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Hu Yun 胡昀
1986 年生於上海;現生活並工作於上海及墨爾本。 Born in 1986 in Shanghai. Lives and works in Shanghai and Melbourne.
An open book is intricately embroidered onto a piece of dark silk, with the inscription ‘You are the light of the world’, a quote from Matthew 5:14. This image derives from the white, hand-embroidered handkerchief that Feng Yu-hsiang (1881–1948), a Republican-era warlord, gifted Sun Yat-sen (1866–1925) in the 1920s. Hu Yun learnt about this handkerchief when he visited the Museum of the Former Residence of Sun Yat-sen. Hu commissioned a master of Suzhou embroidery, one of the famous schools of traditional embroidery indigenous to its namesake city, to enlarge the design. In Hu’s rendering, the handkerchief is dark as opposed to its original white, symbolic of the transition from light into darkness. Feng was known to be a devout Christian and the significance of this quote and gift can be read in many ways.
深色絲綢上精巧的刺繡展現一本攤開的書,書頁上寫着出自 《聖經》「馬太福音」第五章第14 節的「你們是世上的光」。 這一圖像來自民國時期軍閥馮玉祥(1881–1948)在上世紀 20年代贈送給孫中山(1866–1925)的白色手繡方巾。藝術家 胡昀在參觀孫中山故居紀念館時發現了這條方巾,後委託蘇繡 大師將其放大。由明到暗的轉折是胡昀賦予作品最直接的表達。 馮玉祥為虔誠的基督徒,贈予孫中山這句引自《聖經》的話, 意味深長。