NYDKC Division Nine February Newsletter

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MAKING A CHAN9E Volume II | Issue IX | February 2018

Lieutenant Governor Patricia Ahmed Executive Assistant Josephine Wu Kiwanis Committee Representative Mr. Leonard Gioia

Table of Contents Lieutenant Governor's Greeting/Farewell...................................4 Executive Assistant's Greeting/Farewell......................................6 Governor's Project........................................................................8 Pat & Jo's Advice Column...........................................................10 70th Annual Leadership Training Conference..............................11 Running for Higher Office...........................................................12 Past Events

○ February Divisional...................................................................14 ○ Housing Works Bookstore Cafe................................................15 ○ Madison Member Ceremony....................................................16 Senior Key-flections....................................................................17 Social Media..............................................................................24 Form Submissions.......................................................................26 Contact Information...................................................................27

Upcoming Events March 14: March Divisional March 23rd - 25th: 70th Annual Leadership Training Conference (LTC)

Reminders ○ MRFs are due the 10th of every month! ○ FRFs are due ASAP after a fundraiser!

Lieuenant Governor's Greet Happy February Sharks!

Welcome to the tenth and final publication of the monthly divisional newsletter of the 2017 - 2018 service year! This year has went by so quickly, but I have loved every second of it. I have had so unforgettable experiences as Lieutenant Governor. From a board meeting with the most amazing people I've ever met to attending the International Convention (ICON) for a week with my best friends to planning Fall Rally and seeing it executed to working with the best Executive Assistant someone could ask for. I could go on and on, but it would take up too many pages.Â

At my first divisional, I shared a quote that I heard at last year's Leadership Training Conference with you all. It was "In life, how you frame your experiences is how you will live them." The reason why this quote resonates with me so much is because it sums up my year as Lieutenant Governor. If you are radiating bad vibes or being pessimistic, then you aren't allowing yourself to live in the moment the best way you can. The service year goes by too quickly and it doesn't make sense to go through it with a negative attitude. Instead, keep an open mind. Experience new things. Go to a service event alone and meet new people. Make friends. Hold onto the meaning behind your work and frame your experiences in the best way possible.

ing and Farewell To my Lieutenant Governor-Elect Flora,

When I first became Lieutenant Governor, something I would always hear was  "You don't know what you're doing until it's over." Looking back at how quickly my term passed and all the hits and misses I've made over the past year I realize that that statement couldn't be truer. At this point, Division 9 has become my baby. I've watched it grow since it was handed to me in April of last year, and I have been amazed with how much we were able to accomplish in such a short amount of time. As difficult as it will be to hand off the baton to you, I have no doubts that you will continue to ensure that Division 9 reaches new heights. Now, I must warn you: you will get stressed. Sometimes, you may feel overwhelmed with all of the work you have to get done, or if you'll be able to reach a deadline in time. In these cases, remember that you are not alone, and it's okay to ask questions. Asking questions is the only way you'll learn! You will have Mr. Gioia, your fellow Lt. Governors, and I will always be a text or call away if you need advice from someone who has lived it. You will be amazin9.

Yours in Care and Service,

Patricia Ahmed Division Nine Lieutenant Governor

Executive Assistant's Greet Hello my wonderful sharks!

I can’t believe time has flew by so quickly and that we’re nearing LTC and the end of the service year. It has been a pleasure to serve you all as Division 9’s Executive Assistant, whether it was taking notes at divisionals, assisting with the process and publication of the newsletters, and learning about how special each individual club and their members are. I’m so happy to have seen our dedication and spirit when we came together to such events such as Fall Rally, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, and our annual Ice Skating Fundraiser. For the first time also, Division 9 participated in the Out of the Darkness Walk to raise awareness for mental health and suicide prevention. In the coming service year, I hope to see us become even more united, advocate for significant causes, and perform service. When you think about it, service is the one thing that brings us together. You are bound to talk to someone who is at the same event as you, and hopefully befriend them. I know for me that I’ve felt much closer to my officers, members, and friends when we are able to witness each other’s passion and dedication for Key Club and for serving others. I hope you don’t take Key Club for granted. Push yourself out of your comfort zone as much as possible and explore Key Club in all of its aspects. In that way, you will all able to witness how much Key Club can do for you, just like how much it has done for me. (I’ve saved my emotional reflection for later on in the newsletter, check it out)

I wish the best for Division 9, the incoming Lieutenant Governor Flora and her board, and the members.

To be honest, I’ve been putting off writing this reflection for a very long time, because it indicated the end of my term and Key Club experience in general. Every now and then I thank God that I attended a Key Club meeting in my freshman year to wait for my friend and treasurer, Lillian, and that our IP LTG Raymond made me check out his website and reminded me that Key Club was always an option. Like most people, I don’t think I realized the impact or intensity that Key Club has initially. I attended meetings and events casually as a member. While that served as a foundation that I wanted to build upon much more, my dedication and skills were tested this service year, as Midwood’s secretary and Division 9’s Executive Assistant. I would always worry that I wasn’t balancing those positions well, or seeming like I preferred one more. Being an officer enabled me to have the ideal passion and dedication a Key Clubber should have, on top of more responsibilities. It has truly been a tough year and sometimes Key Club didn’t fit well into the crazy equation that’s my life, and sometimes I have to choose between the parts of me that are social, dedicated to service, or needs to get work done. Key Club has simultaneously given me endless joy and endless stress, but I think that only means it means that much to me and I should keep working for it.

ing and Farewell The little moments, experiences, relationships, and opportunities given are the reason why I continue working my absolute hardest. Attending Breakthrough, Key Club International’s service-immersion program, brought me back to why I loved Key Club so much in the first place. In just a short week, I’ve had epiphanies about the way I wanted to run my life and rest of my term, continuously performed service, and developed friendships with Key Clubbers from other districts while strengthening bonds with Key Clubbers of the New York District I was already friends with. I will miss waking up at the crack of dawn and sneaking out to volunteer, filling out paperwork and making it fun my own way, baking sweet treats for divisionals, making friends with the most passionate Key Clubbers and people I know, countless LTCs, and getting to interact with members that I see so much potential in.

To members: don’t stop remaining active in Key Club. Even if you decided to join Key Club because you wanted credits or community service hours, every choice you decide to make from then on will help decide your future and what you get out of it. Realize that 95% of what’s so great about Key Club is outside of school and your comfort zone. If there’s an event that interests you in the slightest, pursue it and follow through with that event. You never know what amazing experience you’ll have. To incoming officers: the first few weeks or month may be a bit rocky, but you were all chosen because someone believed you were apt and able to excel at your position. Opportunities at leadership can often be scarce and taken for granted. Never forget that while you are there to carry out your specific duties and make your club great, this may be the best way for you to experience Key Club at its finest and to make personal strides. I am so excited to see what all of you will do.

I’m not so sure what I’ll be doing with my life anymore after my last LTC, but Key Club has given me the wildest ride of my life. I’m so grateful to have been able to serve myself, others, Division 9, and the best Lieutenant Governor EVER!!!!!!!

Yours in Passion and Service,

Josephine Wu Division Nine Executive Assistant

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The Honeybee Conservancy is a 501c3 non-profit established in 2009 in response to the bee crisis. To help the bees, they inspire communities to plant bee habitat and act as stewards for bees, support bee research in an effort to end bee population declines, advance science and environmental education, support local food initiatives, and encourage communities to support their local beekeepers.

Fun Facts Bees pollinate 80% of flowering plants on

One single bee colony can pollinate 300 million flowers each day. Bees pollinate 70 of the top 100 human food crops. 1 in 3 bites of food we eat is derived from plants pollinated by bees. Almonds are totally dependent on bee pollination. No bees, no almonds. Bees have been producing honey from flowering plants for 10-20 million years. Honey bees provided for over $19 billion dollars in added value to the agriculture business in 2010.

So, how can I help? Plant and grow bee-friendly flowers!

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Create a "bee bath", by setting out water for thirsty bees! Start a honeybee hive! Sponsor a hive! Fundraise for the Governor's Project, The Honeybee Conservancy.

How can I keep in contact with my friends after we graduate and go to college far away from each other (and I mean beyond a Snapchat streak)? - Koala

Dear Koala, The transition from high school to college is a giant leap. One that can become especially overwhelming if you don't have someone to talk to about it. After graduation, you should make an effort to reach out to your friends every now and then. Even if you cannot meet up in person to catch up, just sending them a text and reminding them that you're there for them makes all the difference.

Good Luck! - Pat

How can I find the position that's right for me? - Your Friendly Neighborhood Key Clubber

Dear Friendly Neighborhood Key Clubber, In order to find the position that's right for you, start by looking at each of the officer handbooks on the Key Club website. Here, you can find an outline of what each position entails so you can get a general idea of which position is best for you. Once you have an idea, talk to someone who has or has had the position. This will help get advice and a perspective from someone who has experienced all that the position has to offer.

Hope this helps, and good luck! - Jo

Pat & Jo's Advice Column

Running for Why run for higher office? District and International positions require a significant time commitment, and these officers must be skilled with time management. When deciding between a District and International position it is important to remember that the higher the position, the less direct communication with members. District officers are expected to communicate with club officers in addition to Lt. Governors, but Trustees are only required to communicate with their assigned Governors. Trustees may choose to communicate directly with Lt. Governors, or with the Lt. Governors through the Governor, but it can be difficult to communicate with club officers when there are so many other responsibilities. If you are passionate about getting directly involved with the members, you may lean more towards a District position. You have the opportunity to make a long-lasting change on the opportunities that future Key Clubbers will have in their home clubs, divisions, and district. Â

Higher Office An Overview of Each Position District Governor Prepare and distribute communiqués to club presidents and the district board. Cover important topics in a timely manner. Create Lieutenant Governor reporting expectations and evaluate board members' performance. Attend required meetings/events. Promote Kiwanis family relations.

District Secretary Prepare and distribute communiqués to club secretaries and communiqués to the district board. Cover important topics in a timely manner. Distribute copies of all district board minutes to district board officers and the Kiwanis International Office. Compile the final reports of all the committees of the district board at the end of his/her term of office. Attend required meetings/events.

District Treasurer Prepare and distribute communiqués to club presidents and the district board. Cover important topics in a timely manner. Create Lieutenant Governor reporting expectations and evaluate board members' performance. Attend required meetings/events. Promote Kiwanis family relations.

Click here for more information in the Elections Packet.

February Divisional We had fewer people than usual attending the divisional because it was Valentine’s Day, and because of that I was able to talk to my members and build personal relationship with them. This is probably one of my best experience I had leading a group for divisional meetings. During the meeting, we were updated on the past events and the upcoming events. We talked about our experiences at the events, and they sounded so interesting that I was regretting that I wasn’t involved in them. Also, we were introduced to the upcoming events that I want my club members to be involved in too. For example, the Lunar New Year Parade in Chinatown was fun for the members to volunteered at because they were enjoying the vibe of the festival while doing community service, and I personally like this event too. In additionally, we talked about LTC. Patricia gave us a brief overview of LTC, and I can't wait for the LTC to come! She also gave us some useful reminders about the deadlines for the awards, payments and registrations. Lastly, I have to mention that the treat from Patricia and Josephine was tasty and amazing, and I am looking forward to taste it again in the next divisional coming up soon!

QIanting Chen Secretary Brooklyn Technical High School

Housing Works Bookstore Cafe On Sunday, February 4th, Midwood volunteered at the Housing Works Bookstore in SoHo. I was excited for what was awaiting me; I’ve volunteered with Housing Works in the past and loved books. I was amazed by the bookstore’s space and variety of offerings. The bookstore cafe is an embodiment of community and people taking the time out of their day to do something good. The staff consists of all volunteers and all books and products found in the store are donations. I was taken downstairs to the basement and started matching shipping labels to their corresponding books. When that was complete, I shifted to another table and was faced with a daunting task: to place bookmarks into books and pack the book so that it was ready for delivery. There were piles and piles of books that some members were already working on, but in an inefficient manner. I especially enjoyed previewing the kinds of books they had and each customer’s individual and interesting preferences. I had a bit of a rocky start, talking and joking around so much that I would sometimes forget to place bookmarks or misplace the shipping label after I already packed the book, or having my materials stuck to another person’s, therefore restarting both our of processes.Towards the end, Victor, a member, and Gordon, from QHSS Key Club and Division 8, grinded and worked together collaboratively in an assembly line to get the job done. Altogether, all of us must have packed maybe two hundred books. It felt so gratifying to have finished the job and alleviating the stress of one of the volunteers there, since she usually has to pack books herself. After our job was done, I roamed the store and bought a few books myself. We will most definitely be working with Housing Works more in the future and to support its mission to help those living with HIV/AIDS and homelessness.

Josephine Wu Division Nine Executive Assistant

Madison Member Ceremony On Thursday March 1st, 2018, the James Madison Key Club had its first ever Member Induction Ceremony. This ceremony strictly revolved around the members and congratulated them for paying dues and becoming part of the already huge Key Club family. Esteemed guests such as Brooklyn Kiwanis Lt. Governor Mr. Mark Pohl, Kiwanis Committee Representative Mr. Leonard Gioia, and other members of our sponsoring Kiwanis Club: Kings Plaza-Canarsie. During the ceremony, many of us reflected on our member achievements and our favorite Key Club event. I personally was able to give an encouraging speech and story that one of my greatest friends once told me. Seeing a group of kids come together for the same purpose and cause is inspiring beyond words could ever describe. In the end, refreshments and goodie bags packed with sweets were provided. My officers and I hope our Member Induction Ceremony becomes a tradition of the James Madison Key Club for years to come.Â

Linkai Ye Secretary James Madison High School

Senior Key-Flections A collection of reflections from graduating Key Clubbers. I am extremely thankful for all the lessons I have learned this past year. Prior to becoming President of Brooklyn Tech Key Club, I had my own fears and insecurities of being in such a position. I was far from being the leader I thought I was going to be. However, we make mistakes and we learn from them, and each time we make smarter, better decisions. Seeing my own growth as a more mature and responsible individual, I am ecstatic about what lies ahead for me in the future. Aside from personal growth, I am so happy to see this club grow and to help foster future leaders. I highly encourage everybody to experience leadership as it will undoubtedly teach you lessons that will carry on for the rest of your life.

Kathy Song President Brooklyn Technical High School

I have a Key-flection with each of the people in our Iconic Shark duo. One of my favorite memories with Patricia was when we went down to San Antonio for ICON. It was one of the best weeks of my life! We got to go to Sea World and got matching Shamu hats and saw a sea otter show. Then while we were at convention we went to go get ice cream and I got red velvet so I looked like a vampire afterwards. With Josephine, my memory is going to Miami and scaling a tree for coconuts and seeing wild manatees! I can't wait to see my sharks again. See you at LTC!

Tyler Kearns Division 17

The year of 2017-2018 was one that definitely goes down in the books for the James Madison High School Key Club. From the beginning, till the end, we've had so much support from all of the Staff at Madison and our amazing Advisors. Without them, this year wouldn't have been as successful as it is today. To mention a couple of the highlights of this year, in October we had Trick-Or-Treat for UNICEF where many of our members got together to raise money for the UNICEF foundation, it was a wonderful project for our newest members to complete! In November, we had the SHSAT Guides where the students of Madison stayed for over 8 hours to guide students to testing rooms showing commitment and strength. My favorite of it all was the Make Your Magical Mark in December where the three M's of Brooklyn got together for a month full of service events from the second day of the month till the last day of 2017! In January, the students ushered for the production of SING, two plays taken on the same night by two competing teams with hundreds of guests! In February, we had a very important Bake Sale for the St. Albans VA Hospital in honor of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs -- a National Salute to Veteran Patients Week where we raised more than $300! Last but not least, in our final service month, March, we had a Key Club Induction Ceremony that welcome's this years new members, and to say the least, it was an extreme success. With all the small projects in between of these wonderful service events, we gained many new members who have found a passion for serving others. A goal that I know I met looking back was my goal to implement new traditions, from sending care packages to our soldiers that are fighting our freedom to having our first (now annual) Key Club Induction Ceremony. A regret I do have, is not becoming an officer sooner because the trust that is put into our hands as we become leaders of so many amazing students is something I will be eternally grateful for. Advice I do have for my future James Madison Key Club Officers and for the one's after them and so forth is; focus on being excellent, not perfect. Perfection is impossible, we are all human, so be the best self you can be and I promise you that everything will be just as great as you are.Â

Elizabeth Dosman President James Madison High School

As this was my second year of being Murrow's Key Club President, I'd like to think that I was much wiser and more experienced this time around. Although to some extent this may have been true, it didn't mean that this year was any less exciting or eventful. Looking back, I can easily say that joining Key Club was definitely one of the best decisions I could have ever made. Key Club has given me so much and I am so grateful for my experience. It has given me more than just mere volunteer experience or community service credit, it has given me new friendships, stronger bonds, and an infinite amount of useful skills. I used to be very shy and I was afraid to speak to new people, let alone large groups. However, with Key Club I have grown and transformed exponentially. I have learned how to lead and communicate effectively with courage, passion, and tons of enthusiasm. To all of my members, thank you for inspiring me and showing your dedication. To see you all have fun and enjoy Key Club gives me the satisfaction that I did my job correctly. My biggest piece of advice is to take lots of photos to capture all of the great memories that Key Club brings. There were many times where I would be very occupied and focused with completing my volunteering tasks or where I would get distracted by having too much fun and being in the moment that I would forget to take photos. This is something that I regret because now the memories only exist in my mind. My next biggest piece of advice is to not be afraid to introduce yourself first and to be the one individual to start a conversation. Someone once said that "a simple hello could lead to a million things." This is true and trust me, key clubbers are some of the nicest and friendliest people you'll ever meet. Lastly, never forget the true power of Key Club. The over 270, 000 key clubbers make such a difference and an impact every single day not only in their communities but all over the world, making it a better place. Key Club is the unexpected gift that keeps on giving and it will always have a special place in my heart. I'm very happy with what I've accomplished and even though I'll miss Key Club, I cannot wait for Circle K!

Aile Cheng President Edward R. Murrow High School

My service year is coming to an end and I can not be more excited but also sad about it. After being in Key Club for four years it would be insane not to have a boatload of memories, both good and bad, of my time in Key Club. From my very first event at Prospect Park for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, to my latest one with Bronx Science’s Peter Alegre at Winter Clothing Closet, it’s been a mix of waking up early, smiles, and laughter, as well as pizza. Going into Key Club, I never thought I would end up on the board but as my term as President comes to an end, I can not imagine my life without my board. After serving on Midwood’s board for 2 years, I have learned so much and have made friendships that I truly believe will last a lifetime. Through my journey in Key Club, I was able to do things I never would’ve done otherwise. Whether that was getting up in front of my club to deliver that week’s updates or host a fundraiser and give back to charities, I’ve had experiences that have allowed me to grow and improve as a person. To the new boards and members that still have time left in their Key Club journey, I would advise to not get too caught up in the drama and the negative side of Key Club. Like with anything, there are good and bad things to Key Club. The good certainly outweighs the bad but it’s easy to get caught up in the bad sometimes. I suggest remembering why you remained in Key Club and to remember the moments that made you smile because those are what truly matter. At Patricia’s very first divisional, she told us a quote that I absolutely loved and think that everyone should think about. She said, “In life, how you frame your experiences is how you love them.” Throughout these four years, I’ve been stressed, overwhelmed, and sleep deprived because of Key Club but I wouldn’t trade my experiences for anything in the world. I was able to raise more than $2,000 with my club these last two years and to think that WE DID THAT is amazing. I truly hope that I was able to teach or help at least one person grow or find a new understanding of something through these last four years but if I haven’t then I hope this last quote will give you something to think about: “Lead by example.” It’s a simple quote, but one that has stuck with me all throughout my final service year. I think that sometimes we forget that we forge the path for others to follow and if we want something to get done we need to set that example. Whether it’s a board member attending events, or a member joining a committee, we can help make this world a better and more caring place but it all starts with you. I hope that the remaining and new members of Division 9 remember this when they’re feeling down or pessimistic and I can not wait to see all the good that we sharks will bring to the world in the future.

Wendy Lliguichuzhca President Midwood High School

I still remember the first day that I joined Key Club... that was four years ago!! Now it is my last year and I can't believe that my Key Club journey is coming to an end :( This service year has been an amazing and crazy ride. With a new board, I was able to bond with my fellow officers and make friendships that will last a lifetime. I will always remember the board meetings that we had at Starbucks. We would sit there for at least 4 hours discussing about future plans for the club. I'm surprised we never got kicked out LOL. This year, I was especially close with my president, Wendy. I will always remember getting lost with her as we try to find our way to the events. We both have a bad sense of direction and we would end up being late. I will also remember those days where we would have long phone calls and stress about things.

Although I do admit that being an officer is not easy, it is worth it in the end. This year, as vice president, I believe that my greatest accomplishment is the credit system. It was not easy to calculate credits for over 160 members. It would take HOURS to complete each of the five spreadsheets. However, in the end, my hard work was appreciated and I'm proud of the system that I developed.

To my successor, my piece of advice would be to "never give up" and be your president's right hand man. I know that the credits may be overwhelming sometimes, but DON'T GIVE UP!!! Don't be afraid to ask for help as well. For the entire service year, you will have to work very closely with your president, so get along with them!! You are now partners in crime :)

In general, Key Club has given me an experience that I will never forget. While volunteering, I was able to make new friends. I was able to make so much amazing memories with my fellow officers and members. I also learned to grow as a person and as a leader. Key Club has been the greatest thing that happened to me during my high school journey and I will really miss being a part of it when I graduate :(

Tiffany Yong Vice President Midwood High School

The family-like atmosphere and impact of Key Club has inspired me to do more and I hope to inspire others to make changes as well. I took this amazing opportunity to not only express my dedication and communication skills, but also my passion to make a difference with my community. I am honored to have the opportunity to work with amazing people who has made my experience with Key Club so memorable. One of my favorite memories from Key Club was when I was planning Midwood, Tech, and Stuyvesant’s Friendship Day Events. It brought so many people who shared the same interest and passion together. This event was a chance to interact with each other by doing something we love. Along with that, I got to experience the joys of being awarded for the event as well as Outstanding Junior Key Clubber. Some people that definitely helped me improve myself in Key Club is my past 2016-2017 board as well as my current 2017-2018 board. We worked together to create countless volunteer opportunities, fundraisers, meetings and more. Key Club brought us through the good times as well as the bad but we all got through it all together. Raymond Liao, the past Division Nine Lieutenant Governor, is someone I looked up throughout the whole time I was in Key Club. I remember the first time I noticed him when he was announced Webmaster of Midwood Key Club. Although we did have some pointless conversations, he made Key Club a little more enjoyable with his weak knees which made a memorable experience to see at the ice skating fundraisers. Elaine Pun, Brooklyn Tech’s 2016-2018 President also played a huge role in improving how I planned events. She was like a big sister to me while I was Assistant Treasurer and had a lot to improve on. . Her achievements amaze me to this day. Josephine Leung and Wendy Lliguichuzhca are two people who stand out when I think of amazing people. They are dedicated, hard working, well spoken, and courageous. I could not imagine working with any other person as president than them two. I believe that they will achieve so much greatness in the future. Tiffany Yong is someone I got to understand this year and I enjoyed becoming closer to her especially through the Valentine's Day Fundraiser. I do not think anyone was as persistent to help me out when I was oblivious to the overestimated confidence I had. Josephine Wu is someone special that I had met outside of Key Club and introduced her to this lifestyle. She learned what Key Club was by waiting for me to attend the meetings to hang out with me after. I truly believe she learned so much and I love how she reminded me of this because I almost forgot that I had this impact. Josephine grew so much as a person and leader which will lead to countless accomplishments that awaits forher. I hope everyone who was apart of key club experienced the same impact I had on them as they had on mine.

Lillian Chen Treasurer Midwood High School

Over the past 4 years, Key Club has been an integral part of my high school experience. As a freshman, attending key club events was daunting. High school was already scary enough, but after each event the combination of self satisfaction and seeing the dedication of my fellow key clubbers towards service is what kept me in this club. Now, I want to thank key club for helping me see and understand more of the world, in addition to allowing me to meet some of the greatest people.

My advice to members would be to keep in mind what you personally want to get out of key club, and to make sure that you achieve this goal each time you attend an event. Other than that, make sure you keep a balance between this club and all your other responsibilities in life.

High school can be confusing, but making time to help others with people who want to do the same is step everyone should take.Â

Alice Mo Member Midwood High School

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s e i r o m e m e h t r o f s Thank ! 9 n o i s Divi

Patricia Mr. Gioia Josephine

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