Melilas Monit or A st u den t -ow n ed m agazin e, all con t en t w r it t en an d edit ed by M elilas st u den t s.
Ch in ese New Year
M eet in g M en dar am
Han dball
Date: 8th February 2019
Issue No. 7
Han dball One of the most popular games played by M1 and M2 students is Handball. Originally created by JIS students, it has been passed down to Panaga School. After a while of giving up on the game, people have again found interest in playing it once more with all sorts of different rallies. Everyone enjoys it very much. Here are the rallies (some created by Melilas): -
Colour peace rally Peace rally Mountain rally Double touch rally Pull back rally Bus stop rally Normal rally Straight in rally
And there are many more...You can make a rally by calling any rally you think about as long as you can explain the changes to the rules and what you need to do differently in it. Here are the rules (in the normal rally): -
You are out if you touch the ball twice or it lands in your box twice (Double Touch). There are 4 boxes representing four different ranks (from lowest to highest): Slave, Knight, Queen and King. King decides everything and always serves unless some other rank is given permission by the King. Liners (when the ball bounces off a dividing line) mean redos. You can call "Indecent" if you are out and have been passed to by the King which makes you automatically back in and in the same square. You can be packaged to the back of the waiting line if you are intruding on the game. Enjoy playing!!! Varun & Ayan
M eet in g M en dar am Last Friday, Melilas paid a visit to Mendaram. While we were there, we had a fantastic opportunity to interact with Nursery and Pre-Nursery. This included performing a terrific jungle dance, creating a marvellous fish sculpture and gardening with Mendaram! The younger children were thrilled to spend time with us, and greatly enjoyed our company and the fun range of activities that were provided. We all set perfect examples as role models to the younger children, which shall continue in the future. We would like to give a huge thank you to all of the staff involved who helped us while we cooperated with Nursery and Pre-Nursery. And of course, most importantly, all of the Melilas and Mendaram students who participated in this spectacular event. We shall hopefully be visiting Mendaram again very soon. One final 'well done' to all students and staff involved. We truly enjoyed our visit!
Ch in ese New Year : w h at is it ? Chinese New Year (called Spring Festival in mainland China, owing to their many other lunar holidays) is a holiday in which friends and family come together to hang up decorations, have a reunion dinner, have fun with firecrackers and fireworks, and exchange gifts and red envelopes. While China may follow the Gregorian Calendar now, its holidays are still governed by its old lunar one. This means that the first day of Chinese New Year can change. The day it starts is governed by the day in which you see the new moon that appears between January 21st and February 20th . Chinese New Year is perhaps the most well known of all Chinese holidays, known all around the world. With its delicious food, and fun traditions, it?s no wonder so many people like it!
St u den t of t h e Week Ar t icle by: Eva, Han iya & Ar sh a Th is w eek 's St u den t of t h e Week is Aliza f or h er am azin g pr ogr ess in DE!
I m por t an t
Dat es Ter m 2
Pan aga Sch ool's 70t h An n iver sar y: Tuesday 19th March and Friday 22nd March
Edit or s: Raymond and Joel
Ph ot ogr aph er : Eva
St u den t of t h e Week colu m n ist s: Haniya and Eva
Design M an ager : Haniya
Jou r n alist s: Aliza, Varun, William and Ayanangshu
Cover Ph ot o an d Design : Mae