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Key Insights

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Social Enterprise

Africa10aspirestohelpallAfricanstudents whoshowcasepotentialtobegreatandgive backtothefuture by awarding scholarships, however, they also would like to become a high-end performance brand.


Empowerment & Branding

Africa 10’s messaging on ‘best of the best’ and who they consider as leaders is muddled and confusing. Their value proposition is very big and vague.



Education for the Youth

Africa has the highest number of youth as their total population, because of this, their access to education if very limited and

Insights are a combination of crafted observation and knowledge. I saw this: Data gathered through your research like surveys, interviews, guided experience. I know this: How you can relate and empathize with your own experience and your users. It draws on your knowledge and world view. Empathy plays a key role of your own experience and how you see yourself in the user’s shoes and imagine how they feel in the process. An observation is the fact that you notice or notice something. An insight is a clear, deep, meaningful perception into human behavior and understanding.

It’s the “aha” moment when you make meaning from the data you collected into a solution. It’s a statement of truth that is motivational and inspires action. Here is a balance between intuition and rationality. It is important to know while intuition plays an important role into insight they are very different. They both share similar cognitive and neural basis. Intuition involves judgment about “yes or no,” insight is related to “what” is the solution. It’s a provocative statement of truth and it may be wrong.

subpar. “How to Develop Key Insights DurigDesign Synthesis.” –https://blog.prototypr.io/how-to-develop-key-insights-during-designsynthesis-f21bfe5cf34

IDEATION Development of the Final Idea


The purpose of the interactive workshop was to better understand the “meta” story of A10. In the exercise, we tried to elicit responses from the A10 leadership teamthatwouldleadtoAfrica10’s“why?” • Whydotheyexist? • Whatuniquequalitiescantheybringinthismomentintime?



• Unlockpotentialinyouth • Encourageexcellence • Identifyleaders • Inclusiveness,notjusteliteathletesandscholars


• Techpartners • Africanyouth • Kidsthataspiretoacademicachievement • Scientistsandengineersthatlackresources


• Barriers/connectivitywithpeople • Strivetoatimewheremorebasicneedsaremet • Afuturewheredataisaccessible • Afrofutureismoreofamainstay


• Create a generation of champions that will act as ambassadors and uplift the continent • Empowermentandunity



The Golden Circle helps give focus to how a business can stand out from similar competitors by communicating its differences. Sinek’s Golden Circle idea is an attempt to explain why some people and organizations are particularly able to inspire others and differentiate themselves successfully. The neuroscience behind the Golden Circle idea is that humans respond best when messagescommunicatewiththosepartsoftheirbrainthat controlemotions,behavioranddecision-making.


Sinek explains that 'Why' is probably the most important message that an organization or individual can communicate as this is what inspires others to action. 'Why' is howyou explain yourpurpose andthe reason you exist and behave as you do. Sinek's theory is that successfully communicating the passion behind the 'Why' is a way to communicate with the listener's limbic brain. This is the part of our anatomy that processes feelings suchastrustandloyalty-aswellasdecision-making.

Successfullyarticulatingyour'Why'isaveryimpactfulway tocommunicatewithotherhumans,defineyourparticular valuepropositionandinspirethemtoact.Sinek'stheoryis that communicating 'Why' taps into the part of the listener'sbrainthatinfluencesbehavior.


The organization's 'How' factors might include their strengths or values that they feel differentiate themselves fromthecompetition.Sinek'sviewisthat'How'messaging is also able to communicate with the limbic brain - the importantpartthatgovernsbehaviorandemotion.Buthis opinion is that organizations would do better to improve howtheyarticulatetheir'Why',inadditionto'How'.


It's fairly easy for any leader or organization to articulate 'What' they do. This can be expressed as the products a company sells or the services it offers. For an individual, it would be their job title. Sinek argues that 'What' messaging only engages with the neocortex - the part of our brain that's rational. His argument is that this part of the brain is less of a driver of decision making than the limbic brain: the part that 'Why' and 'How' reaches better. Successful people and organizations express why they do whattheydoratherthanfocusingonwhattheydo.

REFERENCE: “Start with Why: Creating a value proposition with the Golden Circle model.” –https://www.smartinsights.com/digital-marketingstrategy/online-value-proposition/start-with-why-creating-a-value-proposition-with-the-golden-circle-model/

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