2 minute read
EXECUTION The Business Plan
Develop foundational assets that educate the general public, customers and other potential stakeholders about the organization’s mission and key activities. Drive interested parties to support the organization through owned and partnerretailsites. Attractaudiencesthroughearnedmediafromkeyopinionleaders.
Website Content • Africa10’sMissionandOrganizationalinformation • SuccessStories • Screening&Testinginformation • InformationforMediaandpotentialinvestors • Linkstosocialmedia+retail
Social Media Content • Facebook,YouTube,Instagram • ScholarStories:NewenrolleesinAfrica10programs • MeettheMentors:Judgesandthosedirectlymentoringstudents • TheList:EliteathletesassociatedwithAfrica10 • Influencers:KeyonlinepersonalitiessharingaboutAfrica10 • Products,Sales&Promotions • RecruitmentCycle
Media Agency Scope • AmediaagencywillbehiredtopromoteAfrica10merchandisetothegeneral public and to ensure that there is good visibility of the organization’s key stakeholders(scholars,mentors,judges,etc.) • The agency will also be directed to promote the Africa 10 screening test to ensurethatagoodnumberofstudentspartake
Influencers • Influencers will be engaged to promote the organization's activities and products • Influencerswillbefromtheareasof:Sports,Culture,Arts,Music
What we sell?
Africa 10 products(possible high-performance sports wear brand)
African Diaspora: People who want to give others the opportunity to have the same possibilities the they had and connect with the mission and message of the organization.
Key activities:
Sustainable manufacture Negotiation low margins through positive reputation perception increased for storefront Partnerships with companies that support education and entrepreneurship Partnerships with African companies (manufacturing, retail) Transparency in the manufacturing process Align the A10 values with the ones who produce the product and who sells it Communicate the message of the product, from the manufacturing process until it reaches the customer (both who buys it and who receives the impact young Africans in need Collect data/reviews/stories from buyers/givers and display it at A10 website and social media platforms
OTM Mobile
Discounted data rates and key partnerships with advertisers would permit maximum outreach for testing platforms, social media campaigns, and communication with students.
Building a strategic partnership with OTM is a cost effectiveway to reach A10’s target market segment via text and SMS. A10’s ideal plan would be a very low introductory price that could increase after <n> months or <n> engaged users have signed on to the platform. Then a nominal per user fee could be paid to OTM.
Test Developers
Work with African universities and schools to develop a standardized test that combines IQ and EQ questions. The consultants at participating schools would be responsible for providing a list of standards for each age group. To eliminate bias in the testing process A10 would use Psychometricians to evaluate any unintended bias in the screening test.
Since inclusivity and empowerment are guiding principles with A10, there would be less focus on eliminating those that aren’t the “best of the best,” and more concentrated effort on how to include all interested students.
A panel of objective judges (outside of A10 organization) will be used to evaluate the test scores and assign participants to an appropriate category based on age, IQ score, and EQ score.
Once Africa 10 has chosen the ‘best of the best’ from those who have tested with their curriculum, they will have a plan in place that will help the students grow and become successful. They will be guided through their studies and extracurricular activities by an Africa 10 mentor. Africa 10 will also provide them with a scholarship that will give those students the opportunity to even attend school.
Key activities:
Define the amount of scholarship dollars that will be awarded andwhatthat willbeputtowards, i.e. tuition, books, supplies, food, etc. How will the students interact with their mentor? Will it be in person or remote? If remote, what will that platform look like? Decideonwhatmentorsshouldbehelpingstudents withtoensurethatthey willbecomesuccessfulindividualsinthefuture. Howinvolvedshouldthesementorsbe?