MAKING A CHAN9E Volume II | Issue VII | December 2017
Lieutenant Governor Patricia Ahmed Executive Assistant Josephine Wu Kiwanis Committee Representative Mr. Leonard Gioia
Table of Contents Lieutenant Governor's Greeting.............................................4 Executive Assistant's Greeting...............................................5 Social Media
○ Division Nine........................................................................6 ○ NYDKC.................................................................................7 Governor's Project..................................................................8 Spot the Difference................................................................9 70th Annual Leadership Training Conference.......................10 Running for Higher Office.....................................................12 Recent Events
○ Make Your Magical Mark Month........................................14 ○ December Divisional..........................................................16 ○ Brooklyn Tech Key Club Holiday Party................................17 Form Submissions..................................................................18 Contact Information..............................................................19
Upcoming Events January 24th: Division Nine Annual Ice Skating Fundraiser
Late January/Early February: Divisional March 23rd - March 25th: 70th Annual Leadership Training Conference
Reminders ○ MRFs are due the 10th of every month! ○ FRFs are due ASAP after a fundraiser!
Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Happy December Sharks!
It's officially my second favorite time of the year--besides spooky season--the season of giving! December has a bunch of holidays to look forward to, and the spirit of giving and receiving is evident through each of the cultures that are celebrated this month. So, what better way to get inspired than to witness that spirit firsthand through the exchanging of gifts, and the volunteering at local soup kitchens or churches to give back to those less fortunate than us? I can definetely say although the days are getting colder, the Key Club spirit will be warming the hearts of everyone in the division and beyond. After all, we are a service organization, and times like these just remind us further how much of a difference we actually make in our communities everyday. Therefore, I encourage all of you to hold onto the spirit of giving and keep emanating serving others while we push through to the end of our service year.
Happy Key Clubbing!
Patricia Ahmed Division Nine Lieutenant Governor
Executive Assistant's Greeting Greetings my wonderful sharks!
Without a doubt, December has to be one of my favorite months. I always look forward to getting festive for Christmas, but I’ll also be working on my college applications this winter break. Although it has definitely gotten chillier, I always keep the saying “service never stops” in the back of my brain. There is never an excuse not to serve others and bring joy to someone’s face, even if it is temporary or from a small gesture. As we celebrate the holidays, may we remember that while this is a time for us to celebrate after a long year of hard work, we will never take our privileges and resources for granted.
Happy holidays!
Josephine Wu Division Nine Executive Assistant
Division 9 Social Media
NYDKC Social Media
Governor's Project Fun Facts Bees pollinate 80% of flowering plants on Earth. One single bee colony can pollinate 300 million flowers each day. Bees pollinate 70 of the top 100 human food crops. 1 in 3 bites of food we eat is derived from plants pollinated by bees. Almonds are totally dependent on bee pollination. No bees, no almonds. Bees have been producing honey from flowering plants for 10-20 million years. Honey bees provided for over $19 billion dollars in added value to the agriculture business in 2010.
So, how can I help? Plant and grow bee-friendly flowers! Create a "bee bath", by setting out water for thirsty bees! Start a honeybee hive! Sponsor a hive! Fundraise for the Governor's Project, The Honeybee Conservancy.
Spot the Difference
Hint: There are sixteen!
70th Annual Leadership
Training Conference (LTC)
Running for Why run for higher office? District and International positions require a significant time commitment, and these officers must be skilled with time management. When deciding between a District and International position it is important to remember that the higher the position, the less direct communication with members. District officers are expected to communicate with club officers in addition to Lt. Governors, but Trustees are only required to communicate with their assigned Governors. Trustees may choose to communicate directly with Lt. Governors, or with the Lt. Governors through the Governor, but it can be difficult to communicate with club officers when there are so many other responsibilities. If you are passionate about getting directly involved with the members, you may lean more towards a District position.  You have the opportunity to make a long-lasting change on the opportunities that future Key Clubbers will have in their home clubs, divisions, and district. Â
Higher Office An Overview of Each Position District Governor Prepare and distribute communiqués to club presidents and the district board. Cover important topics in a timely manner. Create Lieutenant Governor reporting expectations and evaluate board members' performance. Attend required meetings/events. Promote Kiwanis family relations.
District Secretary Prepare and distribute communiqués to club secretaries and communiqués to the district board. Cover important topics in a timely manner. Distribute copies of all district board minutes to district board officers and the Kiwanis International Office. Compile the final reports of all the committees of the district board at the end of his/her term of office. Attend required meetings/events.
District Secretary Prepare and distribute communiqués to club treasurers and communiqués to the district board. Cover important topics in a timely manner. Prepare and distribute most recent monthly financial reports and dues reports to the district board. Attend required meetings/events.
Click here for more information in the Elections Packet.
Make Your Mag An Interclub Event by Edward R. Murrow,Â
Murrow President
Madison President
Midwood President
Aile Cheng
Elizabeth Dosman
Wendy Lliguichuzhca
The month of December was a very special one where the three M's of Brooklyn, Madison, Murrow and Midwood High School came together for the Make Your Magical Mark Month, an idea all the Presidents came up with including Aile Cheng, Wendy Lliguichuzhca and myself. This was a perfect way to unite all the Key Clubers from the schools and create fun events for them to participate in. It was an action packed month to get the students into the holiday spirit and it worked very well! It all started in the on December 2nd when we had Santa in the Park where students helped create decorations and interact with children. After that we had the NYCMT Quarterly Gathering on December 9th where key clubbers set up equipment took attendance and directed people to areas of the building. The same day we had another event, the St. Nicholas Shopping Event where family profiles were given to students to buy christmas gifts for large families who couldnt afford to go Holiday Shopping. After those two we had the Holy Apostiles Soup Kitchen where students worked together to provide more than 300 less fortunate people on December 27th. Finally, on December 31st, New Years Eve, students cooked and helped distribute meals to those less fortunate in the Bowery Mission Soup Kitchen. It was so impactful to see students come together and create new friendships and new experiences with their new partners to help the community. As a person who went to most of the events, I had first hand experience on the teamwork skills shown when the key clubbers were put to work! Sadly, the month of December is over and now we have so many future ideas and of course, many new partnerships to come!
ical Mark Month James Madison, and Midwood Key Clubs The Division 9 Operation Christmas Smiles was so much fun to volunteer at. It was a great time making Christmas a little brighter for the kids. I was in charge of the skeeball machine and our game had very long line. I would definitely volunteer at this event again. - Samantha Chan from Murrow The NYCMT Quarterly Gathering was an amazing experience to be apart of. Being able to work behind the scenes of how the meetings were put together was an experience all of its own. We were all exposed to many different tasks and enjoyed every minute. We even got to sit for some of meetings in our free time and explore the school and it’s faculty. I recommend to anyone who can to come to the next one, you won’t be disappointed. - Daniel Palazzolo, Madison Treasurer At the Christmas Smiles event I was in charge of one of the games station. It was really fun getting to know some of the kids in my community and raising their Christmas spirits during the holiday season. - Monica Janvier from Murrow The Santa in the Park event was a fun event that I wish more people came to . I really enjoyed helping out the kids and getting them in the Christmas spirit. it was really fun giving prizes to kids and hyping up both adults and kids to play whenever prizes were given out. - Joshua Belasoto from Midwood The event at the Bowery mission soup kitchen felt very rewarding and was a lot of fun. Something that I'd love to do again! - Celine Delarosa
December Divisional On December 5th, Division 9 held a winter divisional at Midwood High School. To recap, members from Brooklyn Tech, Madison, Murrow, and Midwood all attended this meeting where past events and future events were discussed. The divisional started off with the common procedure in which our Executive Assistant Josephine leads the members in reciting the Key Club Pledge, as well as the Pledge of Allegiance. Then, our KCR, Mr. Gioia, gave a entertaining speech about the annual Leadership Training Conference. He went into detail about the wonderful activities that would await us if we were to go. What I took from his description of LTC was that it was Fall Rally 2.0, but on a much grander scale. Mr. Gioia then continued to describe how fun and SAFE it would be, and personally, I was very inclined to go. Like many other Key Clubbers, I’m planning on saving my Chinese New Year money for the trip. Honestly, what made me even more inclined to go was the LTC promotional video that was showed; it looked like it was a lot of fun! On a more serious note, Mr. Gioia then spoke about the upcoming interviews for the 2018-2019 LTG and said, “in Brooklyn, we don’t do elections.” These topics were the bulk of the discussion during this divisional. To conclude, I would just say thank you to the LTG, Ms. Haney, Mr. Goia, and Midwood club officers who make divisionals like this possible; furthermore, events where the whole division gets together shows the vast extent of Key Club and how interwoven our clubs are.
Jonathan Li Member Midwood High School
Brooklyn Tech Key Club's Holiday Party I truly enjoyed this event because everything turned out great. As I am part of School Services committee, I helped with setting up the food and tables right before the party. As I was preparing the candies, I got to chat with my fellow members and we managed to fill around 120 goodie bags. I was one of the performers and at first, I was very nervous; however, as I got to know the other performers, I became more relaxed. I messed up my song in the beginning but I just laughed it off and restarted. I was a bit embarrassed after my performance but because of the cheers of everyone I thought that I did fine. The food was so good (PIZZA!!!!) and the games were all fun especially the limbo dance game. It was unfortunate that we couldn’t play more games since we were short on time but now I’m looking forward to other parties hosted by Key Club!
Mariae Julia Robis Member Brooklyn Technical High School
Form Submission
Contact Information
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