For tHe Curious, tHe ColleCtor AND tHe CoNNoisseur
Winter Winter 2013/2014 2013/2014
April April April 1819. 1819. 1819. François François François Constantin Constantin Constantin takes takes takes responsibility responsibility responsibility for for for the the the worldwide worldwide worldwide business business businessexpansion expansion expansionof of ofVacheron Vacheron VacheronConstantin. Constantin. Constantin. During During Duringaaabusiness business businesstrip trip tripto to toItaly, Italy, Italy, this this this visionary visionary visionary man man man coined coined coined the the the phrase phrase phrase which which which would would would become become become the the the company company company motto motto mottoin in inaaaletter letter letteraddressed addressed addressedto to tothe the themanufacture: manufacture: manufacture:«««…do …do …dobetter better betterififif possible, possible, possible,and and andthat that that isisisalways always alwayspossible possible possible…». …». …».
True True True to to to this this this motto motto motto and and and to to to the the the spirit spirit spirit that that that forged forged forged its its its history, history, history, Vacheron Vacheron Vacheron Constantin Constantin Constantin still still still remains remains remains committed committed committed to to to pushing pushing pushing the the the boundaries boundaries boundaries of of of watchmaking watchmaking watchmaking in in in order order order to to to provide provide provide its its its clients clients clientswith with withthe the thehighest highest higheststandards standards standardsof of of technology, technology, technology,aesthetics aesthetics aesthetics and and andfi fi finish. nish. nish.
WiNter 2013/2014
Patrimony Patrimony PatrimonyTraditionnelle Traditionnelle Traditionnelle14-day 14-day 14-dayTourbillon Tourbillon TourbillonCalibre Calibre Calibre2260 2260 2260 18K 18K 18K5N 5N 5Npink pink pinkgold gold gold,,,Silvered Silvered Silveredopaline opaline opalinedial, dial, dial, Hallmark Hallmark Hallmarkofofof Geneva, Geneva, Geneva,Hand-wound Hand-wound Hand-woundmechanical mechanical mechanicalmovement, movement, movement, Tourbillon, Tourbillon, Tourbillon,ØØØ42 42 42mm mm mm Réf. Réf. Réf.89000/000R-9655 89000/000R-9655 89000/000R-9655
$6.95 $6.95
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11/21/13 11/21/13 11/21/13 5:06 5:06 5:06PM PM PM
Norman Norman Bel Bel Geddes Geddes National National Gallery Gallery of of Art Art––DC DC Winners Winners of of the the Grand Grand Prix Prix d’Horlogerie d’Horlogerie de de Genéve Genéve
Chopard Chopard mille mille miglia miglia Zagato Zagato Chronograph Chronograph
1/13/14 1/13/14 1/13/14 11:04 11:04 PM PM PM 1/16/14 11:04 8:50 AM