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Africa 10 seeks to engage the youth around the areas of sports and culture to promote African Excellence.Theorganizationhadlaunchedseveralinitiatives(such as new media projects, social media pages, and merchandising) but hadn’t identified revenue streams, stakeholder engagement models or brand platform. Usingdesignthinkingtools,theteamstitchedtogethertheorganization’sdifferent activities and developed a new business model with a more focused value proposition.


Education is an underserved sector across Africa, making Africa 10’s involvement allthemorecrucial.Yet,therewereafewtasksweidentifiedascriticaltofindinga solution:

FOCUS:withAfricaassuchasizablegeographicregion,couldAfrica10identify a smaller area to launch its activities? With a larger following, it would be easiertoscalelateron. TESTING: how could Africa 10 properly identify “the best of the best” among AfricanYouth,toenrollthemintotheirmentorshipandscholarshipprogram? REVENUE-GENERATION: how could the organization invite more of the general public to support all of its activities to create a sustainable revenue stream?


Theteamlookedintoeachoftheseareasthroughprimaryandsecondaryresearch – desktop findings, in-depth interviews with the Africa 10 team, and a survey deployedtoAfricannationals.Thisledustothreekeyfindingsthataddressedthe opportunities:

To focus the organization’s launch, asingle country was identified: Nigeria, a nation that has a large and active diaspora who are capable of supporting fundraising activities, have strong ties to the country and still contribute to theeconomy. To answer the need for testing to distinguish the most promising students, a novel approach was discovered: Using accessible technology, Africa 10 found awaytotestchildrenonbothIQandEQ.Thiswouldallowthemtoidentifythe ‘bestofthebest’whowouldgointotheirprograms. To create an opportunity for the general public to be more involved in Africa 10’smission,anewmodel wasexamined:One-for-onemodels,suchasToms, Bombas and Nike N7. These organizations were able to create a tangible offeringthatallowedconsumerstocontributetotheircauses.

These areas became the central elements in a new business model, value propositionandstakeholdermap.


The new frameworks being presented will help Africa 10 to streamline its activities, launch successfully and galvanize stakeholders around a focused proposition.

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