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Cici Wu 武雨濛


Born in 1989 in Beijing. Lives and works in New York City.

1989 年生於北京;現生活並工作於紐約。

“Can a past that the present has not yet caught up with be summoned to haunt the present as an alternative?” — Avery F. Gordon, quoted from the Chimurenga Library and Pan-African Space Station

For the artist, cinema consists of light, rhythm, motion, structure, and montage— elements which culminate in emotional and potentially spiritual experiences for its audience, and an act that was once performed using paper lanterns in a play of shadow and light. Cici Wu presents here a technological prototype: a sculptural lantern that is a novel shadow-capturing device with the potential to be an alternative ‘early cinema’. In her rendition of light and shadow that marks the beginning of a long-term series, Wu demonstrates a new way of exploring fragmented histories that resists the nationalist and colonial narratives of mainstream cinema.

「我們能否召喚一種過去——一種尚未被當下所捕捉的過去—— 來縈繞當下,成為它的替代?」

—— Avery F. Gordon,摘自 Chimurenga圖書館和泛非洲空間站

在藝術家看來,電影包含光、韻律、移動、結構與蒙太奇,這些元素彼此融合,為觀眾帶來動情、 甚至靈性的體驗。電影的運作肌理與紙燈以及燈影戲的光影遊戲不乏相似。武雨濛在作品中 呈現了一個技術原型:一個既作為雕塑又作為新奇影子捕捉器的燈籠,它猶如一種另類的「早期 電影」,在她對光影的詮釋中,以一個新方式,探索那些背離主流電影宣揚民族主義以及殖民 野心敘事的瑣碎的歷史。

Foreign Object #2 Umbra and Penumbra (prototype), 2021. OpenMV H7+, Raspberry Pi Zero, NeoPixel ring, switch, wire, paper, newspaper, glue, bamboo wire, H. 54 × W. 24 × D. 24 cm. Courtesy of the artist.《外來物 #2 影子與罔兩(原型)》,2021 年。

OpenMV H7+、樹莓派 Zero、NeoPixel環、開關、電線、紙、報紙、膠水、竹籤,高 54 公分 ×寬 24 公分 ×深 24 公分。由藝術家提供。

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