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Ocean & Wavz 洋與浪

作品的核心是將表演行為視作一種僅存在於時間中、稍縱即逝的表述,它代表對固定身 份、政治系統及語言的拒絕。在這個意識形態瀕臨崩塌、全球秩序持續變換的後疫情時代, 藝術家 Larys Frogier和 Alfie Chua提出一系列問題挑戰殖民歷史中交織着私人與 集體歷史的事件的定義及命名,並重新思考這些事件中的領養、遣返、囚禁與遷移。透過 這種介入,作品對那些出於主動抵抗或被排斥而無法名狀的事物致敬。

— 如何將語言抽離出它的本體,並擾亂它象徵、表述及定位身份的功能? — 如何在差異、誤認、和誤解中開啟演練另類社會、文化、政治想象的空間? — 表演性的言說可否被視為一種獨特的翻譯與錯置? — 多重的意義如何透過命名而產生?

《無名者求異》是一個不同語境中呈現出不同形態和表演形式的持續性項目。作品是次 在香港的呈現包含了刺繡文字、社交平台上獲取或手機拍攝的圖像,以及來自大自然、 人體及人造物的聲音。作品的不同組成部分旨在重新思考其作為 (非)文字、(非)圖像與 (非)聲音的特質。


浪 洋 (Larys Frogier , 1964 年生於巴比提 )與 (Alfie Chua , 1977 年生於吉蘭丹 ) ;現生活並工作於新加坡及上海。 Ocean (Larys Frogier, born 1964 in Papeete) &Wavz (Alfie Chua, born 1977 in Kelantan). Live and work in Singapore and Shanghai OCEAN & WAVZ 洋與浪

The work magnifies and extracts the concept of performance as a temporary representation of a position that remains impossible to be reproduced and defies the consolidation into one fixed identity, political system, or language. In response to the shifts of a global order wrought by the collapse of ideological systems and the post COVID-19 pandemic uncertainty, the artists Larys Frogier and Alfie Chua pose a series of questions to challenge the naming of events in the history of colonisation, which often overlap with private and collective storytelling related to adoption, deportation, internment, and migration. Through this intervention, the work pays tribute to those who are destined to fail, whether by choice or otherwise, to fit within a name.

— How can language be thrown out of itself, unsettled from its primary function to signify, express, narrate, and identify? — How can the discrepancies found in misidentifications and misunderstandings instead become incubators for the development of alternative social, cultural, and political situations? — How can an act of performative speech be considered a unique practice of translation and displacement? — How can designating a name bring forth multilayer meanings?

The Ones With No Name, Desire For Anomaly is an evolving, site-specific project with each articulation depending on the context in which it is presented. This iteration presented in Hong Kong comprises embroidered texts, images taken from digital platforms such as social media and taken with a cell phone camera, and sounds from nature, the human body, and the synthetic. All of these di erent components aim to reconsider their very own characteristics as (not) texts, (not) images, and (not) sounds.

The Ones With No Name, A Desire For Anomaly. 怪獣Kaijū Forever Remain (PandeMix), 7'21", Close To Me Against You, 2'21", Oblivious, 7'19", -ism, 5'25", (not) a vision, 8'38", 2021. French linen fabric and word stitching, wooden platform, tatami, video, text, sound, dimensions variable. Courtesy of the artists.《無名者求異》,《怪獣Kaijū Forever Remain (PandeMix)》, 7 分 21 秒,《 Close To Me Against You 》,2 分 21 秒,《 Oblivious 》,7 分 19 秒,《 -ism 》,5 分 25 秒,

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