Modern Mexico | Glamping Business Americas | December 2023

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One of the most influential hotel operators in Mexico is planning to launch its own brand which combines glamping with other forms of experiential lodgings – including those already operated by small independents. The aim is to create authentic experiences for travelers, so that they can enjoy the amazing variety and richness that Mexico has to offer. Glamping Business Americas catches up with Viatura’s Gonzalo Rodriguez to find out more. Can you give us the background to how you have become interested in the glamping/sustainable tourism sector? Grupo Presidente has been a benchmark in Mexico’s hospitality industry. For more than 50 years, it has been consolidated in the market as a leading investor, co-investor of franchises, and operator of international hotel, restaurant, and retirement assistance franchises, being the master franchiser of Intercontinental in the country and an approved operator of IHG, Marriott, Hyatt, Accor, and other independent brands. In recent years, a very important part of our CEO (Braulio Arsuaga)’s vision has been to consolidate our leadership position far beyond traditional hospitality and begin to venture into emerging segments with great potential and also prepare for the future of lodging by getting much closer to the new generations of travelers.

For this reason, when we saw the accelerated growth of Glamping, further catalyzed by the pandemic, this project, which had been inspired by African Safaris some years ago, was decided to be landed and developed professionally, not just as a test, but as the development of a new outdoor hospitality brand supported by a recognized hospitality group that could broaden GP’s customer base & diversify the portfolio, challenge our own mentality & develop a model of own brand success. We got inspired by Millennial & Centennial hunger for experience while ensuring the level of ease, comfort, and certainty they’ve come to expect, shift the focus of travel away from the destination and toward the journey and give our traveler the tools to create their own adventure travel experience that takes you to multiple regions in just one trip.

What are your plans for this sector in Mexico? In Mexico, as in many other parts of the world, the outdoor hospitality sector is mainly independent. Our plans include being able to grow with our own sites in destinations that offer a never-beforeseen facet of the most wonderful ecosystems of our country, developing a solid brand that brings enough confidence in comfort and experience to the glamping sector to not only be considered as “alternative lodging,” but also to position itself as a new way to become immersed in nature and the local aspects of each site. In addition to this, by having a solid structure and experience in the industry, we also want to affiliate Viatura with other independent brands we can help to expedite their growth so that in this way we can become a network of outdoor hospitality with different facets and unique personality at each site.

g l a m p i n g s h o w. u s | G l a m p i n g B u s i n e s s A m e r i c a s | 1 3

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Modern Mexico | Glamping Business Americas | December 2023 by Glamping Business Magazine - Issuu