2024 Barnesville Lamar County King Holiday Celebration Program

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THE NEW EDITION It Starts With Me: Shifting the Cultural Climate Through the Study and Practice of Kingian Nonviolence


My Beloved Community, What a great time to be alive! Despite the violence, the hate, and the conflict that exist in a dark world, God has blessed us to be a light to shine nonviolence, love, and peace. We are called to shift the culture through the study and practice of Kingian Nonviolence. Where does it start? It begins with me, and the “Me,” is each of us. While I take pride in declaring Barnesville, Georgia, is the World’s Greatest City, our small town is not exempt from the ills and issues of this world. Yet, just as the global community, we, too, are called to offer a solution to these problems. The Martin Luther King, Jr., National Holiday reminds us, as well as the world, that the “pioneering work” of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. continues to provide us with a “sustainable solution to injustice and violence.” Dr. King continues to speak to us in 2024 to create the Beloved Community, “where injustice ceases and love prevails.” In 1956 at a victory rally after the announcement of a favorable United States Supreme Court Decision desegregating the seats on Montgomery, Alabama, buses, Dr. King spoke of the Beloved Community as the end goal. He said, “the end is reconciliation; the end is redemption; the end is the creation of the Beloved Community. It is this type of spirit and this type of love that can transform opponents into friends. It is this type of understanding goodwill that will transform the deep gloom of the old age into the exuberant gladness of the new age. It is this love which will bring about miracles in the hearts of men.” These words set a paradigm for us in the 21st Century. Dr. King was a dreamer, a Civil Rights leader, a Baptist Pastor. He often said he got his inspiration from Jesus Christ. Today, there must be a keeper of the dream, one who hears from God to speak to His people. We are blessed by those who have accepted this call from God. They are our local pastors. We honor them as our 2024 Dream Keepers. They equip, empower, and encourage us. Dr. King dreamed of a nation where his children would be judged by the content of their character. While we support and teach our youth, our children, we must have the same dream as we develop their character. We are proud of the youth of our community and feature our 2024 Youth Ambassadors. We are proud of them and the past Youth Ambassadors. Former Youth Ambassadors are true Dream Keepers as they now use their gift, talent, and education as successful young adults throughout the world from Barnesville, Georgia. As they make Barnesville, Georgia, the World’s Greatest City, so do each of you. Thanks to each of you for your support of Martin Luther King, Jr., Commemorative Service and Weekend. Special thanks to our sponsors for their financial support and to the King Holiday Committee members who coordinated the King Day March and Program as well as assisted with the work of the Commemorative Service. We are indeed blessed to welcome the Reverend Dr. Jerry D. Black and the Beulah Missionary Baptist Church as our guest for this year’s King Celebration. I am grateful to Pastor and First Lady Black and the Beulah Family for being my pastor and church family, who consistently show their love and support. Thank you for coming to Barnesville. Beyond today, “It Starts with Me: Shifting The Culture through the study and practice of Kingian Nonviolence. In His Service,

Christopher Hightower Christopher Hightower, King Weekend Founder/Host

2024 Dream Keepers - Youth Ambassadors

Aniya Barron

Jordan Glover

Shakiria Foster

Cameron King

Olivia Ogletree

Journi Harris

Samiya Smith

2024 Dream Keepers - Our Pastors

The Reverend Dr. William S. Banks, Pastor Mount Sinai Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (1 Year) 40 Years in Ministry

The Reverend Derrick Barron, Pastor Mt. Hope Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, (2 Years) 17 Years in Ministry

The Revered Keith Battle, Pastor Antioch Baptist Church (18 Years) 21 Years in Ministry

The Reverend David Blalock, Pastor Mount Pleasant Baptist Church (8 Years) 16 Years in Ministry

2024 Dream Keepers - Our Pastors

Apostle Marilyn Brownlee, Pastor Sought Out Outreach Ministry (8 Years) 40 Years in Ministry

The Reverend Dr. Eddie F. Collier, Pastor Towaliga County Line Baptist Church, Jackson, Georgia (40 Years) 45 Years in Ministry

The Reverend Terrence Curtis, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church Barnesville (Two Years) 41 Years in Ministry

The Reverend Charles W. Dumas, Sr., Pastor Shiloh Baptist Church (Two years) 57 Years in Ministry

The Reverend Freeman E. Fuller, Jr., Pastor, New Provident The Reverend Willie Green, Pastor Outreach Ministries (25+ Years) Zion Hill Baptist Church, Juliette, Georgia (Nine Years) 53 Years in the Ministry Calvary Baptist Church, Manchester, Georgia (Three Years) 40 Years in Ministry

The Reverend Wilma J. Hastings, Pastor Barnesville Parish, Green Mount and Unionville United Methodist Churches (Eight Years) 28 Years in Ministry

The Reverend Cecil M. Hutchins, Pastor Sand Hill Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (Two Years) 15 Years in the Ministry

2024 Dream Keepers - Our Pastors

The Reverend Waylon T. Knight, Pastor Apostle Dr. Oliver Leaks, Founder and Pastor The Reverend Jimmy Lyons, Pastor Fresh Manna Ministries, Inc. (26 Years) West Mount Sinai Baptist Church (10 Years) East Mount Sinai Baptist Church (31 Years) 35 Years in Ministry 14 Years in Ministry 37 Years in Ministry

The Reverend James C. Marable, Pastor Bethel Baptist Church (29 Years) 37 Years in Ministry

The Reverend Mia C. McGee, Pastor Grace to Glory Ministries (Three Years) Seven Years in Ministry

Bishop LaDamium D. Raines, Pastor Greater Springhill Baptist Church

Dr. Delores Thomas, Pastor Whites Chapel Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (One Year) 13 Years in Ministry

The Reverend Anthony Williams, Pastor New Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Shorter, Alabama (12 Years) 39 Years in Ministry

Apostle Steven Williams, Pastor Shabach Tabernacle (Eight Years) 11 Years in Ministry

The Litany of Commemoration Leader: Our Lord God has wisely chosen men and women to serve Him in each era. Such a servant of our Lord God was Martin Luther King, Jr., whose birthday we now commemorate. We are thankful for the life of this 20th Century prophet of freedom, who joined the prophets of history in the cry: Congregation: In the Name of Love, Let My People Go. Leader: Martin Luther King, Jr., envisioned the ultimate freedom; the freedom achieved in struggle; the freedom reached in brotherhood; the freedom fired by the dream of a man; the freedom inspired by the lot of a people; the freedom free of hate; the freedom free of love. Congregation: In the Name of Love, Let My People Go. Leader: He came into our lives when the yearning of people to be free had turned their attention to justice. He reminded us that the human spirit soars from the depths of despair with the strength and belief in the promise of the Creator of the universe. We know and testify. The Lord loves justice; He will not forsake his people. Congregation: In the Name of Love, Let My People Go. Leader: The leader sang with the people, “Ain’t gonna study war no more.” When violence was met, he spurned it and said: “Hate is too great a burden to bear.” When death was confronted, he could say in final triumph that in life he had found something worth dying for, something worth life itself, the Promised Land, a land of freedom and justice. Congregation: In the Name of Love, Let My People Go. Leader: So, we are thankful that the Spirit of the Lord anointed a man who preached good news to the poor, who rejected segregation and embraced liberation, who prophesied the greatness of his people in struggle for the deliverance of all people. Congregation: In the Name of Love, Let My People Go. Leader: We praise the Lord God for sending us a man of peace who resisted tyranny, a man of nonviolence who fought for liberty, a man of God who worked for people. Thank You Lord, for Martin Luther King, Jr., who inspired us with his dream, who walked into our lives and our hearts with his marches of justice, who demanded freedom with great courage in the face of grave danger, who has now passed on into Your Promised Land. All: In the Name of Martin Luther King, Jr. Let My People God.

National Black Anthem Lift every voice and sing Till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of Liberty; Let our rejoicing rise High as the listening skies, Let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us, Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us. Facing the rising sun of our new day begun, Let us march on till victory is won. Stony the road we trod, Bitter the chastening rod, Felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat, Have not our weary feet Come to the place for which our fathers sighed? We have come over a way that with tears has been watered, We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered, Out from the gloomy past, Till now we stand at last Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast. God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who hast brought us thus far on the way; Thou who hast by Thy might Led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee, Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee; Shadowed beneath Thy hand, May we forever stand. True to our God, True to our native land.

The Commemorative Order of Service Sunday, January 14, 2024 6:00PM

Prelude Praise & Worship

The Martin Luther King Celebration Choir

Call to Commemoration

Mr. Christopher Hightower

Old Testament Scripture

Mr. Hamilcar Kelley

New Testament Scripture

Mr. Billy Kelley and Mr. Darnell Kelley

Prayer Minister Clayton Andrews National Black Anthem Greetings/Welcome Dr. Kim Baugh, Rickey Shannon and Mr. Rickey Shannon Litany of Commemoration Youth Ambassadors – Dream Keepers Aniya Barron, Shakiria Foster, Jordan Glover, Journi Harris, Cameron King, Samiya Smith Musical Selection

Martin Luther King Celebration Choir

Tribute to Dr. King Olivia Ogletree, Senior Class President, Lamar County High School Salute to Dream Keepers

Dr. Brian Merritt

Offering Men of Empowerment Introduction of Speaker

Brother Darius T. Hightower

Musical Selections Music Ministry, Beulah Missionary Baptist Church, Decatur The Commemorative Message Reverend Dr. Jerry D. Black, Pastor Beulah Missionary Baptist Church, Decatur Invitation to Christian Discipleship

Pastor James C. Marable

Benediction Pastor James C. Marable

The Beloved Community Martin Luther King Day Program Monday, January 15, 2024 10:00AM Call to Commemoration Corporate Scripture Reading “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the city of our God, n the mountain of his holiness.” Psalm 48:1 Invocation

Mrs. Sandra Puckett

National Anthem Mrs. Hester Cooper Litany of Commemoration

Ms. DonA Traylor

National Black Anthem Reverend Waylon Knight, Pastor West Mount Sinai Baptist Church Welcome Ms. Gloria Fallings, NAACP President Greetings The Honorable Kelly Hughes, Mayor City of Barnesville Beloved Community Challenge

Minister Daisy Barkley

Beloved Community Challenge

Keantae Brown

Introduction of Speaker

Dr. Frerra Fambro

Song Community Choir, Pastor Raines Speaker Mr. Adarian Fambro Remarks

Mrs. Elaine Buckner, NAACP 1st Vice President

Benediction Bishop LaDamium D. Raines, Pastor Greater Springhill Baptist Church

The Reverend Dr. Jerry D. Black, Sr. A proud product of the state of Arkansas, the Reverend Jerry D. Black, Sr., hails from the small town of Blytheville, Arkansas. As a boy, he exemplified a spirit of devotion and cared for the needs of others more than his own. Reared by his great-grandmother, the late Mrs. Pearl Grant, the young Jerry spent time with “Mama Pearl,” seeing that her needs were met as she grew older and less able to care for herself. These early years laid the foundation for the life and the ministry of a humble servant of God. Although best known for his gift of preaching, the young Jerry’s ministry began in music. He started playing the piano at the age of eight and quickly distinguished himself as a talented musician. He accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior at the age of 12, and during his teenage years, he served as Minister of Music at his home church, the West End Baptist Church, Blytheville, Arkansas. Although he was extremely dedicated to the music ministry, he soon realized that this ministry was not a substitute for the calling upon his life. Reverend Jerry D. Black accepted his call to preach the Gospel at the age of 21. He was called and served as pastor of the Greater Paradise Baptist Church, Little Rock, Arkansas, for 15 years. Under his leadership, the church’s membership grew from 17 members to 3,000. In November 1991, Reverend Jerry D. Black, Sr. accepted God’s new divine assignment as the Beulah Baptist Church confirmed God’s appointment and called him as its ninth pastor. With a sincere desire to administer the church according to the Word of God, Pastor Black preached and taught the Gospel, leading to an increase in the weekly church attendance that exceeded the capacity of the overflow area. Pastor Black shared God’s vision with the church to build the new Beulah campus with Phase I, the Worship Center and later shared the vision for Phase II, the Family Life Center. Pastor Jerry D. Black led the Beulah family into the new Worship Center on October 31, 1999. He and the church leaders began the 21st Century with plans to complete Phase II, the Family Life Center, which opened in 2006. A national icon among preachers and pastors, his unique preaching style and personable spirit have made him a world-renowned preacher and pastor, who is a soldier on the battlefield for the work of the Lord. While he is the “Preacher’s Preacher,” he also has a heart for serving God’s people. His ministry extends beyond the pulpit as he visits the sick, serves bereaved families, counsels members, and greets visitors and members after worship services. Named one of Georgia’s Best Preachers by the Georgia Informer, Pastor Black has been the recipient of many honors and awards including the 2011 Trombone Award, the NAACP Faith Based Award, and the prestigious honor of having a United States Postal stamp named for him for 20 years of service to Beulah and 35 years of service in the ministry. The Preacher’s Preacher, he was inducted into the 2015 Class of the Board of Preachers of the Martin Luther King, Jr. College of Ministers and Laity at Morehouse College. A graduate of Arkansas Baptist College and Quachita University, he was awarded the Doctor of Humane Letters by his alma mater, Arkansas Baptist College at its 138th Commencement April 20, 2022. Pastor Black was married to the late Glenda J. Harris Black for 32 years, until her heavenly transition in 2008, after a well-fought four-year battle with cancer. Their union was blessed with four children—Tangie, Jerry Jr., Erica, and Terica. With honor and integrity, Pastor Black continued to lead his family and the church family. After much prayer, he was blessed to begin a new chapter in his life when he married the former Ms. Kate F. Wiley June 28, 2014. Together, they serve as the Pastor and the First Lady of Beulah Missionary Baptist Church and enjoy four children and six grandchildren.

Clarence Adarian Fambro Clarence Adarian Fambro is a native of Barnesville, Georgia. Adarian is a senior, majoring in Business Administration with a concentration in management, at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. Clarence Adarian Fambro is the Founder/CEO of Prestigious Automotive Detailing serving central Georgia, Prestigious Auto Brokerage & Consultancy serving the southeast region of the US, and The Prestigious Group Scholarship Foundation that serves the community in Barnesville. He has owned and operated these companies for over seven years. Clarence Adarian Fambro is a servant and advocate of the people in his community, as well as a voting and civil rights activist. He has spent his time working with various organizations such as the Transformative Justice Coalition in Washington, Rainbow Push Coalition in Chicago, Illinois, the Black Voters Matter, various NAACP chapters across the country, and many more. Clarence Adarian Fambro prefers to work and advocate from behind the scenes. The son of Clarence and Frerra Lyons Fambro and brother of Jimerra Fambro, he is inspired daily by his family and friends. In his free time, he enjoys reading, serving the Lord, cooking, eating, shopping, and traveling.

Special Thanks to our 2024 Beloved Community Sponsors

Presenting Sponsors Bethel Baptist Church, Host Church James C. Marable, Pastor Calvary Baptist Church Reverend Terrence Curtis, Pastor Gordon State College, Youth Ambassadors Dream Keepers Leadership Conference Dr. Don Green, President Grace to Glory Church Ministries, Inc. Reverend Mia C. McGee, Pastor Elder Mary S. Neal, Co-Pastor Goggans Florist Horace A. and Gwendolyn Hightower Dr. Brian Merritt, Former Youth Ambassador Tiffany N. Miller, Former Youth Ambassador Barbara J. Minter A Sure One Bonding Company Ernest Respress, Former Youth Ambassador Joe Sims, Councilmember City of Barnesville Irvin Trice Trice Funeral Home, Incorporated Lisa Zachery Papered Wonders, Inc.

Contributing Sponsors Antioch Baptist Church Reverend Keith Battle, Pastor Peter L. Banks, Past Mayor City of Barnesville, Georgia Booker High School Class of 1970 East Mount Sinai Baptist Church Reverend Jimmy Lyons, Pastor Green Mount United Methodist Church Reverend Wilma J. Hastings, Pastor Michele A. Simmons, King Celebration Committee Charter Member Sardis Baptist Church Unionville Baptist Church Reverend Wilma J. Hastings, Pastor West Mount Sinai Baptist Church Reverend Waylon T. Knight, Pastor

Sponsors Dr. Kim Baugh, Former Youth Ambassador Mr. Steve and Mrs. Thelma Foster Rickey Shannon, Former Youth Ambassador


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