Educating Global Citizens
The East Bay German
International School
(EBGIS) is a dual-language immersion school offering preschool through high school programs. Our integrated curriculum combines bilingual German and English instruction with project-based learning and a cross-cultural experience.
Our Early Childhood Program employs a play-based and project-oriented approach widely used in Germany that is implemented by a highly trained and experienced international faculty. We offer exceptional academics, a diverse international perspective, and a vibrant school community.
No prior knowledge of German is needed to join our Preschool and Kindergarten programs!
We prioritize in-person instruction with proven health and safety measures.
Open House
October 29, 2022
January 14, 2023 10 am - 2 pm
Online Info Sessions are offered for all programs. Register at: admissions/visit-us
1070 41st Street Emeryville, CA 94608 (510)380-0302
Almaden (408) 927-5771
19950 McKean Rd., San Jose
Ardenwood (510) 739-0300
35487 Dumbarton Ct., Newark
Berryessa (408) 998-2860
711 East Gish Rd., San Jose
Harwood (408) 723-0111
4949 Harwood Rd., San Jose
Middlefield (650) 213-8245
3880 Middlefield Rd., Palo Alto
Newark (510) 770-1771
39600 Cedar Blvd., Newark
Saratoga (408) 378-0444
18811 Cox Ave., Saratoga
Shawnee (408) 365-9298
500 Shawnee Ln., San Jose
Strawberry Park (408) 213-0083
730 Camina Escuela, San Jose
Sunnyvale (408) 245-7170
1185 Hollenbeck Ave., Sunnyvale
Should I Send My Child to Preschool?
Starting between the ages of 2½ and 3, you will havetheoptionofplacingyourchildinpreschool. Someparentsmayask,“Whypreschool?Isn’tmy childlearningenoughathomeorwithacaregiver?” Ofcourse,nothingtakestheplaceofanurturingand lovinghome,andnooneismoreimportanttochildren thantheirparents.Butresearchshowsthatkidswho attendqualitypreschoolhavehighermathandreading skills, are better prepared for kindergarten, behave better in class, and are more likely to graduate from high school and go to college.
Whenconsideringpreschooleducation,thinkabout these benefits.
A preschool experience:
• empowers children to think, explore, question, wonder and learn how to learn
• supports children’s intellectual and language development and communication skills
• offerschildrenconsistent,experienced,qualified educatorstosupporttheirlearninganddevelopment
• improveschildren’sabilitytothink,problemsolve andreasonastheyenterschool,enablingthemtolearn more in the early grades
• developssocialandemotionalmaturityandthe abilitytorelatewelltopeersandadults,solveconflicts, play co-operatively and be assertive
• providesasolidplatformforlife-longlearningand education
• guideschildrentogainindependence,self-esteem and self-confidence, empowering their learning
• helpschildrenhaveagreaterunderstandingof the world around them
• encourageschildrentobeindependentlearners and to take an active role in their learning
• supportschildrentoplayco-operativelytogether and learn from their experiences
• enableschildrenandfamiliestheopportunityto belong,tobepartofacommunity,andconnectwith others.
A preschool experience empowers children to think, explore, question, wonder and learn how to learn.
Preschools are:
• funplacestobe,withvaried,excitingexperiences plannedtomeettheneedsandinterestsofchildren
• acontexttobuildsocialconnectionsbetween families and the community
• asourceofprofessionalinformationthatsupports parenting
• resources which give lots of opportunities for parent education
• agradualtransitionfromhometomoreformal educational environments
• a warm, caring, friendly environment, led by qualified, experienced and dedicated staff
• placesthatnurturecreativity,thinkingandsocial skills,enablingchildrentodevelopaloveoflearning.
How to Start Your Search
Contrary to what you might have heard, choosing therightpreschoolforyourchildisnotasdifficult as applying for an advanced degree. The key to choosingtherightpreschoolisgoingintotheprocess prepared. Prepared?Yes, prepared with a solid idea of whatyouwantyourchildtogainfromhisorherpreschool experience. Keep reading for helpful suggestions for choosingapreschoolthatisagoodmatchforyourchild and your family, as well as information on some of the mostpopulartypesofpreschooleducationalphilosophies. Inaddition,you’llfindcheckliststhatyoucanusewhen visiting and comparing preschool settings.
Think about the Basics
Thebestwaytokeepfrombecomingoverwhelmedby theprocessofchoosingapreschoolistothinkabout howthepreschoolwillfitintoyourdailylife.Hereare some questions parents should consider:
• Is it important for the preschool to be near my workplace?
• Is it important for the preschool to offer childcare services in the morning, afternoon, or both?
• Are you looking for a play-based classroom or a more academic setting?
•AmIeligiblefororinterestedinsubsidizedpreschool programs(i.e.,EarlyHeadStart,ChildWelfareLeague ofAmericaorstate-fundedprogramming)thatoffer services such as childcare programs with a focus on providing educational opportunities?
Answering each of these questions will help you narrowdownthegenerallocationandtypeofsetting youshouldresearch.Narrowingdownyourchoices willmaketheprocessofcomparingsettingseasierto manage.
Become Familiar with Common Terms
For many parents, the most confusing part about choosingpreschoolsistryingtomakesenseofterms such as, “Montessori Approach,”“child-centered,” “WaldorfApproach”and“faith-based.”Whatdothese termsmeanandhowcanthesetermshelpyouchoose a preschool?
Oftentimes, the key difference between settings is connectedtothepreschool’s“educationalphilosophy.” Whileeducationalphilosophiesarenumerousand theirdefinitionsarenotsetinstone,wehaveprovided you with definitions for some of the most popular philosophies.
continued on page 10
How to Start Your Search cont’d.
Inaplay-basedprogram,childrenchooseactivities based on their current interests. The classroom is broken up into sections, such as home or kitchen, sciencearea,watertable,readingnook,etc.Teachers encourage the kids to play, facilitating social skills along the way.
Academic Based
Academicorskills-basedprogramsareteacherdirected and can be very structured and routine oriented. Teachersextensivelyplanactivitiesforthechildrenin their classes and guide the children in learning.
Montessori Method
Focusesonmaintainingtheindividualityofeachchild inthelearningprocess.Thismethodbelieveseachchild learns at their own pace and educational progress should not be rendered based upon comparing students to one another.
Reggio Emilia Approach
Thisapproachfocusesonprovidingopportunitiesfor problemsolvingandexpressionthroughcreativityand exploration.
Waldorf Approach
Emphasisisplacedonimaginationandexperiential learning,providingstudentswithopportunitiesto exploretheirworldthroughthesenses,participation and analytical thought.
Bank Street Approach
Thisapproachplacesanemphasisonlearningthrough multipleperspectives,bothintheclassroomsettingand inthenaturalworldwithastrongfocusonemotional learning and intellectual development.
High Scope Approach
Thisapproachfocusesonlettingchildrenbeincharge of their own learning. Children are taught to make a plan for what they would like to do each day and participateinareviewsessiontodiscussthesuccessof their plan and brainstorm ideas for the next day.
Other Terms
Outside of the formal educational philosophies, knowingthedifferencebetweenothercommonearly childhoodtermswillhelpyoumakeinformeddecisions regardingyourchild’seducation.Belowisalistofsome commontermsusedtodescribepreschoolsettings.It
shouldbenotedthatthesetermsmaybeusedaloneor incombinationwithoneanother(i.e.,a“child-centered, faith-based” setting).
Theoppositeofachild-centeredsettingisateacher-led setting.Teacher-ledoftenmeansthatcurriculumand supplementalactivitiesareimplementedbasedona setscheduledevelopedbytheteachersinthesetting. This type of setting usually provides children with a structured learning environment.
Thesesettingsbelievechildrenlearnbestwhentheyare engagedandinterestedinlearning.Child-ledsettings wait for each child to initiate or ask for new activities and experiences, fostering individualized learning experiences rather than group experiences.
Thistermisusedtodescribepreschoolprogramsthat arerunthroughfaithorganizationssuchaschurchesor synagogues,accordingtotheirfaith’sphilosophies.
Thesesettingsoftenaskparentsandfamiliestoassist in the running of the preschool. Parents and family members may build community by signing up to volunteerduringtheweek,orbyassistinginthedayto-daymanagementofthepreschoolaswellashelping with advertising, upkeep and fundraising.
Developmentally Appropriate
Thistermmeansthepreschoolplansthecurriculum andactivitiesbasedonactivitiesthatareappropriate for the age of the children in the class.
Pre-kindergarten (pre-K)
Sometimes this term is used interchangeably with preschool. In general, a pre-K program is one that haschildrenenrolledintheyearbeforekindergarten, usually at age four. These settings are often more structured than traditional preschool settings.
Transitional Kindergarten (TK)
TransitionalKindergartenisaschoolgradethatserves as a bridge between preschool and kindergarten, functioningtoprovidestudentswithtimetodevelop fundamental skills needed for success in school.
The Research
areinterestedinresearchingandhaveagoodideaof whattypeofphilosophywouldbestsuityourchild,here areafewthingsyoucandotohelpnarrowdownyour options:
Reach out to other parents: Ask your friends, your neighbors,yourpediatrician,yourolderchild’steacher -askpeopleyoutrustforrecommendationsforquality settingsinyourarea.Bemindfultonotethenameof thesettingandwhatstruckthispersonasimportantto mention(lowstudentteacherratio,closetohome,child isexcitedtoarrive,etc.).And,thebestquestiontoask is,“Whatadvicedoyouwishyouhadreceivedbefore choosingyourchild’spreschool?”Mostparentswillbe happy to offer their insight and advice.
Go to the internet: You might be surprised to learn that your community has an active preschool networkingcommunity,agreatplacetotapintouseful adviceandresources.Or,youcanusetheinternetto search the names of settings to find out if they have any“redflags”likenumerouscomplaintsfromparents, healthorsafetyviolations,orothernoteworthyissues. The Bananas and 4C’s of Alameda County and the ContraCostaChildCareCouncilwebsitesofferawealth of information for parents seeking information.
Thebestwaystofindpreschoolprogramsaretoattend preschool fairs, get recommendations from fellow parentsandscopeoutprogramslocatedclosetohome or work.
The Visit
Nowthatyouhavenarroweddownyourchoicesand comeupwithtwoorthreesettingsyouareinterested
in, schedule a time to visit each setting. You can learn a lot about a setting by the way staff approach introductoryvisitswithyouandyourchild.Duringyour visit ask yourself the following questions:
Do I feel welcome here?
Does my child seem interested in what they have to offer?
Do the children in the setting seem happy and engaged?
How do the adults and children interact?
Is the setting clean and safe?
You should also come to the visit prepared with questions.Someofthebasicquestionsparentsaskare:
What is the turnover rate for staff members?
What percentage of the staff hold degrees in early childhood?
How does the setting handle discipline?
What are the safety procedures for picking up and dropping off children? Are they modified to reflect current safety standards?
Is the setting accredited?
What are the payment options and procedures? Someparentsfeelmorecomfortablegoingtothevisit withachecklistofquestionstheywouldlikeanswered. We offer an even more in-depth list on page 20.
Parents should not feel like they need to ask every questiononthechecklist,however,usingachecklistisa greatwaytomakenoteofyourobservationsduringthe visit so you can compare settings afterward.
How to Find the
Your 7 Step Approach
Start Early.
It takes time to research differentstylesofpreschoolsandbecomefamiliarwith commontermsusedinpreschools.Manyparentsstart this process a year ahead of time, some parents even startwhilepregnant!Childrenusuallyattendpreschool for two to three years between the ages of 2.5 and 5 years.
2. Determine what criteria is most importantforyourchildandfamily.Isitlocation,faith, typeofprogramoffered,languageimmersion,specialneedsoptions,year-roundprogram,extendedhours, cost?Whatarethemostimportantfactorsandoptions?
Rate these so you have a clear picture of where and what programs to focus on and what is the best fit for your child.
3.Utilize local parenting resources. Local parentingmagazinesandwebsites,likeParents’Press, offer lots of preschool information and open house announcements.Thesewillhelpyoutobecomefamiliar withwhatpreschoolsareavailableinyourareaandthe programoptionsbeingofferedtohelpwithyourselection process.Visitpreschoolwebsitesthatlookinterestingto findoutadmissionsinformation.Moreinformationcan also be found at
yourareatoseewhatprogramstheywerepartof,andif theywouldrecommendthem.Findoutwhattheyliked mostandleastabouttheschool.Howlongdidtheirchild attend?Didtheyexperienceanyteacherturnover?What was the culture like? How did they handle sick days, pottytrainingandbehavioralissues?Howinvolvedwere theparentsintheschool?Aretheparentsandchildren still in contact with others from the preschool?
5.Tour top choices.
Arrange to take a tour or go to an open house to learn about the school philosophy and the admissions process. Most schoolspreferforyoutopre-registerforthese.Haveyour listofquestionsready(seepage20forQuestionstoAsk) andobserve.Lookforsignsthatthepreschooliswellrun. Also,thisisatimethatthepreschoolusestodetermine which families will be a good fit for their program.
Beforeyouapply,findoutthe preschool’sadmissions schedule and how many openings they will have and howmanyspotswillbereservedforsiblingsoffamilies alreadyenrolled.Ifyouareconcernedthatyourtopchoice orchoiceshavewaymoreapplicantsthanspotsitwould beawiseideatoapplytomorethanonepreschooleven though there may be an application fee.
research, established your criteria and taken the tour, nowistimetoapplytoyourtopchoice.Somepreschools have ongoing enrollment but most follow the school yearformat.Acceptancelettersgooutinthespringfor thefollowingfall.Findoutfromthepreschoolwhenyou can expect to hear from them, one way or another. It is okay to be persistent and let them know you and your familyareinterested,butdon’tbeapest.Ifyourchildis waitlistedgetspecificsfromthepreschool.Whatnumber onthewaitlistisyourchildanddoesthepreschoolhave acommitmentfromallreturningfamilies?Iftheschool is accepting a total of 15 new children and you are waydownonthewaitlist,itistimetoconsideranother option.
Perfect Preschool
The Site Visit
1. First Impressions.
Is the preschool clean, organized and does it have a good feelingaboutit?Isthestafffriendly,andaretheteachers incontroloftheclassroom?Inside,arethereplayareas? Are toys and books in good shape and organized? Outside is there enough room? Are there play areas andtoysforallofthekids?Doesthepreschoolfeelsafe insideandout?Aresafetyprotocolsbeingfollowed? Doesthepreschoolfeellikeaplaceyourchildcanthrive in?
2. The Basics.
What are the start and end times for the core program? If extended care is available, who manages this, and where is it held? What is the daily schedule and is there a different holiday schedule? Are lunch and snacks provided? If not,isrefrigerationavailable?Isthebathroomsafeand centrallylocatedwithtoddlersizedfacilities?Whatare thesickpolicies?Isthefacilityuptocode?Whatarethe emergencyprotocols?Havetheteachersbeentrainedin CPR, first aid and infection control?
3.Teachers and Staff.Is
there enoughsupervision?Doestheteacher-childratiomatch orexceedstandards?Teacherturnover?Whatexperience do the teachers have and how long have they been teachingatthisschool?Howweretheytrained?Dothe teachersseemhappy?Howistheirinteractionwiththe children?Howdotheybalancethedifferentneedsofthe children?Dotheyhaveaspecificapproachforteaching social-emotionalskills?Howdotheycommunicatewith thefamilyonconcerns?Howoftenareparent-teacher conferences held?
Arethechildrendoingthesameprojectordothechildren work independently? Are there a variety of learning materialsinwhichchildrencanexploretheirinterests andlearnnewskills?Isthereafocusonreading?Howdo childrendecidewhattodo,whentodoitandwithwhom? Whatsupportdoteachersprovidewhenachildgetsstuck onaproject?Howarechildrenmotivatedtoparticipate? Howareholidaysintegratedintothelearningexperience?
involvedarethefamiliesintheday-to-dayoperationsof thepreschool?Whatopportunitiesororganizedevents are available to meet other families during the school year?Arethererequiredvolunteerhoursormonetary commitmentsbeyondthetuition?Aretherefundraising eventsandwhatisthemoneyraisedusedfor?Arethere opportunitiesforclassroomobservation?Howdofamily members participate in celebrations?
you feel this preschool is a great fit for your child? Did youfeelcomfortablewithwhatyousawandthepeople youinteractedwith?Didyourconcernsgetaddressed? Are there any red flags you need to check up on?Were youencouragedtocontacttheschoolwithanyquestions? Is there a clear next step in the process?
Every family has specific needs and many preschools canaccommodatethem.Itisimportanttoaskquestions now.Don’tbeafraidtodiscusspersonalmatters,oneon one.Chancesarethepreschoolhasencounteredasimilar situation before and is up to the task or may be able to give you direction to an alternative resource.
Be prepared with this short checklist before you step foot into the
Is My Child Ready?
Just because a few preschools will accept children at around2yearsolddoesn’tmeanyourchildisreadyfor preschoolwhenshereachesthatage.Isshesocially, emotionally and physically ready to participate in a structurededucationalprogramwithagroupofchildren? The following will help your think about some of the important skills needed for preschool.
Is your child independent?
Your child should be able to take care of some basic needs,likewashingherhands,eatingherlunchwithout assistanceandsleepingalone.Mostpreschoolswillwant yourchildtobepottytrained,butsomeacceptdiapers.
Has Your Child Spent Time Away from You?
If your child has been cared for by a babysitter or a relative, he’ll be better prepared to separate from you whenhe’satpreschool.Kidswhoareusedtobeingapart fromtheirparentsoftenbouncerightintopreschoolwith hardlyabackwardglance.Ifyourchildhasn’thadmany opportunities to be away from you, you might want to schedulesome-aweekendwithgrandma,forinstance,or a day with your sister and her kids. But even if you can’t
workoutyourseparationissuesupfront,don’tworry toomuch;manychildrenleaveMomorDadforthefirst timetogotopreschoolandtheydojustfine.Thetrickis tohelpyourchildadjustinshortdoses.Manypreschools will allow you to drop off your child for an hour or two duringthefirstfewdaysthere;asyourchildgetsmore familiartotheenvironment,yougraduallyworkuptoa full day.
Can your child work on projects on her own?
Preschool usually involves lots of arts and crafts projectsthatrequireconcentrationandtheabilityto focusonanindividualtask.Ifyourchildlikestodrawat homeorgetsengrossedinpuzzlesandotheractivities onherown,she’sagoodcandidateforpreschool.But even if she’s the kind of child who asks for help with everything,youcanstartgettingherreadybysetting upplaytimeswhereshecanentertainherselfforahalf hour or so.
Is your child used to keeping a regular schedule?
Preschools usually follow a predictable routine: circle time, play time, snack, playground, then lunch.
There’sagoodreasonforthis.Childrentendtofeelmost comfortableandincontrolwhenthesamethingshappen atthesametimeeachday.Soifyourchilddoesn’tkeep to a schedule and each day is different from the last, it can help to standardize his days a bit before he starts preschool.
Does your child have the physical stamina for preschool?
Whetherit’sahalf-dayorfull-dayprogram,preschool keepskidsbusy.Thereareartprojectstodo,fieldtripsto take,andplaygroundstoexplore.Doesyourchildthrive on activities like this, or does he have trouble moving from one thing to the next without getting cranky? Anotherthingtoconsiderishowandwhenyourchild needstonap.Preschoolsusuallyschedulenaptimeafter lunch.Ifyourlittleonecankeepgoinguntilthenoreven
all day like a wind-up toy, he’s set. If he still needs a midmorningsnooze,itmightnotbetimeyettogotoschool.
Why do you want to send your child to preschool?
Thinkcarefullyaboutwhatyourgoalsareforsending yourchildtopreschool.Doyoujustneedtimeforyourself ordaycareforyourchild?Theremaybeotheroptionsifit seems he isn’t ready yet for the rigors of school.
If you find that the main reasons you want to send your child to preschool are that he seems eager to learnnewthingsandexplore,heisn’tgettingenough stimulation at home or daycare, or he seems ready to broaden his social horizons and interact with other children, chances are it’s the perfect time to start preschool.
Questions to Ask
This checklist is designed to help families select the right preschool program for their children.Itincludestheprogramqualitiesand componentsthatresearchsaysaremostimportant for a child’s growth and development. It does not cover either basic health and safety standards that alllicensedprogramsmustmeetandwhichvaryby state or whether nutritious meals and snacks are provided.Usethechecklistwheninterviewingthe schoolprincipalorpreschoolcenterdirectorandasa guideforyourobservationofthepre-kclassroom.To findthebestavailablepreschoolprogram,youmay need to visit a few centers. Remember, this is only a tooltohelpguideyourdecision.Youknowyourchild best;so,ultimately,youmustdecidewhichprogram will best prepare your child for school.
When meeting with the Program Director
Ask these questions:
1.Doestheprogramhaveastatelicense,orifnot, isitexemptfromstatelicensingbecauseitmeetsthe school district’s standards instead?
2. Is the program accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children or any other nationally recognized accreditation organizations?
4.Doeshe/shehavecertificationinearlychildhood education?
5.Doestheclassroomaidehavespecializedtraining in early childhood development?
6. Have the majority of the teachers been at the program for at least three years?
7.Hastherebeenanyteacherturnoverinthelast few years?
8.Dotheteachersparticipatein12hoursormore of in-service training each year?
9.Is there asystem for helping teachersimprove their teaching expertise?
10. Is there at least one teacher for every 10 children?
11. Are there no more than 20 children in a class?
12.Doestheroomhaveseparatelearningcenters (reading,art,dramaticplay,writing,blocks,etc.)with interestingequipmentandmaterialstoencourage learning?
13. Does the teacher use a well-known, quality, preschool curriculum to guide what is taught?
If yes: Does the curriculum prepare children for kindergartenbasedonthestatestandardsforschool readiness?
Doesthecurriculumtakeintoaccountthevarious learningstyles,cultures,disabilities,andlanguagesof the children and their families?
Doesthecurriculumprovideopportunitiesforthe children to explore topics in detail and in multiple ways?
14.Doestheclassfollowadailyroutinethatoffers a variety of activities throughout the day? (i.e., art, make-believeplay,outsideplay,reading,andscience activities)
continued on page 22
Questions to Ask cont’d.
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15.Dochildrenhaveoutdoorunstructuredplaytime every day, except when the weather is extreme?
16. Does the class take at least two field trips a year?
17. Do activities change regularly so the children have a chance to learn new skills?
18.Doteachershaveaccesstotrainedprofessionals such as a social worker, mental health consultant, and/orbehaviorspecialisttohelpchildrenwhohave challenging behaviors or attention problems?
19. If a child has a disability or special needs, does theschoolprovideaccommodationsandsupport?
20.Areparentswelcometodropinwithoutmaking an appointment?
21. Does the teacher have face-to-face or phone contactorprovideregulare-mailorwrittenreportswith parent(s) at least twice a month?
22. Does the program hold parent/teacher conferences at least twice a year?
23.Doestheschoolhaveanumberofwaysforthe parent(s)tobeinvolvedandhelptheirchildathome? (i.e.,aschoolnewsletter,classroomvolunteers,family events, book or toy lending library)
24.Doestheteacherkeeptheparent(s)regularly informedofthechild’sprogressandschoolactivitiesin a language they can understand?
If yes, how often?
Iftheteacherdoesnotspeakthefamily’slanguage, how do they communicate?
Your own observations
Spend at least an hour in the classroom. Ask yourself:
25. Do I feel welcome?
26. Are the teachers warm and caring with the children?
27.Dotheteachershandleproblemsandconflicts in a positive manner?
Preschool – Grade 5
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28.Doteachershaveone-on-oneconversationswith children?
29.Doteachersworkwithchildrenindividuallyand in small groups of three or four?
30. Does staff show acceptance and respect to all children regardless of culture, race, language, or disability?
31. Do the children appear to be happy and engaged in activities?
32.Dothechildrenhaveopportunitiestoselectwhat they want to do at times throughout the day?
33. Are the children talking and interacting with each other?
34. Do the children seem to be working well with oneanother(sharing,playingcooperatively,andtaking turns)?
35. Do you see evidence that the teachers use a varietyofmethodstoteachletters,numbers,shapes, and new vocabulary words?
36.Doestheclassroomhavealibrarywithavariety of books and other reading material?
If yes, are the books in good condition and
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attractively displayed?
Ifyes,aretherebooksintheappropriatelanguages for the children who don’t speak English?
37.Dotheteachersencouragehands-onlearning suchaslearningscienceconceptswithwaterandsand or math through cooking?
38. Do the display areas on the walls contain children’sartwork,writingsamples,andphotographsof class projects or activities?
39.Arethefurniture,playgroundequipment,and toysageappropriate,clean,andingoodcondition?
40.Whenthechildrenareoutside,aretheteachers engaged in and encouraging the children’s play?
41.Doeseachchildhaveenoughroomindoorsand outdoorstomovearoundwithoutinterferingwithother children’s play space?
Finally,reviewthepreschool’scontract.Makesure youunderstandtheirpoliciesonenrollment/withdrawal procedures,hours,fees,paymentstructure,vacation, sickdays,illnesspolicyandmeals.Also,keepinmind thatasyourchildgrows,youandyourchild’sneedswill change.Willthepreschoolbeabletogrowwithyour little one?
Help Your Child Make the Most of Early Education
Thesestrategiescanhelpeaseyourchild’sjittersfor an easy transition and lead to a successful year of fun times and good friends.
“Bothdaycaresandpreschoolsofferkidsexperiences theymightnotgetathome,suchasexposuretoalarger socialenvironmentthatcanhelpthemlearnhowtoget alongwellwithothers,”saysCathyKeller,thedirector of a preschool and infant care center.Who knew that 18-month-olds could have friends?When kids go to daycareandpreschool,theirschedulestendtofillup withplaydatesandbirthdayparties.Developmentally, kids who’ve done at least a year of preschool are morereadytojumpintothelearningenvironmentof kindergarten, too.
“Preschoolisanenvironmentinwhichkidshavethe opportunity to use language in many different ways withotherswhoareatthesamedevelopmentalage,” saysJenniferKurumadaChuang,theownerofachild carecenterandpreschool.But,overall,preschoolhelps young,naturallyegocentrickidslearnhowtoexistwith othersinaclassroom.“Preschoolerslearnhowtotake
turns,followdirections,pickupafterthemselves,stand in line, sit in a circle, raise their hand, use their words to expressthemselvesinsteadofphysicallyactingoutand talk when it’s appropriate,”Kurumada Chuang says.
Alltold,yourchild’searlylearningexperiencescan setthetoneforyearstocome.Tohelpyourchildprepare fordaycareandpreschoolandreinforcethelessonshe learnsthere,here’sthehomeworkyoucandothatcan make all the difference.
Ace the Drop-off
Pick the right daycare or preschool. “Separating frommomanddadcanbetoughforinfants,toddlers and preschoolers, though some kids display it more aggressivelythanothers,”saysKeller.Tomakedrop-off easier, choose a daycare or preschool you feel good about.“Parentstelegraphtheircomfortandconfidence about the school in so many ways to their kids,”says Keller. If you’re happy with your choice of school and knowthatyourchildisinagoodlearningsituation,your childwillpickuponyourconfidenceandbeOKwithit, too,evenifheinitiallydoesn’tseemtolikegoingthere.
continued from page 24
Andkeepinmindthatseparationanxietyisoftenmore painfulforyouthanyourchild.“Childrenareamazingly adaptable,” Keller says.
Manage Morning Madness
To help make drop-off at daycare or preschool smoother, take the hassle out of your morning.Try doingwhatyoucanthenightbefore,whenyouhave moretimetothinkthenextdaythrough.Forexample, filloutpermissionslips,writeanynotestotheteacher andchecksfordaycareorpreschool,andputthemin yourchild’sbackpackorlunchbox.Youcanevensetthe tableforbreakfastandtakeoutthebreakfastcereal,if youwantto.Youcouldalsochecktheweatherforecast andletyourpreschoolersetoutthenextday’soutfit, and give choices:“Do you want to wear the striped shirtortheorangeone?Yourbluejeansorsweatpants?”
As soon as you can, “Get your kids invested in the process with age-appropriate tasks,”says Mary Robbins,alicensedclinicalsocialworker.Toencourage your preschooler to begin to do these things on her own,praiseherforajobwelldone,suchas:“Wow!You pickedyouroutfitbyyourself?You’regettingtobesuch abiggirl!”Asyourchildmastersonetask,addanother. Eventually, she can help you pack her snack andher lunch the night before.
Stick to a Routine
Whether your child is in daycare or preschool, establish a morning routine and stick to it. It might be:wakeup,getdressed,eatbreakfast,haveashort playtime together, doublecheck the backpack or lunchboxandleavethehouse.“Structuredroutinesgive children a sense of control.When they know what’s coming next, they’re less likely to procrastinate or becomeanxiousaboutgoingtodaycareorpreschool,” Keller says.
Make a morning-routine poster for your family and put it in a common area, such as on your fridge.
The poster should outline the order of tasks such as dressing,eatingbreakfast,puttingonshoesandsocks andbrushinghairandteeth.Usepicturestoconveythe message.
Ifyourchilddawdlesevenwithasetroutine,move uphisbedtimeandhiswake-upby15minutesinstead oftryingtogethimtoconformtoyourschedule.Also, make sure he gets to bed early enough so he’s more apttobeup-and-at-’eminthemorning.Keepinmind that infants 3 to 11 months need nine to 12 hours of sleepatnightanda30-minutetofour-hournapone to three times a day. Toddlers need 12 to 14 hours of sleep in 24 hours and preschoolers need 11 to 13 hours of shut-eye at night.
Don’t Dawdle
Atdaycareorpreschool,saygoodbyetoyourchild calmly,giveyourchildakissandhugandtellherwhen you’llbebacktopickherup,suchasafterlunchorher nap.Thenwalkoutthedoorandlettheteachergive your child some lovies so you can make a quick exit. Attheendoftheday,makesureyou’retheretocollect yourchildwhenyousayyouwillbe.“Kidsthatyoung can’t tell time, but they will know that if you always pick up after their nap and you’re not there until 5 p.m.,that’sabigdifference,”Kellersays.Trytopickup at the same time every day, if possible.
School Success Rx
Read, read, read to your child. “Being read to is the single most consistent and reliable predictor of academicsuccesslaterinlife,”saysKurumadaChuang. Sherecommendsreadingtoyourpreschoolerfor20 minuteseverynightatbedtime.Whileyou’reatit,stop everysooftenandaskyourchildaquestionaboutthe storybeforeturningthepage,suchas:“Gosh,whydo youthinkshewassad?”or“Whatdoyouthinkisgoing to happen next?”Making reading more interactive makes it more fun and helps build your child’s comprehension skills.
continued on page 28
continued from page 26
Tohelpyourpreschoolergetthehangoffollowing directions, practice at home by giving simple commands,suchas“Pleasehelpmepickupyourtoys and put them in the toy box.”Then, encourage your childtofollowthroughbyofferinganincentivetodo whateveritisyou’reasking.Tellyourchildthathecan playoutsideoncehe’sfinishedputtinghistoysaway. An incentive helps him understand that following directions makes other fun activities possible. If he doesn’tfollowyourdirectionsand,forexample,puthis toysaway,calmlyexplainthathewon’tbeabletoplay withthosetoysfortherestofthedayorgotothepark. Keepitpositivebyfocusingonhowcleantheplayroom willlookwhenyou’redone.Thenpraisehimwhenhe’s successful.“Youfollowedmydirectionssowell.Thank you for helping me put your toys in the toy box like I asked you to! That was so helpful.”
Helpyourchildmastersharingandturn taking.
From ages 3 to 5, children tend to hoard coveted toysandobjects.They’renotreallyreadytograspthe conceptofsharingyet.Butyoucanhelpyouryoungster practice by having her “take turns” with toys and praisingherwhenshesharesonherown.Tohelpher developtheempathythattruesharingrequires,state what she did and how it makes others feel, such as: “Thankyouforsharing.Itmakesyoursisterfeelgood whenyousharetheball.”Yourchildshouldbeableto “own”specialornewtoys,though,sokeepthemout ofsightonplaydatesorinherroomawayfromsiblings.
By kindergarten, children are capable of sharing wellandtakingturns.Ifyourchildisn’tthereyet,help her get the hang of it by inviting a friend over for a cooperativetasksuchasbakingcookies.Ifthingsaren’t goingwell,calmlyaskhertositout.Prettysoon,she’ll get the idea and want to join in on the fun again. Youcanalsoreadyourchildbooksaboutsharingand discuss them. In the classic tale Stone Soup, retold byHeatherForest,forexample,twohungrytravelers
makesoupfromingredientsthateveryoneinthetown contributes.Whatmakesitextradeliciousisthesharing it took to make it.
Help your child make friends.
If you get the sense your toddler or preschooler needsalittlehelpinthesocialdepartment,tryhosting playdateswithothersyourchildlikesorwithwhomhe hascommoninterests.Playdatesofferanopportunity to break away from the group and foster individual friendships.Youmightbeginbyaskingyourpreschooler, for example:“How about a playdate with Bobby? I noticethathelikestodraw,too.”Ifyou’renotsurewho toinviteoverfirst,askyourchild’spreschoolteacherif there’sanyoneintheclassroomwhomightbeagood match for your child.Then, feel free to go from there andmaketheroundssothatyourchildgetsthechance to know several children better.
Help your child play host.
Let him pick the snack and ask him beforehand whatgamesandactivitiesheandhisfriendmightlike todo.Ontheplaydate,feelfreetoplayalongandstay close by to make sure everyone stays safe. But give your child and his friend the chance to play on their own,too.Tohelpthingsgosmoothly,keepplaydates totwohours;childrenstarttogettiredafterthat.And keepitsimplebyinvitingjustonechildoveratatime.
Hone your child’s listening skills
Atthedinnertableandduringcarrides,helpyour preschooler hone her listening skills by asking her to wait to speak until her brother has finished his sentence.Whenit’sherturn,remindher,“Nowit’syour turntotalk.Thankyouforbeingpatientandforbeing suchagoodlistenerwhileyourbrotherwastalking.” Explainthatbeingagoodlistenershowsrespectforthe speaker,whetherit’sherbrotherorherteacherandthe otherstudentsatschoolwhoaretryingtohearwhat the teacher has to say. Mention that it’s a two-way street:Whenshe’sagoodlistener,she’sshowingthe samekindofrespectthatshegetswhenotherslisten toher.Ifshecontinuestointerrupt,keepreminding herthatshe’llgetthechancetotalk.Becomingagood listener, like many things, can take lots of practice.
Be There at Pick-Up
Focusonyourchild.Whenit’stimetocollectyour child, be really glad to see him. Make sure you’re not onyourcellphoneorotherwisedistracted.“Pick-up shouldbeallaboutyourchild,”Kellersays.“Yourchild wantstoknowyou’resupergladtoseehimandthat you’ve been looking forward to it all day.”
California Crosspoint Academy
CCA takes learning very seriously, and our academic record speaks for itself. 100% of our grads go on to college or the military. Founded in 1979, our academics rank among the very best in the nation with graduates accepted by UC Berkeley, UCLA, Yale, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, and West Point.
Our small high school classes, 20 Advanced Placement and Honors courses, and 7:1 student to faculty ratio make for an intimate, creative, and collaborative learning environment. With “Access to Opportunities” for all students, individuals are encouraged and challenged to try a new sport, participate in performing arts for the first time, run for student government, and start a new club that matches their passion.
Our formative grades provide a multi-faceted experience preparing our students to enter our high school programs seamlessly. Middle school students are introduced to high school level academics, foreign language acquisition and extracurricular activities. Elementary and preschool students learn character development as well as academics in a well-rounded and welcoming setting. Creative and technology resources motivate all our students through hands-on classroom activities, outdoor education, and field trips.
Our highly qualified faculty, 60% of whom have Master’s or Ph.D.’s, are not simply instructors, but tutors and mentors for our student body.
California Crosspoint Academy is often described as family. We care about and care for one another. Life-long student relationships develop through
eight team sports for boys and girls, student led clubs, and class trips both domestic and abroad. Walk through the halls, talk to our people, and you will quickly realize there is something special here.
We seek to minister to the entire student and develop young people to be academically strong as well as spiritually and emotionally healthy. Our motto “Transforming Lives for the Glory of God” and our mission to fully equip students to discover God’s will and purpose for their individual life create this foundation.
Stats for the CCA University Preparatory Program:
• 100% of our grads go on to college or the military
• 90% accepted into 4 year colleges
• Average class size 15-18 (high school) / 20 (K-12)
• Scholarship program available
To learn more or to schedule a visit, contact us at
East Bay German International School Early Childhood Program
The East Bay German International School (EBGIS) is a dual-language immersion school offering preschool through ninth-grade programs. Its integrated curriculum features project-based learning and an international perspective. Small class sizes allow EBGIS teachers to nurture and support each student based on their unique needs.
The EBGIS Early Childhood Program employs a play-based and project-oriented approach widely used in Germany. The highly trained and experienced international faculty uses early immersion principles to expand children’s communicative competencies in German and English. In-class projects are developed by an interdisciplinary team based on seasonal rhythms and students’ interests. A pre-academic curriculum including language, intercultural studies, science, mathematics, music, movement and art is taught in an engaging and developmentally appropriate way. Social and emotional skills development infuses every school day.
EBGIS prioritizes in-person instruction with rigorous health and safety measures. Touchless check-in/check-out, regular handwashing at newly installed touchless sinks, and frequent access to an array of outdoor play spaces are just some of the adaptations maximizing the safety of students, staff and families.
No prior knowledge of German is needed for admission to EBGIS Preschool or Kindergarten. Students acquire German by immersion through daily routines, activities and interactions. Teachers nurture language development through intentional conversations, visual materials,
gestures and modeling. EBGIS preschoolers and kindergarteners – more than half of whom do not speak German at home – transition successfully to the EBGIS grades program.
EBGIS accepts preschool students beginning at 24 months of age. The regular school day runs from 8:30am to 2pm with drop-off beginning at 8am. Extended day options are available until 6pm.
The spacious and centrally located campus features large modern classrooms with ample natural light, a bilingual library, and generous indoor and outdoor play spaces. The preschool program includes a dedicated mini-campus adjacent to the main school campus.
Register for an Open House or Online Information Session at
Private tours are also available upon request. Contact
Challenger School
1960, WHILE TEACHING In a public school, Challenger School founder and CEO Barbara Baker became alarmed that her first grade students had received no academics in kindergarten, wasting the best years for establishing a foundation for learning. Barbara decided to leave the comfort of the public schools and started her own preschool where she could teach phonics to children before they went to public school. “I figured that if they learned phonics in preschool, no one could take that away from them.”
In Barbara’s first class, there were only six paying students. Two years later the tiny preschool had grown to 100 half-day preschool students with 100 students waiting for admission. Today, Challenger School educates more than 10,000 students annually.
Challenger School teaches students early on that they are responsible for their own learning and for their successes. Challenger’s emphasis on independent reasoning skills–so rarely practiced in today’s world–results in their students’ extraordinary academic performance.
Challenger students regularly speak and perform before their peers, teachers, and parents from preschool on. Challenger graduates often point to these experiences as the basis for success in college and the workplace.
On national standardized tests, Challenger K-8 students consistently average well above the 90th percentile. This means that Challenger’s average student outperforms nine out of ten students who take that test.
Challenger School offers preschool through eighth grade and operates a total of 27 campuses in five western states. For a location near you, visit
Our mission is to prepare children to become selfreliant, productive individuals; to teach them to think, speak, and write with clarity, precision, and independence; to lead them to recognize and value their individuality and unalienable rights; and to inspire them to embrace challenge and find joy and self-worth through achievement.
Coastline Christian Schools
Coastline Christian Schools was established in 1979 and provides a comprehensive K-8 Christian education along with a K-8 Mandarin language program. Coastline Christian Schools is fully accredited by the WASC and ACSI.
One size does not fit all, and one teaching method does not suit every lesson or student. Our teachers pay close attention and develop caring relationships with our students, allowing for the adaptation of curricula to meet the social, emotional, and educational needs of everyone.
Students at Coastline Christian are enriched by athletics, volunteer opportunities, class trips, and other extracurricular activities. While our school is known for its academic focus, our desire is to help students from varied cultural backgrounds grow in a positive and caring community. CCS equips its students spiritually, academically, emotionally, socially, and physically so they can serve God, their families, and their community with compassion, resilience, innovation, and leadership.
Nomura Preschool
Welcome to Nomura Preschool.
Nomura Preschool is a nurturing environment for children ages two to five years old, serving Albany, El Cerrito, Berkeley, Richmond, Hercules and other East Bay families since 1964.
Our dedicated, experienced preschool teachers provide a balanced program that includes age-appropriate academics, enriching art and music, creative free play and stimulating physical activities.
We are open year round and conveniently located near I-80, I-580 and BART
Please contact us to learn more about the application process.
1629 Carlson Blvd
Richmond Annex, CA 94804
The Seven Hills School
Serving preschool through 8th grade in the East Bay since 1962
Our Reggio-inspired Early Childhood Education program serves the youngest learners at the school and begins the foundation for what it means to be a lifelong learner. In the ECE program, we attend to the intellectual, physical, social, and emotional needs of each child. Our focus is on the development of the whole child through an environment that encourages inquiry, within a malleable process of learning. We instill positive values from the earliest age–integrity, cooperation, respect, and responsibility–and give students the skills to thrive in an evolving world.
975 North San Carlos Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94598
Sign up for a tour on our website and see our community in action!
Escuela Bilingüe Internacional
Escuela Bilingüe Internacional (EBI) offers a PK-8 multilingual, international education that inspires students to engage with a changing global world with both character and empathy. As an International Baccalaureate (IB) certified school in the heart of the East Bay, EBI's program is designed to prepare students to actively engage with a changing world.
At EBI, Pre-Kinder to grade 8 students learn in an immersive Spanish language environment, where they begin their journey of cultural awareness and develop fluency in a language other than English. With the addition of Mandarin in grade 3, students expand their cultural and linguistic competencies. Graduates of EBI are fully literate in both Spanish and English and have basic conversational skills in Mandarin. EBI’s Language Acquisition Track in the Middle School allows students with little to no Spanish background to also engage in an immersive Spanish language environment through accelerated Spanish language classes and electives to develop their fluency.
Engage. Be Global. Inspire. EBI students have an astute awareness of their role as members of the global community. From that awareness, our students are positioned to transform the world. EBI develops students with a lifelong love of learning, which translates into a lifetime of opportunity.
Dr. Paola Clark, EBI’s Head of School, understands the value of language immersion education and the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, as an alumna, educator, administrator and IB examiner.
EBI is one of four independent schools in the United States that provides a PK-8 IB education in a Spanish-English immersion program and the only one on the West Coast,” said Dr. Clark. “We often hear that the world is becoming a smaller place as a result of globalization. I firmly believe that as the world continues to become smaller, EBI becomes bigger, stronger, and more relevant because of its mission and core values.”
We invite you to join us on an upcoming tour, Information Session and Diversity Reception. You are also welcome to join our free Spanish Story time (Cuenta Cuentos) every second Saturday of the month, one of our many enrichment courses or participate in one of our summer camps.
We look forward to meeting you soon!
Sara Varela-Acevedo admissions@ebinternacional.orgChoice in Learning Montessori
Welcome to Pleasant Hill’s first intergenerational preschool! We use the Montessori philosophy to educate the whole child from ages two through six. Through interactions with our elderly friends next door at Choice in Aging, our children learn to respect the dignity of all human life.
We have created a place where children and families feel safe, welcome and supported. Our purpose is to educate the young child in the spirit of Montessori while at the same time challenging the child to become part of a global environment governed by mindfulness toward young and aging alike.
Come by and visit!
490 Golf Club Road
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
Oak Grove Learning
Oak Grove Learning is an exciting new school providing a whole-child, Montessori curriculum for children 18 months through Kindergarten. Children are provided breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack to support building a strong academic foundation.
Oak Grove is set in a warm and nurturing environment that supports and encourages children to delve deep into their activities and projects throughout the day. Spanish instruction is incorporated into the weekly curriculum for each child. Oak Grove hopes to instill a spark inside of each child that will inspire a love of learning that they carry with them through life.
8115 Fontaine St Oakland, CA 94605
Discover Stratford School
When you embrace social and emotional development, the extraordinary happens.
AtStratford, high expectations yield extraordinary results. We start early with an intentionally balanced curriculum that challenges students and accelerates achievement. Our ever-evolving, STEAMbased (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) curriculum ensures students develop the diverse set of problem-solving skills and creative talents they’ll need in today’s world. Our passionate teachers cultivate a nurturing and fun classroom environment, where children feel safe and eager to try new things. Beyond the classroom, we help students discover and define their passions through a variety of extracurricular activities, personal development, and enrichment. This carefully orchestrated approach prepares students to become tomorrow’s creative problem-solvers, imaginative innovators, and confident, insightful leaders. Learn more by visiting!
The Child Unique Montessori School
OURMISSION is to create a warm, supportive environment, that fosters creativity, curiosity, self-confidence and independence within a diverse community. We empower students to become compassionate models of peace and advocates for social justice.
We are seeking parents with a commitment to create the safest school community possible.
Our school has created a nationally sought after Covid-19 precaution protocol to create the safest way to interact with our children and families.
Take a virtual tour and see what we have done.
– Join us!
1009 Heinz Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94710
Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley
Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley is a preschool to 8th grade international school located in Berkeley, California. The school's immersion model means students are exposed to a foreign language, French, for the majority of the day. Students learn different subject matters in both French and English and are able to draw parallels and points of similarities learning in two languages. Students benefit from an incredibly diverse community and evolve into respectful and caring individuals. New students enroll in Preschool (age 2), Kindergarten, Grade 1 and 2, or attend our Middle School International Track Starting in Grade 6.
At Ecole Bilingue de Berkeley, we believe that when students see the world without borders or barriers, they can confidently and capably seize any opportunity.
To schedule a tour, register online at
For more information, please contact Admissions office: or call (510) 809-0615
Valley Montessori School
Valley Montessori School is the largest notfor-profit, and only triple accredited school in California. Established in Livermore in 1976, it is a nationally recognized, model Montessori school for children 18 months through 8th grade.
Accreditations include: the American Montessori Society (AMS), the California Association of Independent Schools (CAIS) and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC). VMS is a certified California Green Business making it one of only two schools in the Tri-Valley with this distinguished honor.
1273 N. Livermore Avenue
Livermore, CA 94551
The six acre hilltop campus boasts an Edible Schoolyard, complete with a vegetable garden, sustainable chicken coop and fruit orchard providing endless practical life opportunities, plus snacks for the classrooms. Montessori education and experiences open the world to children developing engaged, responsible, respectful and empowered citizens with an appreciation that learning is for life.
Les Petits Francophones
Les Petits Francophones provides a French immersion preschool experience in a safe, joyful environment that recognizes each child's uniqueness and fosters growth, exploration, movement and connection to each other and the world.
Our curriculum offers a balance of child initiated activities as well as teacher lead activities to allow each child to prosper academically and developmentally using his or her preferred styles.
"We absolutely love les Petits Francophones!! Not only is it an amazing environment, curriculum, small student to teacher ration, perfect blend of learning through creative play, and supportive community of parents.".
- Mikaela T.4101 Park Blvd Oakland, CA 94602
Rockridge Montessori School
Rockridge Montessori School is celebrating 34 years of education, community and achievement! The curriculum and teacher experience ensures each child enjoys the wonders of the specialized activities and projects at school.
Set in a warm and nurturing environment that supports each child's stage of development. Our program focuses on the whole child ensuring a life long love of learning. We offer an infant/toddler program for children 12-24 months of age as well as a preschool and kindergarten program. Visit our website for a virtual tour today!
5633 Manila Avenue
Oakland, CA 94618
Multiple Locations
KSS Immersion Preschools
KSS Immersion Preschools – Give Your Child the Gift of Multilingualism
KSS Immersion Preschools specialize in Spanish language immersion programs for preschoolers in the San Francisco Bay Area including Albany, Oakland, San Jose, and Walnut Creek. Children ages two-six (2-6) can enroll in these programs and improve their learning outcomes in a safe and compliant setting.
Language immersion preschool offers lifelong benefits and proven to increase cognitive development and academic readiness. Plus, nurturing instructors not only facilitate children’s emotional and social development, they also provide them with a culturally rich perspective that translates to confidence at school and in life!
As student’s progress through their classes, they are well-prepared for kindergarten and empowered to be unique, confident individuals. Give your child the gift of multilingualism by calling 877-442-2555 to apply or schedule a tour. Visit our website at
Shu Ren International School
…Go Beyond the Ordinary
Shu Ren International School derived its name from the Chinese proverb, "十年树木,百年树人 It will take 10 years to grow a tree, but a lifetime to cultivate a person’s potential.”
Shu Ren is committed to delivering an enriching and engaging environment that focuses on three critical components: Inquiry-based learning, multilingual and multicultural education, and development of the whole child, which we believe are essential to navigate an increasingly complex and ever-changing world.
Shu Ren…The Importance of Cultural Fitness
Shu Ren’s vision is committed to empowering students to become internationally-minded critical thinkers and lifelong learners. Through our engaging, inquiry-based environment students reach their full academic potential and become caring, multilingual, and culturally literate global citizens.
Now Accepting Applications for Preschool – Grade 5. Learn more at
925 Village Center, Suite 2 Lafayette, CA 94549
Viva el Español Language Academy
Viva el Español is a national leader in early childhood Spanish language education. We believe that learning a foreign language in the pre-school and elementary school years is an essential part of a child's education and development.
The Viva el Español Spanish immersion program is based on activities that encourage learning through active participation, including music, movement, role-playing, games, stories, arts and crafts, cooking and cultural activities. Students grouped by level of proficiency rather than strictly by grade level.
Happy Days Learning Center
Happy Days Learning Center is a year-round preschool and school-aged children's program. Our nurturing environment provides developmentally appropriate play and learning activities for children ages 2 to 11.
At Happy Days Learning Center we have been providing a quality educational experience to the community for more than 30 years. Our goal is to provide a warm receptive learning environment, to stimulate curiosity within the younger learner, to encourage and foster each child’s uniqueness and to facilitate an acquisition of a healthy self-concept. We believe that play is a child's work.
3205 Stanley Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549
3650 Dimond Ave, Oakland
5201 Park Boulevard, Piedmont
The Renaissance International School
Beyond the Expected
The Renaissance International School (TRIS) is a Montessori school with campuses in Oakland and Piedmont for students age two years old through middle school.
Our faculty and student body are a diverse, international community representing numerous countries, ethnic groups, and religions. We teach students to be independent thinkers who conduct their own research, and are proficient communicators. There are many ways that each student learns best, and we are flexible and creative in addressing students’ individual learning styles.
In addition to the full substance of a traditional curriculum, our program includes exceptional visual arts and music programs, outdoor education, and international travel. In our language immersion program students become fluent in reading, writing, and speaking English, French, and Spanish under the guidance of native speakers.
Little Lamb Bilingual Preschool
We are a Chinese immersion play-based preschool, in the Albany-El Cerrito area, serving children 1.5 - 5 years old to thrive cognitively, physically, and most importantly, socio-emotionally, by providing a loving and nurturing environment.
Our Chinese-immersion program helps your child lay down a solid foundation of mandarin Chinese at the best age. Our structured play-based curriculum enables children to learn most and fastest through their "hands-on" playing and exploring experiences based on their own pace with their unique strengths, interests, and learning styles. Our philosophy is that we believe children will thrive through the whole child development, love, handson play, and family-school partnership.
Locations in Albany and El Cerrito
Email us:
Now accepting enrollment applications for the 2023-2024 school year!
Making Lunch a Success
Preschool Lunch Packing Tips
Packing lunches for your pint size child takes a little thought and planning. Use these tips to ease the everyday chore of prepping lunch boxes in which your toddler will dine from.
Beforeyourchildstartsanewchildcareorpreschool programdosomepracticelunchrunsathome.Youwill betterunderstandtheitemsyourchildiscomfortable eating and see how he is able to open, or not, the containersyouareplanningonsending.Learnwhere his lunch will be stored at the new school and what thesignalandprocesswillbeforlunchtime.Practice havingyourchildretrievehislunchbox,sittingdown
at the lunch table and taking out his napkin before eating.Walkyouchildthroughpropertablemannersin agroupsituation.Someprogramshavechildrensitand waitforallofthekidstobepresentatthetablebefore allowingchildrentobegintoeat.Ifyourchilddoesn’t haveanyexperiencewithlunchboxes,foodcontainers andwaterbottleshaveyourchildexperimentwiththe openingandclosingthecontainersandwhendone puttingallitemsbackintothelunchboxandbackinto a backpack to go home.
continued on page 44
Consider the Packaging
Besuretogetalunchboxandfoodcontainersthat areeasytoopen,closeandstayclosed.Youdon’twant yourchildopeninghislunchboxinwhichtheinside iscoveredinyogurt.Mostearlyeducationprograms teach recycling and healthy eating and promote a zero-waste environment.When possible, remove food from packaging and store in small reusable containers.Preparefoodthewayyouwouldserveit toyourchildrenathome. Forexample,cutoranges, peelapples,peeleggs,etc.ifthatisthewayyourchild eats them at home. Put a slit in a banana for ease of opening.Manyprogramssendhomealluneatenfood sotheparentcanunderstandwhatiseaten.Makesure the food and drink you pack allow for this. Also, find out how lunch boxes are stored at school. Is there a refrigeratorforstorageordolunchesneedafreezer pack?
Food Choices
Goforhand-held,bitesizeoptions.Childrenmay stillbelearningtomanageutensils.Fingerfoodsare easierandquickertoeat.Quickeatsareimportantwith limitedtimetoeataswellasatablefullofdistractions withothertoddlerspresent.Trytoavoidindividually wrappeditemslikefruitcups(highinsugar)orbagsof chips.Manyitemscanbeboughtinbulkandpackedin reusablecontainers.Skipyourchildbeingisolatedto thenuttable,ifnutsareevenallowed,bynotpacking them.
Big portions or too many choices in a lunch box canoverwhelmachild,especiallylittleones.Thiscan evenleadtoachildnotbeingabletofigureoutwhere tostart.Smallportionsaremoredoable.Fivegrapes arealotmoremanageablethanabigbunch!Youmay find that the less you pack, the more food your child will eat.
Even if sweets are allowed, do you want your childfillingupondessertorjuiceandnoteatingthe healthier choices? Do everyone a favor and leave dessert for home.
Life Happens, Be Prepared!
Have a go to, healthy food option list available in your kitchen in a spot that is easy to see. I know
More food options are not always better.
Most programs don’t allow sweets in lunches.
thatsometimes,inthemorningpanicofgettingthe family out of the house, having that list saved me from packing non-nutritious options. Also, always clean out your child’s lunch box the same day. In the morning,thereisnothingworsethangoingtopacka lunchboxandhavingitstillfullofsmellycontainersor squashedbananafromthedaybefore.Someparents aresoorganizedthattheyhavethelunchboxready togothenightbefore.Onelessthingtohandleinthe morning,right?Onelifesaverwehaveisasparesetof lunchboxes,foodcontainers,freezerpacksandseveral waterbottles.Asmuchasyouplantherewillbeaday whenthelunchboxorwaterbottlewon’tcomehome.
Keep it Clean
Usetheweekendsandextendedholidaystodeep clean the lunch boxes and water bottles.To clean a lunch box, simply wash using a sponge and warm, soapywater.Leaveupsidedowntoairdry.Todeodorize asmellylunchbagorbox,simplyleavingbakingsoda initovernight,thendumpoutandwipecleaninthe morning.Tocleanawaterbottle,dilute1-2tablespoons of vinegar with a cup of water. Pour into the water bottleandletsitfor15minutes.Useabottlebrushto scrub, rinse and let dry.
Plan on Sick Days... They Will Happen!
Itisinevitablethatworkingparentswithayoung childwillsoonerorlaterhavetocopewiththeirchild being ill. Parents need to develop a plan that allows themtomanagethedifficultproblemofcaringfortheir sick child in a way that:
• Decreases stress for the child
• Eases tension and guilt for the parent
How Sick is Too Sick for Child Care or Preschool?
Children suspected of having a communicable disease such as chicken pox, COVID-19, measles or strep throat may not be placed in child care. Furthermore,childrenexhibitingsymptomsofillness suchasundiagnosedrashes,sorethroat,vomitingor
diarrheaalsoshouldnotbeincare.Theseguidelines applytobothchildcareandpreschools.Whenenrolling your child, discuss the caregiver’s sick child care policies.
Be Prepared
Before your child gets sick, consider what your choiceswillbe.Afterthinkingaboutyourcommitments, you will know what problems you face in caring for your child when he or she is sick.
Caring for the Sick Child Yourself
Thisislikelytheverybestchoiceforyourchild.What are the policies regarding use of sick leave at your
workplace?Canyourearrangeyourscheduleatwork orschoolorbringworkhome?Iftwoparentscarefor thechildandhaveflexibleschedules,youmaywantto shareequallyincaringforthechildduringanillness.
Finding an Alternate Care Situation
Most working parents will need to call on an alternate caregiver to provide care for their sick child.Searchforadependableadultwhomthechild knowsandlikes.Likelyprospectsarerelative,friends, neighbors, retirees, and college students.
Getacquaintedwithseveralalternatecaregivers beforeyouneedthem.Thebetteracquaintedyouare witheachother,theeasieritwillbeforyourchildwhen sicknessoccurs.Checkinadvanceabouttransportation arrangements and fees.
Other Options
Some child care centers, such as Bright Horizons centers offer drop-in or emergency child care for families who live nearby and are looking for safe, high-qualitycareaswellasengagingandfunactivities for their children when their regular caregiver is unavailable.Thesecentersarespeciallydesignedto help children feel safe and secure, and to ease the transition into their new environment.
Before your child gets sick, consider what your choiceswillbe.Afterthinkingaboutyourcommitments, you will know what problems you face in caring for your child when he or she is sick.
Theseguidelinesapplytobothchildcarecentersand preschools.Whenenrollingyourchildinpreschoolor childcare,discussandunderstandtheirsickdaypolicies and have a plan.
Castro Valley
Educating Global Citizens
The East Bay German International School (EBGIS) is a dual-language immersion school offering preschool through high school programs. Our integrated curriculum combines bilingual German and English instruction with project-based learning and a cross-cultural experience.
Our Early Childhood Program employs a play-based and project-oriented approach widely used in Germany that is implemented by a highly trained and experienced international faculty. We offer exceptional academics, a diverse international perspective, and a vibrant school community.
No prior knowledge of German is needed to join our Preschool and Kindergarten programs!
We prioritize in-person instruction with proven health and safety measures.
Open House
October 29, 2022
January 14, 2023
10 am - 2 pm
Online Info Sessions are offered for all programs. Register at: admissions/visit-us
1070 41st Street Emeryville, CA 94608 (510)380-0302