Panaga School Biweekly, Issue 132

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Panaga School Biweekly

Issue 132 17th February 2023

Panaga School Biweekly

Panaga School

IFM/4, BSPCompany Sdn Bhd, Seria, KB, 3534, Negara Brunei Darussalam

Phone: Teraja Office +673 3372139

Rampayoh Office +673 3372694

Principal: Cindy Bin Tahal Cindy-Rose.BinTahal@

Mendaram Deputy Principal Donna Bonham donnabonham@

Rampayoh Deputy Principal Claire Richmond clairerichmond@

Teraja Deputy Principal: Mandy Russell amandarussell@

Melilas Deputy Principal: Robert Unsworth robertunsworth@

Business Service Lead: CylaAhmad cylaahmad@

Panaga School Biweekly

Editors: Hannah Zakaria & Donovan Dolamit publications@

DearPanagaSchoolCommunity, Asthisweekdrawstoaclose,wewouldliketoextend our thanks to all students, staff and parents who have so openly and willingly participated in our school’s learning review. At the end of the process, in conversation with the review team, teachers and school leaders were provided with overall positive comments about findings, along with useful feedback toreflectuponforimprovements.Thefinalreportfrom this review is due in the next few weeks. Parents will beprovidedwithasummaryofthefullreport.

This week, we have celebrated Brunei National Day right across all school sites. Our local community provided wonderful, age appropriate celebrations and learning focused assemblies.You will find photos and stories inside this edition of Panaga School Biweekly of our National Day and other community and classroomlearningcelebrations.

Wishingeverybodyasafeandrestfulweeknextweek. We look forward to seeing everybody again at school’sreturnonthe27thFebruary.

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023


Term 2 - 2023

SchoolAcademic Calendar 2022-2023

SchoolAcademic Calendar 2023-2024

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023 Whole School Mendaram Rampayoh Teraja Melilas
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 20th Feb 21st Feb 22nd Feb 23rd Feb 24th Feb Term Break 27th Feb 28th Feb 1st Mar 2nd Mar 3rd Mar Panaga Dental talk to Friends of Mendaram 6th Mar 7th Mar 8th Mar 9th Mar 10th Mar Speech and Language parent workshop Rampayoh Sports Day U13 Football @ ISB 13th Mar 14th Mar 15th Mar 16th Mar 17th Mar PTC's Early Years U13 Netball @ JIS BJSL Football @ ISB World Maths Day

Thank you to all of our amazing local staff who came together to create 3 age appropriate assemblies for all students in Panaga School to celebrate the 39th Brunei National Day. The following pagesdemonstratethewonderfulvarietyoflearningcelebrationsthat took place this week. We wish everybody a very happy Brunei National Day for the 23rd of February and congratulate our local communityforthisachievement.

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023

Thank you to our amazing LSAs across Mendaram and Rampayoh who came together to organise this wonderful event for all of the Early Years children, celebrating the 39th Brunei National Day. We started with a traditional Bruneian dance, then moved to the Nursery garden where the children enjoyed T-shirt decorating, fan making, a bean bag target game, hand painting and the big finale was a tug of war between teachers and children!

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023
Issue 132 | 17th February 2023

Rampayoh students began their Brunei National Day assembly with a patriotic flag waving parade, before entering the hall to sing the BruneiNationalAnthemandlearnmore.

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023

Teraja and Melilas learnt about local language, dance and games during an action packed, colourful and energetic assembly. To begin our Brunei National Day assembly, Jake presented a nunchaku display. Jake has learnt martial arts since he was 6 years old and was awarded a gold medal in an online Hong Kong based martial arts competition in December 2022. Martial arts is part of Brunei’s cultural heritage.

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023

P1 Visit Panaga Health Centre

As part of our IEYC learning unit ‘To the Rescue’ We have been learning all about real life superheroes. To find out more about these heroes we went on a coach trip to panaga Health Centre.

The first stop was the ER department where we found out about the different equipment the paramedics have and we even had a tour of the ambulance.

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023

After that, it was off to the dentist, where Dr Padma taught us about how to keep our teeth and gums healthy and strong.

Finally, Dr Purvesh showed us how to use a stethoscope and otoscope and of course, like all good Doctors we washed our hands thoroughly throughout the day!

Thank you Panaga Health Centre to having us. We had a great morning.

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023

Last term P3 raised money for the Penan tribe by hosting a talent show for parents. Ourtargetwas$480BNDbutweendedup raising a massive $744 BND thanks to the generous contributions from our P3 parents. This money was officially presented to Clare Stevens, the Helping HandsPenanCharityrepresentative,where she introduced us to the little boy we are now sponsoring. P3 were very excited to hear all about Ezra and the hobbies and interests he has. We all look forward to writing him letters and introducing ourselves.


Issue 132 | 17th February 2023

Let us introduce our Student Council!

We have been working hard over the past few weeks, discussing our role in school and our first major projectOperation Ocelot. We look forward to seeing you all at the events we will organise in the future.

Let me tell you about Operation Ocelot!

As you know I am an Ocelot. I live in the rainforest in Brazil, South America. My home however, is disappearing rapidly due to people cutting trees.

Operation Ocelot raises money to buy pieces of rainforest. They won’t allow trees to be cut on those pieces of forest, so that my family and I can live there in peace.


A safety assembly for P1 to P3 was held last Friday. We talked about keeping ourselves, friends and others safe and secure. Great reflection and integrity were on display on how to keep everyone safe. Linking with the language of the month, we also learnt the phrase ‘Jaga Diri!’ - which means Take Care in Bahasa Melayu. We thank parents for your cooperation in supporting to stay safe coming to school, in school, at home and everywhere. Together, with everybody’s support

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023 RAMPAYOH

Together we take care of each other!

Bersatu kita jaga kita!

Put on your seatbelt

Walk on Stay with an adult

On zebra crossings, get off from your bike

Put on your bike helmet

Hold the blade down Stop, Look, Listen before crossing

Board gamesASAwith Miss Duck and Miss Mia

In theASAI like to play UNO because it’s fun.

I like improving my winning and losing skillsI don’t even care if I lose!

Liam taught me to play the game of life today


I really enjoy playing games in this nice atmosphere and


The two great Mayan cities - Chichen Itza (P6K) and Copan (P6M) came together on the Pokotok field to battle for land, food and slaves. It was a fierce game between the two rival cities with victory won by Copan, sacrificing their best parent player. The P6 students enjoyed watching their parents learn new skills in learning how to play Pokotok, writing Mayan glyphs, arabic letters and creating Islamic patterns during our exit point, whilst sharing their CE900 learning.

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023 TERAJA


Itwasfunand theparents werereally ferocious-Ire

ItwasaGREAT endingtothe unitandfunto watchthe parentsplay Pok-a-tok!


Theywerevery competitive


The Exit Point was fun even though we lost the Pok-a-tok match. We did a quiz and showed our parents what we did. -Anusri

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023 TERAJA

Melilas 600 Tree Project

The roof is now on the tree nursery and it is ready for the arrival of the seeds! Last week we learnt about the different types of seeds we could find in and around the Panaga area. We collected seeds around school, Panaga Club and the beach.

We are all looking forward to planting them to see if they grow!

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023 MELILAS

Whipper Snapper Collections

Through the Whipper Snapper Collection initiative, over 200 individual pieces of plastic have been collected. Last week, a group of children for Panaga School and ISB Seria presented them to a team from IFM. They shared their concerns for the environment, such as the plastic finding its way into the water system and the ocean, as well as possible solutions, such as alternative tools for grass cutting. It was certainly food for thought for the IFM team!

Well done to everybody who has been helping to keep our community clean by picking these up.

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023 WHOLE SCHOOL

Thank you to all the parents who placed an order in the Term 2 Scholastic Book Club. School recienced over $150 worth of credit and it was spent on books for the Libraries on both sites. Be sure to look out for the next book club inTerm 3.

Issue 132 | 17th February 2023
Issue 132 | 17th February 2023

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