A Guide to Local Shopping & Events
Dunbar Physio Touch of Beauty Spa & Skincare www.DunbarLife.com
February 15 - April 15, 2019
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Registered Massage Therapists 2
A Guide to Local Shopping and Events Inside 6
Message from DVBA President
Article: Dunbar Physio
20-21 Map 24-26
Article: Touch of Beauty Spa & Skincare
Dunbar Directory
Dunbar Village for the Holidays - photos
39 Calendar
Carolynne Palla Owner/Publisher
Sandra Steier Photographer/Stylist
On the cover Peter Curtain, owner of Dunbar Physio
Sarah Gordon Writer/Editor
Tara Orr Social Media
Dunbar Life is produced in partnership with the Dunbar Village Business Association to promote local shopping, dining, services and events. Dunbar borders are between W 16th Avenue in the north to W 41st Avenue in the south, and UBC Endowment Lands in the west to MacKenzie Street to the east. Go online to www.dunbarlife.com for a full and up-to-date directory and calendar.
email info@pallamedia.com
telephone 604-812-5658
No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form - print or electronic - without the written permission of the publisher. Photographs are copyright to Sandra Steier Photography and are available for purchase.
A Message from DVBA Mysha Dewar-McClelland, President of the Dunbar Village Business Association Happy New Year! It has been a mild winter (despite the dusting of snow we recently received), and it appears spring is arriving early with flowers already pushing through the soil. We extend a big thank you to Stong’s Market and Vancity for sponsoring the DVBA’s Dunbar Village for the Holidays on December 9. The festive event was a wet one, but still filled Dunbar with holiday cheer with horse and carriage rides, hot chocolate courtesy of Stong’s, music, carollers, a performance by Southlands Elementary choir, and Santa’s elves giving away holiday gifts! As usual, the DVBA collected donations for the Vancouver Food Bank and we thank Vancity for its participation weeks before this event. Thank you to everyone who visited the DVBA’s brand new website and voted for their favourite spring-themed street banner. We can’t wait to unveil the new banners just before Family Day! Speaking of Family Day, it has officially moved to the third Monday in February, now in line with other provinces. The days are getting longer which allows for more time to be spent outdoors. Public school students (teachers and parents too) are eagerly anticipating spring break that takes place the last two weeks of March. Spring officially begins on March 20. Easter is late this year, giving us another long weekend to look forward to beginning April 19.
In April, Memorial Park transforms into a beehive of activity with Little League baseball players beginning a new season. Many families enjoy the spring evenings and the renowned burgers and hot dogs cooked up at the concession stand, or they head to The Dunbar Public House to dine with friends postgame. Our Dunbar Life cover features a wellknown resident, Peter Curtain, owner of Dunbar Physio since 1992. Read about his team of physiotherapists and massage therapists and their methods of treating injuries and pain with the ultimate goal of returning clients to their normal function and activity level. We also feature Touch of Beauty Spa and Skincare. They are best known for their beautiful eyelash extensions, but also offer lash lifts and tinting, permanent makeup, a full range of skin care therapies and nail services. Dunbar is undergoing many exciting changes. The new development across from Dunbar Theatre is nearing completion and will be home to London Drugs and Highroads Medical Clinic along with residential apartments. Hob Too will be relocating to 3626 West Broadway (between Alma and Dunbar Streets) due to redevelopment; we hope you will continue to support this non-profit as all proceeds go to Vancouver Hospice. Remember The Cheshire Cheese Inn? There is a new owner and a new name; The Cheese Inn is now open! Enjoy the mild weather and the cherry blossoms that will soon bloom and remember to get out and support your local businesses.
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Start by locating the focal point of a room. It might be a fireplace, a piece of artwork, a feature wall or a window with a magnificent view. If the room doesn’t have a focal point, then create one. A boring fireplace can become transformed using reclaimed architecture mantles and moulding to produce a stunning effect. This creates structure in the room and is a visual queue for your furniture layout. Create an anchor point for your furniture by using a central coffee table or area rug for example. This helps define the area and will assist with traffic flow through the room.
The colour of a room is defined by quantity, texture, placement and lighting. Does your home need a facelift but you don’t know where to start? Did you jump in with both feet, only to find yourself sinking? You are not alone! Decorating can become an overwhelming chore, but despair not! You can remake this into an enjoyable experience where you get to define your surroundings by who you are and really make it your place. Don’t try to decorate everything at once, but do select certain design features and colours such as baseboard colour that will serve as a common feature throughout your whole home. By breaking your decorating into smaller tasks you will find yourself pulling out fewer hairs and your pocketbook will thank you as well. Properly decorating a room involves colours, textures, furnishings, lighting, space identification and traffic flow. Plan your decorating project from the start. Don’t leave something as crucial as window coverings as an afterthought. 8
If choosing colour for a room is confusing, try following the 60-30-10 rule. Plan for 60% to be a dominant neutral colour with 30% for a secondary colour, finishing it off with 10% vivid accent colour. If colour is your thing, then work outside of the box. This is where working with a colour consultant from your local Benjamin Moore Store can be invaluable, who can come to your home and guide you through the process, saving you valuable time and money. You will want to bring harmony to your colour choices by paying close attention to the undertones in flooring, woodwork and furnishing fabrics. If possible, design your lighting and have it installed before you paint. This will allow you to see how your colour choices will actually look. Also, keep in mind that walls aren’t just for painting. Wallpaper and fabric are back big time and with more selection than ever.
Effective window treatments can define the style of a room and accent a view. Modern blinds can offer more than a choice of open or closed, allowing solar shading, diffusion and redirection of light; giving the occupant true control over their interior environment. More control translates into more comfort. Allowing daylight in provides a natural, bright atmosphere which has proven health and psychological benefits.
“In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary” -Aaron Rose Layer your lighting, utilizing artificial ambient, task, accent, and natural daylight. Never try to illuminate a room with only one major light source. It can make your surroundings drab and uninteresting. Use accent lighting to reinforce the focal point of the room. Incorporate lighting into highlighting pictures and artwork. Modern LED lighting strips can be installed into book shelves and cabinets to fill in the dark areas of a room and create greater visual warmth. If choosing new flooring, consider using timeless options as a trend-free solution that will serve you for years. Nothing beats real hardwood flooring. Stick to more classic materials such as maple, oak, mahogany and ash, and consider more natural mid-tone
colours that aren’t too bright or too dark. Ceramic tile flooring has definitely stood the test of time. Avoid complex shapes, patterns and colours as they can be hard to match. For carpeting chose solid neutral colours or use less expensive area rugs that can be changed out with minimal expense. Nothing can be more annoying and costly than trying to keep up with constantly changing fashion trends. Choose to modernize with new wall colours and by using accents such as pillows and decorations which are lower cost and easily changed. So there you have the basics of good design. Still having problems? Give one of us a call to assist you with your choices. With some professional guidance, you can avoid some of the design pitfalls that turn good intention into a lacklustre appearance. Now get out there and decorate! James Nelson studied design through the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada Syllabus. He coordinates the in-store Design Studio and Hunter Douglas Specifications and Sales. James is available for in-home colour design consults by appointment only. West Side Paint & Decorating 3354 Dunbar Street Vancouver BC V6S 2C1 Telephone 604-737-0962 benjaminmoore@telus.net
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Dunbar Physio:
Where it Doesn’t Have to Hurt Story by Sarah Gordon
Photos by Sandra Steier
Dunbar Physio is celebrating its 35th year in business. Peter Curtain is a physiotherapist and he is also the owner of Dunbar Physio. Peter began working at the clinic in 1989 after relocating to Vancouver from his native Australia. In 1992 he purchased the business and has enjoyed seeing the clinic transform and grow over the last 30 years. Dunbar Physio remains at its original location at West 41st Avenue between Dunbar and Collingwood Streets; it has undergone two extensive renovations over
the years. The first renovation took place in 2004, which saw the clinic double in size, and in 2012 an additional 1,000 square feet was added.
The number of staff has increased, and the services have expanded to include massage therapy and a second rehabilitation gym. Typical issues the clinic’s physiotherapists and massage therapists treat include joint injuries, neck and back pain, chronic pain issues, sports injuries and rehab, overuse injuries, strains and sprains, post-surgical rehabilitation, joint replacement, and geriatric issues including falls prevention. Curtain’s team works to alleviate symptoms and determine the cause of the client’s condition and remedy it. Their goal is to return clients to normal function and activity.
Clients include recreational and elite athletes, business professionals, manual labourers, computer programmers and avid gardeners. They range in age from 1 to 101 years of age.
“More and more, we are seeing clients well over 70 years old as people are keeping active later in life.” Peter Curtain Dunbar Physio’s top priorities are patient care and delivering a quality product. What makes Dunbar Physio stand out? The team of physiotherapists and massage therapists are very well educated and continuing education is a large part of the profession. Team members attend seminars and present back to the group. In addition, groups of therapists will share their knowledge at monthly meetings. Peter says, “We have been at it for a long time. We all really enjoy what we do and it shows in the results.”
He and his staff believe that all clients are special. From the moment you arrive at the front desk, where your experience begins, through to the treatment room, it is all about personal service.
Peter acknowledges the dedicated work of office manager Nancy Dorrington and the office’s three receptionists: Lori French, Afsoon Majdi and Fiaza Ahmed. He says, “They care about the patients and they play such an important role in interacting with them.” The therapist team includes Dikla Barer, Heather Baxter, Nick Britnell, Joe Brooker, Jonathan Coelho, Mary Sew, Anand Shetty, Marianna Silanteva and Renata Szado. The clinic is open long hours six days a week to accommodate the busy lives we all lead (Monday to Friday: 7:00am to 7:00pm and Saturday: 8:00am to 4:00pm). Dunbar Physio participates in many of Dunbar Village Business Association’s events. They always have a presence at the Harvest Festival. Peter says, “It’s an opportunity to meet and mingle and fly the clinic’s flag.” Giving back through sponsorships is important to Dunbar Physio. The clinic currently supports the “Just Giver 4 Parkinson’s Disease” Cycling Club, Vancouver Community Baseball, the UBC Triathlon Club and two Dunbar Physio soccer teams – the over 45s and the over 50s.
“People come in and we assess, diagnose and treat them. We resolve issues and help them,” he says. The highest form of recognition for Dunbar Physio is the constant stream of referrals they receive from satisfied, happy clients. Physicians, specialists, dentists and other healthcare professionals are also valued for their referrals. He sums up, “To hear feedback and receive recommendations based on the excellent therapy a client receives is just fantastic.” Dunbar Physio 205-3540 West 41st Avenue Vancouver BC V6N 3E6 604-266-3303 www.dunbarphysio.com
Peter lives in the neighbourhood and remarks, “It’s the best city in the world. You can see why Dunbar is such an attractive place to live with its proximity to Musqueam and Pacific Spirit Parks along with the nearby river and ocean. But my favourite thing about Dunbar has to be the people.” He leads an active lifestyle with his wife and two children. Tennis and surfski paddling (which he describes as “an advanced kayak”), and cycling are his favourite sporting pastimes. In addition, Peter sits on the Business Affairs Committee of the Physio Association of B.C. and the board of the Jericho Paddling Association. What is the greatest reward of Peter’s job? He does not hesitate when he replies, “It is simply helping people.” 14
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Dunbar Homeowners’ Hedge Trimming Specials Hedge Trimming √ Professional Shape & Trim √ Straight lines, smooth edges √ Debris Clean Up What other Dunbar homeowners are saying: “I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with my hedges. The work of your crew is much appreciated.” Patricia B., Dunbar 8-323-1502 77
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www.HigherGroundGardens.com 2015-02-02 Protecting Your Hedges from Summer Drought
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Changing weather & Impact of Hot Summers Have you noticed how many dead cedar hedges there are around town? The past two summers have been hot and dry. The lack of rain for months on end is taking its toll, most notably on cedars. Stressed out plants are turning brown, covered in cones, or are outright dead. The varieties Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’ (Emerald cedar) and ‘Pyramidalis’ (Pyramidal cedar) are particularly susceptible, likely because they are not native to our climate. Some properties have mega-hedges grown using ‘Thuja plicata’ (Western Red Cedar) that are still green. Western red cedar is a native plant. Other hedges such as boxwood, yew, English laurel, holly and more may be impacted in future years if our region gets more hot, dry summers. Taking a pro-active approach and ensuring your soil is kept moist (not wet) will help your plants to thrive. Watering During the Rainy Season If your hedge is showing signs of drought stress,
12:32 PM
your options are to replace the hedge with a different type of plant or to install an irrigation system that will consistently water the root zone. Soaker hoses set with a timer do a good job. If the roots are dry, you need to water for long periods until the water percolates through the entire root zone. I recommend doing this during the rainy season while water reservoirs are full, before watering restrictions come into effect. Set your sprinkler to run for two hours at a time. Use a water meter or shovel to see how deeply your watering has penetrated the root zone. Rain is Not Enough Rain showers are a deceptively shallow source of watering. A rainfall of 10-20 mm, which is a wet day, only equates to 1-2 cm of accumulated water. If all the water actually makes it into the root zone, 2 cm of percolation won’t provide adequate watering for your hedges. Take a proactive approach to protecting your hedges and get a healthy, green row of hedging plants in return.
Jessica Salvador is a Certified Landscape Horticulturist; Christian Kessner is a Certified Landscape Technician and together they are Co-Owners of Higher Ground Gardens, celebrating over 10 years of service in Dunbar. www.DunbarLife.com
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Touch of Beauty Spa & Skincare: Pampering Beauty Treatments Story by Sarah Gordon
Photos by Sandra Steier
Making clients feel prettier is a highlight of Elaine Wong’s job. As the owner of Touch of Beauty Spa & Skincare Elaine says, “It is common for clients to fall asleep during an eyelash extension process.” She takes this as a great compliment as it demonstrates how relaxed her clients feel.
Elaine opened her Dunbar Street spa in May 2013. She became a certified aesthetician in 2007 and worked at a few Vancouver spas before deciding to start her own business. She chose to open her spa in the neighbourhood where she grew up. She smiles and says, “I like the people in Dunbar. Everyone is very nice and supports local businesses.”
Elaine’s goal is to provide the very best experience for her clients. The cozy two room spa is painted in tranquil shades of blue and beige. One room is used for facials, lash extensions and waxing. The larger room has two tables, and is use primarily for lash extensions. Manicures and pedicures are conducted in the front of the shop. 24
Touch of Beauty Spa & Skincare’s most popular treatment is eyelash extensions, a trend that has been popular for a couple of years. The look can be very dramatic. Extensions are carefully applied to each of your natural lashes with a semi-permanent glue to hold them in place. They enhance your natural lashes, giving them both length and volume, with the added benefit of not having to put on mascara in the morning. With proper care, extensions can last five to six weeks. Elaine says, “Our natural set extensions are perfect for clients who want a lighter look. It looks like you are wearing high quality mascara. The glam set is a little fuller. It looks like nice mascara with a bit of eye shadow. The half volume set provides volume and a fluffier look. This option works well for people with fewer natural eyelashes. The full volume set is popular with people who are looking for a dramatic look, with a similar look to wearing false lashes.”
“Clients are always amazed at how pretty and natural their extensions look.” Elaine Wong An alternative to extensions is a new trend known as lash lifts or lash perming. It is ideal for clients who already have long natural lashes. It lifts, separates and gives lashes extra definition. The curl usually lasts from four to six weeks.
In addition, the spa offers semi permanent eyebrow and eyeliner tattoo. Elaine indicates, “It is great for people who do not want to fill in their brows or eyeliner everyday. There are two way of doing it. Microblading is a form of semi permanent tattoo that involve using tiny needles to make up a small blade to help deposit pigment under the skin. The other method involves using a tattoo gun.” Other spa services include a full range of skin care therapies with technologies such as Microdermabrasion and microcurrent to help slow down the signs of aging. Waxing, nail services as well as lash and brow tinting are also offered.
Touch of Beauty Spa & Skincare will soon be adding bridal makeup to its growing list of services. www.DunbarLife.com
Many customers live in the Dunbar neighbourhood; however, Elaine mentions clients also come from other areas of Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond and Tsawwassen. Their clientele spans a wide age range from teens to seniors. What makes Touch of Beauty Spa & Skincare special? Elaine believes it comes down to the relaxing atmosphere and the welcoming staff made up of three lash technicians and two aestheticians. Consistent glowing customer reviews comment on the exceptional customer service, quality treatments and Elaine’s big smile and kind nature.
This hard working business owner is devoted to her shop. She says, “ I would say I am a workaholic. Everything I do is more or less related to work.” Elaine concludes, “It is rewarding to see the growth in the business. It is very fulfilling to see big smiles on customers’ faces after a service, accompanied by the excitement to book their next appointment.” Touch of Beauty Spa & Skincare 3291 Dunbar Street, Vancouver BC V6S 2B8 Telephone 604-221-0010 ww.touchofbeautyspa.ca
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Distribution is 11,000 copies All ads must be paid in full upon placement
Carolynne Palla Owner/Publisher PALLA MEDIA
info@pallamedia.com 11839 Dunford Rd Richmond BC V7E 3M6
www.dunbarlife.com www.DunbarLife.com
Cafes | Restaurants Bigsby The Bakehouse 4894 MacKenzie St 604-267-2253
Kuma Japanese 3446 Dunbar St 604-739-0170
Butter Baked Goods & Cafe 4907 MacKenzie St 604-221-4333 butterbakedgoods.com
La Notte Ristorante Italiano
Cantina Pana 3625 W 29th Ave 604-620-1425 Cosy Inn Cafe 4455 Dunbar St 604-224-3133 Crepe & Café 3500 W 41st Ave 604-566-9787 crepeandcafe.com Domino’s Pizza 3480 Dunbar St 604-733-0188 dominos.ca Dunbar Dairy Queen 3380 Dunbar St 604-733-2884 dairyqueen.com Dunbar Pizza & Grill 3348 Dunbar St 604-732-4999
(ad p. 18) 3307 Dunbar St 604-222-4033 lanotte.ca Mexicali 4424 Dunbar St 604-731-6517 mexicali.ca
Moki’s Pizza 5530 Dunbar St 604-263-4440 mokispizza.com Moon Sushi 4385 Dunbar St 604-221-7874 moonsushivancouver.com Q Coffee 5601 Dunbar St 604-261-8188 Riya’s Pizza 4464 Dunbar St 604-558-4466 riyaspizza.com
Dunbar Sushi 3626 W 16th Ave 604-568-5959
Simon’s Kitchen 4418 Dunbar St 604-734-1135 simonskitchen.ca
Kokopelli Cafe 4593 Dunbar St 604-228-0818 kokopellicafe.ca
Red Tuna Japanese 3592 W 41st Ave 604-266-7355
Starbucks Coffee 4467 Dunbar St 604-222-8069 starbucks.ca
Subway 4490 Dunbar St 604-263-4023 subway.ca Sushi Inn 4414 Dunbar St 604-739-3818 Sweet Somethings 4321 Dunbar St 604-842-0261
T.Cup 4495 Dunbar St 604-423-4495 New! The Cheese Inn 4585 Dunbar St 604-620-1951 The Dunbar Public House 4497 Dunbar St 604-222-9922 thedunbar.ca Tim Hortons 3463 Dunbar St 604-222-3130 timhortons.ca Wild Sushi 4288 Dunbar St 604-568-9668 wildsushi.ca
Grocery | Specialty Celtic Treasure Chest
(ad p. 11) 5639 Dunbar St 604-261-3688 celtictreasurechest.com www.DunbarLife.com
H Mart
(ad p. 3) 5557 Dunbar St 604-264-5950 hmart.ca
IHUA Bakery 3522 W 41st Ave 604-261-0189
FOOD | DRINK Grocery | Specialty ... con’t Mac’s Convenience Store 4470 Dunbar St 604-736-9528 mymacs.ca Save-On-Foods 3535 W 41st Ave 604-261-2423 saveonfoods.com
Stong’s Market (ad p. 5) 4221 Dunbar St 604-266-1401 stongs.com
Windsor Market 4889 MacKenzie St 604-638-2470 windsormeats.com
Weigh to Go Bulk Foods 3534 W 41st Ave 604-266-6206
Liquor BC Liquor Store 3453 Dunbar St 604-224-4412 bcliquorstores.com
All Nations Stamp & Coin 5630 Dunbar St 604-684-4613 allnationsstampandcoin.com
Blight’s Home Hardware (ad p. 7) 3322 Dunbar St 604-738-3312 blightshomehardware.com Carousel on Dunbar 4305 Dunbar St carouselondunbar.ca Cheap Skates 3644 W 16th Ave 604-222-1125 Christina’s Flower Shop 5615 Dunbar St 604-263-3011 christinaflowers.com Dragon & Phoenix 3510 W 41st Ave 604-261-1317 dragonandphoenix.ca Educational Book Supply 3548 W 41st Ave 604-677-8147
JAK’s Beer Wine Spirits 4474 Dunbar St 604-738-1299 jaks.com
New District 5650 Dunbar St 604-229-3663 newdistrict.ca
Enmark Jewellers Ltd 4315 Dunbar St 604-224-3513
Shell Canada 3596 W 41st Ave 604-263-9330
Gardenia Flowers 5636 Dunbar St 604-269-9234 gardeniaflowers.ca
Sher’s Stationery 2000 & Post Office 3552 W 41st Ave 604-261-2001
Germaine’s Antiques 4268 Dunbar St 604-306-8364
Shoppers Drug Mart & Post Office 4326 Dunbar St 604-732-8855 shoppersdrugmart.ca
Golden Rug Co. 3211 Dunbar St 604-224-3222 goldenrug.com Kerrisdale Equipment 4522 Dunbar St 604-224-3255 kerrisdaleequipment.com Lawrence Books 3591 W 41st Ave 604-261-3812
Southland Pharmacy 3554 W 41st Ave 604-266-2882 The Carrington Shoppe 3434 W 55th Ave 604-266-5725 thecarringtonshoppe.com
West Side Paint & Decorating
MacGillycuddy’s 4881 MacKenzie St 604-263-5313
(ad p. 7-9) 3354 Dunbar St 604-737-0962 benjaminmoore.com
Pure Integrative Pharmacy 3228 Dunbar St 604-732-3010 purepharmacy.com
YNP Dunbar Pharmacy 4198 Dunbar St 604-738-1788 www.DunbarLife.com
Beauty | Hair | Spa Blink Beauty Bar 3562 W 41st Ave 604-261-8144 blinkbeautybar.com
Great Clips 4484 Dunbar St 604-732-5123 greatclips.com
Pampered by Kadie 4260 Dunbar St 604-809-5395 pamperedbykadie.ca
Cabello Spa & Salon 3518 W 41st Ave 604-267-4247 cabellosalonspa.com
Hair Place Kiji’s 4311 Dunbar St 604-742-0299 kijishairsalon.com
Rose Nails & Spa 3383 Dunbar St 604-221-2200 rosenailsandspa.com
Care Well Esthetics 4311 Dunbar St 778-999-8908
Hair Zone 3378 Dunbar St 604-788-8233
Top Barber Cut 5631 Dunbar St 604-696-0581
Clippers Edge 4535 Dunbar St 604-224-0500
India Rose Makeup 4850 MacKenzie St 604-266-9774 indiarose.ca
Top Cut Barbers 4238 Dunbar St 604-739-0744
Duet Salon & Spa 3231 Dunbar St 604-222-8715 Dunbar Barbers 4264 Dunbar St 604-738-3165 dunbarbarbers.com George’s Hair Styling 4196 Dunbar St 604-738-4603
J’aime Les Cheveux 3591 W 26th Ave 604-714-1118 JD’s Barbershop 4345 Dunbar St 778-379-1829 jdsbarbershop.com MacKenzie Heights Barber 2891 W 33rd Ave 604-261-7611
Touch of Beauty
(article p. 24-26) 3291 Dunbar St 604-221-0010 touchofbeautyspa.ca VY Valentin Salon 4290 Dunbar St 604-732-3523 vyvalentinsalon.com
Churches Dunbar Evangelical Lutheran 3491 W 31st Ave 604-266-6818 dunbarlutheran.ca
Knox United Church 5600 Balaclava St 604-261-3747 knoxunitedvancouver.org
Dunbar Heights Baptist 3320 Crown St 604-224-1031 dhbc.ca
Marineview Chapel 4000 W 41st Ave 604-261-1444 marineview.org
Immaculate Conception 3778 W 28th Ave 604-224-5678 icvancouver.ca
Pacific Spirit United Church 3525 W 24th Ave 604-266-5377 pacificspirituc.com
St Philip’s Anglican Church (ad p. 15) 3737 W 27th Ave 604-224-3238 stphilipsdunbar.com
Dental Dr. Alex K H Chan 203-3540 W 41st Ave 604-266-2860 dralexkhchandentist.com www.DunbarLife.com
Dr. Kevin A.C. Phillips 4898 MacKenzie St 604-266-0421
Dentists on Dunbar 3335 Dunbar St 604-224-5611 dentistsondunbar.com 31
SERVICES Dental ... con’t Dr Benjamin Pliska 103-2786 W 16th Ave 604-732-6333 vwda.ca Dr. George Porteous 5-3615 W 19th Ave 604-224-3115
Dunbar Dental Centre (ad p. 11) 215-3540 W 41st Ave 604-261-2220 dunbardental.ca
Dunbar Family Dental
(ad p. 16) 4210 Dunbar St 604-733-1616 dunbarfamilydental.com Prodent Dental Lab 101-3540 W 41st Ave 604-263-3111
Technident 2000 Lab 100-3540 W 41st Ave 604-266-1121 Westside Orthodontics 3619 W 18th Ave 604-736-5705 westsidesmiles.ca
Southlands Dental Group 3579 W 41st Ave 604-266-6232
Dry Cleaning | Alterations | Shoe Repair Boulevard Cleaners 3594 W 41st Ave 604-261-0003 Busy Bee Cleaners 3556 W 41st Ave 604-263-2215 Dunbar 1 Hour Dry Cleaners 4479 Dunbar St 604-224-3818 dunbardrycleaners.ca
Dunbar Laundromat & Dry Cleaning 4410 Dunbar St 604-736-5808 Gold Star Shoe Rebuilders 3308 Dunbar St 604-734-7477 goldstarshoerebuilders.com
Mai’s Dry Cleaners 3336 Dunbar St 604-739-6638 Money’s Dry Cleaning 4389 Dunbar St 604-224-5112 Yim’s Alterations 3378 Dunbar St 604-737-8822
Education & Performing Arts - Private Creative Minds 5351 Camosun St 604-263-4711 Crofton House School 3200 W 41st Ave 604-263-3255 croftonhouse.ca Crown Preschool 3737 W 27th Ave 604-228-1316 crownpreschool.ca Crown Street Kids Club 3320 Crown St 604-760-4703 cskc.ca Curiosity Corner Preschool 3455 W King Edward 604-261-4434 curiositycornerpreschool.ca 32
Da Future Studio 3536 W 41st Ave 604-564-1267 dafture.ca Dunbar Memorial Preschool 4747 Dunbar St 604-222-6065 dunbarmemorialpreschool.ca Elite Montessori Academy 103-3641 W 29th 604-221-0242 elitemontessori.ca
Harmonious Music Studio
(ad p. 16) 3594 W 17th Ave 604-767-0136 harmoniousmusicstudio.com
Immaculate Conception School (ad p. 10) 3745 W 28th Ave 604-224-5012 icschoolvancouver.com New! Indigo Education 5737 Collingwood 778-680-5733 canadianindigo.com La Petite Ecole 4037 W 32nd Ave 604-619-7313 lapetiteecole.ca Little House Tutoring 4895 MacKenzie St 604-266-1023 littlehousetutoring.com www.DunbarLife.com
Education & Performing Arts - Private ... con’t Little People Preschool 5600 Balaclava St 604-261-2219 littlepeople.ca
Sprouts Academy 4000 W 41st Ave 604-454-8369 sproutsacademy.ca
Vancouver Child Study Centre 3525 W 24th Ave 604-222-1943 vancouverchildstudycentre.ca
Monkey See Monkey Do 3525 W 24th Ave 778-371-4659 monkeyseemonkeydo.ca
St George’s School Jr Boys: 3851 W 29th Ave Sr Boys: 4175 W 29th Ave 604-224-1304 stgeorges.bc.ca
Westgate Montessori School 3489 W 31st Ave 604-221-9300 westgatemontessori.com
Opus Academy 5635 Dunbar St 604-267-3749 opusacademy.com Reading Gate Academy 204-3540 W 41st Ave 604-261-8984 vanwest.readinggate.com
Tom Thumb Preschool (ad p. 22) 3737 W 27th Ave 604-222-2550 tomthumbpreschool.ca
Westside Kumon 3584 W 16th Ave 604-222-0182 kumon.ca
Education - Public Schools (Vancouver School District) Carnarvon Elementary 3400 Balaclava St 604-713-5396 crn.vsb.bc.ca
Kerrisdale Elementary 5555 Carnarvon St 604-713-5446 kerrisdale.vsb.bc.ca
Queen Elizabeth Annex 4275 Crown St 604-713-5482 queenelizabeth-anx.vsb.bc.ca
Jules Quesnel Elementary 3050 Crown St 604-713-4577 quesnel.vsb.bc.ca
Lord Byng High School 3939 W 16th Ave 604-713-8171 byng.vsb.bc.ca
Queen Elizabeth Elementary 4102 W 16th Ave 604-713-5408 queenelizabeth.vsb.bc.ca
Kerrisdale Annex Elementary 3250 W 43rd Ave 604-713-5488 kerrisdale-anx.vsb.bc.ca
Lord Kitchener Elementary 3455 W King Edward Ave 604-713-5454 kitchener.vsb.bc.ca
Southlands Elementary 5351 Camosun St 604-713-5414 go.vsb.bc.ca/southlands
Financial BMO Bank of Montreal 4395 Dunbar St 604-665-7093 bmo.com CIBC 4306 Dunbar St 604-665-7697 cibc.com
Donald A. Nybo, CPA (ad p. 16) 6-3615 W 19th Ave 604-228-1166
Edward Jones, Abbie Green
(ad p. 16) 3560 W 41st Ave 604-731-6117 edwardjones.ca/abbie-green H & R Block 4220 Dunbar St 604-713-1500 hrblock.ca
TD Canada Trust 4200 Dunbar St 604-654-6888 tdcanadatrust.com Vancity Credit Union 4445 Dunbar St 604-877-7000 vancity.com
RBC Royal Bank 4205 Dunbar St 604-665-5972 rbc.com 33
SERVICES Fitness & Sports 30 Minute Hit 3516 W 41st Ave 604-569-3233 30minutehit.com/kerrisdale Dunbar Lawn Bowling Club 3850 W 31st Ave 604-228-8428 dunbarlawnbowling.com Elements Academy of Martial Arts 4465 Dunbar St 604-568-3441 elementsacademy.com Prime Personal Training 3636 W 16th Ave 604-568-5220 primepersonaltraining.com
Pulse Cycling Studio 3630 W 16th Ave pulsecycling.ca Shamrock Equestrian Centre 3320 W 55th Ave 604-649-4586 Southlands Riding Club 7025 Macdonald St 604-263-4817 southlandsridingclub.com Town & Country Equestrian 3434 West 55st Ave 604-738-4483 townandcountryequestrian.com
The Dailey Method 3584 W 41st Ave 604-266-9191 thedaileymethod.com Third Eye Martial Arts 4256 Dunbar St 604-669-8707 temartialarts.com Trans4mation 4335 Dunbar St 604-338-9124 trans4mationhealthandwellness.com
Health | Medical Chaldecott Medical Clinic 4186 Dunbar St 604-739-9881 Dr. Brian Harris Inc. 211-3540 W 41st Ave 604-261-5015 Dr. Gorman, Chiropractor 202-3641 W 29th Ave 778-681-3445 drpatriciagorman.com Dunbar Eyecare Optometry 2-3554 W 41st Ave 604-263-8874 dunbareyecare.com
Dunbar Physio
Envision Counselling 202-3641 W 29th Ave 604-222-1120 envisioncounselling.ca
Life Chiropractic 4168 Dunbar St 604-742-0702 lifechiropractic.ca
FYidoctors - Dunbar 4292 Dunbar St 604-739-2022 fyidoctors.com
Life Labs 112-3540 W 41st Ave 604-264-9815 lifelabs.com
Gail Olive Masage Therapy 4-3615 W 19th Ave 604-224-5856
Massage Therapy on Dunbar
Healing Abundance Holistic Medicine 3593 W 26th Ave 778-997-4628
(article p. 12-14) 205-3540 W 41st Ave 604-266-3303 dunbarphysio.com
Hotz Consultants Ltd 208-3540 W 41st Ave 604-873-0013 hotzconsultants.com
Dunbar Psychological Services 216-3540 W 41st Ave 604-264-1777 dunbarpsychology.com
Image Optometry 4250 Dunbar St 604-293-3937 image.ca
(ad p. 2) 4192 Dunbar St 604-733-3376 massagetherapyondunbar.com Mark Finch & Associates 202-3641 W 29th Ave 604-222-9505 markfinch.ca
Health | Medical ... con’t Pacific Mountain Centre 101-3309 Dunbar St Carolyne Abrams 778-229-4532 lighthealing.ca Dr Sandra L. Clark 604-730-9988 drsandraclark.ca Beverley Kort 604-362-7847 iamlistening.ca Kathleen Wood 604-785-4015
Preventum 3210 Dunbar St 604-731-9866 preventum.ca
Alta Vista Animal Hospital 4543 Dunbar St 604-221-5858 altavistaanimalhospital.ca
Barktholomews Pet Edibles 4883 MacKenzie St 604-568-3600 barktholomews.ca
Artistic Styling Salon for Pets 4188 Dunbar St 604-739-6822
Bosley’s Pet Food 3502 W 41st Ave 604-266-2667 bosleys.com
Skinworks - Dermapure 3568 W 41st Ave 604-737-7100 dermapure.com Skinworks Plastic Surgery 3578 W 41st Ave 604-733-9711 skinworks.ca
Southland Medical Group 110-3540 W 41st Ave 604-261-5340
Southland’s Physiotherapy 3579 W 41st Ave 604-263-8110 Tessa Cherniavsky Massage Therapy Clinic 203A-3540 W 41st Ave 604-266-2757
Pets K & K Pet Foods 4595 Dunbar St 604-224-2513 Pets Beautiful 5620 Dunbar St 604-261-5310 petsbeautiful.com
Specialty Services Aedis Realty 2895 W 33rd Ave 604-688-8669 aedisrealty.com Browns Restaurant Group 207A-3540 W 41st Ave 604-630-0885 brownsrestaurantgroup.com
Buntain Insurance
(ad p. 2) 4295 Dunbar St 604-736-8855 buntaininsurance.com Designers Collective 2885 W 33rd Ave 604-786-3868 designerscollective.ca
Digital Photo Station 4485 Dunbar St 604-222-3513 Feature Projects 5733 Collingwood St 604-220-8907 featureprojects.com Johnston Meier Insurance 120-3479 Dunbar St 604-736-3831 jmins.com Martin Bros Funeral Services 3398 Dunbar St 778-330-7799 mbfunerals.com
Phone Guru 4339 Dunbar St 604-225-0571 www.phoneguru.ca
Sage Construction (ad p. 23) 3349 Dunbar St 604-569-2692 sageconstruction.ca Visual Space Gallery 3352 Dunbar St 604-559-0576 visualspace.ca
Natural Balance Premium Home Builders 3288 Dunbar St 778-330-7607 naturalbalancehomes.com 35
COMMUNITY Andrew Wilkinson MLA (ad p. 2) 5640 Dunbar St 604-664-0748 andrewwilkinsonmla.ca
Dunbar Community Centre 4747 Dunbar St 604-222-6060 dunbarcentre.ca Dunbar Community Garden dunbarand39thgarden.com Dunbar Community Patrol 604-222-9824 dunbar-vancouver.org
Dunbar Earthquake & Emergency Preparedness dunbaremergency.ca
Dunbar Theatre 4555 Dunbar St 604-222-2991
Dunbar Little League dunbarbaseball.ca
Dunbar Village Business Association
Dunbar Public Library 4515 Dunbar St 604-665-3968 vpl.vancouver.bc.ca
Pacific Spirit Park Society pacificspiritparksociety.org
Dunbar Residents’ Association 604-222-9824 dunbar-vancouver.org
(ads p. 6, 38) dunbarvillage.ca
Southlands Heritage Farm 6767 Balaclava St 604-261-1295 southlandsfarms.com
Businesses Without Storefront in Dunbar Ace Education Group (ad p. 11) 202-2445 W 41st Ave 604-634-1361 aceducationgroup.com
Dunbar Painting
(ad p. 19) 604-788-3382 dunbarpainting.com
Dunbar Plumbing (ad p. 23) 604-312-2686 dunbarplumbing.ca
Dunbar Terrace
(ad back cover) 3993 West 30th Ave 604-808-0334 dunbarterrace.com
Higher Ground Gardens
(ad p. 17) 778-323-1502 highergroundgardens.com
JB McDermotts (ad p. 15) 8162 Ontario St 604-261-9212 jbmcdermotts.ca
Kerrisdale Antiques Fair (ad p. 18) 5670 East Blvd 604-980-3159 21cpromotions.com
Kirkland Heating & Cooling
(ad p. 18) 112 W 2nd Ave 604-261-2525 kirklandmetalshop.com
Molly Maid, Meg Roberts (ad p. 27) 604-734-7260 mollymaid.ca
RE/MAX Select Realty Karel Palla & Darryl Sjerven (ad p. 27) 604-329-1430 vancouversbestlistings.com
Sandra Steier Photography
(ad p. 37) 778-839-8355 sandrasteier.com
ZLC Financial Michael A. Healey (ad p. 7) 604-688-7208 zlc.net
Reid Brothers Plumbing & Heating (ad p. 22) 1636 W 75th Ave 604-263-0323 reidbrothers.ca
RE/MAX Select Properties Helen Gao (ad p. 19) 604-726-9133 helengao.com
PROFESSIONAL HEADSHOTS Your face is your business and your brand. That’s why it’s important to have a professional headshot every two years. Office group rates available. In studio or on location. Contact Sandra Steier to book your new headshot.
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Thank you to Stong’s Market and Vancity for sponsoring the DVBA’s event Dunbar Village for the Holidays on Dec 9.
FEB 15
FEB 18
March 2019 MAR 10
MAR 17
MAY 18-30
MAR 20
MAR 21
MAR 30
EARTH HOUR 8:30-9:30PM
MAR 30
April 2019 APR 1
APR 6 & 7
APR 14
APR 19
APR 22
February 2019
N T E N E R R W O O NN W $
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