garden notes News, products and advice for the new season
SEASONAL SENSATION RUDBECKIA With their masses of bright, starry flowers, rudbeckias are perfect for adding vibrant colour to your borders from midsummer through into autumn. The new double and semi-double varieties are especially attractive. Braithwaites in Leeming Bar ( currently have an excellent selection in stock. Plant in full sun or light shade, keep well watered, and deadhead regularly.
Softly does it
It’s time to harvest your onions when the tops turn brown and flop over. On a sunny morning, gently lift the bulbs, ensuring the stems stay intact. Lay them in the sun to dry out, then move them into a garage or shed to cure. When the skin turns papery and the roots become brittle, they’re done.
Gardening can be tough on the knees, so it’s well worth investing in a top quality water-resistant memory foam kneeler. This colourful ‘British Bloom’ design example from the RHS shop ( is smart and practical, and will make planting and weeding a lot more comfortable.
It’s a snip!
Once they’ve flowered, it’s good practice to divide congested clumps of iris to reinvigorate your plants and increase your stock. Carefully lift each clump and cut into sections, discarding the older, woodier parts. Shorten the leaves by half to prevent wind rock and replant in a sunny spot.
This is the prime time of year for gathering cut flowers to beautify your home. These super-sharp specialist flower scissors from Niwaki ( come in two sizes and a choice of five colours – perfect for creating floral displays from the bounty now blooming in your borders. Dales Life | SUMMER 2022 |