A Guide to Local Shopping & Events
Cover: Vince Dangerfield & Carly Arbuthnot
Cosy Inn CafĂŠ Indigo Education Sunday Small Goods www.DunbarLife.com
April 15 - June 15, 2019
La Notte
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April 15 - June 15, 2019
A Guide to Local Shopping and Events Inside 6
Message from DVBA President
Article: Cosy Inn CafĂŠ
Article: Sunday Small Goods
24-25 Map 26-28
Article: Indigo Education
29, 31, 33 Ask An Expert 34-35
On the cover Vince Dangerfield and Carly Arbuthnot with son Bodhi, owners of Sunday Small Goods
Salmonberry Days Calendar
37-44 Directory 45 Calendar
Carolynne Palla Owner/Publisher
Sandra Steier Photographer/Stylist
Sarah Gordon Writer/Editor
Tara Orr Social Media
Dunbar Life is produced in partnership with the Dunbar Village Business Association to promote local shopping, dining, services and events. Dunbar borders are between W 16th Avenue in the north to W 41st Avenue in the south, and UBC Endowment Lands in the west to MacKenzie Street to the east. Go online to www.dunbarlife.com for a full and up-to-date directory and calendar.
email info@pallamedia.com
telephone 604-812-5658
DUNBARLIFE.COM | KERRISDALEINSIDER.COM | PALLAMEDIA.COM | STEVESTONINSIDER.COM No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form - print or electronic - without the written permission of the publisher. Photographs are copyright to Sandra Steier Photography and are available for purchase.
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Now serving at Q Coffee! 5601 Dunbar St, Vancouver Telephone 604-261-8188 @qcoffeephonatic
April 15 - June 15, 2019
A Message from DVBA Mysha Dewar-McClelland, President of the Dunbar Village Business Association for the St. George’s School Spring Fair on May 4, Blenheim Bazaar (“the world’s longest yard sale”) on May 25, and the annual church sales. We are always happy to welcome new businesses that choose to make Dunbar home. Read the story behind Sunday Small Goods which opened as a pop-up artisans’ market and has decided to stay.
Spring is so glorious in Dunbar! Cherry trees are in full bloom and our new street banners that you voted for add pops of colour to Dunbar’s three shopping districts. Spring signals the start of Little League season, lawn bowling, gardening, tennis, cycling and walks in Pacific Spirit Park. May is synonymous with the annual monthlong Salmonberry Days organized by the Dunbar Residents’ Association along with Dunbar Community Centre’s Salmonberry Days Fair which takes place on May 26. The Dunbar Village Business Association is proud to be part of both of these traditions through sponsorship and participation. Drop by the DVBA’s table at the Festival and participate in a special Scavenger Hunt! Our mascot Digger will be joining in on the fun and is always happy to pose for photos. Another sign of spring is the selection of local rummage sales. Mark your calendar
Is Cosy Inn Café your breakfast spot? We met Hailey Huang, the relatively new owner, and were delighted by her fast, friendly and easy turn out of Western cuisine and Chinese food. We also visited Indigo Education on Collingwood Street. They help children gain confidence, develop life skills and provide a foundation for lifelong success through participating in arts or performing arts. Wonder who Tam is? What makes Vancity different? Where you can learn Muay Thai? Who has moved into Toorak Tile’s former location? Read our Ask An Expert columns to find answers to these questions and more! Take the time to enjoy all that spring has to offer from warmer days to trees budding, flowers pushing through the soil and birds hard at work constructing nests. Pedal around the neighbourhood and take it all in. As always, we thank you for choosing to support your local businesses.
April 15 - June 15, 2019
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圀攀猀琀 圀攀猀琀 匀椀搀攀 匀椀搀攀 倀愀椀渀琀 倀愀椀渀琀 ☀ ☀ 䐀攀挀漀爀愀琀椀渀最 䐀攀挀漀爀愀琀椀渀最 West Side Paint & Decorating 䌀漀洀洀漀渀 䴀椀猀挀漀渀挀攀瀀琀椀漀渀猀 伀昀 䌀漀洀洀漀渀 䴀椀猀挀漀渀挀攀瀀琀椀漀渀猀 伀昀 䌀漀氀漀甀爀 䌀漀氀漀甀爀 Common Misconceptions of Colour
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by Aisling Ely
Choosing colours can be an overwhelming task. When faced with rows upon rows of colour chips, it’s hard to know where to begin. Here, I will talk you through some of the common misconceptions of colour and give you some starting points to consider. First let’s take a quick look at white! White is so popular right now, but there are many things to consider when choosing white. It is widely thought that painting a small room all white will make it look bigger. In some cases the opposite is true; why not embrace your smaller spaces and let them envelop you? It’s true, white can look clean and modern. However, white is bossy and if you commit to white in one room (no matter if it is big or small), it can look unfinished, forgotten about and then you are standing in a room that looks as though you just primed it!
flavour and sometimes ‘punchiness’ to a room. Contrasting can be your wow factor! If you are drawn to cool colours, then add the warmth with your finishes and accents, or vice versa. For example, gold frames, light fixtures and other hardware can add warmth, whereas chrome can read cool.
Add more contrasting elements with throw cushions, blankets, art and furniture. You may be led to believe that you can go pick out your favourite colour, or pick up the latest, trendiest colour, but you should know your limits and ask yourself a few questions first. What else are you changing or willing to change (i.e. is your heart is set on a particular colour)? Of course, if the new colour compliments all your fixed elements, this is not an issue. However, if your heart is set on painting your wall blue, let’s say Starry Night Blue 2067-20 for instance, yet it doesn’t relate to anything you have and even clashes with your current furniture, then what do you do? This is an area we can help you with; a way in which a colour consultation can prove invaluable. Together we can find a colour that not only makes your heart happy, but also creates flow
Another popular belief is not to mix warm and cool colours. However, sticking with just cool colours can make the room feel a little unfriendly and all warm colours can feel somewhat monotonous. The room may always seem like it is missing something. Contrasting warm and cool adds interest, 8
April 15 - June 15, 2019
within your space. Perhaps, it’s neutral with a blue undertone, or a patterned wallpaper for a feature wall to tie every thing together. We even run classes to teach you how to revamp your furniture! Colour theory is another commonly used starting point. It can be great tool to help get you started and bring a certain impact to your home. However, don’t let it rule you completely! According to colour theory, red exudes warmth and draws attention. This may be the feeling you crave, yet you can’t stand red! Does this mean you should just paint it red? NO! Of course not! We can help you find a colour that brings warmth to your space that fits both you and the atmosphere you want to create.
And remember to compare and contrast; you can’t truly tell everything about a colour until you hold it up to another colour. For instance, you hold up one white sample chip and think it’s truly white until you put it next to another and suddenly it turns gray before your eyes. Just look above at the fan deck of colours that are all considered off white! I hope this makes starting your next paint adventure a little less daunting, but remember we are always here and happy to help! Take the stress out completely and book your in-home colour consultation today. Aisling Ely studied Fine Art & Design at Limerick College of Art & Design in Ireland. She is available for colour consultations by appointment.
Aisling’s top five tips when you are thinking about finding a new colour for your space: 1. Stay true to you, not the trend 2. Pay attention to your fixed elements and your undertones 3. If it’s a new build or a complete renovation, always start with the furniture and fixtures (paint colours are vast and matchable, the same is not true of sofas and countertops!) 4. Contrasting warm and cool colours will add interest and intrigue 5. Create flow by considering each room in the context of which rooms are visible to one another
April 15 - June 15, 2019
WEST SIDE PAINT & DECORATING A Benjamin Moore Store 3354 Dunbar St, Vancouver BC V6S 2C1 604-737-0962 benjaminmoore@telus.net
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April 15 - June 15, 2019
一漀眀 琀愀欀椀渀最 戀漀漀欀椀渀最猀 昀漀爀 漀甀爀 挀爀攀愀琀椀瘀攀 挀氀愀猀猀攀猀 挀愀氀氀 戀礀 䘀漀爀 洀漀爀攀 椀渀昀漀爀洀 椀渀昀漀爀洀愀琀椀漀渀
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April 15 - June 15, 2019
Cosy Inn Café:
Chinese Food Meets Western Fare Story by Sarah Gordon
Photos by Sandra Steier
Like the corner grocery stores that used to be in every Vancouver neighbourbood, there were also restaurants like Dunbar’s Cosy Inn Café that offered a combined menu of Western cuisine and Chinese food. This is likely how many Vancouverites got introduced to Chinese cuisine before the city evolved and more specialty restaurants open. The day that I visited, the restaurant was full of people eating, talking, and reading newspapers. It was refreshing and very cosy indeed. The diner is very modest. There is no fancy décor; the customers create the atmosphere.
“I love the customers here so I decided to buy the business.” Hailey Huang 12
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Hailey Huang is the relatively new owner of Cosy Inn Café. The industrious young business owner got her start as a waitress at the diner and ended up purchasing the café two and a half years ago. She says she is learning so much as an owner and has become proficient at multitasking. Hailey works very long days, seven days a week. She manages behind the scenes details such as paperwork and ordering; she also waits tables and cooks.
“Operating Cosy Inn Café is a very good experience. Every day is a challenge and I feel happy even when it’s hard because I learn something,” says Hailey. Everyone from local construction workers to seniors pop in to kick off their day with breakfast (this is home of the all day breakfast), lunch or dinner. The restaurant closes at 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and is not open in the evening on weekends; however, this will soon change as Hailey is planning to extend the hours of operation beginning this summer. As well,
she will be offering a new evening menu to accompany this change.
Hailey takes pride in offering home style cooking. If you like an early breakfast, Cosy Inn Café opens bright and early at 7:30 a.m. seven days a week. The all-inclusive breakfast is a popular pick. It features two eggs, bacon, sausages and ham served with toast and the side dish of your choice (grilled tomatoes, French fries or homemade hash browns). The French toast and pancake breakfasts are also top picks. Lunch favourites include burgers, sandwiches and soups, along with chef’s daily specials. The Chinese menu items feature chow mein (both soft and crispy styles are offered), fried rice, Kung Pao chicken, Pad Thai, stir fry shrimp with veggies and wonton soup.
April 15 - June 15, 2019
What feedback does Hailey most enjoy hearing? She says, “When customers say Cosy Inn Café has the best food and friendly service, and that is what keeps them coming back.” Hailey lives in Dunbar. She was originally from China and lived in Calgary for a number of years before moving to Vancouver. She is aware that Dunbar is in a time of transition.
Hailey is eagerly anticipating the summer months with the upcoming changes at Cosy Inn Café. She says, “My regular customers have been asking for this.” Soon Dunbar residents can look forward to running into neighbours enjoying a late meal at this cosy community fixture.
“Change can be hard for people but once things settle down it will nice,” she says.
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Cosy Inn Café 4455 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2G4 Telephone 604-224-3133
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www.HigherGroundGardens.com Pruning Rhododendrons and Winter Flowering Shrubs The best time to prune any of your winter flowering shrubs is right after they’ve finished flowering. Viburnum ‘Dawn’ with its pink scented blossoms on bare branches is always the first to bloom in Vancouver gardens. Camellia flowers appear next, and then finally Rhododendrons. Pruning after flowering gives plants the entire growing season to set buds for next year’s flowering. It may be tempting to prune your flowering shrubs in autumn, to tidy up the plant’s shape, but doing so means you risk losing blossoms the following spring.
Consider Watering Dry Spots and Hedges With nearly half the amount of precipitation this winter compared to last year, it’s hard not to wonder just how dry the upcoming months will be. I have my fingers crossed for plenty of April showers. You may need to water your garden’s dry areas and hedges with deep watering during the spring months to make up for this winter’s lower rainfall levels. Cedar hedges that are planted with occidental varieties of cedars (Emerald cedar, Pyramid cedar) seem particularly susceptible to drought, and need good, deep watering especially. Turn on the sprinkler or hand water areas for an hour to an hour and a half. The earlier in the day this is done, the less water evaporation there will be. Leaving the sprinkler on allows water to percolate through your soil so roots will grow deeply as they seek out water. You will see the results if you do this once or twice a week. Jessica Salvador is a Certified Landscape Horticulturist; Christian Kessner is a Certified Landscape Technician and together they are Co-Owners of Higher Ground Gardens, celebrating over 10 years of service in Dunbar.
April 15 - June 15, 2019
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April 15 - June 15, 2019
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April 15 - June 15, 2019
Sunday Small Goods:
Dunbar’s New Favourite Shop Story by Sarah Gordon
Photos by Sandra Steier
“Where have you been?” and “This is just what Dunbar needed!” are typical customer comments when they discover Sunday Small Goods. Dunbar’s new gem is a wonderful addition to the village. It was a stroke of good fortune that Sunday Small Goods opened on Dunbar Street as it would be equally at home on Main Street. Partners Carly Arbuthnot and Vince Dangerfield are the creative forces behind this new business. Last December they were looking for a short-term lease to try a pop-up artisans’ market and discovered the
vacant storefront. Based on their success, they renewed the lease. They started out with bookshelves and tables to display products. The space has morphed with the addition of custom built rustic shelving, which ties in nicely with the white panelled walls and wood flooring.
Sunday Small Goods carries 100% Canadian products made primarily by B.C. artisans. How did the store get it name? Carly laughs and says, “We joined the most relaxed day of the week with our passion for small business goods.” Carly and Vince both come from creative backgrounds; Carly has worked in sales and marketing; she was also was the founder of her own skin and body care line, known for its all natural deodorant and distributed all across North America. She ran the business for nearly four years before selling
April 15 - June 15, 2019
it in 2017. Vince is a local actor who works in film and television. The couple have an adorable one-year-old baby boy named Bodhi who on occasion makes appearances at the shop. Carly says, “My experience as an entrepreneur made me aware of the challenges of getting products carried in retail spaces.” The concept was born out of a love for supporting local. The store is full of unique and eclectic small goods. It differs from traditional brick and mortar stores that buy wholesale. This is a full service pop-up style market place, which does not require vendors to be present. Instead they apply to be part of the collective and pay a fee to have their products represented. Some vendors carry on longer than others; this means there will always be new brands for shoppers to discover.
Sunday Small Goods gives artisans an avenue to showcase and sell their products. Staffing, merchandising, venue rental, insurance, taxes, equipment, furniture, marketing materials, processing fees and all other necessary supplies are covered by Sunday Small Goods.
The tasteful collective features products ranging from apparel and accessories to bath and body, jewellery, wood, crafts, pottery, candles, prints, cards, food and drink. “Some brands have just launched and it gives vendors an opportunity to sell their brand spanking new products,” says Carly.
Currently 60 vendors are part of Sunday Small Goods’ collective.
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Vancouver based company Couture Therapy has been embraced by female clients. The company creates limitededition ethical and sustainable womenswear with a minimalistic edge. This environmentally conscious brand uses natural materials such as silk, wool, organic cotton and bamboo. Stede is another Vancouver based clothing company that designs and manufactures beautiful handmade shirts for men. Vince says, “I am a big fan of this collection.” When entering the store there is a lovely fragrance that can’t be pinned down, and it receives many compliments; it is likely assorted bath and body products melding together. Sealuxe’s natural body care products made in Crescent Beach may play a part in contributing to the store’s aroma. Beth and Olivia Homemade is another top seller featuring lip balms, body butters bath bombs, and soaps.
have plans to host pop ups at some of Vancouver’s outdoor summer festivals.Carly is also planning podcast interviews with artisans to highlight their companies. If you are a vendor you will want to check out Sunday Small Goods’ website and browse through the Sunday School link. It is a valuable resource with many helpful pointers for artisans wishing to expand their business. However, please do not show up at the store with products to sell without a prearranged appointment. Instead, connect through their website or Instagram. Carly and Vince’s enthusiasm is contagious. Drop in and meet them and discover why people are so excited about this new shop. Welcome to Dunbar Village, Sunday Small Goods. We’ve been waiting for you! Sunday Small Goods 4335 Dunbar Street Vancouver BC V6S 1P8 www.sundaysmallgoods.ca
Carly and Vince are excited about the potential of their new business. They
April 15 - June 15, 2019
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Private and group piano lessons for children Melisa Chui 3594 W. 17th Ave (at Dunbar St) 604-767-0136 harmoniousmusicstudio.com www.DunbarLife.com
April 15 - June 15, 2019
April 15 - June 15, 2019
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Indigo Education:
Building Children’s Confidence Story by Sarah Gordon
Photos by Sandra Steier
Self-esteem and rising anxiety extremely relevant childhood issues.
Indigo Education was established five years ago to help children gain confidence, develop life skills and provide a foundation for lifelong success. Participating in arts or performing arts can vastly improve children’s confidence. Through artistic pursuits their self-esteem grows; they develop poise and can overcome anxieties. Self-expression is nurtured which helps shape young people into well-rounded humans. Indigo Education’s programs are designed for children ranging from 2-year-olds to teenagers, with a focus on public speaking, emcee training, creative writing, drama and much more. Their client base is partially comprised of new immigrants who are planting roots
in an unfamiliar country, but registration is open to all children seeking an opportunity to learn with Indigo Education’s professional staff. Indigo Education owner Micayla Xiong explains how difficult it can be for immigrants to transition to our Canadian lifestyle. She experienced this firsthand when she moved to Canada from China with her children, and as a result she created Indigo Education to help make it easier for others.
“We want to help people find that balance.” Micayla Xiong “There is an old saying in Chinese, ‘Walking ten thousand miles, reading ten thousand books.’ We encourage kids to reach out and participate in all kinds of activities that will benefit them later in life,” says Micayla.
Joseph Spitale 26
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Matt Rideout www.DunbarLife.com
The centre is located on Collingwood Street just south of West 41st Avenue. It’s a busy facility with a lot going on inside as well as outside at community events. Learning takes place after school for school age children with some classes for younger children offered during the day.
Children participate in events such as Baby Family Week and Oakridge Kids Fashion Week where they model and/or introduce their peers. Some brave little ones go on stage holding their parent’s hand.
When the school needs additional space, such as to prepare for fashion shows, they utilize the Dunbar Community Centre.
Indigo Education’s manager Matt Rideout says, “We believe children deserve a platform as big as they can dream, to showcase their talents and what they learn from our courses.”
Year round Indigo Education organizes speech competitions, musicals, fashion shows along with spring break and summer camps.
In addition to being the centre’s manager, Matt is also an instructor. He lived in China for six years and is familiar with the different cultures. He mentions that all of Indigo
April 15 - June 15, 2019
themselves after standing in front of a microphone,” she adds. Joseph Spitale is Indigo Education’s Artistic Director. He is a professional actor who has directed Broadway musicals. He lends his coaching talents to children enrolled in the Emcee training classes. Heather Parsons has vast experience in Early Childhood Education. She has taught young children for many years and helps Indigo Education’s students master the English language. In addition, she and her colleagues prepare students and their parents for private school assessments and interviews. Undoubtedly, the greatest reward for all of the instructors at Indigo Education is seeing a child’s confidence blossom. It’s a life long gift they can impart, and making a difference is a driving force behind all of the courses and services Indigo Education offers.
Education’s instructors are supportive and enjoy seeing children grow and in turn, take and apply their new confidence at their schools.
Indigo Education 5737 Collingwood Street Vancouver BC V6N 4K6 Telephone 778-855-7869 www.canadaindigo.com
Matt says the instructors are excited that students will be participating in Bridal Fashion Week.
Standing on a stage and addressing an audience takes courage. Micayla points out, “Our teachers are all native speakers with many years of experience in teaching creative writing and public speaking. They teach children to stand bravely on the stage.” “Children feel differently about 28
April 15 - June 15, 2019
DUNBAR LIFE: Ask An Expert How does Vancity differ from other financial institutions? Vancity is a cooperative that strives to educate and build financial inclusion within the communities it serves. The Dunbar Community Branch specifically engages its community members through the following financial literacy seminars and networking events: • Dunbar Business Meet and Mingle hosted with the Dunbar Business Village Association • Fraud Protection (Information Protection and Scams) • Wealth and Retirement Savings Seminar (downsizing & creating an income) • Basic Banking & Financial Literacy for Byng High School These networking events and financial literacy seminars occur on a semiannual basis and are for all community members. Our goal is to educate and build awareness around these areas in hopes to build a stronger more united community. Please visit the Dunbar Community Branch to find out more about our community involvement and what makes us different! www.DunbarLife.com
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Niko Perivouliotis, Branch Manager
4445 Dunbar Street Vancouver BC, V6S 2G4 604-877-7450 niko_perivouliotis@vancity.com www.vancity.com
PROFESSIONAL HEADSHOTS Your face is your business and your brand. That’s why it’s important to have a professional headshot every two years. Office group rates available. In studio or on location. Contact Sandra Steier to book your new headshot.
778.839.8355 info@sandrasteier.com WWW.SANDRASTEIER.COM 30
April 15 - June 15, 2019
DUNBAR LIFE: Ask An Expert What is Muay Thai and why should I try it? Muay Thai, or “the Art of Eight Limbs,” is the national sport of Thailand. While strongly resembling Western Kickboxing, it combines the use of fists, elbows, knees and shins to create eight points of contact for striking. Traditionally used for combat, today Muay Thai is just as popular for fitness as it is for competition due to its many wonderful benefits. Muay Thai provides excellent conditioning, increases your stamina and improves your cardiovascular health. Training often includes running, skipping, and stretching in addition to the offensive and defensive techniques themselves. You will not only get stronger physically by practicing Muay Thai, but also mentally. Whether you choose to ever step in the ring or not, Muay Thai will help you unleash your inner warrior and give you a mental toughness you can apply to your life as a whole. Plus, after a long day at home, work or school, channeling your energy through drills and combinations on pads and bags will release unwanted stress and leave you feeling renewed.
Mysha Dewar-McClelland
Elements Academy of Martial Arts 4465 Dunbar Street Vancouver, BC V6S 2G4 604-568-3441 info@elementsacademy.com www.elementsacademy.com
But don’t just take our word for it, try a class for yourself and see why Muay Thai is celebrated and practiced around the world.
April 15 - June 15, 2019
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vancouversbestlistings.com vancouversbestlistings.com This communication is not intended to cause or induce breach of an existing Brokerage Agreement or Buyer Contract This communication is not intended to cause or induce breach of an existing Brokerage Agreement or Buyer Contract
April 15 - June 15, 2019
DUNBAR LIFE: Ask An Expert What services do you offer? Tam and his wife Lilly have owned Tam’s Custom Tailors for 18 years. They were previously located in Kerrisdale until a fire in their block forced them to look for a new location. They took over Dunbar 1-Hour Dry Cleaners in November 2018 and now offer both dry cleaning and alterations. Their speciality is understanding and caring for fabric. They are professionals at invisible mending (like seamlessly repairing a hole in your favourite garment), altering all types of clothing including suits, dresses and pants. They can replace a broken zipper or resize your favourite dress. Need something custom made? They can make exactly you what you need, made-to-measure. Worried that your dress shirt will wear out to quickly with multiple dry cleanings? They gently steam press shirts as to not be harsh as with typical high hit presses. Go see Tam when you need your garments professionally altered or cleaned.
Tam Van, Owner
TAM’S CUSTOM TAILOR & DRY CLEANERS 4479 Dunbar Street Vancouver BC V6S 2G4 604-269-9440
Tam’s Custom Tailor
DUNBAR LIFE: Ask An Expert What is The Yan Fo Si Temple? The Yan Fo Si Temple opened on Dunbar Street on February 1 (former Toorak Tile location on the corner of West 19th) and is open daily 9:30am - 6:30pm. According to Miao Liang Shi, the abbot of the temple, he and his teacher devote themselves to the spreading of Buddhism ideologies and practices in Canada. The primary purpose of this temple is to create a warm, welcoming environment for everyone in the community. In the upcoming month, they will be having Buddhist practices such as meditation, group chanting, along with free tea ceremonies and calligraphy classes. There is also free singing bowl meditations and healing. It is free to attend. Donations accepted. Volunteers are needed and welcome.
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Leon (Miao Liang) Shi Temple Abbot
YAN FO SI TEMPLE 3496 Dunbar Street Vancouver BC, V6S 2C2 778-847-6699
Salmonberry Days Events At-a-Glance Sunday
Feldenkrais & Taiji K. Halm See the Guide
Botany Walk D. Murdoch 10-noon
5 Open Church St. Philip’s 10 a.m. Family Service 11 a.m. BBQ Lunch Stongs Plant Sale 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Mother's Day
6 Historic Bridges & Trees in Mem Park W. Islands D. Justice T. Slack 7 – 8:30 p.m. 7 – 8:45 p.m.
14 Ladies of the River 10 – 11:15 T. Slack
Victoria Day
Southlands Farm Family Day J. Maynard / 11-3
Camosun Bog 7 – 8:30 E. Eckly, G. Mig
Stong's Little League
26 Birds of Imperial Dr. B. Kinkaid 8-11 a.m. Salmonberry Days Fair 11-3
27 St. Georges 7 – 8 p.m. N. Piller
“Keep Them Buzzing!” Tsunami of 19 Dunbar Garden Club 7 – 8 p.m. 7:30 – 9 p.m. T. Slack
Southlands Riding Club Events in May 7025 MacDonald Street 604.263.4817
Stories @ the T. Slack and A. 6 to 7:30 p.m.
Riverside Bird 9:30 -- Noon A. Grass
Jericho Stewardship 9:30 to 12:30 Forest Walk 10 to 1 p.m. D. Cook
Dawn Chorus 7:30 – 9:30 C. Adkins UBC Farm Bird Survey Nature Vancouver 8 a.m. Stong's Little League
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Dogwood Dressage Sh Spring Dressage Show http://www.southlandsrid
May 2019
4 St. George's Fair
DEEP Resilience Presentation 7 – 8:30 p.m.
Bus Tour 11 to 2:30 p.m. Garden Club plant sale 10-noon
Almond Park B. Stephen 7 – 8:30
City Farmer 11 -- Noon S. Slack
11 Jericho Park Tour 10 – 11:30
e Library McIntyre
Hastings Mill 7 – 9 p.m.
18 Beach Walk 11:00 to 2 p.m. D. Cook
Stong's Little League
Vancouver Archives G. Rudloff 10-noon
g Tour Lord Byng Symphony 7:30 p.m.
946 Walk Architecture Walk J. Atkin 7:00 – 9 p.m.
25 St. Philip’s Rummage 9-12 Blenheim Bazaar 10-2 Dunbar in Bloom 10-12 & 2-4
31 End of the Line / Harry Potter walk 7 – 8:15 T. Slack
how #2 - May 5, 9 to 4 p.m. w – May 24, 9 a.m. to May 26, 4 p.m. dingclub.com/
www.dunbar-vancouver.org www.DunbarLife.com
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Advertising Rates Next Deadline
May 21
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Carolynne Palla Owner/Publisher PALLA MEDIA
DunbarLife Magazine 36
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info@pallamedia.com 11839 Dunford Rd Richmond BC V7E 3M6
www.dunbarlife.com April 15 - June 15, 2019
Cafes | Restaurants Cosy Inn Café
Mexicali 4424 Dunbar St 604-731-6517 mexicali.ca
Subway 4490 Dunbar St 604-263-4023 subway.ca
Crepe & Café
Moki’s Pizza 5530 Dunbar St 604-263-4440 mokispizza.com
Sushi Inn 4414 Dunbar St 604-739-3818
(article p. 12-14) 4455 Dunbar St 604-224-3133 (ad p. 15) 3500 W 41st Ave 604-566-9787 crepeandcafe.com New Location! Domino’s Pizza 4298 Dunbar St 604-733-0188 dominos.ca Dunbar Dairy Queen 3380 Dunbar St 604-733-2884 dairyqueen.com Dunbar Pizza & Grill 3348 Dunbar St 604-732-4999
Moon Sushi 4385 Dunbar St 604-221-7874 moonsushivancouver.com New! Perchance Tea & Coffee 3363 Dunbar St 778-832-0187
Q Coffee | Phonatics (ad p. 5) 5601 Dunbar St 604-261-8188
Dunbar Sushi 3626 W 16th Ave 604-568-5959
Riya’s Pizza 4464 Dunbar St 604-558-4466 riyaspizza.com
Kokopelli Cafe 4593 Dunbar St 604-228-0818 kokopellicafe.ca
Simon’s Kitchen 4418 Dunbar St 604-734-1135 simonskitchen.ca
Kuma Japanese 3446 Dunbar St 604-739-0170
Red Tuna Japanese 3592 W 41st Ave 604-266-7355
La Notte Ristorante Italiano (ad p. 2)
Starbucks Coffee 4467 Dunbar St 604-222-8069 starbucks.ca
3307 Dunbar St 604-222-4033 lanotte.ca
Sweet Somethings 4321 Dunbar St 604-842-0261 sweetsomethingsvancouver.com T.Cup 4495 Dunbar St 604-423-4495 The Cheese Inn 4585 Dunbar St 604-620-1951 The Dunbar Public House 4497 Dunbar St 604-222-9922 thedunbar.ca Tim Hortons 3463 Dunbar St 604-222-3130 timhortons.ca Wild Sushi 4288 Dunbar St 604-568-9668 wildsushi.ca
Grocery | Specialty Celtic Treasure Chest
(ad p. 5) 5639 Dunbar St 604-261-3688 celtictreasurechest.com www.DunbarLife.com
H Mart
(ad p. 3) 5557 Dunbar St 604-264-5950 hmart.ca April 15 - June 15, 2019
IHUA Bakery 3522 W 41st Ave 604-261-0189
FOOD | DRINK Grocery | Specialty ... con’t Mac’s Convenience Store 4470 Dunbar St 604-736-9528 mymacs.ca Save-On-Foods 3535 W 41st Ave 604-261-2423 saveonfoods.com
Stong’s Market (ad back cover) 4221 Dunbar St 604-266-1401 stongs.com
Weigh to Go Bulk Foods 3534 W 41st Ave 604-266-6206
Liquor BC Liquor Store 3453 Dunbar St 604-224-4412 bcliquorstores.com
All Nations Stamp & Coin 5630 Dunbar St 604-684-4613 allnationsstampandcoin.com
Blight’s Home Hardware (ad p. 11) 3322 Dunbar St 604-738-3312 blightshomehardware.com Carousel on Dunbar 4305 Dunbar St carouselondunbar.ca Cheap Skates 3644 W 16th Ave 604-222-1125 Christina’s Flower Shop 5615 Dunbar St 604-263-3011 christinaflowers.com Dragon & Phoenix 3510 W 41st Ave 604-261-1317 dragonandphoenix.ca Educational Book Supply 3548 W 41st Ave 604-677-8147 Enmark Jewellers Ltd 4315 Dunbar St 604-224-3513 38
JAK’s Beer Wine Spirits 4474 Dunbar St 604-738-1299 jaks.com
SHOP - RETAIL Gardenia Flowers 5636 Dunbar St 604-269-9234 gardeniaflowers.ca
Germaine’s Antiques 4268 Dunbar St 604-306-8364 Golden Rug Co. 3211 Dunbar St 604-224-3222 goldenrug.com Kerrisdale Equipment 4522 Dunbar St 604-224-3255 kerrisdaleequipment.com
New District 5650 Dunbar St 604-229-3663 newdistrict.ca
Shoppers Drug Mart & Post Office 4326 Dunbar St 604-732-8855 shoppersdrugmart.ca Southland Pharmacy 3554 W 41st Ave 604-266-2882 New!
Sunday Small Goods (article p. 20-22) 4335 Dunbar St sundaysmallgoods.ca
West Side Paint & Decorating
Lawrence Books 3591 W 41st Ave 604-261-3812
(ad p. 8-9) 3354 Dunbar St 604-737-0962 benjaminmoore.com
Pure Integrative Pharmacy 3228 Dunbar St 604-732-3010 purepharmacy.com
YNP Dunbar Pharmacy 4198 Dunbar St 604-738-1788
Shell Canada 3596 W 41st Ave 604-263-9330 Sher’s Stationery 2000 & Post Office 3552 W 41st Ave 604-261-2001 April 15 - June 15, 2019
Beauty | Hair | Spa Blink Beauty Bar 3562 W 41st Ave 604-261-8144 blinkbeautybar.com Cabello Spa & Salon 3518 W 41st Ave 604-267-4247 cabellosalonspa.com
George’s Hair Styling 4196 Dunbar St 604-738-4603 Great Clips 4484 Dunbar St 604-732-5123 greatclips.com
Pampered by Kadie 4260 Dunbar St 604-809-5395 pamperedbykadie.ca
Rose Nails & Spa 3383 Dunbar St 604-221-2200 rosenailsandspa.com
Care Well Esthetics 4311 Dunbar St 778-999-8908
Hair Place Kiji’s 4311 Dunbar St 604-742-0299 kijishairsalon.com
Clippers Edge 4535 Dunbar St 604-224-0500
Hair Zone 3378 Dunbar St 604-788-8233
Top Cut Barbers 4238 Dunbar St 604-739-0744
Duet Salon & Spa 3231 Dunbar St 604-222-8715
J’aime Les Cheveux 3591 W 26th Ave 604-714-1118
Dunbar Barbers 4264 Dunbar St 604-738-3165 dunbarbarbers.com
JD’s Barbershop 4345 Dunbar St 778-379-1829 jdsbarbershop.com
Touch of Beauty 3291 Dunbar St 604-221-0010 touchofbeautyspa.ca
Top Barber Cut 5631 Dunbar St 604-696-0581
VY Valentin Salon 4290 Dunbar St 604-732-3523 vyvalentinsalon.com
Churches Dunbar Evangelical Lutheran 3491 W 31st Ave 604-266-6818 dunbarlutheran.ca
Knox United Church 5600 Balaclava St 604-261-3747 knoxunitedvancouver.org
Dunbar Heights Baptist 3320 Crown St 604-224-1031 dhbc.ca
Marineview Chapel 4000 W 41st Ave 604-261-1444 marineview.org
Immaculate Conception 3778 W 28th Ave 604-224-5678 icvancouver.ca
Pacific Spirit United Church 3525 W 24th Ave 604-266-5377 pacificspirituc.com
St Philip’s Anglican Church (ad p. 10) 3737 W 27th Ave 604-224-3238 stphilipsdunbar.com New! Yan Fo Si Temple 3496 Dunbar St 778-847-6699
Dental Dr. Alex K H Chan 203-3540 W 41st Ave 604-266-2860 dralexkhchandentist.com
Dentists on Dunbar 3335 Dunbar St 604-224-5611 dentistsondunbar.com
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Dr Benjamin Pliska 103-2786 W 16th Ave 604-732-6333 vwda.ca
SERVICES Dental ... con’t Dr. George Porteous 5-3615 W 19th Ave 604-224-3115
Dunbar Dental Centre (ad p. 15) 215-3540 W 41st Ave 604-261-2220 dunbardental.ca
Dunbar Family Dental
(ad p. 16) 4210 Dunbar St 604-733-1616 dunbarfamilydental.com Prodent Dental Lab 101-3540 W 41st Ave 604-263-3111
Southlands Dental Group 3579 W 41st Ave 604-266-6232 Technident 2000 Lab 100-3540 W 41st Ave 604-266-1121 Westside Orthodontics 3619 W 18th Ave 604-736-5705 westsidesmiles.ca
Dry Cleaning | Alterations | Shoe Repair Boulevard Cleaners 3594 W 41st Ave 604-261-0003
Mai’s Dry Cleaners 3336 Dunbar St 604-739-6638
Busy Bee Cleaners 3556 W 41st Ave 604-263-2215
Money’s Dry Cleaning 4389 Dunbar St 604-224-5112
Gold Star Shoe Rebuilders 3308 Dunbar St 604-734-7477 goldstarshoerebuilders.com
New! Tam’s Custom Tailor & Dry Cleaners 4479 Dunbar St 604-269-9440 Yim’s Alterations 3378 Dunbar St 604-737-8822
Education & Performing Arts - Private
Crofton House School 3200 W 41st Ave 604-263-3255 croftonhouse.ca
Da Future Studio 3536 W 41st Ave 604-564-1267 dafture.ca
Crown Preschool 3737 W 27th Ave 604-228-1316 crownpreschool.ca
Dunbar Memorial Preschool 4747 Dunbar St 604-222-6065 dunbarmemorialpreschool.ca
Crown Street Kids Club 3320 Crown St 604-760-4703 cskc.ca
Elite Montessori Academy 103-3641 W 29th 604-221-0242 elitemontessori.ca
Curiosity Corner Preschool 3455 W King Edward 604-261-4434 curiositycornerpreschool.ca
Harmonious Music Studio
(ad p. 23) 3594 W 17th Ave 604-767-0136 harmoniousmusicstudio.com April 15 - June 15, 2019
Immaculate Conception School (ad p. 2) 3745 W 28th Ave 604-224-5012 icschoolvancouver.com
Indigo Education (article p. 26-28) 5737 Collingwood 778-680-5733 canadaindigo.com La Petite Ecole 4037 W 32nd Ave 604-619-7313 lapetiteecole.ca Little People Preschool 5600 Balaclava St 604-261-2219 littlepeople.ca www.DunbarLife.com
Education & Performing Arts - Private ... con’t Monkey See Monkey Do 3525 W 24th Ave 778-371-4659 monkeyseemonkeydo.ca
Sprouts Academy 4000 W 41st Ave 604-454-8369 sproutsacademy.ca
Vancouver Child Study Centre 3525 W 24th Ave 604-222-1943 vancouverchildstudycentre.ca
Opus Academy 5635 Dunbar St 604-267-3749 opusacademy.com
St George’s School Jr Boys: 3851 W 29th Ave Sr Boys: 4175 W 29th Ave 604-224-1304 stgeorges.bc.ca
Westgate Montessori School 3489 W 31st Ave 604-221-9300 westgatemontessori.com
Reading Gate Academy 204-3540 W 41st Ave 604-261-8984 vanwest.readinggate.com
Tom Thumb Preschool 3737 W 27th Ave 604-222-2550 tomthumbpreschool.ca
Westside Kumon 3584 W 16th Ave 604-222-0182 kumon.ca
Education - Public Schools (Vancouver School District) Carnarvon Elementary 3400 Balaclava St 604-713-5396 crn.vsb.bc.ca
Kerrisdale Elementary 5555 Carnarvon St 604-713-5446 kerrisdale.vsb.bc.ca
Queen Elizabeth Annex 4275 Crown St 604-713-5482 queenelizabeth-anx.vsb.bc.ca
Jules Quesnel Elementary 3050 Crown St 604-713-4577 quesnel.vsb.bc.ca
Lord Byng High School 3939 W 16th Ave 604-713-8171 byng.vsb.bc.ca
Queen Elizabeth Elementary 4102 W 16th Ave 604-713-5408 queenelizabeth.vsb.bc.ca
Kerrisdale Annex Elementary 3250 W 43rd Ave 604-713-5488 kerrisdale-anx.vsb.bc.ca
Lord Kitchener Elementary 3455 W King Edward Ave 604-713-5454 kitchener.vsb.bc.ca
Southlands Elementary 5351 Camosun St 604-713-5414 go.vsb.bc.ca/southlands
Financial BMO Bank of Montreal 4395 Dunbar St 604-665-7093 bmo.com CIBC 4306 Dunbar St 604-665-7697 cibc.com
Donald A. Nybo, CPA (ad p. 10) 6-3615 W 19th Ave 604-228-1166
Edward Jones, Abbie Green (ad p. 16)
3560 W 41st Ave 604-731-6117 edwardjones.ca/abbie-green H & R Block 4220 Dunbar St 604-713-1500 hrblock.ca
TD Canada Trust 4200 Dunbar St 604-654-6888 tdcanadatrust.com Vancity Credit Union 4445 Dunbar St 604-877-7000 vancity.com
RBC Royal Bank 4205 Dunbar St 604-665-5972 rbc.com
April 15 - June 15, 2019
SERVICES Fitness & Sports 30 Minute Hit 3516 W 41st Ave 604-569-3233 30minutehit.com/kerrisdale Dunbar Lawn Bowling Club 3850 W 31st Ave 604-228-8428 dunbarlawnbowling.com
Elements Academy of Martial Arts 4465 Dunbar St 604-568-3441 elementsacademy.com Prime Personal Training 3636 W 16th Ave 604-568-5220 primepersonaltraining.com
Pulse Cycling Studio 3630 W 16th Ave pulsecycling.ca The Dailey Method 3584 W 41st Ave 604-266-9191 thedaileymethod.com Third Eye Martial Arts 4256 Dunbar St 604-669-8707 temartialarts.com
Health | Medical Chaldecott Medical Clinic 4186 Dunbar St 604-739-9881 Dr. Brian Harris Inc. 211-3540 W 41st Ave 604-261-5015 Dr. Gorman, Chiropractor 202-3641 W 29th Ave 778-681-3445 drpatriciagorman.com Dunbar Eyecare Optometry 2-3554 W 41st Ave 604-263-8874 dunbareyecare.com Dunbar Physio 205-3540 W 41st Ave 604-266-3303 dunbarphysio.com
Image Optometry 4250 Dunbar St 604-293-3937 image.ca Life Chiropractic 4168 Dunbar St 604-742-0702 lifechiropractic.ca Life Labs 112-3540 W 41st Ave 604-264-9815 lifelabs.com
Massage Therapy on Dunbar
(ad p. 2) 4192 Dunbar St 604-733-3376 massagetherapyondunbar.com
Mark Finch & Associates Dunbar Psychological Services 202-3641 W 29th Ave 216-3540 W 41st Ave 604-222-9505 604-264-1777 markfinch.ca dunbarpsychology.com Pacific Mountain Centre Envision Counselling 101-3309 Dunbar St 202-3641 W 29th Ave Carolyne Abrams 604-222-1120 778-229-4532 envisioncounselling.ca lighthealing.ca Dr Sandra L. Clark FYidoctors - Dunbar 604-730-9988 4292 Dunbar St drsandraclark.ca 604-739-2022 fyidoctors.com
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Beverley Kort 604-362-7847 iamlistening.ca Kathleen Wood 604-785-4015 Preventum 3210 Dunbar St 604-731-9866 preventum.ca Skinworks - Dermapure 3568 W 41st Ave 604-737-7100 dermapure.com Skinworks Plastic Surgery 3578 W 41st Ave 604-733-9711 skinworks.ca Southland Medical Group 110-3540 W 41st Ave 604-261-5340 Southland’s Physiotherapy 3579 W 41st Ave 604-263-8110 Tessa Cherniavsky Massage Therapy Clinic 203A-3540 W 41st Ave 604-266-2757
Pets Alta Vista Animal Hospital 4543 Dunbar St 604-221-5858 altavistaanimalhospital.ca
Bosley’s Pet Food 3502 W 41st Ave 604-266-2667 bosleys.com
Artistic Styling Salon for Pets 4188 Dunbar St 604-739-6822
K & K Pet Foods 4595 Dunbar St 604-224-2513
Pets Beautiful 5620 Dunbar St 604-261-5310 petsbeautiful.com
Specialty Services Buntain Insurance
(ad p. 7) 4295 Dunbar St 604-736-8855 buntaininsurance.com Digital Photo Station 4485 Dunbar St 604-222-3513 Feature Projects 5733 Collingwood St 604-220-8907 featureprojects.com
Johnston Meier Insurance 120-3479 Dunbar St 604-736-3831 jmins.com
Phone Guru 4339 Dunbar St 604-225-0571 www.phoneguru.ca
Martin Bros Funeral Services 3398 Dunbar St 778-330-7799 mbfunerals.com
Sage Construction (ad p. 7) 3349 Dunbar St 604-569-2692 sageconstruction.ca
Natural Balance Premium Home Builders 3288 Dunbar St 778-330-7607 naturalbalancehomes.com
Visual Space Gallery 3352 Dunbar St 604-559-0576 visualspace.ca
COMMUNITY Andrew Wilkinson MLA (ad p. 23) 5640 Dunbar St 604-664-0748 andrewwilkinsonmla.ca
Dunbar Community Centre 4747 Dunbar St 604-222-6060 dunbarcentre.ca Dunbar Community Garden dunbarand39thgarden.com Dunbar Community Patrol 604-222-9824 dunbar-vancouver.org
Dunbar Earthquake & Emergency Preparedness dunbaremergency.ca
Dunbar Theatre 4555 Dunbar St 604-222-2991
Dunbar Little League dunbarbaseball.ca
Dunbar Village Business Association
Dunbar Public Library 4515 Dunbar St 604-665-3968 vpl.vancouver.bc.ca
Pacific Spirit Park Society pacificspiritparksociety.org
Dunbar Residents’ Association
(ad p. 34-35) 604-222-9824 dunbar-vancouver.org
April 15 - June 15, 2019
(ads p. 6, 44) dunbarvillage.ca
Southlands Heritage Farm 6767 Balaclava St 604-261-1295 southlandsfarms.com
Businesses Without Storefront in Dunbar Ace Education Group (ad p. 10) 202-2445 W 41st Ave 604-634-1361 aceducationgroup.com
Brick Development
(ad p. 17) 778-323-1502 highergroundgardens.com
JB McDermotts (ad p. 16) 8162 Ontario St 604-261-9212 jbmcdermotts.ca
(ad p. 10) 604-908-3800
Carousel Theatre
Kirkland Heating & Cooling
(ad p. 11) 604-669-3410 carouselthreatre.ca
(ad p. 29) 112 W 2nd Ave 604-261-2525 kirklandmetalshop.com
Dunbar Painting
(ad p. 15) 604-788-3382 dunbarpainting.com
Molly Maid, Meg Roberts (ad p. 18) 604-734-7260 mollymaid.ca
Dunbar Plumbing (ad p. 23) 604-312-2686 dunbarplumbing.ca
Ember Indian Kitchen (ad p. 46-47) 135-6160 London Rd (Steveston) Richmond 604-370-4485 emberikitchen.com
Higher Ground Gardens
Reid Brothers Plumbing & Heating
RE/MAX Select Properties Helen Gao (ad p. 19) 604-726-9133 helengao.com
RE/MAX Select Realty Karel Palla
(ad p. 32) 604-329-1430 vancouversbestlistings.com
Sandra Steier Photography
(ad p. 30) 778-839-8355 sandrasteier.com
ZLC Financial Michael A. Healey (ad p. 18) 604-688-7208 zlc.net
(ad p. 19) 1636 W 75th Ave 604-263-0323 reidbrothers.ca
Dunbar Village Business Association (DVBA) proudly supports
Salmonberry Days Fair Come and visit the DVBA booth
Sunday, May 26th from 11am-3pm
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Apr 19
Good Friday
Apr 21 Apr 22 Apr 27
Easter Sunday Earth Day Knox United Church Thrift Sale & Bazaar, 9am-2pm
May 2019 May 1-31 May 4 May 4 May 4 May 5 May 5 May 5
Salmonberry Days (p. 34-35) St George’s Spring Fair Dunbar Garden Club Plant Sale, 10am-noon Dunbar Lawn Bowling open house, 10am-2pm Dunbar Lawn Bowling opening day, 11:30am-3:30pm Stong’s Annual Plant Sale BMO Vancouver Marathon (see map below for road closures)
May 12 May 19
Mother’s Day Stong’s Little League Parade
May 20 May 20 May 21 May 25 May 25 May 25 May 26
Victoria Day Farm Family Day at Southlands Heritage Farm Advertising deadline for Dunbar Life summer issue (p. 36) 12th Annual Blenheim Street Bazaar, 10am-2pm St. Philip’s Church Rummage Sale, 9am-noon (p. 10) Dunbar in Bloom Tours Salmonberry Days Fair, 11am-3pm, Dunbar Community Centre Park (p. 44)
April 2019
June 2019 June 12 June 15
Bard on the Beach through Sept 18 at Vanier Park Dunbar Life magazine comes out
June 16
Father’s Day
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April 15 - June 15, 2019
We invite you to experience ...
There is a hidden jewel to be found in Steveston where London and Dyke roads intersect and where Ember Indian Kitchen sits on waterfront property. The bright airy space features high ceilings adorned with black and white chandeliers and charcoal pendant lights, with copper accents all around creating an exotic ambience. Owner, Amin Sunderji points to the beams suspended from the ceiling and mentions the reclaimed wood comes from an old British Columbian barn. The theme for the Interior Design was crafted to be modern and on trend. “It was important that only the food would be the Indian touch in the restaurant,” says Amin. The location is exceptional
and tranquil in a unique waterfront dining setting. The corner restaurant seats 60 indoors and 35 on the outdoor patio. The wall to wall windows with two glass roll-up garage doors that open to patio seating facing the Fraser River and Shady Island; as you dine you may spot eagles and herons flying by. Behind the scenes, the spacious stainlesssteel kitchen is a chef’s dream come true. Both naan and roti are made on site in the restaurant’s gas burning tandoor. Every menu item is made from scratch by the creative hands in the kitchen. The name “Ember” salutes the popular African Indian food that was grilled over burning charcoal leaving behind bits of glowing embers. Amin and his wife, Farida both born and raised in Uganda have shared authentic recipes that boasts tasteful Indian cuisine. Grilled meats take centre stage alongside crowd pleasing perennial favourites such as butter chicken and vegetable pakoras. Patrons explore African Indian food through appetizers and entrees including Zanzibar-style lentil fritters flavoured with onion and herbs, cassava fries, lamb/chicken/prawn biryani, lentil daal and cauliflower curry. Gluten-free and vegetarian selections are also offered.
April 15 - June 15, 2019
Butter Chicken
Kari Kebabs
The secret to the tasty cuisine starts with the freshest produce, meat and seafood purchased by local purveyors and then cooked to perfection. “Ember’s coconut curry chicken and masala halibut were a big part of my mother’s family dinners. At Ember, we fuse African and Indian cuisine using flames to ensure dishes burst with flavour. My wife Farida is in the kitchen working with the chefs to ensure the consistency of taste,” Amin says. Pair your meal with one of Ember’s Indian beers or cocktails and you are set for a memorable meal. They also offer a wellcurated selection of local and international wine, which marry well with the food. What is Amin’s favorite dish? Probably the Kari Kebabs, an appetizer that the Sunderji family continues to enjoy on a regular basis. “They are flavorful meatballs spiced with cumin, garlic, ginger, and cilantro,”
Vegetable Pakora
he explains. “Like most families, food and cooking food has always brought loved ones together around the table or around the kitchen,” says Amin. Our Samosas are also a family favorite that are lighter than usual and a must try as they can be ordered with beef, chicken or vegetable filling. In a place where you can try new things and know they will be delicious, Ember Indian Kitchen is open for lunch, dinner or snacks and drinks. “We continue to look forward to bringing people together the best way: through flavour!” Amin says. The charming husband and wife team have come out of early retirement to embark on this adventure; and they are enjoying every minute! Reservations recommended.
See you soon ...
TASTEFUL INDIAN CUISINE 135-6168 London Road, Richmond 604-370-4485 www.emberikitchen.com
Paid Advertorial
April 15 - June 15, 2019