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Chamber Market Place
Holyfield & Thomas, LLC
Certified Public Accountants & Advisors
The firm provides a full range of financial accounting and tax services including audits of businesses, not-for-profit entities, real estate projects and benefit plans. We also provide tax services such as trust and estate taxation, business entity taxation, and personal tax and estate planning. 125 Butler Street West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 Telephone (561) 689-6000 • Fax (561) 689-6001 www.holyfieldandthomas.com
How are you shaping your legacy?
Confidently pursue your goals with Glenmede Private Wealth
Whether you want to leave more to your family, do more for a cause you believe in or simply enjoy more of the good life, our experienced investment and wealth management professionals help you clearly define your vision.
Personalized solutions, proactive advice
Our team of trusted advisors live and work in your community and welcome the opportunity to have a conversation about your wealth objectives.
To begin your goals-based wealth plan discussion, please contact: Mark R. Parthemer 561.571.4917 Or visit glenmede.com/floridalearnmore