Melilas Monit or A st u den t -ow n ed m agazin e, all con t en t w r it t en an d edit ed by M elilas st u den t s.
Geogr aph y f ield t r ip
Sat u Im pian
Date :
14th December 2018
Issue No. 5
Geogr aph y f ield t r ip Last week, M1 went on a geography field trip on a boat and to a beach. On the trip, the children had a question sheet and had to answer certain questions such as: What wildlife can you see? And, what businesses are along the river bank (fishing, boat races...)? Meanwhile, at the beach, we were testing out the different currents by throwing a orange into the sea and seeing were it ended up. Whatever direction the orange ended up is which way the current was going.
St u den t s of t h e Week Ar t icle by : Eva an d Han iya All st u den t s of t h e w eek ar e aw ar ded a cer t if icat e f or bein g AM AZING, in t h e Fr iday assem bly!
Im por t an t Dat es Ter m 1.2
14t h Decem ber 2018 Celebration of Learning Reward Day
Open Day!!! It's what we've all been waiting for - the chance to show our parents our hard work: Open Day! This day was hosted on 7th December. Many of us still remember the bustling sounds of children dragging along their parents to their next classes, don't we? We all worked very hard to achieve good grades and give our best presentation to our parents. So parents, why don't you sit back and try to remember that time and take a moment to appreciate what your sons and daughters did to raise that smile on your face. Anyway, there was very exceptional Art/DT work around the room, and I'm sure we can all agree that the sketchbook covers were the best, can't we? Along with Art/DT, there was also some good writing about the book 'Holes' and 'The Highwayman' in English, 2 amazing performances of monologues from both M1S and M1N and finally, some really awesome descriptions and diagrams of the human body in Science! They also did awfully well in their tests for all classes, for results ranging from good 1Bs to incredible 3Bs. So children, appreciate what you've done and parents, congratulate your offspring for what they have achieved.
- Ayanangshu
Sat u Im pian (On e Dr eam ) I?m sure all of us are familiar with the term ?dream?. Many minor thoughts that appear in our minds. We all have a dream. One big dream. One dream that we will not give up whatever obstacles may hinder our journeys or whatever challenges may arise in the process. This is why Melilas students will be participating in major Shell-sponsored NXplorers training sessions in order to carry out our Satu Impian project. Melilas will be creating completely new ideas to solve global problems. This is an exciting topic, as we will be discussing worldwide solutions to issues that our planet may be currently facing; for instance, global warming. The cause of this project is to help promote environmentalism in local schools. We will be discussing this project throughout Term 2 and Term 3. Melilas students will be manufacturing completely new products in order to come up with solutions to help our planet through Satu Impian. We have already accomplished our two days of NXplorer training. This is to prepare us for 'out of the box' thinking and problem solving strategies. Satu Impian. One Dream. Yours can change the world.
You r Passpor t an d You With the holiday season just around the corner, many of us are preparing to travel. Most of us are excited too. However, (even if you won?t be traveling) there is something very important everyone needs to know about: your passport. Your passport is your ticket to new lands, cultures and experiences. However, it is also somebody with bad intention?s ticket to your personal information. This is why keeping track of your passport should be foremost in your mind when traveling. Also, you are not allowed to leave the country you are in without a passport. This is a problem if your passport has been stolen, and you are traveling. In conclusion, your passport is important to you even if you are not traveling, if you ever want to leave. Keep good care of it and it will take good care of you, allowing you to go to wondrous countries.
Edit or s: Raymond and Joel
Ph ot ogr aph er : Eva
St u den t of t h e w eek colu m n ist s: Haniya and Eva
Design M an ager : Haniya
Jou r n alist s: Aliza, Ellis, William and Ayanangshu
Cover Ph ot o an d Design : Mae