AUG/SEPT 2011• VOL.6• NO.4
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HAIR STYLIST & MAKE-UP Nazzareno Salvi - Estetica Emmanuelle Blanchard DIRECTOR OF SALES AND MARKETING TORONTO Earl Weiner ADVERTISING - SALES Frank Crisafi Enzo Tirelli COVER PHOTO Farhi Yavuz www.yavuzphoto.ca
Claudio Antonelli Me Pasquale Artuso Sonia Benedetto Anthony Calabrese Laura Casella Francesco Di Muro Claudia Ficca
CONTRIBUTORS Joey Franco Amanda Fuginiti Chiara Folini Laura Ghiandoni Anne-Marie Gregory Joanne Latimer Sabrina Marandola
WEB MANAGER Anthony Zara ART DIRECTOR Gabriel Riel-Salvatore Manon Massé GRAPHIC DESIGN Manon Massé PROOFREADING Marisa Pellegrino Carlotta Morteo
Romina Perrotti Giovanni Princigalli Marco Viglione Giulia Scianna Soeur Angèle
Art and Culture
Comments and opinions ................... 13 Publisher’s Note ................................ 14 Si all’eliminazione delle circoscrizioni estere............................. 15
Cover story Soeur Angèle’s Holy Cooking ........ 16-17
Life & People The letter ..................................... 18-19 Paesano Economics 101 ................... 20 I mangiatori di ‘Cicoria” ................... 21 Vegetable Gardening: Harvesting .. 22-23
Food and Travel Recettes: Dans la cuisine de Soeur Angèle ............................... 24-25 Recipes: Cooking fr Friends ........ 26-27 Wine: The Sicilian wine revival ..... 28-29 Travel: Enjoying “la dolce vita” at sea .................. 32-33
Lifestyle Living Italian Style ....................... 34-35 Summer Fashion: Russet Revolution......................... 36-37
Design: Celebrating wood and its inherent beauty .................... 43 Venice Biennale: Bridging the gap between the old and the new world of art ................. 44 La Biennale di Venezzia: À la recherche du “génie créatif italien” dans le monde ..................... 45 Teatro: Alla scoperta dei teatri delle Marche ...................... 46-47 Cinéma: Steven Campanelli Renowned Hollywood Cameraman .. 48 Music: Panoram Italia’s Picks ........... 49
Advice Pasquale Artuso & Associés: Usucapione ....................................... 50 5 ways to prevent a heart attack....... 51
Community & Events Canada’s Italian Landmark Madonna della difesa 100th anniversary ............................... 54 Grande Festa Alla Madonna Della Difesa................ 55 Events .......................................... 56-61 One more day ................................... 62 Graduates ................................ 64-66
Fashion Made in Italy ....................... 38 Jewels of Calabria: The art of goldsmith beween tradition and innovation ............................ 39-41
Sports F1: Jarno Trulli Exclusive ................... 68 F1: Jules Bianchi ................................69
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Comments from our readers
Send us your thoughts and stories. Envoyez-nous vos suggestions et commentaires. Inviateci i vostri commenti e suggerimenti. I adore you magazine and I love the website too. I wanted to tell you that my English and French girlfriends always borrow my copies as they enjoy the magazine as much as I do. They are not Italian but were brought up in Italian neighbourhoods, and ate at our houses so they enjoy the culture also. I work at the Bell and often bring the magazine to my office and leave it in the lounge, there is always someone reading it. I love that they do that. Keep up the good work, your stories are amazing and your pictures captivating. Sylvana Coletta I love your magazine because you do a wonderful job at presenting all kinds of topics, which makes it interesting to read for the young generation as well as for the older generation. Thank you for this magazine. Mary Maiorano Hello! First of all let me congratulate you for this wonderful magazine which keeps me connected to my Italian roots! Your stories bring tears to the eyes of my parents who can relate to them due to their similar experiences. Bravo! Auguri! Mary Viglione Dear Panoramitalia, I’ve been receiving your magazine for quite some time and to this day I still enjoy reading it. Congratulations on keeping the Italian culture alive in Canada. Manuela Del Dotto Buongiorno, ho scoperto la vostra rivista per puro caso. Mia moglie che è canadese l’ama moltissimo. Dice che è fatta molto bene (ed io sono perfettamente d’accordo con lei) e che gli dà l’occasione di conoscere meglio l’Italia. Lei è innamorata di Roma (la sola città italiana che ha conosciuto). Grazie Paolo Andretti
Hi Tony, I got to tell you that I’m very impressed by everything that has to do with Panoram Italia. Your publication is exceptional to say the least. I’ve also been on your website and I do think that it’s one of the best in the industry. I love your blogs, the recipes, etc... I’ve been a faithful follower of yours since I first laid my hands on one of your publications at my sister’s place in Montreal and you’ve come a long way since then. Your work reeks of excellence. You make all of us proud. It’s not all surprising to me that you’ve gained such wide notoriety for excellence. I read with great interest Mr. Parasuco’s story not only because he is a very successful person that makes a quality product but more importantly because our paths crossed many years ago. I’m sure that he does not remember but I do. Here’s the story. 32 years ago I began my new job as Advertising Manager with Hitachi Canada Ltd. A few months into my tenure with Hitachi I was contacted by a young woman who ran a very small ad agency and she told me that she needed a “boom box,” “ghetto blaster,” portable radio for a shoot she was doing for a magazine ad. She said that it was for a jeans company that wasn’t well known but Hitachi would get some exposure in a local magazine, the name of which escapes me now. I told her to come in and that I would arrange for her to borrow the radio. She came in a few days later and with her was a young man. I was shown the creative for the ad which consisted of a portable radio in the foreground with a couple of young people dancing. I took them into the showroom and they chose the radio for the photoshoot. The young man was very charming and what struck me was the fact that he was very self-assured. The young man’s name was Salvatore Parasuco. Joe Ragonese That’s when we “Santana Jeans” brought “breakdancing“ to Montreal! We met many good people in our 36 years of business. Best regards, Salvatore Parasuco
Publisher’s note
Subscribe and win a trip to Tuscany! Tony Zara
What an honour it’s been to witness the amount of graduate pictures flooding in since early June - we nearly doubled last year’s total! Such a feeling of pride takes over when one considers the level of education ItalianCanadians are attaining. We wish you all nothing but the best in all your future endeavours and hope you do your part in keeping your Italian heritage alive, promoting it and cultivating it whenever possible. We were also glad to see that most submissions were smoothly entered through our brand new website. Bear in mind that for subsequent issues, you will also be able to submit Newlyweds and Babies of the Year in the same way. ince June 1st, the usual free subscription to Panoram Italia magazine comes with a little asterisk. Due to rising costs within the industry, we’ve decided to charge a one-time $5 administration fee for subscriptions and changes of address. As always, readers can make the secure transaction online or with the form located on page 30. Rest assured this is not a subscription fee; you will not have to renew every year. Contrary to what occurred in Montreal, this system has been implemented in Toronto from the very first issue - with great success. Please understand that a mere $5 is an insignificant fraction of the cost involved in mailing the over 20 issues we’ve produced in the past five years. What’s more, by subscribing, confirming your subscription or updating your address online at www.panoramitalia.com, or sending in the subscription form included on page 9, you automatically enter our WIN A TRIP TO TUSCANY contest in collaboration with Transat Holidays and Slow Food Italia. A lucky winner and guest will get the unique opportunity to spend a week in Italy sampling all the finest foods and wines Tuscany has to offer! Not bad!
With a distribution of 50,000 in the Greater Montreal and Ottawa Areas and 100,000 in the Greater Toronto Area, Panoram Italia magazine provides a unique advertising vehicle for businesses catering to ItalianCanadians. Because our magazine lives solely through advertising, your support is imperative. No other publication enables you to reach almost every household of Italian origin based on verifiable circulation numbers. Our brand new, beautiful, comprehensive website, successful Facebook page (5,000+ fans to date), and newsletter (20,000+ recipients) also provide you with the means to reach a huge online audience. If you value our product and recognize its importance, please do your part in maintaining our existence, and please frequent the establishments that advertise with us. On the weekend of August 12-13-14, Panoram Italia will have its usual booth set up on Saint-Laurent in the heart of Little Italy. Like past years, you can come by to pick up a back issue, take a picture, subscribe, or just for a good ol’ chiacchierata. We look forward to seeing you all in great numbers! This month’s issue features the quirky Chef Soeur Angèle, a spotlight on the 100th Anniversary of Madonna Della Difesa and the Biennale di Venezia, fun summer recipes and wine recommendations, our ever-popular Living Italian Style section, and much more. Enjoy the read and send us your comments! A presto! v
Sì all’eliminazione delle circoscrizioni estere Filippo Salvatore
bolizione delle circoscrizioni estero, senato federale su base regionale, il Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri diventa Primo Ministro, sfiducia costruttiva, stipendi dei parlamenA tari basati sulla presenza in Aula: ecco alcuni principi veramente nuovi per l’Italia, ma prassi corrente nel sistema parlamentare canadese, contenuti nel disegno di legge sulle riforme costituzionali che il ministro per la Semplificazione Roberto Calderoli sta discutendo con i suoi colleghi e si appresta a presentare alle Camere il mese di luglio 2011. L’idea di fondo di queste proposte è di rafforzare il ruolo del Primo Ministro e di fare dell’Italia una repubblica federale. È una scelta che, come filosofia politica, mi trova d’accordo. L’Italia può benissimo diventare una repubblica federale piuttosto che unitaria. Era già nell’Ottocento uno dei possibili modelli di unificazione della penisola propugnato da Carlo Cattaneo. Poi le cose sono andate diversamente. É trionfata l’opzione monarchica e dopo il referendum del 1946 la Costituente ha riscritto la Carta Costituzionale in senso repubblicano e unitario, alla Giuseppe Mazzini. Dopo oltre 60 anni i limiti contenuti nella Costituzione italiana sono palesi a tutti.Occorre quindi metterla in sincronia con i cambiamenti avvenuti negli ultimi decenni nella società italiana. Uno dei principi riemersi è il sentimento di appartenenza e di specificità regionale. É un dato di fatto importante, ineliminabile, che ha profonde radici nella storia, nel fatto che per secoli la penisola italiana è rimasta divisa in diversi stati autonomi. Certo bisogna evitare il localismo e il campanilismo, ma non si può scartare facilmente il sentimento di appartenenza territoriale. Proprio questa è l’esigenza che la Lega Nord da decenni persegue. Se la Lega Nord smette di promuovere la secessione e vuole veramente rinnovare il funzionamento delle Stato italiano responsabilizzando le Regioni, ben vengano le innovazioni costituzionali del ministro Calderoli. Se delle critiche gli possono essere fatte è di non andare abbastanza lontano nella riduzione dei senatori (250). Il senato americano è formato da due rappresentanti per ogni Stato, indipendentemente dalla popolazione. E non si dica che gli USA non sono una democrazia. In Canada i senatori sono addirittura nominati dal Primo Ministro. Diversi sono quindi i modelli di funzionamento della democrazia. Quello che conta veramente è snellire l’esercizio del potere ed eliminare gli sprechi e gli enti inutili. Proprio questo è il limite delle proposte del ministro Roberto Calderoli. Non va abbastanza lontano ed a fondo nella eliminazione per esempio delle Province e di tanti altri enti amministrativi che incidono in modo massiccio sul costo della politica e garantiscono solo inaccettabili privilegi per quella che è stata definita ‘ la casta’. Dopo la finanziaria del ministro Tremonti che colpisce direttamente anche chi ha difficoltà a vivere decentemente, l’eliminazione dei privilegi, soprattutto degli eletti, è una necessità sentita profondamente e reclamata ad alta voce dal popolo italiano. Bene la riduzione dell’età, ma perché non limitare a due soli mandati (una normativa che già esiste per i sindaci) l’eligibilità dei parlamentari e dei senatori? Bisogna evitare di permettere agli eletti di diventare dei politici di professione e di vedere la politica come una forma di introito. Va inoltre cambiata al più presto la legge elettorale e renderla unica a tutti i livelli. Il doppio turno secco per il 75% ed il 25% dei seggi assegnati su base proporzionale mi sembra essere un modello che evita sia le storture dell’uninominale unico, sia l’ingovernabilità del semplice proporzionale.
Rimane una questione di fondo. Il governo di Silvio Berlusconi ha l’autorità morale per operare cambiamenti profondi ed il coraggio per eliminare i privilegi della casta su cui si basa per governare? Dopo le sconfitte alle elezioni municipali ed ai referenda il governo Berlusconi è in coma. Sopravvive per inerzia, ma è, a tutti gli effetti, moribondo. É questa l’immagine che si ha dell’Italia dall’estero. La stampa tedesca ha ritratto Silvio Berlusconi come un gondoliere che canta mentre il Paese va a rotoli; quella britannica presenta l’Italia come una realtà che è arrivata “on the edge”, sul precipizio. Quali sono le cause? Il debito pubblico enorme, la mancanza di crescita economica, il ritorno sempre più evidente alla povertà di una percentuale crescente della popolazione, la mancanza di pospettive d’avvenire per la gioventù, la difesa dei privilegi della ‘casta’, fanno sì che il Bel Paese, ancora tra le prime dieci economie del mondo, appare come una società immobile, incapace di rinnovarsi, in decadenza, inaffidabile e quindi ricattabile per mezzo della speculazione. È arrivato il tempo di tagliare gli sprechi, di abolire i privilegi, di responsabilizzare i politici e gli amministratori, di ridurre il debito pubblico che è una vera palla di piombo al piede. Gli attriti tra Silvio Berlusconi ed il ministro Giulio Tremonti non lasciano sperare bene. Migliore invece il comportamento dell’opposizione che sta agendo in modo responsabile dando adito agli appelli del Presidente Giorgio Napolitano che è rimasto, sopratttutto all’estero, il vero garante della affidabilità e della serietà dello Stato italiano. Tra le tante proposte di riforme Costituzionali del Ministro Roberto Calderoli quella che va accettata senza mezzi termini è l’eliminazione delle circoscrizioni elettorali Estero, un pastrocchio costituzionale basato sulla liceità della extraterritorialità del parlamento e del senato italiani. Il governo di Ottawa si è detto contrario all’idea di far eleggere sul suo territorio un parlamentare per un governo straniero con ragioni più che fondate. Plaudo quindi all’idea della eliminazione delle circoscrizioni estere e non la considero affatto una ‘ stupidaggine’, come l’ha definita il deputato Gino Bucchino, eletto grazie alla legge Tremaglia. Occorre però distinguere tra l’elezione degli eletti all’estero ed il diritto di voto dei cittadini italiani residenti all’estero. Questo è un diritto sacrosanto che va mantenuto. Ma va esercitato in modo responsabile. Sono sette le proposte di legge sul voto estero di cui si sta occupando la Commissione Affari Costituzionali del Senato. Sta emergendo l’esigenza, che condivido, che la platea elettorale non può essere quella degli iscritti all’AIRE ( Albo Italiani Residenti Estero). D’ora in poi dovrebbe poter votare solo chi viene a far parte della ‘lista degli elettori’, compilata in base all’espressa volontà di voler esercitare il diritto di voto. In parole semplici: solo chi si iscrive vota. È il cittadino che esige di poter votare e voterà per la circoscrizione di ultima residenza in Italia o per quella di origine per i cittadini italiani nati all’estero. Un lombardo voterà per i candidati al Senato o al Parlamento in Lombardia e così di seguito, regione per regione. Rimane da chiarire se il voto per corrispondenza garantisce la correttezza, la segretezza e la trasparenza. Ma queste sono questioni logistiche che verranno risolte. Va ricordato, per chi ha paura del voto estero, che nelle passate elezioni nazionali solo il 33-34% degli elettori ha votato. Agli ultimi referenda la percentuale è scesa addirittura a meno del 10%. Con le nuove norme la percentuale dei votanti è destinata a ridursi ancora di più e quindi il risultato elettorale del voto estero non inciderà in modo determinante sul risultato. E se lo farà, lo farà solo in piccole regioni come il Molise, l’Umbria o la Basilicata che in una Italia federale non hanno ragione di esistere. La fondazione Agnelli proponeva di ridurre il numero delle regioni da 20 a 12. Se il federalismo fiscale dovrà poter funzionare a me pare che l’Italia dovrebbe essere ridotta a soli 8 compartimenti di 5-8 milioni d’abitanti ognuna, ad eccezione della Sardegna. Ben vengano quindi le riforme costituzionali. Si eviti la contrapposizione demagogica e si pensi al bene della Patria ed allora l’Italia resterà uno dei modelli di democrazia a livello mondiale. v
Our Cover
By Sabrina Marandola
La divine cuisine de Sœur Angèle Elle est fougueuse, pimpante et vibrante, et c’est proba blement la religieuse la plus populaire du Québec. Cette sœur de 74 ans, chef vedette du petit écran, est mieux connue des québécois sous le nom de Sœur Angèle. Toutefois, peu de gens savent qu’Angèle s’appelle en fait Angiola Rizzardo et qu’elle est née à Cavaso Del Tomba dans la province de Trévise, au nord-est de l’Italie. «
e persone non sanno che sono italiana” dice Soeur Angèle . “Pensano che io sia quebecchese. La gente qui mi ha adottata. Sono diventata in fretta Suor Angèle dal Quebec”. Soeur Angèle è arrivata in Canada da sola per mare, quando aveva 16 anni. Dopo essere sbarcata ad Halifax, dove si è fatta conoscere come Angie, è venuta in Quebec ed è stata immediatamente battezzata Angèle. Da quel giorno a metà degli ’50 Angèle è diventata “Soeur Angèle”, quando è entrata a far parte dell’Institut Notre-Dame Du Bon-Conseil di Montreal. “Non so perché sono diventata suora” dice. “L’essere religiosi è una vocazione, e qualche volta veniamo scelti. Non siamo noi a scegliere. Quando la vita dice “sì” a qualcosa, dobbiamo solo proseguire in quella direzione”. Soeur Angèle è convinta che quella religiosa sia una vocazione che le calza a pennello, perché il suo più profondo senso di appagamento viene dal servire e dall’aiutare gli altri.
es gens ne savent pas que je suis italienne,» révèle Soeur Angèle. « Ils croient que je suis québécoise. Les gens d’ici m’ont littéralement adoptée et je suis rapidement devenue la Sœur Angèle du Québec.» Sœur Angèle est arrivée au Canada seule, par bateau, à l’âge de seize ans. Après avoir amarré à Halifax où on l’a surnommée Angie. Elle s’est ensuite établie au Québec où elle a été baptisée Angèle. Depuis le jour où elle s’est jointe à la congrégation Notre-Dame du Bon-Conseil de Montréal au milieu des années 50 on l’appelle Sœur Angèle. « Je ne sais pas exactement pourquoi je suis devenue religieuse, explique-t-elle. «C’est une vocation, et parfois, c’est elle qui vous choisit. On ne décide pas. Lorsque la vie dit «oui» à quelque chose, il faut simplement l’accepter et le vivre pleinement. » Sœur Angèle avoue que c’est une vocation qui lui sied bien, car aider les autres est son plus bel et profond accomplissement. «J’adore rendre service à autrui,» explique-t-elle. «Il faut croire à ce que l’on fait.» Sœur Angèle est religieuse depuis 54 ans, et elle a voyagé à travers le globe pour aider les plus démunis. Elle a même eu l’occasion de rencontrer le Pape en 2007, lorsqu’elle a célébré ses 50 ans de vie religieuse. « Il était si aimable, » relate Sœur Angèle à propos du Pape Benoît XVI. «Il portait un chapeau rouge sur la Place Saint-Pierre et je lui ai offert du sirop d’érable du Québec. Il m’a parlé pendant près de 10 minutes. Nous blaguions et rions beaucoup, au point où il a même oublié qu’il lui était défendu de me parler!» La personnalité invitante de Sœur Angèle a su charmer le Pape Benoît XVI tout autant que les milliers de québécois attirés vers leurs téléviseurs chaque semaine depuis maintenant 50 ans. Depuis son arrivée au Québec, sœur Angèle est devenue la vedette de nombreuses émissions de cuisine à la radio et à la télévision. « Ma toute première émission de radio était sur les ondes de Radio-Canada, » révèle-t-elle. Depuis, la religieuse a partagé ses recettes préférées sur les ondes de TVA, TQS, RadioCanada et Tele Italia. Sa prochaine émission, Pour le plaisir, diffusée sur Radio-Canada, ira à l’écran cet automne. «Je ne fais pas de la télévision pour moi,» explique-t-elle. «Je fais de la télé pour les gens qui m’accueillent dans leurs maisons. J’ai toujours cru que je leur transmettais un message. J’ai envie d’inspirer les gens, et il y a plusieurs dizaines d’années, ma présence à l’écran dans des émissions de cuisine a valorisé les femmes au foyer.» La passion de Sœur Angèle pour la cuisine a débuté petite fille à l’âge de 12 ans, lorsqu’elle vivait toujours en Italie. «Je travaillais dans des restaurants après l’école, » dit-elle. «J’ai toujours aimé la nature. J’adore les fleurs, les arbres et les fines herbes.
Continua a pagina 17, colonna 2
Suite à la page 17, colonne 3
Soeur Angèle’s Holy Cooking
La divina cucina di Soeur Angèle
She’s feisty, zesty, vibrant - and perhaps the most popular nun in the province. The 74-yearold Sister and TV-star chef is known and loved by Quebecers as Soeur Angèle. But what many people may not know is that Angèle is actually Angiola Rizzardo, born in Cavaso Del Tomba, in the province of Treviso in northern Italy.
È esuberante, creativa, vivace - ed è forse la suora più popolare della provincia. La sorella 74 enne, cuoca e star televisiva, è conosciuta e amata dai quebecchesi con il nome di Soeur Angèle. Ma quello che molte persone forse non sanno è che Angèle è in realtà Angiola Rizzardo, nata a Cavaso Del Tomba, in provincia di Treviso, nel Nord Italia.
eople do not know I am Italian,” Soeur Angèle says. “They think I am Quebecoise. People here just adopted me. I quickly became Soeur Angèle of Quebec.” Soeur Angèle came to Canada alone by boat, when she was 16 years old. After docking in Halifax, where she became known as Angie, she came to Quebec and was instantly baptized Angèle. Since that day in the mid 1950s, Angèle became “Soeur Angèle” when she joined L’Institut Notre-Dame Du Bon-Conseil de Montreal. “I don’t know why I became a nun,” she says. “Being religious is a vocation, and sometimes, it chooses us. We don’t choose it. When life says ‘Yes’ to something, we just have to go ahead with it.” Soeur Angèle says it’s a fitting vocation for her, because her deepest fulfillments come from serving and helping others. “I like to give myself to people,” she says. “You have to believe in what you do.” Soeur Angèle has
Continued on page 17, column 1
Our Cover been a nun for 54 years now, and has travelled all over the globe to help those less fortunate. She even got to meet the Pope in 2007, when she celebrated her 50th anniversary of religious life. “He was so nice,” Soeur Angèle recalls of Pope Benedict XVI. “He put on a red hat in Piazza San Pietro, and I presented him with maple syrup from Quebec. He talked to me for 10 minutes. We were joking and laughing - he forgot he wasn’t allowed to talk to me!” Soeur Angèle’s engaging personality drew in Pope Benedict XVI, and it’s also been attracting thousands of Quebecers to their television sets every week for five decades now. That’s because Soeur Angèle has been the star of cooking shows on radio and TV since she’s been living in Quebec. “My very first show was on radio, on Radio-Canada,” Soeur Angèle says. Since then, this nun has been sharing her favourite recipes on stations including, TVA, TQS, Radio-Canada and Tele Italia. Her next program will be RadioCanada’s Pour le Plaisir, starting next month. “I don’t do television for me,” she says. “I do TV for the people who receive me in their homes. I always thought I was passing on a message. I want to inspire people, and decades ago, my cooking in the kitchen on television also gave value to housewives.” Soeur Angèle’s passion for cooking began when she was just a little 12-year-old girl, growing up in Italy. “I worked in a restaurant after school,” she says. “I’ve always loved nature. I love flowers. I love trees. I love herbs. When I cook, I light up, I am creative, and I am a real Italian - I put flavour into it!” Soeur Angèle sees cooking as a way to not only get her own creative juices flowing, but as a way to easily make a connection with others. That’s why she says there is a definite link between being a nun, and being a chef. “We are all part of this big planet, and there are some things that cross all boundaries. Gastronomy has no boundaries. Love has no boundaries.” Besides appearing on cooking shows on television and radio, Soeur Angèle also worked as a professor at the culinary school called L’Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Quebec (ITHQ). (In fact, when Prince William and Kate visited the institute in Montreal this past summer, Soeur Angèle helped coordinate the maple syrup recipes.) Soeur Angèle is the author of several cookbooks as well. Her latest one, due to hit shelves this October, has her very excited: it’ll be Soeur Angèle’s very first Italian-language cookbook. “This project has been in the works for years,” she says. “It’s really to pay homage and to acknowledge all the Italians who endured hardship and immigrated here.” It’s entitled Profumi e Sapori del Paradiso (Smells and Flavours of Paradise), and Soeur Angèle says it’s only fitting that it will be released the same year as Italy’s 150 th anniversary of unification. “We lived through wars. I always said that during a war, one of three things can happen: you can die, become crazy, or come out of it stronger,” she says, adding that immigrants like her came out of it stronger. “We are all united... You have to be proud of your country, and I am proud to be Italian.” v Want to know what this holy chef’s favourite Italian dish is or hear her best life lessons? Check out our video interview with Soeur Angèle on our website: www.panoramitalia.com.
“Mi piace donarmi alle persone” dice. “Devi credere in quello che fai”. Soeur Angèle è suora ormai da 54 anni ed ha viaggiato in tutto il mondo andando in soccorso dei meno fortunati. È anche riuscita ad incontrare il Papa nel 2007, quando ha celebrato il 50o anniversario della sua vita religiosa. “È stato così cordiale” ricorda Soeur Angèle parlando di Papa Benedetto XVI. “Ha indossato un cappello rosso in Piazza San Pietro e io l’ho omaggiato con dello sciroppo d’acero dal Quebec. Mi ha parlato per dieci minuti. Abbiamo scherzato e riso - si è dimenticato che non gli era permesso parlare con me!”. La personalità dilagante di Soeur Angèle ha affascinato Papa Benedetto XVI, e lo stesso succede ogni settimana da ormai cinque decadi con migliaia di quebecchesi davanti ai loro televisori. Soeur Angèle è infatti una celebrità grazie ai programmi di cucina alla radio e in televisione a cui partecipa da quando vive in Quebec. “Il mio primo vero programma è stato su Radio Canada” racconta Soeur Angèle, che da allora condivide le sue ricette preferite su stazioni e canali che includono TVA, TQS, Radio-Canada e Tele Italia. Il suo nuovo programma sarà “Pour le Plaisir” a Radio-Canada e avrà inizio il prossimo mese. “Non faccio televisione per me” dice. “La faccio per le persone che mi accolgono nelle loro case. Ho sempre pensato che stavo trasmettendo un messaggio. Voglio ispirare la gente, e anni fa la mia presenza in televisione in qualità di cuoca è servita a valorizzare la figura della casalinga”. La passione di Soeur Angèle per la cucina è iniziata in Italia, quando era solo una bambina 12enne. “Lavoravo in un ristorante dopo la scuola” racconta. “Mi è sempre piaciuta la natura. Amo i fiori, gli alberi, le piante. Quando cucino mi illumino, sono creativa, si rivela in pieno la mia italianità e tutto questo dà sapore a quello che faccio!” Soeur Angèle considera l’arte culinaria non solo come un modo per liberare e diffondere la sua creatività ma anche come uno strumento per stabilire facilmente un legame con gli altri. Ecco perché afferma che esiste senza dubbio un punto di contatto tra l’essere suora e l’essere cuoca. “Siamo tutti parte di questo grande pianeta e ci sono alcune cose che oltrepassano ogni confine. La gastronomia non ha confini. L’amore non ha confini”. Oltre ad apparire in programmi di cucina in televisione e alla radio, Soeur Angèle ha anche lavorato come insegnante nella scuola di cucina Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie del Quebec (ITHQ). (Quando il Principe William e Kate hanno visitato l’Istituto a Montreal nell’estate appena trascorsa, Soeur Angèle ha aiutato nel coordinamento delle ricette a base di sciroppo d’acero). Soeur Angèle è anche autrice di numerosi libri di cucina. Il suo più recente lavoro, nelle librerie questo ottobre, la trova entusiasta: sarà il primo libro di cucina in italiano di Suor Angèle. “Questo progetto è in lavorazione da anni” dice. “Il suo intento è in realtà quello di rendere omaggio a tutti gli italiani che con grandi sacrifici sono immigrati qui”. Il libro si intitola Profumi e Sapori del Paradiso e, secondo Soeur Angèle, il fatto che venga pubblicato nello stesso anno del 150o anniversario dell’Unità d’Italia rappresenta una perfetta scelta di tempi. “Abbiamo vissuto in periodi di guerra. Ho sempre detto che nel corso di un conflitto può succedere una di queste tre cose: puoi morire, diventare pazzo o uscirne più forte” afferma, aggiungendo che per gli immigrati come lei è la terza possibilità quella che si è realizzata. “Siamo tutti uniti... Bisogna essere orgogliosi del proprio Paese e io lo sono di essere italiana”. v Testo tradotto da Giulia Scianna Curioso di sapere quale sia il piatto italiano preferito di questa “cuoca santa” o di ascoltare le sue migliori lezioni di vita? Guarda la video intervista con Suor Angèle sul nostro sito internet: www.panoramitalia.com.
Quand je cuisine, je m’illumine et je libère mon esprit créatif. Je suis une vraie italienne - j’aime apporter de la saveur aux choses!» Sœur Angèle perçoit la cuisine non seulement comme quelque chose qui lui permet de nourrir sa créativité, mais aussi comme un moyen d’entrer en contact avec les autres. C’est pourquoi elle explique qu’il existe un lien important entre le fait d’être religieuse et le fait d’être chef. «Nous faisons tous partie de cette belle grande planète qui compte tant de choses à partager. La gastronomie n’a pas de frontières. L’amour non plus n’a pas de frontières.» En plus de collaborer à des émissions de cuisine, Soeur Angèle a aussi enseigné à l’école culinaire de L’Institut de tourisme et d’hôtellerie du Québec (ITHQ). (Elle a entre autres participé à l’élaboration des recettes au sirop d’érable incluses au menu du couple royal William et Kate lors de leur récent passage au restaurant de l’Institut à Montréal). Soeur Angèle a aussi publié plusieurs livres de cuisine. Son dernier ouvrage, dont le lancement est prévu pour octobre, l’excite au plus haut point. Ce sera son tout premier livre de recettes en italien. «C’est un projet en branle depuis plusieurs années,» révèle-t-elle. «C’est pour rendre hommage à tous les italiens qui ont eu à faire des sacrifices en immigrant ici. » Il s’intitulera Profumi e Sapori del Paradiso (Senteurs et saveurs du Paradis), et Sœur Angèle trouve tout naturel qu’il soit publié l’année du 150e anniversaire de l’unification de l’Italie. « Nous avons vécu la guerre. Je dis toujours que pendant la guerre trois choses peuvent arriver : soit on meurt, soit on devient fou, soit on en sort grandi. » Et elle pense que les immigrants comme elle en sont résultés d’autant plus forts. « Nous sommes tous unis... Vous devez être fier de vos racines, et je suis fière d’être italienne. ». v Texte traduit par Gabriel Riel-Salvatore. Vous voulez savoir quel est le plat italien favori de notre chef bénie ou connaître ses meilleurs conseils pour vivre heureux? Visionnez notre vidéo avec Sœur Angèle sur notre site internet : www.panoramitalia.com.
“Gastronomy has no boundaries. Love has no boundaries.” - Soeur Angèle
Life & People
The Letter
By Tony Zara
The year was 1994. My wife Angela and I decided that the time had come to take our two boys, Adam and Anthony, then 8 and 6 years old, to Italy. After all, I was 8 years old when we immigrated to Canada. n 1962, my parents Adamo and Giulia, my little brother Peter and I boarded that great ship "The Vulcania" in the port of Naples and set off for our biggest adventure. Now, 32 years later, we organized this trip to Italy not only to get more of Italy (my wife and I had been back 3 times before this one but we never seem to get enough!) but also to introduce our children to their roots. This is THE trip. You know that trip that many of you made to retrace the steps of your youth. The trip where you showed your kids where you came from, where you were born, where you lived and played, and where you showed them what your front door actually looked like... This vacation exceeded all of our expectations. We had a wonderful time. We did all the things you would expect to do on such a trip. We visited with most of our extended family, we went from table to table… One evening, four weeks into our 6-week vacation, we ran into an old friend. We had spent a lot of time with him on our last trip to Italy. He was surprised to see us again and seemed disappointed that we had not let him know
sooner that we were in the country. He immediately invited us to a party he was throwing at his country place the following day. At the party, Angela and I were mingling and introducing ourselves to the other guests when suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder. This stranger got my attention, introduced himself and asked me if I was that little boy he had been best friends with over 3 decades earlier. I stared at him for a moment but, I confessed, did not remember him at all. He was astonished that I had forgotten. He then proceeded to recount specific details from my youth in Italy such as where I lived, the color of my bicycle, etc. to the point that I could no longer doubt him. For the remainder of our vacation, we spent most of our time with him and his family. After returning to Montreal, we kept in touch and we even went on a Carribean vacation together with our wives. I must confess though, that during all this time I still did not remember him as a child in Italy. In 1997, he gave me a call to let me know that he and his wife would be coming to Montreal to attend a wedding. They would be arriving at the airport very late but he would truly appreciate it if I could pick them up so that we could spend some time together, albeit not much, before going to his relative’s home. Of course, I was glad to oblige.
Naturally, Angela greeted them with a little "spuntino" even though it was 1 o’clock in the morning by the time we got back to my house. While we were enjoying a bite and a drink together, I got up from the table for a second. When I returned, there was and old AIR MAIL letter under my plate. Intrigued, I took it, examined it, and began to open it. Suddenly, an overwhelming rush of emotions came over me. This was no ordinary letter. As I read through it, I could not hold back the tears... I cried uncontrollably. I had written this letter to my best friend shortly after moving to Canada. Yes, my beloved old friend had kept it all these years and had proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that he had indeed been an important part of my life all those years ago. v Want to share a similar story? Scan and send us your old letters and they may be published. info@panoramitalia.com
Life & People
La Lettera
C o r r e va l ’ a n n o 1 9 9 4 . E r a a r r i va t o i l momento, per me e mia moglie Angela, di portare in Italia i nostri figli, Adam e Anthony, allora di 8 e 6 anni. Dopo tutto, io stesso avevo 8 anni quando sono emigrato in Canada. ro salpato nel 1962 dal porto di Napoli con i miei genitori, Adamo e Giulia e con il mio fratellino Peter, a bordo della gigantesca “Vulcania” verso la mia più grande avventura. A distanza di 32 anni, un viaggio in Italia non era solo una scusa per tornare (io e mia moglie eravamo ritornati già 3 volte, ma non sembra essere mai abbastanza), ma era anche l’occasione per avvicinare i nostri figli alle proprie origini. Quello era IL viaggio. Uno di quei viaggi che molti intraprendono per ripercorrere i momenti della propria gioventù. Quel viaggio in cui mostriamo ai nostri figli da dove proveniamo, dove siamo nati, dove abbiamo vissuto e giocato, e in cui mostriamo persino il nostro vecchio portone di casa... La vacanza è stata incredibile e ha superato ogni aspettativa. Abbiamo fatto tutto ciò che si può fare in un viaggio simile, visitare quasi tutti i nostri parenti, cenare con ciascuno di loro... Una sera, alla quarta delle nostre sei settimane di soggiorno, ho incontrato un vecchio amico. Avevamo trascorso con lui la maggior parte del nostro
ultimo viaggio in Italia. Sembrava sorpreso di rivederci e piuttosto risentito del fatto che non l’avessimo avvisato in tempo del nostro arrivo. Non ha di certo esitato ad invitarci alla festa nella sua casa di campagna il giorno successivo. Mentre io e Angela cercavamo di ambientarci e di fare conoscenza con gli altri ospiti della serata, ho sentito improvvisamente un colpetto sulla spalla. Incuriosito dalla mia presenza, quello sconosciuto si è presentato chiedendomi se fossi quel ragazzino che oltre trent’anni fa era il suo migliore amico. L’ho osservato per un istante, confessandogli di non ricordarmi di lui. Sorpreso dalla mia reazione, egli ha proseguito fornendomi dettagli precisi sulla mia infanzia in Italia, dove avevo vissuto, persino il colore della mia bicicletta, al punto da non poter dubitare delle sue parole. Abbiamo trascorso il resto della vacanza insieme a lui e alla sua famiglia. Una volta ritornati a Montreal, siamo rimasti in contatto e siamo anche andati in vacanza ai Caraibi con le nostre rispettive mogli, pur non ricordandomi ancora completamente di lui. Nel 1997, mi ha telefonato per dirmi che sarebbe venuto a Montreal con sua moglie per un matrimonio. Atterrati all’aeroporto con grande ritardo, non potevano che ringraziarmi per essermi reso disponibile a prenderli per passare del tempo insieme prima che raggiungere i loro parenti. Angela, come di consueto, li ha accolti con un piccolo “spuntino” nonostante, a causa del lungo tragitto, fosse ormai l’una di notte. Tra un boccone
e un bicchierino mi sono allontanato per un istante e al mio ritorno, c’era una lettera sotto il mio piatto. Incuriosito, l’ho presa, l’ho esaminata e ho iniziato ad aprirla. All’improvviso, un’onda di emozioni mi ha travolto. Mentre leggevo, non riuscivo a trattenere le lacrime... un pianto incontenibile! Avevo scritto questa lettera al mio miglior amico subito dopo essermi trasferito in Canada. Ebbene, il mio caro amico l’aveva conservata per tutti quegli anni provando senza ombra di dubbio di avere avuto davvero un ruolo importante nella mia vita. v
Avete una storia simile da raccontare? Inviateci una copia scannerizzata delle vostre vecchie lettere e pubblicheremo le migliori. info@panoramitalia.com
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Life & People
We’ve all heard the “You Know you are Italian When…” jokes. You know you are Italian when… • you have two kitchens. • you have plastic-covered furniture. • you have a living room and dining room you are not allowed to use. A wave of Italians immigrated to Canada after World War Two, many with just the clothes on their backs, and a few dollars in their pocket. Our parents and grandparents didn’t have MBAs or study economics, yet they managed to save up their earnings, and buy those two-kitchen homes filled with rooms we dare not enter, and sticky, squeaky plastic-covered furniture. oday, a family often has two bread-winners, and yet it still seems to be a struggle and giant stressor to pay those bills every month. So just how did our nonni and parents do it? Let’s explore Paesano Economics 101. Was there a commonality when it came to how Italian immigrants invested their money? “First-generation Italian immigrants accumulated wealth by saving, saving, saving and buying real estate,” says Alessandro Commodari, an investment advisor and partner at the Commodari Antinori Group of BMO Nesbitt Burns Ltd. “Typically, when they got to Montreal via Halifax, they would live with a relative (or with someone from their own paese) who had preceded them to Canada. Often, at this stage they rented accommodation. Once they had saved enough, they would make a down payment on a house – usually a duplex or triplex. They would live in one unit and rent out the others. This way, through rental income and continued saving, they would pay off the property.” Commodari says our parents also adopted the same philosophy when it came to managing money: “Frugality! Spend much less than you earn!” he says. Now, this philosophy is paying off – literally – for the next generation. “The new generation is reaping the rewards of their parents’ mentality,” Commodari says. “They have a great head-start. Often the parents have provided the seed money for the down payment for a home – often a very nice home. Furthermore, over the coming years, there will be a substantial transfer of wealth from parents to children.” But Commodari says the new generation cannot invest in the same manner their parents did. “They will have to follow a different investment approach,” he says. “It’s unlikely that an investment approach based on term deposits, GICs and real estate will yield the same success.” Let’s face it, savings accounts no longer yield the high interest rate returns they once did decades ago. But still Commodari says we can learn a few things from the Italian immigrants’ money philosophy. “Our parents’ money mentality often has timeless advice,” he says.v
Here is some timeless advice from parents and grandparents who came to Canada from Il Bel Paese:
By: Sabrina Marandola
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Paesano Economics 101
SAVE FOR A RAINY DAY Young people today max out their credit cards, and live off credit. Job security these days is not what it used to be. You can lose your job from one day to the next. Save money from each paycheque, and do not live beyond your means. (Antonietta Mignacca, 59) CASH IS KING Don't use credit cards and debit cards, and live solely on cash. Don't spend more than you make. Buy only things that you can afford, and put 10% of your paycheque in the bank for savings. (Antonio Fuoco, 60) PLAN FOR THE FUTURE Today's generation doesn't know how to save because there are too many temptations (vacations, cars, gadgets), so they forget to save for a rainy day. They think that they can put everything on their credit card and they'll just pay it later. They should save their money and invest it wisely. They should plan for their future, including retirement. (Maria Vaccaro, 56)
TRIM THE FAT 1. Eat out less, and make it a point to cook and eat at home more often. Besides, there is nothing better than a home-cooked meal. And that doesn't mean never going out to a restaurant, but do so in moderation. 2. Take advantage of the specials in the stores, using coupons and stocking up on stuff when it's on sale. 3. Be aware of electricity consumption: wash clothes at night, and have the dishwasher running at night. 4. Go to various stores to make sure that you're getting a good deal. For example, a shirt you like may cost less at another store. 5. Eat leftovers and do not immediately throw things in the garbage. 6. Have a fixed amount of money from every paycheque to set aside in a savings account, and that money must not be touched. (Filomena Di Tiello, 64) MAKE PRIORITIES It's all about priorities. When we were younger, the priority was a house or a car...big things. Cell phones and gadgets were not important to us, as they are to young people today. If we couldn't afford to go to a restaurant, we wouldn't go. We didn't go to every concert that came to town or buy the latest fashion craze. Think twice about the way you want to spend your money. You have to think about the future now, even though it might seem far away. (Gorizia Petrone, 64)
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Life & People
I mangiatori di “Cicoria”
Claudio Antonelli
Con la bella stagione, le nostre giornate tornano ad essere scandite dall’assordante ritmo dei tagliaerba dei vicini, impegnati nell’attività domestica per eccellenza: la tonsura del verde praticello. o staccato dei vigorosi motorini echeggia, specie nei giorni festivi, fin dalle prime ore del mattino introducendo spesso nei nostri sogni scene di sparatorie tra bande ed assalti al treno. E sarà per noi il risveglio forzato. Ma senza rancore: noi sappiamo che tagliando l’erba, il nostro vicino compie un rito per lui sacro, supporto di valori familiari ed eco lontana dei riti campestri di un’antica civiltà rurale, scomp a r s a p e r s e m p r e, c h e l o h a l a s c i a t o o r f a n o. Impugnando e pilotando il tosaerba, il nordamericano si consacra ad un ideale di vita: avere un tappeto erboso, verde nella tonalità giusta, folto, igienico, asettico, ossia immune da ogni gramigna, e per sempre sbarazzato dall’odiatissima cicoria selvatica dai fiori gialli, i tremendi “pissenlits” (“dandelions”), veri “fiori del male”. Un crudele proverbio recita: “L’erba del vicino è sempre più verde”. E il prato del vicino, immancabilmente, non è soltanto più verde, ma immune da ogni erbaccia. Un incubo ricorrente per molti: avere il proprio praticello deturpato da una colonia di indi struttibili “pissenlits”, alias la nostra cicoria. Ecco
quindi che un intero popolo si mobilita nell’immane lotta a questi fiori del male, ricorrendo alla tecnologia, alla chimica e ai loro strumenti di morte. L’industria della morte dei “pissenlits” raggiunge, in Québec, in Canada e in USA, cifre da capogiro, e mobilita, soprattutto il sabato e la domenica, quando noi cerchiamo di dormire, milioni di soldati in armi. Con la bella stagione riprende ugualmente un’attività all’aria aperta italiana per eccellenza: la raccolta della cicoria selvatica, nei parchi, nei campi, ai margini delle strade e dovunque essa cresca spontanea. Che gli italiani vadano ghiotti per la sana cicoria dei campi, ch’essi amano perché diuretica e dalle tante virtù, lo sanno ormai tutti. Ma le potenti emozioni provocate in chi, in questa terra, per la prima volta - anni ed anni orsono - osservò, allibito, un gruppetto di nostre donnette vestite di nero, dal rugoso volto contadino e dalle rapide dita, che, chine sul prato, asportavano con uno zac del coltello i “pissenlits”, sono rimaste nel fondo dell’anima di questa Nazione. Oggi, i “pissenlits” - salutari, ecologici, gratuiti sono stati riabilitati. Ma solo in parte e presso una cerchia ristretta di spiriti illuminati. Per la massa, invece, essi sono ancora anatema. Sicché la scena della raccolta della cicoria selvatica da parte degli italiani rischia ogni volta di suscitare, nei fanatici del prato all’inglese, quegli antichi brividi d’orrore. Infatti, così come il rito fa rivivere l’avvenimento mitico, la raccolta della cicoria selvatica può far rinascere, ogni volta, l’inorridita stupefazione provata quella lontana “prima volta”.
Solo un regista come Bergman avrebbe potuto rendere la drammatica scena. Era una giornata di primavera. In un luogo non precisato di questo gigantesco paese, testimoni allibiti videro una o forse due o tre donnette vestite di nero che, arrampicatesi come capre su di un dosso erboso, curve, e con le schiene da streghe di Benevento stagliate contro un cielo livido, compivano uno strano, inspiegabile rito: la raccolta dei “pissenlits”, orribile a dirsi, per scopi mangerecci. Questa scena ebbe sulla popolazione un impatto devastante. Da allora, quali ignominiosi mangiatori non solo d’aglio ma addirittura di “pissenlits”, noi non siamo più visti come i discendenti - degni o indegni non importa - di Giulio Cesare, Michelangelo e Caboto, ma solo di Al Capone. Condanna finale, inappellabile, eterna. v
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Life & People
Vegetable Gardening: Harvesting Part 3 of 3
Text and photography by Claudia Ficca
After all your hard work taking care of the weeding, the pruning and the watering, you now understand the joy that comes from stepping out in the garden and seeing all your plants bearing the fruit of your labour. The time has come to eat the benefits! No salad is better than one made from handpicked, ripe tomatoes and fragrant green basil. Here are some tips for harvesting and preserving your vegetables. Tomatoes Tomatoes are ready to pick when they are fully red and firm, but not hard. When the harvest starts, check the plants every few days and pick t h o s e t h a t a r e r i p e. Overripe tomatoes will fall off the plant and rot quickly. How to freeze: Wash, remove stems, and pat dry. You can cut them o r l e a v e t h e m w h o l e. Place in freezer bags and remove air using a straw. Label and seal. Keeps 6 months. Another option is to dip the clean tomatoes into boiling water for 1 minute. Remove and peel. Place on a tray and freeze for 30 minutes. Then place in plastic bags, remove air, seal and label.
“Sun” Dried Tomatoes In our climate, a better option to sun dried tomatoes is oven dried tomatoes. All you need for this recipe is time, tomatoes, olive oil, and salt. Preheat your oven to 250°F, slice tomatoes in half (lengthwise), place skin-side down on lightly oiled baking tray, season with a little salt and place in oven for about 8 hours. You can then place the cooled, oven dry tomatoes in mason jars with a little finely chopped garlic and dry oregano and cover in oil. Visit my blog www.letiziagolosa.com for more photos and complete recipe.
Saving seeds for next year Saving seeds is a method used by many vegetable gardeners to grow beautiful vegetables year after year. Allow perfect tomatoes to ripen until they become soft. Cut them in half and squeeze the gel and seeds into a jar. Cover with 3 inches of water and shake well. Allow the mixture to sit at room temperature for 24 hours before pouring out the liquid. Discard the floating seeds, and rinse the larger seeds on the bottom in a strainer and then dry them at room temperature for approximately 2 weeks. If handled and stored properly in a cool dark place, tomato seeds can last up to 6 years. This method can be used with peppers, eggplants, zucchini, fagiolini...
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Life & People
String Beans Pick beans before you can see the beans swelling in the pod. This method insures that the beans will be tender. For continual harvest pick them frequently (every 3-5 days). How to Freeze: Wash, pat dry, cut into pieces or leave whole. Transfer to freezer bags, remove air, label and seal. Keeps for 6 months.
Cucumbers Cucumbers are tastiest when harvested young before the seeds fully develop. Harvest sizes vary with the variety, but a good gauge is as follows: 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inch in diameter and 5-to-8-inches long. Making pickles with garden cucumbers is a great way to preserve them.
Zucchini Zucchini are best harvested when young and tender, the skins should be soft enough to poke fingernail through. My husband’s aunt “Zia Lucia” from Campobasso gave me this recipe when she was here for a visit a few summers ago. Like most recipes passed down from our Italian aunts, mothers and grandmothers, the quantities are very vague: “abbastanza sale, qualche spicchio d’aglio” but we manage to understand this language and keep passing it along.
Zucchine crude sott’olio Ingredients • Zucchini 1 kg • Minced garlic (as much or a little as you like)
• Vegetable oil • Fine sea salt • Peperoncino: 2 Tbsp (optional)
• Chopped parsley • Dried Oregano
Preparation: Wash and dry zucchini. Grate them and place in a bowl. Sprinkle with a handful of salt and let sit 24 hours. After 24 hours squeeze out excess water from the zucchini and place in a large bowl with chopped garlic, oregano, parsley and peperoncino (if you want some heat!). Toss all the ingredients to combine. Fill sterilized jars with mixture, cover with oil. Let sit uncovered for 30 minutes, add more oil if needed and seal tightly. Keep in a cool dark place and enjoy after 40 days. Refrigerate after opening.
Eggplant Eggplants should be picked as soon as they are ripe, this can be seen when they are just about fullygrown and their color is bright and shiny. Cut, do not pull, the fruit from the plant. How to Freeze: Want to make a fast parmigiana? Cut eggplant into 1/2 inch slices, sprinkle with salt and allow to stand 30 minutes. Drain off excess liquid and fry gently in oil until just tender. Cool on brown paper and pack into plastic bags with parchment paper between slices. Seal and label. When you are ready to use, simply assemble as a parmigiana with frozen eggplant slices and bake. Keeps up to 3 months.
Peppers You can harvest peppers when they are green or leave the fruit on the plant until they turn from green to orange, yellow, or red. It’s best to harvest peppers when the fruits are full size and firm. How to Freeze: Wash, remove seeds and cut into slices or leave whole. Place on a tray in a single layer. Freeze for 30 minutes. Pack in freezer bags, remove air, label and seal. Freeze up to 6 months.
Peperoncino To have hot peppers all year round simply thread them on a string through the stalks and hang them in the sun on a south wall. You can also preserve them in oil like sun dried tomatoes. After the harvesting season is over, remember to winterize your vegetable garden in the fall by removing the plants, raking the fallen leaves and pulling out the weeds. Also clean and store all your tools and gardening accessories for next season. I hope my gardening series inspired and motivated you to gear up and start your first vegetable garden. Sources: http://www.veggieharvest.com / Marthastewart.com: Harvest & Beyond http://www.gardenguides.com v
Food & Travel
ricette - recettes - recipes
Dans la cuisine de
Soeur Angèle Recette tirés du livre «Dans la cuisine de Soeur Angèle, Les Éditions La Presse
Mini-boucles à la sauce aux aubergines et aux tomates Préparation: 15 minutes Cuisson: 10 à 15 minutes 4 portions
Crème de tomates Préparation: 15 minutes Cuisson: 7 minutes 4 portions Ingrédients • 80 ml (1/3 tasse) de céleri, haché finement • 80 ml (1/3 tasse) d’oignon, haché finement • 45 ml (3 c. à soupe) de beurre • 15 ml (1 c. à soupe) de fécule de maïs • 625 ml (2-1/2 tasses) de lait chaud
• • • • •
125 ml (1/2 tasse) de crème 15% 250 ml (1 tasse) de tomates concassées 5 ml (1c. à thé) de sucre Sel et poivre au goût 2,5 ml (1/2 c. à thé) de bicarbonate de soude • Persil haché, pour décorer
Préparation - Faire suer le céleri et l’oignon dans le beurre à couvert, à feu doux. - Ajouter la fécule et le lait chaud; cuire en remuant jusqu’à ébullition. - Laisser mijoter 3 à 4 minutes, puis ajouter la crème. - Dans un bol, mélanger les tomates, le sucre, le sel, le poivre et le bicarbonate de soude. - Verser dans le premier mélange en remuant continuellement sans laisser bouillir. - Servir immédiatement accompagnée de craquelins. - Décorer avec du persil haché.
Ingrédients: • 1 boîte de mini-boucles de 450 g (1/2 lb) • 60 ml (1/4 tasse) d’huile d’olive • 3 aubergines, pelées et coupées en cubes • 3 gousses d’ail, hachées finement • 8 tomates italiennes, pelées et coupées en dés • 5 ml (1 c. a thé) de sauce Tabasco • Sel et poivre au goût • Copeaux de parmesan • Feuilles de basilic Préparation - Cuire les mini-boucles selon le mode d’emploi indiqué sur l’emballage; réserver. - Chauffer l’huile dans un poêlon, ajouter les aubergines, l’ail, les tomates en dés et la sauce Tabasco; remuer et porter à ébullition. - Saler et poivrer au goût. - Servir avec les mini-boucles cuites; saupoudrer de copeaux de fromage et déposer les feuilles de basilic sur le dessus.
Bruschetta aux tomates et à la citrouille Préparation: 10 minutes Cuisson: 15 minutes 8 portions Ingrédients • 8 tranches de pain • 45 ml (3 c. à soupe) d’huile d’olive, divisée • 3 gousses d’ail, hachées • 2 tomates pelées, épépinées, coupées en dés • 500 ml (2 tasses) de citrouille, coupée en cubes • 15 ml (1 c. à soupe) de basilic frais, haché ou 5ml (1 c. à thé) de basilic séché • 15 ml (1 c. à soupe) de concentré de poulet • 15 ml (1 c. à soupe) de persil haché • 45 ml (3 c. à soupe) de parmesan frais, râpé • Sel et poivre de cayenne au goût Préparation - Badigeonner les tranches de pain d’huile d’olive et les faire dorer au poêlon; réserver. - Dans le même poêlon, verser le reste de l’huile d’olive, et faire dorer l’ail. - Ajouter les tomates et la citrouille, le basilic et le concentré de poulet. - Cuire de 10 à 12 minutes. - Ajouter le persil, le fromage parmesan, le sel et le poivre de cayenne. - Bien mélanger, retirer du feu, rectifier l’assaisonnement. Pour plus de recettes, - Tartiner le pain grillé de la préparation et visitez notre site internet servir chaud. www.panoramitalia.com
Salade tiède de poulet et de légumes grillés Préparation: 25 minutes Macération: 30 minutes Cuisson: 15 à 20 minutes 4 portions Ingrédients pour vinaigrette • 125 ml (1/2 tasse) de vinaigre balsamique • 250 ml (1 tasse) d’huile d’olive • 30 ml (2 c. à soupe) de moutarde de Dijon • 15 ml (1 c. à soupe) de thym séché • 30 ml (2 c. à soupe) d’ail, haché finement • 5 ml (1 c. a thé) de sucre Ingrédients pour salade • 2 oignons espagnols moyens, coupés en quartiers • 2 courgettes, coupées en biseaux • 2 poivrons rouges, coupés en lanières • 450 ml (1 lb) de champignons, coupés en quartiers • 60 ml (4 c. à soupe) d’huile d’olive • 4 suprêmes de poulet • 500 ml (2 tasses) de mesclun • 8 croûtons à l’huile • 60 ml (3 onces) de fromage de chèvre • 2 tomates, coupées en quartiers • 8 olives noires Préparation - Dans un bol, mélanger tous les ingrédients de la vinaigrette. - Ajouter les oignons, les courgettes, les poivrons et les champignons. - Laisser mariner 30 minutes. - Égoutter les légumes et réserver la marinade. - Faire cuire les légumes environ 4 minutes de chaque côte et réserver. - Dans un poêlon, cuire les suprêmes de poulet environ 5 minutes de chaque côté; à mi-cuisson, ajouter les légumes pour les réchauffer. - Dans des assiettes, répartir le mesclun, les croûtons, le fromage, les suprêmes, les légumes grillés, les tomates et les olives noires. - Arroser chaque portion de 30 ml (2 c. à soupe) de vinaigrette. v
Food & Travel
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Cooking For Friends Recipes and Photography by Claudia Ficca www.letiziagolosa.com Find more delicious recipes @ www.panoramitalia.com
Tomato and Ricotta Tart
This tomato tart is fresh and colourful, plus it travels well. It’s a perfect starter to bring over at a friend’s BBQ.
Ingredients • 5 mixed tomatoes, thickly sliced • 10 mixed cherry tomatoes, halved • 10 sheets store-bought phyllo dough, thawed * Tip: When working with tissue-thin phyllo sheets, it is recommended to keep the dough covered with a damp tea towel so it does not dry out and crack while you are handling it.
• • • • • • •
Extra Virgin Olive oil, for bushing plus 2 tablespoons for drizzling 500 gr sheep’s milk ricotta Zest of 1 lemon 1 1/2 cup grated ricotta salata 5 leaves of fresh basil 1 garlic clove, minced Salt and cracked black pepper to taste
Directions Preheat oven at 400° F. In a large bowl, place ricotta, lemon zest, 1 cup of grated ricotta salata, cracked black pepper and mix to combine. Set aside. Line a greased 10 x 15” cookie sheet with parchment paper. Lay one sheet of phyllo on the prepared pan and brush with olive oil. Repeat this step with the remaining phyllo sheets. Evenly spread the ricotta mixture over the pastry and bake for 20 minutes or until the pasty is golden; keep a close eye on it. Top with tomatoes, fresh basil, minced garlic, a sprinkle of salt, cracked black pepper, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, and the remaining grated ricotta salata. Serve warm or at room temperature.
Food & Travel
ricette - recettes - recipes
Grilled Peaches with Red Wine Granita
Peaches in wine are a tradition in many Italian homes during summer months when stone fruits are perfectly ripe. This is my take on that tradition, I stayed true to the main ingredients: pesche e vino, but added a touch of freshness to this classic fruit dish. Ingredients (serves 4)
• • • • •
Bring the wine and sugar to a boil in a medium saucepan. Add the lemon zest and let simmer for 3 minutes. Strain out the lemon zest and poor wine mixture into a freezer safe glass dish. Freeze until firm about 5 hours.
2 peaches, halved with pits removed olive oil for brushing 1 1/4 cup red wine 1/3 cup sugar Zest of 1 lemon
When you are ready to serve, grill fruit by brushing the open face of the peaches with olive oil and placing them face down on a preheated med-high grill. Grill for 5-7 minutes remove from heat and top with red wine granita.
Mediterranean Potato Salad
I love making this potato salad. It’s perfect for lunch or it can be served for dinner alongside a nice grilled steak. I always make a little extra because it’s the type of dish that gets tastier after a day or two. It can be served warm or at room temperature.
Ingredients (serves 4) • • • • • •
1 1/2 pounds red mini potatoes, halved 3/4 pound fresh green beans, trimmed and snapped 1/4 cup capers 2 finely sliced shallots 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil salt and pepper to taste
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Directions Boil potatoes in salted water until tender when pierced with a fork. Drain well. Boil or steam the green beans until tender. Drain and rinse under cold running water to set the colour. While still warm, toss potatoes with capers, green beans, olive oil and shallots. Season with salt and pepper to taste. v
Food & Travel
vino - vin - wine
Sky High
The Sicilian wine revival By Gabriel Riel-Salvatore
Known to the Greeks as “Trinacria” because of its triangular shape, Sicily, largest of the Mediterranean’s islands, has always been a favourable region for the cultivation of grape vines. Influenced by the many civilizations that exchanged control over it since time immemorial (Phoenician, Greek, Roman, etc.), Sicily was among the first regions in Italy in which the art of wine-making took root - by some accounts, as early as 2000 BC. espite this illustrious history, Sicilian vineyards have long produced high alcohol content wines devoid of personality, mostly dedicated to bulk sales and blending. Like many regions of southern Italy, winemakers in Sicily are, however, increasingly focused on enhancing the quality of their wines. Having initially been inspired by the successful cultivation of international grapes such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah, Chardonnay and Sauvignon Blanc, many producers are now increasingly appreciating the capacity of indigenous grapes to produce world-class wines. The arrival to the region of several entrepreneurs from northern Italy (e.g. Mazzei from Tuscany - nb. try their Zisola 100% Nero d’Avola) and abroad has also facilitated the introduction of new production methods (e.g. cloned selection, choice of terroir, time of harvest,
Find more wine reviews @ www.panoramitalia.com
Wine reviews
Angimbé (Insolia/Chardonnay) 2010 Cusumano Sicily Sicilia igt $13,95 (SAQ# 11097101) ★★★ 85/100 Nice soft honey aromas paired with pear and peach fragrances. Vivid and expressive mouth lingering on fresh pear flavours combined to a nice mineral finish. Ideal summer wine.
Anthilia 2009 Donnafugata Sicily Sicilia igt $16.95 (SAQ# 10542137) ★★ 84/100 Lovely nose of camomile and orange blossom water. Fruity and tasty mouth with a nice refreshing ending.
low temperature vinification, ripening in barrels of new oak, etc.), thereby reaffirming the tremendous potential of the Sicilian terroir for fine wine-making. Of the 500 varieties of grapes indigenous to the island, many carry characteristics prized by winemakers. As a result, several Sicilian wines are increasingly attaining international notoriety. For instance, the Catarratto, the Inzolia, the Grillo, the Grecanico, the Zibibbo (Muscat of Alexandria) and the Malvasia di Lipari are currently among the most popular white grapes. The Frappato, the Nero d’Avola (also known as Calabrese), the Nerello Mascalese, the Nerello Mantellato, and the Gagliopo are considered among the best red wine grapes. The exceptional quality of Sicilian grapes leads purists to argue that cultivating common international grapes over local grapes should be discouraged except in rare exceptions. Yet, most experts agree that the rebirth of Sicilian vinification has been driven by its red wines, most notably those derived from the Nero d’Avola varietal. Even though Sicily has always produced more white wines than reds, experts agree that the trend is increasingly favouring red wines, thanks in part to new appellation systems that have recently become more permissive. The IGT (indicazione geografica tipica), in particular, is less rigid than the DOC (Denominazione di origine controlata), granting more flexibility in the choice of blends, varietals, and vinification and cultivation methods. The downfall is a loss in distinctiveness. The Nero d’Avola is destined to satisfy consumers’ appetites for rich, fruity wines, with dark berry and plum flavours, and a slight taste of spice. Pleasant and only subtly tannin, it is easily blended with other varieties such as Frappato, Merlot, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon. The low tannin content makes its aging difficult however, a problem conscientious producers circumvent by using the best soils for cultivation, and with surprising results.
La Segreta Rossa 2009 Planeta Sicily Sicilia igt $16.70 (SAQ# 898296) ★★★ 85/100 Wine with pretty blood orange and strawberry aromas. A mouth with good smoothness, fruity and charming.
Cabernet Sauvignon 2005 Fazio Sicily Sicilia igt $19.05 (SAQ# 741561) ★★ 84/100 Slightly green nose, with blackcurrant sirup and taffy aromas. Smooth and charming mouth dominated by blackberry flavours.
Lamuri Nero d’Avola 2006 Tasca d’Almerita Sicily Sicilia igt $21.55 (SAQ# 11029159) ★★★ 89/100 Fresh and inviting bouquet recalling black wild berries, sweet spices with a hint of menthol. Fine and sapid mouth that offers a slighlty spicy, yet refreshing ending.
Tancredi 2006 Donnafugata Sicily Contessa Entellina doc $30.00 (SAQ# 10542129) ★★★★ 90/100 Deep and graceful bouquet of black fruits, vanilla and toasted oak. Rich and flavourful, it offers a charming fruitiness combined with strong, yet well tamed tannins.
Food & Travel
vino - vin - wine Encouraged by the growing interest in Sicilian wines, several local producers are now associating themselves with well-known winemakers, such as Carlo Ferrini (a star among Tuscan consultants), in order to raise the standards of production of their vineyards. The Rosso del Conte from the Tasca d’Almerita (Regaleali) winery, and the Duca Enrico from the Duca di Salaparuta (Corvo) winery, both produced from the Nero d’Avola, Tasca d’Almerita harvest have become essential references for anyone wishing to discover some of the best wines of Sicily. Other Sicilian houses also produce wines of t r e m e n d o u s q u a l i t y, i n c l u d i n g Fr a n c e s c o S p a d a f o r a w i t h h i s r e n o w n e d “ S y r a h ” S c h i e t t o. Donnafugata winery (Rallo family) named after the famous book by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa Il Gattopardo, (brought to the screen by Luchino Visconti in 1963), also has its champion: Mille e Una Notte - a wine, which according to the late Planeta winery, Menfi’s tasting room Luigi Veronelli, expresses the elegance of a true Nero d’Avola, completely at the opposite of the recent “inflated” and “hyper-woody” style that has been increasingly prevailing these past few years. Planeta, the rookie prodigy, has startlingly been able to meet new market demands, using both international and indigenous grape varieties, to produce what is perhaps the best white in the region, namely its Chardonnay. Finally, wineries such as Cusumano have developed sharp marketing skills using advantageous labels to promote their products and keen branding methods that have contributed to enhance Sicily’s notoriety worldwide. v
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Panoram Italia and Transat Holidays, in cooperation with Slow Food Italia, are sending one lucky winner and a guest to beautiful Tuscany, Italy, for a unique one-week experience. The two will be wined and dined throughout the majestic region, with stops including Florence, Siena, San Gimignano, the hills of Chianti, Montepulciano, Pienza and Montalcino.
WIN a trip toTuscany! • • • •
2 roundtrip Air Transat economy class tickets 6 nights in a charming 4-star hotel Buffet breakfast daily 4 meals based on traditional regional dishes, including a selection of regional wines • 4 guided tastings of foods and wines from the Tuscany region • 1 regular visit of Firenze (3 h) • Car rental - 7 days (Class C - Fiat Punto Evo 1200cc or similar)
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Enjoying “la dolce vita” at sea By Laura Casella
Parthenon, Athens
Many people will tell you that at least once in your life you must take a cruise. Taking a cruise is a one-stop shop to seeing amazing places, eating great food, relaxing, and seeing one great show after another. But what if you added Italian food and culture, pizza parties, and tarantellas on the dock? Well, it’s possible with Costa Cruises. s Italian as pasta and pizza, Costa Cruises has been sailing the seas for more than sixty years, offering a cruise experience catered towards Italians. Its motto, “Cruising Italian Style... That’s Amore” shows its deep connection with the Italian heritage that spans more than one hundred years.
History Founded by Giacomo Costa in 1854, Costa Cruises started off as a small company in Genoa dedicated to the export of olive oil and fabric. It wasn’t until nearly a century later that the Costa family started passenger service. It launched its first transatlantic trip in 1948 with a 768-passenger ship called the Anna C. By the sixties, Costa was the first operator in the world to offer cruises in the Caribbean. Today, Costa Cruises is Europe’s favourite cruise line and by next year it will be the 3rd largest cruise line in the world with sixteen vessels and more than one hundred itineraries to choose from.
Onboard Experience Walking onto a Costa cruise ship is like walking into your own home. Everything from the décor, to the food, the wine, and the activities is based around the Italian culture. You can wake up to a traditional cappuccino and cornetto, have a pizza for lunch, and for dinner, enjoy a delicious lasagna al forno or osso bucco. Cozy bistros serve pizza, gelato, cappuccino and espresso any time of the day while the specialty à-la-carte restaurants feature menus created by world-renowned chefs. Wine aficionados will also get a treat with a special selection of Amarone Wine by Italian winemaker Aneri, bottled exclusively for Costa Cruises.
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Publireportage - advertorial You’ll also be immersed in the Italian culture through the boundless activities offered on their fleet of ships. Cruises kick off with a “buon viaggio” party featuring Roman emperors. Other signature events include pizza dough tossing and tarantella dancing during the “Festa Italiana.” Besides all the delicious Italian meals, theme nights and activities, there is also a fitness centre to keep you in shape, and a spa to help you relax. Your kids will also never be bored with features like water slides and video arcades, pizza parties, ice cream socials, and much, much more.
Destinations Costa Cruises is your ticket to anywhere in the world all the while enjoying a true Italian experience. Your options are limitless with many itineraries available in the Caribbean, the Mediterranean, South America, Dubai, the Baltic, and the list goes on. A Mediterranean journey, for example, will take you to beautiful Italy (Bari), Greece, Turkey, Spain (Barcelona), and Portugal (Lisbon), just to be name a few. If you prefer more beach and white sands, this cruise line has many sumptuous Caribbean itineraries to choose from with stops in Martinique, St. Maarten, Santa Lucia, and Antigua. Güell Park, Barcelona
Introducing the Costa Luminosa The Luminosa entered the vast Costa family in 2009, a beautiful ship that features a European décor that includes Murano glass chandeliers, marble floors, and Italian art. If you’re already thinking of your winter holiday vacation plans, this ship offers an amazing 7-night Caribbean cruise that leaves from La Romana, Dominican Republic, and sails away to 6 exotic destinations. • Catalina Island, Dominican Republic: Costa Cruises
has a private beach here only for you and your fellow passengers to enjoy. • Tortola, in beautiful British Virgin Islands: Some of the
best beaches you will ever see in your life. • St. John’s, Antigua: A great place to do some shop-
ping; the city is famous for its shopping malls as well as boutiques throughout the city. • Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe: Take in the beautiful
beach and outdoor market. • Fort de France, Martinique: One of the major cities in
the Caribbean, visit the Balata Gardens and see the most beatiful flowers and trees of the Martinique. • Philipsburg, St. Maarten: Famous for the close proxim-
ity to the airport, watch an airplane land as you lay in the beautiful white sands of Maho Beach.
Overview Costa Cruises is a favourite among Italians because it caters specifically to our likes and our comforts. From the food, to the language, the events, and just the overall atmosphere, it’s your way of seeing the world without ever leaving the comforts of your home. v
Packages and itineraries are available with Transat Holidays. Plan your European or Caribbean cruise vacation at www.transatholidays.com Find more Italian travel destination articles @ www.panoramitalia.com
VIVERE ALL’ITALIANA - Vivre à l’italienne - Living Italian Style
Marco Gentile
Occupation: Student Majoring in Art History - Interning at the Casa d’Italia community center Age: 22 Generation: Second Dad from: Brescia, Italia Mom from: Montreal, Canada Speaks: English, French, Italian and Spanish Raised in: Montreal
Nickname: Marcoots Occupation: Auditing - PwC Age: 24 Generation: Second Mom and Dad from: Cattolica Eraclea, Sicily Speaks: English, French and Italian Raised in: St-Leonard, then St-Laurent Passion: Life (I know it’s cheesy but it’s true!) Clothes: Shirt and shoes - Zara, jeans - Forever21 Favourite designer: Enza Argento Boutique: Zara Restaurant: Vino Rosso Favourite dish: Zia Licia’s spaghetti and polpette Absolute must in the pantry: Reese’s Pieces Minis Favourite wine: Definitely Chianti Favourite Italian saying or quote: Mangiasti? First time you went to Italy: Summer 2010 Favourite band or singer: Sergio G Italian soccer team: Juventus
What you like most about our magazine: Fresh look at all things Italian in Montreal Spaghetti o penne: Spaghetti any day Best way to feel Italian in Montreal: Being in Little Italy during the World Cup, Euro Cup, la Settimana Italiana... Mare o montagna: Mare Thing about you that would surprise most people: I love Disney movies and have all the songs on my iPhone Best coffee in Montreal: Caffè Italia Crescent or St-Laurent: St-Laurent Sexiest Italian: My nephews Fabio and Alessio
Most common name in your family: 2 Francesca’s, 2 Carlo’s, 2 Charlie’s and 2 Sebastiano’s Pet peeve: Getting sand on my beach towel Dream: Own a sports franchise and have a huge family You know you are Italian when or if: You sit at the kids’ table at nonna’s house on Christmas Eve Best nightclub in Montreal: Pinq Taco Best pizza in Montreal: Hands down nonna’s Your fashion idol: Brad Pitt Favourite thing to do in Montreal: Go out with the boys on Grand Prix and St-Jean weekends
Photos: Vincenzo D’Alto Make-up: Emmanuelle Blanchard Special thanks to Pasquale Ruffolo and Otto restaurant
Lauren Bianca Lopez
You know you were raised Italian when: You don’t know how to say “scotolare” the table cloth in English Favourite colour: Blue 514 or 450: 514 Favourite Italian song: A far l’amore comincia tu - Raffaella Carrà and Eh Cumpari! - Julius La Rosa Italian artist or actor you would like to meet: Roberto Benigni Favourite Italian city: Rome Best memory growing up as an Italian: Making tomato sauce and wine in the garage Favourite flavour of gelato: Nutella Favourite thing about being Italian: Beautiful language, big families and all our traditions
Passion: Art History Clothes: Dress - Mango, shoes - Spring Make up: YSL Favourite designer: Ralph Lauren Boutique: Moramarco Restaurant: La Bottega Favourite dish: My mom’s pasta e rapini Absolute must in the pantry: Nutella Type of wine: Gallo Rosé wine Favourite Italian saying or quote: Chi critica compra Last time you went to Italy: 11 years ago Place you must go back to at least one more time in your life: Istanbul, Turkey Dream car: Fiat 500
Favourite band or singer: U2 Best Italian movie: Malena What you like most about our magazine: I love how Panoram Italia keeps people up to date in Montreal’s Italian community. As well how it offers a platform for young people in the community 514 or 450: 514 Mare o montagna: Mare Thing about you that would surprise most people: That I made the cover of the Gazette the day I was born Best coffee in Montreal: Caffè in Gamba on Fairmount Crescent or St-Laurent: St-Laurent
Most common name in your family: Domenico e Pasquale Pet peeve: Ignorant people Dream: To own a gallery Sexiest Italian: Monica Bellucci You know you are Italian when or if: You cannot help but talk with your hands! Best nightclub in Montreal: Koko Best pizza in Montreal: Il Focolaio Your fashion idol: Penelope Cruz Favourite thing to do in Montreal: Walk around Little Italy Favourite colour: Navy Blue
You know you were raised Italian when: When every nonna’s cooking beats any restaurant dish Spaghetti o penne: Spaghetti Favourite Italian song: Elisir - Paolo Conte Italian artist or actor you would like to meet: Roberto Benigni Favourite Italian city: Florence Best memory growing up as an Italian: Every Sunday, getting together with my entire family at my nonna’s for lunch. Favourite flavour of gelato: Gianduia Favourite thing about being Italian: The history
See all past profiles @ www.panoramitalia.com and watch the making of on
VIVERE ALL’ITALIANA - Vivre à l’italienne - Living Italian Style
Alexandro Loffredi Venessa Petruzziello
Nickname: Alex, Al, Cheech Occupation: Marketing major at JMSB, Marketing and event coordinator for Montreal’s Italian Week Age: 22 Generation: Second Dad from: Galluccio, Caserta Mom from: Jelsi, Campobasso Speaks: English, French and Italian Raised in: Saint-Michel and Ahunstic Passion: Organizing events, writing and directing Clothes: Blazer - H&M, T-shirt - American Apparel, Jeans - Mexx, Shoes Converse, Accessories Aldo Favourite designer: Versace Boutique: H&M, American Apparel Restaurant: Da Lillo Favourite dish: Ravioli with meat Absolute must in the pantry: Chocolate chip cookies Favourite drink: Moonshine Favourite Italian saying or quote: Meglio tardi che mai 514 or 450: 514 but like the 450 as well
Last time you went to Italy: Have yet to visit the Bel Paese When you go one day, which town or city would you love to visit? Rome Best Italian movie: A Bronx Tale Italian soccer team: Juventus What you like most about our magazine: It unites Italians from diverse backgrounds, across different areas of the city Best way to feel Italian in Montreal: Surround yourself with Italians Mare o montagna: Mare Thing about you that would surprise most people: I have a tattoo
Best coffee in Montreal: Ciociaro Sports Bar Crescent or St-Laurent: Saint-Laurent Most common name in your family: Antonietta (4) Pet peeve: Poor spelling and bad table etiquette Dream: To win an Academy Award Sexiest Italian: Hayden Panettiere You know you are Italian when or if: You have to go to your mother’s cousin’s son’s wedding, even if you’ve never met him Best pizza in Montreal: Bottega Spaghetti o penne: Spaghetti
Favourite thing to do in Montreal: A good meal and espresso on a terrace, followed by B-side You know you were raised Italian when: You learned to ask for the price if you pay cash Favourite colour: Red Favourite Italian song: Con te partirò Andrea Bocelli Italian artist or actor you would like to meet: John Travolta Best memory growing up as an Italian: Italy’s 2006 World Cup win! Favourite flavour of gelato: Granita Favourite thing about being Italian: Rich culture, tremendous pride, a strong community... and tartufo!
Nickname: Vene Occupation: Undergraduate in Law - part-time financial service rep for TD Canada Trust Age: 24 Generation: Second Dad from: Avellino, Napoli Mom from: Catanzaro, Calabria Speaks: Italian, English, French and Spanish Raised in: Ahuntsic Passion: Outdoor sports, reading and making people laugh Clothes: BCBG Make up: Nars Favourite designer: Michael Kors Boutique: BCBG, H&M Restaurant: I don’t have one in particular. I simply enjoy trying new places Favourite dish: Stuffed peppers and sushi Absolute must in the pantry: Peanut butter and obviously nutella Favourite drink: Malibu pineapple Favourite Italian saying or quote: “Fatti i affari tuoi, ca campi cent'anni” and “Meglio tardi che mai” Best coffee in Montreal: Caffè San Simeon
Last time you went to Italy: I have not yet had the opportunity to visit the homeland When you go one day, which town or city would you love to visit? My parents’ hometowns Dream car: Aston Martin Vanquish Favourite band or singer: Anything that makes me sing Best Italian movie: La vità è bella Italian soccer team: Juventus What you like most about our magazine: It provides a way for us to stay connected with the Italian community Favourite thing about being Italian: Our rich culture and our language
Dream: To enjoy life to the fullest Best way to feel Italian in Montreal: To attend an Italian wedding Mare o montagna: Mare Thing about you that would surprise most people: I secretly enjoy opera music Crescent or St-Laurent: St-Laurent Most common name in your family; how many? Joe - too many to recall Pet peeve: Sunday drivers Sexiest Italian: Fabio Cannavaro You know you are Italian when or if: Yelling is seen as a normal way of communicating Your fashion idol: Olivia Palermo
Want to be our next Living Italian Style model? Send your profile with 2 pictures to info@panoramitalia and join us on Facebook. Pour paticiper, envoyez-nous votre profil incluant 2 photos à info@panoramitalia.com et joignez-vous à notre page Facebook.
Best nightclub in Montreal: Good company is really essential no matter where you go Favourite thing to do in Montreal: Terraces in the summer You know you were raised Italian when: It insults your nonna when you don’t have seconds Favourite colour: Green Spaghetti o penne: Spaghetti Favourite Italian song: Cose della vita - Eros Ramazotti Italian artist or actor you would like to meet: Monica Bellucci Best memory growing up as an Italian: Watching my nonna make magic in the kitchen Favourite flavour of gelato: Pistachio
moda - mode - Fashion
Russet Revolution
Burnt shades of red and brown dominate the runways By Joanne Latimer
Rust is getting its day in the late-summer sun. Auburn hair is making a strong comeback for autumn and fashion designers are following suit. The runways are dominated by warm shades of rust, burnt sienna, and rich russet. Roberto Cavalli and Albino set the trend, as do Emilio Pucci’s print dresses and Aquilano. Rimondi’s structured separates. Rust looks great with denim and black boots, but it’s also seductive in suede and heavy tweed (Think riding jacket). Rusty leather brings unexpected personality to shoulder bags and boots, without being a novelty colour lacking mileage for next year. Earthy tones of burnt sienna harmonize well with beige, fur and chocolates browns, or provide a subtle contrast to all your black separates. Gold accessories look great on russet satin for a dramatic evening look. Le Château Matt & Nat
Stacey Zhang
Stacey Zhang
Stacey Zhang
Aquilano Rimondi
Aquilano Rimondi
Aquilano Rimondi
moda - mode - Fashion Agatha Paris
John Frieda
Smart Set
Yves Rocher Smart Set Versace Smart Set
Smart Set
Web Sites
Le Château
Alberta Ferretti
Roberto Cavalli
Lorenzo Riva
www.albertaferretti.com www.johnfrieda.ca www.lorenzoriva.it www.yvesrocher.ca www.staceyzhang.com www.versace.com www.m0851.com www.lechateau.com www.robertocavalli.com/ www.agatha.fr/ www.maisonalbino.com www.smartset.ca www.aquatalia.com www.aquilanorimondi.it
Roberto Cavalli
moda - mode - Fashion
Fashion Made in Italy Text Anne-Marie Gregory & photos Gabriel Riel-Salvatore
The Italian Trade Commission hosted it’s second annual Fashion Event on May 31 st at the Daylight Factory in the heart of Montreal’s Quartier International district. cocktail reception and fashion show were held in a stylish, industrial-chic venue that offered a dramatic open sky setting to the event that resembled a relaxing luncheon in an Italian courtyard. The runway weaved around the audience in a casual garden-like setting, and guests were treated to foods and wines while being serenaded by a DJ and jazz quartet. This year’s edition showcased the creativity and versatility of Italian fashion designers presented by ITALIAN FASHION 2011’s participating retailers. It aimed at promoting the passion and integrity of Montreal’s independent haute couture retailers that strive to offer quality and excellence. When asked about Italian couture, the director of the Italian Trade Commission, Antonio Lucarelli stated that “ Italy and Fashion have a very unique and special relationship, when you consider such names as Dolce & Gabbana, Prada, Versace and Armani, to name but a few. The phrase Made in Italy became universally recogniwed as meaning ‘high quality’, and ‘high fashion’. Many trade fairs are regularly held in Milan, and it is regarded by many as the Fashion Capital of the World.” A Ferragamo enthusiast, Lucarelli describes the Italian fashion world as the hub of women’s fashion. He also explained that the industry is presently witnessing a Renaissance in menswear with the rise of high end tailored suits in Naples. “Fashion for Italians is first and foremost a way of living and often paves the way for trends throughout the rest of the world.” On the Montreal scene, when asked about her clientele, Montreal’s Boutique Delevanti owner Giselle Sheaf explained that the watchword for Italian Haute Couture has always been glamour. Women that come to her store seek high-fashion custom made clothing and unique masterpieces.
The spring and summer collections that were unveiled during the event were flowing and breezy. The dresses seemed to be forever aloft on a gentle gust of wind. The colors were sharp and the patterns, enchanting but not dizzying. Valentino added a touch of fantasy with lace, which appeared on almost every outfit: touches here and there, or even a whole design. This season will be all about teaming simple outfits with bold accessories, out there prints, lots of lace, block colours and subtle detailing. When you take a look at the latest men’s collections, the models were wearing casual yet elegant outfits. The day’s looks were pairings of different coloured vests, shirts and pants, along with leather shoes. These were mostly royal blue (a must this season), beige, yellow and white. Stripes were used to create interesting effects, sometimes boldly, but also in a more nuanced way as in the textured tone-on-tone pattern on a cream coloured shirt. Soft, flowing fabrics, modern sportswear, and elegant shoes and accessories will define the trends going into summer. This Fashion Event has captured the subtle and timeless elegance of Italian high fashion.
Participating retailers Maison Delevanti 5800, Cavendish blvd. Cote-Saint-Luc, QC H4W 2T5
Lola et les autres 165, Saint-Paul West Montreal, QC H2Y 1Z5
Henri Vézina www.henrivezina.com 1825, Daniel-Johnson blvd Laval, QC H7T 1H8
Joshua David www.joshuadavid.ca 4926, Sherbrooke West Westmount, QC H3Z 1H3 v
Calabria Jewel of the Mediterranean The art of goldsmith between tradition and innovation The Region of Calabria, long known as Magna Grecia, is famous for its master goldsmiths who have been crafting extraordinary jewels for centuries. The thriving goldsmith sector of Calabria is renowned worldwide for the quality of its production, still characterized by masterful artisan craftsmanship and refined ancient processing techniques.
Region de la Calabre Region of Calabria Assessorato Programmi Speciali U.E. Politiche Euromediterranee, Internazionalizzazione Cooperazione tra i Popoli, Politiche della Pace
Region de la Calabre Region of Calabria
The following two pages will highlight the works of eight master jewelers of Calabria whose pieces are evidence of a culture whose echo still resonates and will showcase the most advanced techniques and skills required to meet the expectations of customers known for their love of luxury. Their art is a credit to the savoir-faire in this beautiful region of southern Italy, often portrayed as the jewel of the Mediterranean.
Continued on page 40-41
Assessorato Programmi Speciali U.E. Politiche Euromediterranee, Internazionalizzazione Cooperazione tra i Popoli, Politiche della Pace
Through an initiative of the Region of Calabria aimed at promoting “Made in Calabria” worldwide, and with the support of the Minister of internationalization Fabrizio Capua, the collaboration of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Canada and the professional guidance of Carlo Scalzo, Montreal’s finest jewelry boutiques will have the unique opportunity to showcase the marvelous collection “Gold of Calabria” until the end of 2011.
Publireportage - advertorial
“Gold of Calabria”
The Goldsmith Excellence of Calabria. Eccellenze Orafe Calabresi.
FRANCESCO IIRITANO - ORAFO Available at: Bijouterie Jacob 4710 Jean Talon East Montreal, Qc H1S 1K2 514-321-3793 www.bijouteriejacob.com Francesco Iiritano began his first experience in the goldsmith business at an early age by diligently and incessantly working at a well-known workshop in his town. Pushed by a desire to independently express his creativity, he opened his own workshop and dedicated himself to the study and careful analysis of precious artifacts of the past that reflected the refined tastes of the Classical Era. Being a keen assessor of the beauty of antique jewellery, he started creating jewels inspired by the Classical Era without abandoning contemporary shapes and designs.
IL PORTAGIOIE Available at: Alpas Jewellery Co 8475 St Michel Montreal, Qc H1A 1A1 514-725-5770 www.alpas.ca This company was founded after the owner completed a long specialized training period. It is based on partnerships with recognized goldsmith businesses. Here, classical tradition is respected even though the company produces innovative and original styles. The energetic commitment and expertise of the owner, who bravely and fearlessly faces the market and competitors, represent a firm commitment to a more profound interpretation of traditional themes through a modern artistic perspective.
OFFICINE PREZIOSI SAS Available at: Les Chemins D'or 7999 Les Galeries D'anjou blvd Montreal, Qc H1M 1W9 514-355-2444 www.leschemindsdor.ca “Officine Preziosi” was founded in 2006 as a production company. It expresses the founders’ cultural heritage and long experience. It is known for the creativity and originality of its products, the care and elegance of its work and its artisan handcrafting of bas-relief metal using .999 pure silver - a veritable novelty in the European market. The same technique is used to produce jewellery in .925 silver and 18kt gold. This courageously innovative approach creates products that are in high demand on national and international markets.
PERRI GIOIELLIERI ORAFI DAL 1896 Available at: Les Chemins D'or 5875 Jean-talon East Montreal, Qc H1S 0B2 514-254-0761 www.leschemindsdor.ca The Perri company has been a true artisan dynasty since 1896 and has passed down the ancient skill of jewellery making for generations. The family workshop, being of great historical and anthropological value, was donated to the Museo Civico di Rende. The forge, workbench and other equipment in the workshop, as well as designs, can be found there. Nowadays, Antonio Perri’s artistic creations represent an important aspect of the artistic and cultural Calabrian heritage through their ancient workmanship techniques and innovative designs.
Publireportage - advertorial SANDRO PRANDINA Available at: Gloria Bass Design 1361-1 Greene Av. Westmount, Qc H3Z 2A5 514-933-7062 www.gloriabassdesign.com From an early age, in his father’s workshop, Sandro substituted childhood games with the study of the formal rules of art. A few years later, he customized his tools and gave life to his first artistic expressions, which clearly symbolized his exuberant spirit fuelled by his original insight. The representation of a vibrant soul in each piece of his now abundant production fascinates and captivates even the most critical connoisseurs of fine goldsmithing.
GERARDO SACCO & C. SRL Available at: Bijouterie Italienne 192 Saint-zotique East Montreal, Qc H2S 1K8 - 514-279-5585 www.bijouterieitalienne.com World-famous masterpieces are produced in Gerardo Sacco’s workshop. The creative trail of this skilled goldsmith is inextricably entwined with that of his homeland, from which he has skilfully interpreted tradition, history, customs and practices. His work of stylistic reinterpretation of popular and peasant themes has traced an essential path not only for gold and silver artisanship; this is also true for every dimension of culture and the economy in Calabria, which has rediscovered, through Sacco, what it means to be proud of one’s roots. The poetic and universal value of his creations is important not only as a testimony of his natural talent, but also for his commitment to research and entrepreneurialism.
SMAK GIOIELLI SNC Available at: Dominic Bijouterie Ltée 6810 St-laurent blvd. Montreal, Qc H2S 3C7 514-274-8015 This company was initially established in 2001 as a gallery specializing in ceramic and glass workmanship. All the pieces created are unique pieces or limited editions; they are the result of continuous research and experimentation that, throughout the years, has led to the development of a personalized technique. The originality and distinctiveness of the pieces make Barbara Polewczyk’s work highly intriguing as she bestows uniqueness and artistic meaning to each of her creations.
MILENA TRAPASSO GIOIELLERIA Available at: Bijouterie Ponte Vecchio 2305 Chemin Rockland, suite 140 Mont-royal, Qc H3P 3E9 514-737-4305 The Trapasso family tradition began in 1880. For generations, it has been handed down from father to son, until the present, with the creation of the “Milena & Sonia Trapasso” brand. This brand’s philosophy is to create jewellery that is a perfect blend of traditional and modern design. The brand’s inspiration comes from the land of Calabria, with its blue sea and setting red sun, reproduced in beautiful objects made from aquamarine, quartz, rock crystal, pearl, coral and silver. These pieces hold enormous value, yet are offered at an affordable price. v
Arts and Culture
Celebrating wood and its inherent beauty The designs of Ottawa artist Norman Pirollo By Anne-Marie Gregory
Ottawa sculptor Norman Pirollo uses wood as his primary medium, drawing inspiration from its inherent beauty. He continually experiments with new techniques and processes, which result in clean, contemporary works celebrating the organic forms of the raw matter. orman Pirollo discovered his passion for working with wood as a young boy, carving alongside his father in his workshop. Pirollo’s father immigrated to Canada in 1927 from Caserta, Campania and his mother is from Calabria. An educated business owner, Pirollo’s father was always drawn to hand work. Like his father, Pirollo is now following his passion as a craftsman. Having pursued a career in the IT industry, he has since studied cabinetmaking, and now dedicates his life to creating unique sculptural pieces and Wood Art, as well as striking studio furniture. Pirollo’s transition from the high-tech world to the sphere of the arts was a challenging, but gratifying one. “I did this to satisfy the need in me to be creative, to develop a voice, and to live a different more tranquil lifestyle. I must immerse myself in my work completely, in a quiet and serene environment,” he says. He also believes his Italian background has inspired his sense of passion. “Italy, a premier center for arts and design, is an art lover’s paradise. No other country in the world has such a rich heritage of artistic creativity. I’m proud to be Italian.” Pirollo currently works and resides in his studio in a country setting on the outskirts of Ottawa where he has founded Redifined Edge Design which essentially acts as a one man show. His patience and attention to detail allow him to dedicate himself to one piece at a time, making each one unique.
Inspirational Furniture, Sculpture and Wood Art Pirollo’s design inspirations root back to the aesthetics of the Art Moderne period comprising Art Deco styling. The design elements and styles of the 1930s, 40s and 50s, which introduced clean curved lines, also influenced his work which can be characterized by contemporary variations on these periods. A large portion of Pirollo’s work is performed with hand tools, taking you far beyond the bounds of mass production. His designs combine both rectilinear and curvilinear components that draw inspiration from the organic shapes of natural elements.
He privileges exotic woods in his work for their stunning colours and graphics using the complex spirals and whorls that only nature can provide. The colour and patina of the woods allow the purity of the design to shine through. Norman Pirollo’s innovative approach to creating distinct pieces of art with wood is always evolving. Using traditional and modern techniques, the Bow tie and Wish bone tables as well as the Genesis sculpture incorporate mixed media techniques, in this case metal and different varieties of wood. Glass and stone are also combined in his works. His focus on solid wood pieces with hand tooled surfaces offers both tactile and visual pleasure. The sculptures from his Wood Art collection lend a beautiful aesthetic appeal as well as contemporary and organic statements to any space. Mixed wood varieties are consolidated, creating abstract shapes with deep texture and movement. The emphasis is put on the wood grain itself, depicting an image or telling a story, while celebrating wood’s implicit beauty. With over sixteen years of woodworking expertise, this self-taught decorative artist and certified cabinetmaker has devoted himself to creating uniquely designed contemporary pieces involving classic construction and craftsmanship, built to last several lifetimes. Very active in the art world, Pirollo often gives seminars and presentations, and will be teaching a workshop on furniture design this fall at the Ottawa School of Art. His Wood Art will be displayed in a summer long exhibit at the Ottawa AOE Gallery from May 30th to August 26th. - norman@refinededge.com - www.refinededge.com v
Arts and Culture
Venice Biennale Bridging the gap between the old and the new world of art Truly a city like no other, Venice is much more than anything a history book or a travel guide can illustrate. More than some archaic pilgrimage site, it exudes a vital mass of artistic energy that makes it one of the most important hot spots for contemporary arts in the world. Far from the image of a static museum city locked in its past glory, Venice hosts, for six months every two years, the international contemporary arts festival known as the Venice Biennale. By Amanda Fulginiti his year the 54th International Art Exhibition of the Venice Biennale is open from the 4th of June to the 27th and is directed by the Swiss art historian and critic Bice Curiger and chaired by Paolo Baratta, Director of Telecom Italia. While there are many exhibitions that occur around the city, it is the site known as the Giardini that attracts the most attention. There are 28 permanent pavilions inside the Giardini used by 30 owner countries, who are considered permanent participants. Other countries that are invited to participate in the Exhibition find space in the Arsenale. The participating countries this year number 89 (there were 77 at the last Biennale). This year, Curiger has chosen ILLUMInations as her title for the exhibition. This title is meant to literally and figuratively shed light on the institution of the Biennale itself by drawing attention to all the nations and their socio-political dimensions which make up this internationally recognized and attended event. ILLUMInations also hopes to direct its viewers to the idea of light, a classical theme in art which is particularly poignant in the history of Venetian art. Three works by Tintoretto, known as the painter of light, are featured at this years show: The Last Supper (from san Giorgio Maggiore Basilica), The Stealing of the Body of St. Mark and The Creation of the Animals (housed in the Gallerie dell’Accademia). The three canvases, granted as a loan by the board of Venetian museums, are on display in the main room of the Central Pavilion in the Giardini. “Tintoretto’s art is unorthodox and experimental, distinguished by dramatic lighting. The inclusion of these paintings in the Biennale is founded on the conviction that, with their visual and expressive directness, they still possess the power to engage a contemporary audience,” Curiger remarked to the press on the show’s opening weekend. In some sense the show really bridges the gap between the old and the new world of art. Every Biennale, three prizes are given out to those pavilions and/or artists which best articulate the spirit of the exhibition. This year the Golden Lion for Best National Participation was given to Germany and the pavilions featured artist Christoph Schlingensief (Pavilion at the Giardini; the Golden Lion for the best artist at the ILLUMInations Exhibition was granted to Christian Marclay (United States, 1955; on display at the Corderie, Arsenale) The Clock, 2010; and lastly the Silver Lion for a promising young artist at the ILLUMInations Exhibition to Haroon Mirza (United Kingdom, 1977; on display at the Corderie, Arsenale and at the Central Pavilion, Giardini). This year the official jury of the Biennale decided to assign two Special Mentions to the Lithuania Pavilion, Behind the White Curtain Darius Miksys (Pavilion in town; Scuola S. Pasquale, Castello 278) and to the artist Klara Lidén (Sweden, 1979; on display at the Arsenale) Untitled, (Trashcan), 2011.
Haroon Mirza’s, “The national Apavilion of then and now.”
Tintoretto’s paintings in the Giardini’s Central Pavilion Fabrizio Plessi, Mariverticali
Christoph Schlingensief, German Pavilion
A special mention must be made about this year’s Venetian Pavilion which presents the work of Fabrizio Plessi, recognized as one of the greatest contemporary video artists, with MARIVERTICALI, a work executed for Louis Vuitton. There Plessi displays inside the semi-circular structure of the Venice Pavilion with a grandiose concert of six black steel vessels which seem to emerge from the darkness, while sounds, currents and waves from symbolic seas appear on the video screens on their hulls. The Canadian pavilion coordinated by The National Gallery of Canada and led by the museum’s director, Marc Mayer, and its senior curator of contemporary art, Josée Drouin-Brisebois, chose to feature the Vancouver artist Steven Shearer. He is best known for his engagements with near and distant pasts, particularly with the hard-rock and heavy-metal iconography of the 1970s and 1980s. Central to the exhibition is an engagement with the space of the pavilion, often proved frustrating to contemporary artists and curators. On the approach to the Canada Pavilion, Shearer has created a ninemetre-high free-standing mural in response to the architecture of the adjacent British and German Pavilions. The mural is part of an alternate entrance to the Pavilion via a toolshed-like structure, one of Shearer’s signature motifs. This monumental facade features a new poem written by the artist, drawing from the vocabulary of Black and Death metal music and which seeks to provoke a visceral response in viewers. So throw away your travel guides and just lose yourself in the city of Venice because every bridge you cross will surely lead to an exciting piece of work, new or old, to discover. v
Steven Shearer, Canadian Pavilion
Arts and Culture
Écrans multimédia, Padiglione Italia
Le Padiglione Italia nel Mondo de la 54e Biennale de Venise. À la recherche du “génie créatif italien” dans le monde.
Tryptiques des saisons, Mario Merola
Par Gabriel Riel-Salvatore Alzheimer (Privacy), Leda Montereali
Pour commémorer le 150 e anniversaire de l’Unification de l’Italie, le pavillion italien de la 54 e édition de la Biennale de Venise étend cette année son horizon géographique au-delà des frontières du Bel paese afin de mettre en lumière la créativité artistique italienne à l’étranger. ous la direction du critique d’art et historien italien Vittorio Sgarbi et avec la collaboration des 89 Instituts Culturels Italiens disséminés à travers le monde, la Biennale a réussi à rassembler autour d’un même projet 217 artistes d’origine italienne travaillant ou vivant aux quatre coins du globe. Chaque Institut avait pour mandat d’organiser une exposition et de produire une vidéo montrant le travail de trois artistes triés sur le volet. Ces projections actuellement diffusées jusqu’à la fin de l’année sur des écrans multimédia dans le Padiglione Italia à Venise, offrent un regard nouveau sur l’Italie d’aujourd’hui en traçant un portrait artistique multiculturel unique en son genre. Ce recenssement inédit permet selon Sgarbi de mieux saisir l’étendue de la diaspora italienne et le quotient d’exotisme des artistes italiens contemporains. C’est dans les locaux de la nouvelle Casa d’Italia, siège de la mémoire des Italiens du Québec, que l’Institut Culturel Italien de Montréal a décidé d’inaugurer son volet du Padiglione Italia nel Mondo le 6 juillet dernier. Les trois artistes choisis, Leda Montereali, Luci Mastropasqua et Mario Merola, sont respectivement rattachés aux disciplines de la photographie, du design et de la peinture. Au-delà de sa diversité artistique, cette sélection est aussi révélatrice d’une présence italienne hétérogène au sein du Québec. De plus, le trio incarne trois générations subséquentes d’immigration: Leda Montereali est née en Italie en 1971 et réside maintenant au Canada depuis une vingtaine d’années. Luci Mastropasqua est née à Montréal d’un père italien et d’une mère autrichienne, immigrés dans les années 1950. Elle a vécu et a travaillé en Italie, notamment à Milan. Mario Merola est né à Montréal en 1931 d’une mère canadienne-française et d’un père italien, arrivé lors de la première grande vague d’immigration italienne au pays.
Point de mire sur les artistes sélectionnés Leda Montereali évolue depuis plusieurs années dans la photographie de mode avec son conjoint Pierre St-Jacques. Elle explore en solo depuis quelques années l’univers de la photographie artistique. Son projet Privacy parcourt l’univers souvent flou entre la privatisation de l’espace public et la publicisation de l’espace privé dans une signature dramatique et théâtrale qui n’est pas sans rappeler le style provocant et déstabilisant de Leda & Saint-Jacques. Des photos
de sa collection Privacy seront exposées sur la Place ÉmilieGamelin à Montréal du 21 juillet au 15 septembre 2011. www.leda-st-jacques.com Disciple du célèbre Designer Ettore Sottsass, Luci Mastropasqua est toutefois architecte de formation. Elle pratique un style éclectique et coloré, à cheval entre le design d’objet et le design d’intérieur. Son projet Matteo, aux accents vaguement Bauhaus, intrigue par ses lignes audacieuses et l’utilisation du vide qui donne une impression de mouvement et d’instabilité à l’objet. La richesse de couleurs et de matières, ainsi que les différentes échelles de formes donnent à ce meuble un caractère à la fois ludique et fonctionnaliste qui défie les conventions. www.lucimastropasqua.com À 83 ans, le peintre Mario Merola a une créativité toujours aussi débordante. Les lignes courbes et la géométrie colorée de ses récents tableaux dont le Tryptique des saisons, qui pourrait très bien s’appeler «Hymne à la joie», laissent transparaître un style poétique et raffiné parfaitement maîtrisé. Ce tableau, par ses couleurs pastel et la fluidité du dialogue entre ses formes, évoque le doux mouvement des éléments de la nature qui ont nourri l’esprit de l’artiste au cours de sa longue carrière. Les traits souples de Merola nous plongent au cœur d’un univers lyrique et candide où apparaissent, au gré du regard, des silhouettes et autres images fantaisistes, aussitôt emportées par une mélodie d’ensemble, douce et harmonieuse. www.mariomerola.net Malgré leurs différents bagages, le dénominateur commun de ces trois artistes est sans doute ce que Sgarbi définit comme le germe artistique du «genio italiano all’estero» (génie italien à l’étranger) qui révèle une sensibilité méditerranéenne au diapason de sa culture d’accueil. C’est ce qui permet de déceler dans l’œuvre de ces trois artistes une personnalité propre qui n’exprime pas ici une volonté nostalgique de retour aux sources, mais plutôt un désir de s’approprier la réalité qui les entoure en laissant transpirer dans leur art leurs influences italiennes inhérentes dans un cadre authentique et contemporain - exactement comme l’ont fait avant eux des artistes tels que Modigliani ou Fortunato Depero, disciple italien du mouvement Futuriste, au début du siècle dernier.
Matteo, Luci Mastropasqua
L’objectif intrinsèque du projet Padiglione Italia est donc selon Angelo Mazzone, directeur de l’Institut Culturel Italien à Montréal, de faire rayonner ce talent immanent « en attirant l’attention des autorités locales sur cette présence artistique «italo-canadienne». L’association de ces trois artistes à un festival de réputation internationale aussi prestigieux que la Biennale de Venise est aussi un signe de reconnaissance et de consécration de leur créativité, de leur originalité et de leur talent. v
LE PADIGLIONE ITALIA NEL MONDO À LA BIENNALE DE VENISE 2011 Oeuvres de Leda Montereali, Luci Mastropasqua et Mario Merola Casa d’Italia: 505, rue Jean-Talon est (Métro Jean-Talon sortie Berri) Info: 514 849-3473 Du 5 juillet 2011 au 27 novembre 2011 Du lundi au vendredi de 13h à 17h Samedi et dimanche de 14h à 18h
Arts and Culture
Teatro - Théâtre - Theatre
Alla scoperta
dei teatri delle Marche Testo e foto : Laura Ghiandoni
Dall’esterno non è mai possibile accorgersi di cosa si celi all’interno. Passi in quella via, una, dieci, cento volte e non ti si rivela mai nulla; cerchi di farti un’idea, credi che la crosta possa alludere alla briciola dentro, ma quella che ti si mostra è s o l o e s e m p r e u n a b u c c i a : d e v i b u s s a r e, s u o n a r e i l campanel lo, attendere che ti aprano, aspettare l’ora in cui l’atmosfera sia quella giusta per muovere un passo oltre la soglia, per sapere che cosa si nasconde dietro. o stesso accade anche qui a Cagli, un paesello sulle colline delle Marche. Le mura antiche e i portoni di legno grandi e spaziosi, che puoi vedere passeggiando per le vie del centro storico, danno qualche indizio su ciò che nascondono, ma non raccontano la storia, nè descrivono la bellezza degli arredi interni. Le scritte esterne in latino e in italiano definiscono sbrigativamente, per sedare i curiosi: uno spazio, un tempo, un nome. Ad una certa ora della sera, le porte del teatro comunale si aprono al pubblico. Donne e uomini vestiti elegantemente, ma anche giovani in jeans, entrano a sciami con il desiderio di essere catapultati in un altro mondo: quello del dramma, dell’opera, della danza. Nonostante sappiano di voler entrare in quell’edificio per godersi uno spettacolo, non conoscono la storia di cui è pregna quel luogo e non s’immaginano il ruolo che il teatro aveva in Italia in passato. Dall’inizio del 1600 nella sola regione Marche ogni paesino in collina o in montagna sentì l’esigenza di possedere il proprio teatro entro le mura del paese. Questo fece sì che alla metà del 1900 fossero costruiti per tale uso ben 113 edifici e che le Marche fossero soprannominate “la regione dei cento teatri”. La maggior parte di questi spazi è ancora in piedi, di dimensione piccola o media, ospita dai 100 ai 1200 posti a sedere e conserva tutt’oggi la stessa bellezza e lo stesso fascino di un tempo, grazie ad un’opera di restauro iniziata negli anni ottanta. Un vizio italiano di campanilismo fece sì inoltre, che ogni paese volesse possedere un teatro più bello di quello nel paese accanto, e che la competizione riguardasse la decorazione del soffitto o del telo principale realizzata dagli artisti allora più in voga, le sculture installate nelle pareti e nelle mura, le lussuose stoffe con le quali erano tappezzate le sedie e le pareti. La struttura della maggior parte di questi teatri è all’italiana, con andatura a ferro di cavallo e tre ordini di palchi, il loggione e la platea.
Il soffitto è impreziosito da eclettiche decorazioni pittoriche, in stile neobarocco, classico e liberty, rappresentanti divinità greche, fiori, cornucopie e putti, ippocampi, statue, busti e sul telone principale è dipinta a volte la veduta della città. A Cagli, sul coprisipario è rappresentato un avvenimento storico svoltosi in città il 7 settembre 1162, quando l’imperatore Federico Barbarossa consegnò a Ludovico Baglioni Duca di Svevia il bastone di comando della nomina a Vicario imperiale della città di Perugia. Nel soffitto sono dipinte le figure simboliche delle sette arti liberali: Grammatica, Dialettica, Retorica, Aritmetica, Geometria, Astrologia e Musica. Vicino al palco in una nicchia vi sono i busti di Goldoni e Alfieri, posti vicino a due statue, rappresentanti la tragedia e la commedia. Entro le mura del teatro, inizialmente recuperate in edifici inutilizzati, la società soddisfava il proprio desiderio di incontrarsi col comune interesse di divertirsi, senza dimenticare la propria classe d’appartenenza. La struttura stessa del teatro, anzi, sottolineava queste differenze: i nobili occupavano i palchi, i borghesi la platea, ed il popolino partecipava alla serata in piedi, o sulle scomode panche nel loggione. Nelle serate straordinarie del Carnevale e dei Veglioni, le dame nobili trovavano l’occasione adatta per mettere in mostra raffinate acconciature, vesti di preziose stoffe, diademi, nei e ciprie. Entravano nella hall accompagnate dai propri cavalieri, dove uno
Arts and Culture
Teatro - Théâtre - Theatre
stuolo di ammiratori le attendeva per rubar loro un sorriso. Nelle serate ordinarie invece, si apprestavano a lavorare il pizzo a lume di candela chiacchierando con le amiche ai tavolini affacciandosi solo per sentire la canzone preferita. I Veglioni e le feste da ballo a quei tempi comiciavano tardissimo: dopo le dieci di sera alla luce delle fiaccole, e finivano in tarda mattinata. Le Mascherate in cui tutti si travestivano, nelle sere di Carnevale, erano accompagnate da “tombolate”, il tipico gioco da tavolo delle feste. Dopo lo spettacolo, la nobiltà, la borghesia e il popolo, si riunivano per danzare ogni tipo di ballo di coppia o di gruppo; dopodichè i signori nobili si dedicavano al gioco d’azzardo nell’apposita sala, mentre il popolino con pochi bajocchi cenava comodamente al bettolino del teatro. Tornando a noi e ai nostri tempi, dopo aver bighellonato a lungo in piazza, entriamo finalmente in questo spazio che dall’esterno non rappresentava per noi altro che un antico edificio.
Stringiamo nelle mani il biglietto d’entrata. Una maschera, in giacca rossa e gonna nera, ci indica la via per arrivare al nostro palchetto. Camminiamo sul parquet scricchiolante. Giunti al terzo piano, bussiamo alla porta con indicato il numero scritto sul nostro biglietto. Con un sorriso accogliente ci apre la porta la signora con la quale condivideremo il palco. Ci sediamo sulla confortevole sedia che cigola leggermente sotto il nostro peso. I graziosi lampadari a forma di ippocampo sono accesi. Ci sembra quasi di vedere le signore vestite in abiti vittoriani, che cuciono al lume di candela. Ci sembra quasi di sentire i sussurri nella platea, come sussurri antichi, in una lingua parzialmente comprensibile. La campanella squilla. I bellissimi lampadari liberty si spengono lentamente; le calde luci retrocedono di fronte al buio che avvolge la sala per il tempo di qualche secondo, e l’oscurità, infine, ci permette di scivolare e immergerci completamente nello spettacolo atemporale dell’imaginazione. v
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From Movie Enthusiast to Renowned Hollywood Cameraman:
Steven Campanelli
Passion can drive you to achieve amazing endeavours and this is exactly what brought Steven Campanelli into the world of cinema. By Anthony Calabrese
photo by Nadia Calabrese
Steven is a steadicam and camera operator who has contributed his talent to some of the most critically acclaimed films in the world. He has been working closely with film legend Clint Eastwood who masterfully directed classics such as Million Dollar Baby, Mystic River, and Invictus.
teven’s passion for the movies began in Montreal. He is the son of Italian immigrants who immigrated to Canada in 1951. When he was a boy his mother would take him to a local theater to watch movies that had a visual impact on him. “She would sneak me in to watch these dramatic movies that made her cry. I remember scenes with beautiful landscapes and great feasts. It became an escape for us,” says the talented artist. As a result, he began to frequent the local theater to fuel his imagination and as he got older he became enthralled with iconic director Sergio Leone and his highly entertaining spaghetti westerns, featuring Eastwood in the unforgettable role of the man with no name. “I remember being in awe of Leone’s films. Even as a kid I knew what he was doing was special. I also became a huge Eastwood fan!” he declares. However, it wasn’t until college that the young movie buff began to take his love of films seriously and ultimately decided to pursue a career in the motion picture industry. He later applied in the film production program at Concordia University in 1979 but he was rejected for lack of experience in the field. The rejection discouraged him and he began to work with his father who owned a landscaping business. He also worked in a metal factory for extra cash and it was there that he heard some encouraging words from a fellow worker, which prompted him to create a portfolio for himself. He applied to the program for the second time in 1980 and it paid off! He dedicated himself to completing the program with excellent results but in the final semester he was faced with yet another dilemma when a committee rejected his idea for his final film project. The budding artist was relentless and used his own money to fund
the project. The film program hosted a film festival for the graduates at the end of the semester and to his astonishment, he won first prize! It was a pivotal moment in his career because his decision to follow his heart would encourage him to buy a fifty thousand dollar steadicam that would help him land jobs in the film world he was longing to be a part of. Steven began to gain notoriety as a skillful cameraman who owned his own film equipment and was willing to work anywhere in the world. When he was hired to work on a film in China, he thrived as a consummate professional and caught the attention of cinematographer Jack Green. Green recommended him to Clint Eastwood who was going to direct the film The Bridges of Madison County. Eastwood took a chance on his number one fan and hired him for the job. “Clint got my working papers so I could work with him and he didn’t even know me!” he claims. Steven soon found himself on location in Iowa and he was very nervous about meeting his childhood idol for the first time. “I kept thinking what if he isn’t a nice person. I kept calling him Mr. Eastwood and finally he put his hand on my shoulder and said ‘call me Clint’. We quickly developed an excellent working relationship and became friends. I’ve been working with him for over 16 years and I haven’t missed one yet!” he says with pride. One of the high points in Steven’s career was when Eastwood received two Oscars for his work in the film Million Dollar Baby and thanked him for his collaboration in his acceptance speech. “It was a great moment, especially for my mom.” Steven was given a break to demonstrate his superb skills by American screen legend Clint Eastwood who at the beginning of his career was given a chance to shine by Italian film icon Sergio Leone. It’s only fitting that the opportunity to express one’s talent has come full circle and an Italian will have an opportunity to direct his first film entitled, City of Redemption this Fall. Congratulations friend, it’s your time to shine! v
Arts and Culture
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Musica Italiana: Panoram Italia’s Picks Ennio Morricone (Composer) Album: “The Complete Edition” - 2008 - Genre: Soundtracks / Colonne Sonore / Classical Italian conductor Ennio Morricone was born in Rome in 1928. After receiving his trumpet diploma in 1946, he began composing music for the theatre. His career as a film music composer only took off in 1961with “Il Federale” directed by Luciano Salce. It wasn’t until he was asked to compose for Sergio Leone’s westerns such as “The Good, The Bad And The Ugly” (1966) that he became known worldwide. He has received numerous awards including one Grammy and three Golden Globes and an honorary Oscar. “The Complete Edition” is a 15 cd box set that features Maestro Morricone’s music for cinema, television, his contemporary classical music, original songs, orchestral arrangements and arrangements from many hit songs.
Mia Martini (1947-1995) Album: “Domani” - 2010 - Genre: Pop / Rock Mia Martini would have turned sixty three on the day the album “Domani” was released back in 2010. As a tribute to the singer (one of the greatest Italian female voices of all time), RaiTrade released the album on September 20th. Included in “Domani” are some of her live radio and television performances as well as some tracks that were never published before. From “Breve Amore” written by Alberto Sordi to the Medley:When I Fall In Love, Desafinado and Hit The Road Jack which were all part of the television special “Mia” back in 1975, in this compilation we can also listen to her duet with her sister Loredana Bertè.
Luciano Pavarotti (1935-2007) Album: “O Sole Mio” - 1987 - Genre: Opera / Neapolitan songs Although he was originally training to become a teacher, after winning the prestigious “Concorso Internazionale” in 1961, young Pavarotti’s musical ambition to become a world-renowned tenor officially began with an operatic début as “Rodolfo” in Puccini’s La Bohème at the Teatro Reggio Emilia that same year. From then on, he would devote himself to his vocation as an opera singer and eventually become one of the most successful tenors of all time, even commercially. The album “O Sole Mio” features thirteen Neapolitan songs written by Tosti, Cannio, Gambardella, Di Capua “O Sole Mio”, De Curtis and others.
By Sonia Benedetto
Marcella e Gianni Bella Album: “Forever per sempre” - 2007 - Genre: Pop-Rock Marcella Bella began her career as a singer in the early 1960’s. She is the sister of renowned singer-songwriter Gianni Bella who wrote for her “Montagne Verdi” with Giancarlo Bigazzi. She performed it at the “Festival di Sanremo” in 1972 and scored seventh place giving Marcella her “big break.” Shortly after, the duo became very famous and gained much success even throughout the eighties and nineties. They performed at the “Festivalbar,” “Premiatissima,” “Viva Napoli” and many more significant venues. “Forever per sempre” is once again the result of Gianni teaming up with another accomplished songwriter Mogol, and of course his sister Marcella.
Giuseppe Verdi (1813-1901) Album: “Viva Verdi - A 100 th Anniversary Celebration” 2000 - Genre: Opera Giuseppe Verdi was one of the most influential composers of the 19th century and the “Risorgimento” in Italy. “La donne è mobile” (Rigoletto), “Libiamo nei lieti calici” (La Traviata) and of course the famous chorus “Va pensiero” (Nabucco) are only a few of his works still performed worldwide today and that are part of this compilation. “Viva Verdi” (2 discs) features samples from Verdi’s most famous operas, an illustrated biographical booklet as well as a complete catalogue and guide to the operas.
Raffaella Carrà Album: “Fiesta: I Grandi Successi” - 1999 - Genre: Italian Pop Born in Bologna in 1943, Raffaella Carrà (often referred to as “la Carrà”) is without a doubt one of the most famous and most loved personalities in the Italian showbiz. She is a singer, a dancer, a television host and an actress. In the early 1970’s, although she was already successful in Italy, Raffaella moved to Spain and later on established herself in Buenos Aires and pursued her ambitions in the Hispanic market. Among her most popular television series are “Pronto Raffaella”, a game show that was also adapted for Spanish television as “Hola Raffaella,” and “Carramba che Fortuna.” “I Grandi Successi” features some of her biggest all-time hits “Tanti Auguri,” “Tuca Tuca,” “Fiesta” (originally recorded in Spanish and later in French and Italian), “53-53-456” and many more. v
Usucapione Me Pasquale Artuso
Siete partiti dal paesino natale in cerca di fortuna ed avete affidato i vostri beni (casa, terreni) al vostro amico fidato. opo tantissimi anni, siete notificati da una citazione per usucapione. Il vostro fedele amico o i suoi figli, che neanche conoscete, domandano di essere dichiarati padroni della vostra casa e terreni.
Cos’è l’usucapione? L’Articolo 1158 (e seguenti) del Codice Civile Italiano lo definisce come il mezzo in virtù del quale, per effetto del possesso protratto per un certo tempo e, talora, di altri requisiti, si produce l’acquisto della proprietà di beni immobili, mobili, mobili registrati e dei diritti reali di godimento. I requisiti dell’usucapione sono il possesso ed il tempo. In relazione al tempo si distinguono vari tipi di usucapione : a) Usucapione di beni mobili : Possesso (in buona fede) continuato per dieci (10) anni, mentre se il possesso è in malafede venti (20) anni; b) Usucapione ordinaria di beni immobili e universalità di mobili : Si compie, per i beni immobili (terreni, casa, etc.) e le universalità di mobili (gregge di pecore, mandria di bestiame, biblioteche, pinacoteche, etc.) in venti (20) anni; c) Usucapione abbreviata: La stessa richiede per gli immobili dieci (10) anni e per i mobili registrati (auto, moto, trattori, barche, navi, aerei, etc.) tre (3) anni; d) Usucapione speciale: I termini per farla compiere sono quindici (15) e cinque (5) anni (immobili situati in comuni montani), qualora ricorrano particolari presupposti.
Pasquale Artuso Avvocato di Fiducia Consolato Generale d’Italia Caroline Francoeur Avvocatessa
Elena Milioto Avvocatessa
Steven Campese Avvocato
Julie Therrien Avvocatessa
Pierre Fugère Avvocato - diritto criminale e penale
Valérie Carrier Avvocatessa
Joseph W. Allen Avvocato dal 1976 diritto dell’immigrazione
T.: 514.259.7090
F.: 514.256.6907
Mathieu Di Lullo Avvocato
Complexe Le Baron, 6020, rue Jean-Talon Est, bureau 630 Montréal (Québec) Canada H1S 3B1
Cosa fare per evitare l’usucapione? L’unico mezzo efficace per non farsi espropriare dei propri beni che può attivare una persona emigrata all’estero e che ha lasciato beni in Italia, dei quali, per tante ragioni, non ha potuto più interessarsi è quello di compiere atti idonei ad interrompere il decorso (passare) del tempo che permetterebbe, altrimenti, al non proprietario di impossessarsi degli stessi. In parole povere, una semplice raccomandata, il pagamento delle utenze domestiche, delle tasse sugli immobili, etc, non sarebbero sufficienti, secondo l’attuale orientamento prevalente della Suprema Corte di Cassazione, a dimostrare l’interruzione dell’usucapione, bensi occorre ricorrere alle vie giudiziariare, per mezzo delle azioni di rivendicazione (Art. 948 Cod. Civ. It.) e/o negatoria (Art. 949 Cod. Civ. It.) preannunciate con una lettera di un avvocato. Necessita ricordare che l’usucapione è interrotta, quando il possessore abusivo è stato privato del possesso per oltre un anno, beninteso, non facendo oltrepassare l’arco temporale previsto dalla normativa pertinente le varie tipologie di usucapione (venti (20) anni, quindici (15) anni, dieci (10) anni, cinque (5) anni, tre (3) anni). In più, se il possesso è stato acquistato in modo violento o clandestino la domanda sarà respinta dal tribunale.
Questa rubrica legale contiene dell’informazione giuridica generale e non sostituisce i consigli di un avvocato che terrà conto delle particolarità del vostro caso. Lo studio legale Pasquale Artuso & Soci si avvale della collaborazione di corrispondenti in tutte le regioni d’Italia coordinati dallo studio Fallerini. v
Keep your heart at heart 5 ways to prevent a heart attack
By Romina Perrotti
Picture yourself alone, in a car, on the way home from a very busy day at work. You feel frustrated, angered and stressed from an unusually hectic couple of hours. Suddenly, you start experiencing severe pain in your chest which begins to radiate into your arm and up your jawline and gets progressively worse. You have under a minute before falling unconscious as you are experiencing the onset of a heart attack. hen one is asked which disease accounts for taking the most lives every year in the world, cancer, AIDS and hunger are the few which automatically come to mind. However, they are not the top killers. The number one cause of death in the world today is heart disease. More people die of heart disease worldwide than any other disease, claiming 17.1 million lives every year! This is quite alarming as most people tend to ignore the symptoms of heart disease or are not even aware that they have them at all. A heart attack occurs when the heart is starved of oxygen, due to narrowing of the blood vessels feeding the heart muscle- therefore, if you are ever caught alone in this situation, try to breathe heavily and cough profusely. The heavy breathing guides oxygen into the lungs and the coughing squeezes the heart to keep the blood circulating. This method, however, does not suffice and therefore only buys you time to get appropriate medical attention. The best way to treat heart disease is through prevention. ‘Prevent it, and you won’t get it’ is a common motto that should become an integral part of a healthier lifestyle. Here’s the best advice to prevent a heart attack and in general, other cardiovascular diseases.
1) STOP SMOKING: Breathe more easily! While we think that smoking only impacts the lungs and deteriorates them over time, it actually targets heart tissue by stiffening it and impairing proper function. Smoking enhances inelasticity and the once healthy, resilient tissue is now stiff and unable to properly pump blood.
2) STOP STRESSING: Lower your blood pressure! We live in a very stressful world with deadlines and projects that need to be respected, it is very natural to be overwhelmed. However, overloading your heart all the time and not giving
it time to rest will cause damage over time. So relax, and engage in some activity that will calm you down. This could be deep meditation or yoga to name a few.
3) Stay Italian: Consume Olive Oil! Olive oil reduces your risk of heart disease. It contains mono-unsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) otherwise known as the `good fats` which don’t tend to build up in the arteries. Watch the caloric intake however! Even though it is good for you, it does have a lot of calories, so don’t guzzle down a bottle! Try to incorporate it into a healthier diet without overusing it in every dish.
5) Keep active: Start Moving! Guess what? It’s not hard to partake in physical activity even though you have a hectic schedule! Although it is recommended to have five 30 minutes physical activity sessions per week, it does not have to be consecutive. If you take a half hour walk during your lunch break five times a week at a moderate pace then you’ve reached your goal to having a healthier heart!
4) Enter FIBER-CITY to reduce your cholesterol. Cholesterol builds up in your arteries and can stop the flow of blood to the heart. Yes I know, it may be hard for the hardcore pasta lovers to switch to the whole grain option. But there are tons of delicious recipes that substitute enriched pasta with whole wheat pasta and white bread for whole wheat bread. The tough part is starting out, once you get used to it, you will find it so much easier to continue onto the fibre path and live longer! v
Community & Events
Canada’s Italian Landmark Madonna della Difesa: 100th anniversary By Marco Viglione and Francesco Di Muro
Chiesa Madonna della Difesa is the oldest Italian church in Canada. One of only a handful of ethno-cultural landmarks recognized by the Canadian government as having historic importance, the church was designated a national heritage site in 2002. nown as Église Notre Dame de la Défense and the seldom-used Church of Our Lady of Defense , the church remains the most popular parish in the Montreal Italian community with 70 weddings, 150 funerals, and 200 baptisms per year. Although the oldest Italian church in Canada, the parish itself is actually the second oldest in the country, following Our Lady of Mont Carmel founded in 1905 and currently located in St-Leonard. After the turn of the century, Montreal welcomed over 20,000 Italian immigrants. Archbishop Paul Bruchesi, whose family emigrated from Italy in the early half of the 1800s, granted the rapidly rising Italian community their own parish. As a result, the Parrocchia Madonna della Difesa was founded in 1910, named after a small hillside chapel in Casacalenda, Campobasso that was built a decade earlier. Located on Henri Julien Street between Belanger and Saint-Zotique streets, the parish’s church was completed in 1911 in what would become the heart of Montreal’s Little Italy. As the city’s Italian population quickly doubled over the next decade, parish priest Guglielmo Vangelisti recognized the demand for a larger church. Vangelisti would go on to become the longest-serving pastor in the parish’s history, presiding 25 years over two terms including both World Wars. The new and current church was constructed in 1919. The Romanesque church was the design and vision of Florentine artist Guido Nincheri, most commonly remembered as “Montreal’s Michelangelo.” Nincheri is the only artist in Canada who practiced the true fresco painting technique, whereby the mural is painted onto wet plaster. The “buon fresco” method is best exemplified by High Renaissance artist Michelangelo Buonarroti’s work in the Sistine Chapel, whose creation is illustrated in the award-winning biographical novel and subsequent 1965 film The Agony and the Ecstasy. The Difesa Church is home to one of only seven frescoes in Canada, with Nincheri’s most renowned work at St. Leon Church in Westmount, also a Canadian landmark. Born in Tuscany in 1885, Nincheri studied as an architect, designer, painter, and sculptor before emigrating and settling in Montreal in 1915. Two years later, he was commissioned by Vangelisti to design a new larger church as a result of the increasing Italian immigration. Nincheri designed a grand Greek-cross floor plan with a
seating capacity of 800. Beyond the architectural plans, he was responsible for almost every detail in the church: the painting of the expansive ceiling frescoes, the inception of the stained glass windows, the design of the original wooden pews and confessionals, the design of the marble altar and pulpit, and several of the major oil paintings. What is not commonly known is that the interior decoration as it appears today was completed in stages. The stained glass windows behind the altar were created in 1924, while those high above the entrance doors were done in 1933. The crucifix above the altar was sculpted in 1923, and the gold medallions on the church walls representing the Via Crucis and Via Matris were completed in 1940. The marble pulpit was delivered in 1933, while the marble altar and rail were assembled in 1950. Outside the church, the marble Calvary scene at the corner of Dante and Henri Julien was sculpted in 1952, while the war memorial featuring the bronze soldier at the corner of Dante and Alma was unveiled in 1984. As for the ceiling frescoes, the apse was completed in 1933, while the transept was painted in 1959. The showpiece of the interior is obviously the Apse Fresco, which depicts over 200 historical characters. The infamous depiction of Mussolini on horseback is unintentionally the overall highlight of the church for tourists. This fresco actually represents the 1929 peace treaty between the Italian State and the Holy See. During the Italian Risorgimento, the city of Rome was conquered by the Italian army and declared the national capital in 1870. However, it was not until the signing of the Lateran Accord between Pope Pius XI and Benito Mussolini that each political body recognized each other’s sovereignty with the founding of the Vatican City State. Due to the events WWII, his depiction was concealed during the war until it was restored in 1947. Nonetheless, the controversial “Church of Mussolini” is a name that has been associated with the building ever since. During the 1950s and 1960s, Montreal received an influx of 150,000 post-war Italian immigrants, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the parish. Guido Nincheri supervised a major redecoration of the church during this period. The Parish Hall and the Presbytery were built in 1955, while the Baptistery Chapel was added in 1964.
The white semi-circular relief sculptures above the three entrance doors were added in 1959, as was the bronze Madonna statue above the main entrance. The six gold-framed oil paintings depicting John the Baptist, St. Francis of Assisi, Santa Cabrini and other saints were placed at the Dante Street entrance in 1964. A new lighting system providing better illumination consisted of new chandeliers inside the church and eight exterior lampposts designed by Nincheri. The church’s façade was given a facelift by highlighting the pilaster columns and doorframes with white brick. Unfortunately, these white brick additions were replaced with cement slabs in 1979 giving the church’s exterior a languid look. In a truly inspiring display of his dedication, Nincheri the master artist, at age 74, climbed a 75-foot scaffold to paint the Trinity fresco on the ceiling’s transept crossing. In recognition of the large local Italian community, the City of Montreal renamed Suzanne Street as Dante Street in 1922, transformed a vacant parking lot into the Dante Park Piazza in 1963, and finally officially christened the area “Petite Italie” in 1995. In 2004, the church completed a six-year $5.5 million restoration project organized by the late Loris Palma. This included a refurbishment of the exterior brickwork and a renewal of the interior décor, featuring the return of the travertine stone-look of the walls, which had been painted yellow. Many of the repairs necessary were a result of the Ice Storm of ’98, which caused significant ceiling cracks. Nincheri died in 1973 and although he decorated 200 churches, Madonna della Difesa remains the greatest testament of his mastery and innate skill. This historic monument serves as a beacon for our cultural traditions and the embodiment of our community’s contribution to Canadian historical significance. The Difesa Church exalts both the glory of the Faith and the expression of Italo-Canadian immigrants. v
Community & Events
Grande Festa
Alla Madonna della Difesa
Annamaria Cerutti
Una chiesa gremita ed una comunità in piena letizia, domenica 15 maggio ha festeggiato il giubileo centenario in una cornice di gioia e di fede. La celebrazione eucaristica è stata presie duta da sua eminenza il cardinale Jean-Claude Turcotte accompagnato dal parroco Monsignor Igino Incantalupo, dal nostro giovanissimo vice parroco Don Gregorio Ciszek, da padre Michel dei servi di Maria, da padre Pierangeli e da monsignor Gabriele Ta m i l i a , a r r i v a t o p e r l ’ o c c a s i o n e d a l Santuario di Casacalenda per unirsi a tutta la comunità in festa. opo 100 anni, la rievocazione storica, introdotta anche dalle parole di Nick Di Tempora, presidente del Comitato Centenario, celebra la fama di un tempo, riproponendosi come festa per rivivere, ritrovarsi e rinnovare, in occasione di questo giubileo, l’affetto profonda della comunità verso la chiesa della Madonna della Difesa. La numerosa presenza non può che essere simbolo di un profondo avvicinamento anche di coloro che abitano lontano, e del loro desiderio di rendere onore ai tanti emigrati della fine del 19mo secolo, che con sacrificio e dedizione hanno contribuito alla crescita della comunità. Era gente semplice, arrivata con un sacchetto di vestiti e di ricordi. Dentro quel sacchetto, tra fotografie, ricordi, speranze e tutte le cose più care, conservavano con amore un’icona della Madonna, e portavano nel cuore quei sentimenti religiosi, quella moralità che li avrebbe accompagnati per il resto della loro vita in Canada. Sono loro ad aver donato, in questa terra di adozione, la luce, il coraggio e la fede. Loro hanno sentito il desiderio di pilotare il nucleo famigliare intorno ai sacerdoti italiani, sacerdoti che parlavano la loro lingua e garantivano il sostegno necessario per superare gli ostacoli più duri. Sono stati loro che, pietra su pietra, hanno costruito con orgoglio la loro parrocchia, la loro casa, oggi nostra cattedrale, che con la sua arte e il suo splendore, è la più ricercata tra tutte le chiese italiane dell’isola di Montréal e forse di tutto il Canada. Cresciuti con questi insegnamenti, i figli della prima generazione sono tuttora legati alla Madonna della Difesa e nelle occasioni più importanti, si ritrovano qui, nella
casa di Dio, che è anche la nostra, perchè conserva in essa un intero patrimonio di valori. In essa, troviamo sempre un rifugio sicuro, tanto nella gioia del matrimonio e del battesimo, quanto nei momenti di dolore per la scomparsa dei nostri cari. Per questo prezioso tempio di Dio, non possiamo che ringraziare e ricordare il nostro concittadino, grande maestro e pittore, Guido Nincheri. Se la chiesa oggi è ancora al massimo del suo splendore, è nostro dovere ringraziare anche i servi di Maria che per oltre 90 anni, con zelo apostolico e molti sacrifici, hanno assistito la comunità italiana per la preservazione della fede. Occorrre infine ricordare Padre Manfriani e Padre Evangelisti. Tra le due guerre e durante la depressione, sono loro ad aver soccorso i nostri connazionali, un centinaio dei quali furono internati nel campo di prigionia di Petawawa, soffrendo il freddo e la fame. Eppure, con la devozione e la fede, la Madonna della Difesa ha accolto nel suo grembo i suoi figli in difficoltà. Allietati dall’atmosfera di festa di questa importante celebrazione, il nostro cuore palpita come quello dei discepoli di Emmaus, sapendo che i nostri avi hanno iniziato questo cammino di fede nel 1910, e noi, figli dello stesso Dio, preghiamo affinché il Signore resti con noi e conservi la nostra parrocchia, per l’avvenire nostre famiglie. Gugliemo Evangelista, parroco fin dagli inizi nel ricordo di questa valorosa impresa, ci ha lasciato con affetto questa dedica, che oggi ricordiamo con orgoglio: "questa chiesa è stata costruita in gloria di Dio, per il bene delle anime e in onore del popolo italiano." v
Community & Events
AU REVOIR MADAME GIANNETTI Après plus de trente sept ans de dévouement et de loyauté envers le réseau de la santé et des services sociaux dont plus de trente ans à l’Hôpital Santa Cabrini, Mme Irène Giannetti a quitté son poste en tant que Directrice générale de l’Hôpital Santa Cabrini et du Centre d’Accueil Dante pour une retraite bien méritée. C’est le jeudi 30 juin 2011, qu’une cérémonie pour lui dire au revoir a eu lieu en compagnie des représentants d’institutions et d’organismes divers, des medias, des membres du Mme Irène Giannetti conseil d’administration de l’Hôpital et de la Fondation Santa Cabrini, des membres du personnel, des nombreux partenaires, amis et membres de la communauté. Le Président du conseil d’administration M. Emilio B. Imbriglio a pris la parole au nom de tous ainsi qu’au nom des médecins et bénévoles pour souligner le parcours de Mme Giannetti et la remercier pour son engagement remarquable à l’institution durant toutes ces années de carrière. Très touchée, Mme Giannetti a remercié à son tour pour l’appui qu’elle a reçu «car c’est grâce au travail d’équipe et à la confiance témoignée par tant de fidèles collaborateurs dont les membres du conseil d’administration, si l’on a pu faire progresser notre institution». Consciente de l’évolution constante de la pratique médicale, elle a réalisé plusieurs projets majeurs d’agrandissement, de rénovation et d’acquisition de matériel médical, grâce notamment au soutien de la Fondation Santa Cabrini. Parmi tant d’autres: la nouvelle salle d’urgence, l’ajout de quatre-vingt lits, les soins intensifs et coronariens, la médecine nucléaire, le CT-Scan, et plus récemment la résonance magnétique. Première femme à assumer la fonction de Directrice générale d’un établissement public de santé, Mme Giannetti qui en est au terme de toutes ces années de dévouement, demeure toutefois membre du conseil d’administration de la Fondation Santa Cabrini. Nous lui souhaitons une heureuse retraite. v
In the middle: Mr. Rocco Di Zazzo receiving his award.
At this year’s “Gala Alpha 2011” that took place on May 6th, Mr. Rocco Di Zazzo, Founder and President of Rodimax received the ‘Business Personality of the Year” award for his contribution to the economic development of Ville Saint-Laurent with his residential project “Le Challenger Ouest”. Organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Saint-Laurent, this annual business competition aims to recognize the accomplishments of companies that have distinguished themselves through a remarkable growth in the field in which they operate. v
"Cavaliere Ordine al Merito della Repubblica Italiana" (PhD, PPhys, FCCPM, DABMP, DABR, FAAPM) Born in Sant’ambrogio sul Garigliano in the Lazio region, Dr. Biagio Gino Fallone (son of Giuseppe and Pierina) immigrated to Canada with his parents in 1952 and lived in a room they had rented in Ville-Émard before moving to the Ahuntsic area. The oldest of three children, he graduated from McGill University in 1983 with a PhD degree in Physics and two years later married Angelina Persechino. Today, he is the proud father of Alexia, Clara and Joey Michael. Inquisitive and curious by nature, he devoted his career to the fight against cancer. Over the years, he published more than two hundred and fifty research articles and contributed to several science textbooks. He is a proficient guest speaker at international conventions and with more than ten patents in his name, Dr. Fallone also created and built two hundred radiology machines that are used worldwide. On October 23rd 2010, it was his turn to receive the prestigious title of Knight, Order of Merit of the Italian Republic from Consul General Francesco de Conno (Consul General of Italy in Vancouver) for his precious contribution to the medical field of cancer research. A celebration in his honour was held at the Italian Cultural Society in collaboration with the Italian Associations of Edmonton. v
Congratulations Fabrizio Sandonato & Patrizia Ramundo on your engagement! Cristinziano and Lucia Ramundo, and Giovanni and Anna Sandonato are delighted to announce the engagement of their children Fabrizio and Patrizia. Excited siblings are sisters Carmie, Elisa (Stephen) and Raffaela (Patrick). Proud grandparents are Carmela, Giuseppe, Angela and Albina. Many excited aunts, uncles, cousins and nieces. A summer 2012 wedding is planned. We all love you very much! Auguri! v
Famiglia Milito
Lo scorso 14 maggio, il presidente dell’ Associazione Calabrese “Savuto-Cleto” di Ottawa, il signor Gino Marrello, insieme a Corrado Nicastro (presentatore della serata) e al suo comitato, hanno organizzato un Galà per la consegna del “Community Achievement Award” (Riconoscimento Comunitario). Istituita dall’associazione stessa, questa nona edizione ha premiato i fratelli Pietro e Armando Milito per il loro successo nel campo della ristorazione. Entrambi proprietari del ristorante “La Strada” fondato nel 1989, se ieri erano “Chef Pietro” e “Maître D” (barista professionista) a gestire l’attività, oggi il locale è in mano a Carlo, Leonardo e Federico (i figli di Pietro) e rimane tra i più famosi e più frequentati di Ottawa. Tra clienti, amici, parenti, simpatizzanti e rappresentanti politici, più di quattrocentocinquanta persone si sono recate presso la “Saint Anthony Soccer Hall” per onorare il lavoro dei due fratelli che hanno ricevuto anche un certificato. Ad allietare la serata sono stati Vinz Derosa e la Italianz Showband di Toronto. Tra i vari discorsi di apertura, è degno di nota il messaggio inviato dall’Onorevole Stephen Harper. La finalità di questa ricorrenza è rendere omaggio ai calabresi del Canada che si sono affermati sia nel campo artistico che professionale. Quest’anno, il ricavato della serata sarà devoluto alla Villa Marconi e alla fondazione CHEO. v
Community & Events
Finale dello spettacolo: Tutti gli artisti insieme a Roberto Medile hanno cantato “Volare”.
Nel quadro delle attività culturali promosse dal Centro Leonardo da Vinci e dalla Fondazione comunitaria italo-canadese del Québec con l’alto patrocinio del Console Generale d’Italia a Montréal e in collaborazione con l’Istituto Italiano di Cultura, il CGIE, il Com.It.Es., la Camera di Commercio Italiana, il Congresso Nazionale e la CIBPA, ha avuto luogo lo scorso 29 maggio, la giornata “Italia in Festa”. I membri di vari organismi e associazioni insieme a tutta la comunità, hanno popolato la piazza del centro per festeggiare in un atmosfera campestre, i 150 anni dell’Unità d’Italia. Per esprimere nel modo più vivo il Made in Italy, numerosi erano anche i chioschi con prodotti tipici e artigianali che rappresentavano le varie regioni d’Italia. Non sono mancate le macchine Ferrari e Fiat e tante altre attrazioni. Inoltre, erano ancora in corso le mostre “Expo Leonardo” dell’Ing. Giuseppe Manisco e Leonardo da Vinci: “A Gift from God” del Dott. Rolando Del Maestro. La festa si è conclusa in serata con un concerto in compagnia di artisti italiani e quebecchesi. Ideato, presentato e coordinato da Roberto Medile (cantante e attore) sotto la direzione musicale di Daniel Piché, lo spettacolo ha reso omaggio alla più bella musica italiana di ieri e di oggi attraverso l’opera, alcuni brani di colonne sonore, la musica leggera e i suoni tradizionali. I cantanti invitati erano: Gino Quilico, Natalie Choquette, Francesco Verrecchia, Gianna Corbisiero, Marco Calliari, Sonia Benedetto, Vincenzo Thoma, Christine Dionne e Salvatore Fontanella, Giorgia Fumanti, Isabelle Metwalli e Enzo DeRosa, Claudine Carle, Dominica Merola, Bianca Ortolano, Davide Marino e l’attore Dino Tavarone. v
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On stage: Singers Marco Calliari and Peppe Voltarelli
Since 2004, Marco Calliari has been organizing “Rital Fest”. This music festival focuses on introducing Italian music to a wide audience and to italophiles in particular. It is also an opportunity for new emerging artists to showcase their talent and to promote cultural exchanges. For example, every year an Italian artist is invited abroad to perform on the Rital Fest stage. This year’s edition which took place on June 8 th at “Le Lion d’Or” featured Fred Péloquin, Ironiko Orkestra and from Cosenza, Italy, Peppe Voltarelli whom together with Marco also took part of “Les FrancoFolies de Montréal” and the “Luminato Festival” in Toronto. v
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Congratulations Kathryn, Kristine and Jesse! Love Mom & Dad
Kathryn Villalta Concordia University Bachelor of Education 2011
Kristine Villalta McGill University Bachelor of Education 2011
Jesse Villalta Laurier Senior High School 2011
Community & Events CRAIC: 1° GALÀ DEI PRESIDENTI
ACCÉSSS Alliance des Communautés Culturelles pour l'Égalité dans la Santé et les Services Sociaux ACCÉSSS and support for the elderly of our communities By Pascual Delgado
Premiazione dei presidenti dei club de l’âge d’or del CRAIC Prima fila al centro: La Sen. Marisa Ferreti Barth (Direttrice generale e vice-presidente del CRAIC) e il Presidente del CRAIC, Franco Rocchi.
Domenica 5 Giugno 2011 presso la sala ricevimenti “Le Madison”, oltre cinquecento persone hanno partecipato al “Primo Galà dei Presidenti” organizzato dal “Consiglio regionale delle persone anziane italo-canadesi (CRAIC)”. Sotto la presidenza onoraria del ministro provinciale per le persone anziane l’On. Marguerite Blais, questa prima edizione aveva come obiettivo quello di onorare i presidenti dei vari club e comitati de l’âge d’or affiliati al CRAIC per il loro volontariato in seno alla comunità. Una settantina di presidenti sono stati premiati dalla Sen. Barth e dal Sig. Franco Rocchi con una spilla d’argento fabbricata artigianalmente in Italia. Inoltre, per celebrare l’impegno di ognuno, più di quattrocento membri appartenenti ai direttivi dei vari club, hanno ricevuto un certificato firmato dal Sen. Noël A. Kinsella. Non sono mancati i messaggi inviati dal Primo Ministro del Canada l’On. Stephen Harper e dall’On. Jean Charest. Alla Sen. Barth, invece, sono stati consegnati la medaglia ed il certificato al merito dell’Assemblea nazionale per il suo contributo verso la comunità e in particolar modo per la causa degli anziani. A presentare l’evento è stato il Sig. Pasquale Iacobacci. v
Quebec society is facing two major challenges in the Millennium: a rapidly ageing population and the increasing diversity of its citizens. Whereas 50 years ago, most immigrants came mainly from European countries, today 80% of new immigrants originate from countries all over the globe, from Africa, Latin-America, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Asia. They speak dozens of different languages and practice a variety of religions; having cultures and customs quite different from those Quebecers were traditionally accustomed to. As an organization devoted to the improvement of access to healthcare and social services since 1984, ACCÉSSS has been looking closely at the situation of our immigrant elderly for the last 20 years; and recognizes the need to create special tools and documentation to inform this very diverse population about the wide range of programs and services available to them in Quebec. We know that immigrants in general, and seniors in particular, have great difficulty locating the services and agencies of the public healthcare and social services network. There are multiple barriers due to language, bureaucracy and culture that impede the immigrant elderly from receiving the care they need. Thanks to the support of the Ministère de la Famille et des Aînés of the Quebec Government, ACCÉSSS has developed a free and interactive training program to help community workers who serve an aging, multicultural clientele. With this training we enable community groups to explain how Quebec’s services and programs work and how to access them so they can in turn better serve their elderly clients. We do this through a variety of tools: • Brochures about the healthcare system in both English and French as well as in 6 other languages, including Italian; • PowerPoint presentations in both English and French, tailor-made for each group and region; • Specific training workshops dealing with topics like mental health problems of the immigrant elderly; • Partnerships with the major Quebec federations representing the elderly, such as the FADOQ and the AQDR, as well as experts in ethno-gerontology and healthcare, such as the CREGÉS;
Padre Ezio Marchetto (sacerdote responsabile) in compagnia dei partecipanti
Anche quest’anno, la comunità italiana di Laval e i fedeli della Missione della Madonna del Divino Amore, si sono riuniti per una giornata all’insegna della tradizione e della devozione. Dopo la messa bilingue celebrata alle ore dieci, numerosi erano anche i giovani ragazzi e i bambini, che insieme ai devoti hanno portato la processione con l’immagine della Madonna nei pressi del quartiere che circonda la chiesa. Infine, una festa sociale con musica, giochi, balli e un ricco banchetto, ha portato i festeggiamenti a termine in tutta allegria. v
Since 2009, thanks to these resources, we have been able to offer training workshops to a total of 133 front-line staff persons from 59 community organizations and healthcare agencies in Quebec regions. We calculate that approximately 24,500 senior citizens from a dozen ethnic backgrounds have benefited and will benefit from this program in the years to come. For more information please contact Mr. Leonardo Ciarla, Director of Fundraising & Development at 514-287-1106 ext. 30 or leonardo.ciarla@accesss.net v
Al servizio della comunità dal 1983
Membre du conseil de la Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM) et vice-président de la Commission permanente du logement social Membre de la Commission conjointe développement économique et urbaine et habitation Membre du Comité industriel en sécurité
150° anniversario dell’unità d’Italia 1861-2011
Alvaro Farinacci Conseiller de ville - Montréal Arrondissement de La Salle
55, avenue Dupras LaSalle H8R 4A8 alvarofarinacci@bellnet.ca Tél.: (514) 367-6216
Classe 204
Classe 210
Lo scorso 2 giugno in occasione della Festa della Repubblica ed in concomitanza con i 150 anni dell’Unità d’Italia, gli alunni della scuola elementare “East Hill” hanno presentato uno spettacolo musicale per celebrare le loro origini. La manifestazione è stata coordinata dal maestro Rocco Simone e dalla Professoressa d’italiano Giovanna Giordano (Presidente del Com.It.Es. di Montréal). I giovani talenti protagonisti erano ben preparati con una scaletta ricca di successi italiani. Fra i brani più famosi, vi erano alcune
canzoni dello “Zecchino d’Oro”, “Fratelli d’Italia” e per il gran finale, "Il mio canto libero" di Lucio Battisti. Con oltre ottocento nonni e genitori presenti in platea, era forte anche l’emozione sentita dagli applausi del pubblico. Tra balli, canti e bandierine italiane sventolate con molta fierezza, un’altro momento importante da ricordare è senz’altro il saluto molto commovente della Direttrice, la Sig.ra Maria Di Perna, che precedentemente a questo avvenimento aveva già annunciato il suo ritiro. v
Dimanche, le 26 juin 2011 l’événement «Fitness Zumba Shake it up» s’est tenu en plein air et a permis d’amasser 13 900$ pour la Fondation Garnierkids.com. Ce succès on le doit à Madame Lia Borsellino qui a eu la brillante idée de faire un tout nouveau genre d’événement qui est très rassembleur: le Fitness Zumba! Animé par l’ambassadrice du fitness Zumba, Maria Papadopoulos et un peu plus de 250 personnes ont dansés au son du DJ George Thomas. L’événement était de 10h30 à 13h00 et avait lieu dans le croissant de la Place James Huston à Ville St-Laurent. Beau temps mauvais temps les gens ont enfilé leur tenue d’aérobie pour cette bonne cause et la bonne humeur était au rendez-vous. Bravo et merci à tous les membres du comité organisationnel et les commanditaires de la toute 1ère Édition. v
From left: Liana Carbone (Culture), Alex Loffredi (Marketing), Chris Vincelli (President), Gemma Marchione (Logistics), Missing: Anthony Imperioli (Culture), Adam Zara (Communications), David Colasurdo (Promotions).
On June 17th, the National Congress of Italian-Canadians hosted a cocktail reception to officially introduce its youth committee. Many Canadians of Italian origin partook in this gathering that served as a kick-off event at the Daylight Factory in downtown Montreal. Founded in the fall of 2010, the dynamic group is always in search of new ways to promote Italian-Canadian culture and to host new events. v
In Memoriam
De gauche à droite: Marco Miserendino (Co-propriétaire de la Bijouterie Italienne), Stéphane Le Duc (Coordinateur de l'évènement), Régine (modèle de la soirée) et la créatrice Pia Mariani.
C’est le mercredi 25 mai 2011, lors d’une soirée festive à la Bijouterie Italienne que la créatrice Pia Mariani a présenté à la presse et aux invités ses principales collections de bijoux exceptionnels. «C’est un honneur pour nous de recevoir Pia Mariani à Montréal et de présenter sa collection. Elle représente ce qui se fait de mieux en Italie. Elle est créative et audacieuse tout en conservant ce sens inné de l’élégance qu’ont les Italiennes» s’est exclamé Marco Miserendino qui dirige de main de maître la bijouterie avec sa soeur Paola depuis plus de vingt ans. Il ajoute d'ailleurs: «la tradition du bijou en Italie est très ancienne et méconnue au Canada et nous voulons contribuer à faire connaître ces designers de talents dont le rayonnement est exceptionnel à travers le monde». v
Walter Strina
23 giugno, 1944 - 27 agosto, 2005 Sono trascorsi ormai 6 anni dal momento che ci hai lasciati senza che potessimo dirti addio. Resterai sempre nelle nostre vite e nei nostri cuori. Da lassù, sappiamo che vegli su di noi. Aleggia ancora tra noi la passione per il tuo immenso giardino, con la sua abbondanza di frutti e legumi; il tuo amore per il vino e la pasta fatta in casa, e il ciclismo, lo sport che tanto amavi. Che queste parole portino, a chiunque ti abbia conosciuto, un dolce pensiero per te. Tua figlia Ester, i tuoi parenti, amici e conoscenze, i colleghi di GM, e Pucci.
I membri del comitato esecutivo della fondazione (con l’eccezione del Sig. Di Carlo) : Prima fila da sinistra: Maurice Rinaldi, Nadia Bonetti, Jean-Michel Montaruli, Giannicola Di Carlo e Giorgio Lombardi. Seconda fila da sinistra: Cosimo Filice, l’Avv. Pasquale Artuso e Paul Caccia.
En haut à droite: Joe Borsellino, sa femme Franca Novielli et leurs enfants Franco et Lia. En bas à droite: Rosie Salcito et M. Salvatore Parasuco En bas à gauche: de gauche à droite : Lina Mattei, Marla Demonte, Nancy Tozzi, Connie Mirarchi, Marilena Piazza, Marguerite Morena
La Fondation Garnierkids.com à célébrer le 16 juin dernier la 7 e édition de son Gala annuel Rythme et Passion au Pavillon du lac du Château Vaudreuil. Cette année, Rythme et Passion était co-présidé par Madame Rosie Salcito et M. Salvatore Parasuco. Un hommage a été rendu au Dr. Mirko Gilardino, Directeur et chirurgien plasticien pédiatrique de l’Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants, pour l'ensemble de son œuvre. Sous le thème « LA GIOIA DELLA VITA » « LA JOIE DE VIE », la Fondation Garnierkids.com a offert une soirée haute en élégance et en bonne humeur. v
Come Visit our New Showroom
“Quality tiles at affordable prices” Ceramics • Porcelaine • Marble Granite • Glass Mosaics
“L’Institut de tourisme et de l’hôtellerie du Québec” ha ospitato lo scorso 16 maggio, l’undicesima edizione dell’annuale banchetto della fondazione Magnani-Montaruli”. Tra i centocinquanta invitati, erano anche presenti il Console Generale d’Italia a Montréal, il Dott. Giulio Picheca e la Sig.ra Lucille Daoust, Direttrice Generale dell’ITHQ. Le delizie gastronomiche servite a tavola sono state preparate dagli studenti, dai professori e dagli chef Igor Brotto, Elvio Galasso e Yves Petit. La somma di $51.275.89 raccolta in questa occasione è destinata a finanziare quindici diplomati iscritti al programma di cucina italiana e al programma di sommellerie, un periodo di tirocinio in Italia per concludere la loro formazione. Questa opportunità è stata resa possibile anche grazie ad un’ intesa con la “Scuola Internazionale di Cucina Italiana Alma”. v
CNIC: 4a EDIZIONE DEL TORNEO DI GOLF Presso il "Club de Golf Métropolitain", ha avuto luogo lo scorso 25 maggio la quarta edizione del "Torneo di Golf del Congresso Nazionale degli Italo-Canadesi” région Québec. Con l’obiettivo di raccogliere fondi per questo organismo fondato nel 1972, oltre centosessanta sportivi presenti sul campo (numero record per questa edizione 2011) hanno contribuito al successo di questo appuntamento sotto il sole. v
One more day
Community & Events
A mio padre
Se t’avessi ancora accanto a me, vorrei dirti quale valore hai dato alla mia vita e che i tuoi insegnamenti non saranno mai dimenticati. Vorrei raccontarti della felicità che ho provato quando, per la prima volta, ho tenuto il mio nipotino tra le braccia. È in quel momento che ho capito quanto amore avevi per i tuoi nipoti. Vorrei tenirti vicino a me, perchè solo con te sentivo la forza che mi dava il coraggio di affrontare il futuro. Vorrei dirti che farò il tutto possibile per la nostra famiglia, ch l’amerò senza dubbi o compromessi. Ma la cosa più importante che vorrei dirti è che ti voglio tanto bene e mi manchi tanto. A volte apro la busta con il tuo cappello, lo stringo tra le mani e so che sei con me. Peppino v
Nonno Pietro
If I had the chance to spend one more day with Nonno Pietro, I would spend it at Air Canada’s engine shop at the base in Dorval. I would get to his house just in time for breakfast: toast with Chunky peanut butter and an espresso that Nonna prepared with love. I would then drive him to the base and he would be so proud that I now have my license. Nonno proudly worked at Air Canada for 35 years and loves nothing more than airplanes (except the Montreal Canadiens of course). He would bring me to the hangar where the airplanes are repaired and tested. Despite being deaf and blind, Nonno is able to show me where everything is and goes, right down to the nuts and bolts of the aircraft. Nonno would tell me old stories of good memories he had when he was an employee and how this job gave him a future he could have never imagined back in Collelongo, Abruzzo. When we finally reach home, I would give him a very big hug and a kiss to make up for not being able to before he passed on. Cynthia Cianciusi (19), St-Leonard, Quebec v
Questa e la storia di miei genitori – Domenico e Angelina Vincelli. Mia madre Angelina (85 anni) e mio padre Domenico (90 anni) sono nati entrambi a Casacalenda, Campobasso e come molti, hanno vissuto una vita molto difficile. Mia madre ha perso sua madre a l’eta di 10 anni ed ha presto dovuto abbandonare la scuola per prendersi cura dei suoi fratelli e sorelle più giovani. Con mio nonno malato, era l’unica ad occuparsi della famiglia. Anche mio padre ha perso sua madre a l’eta di 7 anni ma fortunatamente, ha ricevuto il supporto di una zia. I miei genitori si sono conosciuti in età giovane, quando Angelina aveva 19 anni e Domenico 23. Con un semplice vestito prestato e con un mazzo di fiori di plastica, il 6 febbraio 1945 si sono uniti in matrimonio per formare la loro famiglia. La prima bambina, Ausilia, è deceduta dopo solo 8 mesi di malattia, poco prima che mio padre partisse per il fronte. Avendo contratto la malaria e la bronchite, mio padre è stato rilasciato prima della fine della guerra e qualche anno dopo, l’11 marzo 1948, è nato mio fratello. Partito nuovamente per trovare lavoro in Canada, il 22 marzo 1952, mio padre ha lavorato nel Lac St-Jean per $1,25 all’ora, durante giorni e notti gelide. Tra le altre attività, è stato anche uno dei tanti italiani che hanno aiutato a costruire “La Centrale” della Hydro Quebec nella Baie-James. Con pochi risparmi, mia madre e mio fratello Marco hanno raggiunto mio padre a Montreal. Il 24 ottobre 1954 è nato mio fratello Tony e il 10 febbraio 1962 sono nata io (Silia). Marco ha 4 figli e Tony 2. Quanta strada hanno fatto insieme i miei genitori! Le benedizioni e i momenti di gioia, il dolore e i dispiaceri; sessanta sei anni di storie, d’amore, di liti, di frasi dette e non dette, di presenze e di assenze, di giochi e di sorrisi, di lacrime e di conforto. Non posso che essere felice per la preziosa famiglia che hanno creato. Non tutti hanno la fortuna di raggiungere questo traguardo e noi tutti siamo fieri di avere genitori come voi. v
10300, boul Pie-IX - Angolo Fleury
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Kells Academy “We open minds for a brighter future” By Chiara Folini
A school where teachers know the students on a first-name basis and where smiles are seen on each student’s face describes the warm atmosphere that is exuded across the hallways of Kells Academy. “We are a big family” says founding director Irene Woods. The school prides itself on developing, motivating and providing the students with all the essential tools to pursue their talents and to become contributing members of society. The philosophy ells Academy opened its doors in 1978 as a co-ed private English school in Montreal. With its elementary school and its high school both located in N.D.G, there are over 300 students today enrolled from kindergarten to grade 11. Unlike any other school, Kells Academy’s small-sized classes of 15 students, provide a real personalized and enhanced learning experience. The curriculum is well-structured but its implementation is flexible because it is designed to adapt to each student’s needs, capabilities and goals. The student’s academic standing is assessed at the start to determine each student’s comfort zone. Teachers set appropriate expectations, which may be above, below, or at grade level. Students can either take enriched, regular or adapted programs, allowing them to go at their own pace. Once they’ve reached higher levels of comprehension and performance, students can have the opportunity to upgrade to a more challenging level. The integrated individualized program and the flexible and innovative teaching approach are both very beneficial to students at all levels. Kells Academy is an ideal match for students who need extra assistance to complete their courses or who are struggling in the regular school system. “Turning reluctant learners into enthusiastic learners,” describes the joy Irene Woods experiences each day when she witnesses the difference the school makes in a student’s life.
Johnny Moncada receiving diploma from Irene Woods
A unique teaching environment Pivotal to the fabric of this institution are the teachers. The teachers and staff at Kells Academy are devoted tirelessly and wholeheartedly to giving the students a chance to discover their hidden skills, and to supply them with the proper armor to realize their dreams. Michelle Rosich is one of those teachers that has enriched the lives of many students, particularly Johnny Moncada, a recent Kells graduate. “She believed in me and she would go the extra mile to fight for my rights as a student,” says Johnny. He accredits Kells for giving him the opportunity to grow, mature and graduate. He is forever grateful for his 7 years at Kells and now he is continuing his studies at Champlain College. “I’ve considered Kells as my second home” says Johnny. It nurtured him and gave him wings to reach for the sky. The reason parents choose to send their children to Kells is to provide them with the utmost education. Johnny’s mother, Ms. De Angelis can attest to how Johnny’s progression was enormous
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Publireportage - advertorial starting as a shy and passive learner to becoming a more sociable and independent student. Being privately funded has attracted many international students over the years, accounting for 50 percent of the student population at Kells. Kells opens its doors for an English education to students who would otherwise have had entered the French system. Diversity is highly embraced at Kells and creates a special dynamic in the classrooms. Besides learning their own traditions, the students also grow up with a strong sense of the world around them by learning about other cultures. International day is a long standing tradition at Kells where students and families celebrate the multicultural student population with traditional attire, multi-ethnic music, activities and delicacies. Throughout the year, Kells Academy invites numerous speakers to give presentations, which opens a forum for discussion and challenges the students’ thinking. Kells is always interested in listening to the students’ needs, and the student-run newspaper “The Open Mind ,” is a medium in which their voices can be heard.
Extracurricular activities Extracurricular activities are encouraged at Kells with the newly integrated Newspaper Club, Rugby, outdoor sports programs during lunch and public speaking for both experienced and beginners alike. This year, Kells has ranked first in their basketball division and has excelled in other sports including indoor and outdoor soccer and the Halo Road race. Some clubs include E-book Club, Green Committee, Garage Band and Peer Mediation - Peaceful Schools International. Other activities like Classe Rouge and Camp Jouvence field trips gives a chance for students to participate in outdoor activities, show school spirit and bond with peers. The campus facilities offer an array of technology in the classroom. Computers are part of the learning process, which are fully utilized with the accessibility to learning assistance software. In the upcoming year, Kells plans to introduce the iPad to kindergarten through grade 9 and Macbooks for grades 10 and 11, ensuring the best that technology has to offer. All classrooms will be equipped with SMARTboards. Additionally, Kells has a portal system that is accessible from home, which gives parents and students the opportunity to stay connected. Other supportive methods are through structured tutoring programs, after school homework programs, mentoring system, academic counseling sessions and tutorials offered. There is even a structured Individual Educational Plan monitored and run by the school’s learning specialist. Kells is reputable for its fine arts and music programs. Through involvement and performance in the arts, students develop selfconfidence and self-expression. In spring, they showcased “Musical Memories”, a theatrical performance at the Oscar Peterson Concert Hall. The production was a compilation of 11 Broadway musicals including The Sound of Music, Mamma Mia, Annie, Grease and many more. “I feel truly blessed to have had this opportunity to work with over 200 talented eager students at Kells Elementary and High School. The process was exciting and the performance was a most definite hit and for this, I am very proud. I must acknowledge the fact that many staff members at Kells played a key role in the success of our show, so to them I am most grateful, especially to our music teacher Mr. Kennedy, a wonderful musician, who arranged and directed beautiful music for the school band,” states artistic director and drama teacher Ms. Tina Mancini.
A testament to academic excellence Even though Kells Academy is not the largest school, its uniqueness is without equal. The school provides the expertise in strategic teaching as well as a warm environment in which students gain skills that will be valuable for a lifetime of learning and achievement. A Kells graduate is best exemplified as a student that has overcome all odds and succeeded academically as well as personally. In the pursuit of academic excellence, Kells Academy’s teaching methods are proven successful by the nearly 100 percent graduation rate. This is a true testament to the school’s dedication, hard work and effectiveness in offering a high standard of education. In certain cases, tuition is tax deductible and scholarships are available. 6865 De Maisonneuve West, Montreal, Québec Tel.: 514-485-8565 | Fax: 514-485-8505 email: kadmin@kells.ca v
Tina Mancini (Drama teacher at Kells)
Auguri ai nostri laureati e diplomati Congratulations to all our graduates Félicitations à tous nos diplomés Pamoram Italia is proud to present the 2010-2011 graduates. A diploma, no matter at what academic level, is a symbol of excellence and a reward for all the hard work graduates put into their studies. Congratulations, Félicitations, Auguri. Best of luck for your future endeavours.
Scott D'Amico Concordia University Economics 2010
Bianca Ragusa McGill University Microbiology & Immunology 2011
Sandra Pietrantonio McGill University B.A. Psychology 2011
Lisa Rubino Université de Montreal Optométrie 2011
Stephanie Cuffaro McGill University Bachelor of Kindergaten and Elementary Education 2011
Nadia Mastropasqua McGill University Bachelor of Arts: Psychology
Francesco D Massa McGill University Psychology 2010
Giulia Rebecca Massa Université de Montreal Membre Chambre des Notaires 2011
Sabrina Anne Silvano Université de Montreal Juris Doctorate Common Law 2011
Anna Maria Stagno McGill University Bachelor of Education 2011
Bruno Martucci École de Technologie Supérieur ETS Electrical Engineering 2011
Véronique Tozzi UQAM - Baccalauréat en Science de l'Éducation 2011
Alessandra Ricciardi McGill University Honours Microbiology & Immunology 2011
Mary-Jo Maiorino Concordia University Political Science 2011
Nadia Fabrizi Concordia University Master of English Literature 2011
Samantha Sanchez Concordia University B.A. Human Relations and Psychology 2011
Giancarlo Mirabella Concordia University Bachelor of Arts History 2011
Kayla Marie Petosa University of Ottawa Licenciate in Law, L.L.L. 2011
Emiliano D'Amico Concordia University Bachelor of Computer Engineering 2011
Daniella Sandra Piciacchia Concordia University Actuarial Mathematics 2011
Jessica D'Iglio UQÀM Baccalauréat en droit L.L.B. 2011
Natasha Debora Miceli McGill University Bachelor of Education 2010
Diana Doreen Miceli University of Waterloo School of Optometry 2011
Marino Di Benedetto Concordia University John Molson School of Business - Management 2011
Ida Furino-Foster Concordia University Honours Psychology with Great Distinction 2011
Véronique Chadillon Farinacci Université de Montreal B.Sc. Criminologie 2011
Lucas Gifuni McGill University Bachelor of Common Law & Civil Law 2011
A Kiss Fit for a Graduate - La famiglia Presta is proud to announce that on June 11, 2011, at the Lincoln Center in Manhattan, New York, their loved one Michael J. Presta was inaugurated as Medical Doctor. Dr. Michael J. Presta is a graduate of St. George’s University (School of Medicine). Tanti auguri and best of luck in your future endeavours!
Vanessa Tamburro McGill University Bachelor of Education Secondary Social Sciences 2011
Stefania Scordo Université de Montréal Bachelor of Law 2010
Nadia Mazzaferro Concordia University Human Resource Management 2011
Sara Emily Zegarelli Concordia University John Molson School of Business Bachelor of Administration 2011
J. Anthony Gifuni Université de Montréal Master of Science in Medicine 2011
Andre Morello Concordia University John Molson School of Business Bachelor of Commerce Major Finance 2011
Marie Josée Russo Barreau du Québec 2011
Tania D'Amico Concordia University M.B.A. John Molson School of Business 2011
Cynthia Carbone McGill University Dentistry 2010
Concettina Fusco Ordre des comptables agréés du Quebec 2011
Teresa Elisabetta Messina O'Sullivan College Paralegal Technology 2011
Geremia Massarelli Collège André-Grasset Sciences de la nature 2011
Tristano Tenaglia Marianopolis College Science and Music 2011
Christian Giacomini John Abbott College Police Tech 2011
Dario Cosentino Collège André Grasset DEC Sciences Humaines 2011
Gianna Aquilino O'Sullivan College Paralegal Technology 2011
Anthony Napoli Vanier College Communications Art, Media & Theatre
Laura Pietrantonio Queen of Angels Academy Honours 2011
Sébastien Palmieri Collège Charles Lemoyne 2011
Maurizio Ricciardi Laurier MacDonald High School 2011
Mara Nazzari McGill University Bachelor of Education Kindergarten and Elementary 2011
Vanessa Sciascia Concordia University Bachelor in Civil Engineering 2011
Vanessa Di Criscio McGill University Bachelor of Nursing 2011
Alicia Josephine Di Stefano McGill University - Bachelor of Education - Kindergarten and Elementary 2011
Adriana Pace McGill University Masters Educational Psychology 2011
Cynthia Russo Université du Quebec en Outaouais - Bachelor of Psychoeducation 2010
Julia McGoldrick Concordia University Applied Human Sciences 2011
Stephanie Dugré Concordia University Art History Major 2011
Michael Cafaro McGill University Bachelor of Science Major in Dietetics and Human Nutrition 2011
Laura Raimondo Ordre des comptables agréés du Québec 2011
Louisa Talarico John Abbott College Dental Hygiene 2011
Valerie Russo École d'Éducation Internationale de Laval D.E.C. Nursing 2011
Salina Brotto Vanier College Graphic Design 2011
Andrew Zaccardo Vincent Massey Collegiate 2011
Marco Forcina Collège Ahuntsic Techniques policières 2011
Annalisa D’Antonio Vincent Massey Collegiate 2011
Daniela Palmieri Queen of Angels Academy Dorval Honours 2011
Jordan Velenosi Centennial Academy Honours 2011
Luca Pietrantonio Loyola High School Honours 2011
Amanda Berlingieri Laurier Senior High School Health Science 2011
Anthony Cammisano Lauren Hill Academy 2011
Joseph Piazza Loyola High School 2011
Justin Massa Heritage Regional High School Auto Mechanic 2011
Isabella Trivisonno John F. Kennedy High School 2011
Matteo S. Fasanella Loyola High School 2011
Luca Macera Loyola High School 2011
Megan Vincelli Lindsay Place High School 2011
Vanessa Miglialo Lester B. Pearson High School 2011
Martina Testa Valentim Sacred Heart School of Montreal 2011
Thomas Attardo Laurier Macdonald High School 2011
Matteo Grandillo Loyola High School 2011
Samantha Ciccarelli Laurier Macdonald High School 2011
Ryan Scartozzi Loyola High School 2011
Julian de Jong Chinappi Lauren Hill Academy 2011
Alex Dere Laurier Macdonald High School 2011
Lorena Lazzara John F. Kennedy High School 2011
Amber Gia Cicconi Queen of Angels Academy With distinction 2011
Julia Facchino The Study School High School Diploma 2011
Matteo Arnaldi École Secondaire de Mortagne 2011
Stephanie Sudano Vincent Massey Collegiate Health Science 2011
Anissa Chirico Villa Maria High School 2011
Alexa Tambasco Villa Maria High School 2011
Kayla Arcaro Jules Verne Grade School 2011
Laura Nicolo Mancini Saint Paul Elementary 2011
Julia Filacchione Pierre de Coubertin Elementary School Kindergarten 2011
Carina Pasquale Queen of Angels Academy 2011
Jules Verne Elementary School in Laval Class of 2011 Wishing you all the best in high school!
Montreal GP 2011
Jarno Trulli Exclusive
Text & Photo by Joey Franco
After 14 years in the upper echelon of motorsport, Jarno Trulli remains one of the most experienced veterans on the F1 circuit. The Pescara native and Lotus pilot sat down with PanoramItalia just hours before the start of one of the most memorable Canadian Grand Prix to date. PI: Jarno, welcome back to Montreal. It’s always a pleasure to see you. How does it feel to be back in our city amongst the numerous Italians? JT: To tell you the truth, I am always happy to come back to Montreal. I’ve noticed that here in Montreal, wherever I go, I always find many Italians. This is very special for me because it’s almost like being home. Even though I am away from home, I meet many Italians, and many Abruzzese. People I feel very comfortable with. PI: Year after year you must see many of the same faces, there must be many relationships and friendships established? JT: Yes, many times I meet the same people, year after year. They come to my wine tastings for Podere Castorani, we often chat about what is new, about Abruzzo, about Italy... It’s a very special atmosphere compared to other countries. PI: How has your wine business been (Podere Castorani Wines) in the past year since we last spoke? JT: Our wine business is going very well, our sales and our production have risen, and we are entering new markets. We are now looking to enter the US market more aggressively. As far as our vintage, there have been no changes this year with the wines since we already have a vast selection of wines. We have only made minor changes like touch up the labels to make the brand more recognizable. The new labels are lovely; I am very pleased with them. This year also looks like a good year, and thankfully the weather in Abruzzo has been favorable. PI: I’ve noticed you’re always the first pilot to arrive at the track on race day. JT: Yes! I like to come early and be calm, go to my briefings, eat, do my thing before the race. PI: Let’s discuss Gino Rosato - Vice President of the Lotus Group, a local hero, and a fellow Abruzzese. JT: I think it’s a great satisfaction, not only for Gino but the people who follow him and for his parents - his mother who is still with him and his father who is no longer with us. To see Gino Rosato that went from nothing to being Vice President of Lotus Group... it’s not a small feat! But he hasn’t changed. Ever since I’ve known him, he always has a smile on his face, always dynamic, always with a good sense of humour. Since he has assumed his position, I see him less, but we always phone each other up and keep in touch. Even for all the Quebecois, it is a great source of pride to have someone like Gino. v
TÉL.: (514) 36-ACURA (514) 362-2872 FAX: (514) 493-0609
Jules Bianchi Jules Bianchi, grandson of Mauro Bianchi (three-time World Champion in the GT category), and grandnephew of Lucien Bianchi (won the 24 Hours of Le Mans and competed in nineteen Grand Prix in the F1 World Championship), is the latest discovery of motorsport impresario Nicolas Todt. ast November, Bianchi was signed by Scuderia Ferrari as one of their 2011 test and reserve drivers alongside Marc Gene and Giancarlo Fisichella. Panoram Italia sat down with Jules at this year’s Canadian Grand Prix.
PI: Is this your first time in Montreal? JB: Yes! I was not here last year, it is my first time. Very nice city.
PI: There are many Italians in this city, many of them Ferraristi. Have you had a chance to meet many Italians this weekend? JB: Yes I have had the chance to meet them through some of the events I attended; it is nice to see this. It is strange to me. I didn’t expect to find so many Italians here in Canada. PI: You’ve been with Scuderia Ferrari as a test driver for several months now. What are your impressions of the most prolific racing team in the world? JB: This is like a big family for me; it really is a unique experience for me to be here. PI: Your uncle and grandfather were pilots. Many times in motorsport, as in your case - examples such as the Villeneuves and the Rosbergs come to mind - we see this sort of family continuity. Do you think racing is something that is found in the genes and passed down? JB: Yes, I think there must be something in the genes. It’s true that my family have always been involved in motorsport. I was always exposed to this world, and it later became what I was really interested in and what I wanted to do professionally. So, this has really always been my life.
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By Joey Franco
PI: Being around and working alongside champions such as Felipe Massa and Fernando Alonso must be inspiring, what have you learned from them? Do they give you advice? JB: It’s true that being around them and watching them do their thing I learn a lot. It’s a little harder for them to give me advice because they are always very busy during the Grand Prix weekends, and I don’t want to bother them. I try to observe and learn as much as I can from a distance, and how they behave on and off the track. PI: I spoke to your manager Nicolas Todt last year and I asked him where he saw you in three years, which would be two years from now. He said he sees you racing in F1. One year later, you are already making progress with a Formula 1 team such as Ferrari. Where do you see yourself in two years? JB: Of course being here is great, but in this world, it can go the other way very quickly. So, I need to continue to work hard and do well in GP2, and maybe one day I’ll be racing in Formula 1. There is a lot of work to do and I need to be concentrated. www.jules-bianchi.com