NYDKC Division Nine September Newsletter

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Volume II | Issue V | September 2017

Lieutenant Governor Patricia Ahmed Executive Assistant Josephine wu Kiwanis Committee Representative Mr. Leonard Gioia

Table of Contents 4 Executive Assistant's Greeting.......................................5 Division 9 Social Media..................................................6 NYDKC Social Media......................................................7 District Project: Sunrise Day Camp................................8 Youth Opportunities Fund (YOF)....................................9 Trick or Treat for UNICEF...............................................10 Hauntingly Good Icebreakers.........................................11 Lieutenant Governor's Greeting.....................................

Past Events

12 - Midwood/Tech Friendship Events..............................14 - Walk Against Hunger...................................................16 - Service Spotlight........................................................18 - September Divisional..................................................19 Form Submissions.........................................................20 Contact Information......................................................21 - K Family Picnic............................................................

Upcoming Events October 9th: Color Wars October 14th: Walk for Lupus October 15th: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk

October 22nd: Out of Darkness Walk

Reminders ○ MRFs are due on the 10th of each month! ○ FRFs are due ASAP after a fundraiser!

Lieutenant Governor's Greeting Happy September Sharks! To all of the new members: My name is Patricia Ahmed, and I am serving as your Lieutenant Governor for the 2017-2018 service year. Essentially, I act as a liaison and relay information from the district level to the division. I am currently a senior in James Madison HS, and I've been in Key Club since my sophomore year. Besides being too terrible at every sport to join a team, I joined Key Club because I loved to help. After my first event, I remained because I wanted to continue to inspire and serve others, because the little acts of kindness that we carry out during a service project or fundraiser make the biggest impact in our world. Through Key Club, not only has my passion for service grown, but so has my confidence and leadership skills. As you embark on this new journey of this wonderful club, I encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone. Lend a helping hand, make a friend, and create the memories that will last beyond high school. Key Club is not just an organization but a family.

Patricia Ahmed Division Nine Lieutenant Governor

Executive Assistant's Greeting Welcome back sharks! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Josephine, a senior at Midwood High School, as well as your Executive Assistant for the remaining of the service year. My main job is assist Patricia in making our Brooklyn division great, whether it's collecting articles that you'll be able to read later, or taking notes and minutes at divisionals (our monthly meetings). Think of me as a vice president of the division, if you will. Key Club has always been a source of comfort for me throughout school and stressful times. It gives me hope and a reason to persevere through each day. I've gained so many friends and experiences through my time in Key Club, and I hope all of you will become active and create friendships with one another, whether you are a new or returning member. I look forward to seeing all of your lovely faces this year, and working to make a difference. If you have any questions, concerns, or just want someone to talk to, you can always hit me up! My phone number is 646-509-6068, or you can email me at josephinewu.ea@gmail.com

Happy Key Clubbing!

Josephine Wu Division Nine Executive Assistant

Division 9 Social Media

Note: Clicking on the icons

NYDKC Social Media

brings you to the link!

District Project: Sunrise Day Camp Sunrise Day Camps are the world’s only dedicated day camps for children with cancer and their siblings, provided completely free of charge. Providing memorable summers since 2006 for children ages 3 1/2–16, Sunrise Day Camps bring the simple pleasures of childhood back to children struggling with cancer, changing months of loneliness and isolation into summers filled with sunshine, laughter and happiness. And because Sunrise is a day camp, it does all this while allowing the children to continue their medical treatment and enjoy the comfort and safety of their own homes at night. There are currently seven Day Camps — three in New York (Long Island, Pearl River & Staten Island), three in Israel (Beit Yehoshuah, Be’er Sheva & Ramat Yochanan) and Horizon Day Camp in Baltimore, Maryland. Sunrise Association Day Camps are affiliated with 30 renowned hospitals and medical centers. Sunrise Sundays and Fun-days offer children exciting activities and events when school is not in session.

Made by our International Trustee Alisa Nguyen!

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF began 66 years ago as a way to help kids still affected by World War II. Since then, millions of children across the United States have gone door to door on Halloween with UNICEF collection boxes, calling out, "Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF!" The annual tradition of Kids Helping Kids® — involving donations big and small — has helped to raise more than $175 million since 1950. Worldwide, many kids need medicine, nutrition, clean water, emergency relief and education. When kids Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF, the donations they collect help save lives. Kids also learn about global citizenship and the value of helping others.

Hauntingly Good Icebreakers Use these at your first club meeting, or for your Halloween one!

Pass it On Ghost Story Have players sit in a circle and dim the lights. The first guest starts the story — "It was a dark and stormy night." After a few sentences pass the story onto the next player who must continue where the previous player left off. For extra thrills, give the speaker a flashlight to illuminate their face while they talk or use as a prop for special effects.

As they arrive, assign each guest a Halloween character (witch, ghost, etc.), but don’t tell them what it is. Write the character on a label and stick it to their back. Throughout the evening guests can ask each other "yes" or "no" questions to try and figure out their character. Once they identify their character, move the label from their back to their front.

What am I?

K-Family Picnic On Saturday, September 2nd, I attended the 7th Annual NY District Kiwanis Family Picnic. Not only did I have an amazing time, but we all helped raise over $750 for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center of Long Island! The picnic was a great way to bond and meet new Key Clubbers. My initial expectations of this picnic were not very high, since I didn't know anyone, with the exception of three people. However, that quickly changed, I met a few Key Clubbers on the journey to the park itself and even more during the picnic. The environment was especially amazing, as a new Key Clubber, I was especially shocked to see how welcoming and upbeat every single individual was. I was easily able to make a few more friends. Everyone was super outgoing! Something I loved during this picnic was the volleyball circle. The circle started out quite small and it soon got larger and larger. Everyone was super supportive; it didn't matter if you were bad at the game and it didn't matter if you were a pro. Everyone was so genuine in their support for one another. The Kiwanis Family Picnic was definitely a great way to bond and build new friendships! The food and pieing members of the District Board, including our own LTG, were also especially enjoyable. I hope all of you attend the next Kiwanis Family Picnic! You won’t regret it!

Linkai Ye Secretary James Madison High School


$750 was raised for Kiwanis Trauma Center!

Patricia got pied for


Midwood X Brooklyn Tech DAY 1 During the first day of the Brooklyn Tech X Midwood inter-club event, members were given the opportunity to interact with those of other clubs. Members took part in several activities including icebreakers, sightseeing, and classic games. During this time, members also enjoyed great food and got the chance to truly communicate with one another. Members not only used this time to have fun, but also to give back unto the community. Nearly every member in attendance brought either clothes and/or perishable food items to donate to worthy causes. All in all, it was a great day and members had a terrific time. Nana Adjepong Treasurer Brooklyn Technical High School

Friendship Event! DAY 2 In all of my years in Key Club, I have never actually attended a soup kitchen event. Although my home club constantly had soup kitchen events with the Bowery Mission, something always came up on those dates. I was super excited to volunteer at the Xaverian Mission, despite not really knowing what to expect. I descended from the main entrance and was amazed to see the size of the dining hall, where they serve meals every Sunday for those in need. Most of my fellow sharks were already there, armed with their hairnets and aprons and readily helping out by wrapping utensils and condiments in napkins. After, everyone gathered to hear the coordinators speak about the Welcome Table (the name of their soup kitchen). Then, we were assigned different tasks; one group washed and dried dishes/trays, while the other served meals to everyone. I was surprised at how good the food looked and the variety of food groups that was on one tray. As we walked down the hall, a person would direct us to the one we were serving. They all seemed truly grateful for their food. Eventually, I ended up switching tasks when all the meals were served and I assembled trays in the kitchen. I grabbed freshly dried trays to the kitchen and slid each one towards a volunteer who would place the food. It felt like an assembly line that was never ending, but it was better than sweating and serving food in the kitchen. Even though the entire day consisted of what felt like grunt work, it was all worth it because I knew that someone appreciated my work and that it was serving the whole community as well. I thought I wouldn't enjoy spending the day serving food that wasn't even for me, but I was dead wrong. Many people, especially me, take food and the meals our parents prepare for us for granted. There's thousands of New Yorkers who suffer from homelessness and hunger, and it really made me think about the way I view my food. I'd volunteer at a soup kitchen again in a heartbeat, and I hope to do so soon.

Josephine Wu Executive Assistant

9th Annual Walk Against Hunger The 9th Annual Walk Against Hunger was an amazing experience! We got to work closely with Reaching Out Community Services, once again, in an effort to help the community fight against hunger. The event had lots of parts to it - each of them being equally as fun in their own way. We began with a little gathering with everyone in the New Utrecht community where kids got to color, people ate food, there were rides, and much more. I even got to dress up as a minion with Ziyin in the scorching sun! It was a fun way to interact with the tight knit community of passionate people. Then came the actual walk. I walked, in my hot minion suit, holding Patricia's hand as a guide. She was my set of eyes. There were people holding up signs against hunger and chanting while everyone tried their best in fundraising for the cause. Afterwards, I quickly got out of my minion suit and chugged at least 3 gallons of waterÂ

because I was super dehydrated, but hey! It was for a great cause. We got even more food from Reaching Out and snapped a lot of pictures. We even got to enjoy "Brooklyn's Got Talent!" where Brooklynites performed and had fun. Overall, this was an amazing experience with friends from Division 9. I look forward to working with Reaching Out Community Service for events like this one in the near future!

Ayan Rahman Editor Brooklyn Technical High School

Service Spotlight: Midwood's 1st Meeting Going into the first meeting of the new school year, I was very excited and nervous. I was nervous that our members might not come, and excited to see all our dedicated members and have our first official meeting of the school year. Another thing I was excited about was our LTG attending our first meeting! At this meeting, we introduced ourselves and spoke about our upcoming events and major events over the summer. We spoke to returning and new members about all the fun we have in store for them and our LTG was able to give them a bit of a glimpse into the other aspects of our Key Club family. We advertised our upcoming club fair and also collected dues. Overall, I think that this meeting went pretty well and I’m excited for our next ones! Wendy Lliguichuzhca President Midwood High School

September Divisional The first divisional of the new school year took place this past Thursday in Midwood. We discussed all the various past events of the summer that each school club attended and all the future events to come this service year; Leadership Training Conference (LTC) is this upcoming March, get excited and join on the fun! We also had a discussion about our club issues and resolutions to those said issues while also getting great advice from Mr. Gioia. After the meeting was adjourned, we all got cookies and donuts!

Ka Lye Chan Secretary Edward R. Murrow High School

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