VOLUME 5 | NOVEMBER 2017 Parsippany High School
Thirst Project Service Night CareOne Visit Community Food Bank Visit Member of the Month
Thirst Project Service Night With so many technological advancements you'd expect everyone to have access to clean drinking water, but that is not the case. In places without access to clean water, women and children spend on average six to eight hours each day walking to fetch water. The average distance that women and children in developing communities walk to fetch water is 3.75 miles. The time children spend collecting water keeps them from going to school and getting an education. Thirst Project aims to educate people on and END the global water crisis. Steph Shen, our LTG, set up a service night where representatives from Thirst Project came to spread awareness on this important issue.
At the end of the presentation, there was a miracle minute to see how much we could raise in an hour. In 60 seconds, we raised $207.71 (this will provide 8 people with water for the rest of their lives)! Our goal is to raise $12,000 to build a well that will provide clean drinking water for an entire community.
CareOne Visit On November 18th, Key Clubbers visited CareOne and spent time playing bingo with the elderly. They also brought along some stress reliever flour balls for the seniors that were made earlier after a general meeting.
Stress balls!
NJ Community Food Bank Visit On November 14th, PHS students went to the NJ Community Food bank to help sort out food that will be distributed to families across NJ. With Thanksgiving approaching, the food bank appreciated the extra hands and we enjoyed volunteering!
Congrats to Sahaj for being Member of the Month! He is a very active member of Key Club and attended a RTC earlier in the year.
Contact Infomation President Samantha Lee sllee18@pthsd.net Vice President Udhay Khullar ukhullar18@pthsd.net Vice President Nicholas Lim njlim19@pthsd.net Recording Secretary Ellen Xu exu18@pthsd.net Corresponding Secretary Angeline Jiju ajiju18@pthsd.net Treasurer Albert Chen aychen18@pthsd.net Webmaster Marc Hoeltge mhoeltge18@pthsd.net Editor Alice Limanova Ajlimanova18@pthsd.net Historian Jessica Ho jho19@pthsd.net
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www.keyclub.org 3535 Trace Woodview Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA 371-875-8755||US and Canada: 800-Kiwanis