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As autumn approaches, cooler weather and rain are high on people’s wish lists. Drought and wildfires have ravaged our province, leaving British Columbians feeling deeply concerned about those who have been displaced, particularly those who have suffered significant losses, including their homes, possessions, animals, and livelihoods. Among us, there are new heroes who fill us with pride – the courageous firefighters who are diligently safeguarding everyone and doing their best to protect numerous properties.
The upcoming season is one many look forward to, with a return to routines, fall colours, crisp days and cool nights, Thanksgiving gatherings, and an abundance of pumpkins.
We strongly encourage readers to voice their opinions regarding the proposed development of Dunbar Theatre. A cherished landmark since 1935, the Dunbar is one of Vancouver’s few remaining neighbourhood theatres; its future is uncertain and unclear. Regrettably, this uncertainty also impacts other well-loved businesses in the same block, including Alta Vista Animal Hospital, Cake Bae, K&K Pet Foods, Heyni Education Centre, and The Cheese Inn. As you’ve likely noticed, the information on the sign is outdated, depicting a version of Dunbar Street that no longer exists. Stong’s and McDermott’s have not been across the street for years, and Subway, Dunbar Drycleaning, and Vancity have unfortunately vanished. These inaccuracies suggest a hasty and flawed process and underscore a complete disregard and lack of understanding for the community.
The DVBA and Ken Charko from Dunbar Theatre are asking you to visit www.saveyourcinema.ca and fill out Ken’s fast feedback form that will be sent directly to the city. The city accepted public comments in August at www.shapeyourcity.ca/4555-dunbar-st. If you haven’t had a chance, we encourage you to contact the city, make your own inquiries, and seek detailed information about the proposal, such as how much of the cinema’s space is being compromised in the development plan.
Lastly, it’s evident to everyone in the region
that over the past few years, the city has sanctioned new developments that have significantly reduced the number of small business storefronts along Dunbar Street. The gradual elimination of small businesses necessitates community action if we are to reverse this trend. The DVBA calls upon the community to engage with the city on this concerning issue and insist that all new developments include spaces for smaller storefronts.
On the cover of this edition is Kevin Falcon, Leader of the Official Opposition and MLA for Vancouver-Quilchena. He shares insights into how the BC United Party aims to tackle the pressing challenges facing British Columbia. He also discusses his belief in prioritizing family time, fostering unity, and the unique character of the Dunbar community.
We also spotlight five Dunbar businesses that cater to our beloved animal companions. Whether you’re seeking veterinary care, grooming services, or pet supplies, this community offers a range of options.
Several new businesses have sprung up in Dunbar. Snack Street at 3378 Dunbar Street is a snack and convenience store with an extensive selection of treats and candies from various countries. UBEcard at 4316 Dunbar Street is a haven for collectors and hobbyists, selling collector’s cards, memorabilia and purchasing collections. Dunbar Nails & Lashes has opened its doors at 4250 Dunbar Street, providing beauty, cosmetics, and personal care services. Heyni Education Centre, a Chinese language school, will commence operations at 4531 Dunbar Street on September 4.
We are excitedly anticipating the DVBA’s annual fall community event, Trick-or-Treat in Dunbar Village, scheduled for October 28th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. It promises a familyfriendly and non-frightening experience.
We eagerly await the sight of families in costumes, trick-or-treating at various Dunbar businesses.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to you for keeping the spirit of Dunbar alive and for your continued support of our local businesses.
Story by Sarah Gordon Photos submitted Dunbar Life recently spoke to Kevin Falcon, the Leader of the Official Opposition and Vancouver-Quilchena’s MLA. Kevin addresses how BC United plans to tackle pressing issues British Columbia is experiencing. He also shares his belief in making time for family, bringing people together, and what makes Dunbar a special community.
Kerrisdale Insider: Why did you leave politics?
Kevin Falcon: I left politics in 2013. After 12 years as an MLA and Minister at the Cabinet table, I had accomplished a great deal, but with the birth of my second daughter, I knew I needed to focus on family. It was the best decision I could have made at the time, and getting to spend time with both of my daughters in their formative years was incredibly inspirational and rewarding.
KI: Why would you like to be the next premier of British Columbia?
KF: I returned to politics in 2022, and I’m
putting my name forward to be the next premier of British Columbia for the same reason I left a decade ago, my daughters. Not just them but their entire generation needs to be able to see a great future for our province. There isn’t a lot of hope for a bright future amongst young folks right now. Most of them don’t see a future where they can afford a home or even access the same quality of healthcare that our generation had. I want to change all that and tackle the big problems facing our province.
KI: What advice can you offer young people?
KF: Get involved. Whether that’s politics, volunteering for a local non-profit, or even just attending community events, getting involved in society is the key to success, on top of also being great for happiness, creating friendships, and taking care of your mental health. Find something you can be passionate about and enjoy outside of work.
KI: Building on that question, how can you instill hope when there are so many challenges that other generations have not faced simultaneously, including the environment, inflation and climbing interest rates?
KF: That’s why I’m fighting to become the next premier of British Columbia. Governments at all levels, of all partisan stripes, have not set us up adequately to tackle these big issues. I want to focus on that big picture and take on both the long and short-term issues that have caused so many young people to feel hopeless or just check out from politics entirely. We need to put forward not just a positive vision for the future but a real plan to get there. I think when people start to see the ideas that BC United is going to be putting forward, especially on big issues like the housing affordability crisis, we can restore confidence in the idea that government really can get big things done. I have a proven track record as a Minister of doing just that.
KI: Housing prices and out-of-control rent are huge concerns. Parents are concerned about how their children are going to get ahead. What can be done?
KF: No matter which poll you look at or which community you visit, the issue of housing affordability, with rents and housing costs higher than ever here in B.C., is one of the top concerns throughout our province. Six years ago, the current NDP government promised more affordable housing and added a blizzard of new taxes onto housing. Today we’re facing the highest housing costs in North America. We also have the highest rents in Canada. Not good results.
When I left office in 2013, you could still buy a townhouse for under $400,000 in Surrey. Now you’re looking at more than a million. People want to afford a home that is close to transit and has an easy commute to work or school — those are the homes that we want to build. We should be flooding the zone with all kinds of new housing — condos, townhomes, apartments, market rentals, affordable rentals — along with building the infrastructure like transit, childcare, and schools that growing communities need and deserve.
We’ll be introducing a bold housing platform in the coming months because I know how to get things built, and that’s exactly what is needed to respond to this crisis. People are sick of empty promises that produce terrible results. Leadership with private sector experience is desperately needed in BC today.
KI: What other top issues would you address as premier?
KF: BC United (formerly BC Liberals) has put forward solutions to tackle both the healthcare and public safety crises facing our province right now, as well as a bold plan to address mental health and addictions. That plan, called Better is Possible, will heavily invest in treatment and recovery throughout the province and completely eliminate cost as a barrier to treatment. We’re going to make treatment free because everyone deserves the opportunity to receive timely and appropriate care. We also strongly oppose the NDP’s reckless decriminalization of drugs like heroin, cocaine, fentanyl and methamphetamine without any restrictions on open drug use in our parks, playgrounds and beaches.
KI: In 2001, you were elected MLA (SurreyCloverdale). What sparked your interest in politics?
I was proud to be elected in 2001 with Premier Campbell and become the youngest Cabinet Minister. I didn’t come from a political family, but I certainly had an interest in politics from a young age. When I was a kid, one of my best friends’ fathers took him and me to put up lawn signs during a federal election. We got to meet that Member of Parliament, who took the time to speak to me. That simple act of speaking to me helped ignite my interest in politics and government. It’s also why now, as an elected official myself, I always take the time to speak to kids in the hopes that I might have the same impact that I once experienced at that age.
KI: Where do you reside?
KF: I live on the North Shore with my wife, Jessica, and our two daughters, Josephine and Rose.
KI: Do you feel there are any issues specific to Vancouver-Quilchena?
KF: I’m proud to represent VancouverQuilchena; it’s truly a great community. I hear the same issues from my constituents that I hear from British Columbians in every corner of the province. People are concerned about public safety, rising costs of living, and the fact that our healthcare system is in crisis. The big issues in our province have become so large and widespread that it doesn’t matter where I travel to in my role as Leader of BC United, I am always hearing variations of the
same things plaguing every community.
As an MLA, I have responsibilities in Victoria when the Legislature is in session, and as the Leader of the Official Opposition, I have responsibilities throughout the province to connect with people in every corner of B.C. However, first and foremost, I have a duty to represent my constituents here in Vancouver-Quilchena. That means taking their concerns to Victoria as their local MLA and spending time in fantastic places like Dunbar to hear what’s on people’s minds and how I can help make this community a better place for all who call it home.
KI: What makes this community unique?
KF: Dunbar has a great sense of community that really brings folks together. People not from here have a vision of what Vancouver is, and I think places like Dunbar really surprise out-of-towners when they visit. It’s a really special place. On a personal note, as a real lover of the outdoors, the parks and trails throughout the Dunbar–Southlands area are a real treasure and part of what makes this place so special to me.
KI: How do you juggle family life with a busy career?
KF: I’ll tell you what I tell my staff, as well as every BC United MLA; always make time for family. Working in politics, it is easy to get caught up in the constant hustle and bustle and have a constantly full schedule of meetings, outreach, and community events, so I regularly remind my colleagues that family has to be a priority. I made the choice to leave politics and focus on family, and I never regretted it for a second. Only now that my daughters are older do I feel comfortable being back to the busy life that comes with politics. I make sure to spend as much time with them as I can because I know they’ll be off working or going to university and living their own busy lives in a blink of an eye, and this is time I have now to cherish with them.
KI: What is the greatest accomplishment of your political career?
KF: I’m especially proud of the projects I led as Minister of Transportation. As one of the longest-serving ministers in that portfolio, I oversaw billions in infrastructure that have forever changed the face of our province. The Canada Line and Evergreen Line SkyTrains, Sea to Sky Highway, the Kicking Horse Canyon project, the William R. Bennett Bridge, the South Fraser Perimeter Road, and the Port Mann Bridge, to name a few. Not to mention new hospitals in cities and towns throughout the province, like the Surrey Memorial Hospital and the Abbotsford Hospital and Cancer Centre. It is always a challenge getting projects done in BC, and I’m most proud of pushing them through, knowing they’ll benefit current and future generations.
KI: Was BC United just a name change?
KF: BC United wasn’t just a name change; it was a promise. A promise to British Columbians that a Kevin Falcon government is not only going to tackle the biggest issues facing our province, but we’re also going to bring people together. There is enough divisiveness and rancor in the world today, and I want to ensure we’re uniting people behind good public policy. Regardless of who they choose to love or what god, if any, they choose to pray to. I want to bring people back together and unite the divisions, be they rural versus urban or generational divides, that can be found throughout our province. It doesn’t mean we stop critiquing the current government because that’s our primary duty as an Official Opposition, but it will include offering a competing policy vision to ensure we get better results out of government.
KI: When do you expect the next provincial election will be called?
KF: David Eby has been very clear with British Columbians that the NDP won’t break the law and call another snap election like they did in 2020.
He has not only doubled down on that, he has tripled down. Time and time again, he has assured people that he will not be calling an early election. BC United will be ready for an election at any time, but I choose to take Premier Eby at his word on this one because for him to do otherwise would be such an indictment of his character and the commitments he’s made that I just don’t believe he would risk that.
KI: Is there anything you would like to add?
KF: I want to say thank you to everyone at Dunbar Life for this opportunity and for the work you do promoting local events and the various going-ons here in Dunbar. If people want to learn more about BC United, I would encourage them to follow our social channels.
Dogs are the easiest pets to spot in Dunbar, whether they are accompanying their owners on a walk, enjoying a trail adventure in Pacific Spirit Park, or peeking out from a car window. Feline family members are also plentiful, although they, in true independent cat style, are often manning the fort while sleeping curled up in a sunbeam.
Dunbar is fortunate to have many services to care for your fur babies. Whether it’s veterinary services, grooming or pet food and supplies you are looking for, this community is full of options.
Your pet’s health is of utmost concern, and Alta Vista Animal Hospital provides all the services they will need from their early to senior years.
Dr. Munjal has owned Alta Vista Animal Hospital since 2008. He attributes the success of his business to the neighbourhood. Many customers, who the clinic considers friends, live in the area and drop in to say hello to Dr. Munjal and his staff.
The full-service animal hospital and vet clinic provide standard services, such as vaccines, spays and neuter surgeries, specialized care, dental cleaning, and orthopedic surgeries. The clinic also offers daily and overnight pet boarding services, including holidays.
The staff are known for being friendly, reliable, and always available for their clients.
The clinic’s motto is, “Because they aren’t just pets, they are companions.”
K&K Pet Foods
Dunbar is conveniently located in the same block as Alta Vista Animal Hospital. Following a veterinary appointment, it is common for dogs to pull their owners into the pet food store for a treat, and K&K’s staff is always happy to oblige.
Pablo Larrea-Molina and his wife, Karla Chinchilla, own the well-stocked shop.
Pablo is aware of how expensive many necessities have become and attempts to keep his pet food prices lower than other stores. He says, “We carry the best quality products at competitive prices.”
Various dry, wet, and raw pet foods from
popular holistic brands are available to help keep pets happy and healthy. In addition, the shop sells a wide range of healthy treats and freeze-dried meats you and your pets can feel good about.
It is easy to combine errands when you pop into Save-on-Foods and other businesses on West 41st Avenue. Across the street is where you will find Bosley’s by Pet Valu
The shelves contain pet food, treats, toys, and accessories for dogs, cats, fish, birds, rabbits, rodents, or reptiles. The staff will help you find the best nutrition and products for your pets, all at competitive prices.
food to comfy bedding, toys, pet crates, and grooming supplies, K&K takes care of your pets’ needs.
Your pet is welcome to accompany you in-store (they may give you strong hints about what they want you to buy)! A wide assortment of solution-based or holistic nutrition helps your pet thrive through every stage of life, including exclusive brands scientifically developed by their in-house nutritionists.
Pet owners have been turning to Pets Beautiful to groom their dogs and cats since the business opened in 1969. Owner Terry Chan purchased the company almost ten years ago.
“I started out like many pet owners. I tried to
give my dog a haircut.” Following a botched job, she had a new respect for groomers and searched for a job to learn this skill. After being professionally trained, she discovered she had a knack for cutting dogs’ and cats’ fur.
How often should your dog be groomed? Ideally, every eight to 10 weeks helps keep its coat in top condition.
What can your faithful friend expect at a grooming appointment? Before being bathed, they will receive a pre-clip. Then they will be dried, brushed out, receive a haircut, and have their nails and ears cleaned.
Artistic Styling Salon for Pets is a busy grooming service that is open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday only from 8:30am to 5:30pm.
A perk of supporting local pet services and shops, beyond keeping Dunbar vibrant and unique, is knowing that the owners will go the extra mile for you and your furry friends. You and your pets are valued, and that’s a win for everyone.
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Bells and Whistles
4497 Dunbar St
604-558-4770 bellsandwhistlesyvr.ca
Cake Bae 4593 Dunbar St 604-228-0051
Cheaty Food Bar 4495 Dunbar St 604-423-4495
Chicko Chicken 3336 Dunbar St
604-566-2988 chickochicken.ca
Cosy Inn Café 4455 Dunbar St 604-224-3133 cosyinncafe.com
Crepe & Café 3500 W 41st Ave 604-566-9787 crepeandcafe.com
Dairy Queen / Orange Julius 3380 Dunbar St 604-733-2884 dairyqueen.com
Domino’s Pizza 4298 Dunbar St 604-733-0188 dominos.ca
Dunbar Pizza & Grill 3348 Dunbar St 604-732-4999 dunbarpizzaindianfood.com
Kuma Japanese 3446 Dunbar St 604-739-0170
La Notte Ristorante Italiano 3307 Dunbar St 604-222-4033 lanotte.ca
Momo Sushi & Sake 3626 W 16th Ave 604-568-5959
Moon Sushi 4385 Dunbar St 604-221-7874 moonsushivancouver.com
Papa John’s Pizza
5636 Dunbar St 778-357-1511 papajohns.ca
Perchance Tea & Coffee 3363 Dunbar St 778-832-0187
Pink Elephant Cafe (ad p. 3)
5601 Dunbar St 604-566-3533 pinkelephantcafe.ca
Red Tuna Japanese 3592 W 41st Ave
Starbucks Coffee 4467 Dunbar St 604-222-8069
Sweet Somethings 4321 Dunbar St
The Cheese Inn 4585 Dunbar St 604-620-1951 cheeseinn.com
Tim Hortons 3463 Dunbar St 604-222-3130
Urban Thai Bistro (ad p. 3) 5607 Dunbar St 604-566-3903
Wild Sushi 4288 Dunbar St 604-568-9668
A & L Market 3522 W 41st Ave 604-261-0189
BC Liquor Store #102 3453 Dunbar St 604-224-4412
Celtic Treasure Chest 5639 Dunbar St 604-261-3688
Dunbar Mart 4479 Dunbar St 604-566-7775
H Mart 5557 Dunbar St 604-264-5950
New District Wine, Beer, Spirits (ad p. 7)
5650 Dunbar St
3535 W 41st Ave
New! Snack Street 3378 Dunbar St
Stong’s Market (ad p. 23) 4221 Dunbar St 604-266-1401
Yummy Market 3350 Dunbar St
Alma Home & Vintage
4315 Dunbar St
All Nations Stamp & Coin 5630 Dunbar St
Blight’s Home Hardware (ad p. 2)
3322 Dunbar St
3644 W 16th Ave
Christina’s Flower Shop 5615 Dunbar St
Dragon & Phoenix Designer Consignments
3510 W 41st Ave
Germaine’s Antiques
4268 Dunbar St
Golden Rug Company 3211 Dunbar St
La Canapa 3432 Dunbar St 604-222-2420
London Drugs 4588 Dunbar St 604-448-4888
Pure Integrative Pharmacy 3228 Dunbar St
Shell Canada 3596 W 41st Ave
Sher’s Stationery 2000 & Musqueam Post Office
3552 W 41st Ave 604-261-2001
Shoppers Drug Mart #288 & Post Office 4326 Dunbar St
Southland Pharmacy 3554 W 41st Ave 604-266-2882
Through the Garden Gate 4335 Dunbar St (back) 778-737-0052
Tokyo Beauty 4465 Dunbar St 604-674-9966
New! UBEcard 4335 Dunbar St 604-764-7882
Vape 12 4485 Dunbar St vape12.ca
West Side Paint & DecoratingBenjamin Moore (ad p. 2) 3354 Dunbar St 604-737-0962
YNP Dunbar Pharmacy & Dr. Scudmore’s
Rejuvenation Clinic 4198 Dunbar St
604-738-1788 Pharmacy
604-318-5461 Clinic
Angela T&Q Nail and Spa
3383 Dunbar St
Blink Beauty Bar 3562 W 41st Ave
604-261-8144 blinkbeautybar.com
Dunbar Barbershop
4264 Dunbar St 604-738-3165
New! Dunbar Nails & Lashes
4250 Dunbar St 604-717-8502
Dunbar Evangelical Lutheran
3491 W 31st Ave
Dunbar Heights Baptist 3320 Crown St
Immaculate Conception
3778 W 28th Ave
Dentists on Dunbar
3335 Dunbar St
Dunbar Smiles
5-3615 W 19th Ave
George’s Hair Styling 4196 Dunbar St 604-738-4603
J’aime les Cheveux 3591 W 26th Ave 604-714-1118
JD’s Barbershop 4345 Dunbar St 778-379-1829
Stylish Cut 3231 Dunbar St 604-732-5123
Top Cut Barber 4238 Dunbar St 604-739-0744
Knox United Church
5600 Balaclava St
Marineview Chapel 4000 W 41st Ave
Dunbar Dental Centre (ad p. 14)
215-3540 W 41st Ave
Dunbar Family Dental (ad p. 12)
4210 Dunbar St
Touch of Beauty Spa & Skincare
3231 Dunbar St
VY Valentin Salon 4290 Dunbar St 604-732-3523
Yanay’s Hair Place 4311 Dunbar St 604-742-0299
604-221-4311 Leng
St Philip’s Anglican Church
(ad p. 22)
3737 W 27th Ave
Southlands Dental Group
3579 W 41st Ave
Westside Orthodontics 3619 W 18th Ave
Boulevard Dry Cleaners
3594 W 41st Ave
Busy Bee Cleaners
3556 W 41st Ave
Gold Stop Shoes & Repair
3308 Dunbar St
Money’s Dry Cleaning
4389 Dunbar St 604-224-5112
Changna Dancing Academy
3636 W 16th Ave
Crofton House School
3200 W 41st Ave
604-263-3255 croftonhouse.ca
Crown Preschool
3737 W 27th Ave
Curiosity Corner Preschool
3455 W King Edward
Dunbar Art Studio
4305 Dunbar St
Dunbar Memorial Preschool
4747 Dunbar St
Elite Montessori Academy
101-3641 W 29th
Harmonious Music Studio (ad p. 12)
3594 W 17th Ave
New! Heyni 4531 Dunbar St
Hillhouse Education
110-3479 Dunbar St
604-428-6968 hillhouseeducation.com
Immaculate Conception School (ad p. 14)
3745 W 28th Ave
Indigo Education 5737 Collingwood
778-680-5733 canadaindigo.com
Kids for Tech Education
103-3540 W 41st Ave
La Petite Ecole
4037 W 32nd Ave
New Concept Education Centre
5739 Collingwood St
Opus Academy
5635 Dunbar St
Mrs Sam’s Tutoring
3536 W 41st Ave
Reading Gate Academy
204-3540 W 41st Ave
Sprouts Academy 4000 W 41st Ave
St George’s School
Jr Boys: 3851 W 29th Ave
Sr Boys: 4175 W 29th Ave
Tom Thumb Preschool
3737 W 27th Ave
Westgate Montessori School
3489 W 31st Ave
Westside Kumon
3584 W 16th Ave
BMO Bank of Montreal 4445 Dunbar St
604-665-7093 bmo.com
Donald A. Nybo, CPA (ad p. 22)
6-3615 W 19th Ave
Edward Jones 3560 W 41st Ave 604-731-6117
H & R Block 4292 Dunbar St 604-713-1500 hrblock.ca
RBC Royal Bank 4205 Dunbar St 604-665-5972 rbc.com
TD Canada Trust 4200 Dunbar St 604-654-6888
30 Minute Hit 3516 W 41st Ave
604-569-3233 30minutehit.com/kerrisdale
Dunbar Lawn Bowling Club 3850 W 31st Ave 604-228-8428 dunbarlawnbowling.com
Pacific Spirit Martial Arts 4747 Dunbar St
Third Eye Martial Arts 4256 Dunbar St 604-669-8707
Chaldecott Medical Clinic
4186 Dunbar St 604-739-9881 chaldecottclinic.ca
Dermapure Vancouver 3568 W 41st Ave
604-737-7100 dermapure.com
Dr. Gorman, Chiropractor
202-3641 W 29th Ave
778-938-4403 drpatriciagorman.com
Dr. J. Madhani Neurology
3368 Dunbar St
604-428-7178 drmneuro.com
Dunbar Eyecare Optometry
2-3554 W 41st Ave
Dunbar Physio
205-3540 W 41st Ave
Dunbar Psychological Services
216-3540 W 41st Ave
Envision Counselling
7-3615 W 19th Ave
FYidoctors - Dunbar
4508 Dunbar St
Healing Abundance Holistic Medicine
3593 W 26th Ave
Highroads Medical Clinic 4588 Dunbar St 604-423-2945
Life Integrative 4168 Dunbar St 604-742-0702
Life Labs
112-3540 W 41st Ave
Massage Therapy on Dunbar 4192 Dunbar St 604-733-3376
Mark Finch & Associates
202-3641 W 29th Ave
Pacific Mountain Centre
101-3309 Dunbar St
Preventum Personalized Health Care
3210 Dunbar St
Preventum Skin
3288 Dunbar St
Skin Vector
3393 Dunbar St
236-333-4208 skinvector.ca
Skinworks Plastic Surgery
3578 W 41st Ave
Southland’s Physiotherapy
3579 W 41st Ave
Tessa Cherniavsky Massage Therapy Clinic
203A-3540 W 41st Ave
Alta Vista Animal Hospital
4543 Dunbar St
Artistic Styling Salon for Pets
4188 Dunbar St
Bosley’s Pet Food
3502 W 41st Ave 604-266-2667 bosleys.com
K&K Petfoods
4595 Dunbar St
Pets Beautiful 5620 Dunbar St 604-261-5310 petsbeautiful.com
Buntain Insurance
(ad p. 23)
4295 Dunbar St
Dracco Pacific Realty
3398 Dunbar St
Feature Projects
5733 Collingwood St
Johnston Meier Insurance
120-3479 Dunbar St
Phone Guru
4339 Dunbar St
RE/MAX Real Estate Services
110-3450 W 41st Ave
Sage Construction (ad p. 12)
3349 Dunbar St
The CAO Law Corporation
1-4180 Dunbar St
The UPS Store 3271 Dunbar St
VisualSpace Gallery
3352 Dunbar St
Dunbar Community Centre
4747 Dunbar St
Dunbar Community Patrol
Dunbar Earthquake & Emergency Preparedness
Dunbar Little League dunbarbaseball.ca
Dunbar Public Library 4515 Dunbar St
Dunbar Residents’ Association
Dunbar Theatre (back cover)
4555 Dunbar St 604-222-2991
Dunbar Village Business Association (ads p. 6)
Kevin Falcon, MLA (ad p. 11, article p. 8-11)
5640 Dunbar St
Pacific Spirit Park Society
Southlands Heritage Farm
6767 Balaclava St
Vancouver Community Baseball
Butler Custom Carpentry (ad p. 21)
Butter Baked Goods & Cafe
4907 Mackenzie St
Clayton-Carroll Real Estate Team
RE/MAX Crest Realty (ad p. 14)
3215 MacDonald St
Delwin Construction (ad p. 14)
Expedia Cruises (ad p. 13)
5768 East Blvd
Little Kitchen Academy (ad p. 5)
3744 W 10th Ave
Quivertree Travel (ad p. 2)
Sandra Steier Photography & Pop Up Portraits (ads p. 21 & 22)
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