What is cholesterol? Cholesterol, a waxy substance is naturally present in the fats in your blood that your body requires performing its function in a normal way. Your body uses cholesterol to generate several hormones including, vitamin D and bile acids that help in digesting fats.
Why is it important to maintain lower cholesterol?
Generally, there are two types of cholesterol: High-density lipoprotein (HDL), good cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), called as bad cholesterol. it is important to maintain the bad cholesterol (LDL) in your body, not only to maintain your cholesterol level, but also to improve your health and wellness.
What are the reasons of high cholesterol level?
Heredity: your genes also define how much cholesterol your body produces. This is the reason that high level of cholesterol can run in families.
What are the reasons of high cholesterol level?
Age and Gender: As men and women get older, their cholesterol levels increase. After the age of menopause, cholesterol level tends to rise in women, while before the age of menopause; women have lower cholesterol level than men of the same age.
What are the reasons of high cholesterol level?
Weight: obesity is one of the risk factors for cardiovascular disease because it tends to enhance your cholesterol.
What are the reasons of high cholesterol level?
Diet: when you eat more saturated fat and cholesterol in food, your blood cholesterol level goes up.
How can you lower your cholesterol?
There are some effective ways that can help you in lowering your cholesterol.
How can you lower your cholesterol?
There are some effective ways that can help you in lowering your cholesterol.
Regular exercise
How can you lower your cholesterol?
There are some effective ways that can help you in lowering your cholesterol.
Low-fat diet
15 Foods That Lower Cholesterol
whole grains
15 Foods That Lower Cholesterol
Sea foods
15 Foods That Lower Cholesterol
walnut, and other nuts
Olive Oil
15 Foods That Lower Cholesterol
Apples and citrus fruits
Fatty fish
15 Foods That Lower Cholesterol
Foods fortified
15 Foods That Lower Cholesterol
15 Foods That Lower Cholesterol
Green Tea
15 Foods That Lower Cholesterol
• High LDL cholesterol damages your overall health by increasing the risk of heart attack and other heart diseases • While lowering your bad cholesterol not only minimizes your risk for heart disease • So eating these above-mentioned foods daily to lower bad cholesterol level in your blood