2 minute read
merger of SHARED VALUES A sparkling story of two Saudi female entrepreneurs.aSarah AbudawoodJalila Nayil

Saudi artist Jalila Nayil founded House of Laith in 2018 with a desire to translate her love for minimal designs and simple living into her clothing and accessory lines. As an artist, her creative approach to digital images, canvas paintings and photography, earned her recgnition in the local design circles and at international exhibitions. Sarah Abudawood, Saudi jewelry designer and entrepreneur currently based in Dubai, founded Yataghan Jewellery in 2008. The gemologist (G.G.) with a degree from the International Gemological Institute (IGI) in Antwerp, Belgium and accredited Jewelry Professional (AJP) from GIA London and holder of a master’s degree in business administration takes inspiration from architecture, and strongly gravitates towards bold lines and geometric shapes. When the two designers met, their instant friendship led to the development of a unique piece of jewelry that represents LAITH, meaning lion in Arabic. The jewelry icon was made with closely calculated circular movements to create the face of the white lion, a symbol of continuity, beauty and strengths. The unique gold and diamond necklaces, earrings, rings and bracelets are made in Italy and come in two sizes. The collection is available at Yataghan Boutique, Prince Sultan Rd., AR Rawdah, Jeddah, KSA and Yataghan Boutique at Sunset Mall, Dubai, UAE or onlilne at www.laithofficiel.com

«Under the YJ Lab umbrella, we took Laith’ s vision, added the craftsmanship, expertise and technical knowledge and turned that vision into timeless pieces. We proudly consider this as our responsibility towards the future generation» Sarah Abudawood,
“Simple and smart designs allow us to spend less time thinking about what to wear and more time with our loved ones.” Jalila Nayil

اهنم ةبغر 2018 ماع )HouseofLaith( ءايزأ تيب »ليان ةليلج« ةيدوعسلا ةنانفلا تسسأ اهئايزأ طوطخ يف ةطيسبلا ةايحلاو ةيلامينيملا تاميمصتلاب اهفغش ةمجرت يف تاحوللاو ةيمقرلا روصلا هاجت يعادبلإا اهجهن ىظح ،ةنانفك يهو .اهتاراوسسكإو يف كلذكو ةيلحملا ءايزلأا ميمصت رئاود ريدقتب يفارغوتوفلا ريوصتلاو ةيشامقلا تارهوجملا ةممصمو لامعلأا ةدئار »دوواد وبأ ةراس« تسسأ .ةيلودلا ضراعملا ةريبخ دمتستو .2008 ماع يف Yataghan Jewellery يبدب ايلاح ةميقملاو ةيدوعسلا تارهوجملا مولع دهعم نم ةداهش ىلع ةلصاحلا ،»دوواد وبأ ةراس« تارهوجملا اضيأ يهو اكيجلبب بريوتنأ ةنيدمب International Gemological Institute )IGI(يلودلا ندنلب GIA تارهوجملا مولعل يكيرملأا دهعملا لبق نم )AJP( ةدمتعم تارهوجم ةريبخ ليمتو ةيرامعملا ةسدنهلا نم اهماهلإ ،لامعلأا ةرادإ يف ريتسجاملا ةجرد ىلع ةلصاحو تأشن ناتممصملا تقتلا امدنعو .ةيسدنهلا لاكشلأاو ةضيرعلا طوطخلا مادختسا ىلإ زيمتلا ةديدش ةعطق عنص مت ةقادصلا هذهل ةجيتنو روفلا ىلع ةيوق ةقادص امهنيب ةينوقيلأا ةعطقلا هذه تعنص دقو .ةيبرعلا ةغللاب دسأ وأ LAITH لثمت تارهوجملا نم زمرك ضيبأ دسأ هجو عنصتل ةقدب ةبوسحم ةيرئاد تاكرح قيرط نع تارهوجملا نم ةيساملاو ةيبهذلا رواسلأاو متاوخلاو طارقلأاو تادلاقلا عنصت .ةوقلاو لامجلاو ةيرارمتسلال YataghanBoutique يف ةحاتم ةعومجملا هذهو .نيمجحب عنصتو ايلاطيإ يف ةزيمملا Yataghan يف اضيأو ةيدوعسلا ةيبرعلا ةكلمملا ،ةدج ،ةضورلا ،ناطلس ريملأا عراش يلاتلا عقوملا ىلع نيلانوأ وأ ةدحتملا ةيبرعلا تاراملإا ،يبد ،تس نص لومب Boutique www.laithofficiel.com