Parsippany High School Keynote Volume 1

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VOLUME 1 | APRIL 2016 Parsippany High School

Introduction From the President Meet Your LTG DCON Recap Meet the Officers Member of the Month CareOne

Introduction From the President Hello, Key Clubbers! Hope you are having a fine, fine morning/afternoon/evening. I'm Sam, and I am absolutely thrilled to serve as the president of the 2017-2018 service year. Some trivia (before we hit the good stuff): I dedicate roughly 62% of my vernacular to pun-making, I play the trumpet and the flute, I am an officer of French Club, I spend several minutes each morning attempting to perfect my eyeliner wings, I love white chocolate covered pretzels. In short, Key Club is a really big part of my life. In long, I've been an active member of Key Club for three years, going on four. Freshman me knew that this club would ultimately become my priority; from being a general member, to a class project director, to webmaster, to president, I wish I could go back in time to give her a high-five, 'cause she was right. Over the years, my dedication to this club has increased exponentially, and I have not regretted a single second of it. So, what exactly does the president do? I ring the bell, of course! That's it. (This is a joke, I'm joking here. I mean, I do ring the bell, but you know what I mean.) I write agendas for each meeting, addressing upcoming or recent events, any issues, new updates, etc. Planning, punctuality, and purpose are essential to run a club and its projects, and each meeting agenda seeks to tackle one of said points. Moreover, in the words of former president, current lieutenant governor Stephanie Shen, I delegate, delegate, delegate! It's my job to oversee the club's activities and to make sure each officer is carrying out his or her duties. That being said, I must be aware of each officer's respective duties; who is in charge of CMRFs, sign-up sheets, social media, budgets, and so on and so forth. On the flip side, Key Club is not a dictatorship -- I am beyond thankful to have the other officers to rely on and to keep me in check.

My platform covers three main points: communication, participation, and purpose. In terms of communication, I want to focus on reaching out to people both externally and internally. Creating connections and collaborating with different organizations, clubs, or businesses is something I'd love to bring to fruition. It's also necessary to keep all members informed -- officers, general members, advisors, or otherwise. Next, I want to motivate members to participate more, and further reward those who go above and beyond. In doing so, I hope to spur heightened senses of passion, the same passion this club and its past officers instilled in freshman me. So, as a parting message and to reiterate, I look forward to serving as your president. Let's work together to do what we do and love it through and through (pardon the unintentional rhyme and cheese; the sentiment is there). Feel free to contact me if you have any questions/comments/concerns! With sincerity and cordiality, Samantha Lee

From Friday March 31st to Sunday, April 2nd we had a lot of fun attending

District Convention! We got to meet Key Clubbers from all around New Jersey,

learn more about our officer positions, attend dances, go to the beach, and

eat delicious food!Â

Dcon Recap

Congrats to Miki, Spencer, and Rachel for winning second place in the talent show!

Meet Your Officers Hi all, I'm Udhay and I will be one of your Vice Presidents for this upcoming service year. What this position entails is basically being the right hand man of our President. I will be in charge of making sure everything is on task and that our events go off without a hitch. I look forward to the exciting service year up ahead!! Fun Fact: He can wiggle his ears! As the vice president of the club, I am the first in line when the president needs help. When work needs to be delagated or the president has more pressing issues, it is my job to take her spot and eliminate any bumps within work. Although my position has no specific task such as the treasurer, I must still work hard and to my fullest potential.

Fun Fact: He likes to put hot sauce in his breakfast

Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Ellie Xu, I am a junior, and I'll be your recording secretary for this service year. That means I will be in charge of creating sign up sheets, making sign in sheets, and (probably most importantly to you) keeping track of service hours. Feel free to ask me questions, talk to me about any problems or concerns, or even shower me with compliments. I look forward to spending this service year with you all! Fun Fact: She makes great apple pie!

My position in a nutshell is to communicate with outside organizations and help arrange our club events and activities. On a regular basis, I am working with SKIP, the Daycare, and Care One to arrange our weekly volunteer visits. By communicating with outside organizations, I have to be a representative of our club. I have and will always try my best to present Key Club in the best possible way I can. Fun Fact: She passionately hates Spongebob

Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Albert and I am currently a junior. As you guys may know, I am your 2017-2018 treasurer. In general, I overlook the finances involved with this club. I keep financial records and make a balanced budget in order to keep the club in good shape. After a fundraising event, I help count the money so I can record the total and report it to my fellow board members. I also collect dues in the beginning of the year so every one of you can be an official member of the Kiwanis family and be able to receive a custom designed key club t-shirt for the year. Fun Fact: He enjoys going to the beach and traveling to tropical places in general.

Hi everyone! My name is Alice and I'm excited to be your editor for this service year. My job is to create newsletters, like the one you are reading right now! These newsletters keep track of all of our service projects and are a great way to see what we are doing! I also as an officer head committees for Coffeehouse and Halloween at the High. I look forward to the rest of the year and am excited to create more newsletters. Fun Fact: She has a cat named Panda

Hi! I'm Marc Hoeltge, your Key Club Webmaster for the year. I'll be running our social media accounts as well as our website. I only just joined Key Club last service year but I've worked hard to contribute to Key Club in any way possible. Programming and computer-related work has always been my hobby and I'm excited to use it to help Key Club this service year! Fun Fact: He enjoys reading books

Hi! I'm Jessica Ho and historian for your key club! Basically I go to different events and take photos. With the photos, I post them on Instagram, decorate the bulletin board in the front of the school, and post them on Facebook. Fun Fact: She sometimes puts her cat on a leash and take him for walks outside. He likes it.

Congrats to Joe Koo for being Member of the Month! He always attends CareOne visits and the elderly there consider him to be "one of their own"

One On April 15th, Key Clubbers attended CareOne for an ice cream social! On April 29th, Key Clubbers also volunteered at CareOne and played Apples to Apples with the elderly!

Contact Infomation President Samantha Lee Vice President Udhay Khullar Vice President Nicholas Lim Recording Secretary Ellen Xu Corresponding Secretary Angeline Jiju Treasurer Albert Chen Webmaster Mark Hoeltge Editor Alice Limanova Historian Jessica Ho

Our Website

Follow us on Instagram

@parsipanyhighschoolkeyclub 3535 Trace Woodview Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA 371-875-8755||US and Canada: 800-Kiwanis

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