News Bits

Page 1 Joe & Lizzie’s News Bits For May 2011 about this and miss the whole point of what the Bible says about communicating the Gospel by whatever means possible.

”Loving God Loving People Loving Life” What an amazing month April was for DCF. God is clearly establishing a special bond with you, Lizzie and myself. Lizzie and I are falling more and more in love with all of you at DCF and we feel the feeling is mutual. The connection of love is perhaps the best or only foundation upon which God will build His Church. The connection of love is what Satan hates in God’s Church so we all have a massive responsibility to protect what God is doing. Remember your mouth has the power of life and death, the power to pull down or build up, the power to speak life or death. Use your mouth wisely. Well, I did my first wedding for DCF in April at Eve Lane It was a joy to lead the marriage service for David and Lynne Richards. We as a Church had the joy of welcoming two new members to the DCF family: Faith Hands and Jack Haruzivi, both born in April. We pray they will grow in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus and their parents will have strength and wisdom to bring them up. Family Service It was a joy for me to invite my good friend Ian Hook in April, whose use of tricks illustrated the truths of God and amazed us by leaving us with the unanswered question, "How did he do that?" Again I thank you for how you received Ian and his ministry. I know many Christians can be funny

Easter Sunday Easter Sunday at DCF has to be hailed as truly amazing. What a day to rejoice over. The idea of the worship team being behind the curtain that was torn down, was a reminder of the curtain in the temple being torn and thus opening up the presence of God to all of us, because of the victory of Jesus. The worship team led us in a tremendous atmosphere of joy and excitement on this day of celebration. Please don’t forget that Jesus is eternally victorious, not just on Easter Sunday. Ministry To The Elderly What fantastic insight we had into DCF’s ministry to the elderly. The video presentation revealed the heart and passion the team has to reach this neglected section of society in Dudley. You can view the video on the church web site The New Friendship Club for the elderly is every Wednesday at DCF, when residents from a

Like the Sun Flower if we Follow the SON of God we become Tall & Strong In Christ

number of old people's homes will come for the afternoon. What a tremendous opportunity to minister to these precious lives. If you would like more information please have a chat with Keith who leads the team. An Amazing Day What an amazing Day to Treasure took place at DCF. I estimated that around 300 people, at various times during the day, were in the church buildings and car park. James’ testimony continues to speak into so many lives. I think it is the first time I have ever preached from the roof of a building. I loved it!

ME & MY BIG MOUTH This teaching continues in May. I am sure most of us have said, “Me and my big mouth!” at some point in life. You may be surprised but there is something good about making that statement. Listen again at

every service. Whether announced or not, members of the Prayer Ministry Team will always be at the front of the Church waiting for any one who feels they need personal prayer ministry. Money Management Course. The reports from this first course have been very positive and requests have been made to sign up for the next course so See Rob or Jan about signing up. Pastoral Care. Meeting Wednesday 11th May. For some time Rob & Mavis have been looking after the pastoral care of the church. This is a very time consuming role, so we felt it would be good to increase the team so as to increase the pastoral care of the church. The new pastoral care team will include Pauline, Chris & David Baker, Tim & Amy. Big Sunday Night Live 22nd May. I am excited about the gospel being presented in a relevant way, so bring a few friends and enjoy Frontline's style of communicating the message of Christ. Welcome Team. Thanks for serving the church in this way. Please remember to give first time visitors a welcome leaflet. DCF Centre/Counselling Centre. Plans to renovate the centre are coming together and so it is hoped that the lower floor of the centre will soon be opened to develop the ministry of DCF. Busters Blog Buster would like to introduce a few of His friends Pictures

SSCG Big Quiz, Coming 21st May, an opportunity to have a bit of fun and a laugh together. So come on DCF, lets make the effort to Love Life together. Get your team ready. WOW Bowling Afternoon Saturday 14th May Women of Worth will be holding an afternoon of Bowling. Well worth a visit. Ladies please see Rachel if you are going. Family Service The next family service is planned for the 19th June. If our last Family Service is any thing to go by, the next one will be truly amazing. Again, well done everyone. As well as many of the items we had in our family service, if you would like to be involved with the Puppet Ministry see Rachael. Prayer Team Please be sure to ask someone else on the prayer team to stand in for you if you are not able to serve on any occasion. Our prayer team has been appointed to minister to you after

DCF in Picture Joe & Lizzie’s News Bits For May 2011

Like the Sun Flower if we Follow the SON of God we become Tall & Strong In Christ

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