Modern Mexico | Glamping Business Americas | December 2023

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e are very proud to bring you part of the first ever Glamping Americas 2023 State of the Industry Report, conducted by Cairn Consulting Group on our behalf. This is ground-breaking research which will help operators at all stages of their journey to better understand the landscape of the sector and the issues that other operators are facing. Many of you will have heard Scott Bahr, president of Cairn Consulting Group, present the report’s key findings at this year’s Glamping Show Americas. Here we bring you the highlights of his presentation and we will follow this up in future issues with further information from the research.

How many years have you been in operation, or have you been providing glamping accommodations and services?

KEY FINDINGS: • 28% of those surveyed are in their first year of operation • Glampsites in the US have an average of 11 pieces of accommodation • The average investment to start a glamping business is $650,000 and 93% of projects are self-funded

• 38% of operators offer hot tubs, saunas or pools

In which of the following regions/regions of the U.S. do you currently operate glamping locations?

Most operators responding to the survey are U.S.-based, though roughly 1-in-5 are outside the U.S. (or both). Within the U.S., the western states have the highest level of representation, with the northeast having the fewest.

What type of ownership/ownership structure do you have?

The tenure of glamping providers is relatively evenly dispersed, with about a third (35%) having been operating for more than five years, a similar proportion in the two to five year range, and about 3-in-10 (28%) open for a year or less. The ownership structure leans toward a sole proprietorship and secondarily, partnerships; corporate owned properties less common. g l a m p i n g s h o w. u s | G l a m p i n g B u s i n e s s A m e r i c a s | 4 5

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Modern Mexico | Glamping Business Americas | December 2023 by Glamping Business Magazine - Issuu