus (ad p. 18) 130-12000 First Ave Steveston Village 604-447-5545 doriginalsausagehaus.com
Docherty Developments
(ad p. 13) 604-377-2976 dochertydevelopments.com
Driving Miss Daisy (ad p. 27) 604-723-7247 drivingmissdaisy.ca
Dunbar Little League dunbarbaseball.ca
Dunbar Painting
(ad p. 11) 604-788-3382 dunbarpainting.com
Dunbar Plumbing (ad p. 18) 604-312-2686 dunbarplumbing.ca
Higher Ground Gardens
(ad p. 12) 778-323-1502 highergroundgardens.com
Kerfoot Burroughs LLP
Sandra Steier Photography
(ad back page) 604-277-7437 sandrasteier.com
(ad p. 27) 300-5687 Yew St 604-263-2565 kblawllp.com
Scouts Canada 25th Dunbar Point Grey 31st St Philip’s scouts.ca
Kirkland Heating & Cooling
UBC Thunderbirds gothunderbirds.ca
(ad p. 25) 112 W 2nd Ave 604-261-2525 kirklandmetalshop.com
Molly Maid, Meg Roberts (ad p. 19) 604-734-7260 mollymaid.ca
Reid Brothers Plumbing & Heating (ad p. 17) 1636 W 75th Ave 604-263-0323 reidbrothers.ca
RE/MAX Select Realty Karel Palla & Darryl Sjerven (ad p. 29) 604-329-1430 vancouversbestlistings.com
Movie Theatre
Vancouver Community Baseball vancouvercommunitybaseball.com Vancouver United FC (Dunbar Soccer Association) vanufc.com
Vera Vlaovich, Rogers Group Financial (ad p. 19) 604-737-6728 rogersgroup.com/ veravlaovich
West Point Grey District Girl Guides girlguides.ca West Side Warriors Football westsidefootball.bc.ca
COMMUNITY Andrew Wilkinson MLA (ad p. 11) 5640 Dunbar St 604-664-0748 andrewwilkinsonmla.ca
Dunbar Community Centre 4747 Dunbar St 604-222-6060 dunbarcentre.ca
Dunbar Community Patrol 604-222-9824 dunbar-vancouver.org Dunbar Public Library 4515 Dunbar St 604-665-3968 vpl.vancouver.bc.ca
www.DunbarLife.com | February 15 - April 15, 2016
Dunbar Residents’ Association 604-222-9824 dunbar-vancouver.org
Dunbar Village Business Association (ads p. 4, 28) 604-635-1836 dunbarvillage.ca
February 2016 Feb 8 Feb 8 Feb 8 Feb 9 Feb 14 Feb 24
Family Day Chinese New Year BC Family Day Concert by Musica Intima School District #39 Non-Instructional Day Valentine’s Day Pink Shirt Anti-Bullying Day
March 2016 Mar 13 Mar 14 Mar 17 Mar 19 Mar 20 Mar 21 Mar 25 Mar 27 Mar 28
Daylight Saving Time Spring Break for School District #39 (to Mar 24) St. Patrick’s Day Earth Hour 8:30pm First day of spring Advertising deadline for Dunbar Life - Apr 15 issue (p. 6) Good Friday Easter Sunday Easter Monday
April 2016 Apr 1 Apr 9-10 Apr 15 Apr 17 Apr 22
April Fool’s Day Kerrisdale Antiques Fair (ad p. 25) Dunbar Life magazine comes out Vancouver Sun Run Earth Day
View calendar online at www.dunbarlife.com/calendar
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