Patrick Arundell Astrology - April 2018 Monthly Magazine

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Queen Elizabeth II Birthday! MONTHLY TAROT READING

April 2018 -


| APRIL 2018

30% OFF! Your 12 Month Personal Horoscope Forecast & Life Destiny

Contents Page 3 Welcome... Page 4 Queen Elizabeth II Birthday Pages 5 - 6 Jupiter In Retrograde Pages 7 - 10 April Long Monthly Horoscopes

My 30% off Special Offer is for the COMBINATION of Life Destiny & Forecaster 12 Month Horoscope Forecast Reports. These will give you stunning insights for the next 12 Months, and help you to time your moves across your life. Understand the deeper patterns at play in your situation and how to tap into your true potential...

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Page 11 My Live Spiritual Consultants Pages 12- 14 The Vernal Equinox Page 15 April Monthly Horoscope Videos Pages 16-18 April Monthly Tarot Card Reading Page 19 My Horoscope Ace App

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WELCOME Hello and thank you for joining me.

I really hope you love my all new FREE Monthly Magazine. April 2018 is certainly action-packed with the arrival of Chiron in Aries for an initial six months stay, four planets in Retrograde at various times, a sparkling Aries New Moon combining with Uranus on the 16th, and the conservative energies of Capricorn challenged at times by more individualistic ones in Aries. We also have the Queen’s birthday, and so much more to share with you. I hope you enjoy every word.

Wishing you a very special April with warm wishes, Patrick.

Queen Elizabeth II 92nd Birthday The Queen’s image, instantly recognisable from Warhol’s iconic picture to imprinted coins. However, like a 50p, this figurehead’s character has many sides, apparent by a Taurus cusp Sun Sign, meaning she benefits from preceding Aries’ qualities too. Literally making this Head of State, level-headed, as Taurus is renowned for constancy. While, Aries, rules the head, but is headstrong too, creating a formidable combination. This reinforced by Mercury also occupied in Fire Sign, Aries, showing an everyday can-do, instinctual attitude, along with direct speech, verging on bluntness. The positive side, others know where they stand, as like a first class stamp, her nature is predominantly set, with Planets in all four Fixed Sign’s corners. As Scorpio Saturn opposes her Sun and challenges her Leo Moon and Neptune and Aquarian Mars and Jupiter, further strengthening her resolve. Whilst, her Leo Moon is comfortable with attention, pomp and ceremony and Neptune in tune with the public, but emphasises self-sacrifice. Her Aquarian planets suggests she craves a life not bound by convention, further accentuated by Uranus (the modern ruler of Aquarius) and Venus together in Pisces. Though with a Capricorn Ascendant she displays the ‘British stiff upper lip’, but with the Descendant, Pluto and North Node in Cancer, she has learned to change with the times and now shows a more human face.

Jupiter In Retrograde

Is Bad Luck In Store? A look into the influences behind Jupiter in Retrograde... From March 9th to August 26th

Generosity can be more limited,

2018 Jupiter is Retrograde in

with funds in shorter supply and

Scorpio. However it will continue

we should think twice before we

to forge some positive angles with

splash the cash on expensive, large

other planets, not least a three

or important purchases, such as

degree orb Sextile with the

buying a house. Also, most

transformational Pluto through

importantly this is not the time to

March and April to May 11th 2018,

initiate a new enterprise or open a

which can be a very helpful transit

business if we are looking to yield


an instant return. Money making schemes can be more limited, and

Jupiter is traditionally referred to as

expectations can be unrealistic

the "great good fortune", perhaps

during this period. Instead, it

due to it being the largest Planet in

would be opportune to do the

the Solar System. However, when

groundwork at this stage until

Jupiter turns Retrograde this gassy

Jupiter turns direct, and material

Planet’s auspicious nature seems to

and spiritual matters thrive once

evaporate. This usually occurs once

more. The same might be applied

a year, and it is at this time that lady

to investments and the stock

luck appears to have left town.

market too, as during

Normally Jupiter’s positive

this Retrograde we may witness a

attributes can aid us in attaining

distinct slowing down of the

what they desire, but when it

financial markets. However, some

retrogrades this conveyer belt stops

positive outcomes may still endure

working quite so smoothly. At this

under this transit, as Jupiter

time we need to concentrate on the

stationed will exaggerate what is

inner riches we have, and expanding

already indicated in your birth

philosophies with optimism being



So a win at the casino is not impossible under this transit, but we should just take care and not give more than we have. Empty promises are likely under this period, never to be fulfilled. International affairs can also go through strain under this rewind, as Jupiter rules these and travel too. If we are going further afield it is important to have all our vaccinations and papers fully in place before heading off. If you have Sagittarius or to a lesser extent Pisces heightened in your chart, you may feel this transit strongly. Look to the Sign’s placements in your chart, along with Jupiter.

Jupiter Natal Retrograde

Their value system being more attuned to immeasurable achievements and it is for this reason that often it is said, Jupiter Retrograde individuals struggle to attain the resources necessary for everyday existence. They may favour occupations or pursuits far from being lucrative, gaining rewards spiritually or philosophically instead. However, by choosing such avenues these individuals are working positively through this Jupiter lesson. For those born with Jupiter Retrograde are thought not to have ventured much in a pastlife, content to remain as they were, not stretching their capabilities or using talents. Therefore, this life is concerned

Those who are born with

with expansion, enabling

a Retrograde Jupiter may appear

individual’s with this placement to

to others not to have accomplished

travel widely and open their mind

much during their life, perhaps

up to diverse cultural experiences.

not possessing the outward signs of

However, they must do this

wealth that others have. However,

without completely abandoning

this has much to do with the fact

restrictions and becoming reckless

that individuals with Jupiter

and overindulgent.

retrograde at birth are less interested in attaining such symbols.

Monthly Horoscopes for all Signs - April 2018 The New Moon of the 16th of April sees the Sun and Moon in Aries combines with the planet of freedom, Uranus, urging us to break free from constraints and restraints in our situations. However, there are some very powerful influences in Capricorn all month, and our bid to define our individuality can be countered by much more conservative forces.

Aries - Aries 21 March - 20 April The month begins with your relationship sector very much under the astral microscope. And particularly when it comes to life goals or work demands that influence the tie. With Mercury tracking backwards in your sign and squaring up to Saturn in week one, it may seem that some of your aspirations are blocked. Mid-month however, brings a truly fantastic New Moon in your sign and its conjunction to the sparkling vibe of Uranus. Your determination to succeed can be awesome in the last ten days.

Taurus 21 April - 21 May Your guide planet Venus starts the month in your own sign, and this can give you a greater sense of attractiveness, and see new faces drawn towards you. But there may be some issues that have been bubbling away just out of sight, and can concern rather confidential or private matters. It's possible you will seek professional or confidential advice. You will feel clearer once the Sun enters your sign on the 20th, and there is a fabulous opportunity to improve your finances from the 25th of April.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June Your ruling planet Mercury retraces his steps right through to the middle of the month. It's possible that there can be some changes around your friendship or group situations, or you will hear from someone you've not heard from for some time. You can feel very optimistic about your future this month, but it is still going to be important to understand how you can fund or interact around any worldly, financial or business situations. A major transition can occur in the last ten days of April for you.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July The first couple of weeks of April can see you needing to work hard at balancing not just your home and professional situation, but the needs of the people within these areas. There may be a sense that things are constantly changing, and that won't necessarily be an easy thing to grapple with, but then things really start to shine for you as the Sun transits into the most friendly part of your situation on the 20th. It may be necessary to set some firm boundaries later in the month, but this will be best for all.

Leo 24 July - 23 August Changes are in the air Leo, but it's not necessarily going to be a process of instantly swapping the old for the new. This is much more likely to be something of a process, one which can see you open to new and exciting ways. But the practical demands and obligations at the heart of your life will still be calling out powerfully to you. Still, even if there are some frustrations, these can be swept away mid month, and you can be determined to get fitter, stronger and even more focused on what's essential.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September You're going to take your creativity, passions and the things you love in your life, very much more seriously this month, and this can be a very positive thing Virgo. Embracing your talents and being determined to achieve greater fulfilment, can give you a drive like never before. Yet it's how this will knit together with others that is going to be the critical issue. Those people who encourage and support you, will become even more important. Care is needed though, around marshalling your longterm resources.

Libra 24 September - 23 October The Full Moon in your zodiac sign on the very last day of last month, pours energy into this one. Relationships can be very much on your mind, and the thing you may yearn for more than anything else, is not just a close interaction, but a real sense that the emotional component works well too. With Mercury retracing his steps through to mid month, there may be some important conversations to be had. With Mars combining with Pluto in the last ten days, you may speak out like never before.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November The start of the month is an excellent time for you to invest in some strategies to create greater peace, healing and tranquillity in your existence. With Venus in a wonderful location for you, it's possible that someone you get on well with is happy to co-pilot you on anything you try. Anything to do with life's nitty-gritty elements, such as appointments, schedules and finer details, will benefit from precision. As your rulers of Mars and Pluto combine, the last ten days may see you consider a new vehicle or a tech upgrade.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December You can be a very generously spirited person, but when it comes to your social life or romantic dates in the first half of this month, it's probably better to resist being overly generous. Someone close may also be keen for you to help them with a financial issue, but if this has become a pattern, it may be time to reinforce your boundaries. A fabulous New Moon on the 16th, urges you to embrace that side of you which loves new and unique ideas and people. Love can revive as Venus moves on the 25th.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January Your opinions, views, ideas, beliefs, plans and key hopes, take on even greater importance for you this month. It is almost as if your conviction ratchets up several notches Capricorn. This is going to be particularly so in the last third of April, when your willpower and desire to succeed, can be quite incredible. What you can't expect, is others to automatically fall in with you. And it could be at home or around a very close relationship, where there may need to be some frank discussions in this regard.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February Your powers of communication can sparkle this month, but this can also be a time when you rethink some of your key ideas. This may come about because you find yourself thinking very deeply about your past, and what shaped you as an individual in the here and now. Then again, it could be someone else confronts you with a side of yourself that you're less aware of. An amazing New Moon on the 16th however, gives you an awesome opportunity to shine, and your psychological insights can certainly help.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March Friendships and your long-term hopes and aspirations, certainly come into focus this month Pisces. But before you really get to grapple with these, there may be some more prosaic issues to deal with, not least around everyday finances. And with Mercury tracking backwards and the legacy of a challenging Full Moon, being utterly realistic will be essential. Equally, if you can be open to new technologies and innovation, then your foresightedness can take you far. Home changes are possible from the 25th.


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VERNAL EQUINOX ASTROLOGICAL NEW YEAR Spring is a special time for many of us and a new of new energy and life. The awards season may have come to a close and we now find ourselves leaving behind ‘The darkest hour’, with the increase in daylight hours. March the 20th saw us move astrologically from ‘The Shape of Water’ with the Sun in the astrological Sign of Pisces to the point of Aries. This is known as the Vernal Equinox but what does this really mean?

SPRING EQUINOX Otherwise known as the Spring Equinox, its release date set for around late March. However, usually before a motion picture arrives you might read a review or two, but this Equinox is all about reviewing things itself! So ‘Opportunity knocks’ may be a thing of the past, but this could be something of an ‘opportunity equinox’!

For many may regard the 1st January as the start of a New Year, but the spring or Vernal Equinox offers another chance to make a fresh start if desired, as it represents the beginning of the Astrological New Year. This occurring around the 20th/21st/22nd March each year when the Sun enters the Sign of Aries at 0 degrees, otherwise known as the Vernal Point. This being the point where the ‘phantom thread’ that is the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic in the east, but far from being the ‘beast from the east’, it offers eastern promise.

THE SUN’S PASSAGE INTO ARIES As it is regarded as a special time of new beginnings in the northern hemisphere, after the cold, dark and scarce season of winter has passed, making this an occasion for celebration among many cultures. For this is a period of fertility, when new crops grow, ideas sprout and dreams can start to be realised. The early Egyptians recognised the Sun’s passage into the First Horoscope Sign of Aries as a sacred turning point of the year, positioning the Sphinx so that it pointed to the Sun directly. While, the Mayans referred to the arrival of this new season as the return of the snake serpent, which seems apt as it is a time when you can shed your old skin and anything that is holding you back.

ONE ASTROLOGICAL CYCLE ENDS, A FRESH ONE BEGINS As one astrological cycle ends with the final Zodiac Sign of Pisces and a fresh one commences in Aries. Therefore, used effectively the Spring Equinox is a juncture to evaluate and balance everything, as it is the ‘Segway’ between these two cycles. Subsequently, it seems fitting that the Equinox is traditionally associated with a point of equality between day and night, where we lose an hour but gain more light. For it acts as a point in time when individuals can achieve balance in their lives and may ultimately gain by any loses initially incurred.

SPRING CLEAN So, it is not termed a spring clean for nothing! As many of us may quite literally embark on a spring clean when this date in the calendar comes around, sweeping under those carpets. As well as using this planetary event to bring out into the open any occurrences that previously may have been swept under the carpet or finding ourselves on the red carpet. For the Sign of Aries is not only the first Sign of the Zodiac, but also the First Cardinal Sign, forcing matters out into the public domain. Hence, universal shifts may occur, especially with movements such as ‘Time’s up, ‘Me Too’ and the striving for equality continuing to gain momentum. THE CHANCE HERE TO SHAPE OUR PATH Therefore, individuals may unwittingly find themselves in the public eye under these planetary movements. However, akin to this Equinox being formed by the intersection of the Sun and the Earth’s paths, remember you too have the chance here to shape your path also. For if the Equinox, is ‘the greatest show on earth’, then you are in the middle of the ring and can say ‘this is me’! As Aries is the Sign of the initiator, entrepreneur and creator, governing anything from starting a new project or business to putting together a sport’s team or building something from scratch. For it is a leader in all its form, though this martial energy can also lead to hostile action too, such as outbreaks of violence, instigating a military attack or the filing of a lawsuit. So it is worth remembering that with the initiating spring equinox you may sew the seeds, but by September’s Autumnal Equinox, we will reap what we have sewn! THE AUTUMNAL EQUINOX For with the Spring Equinox the world does actually ‘revolve around us’ and our actions, but the Autumnal Equinox is in the Sign of Balance, Libra. So we can see any reactions to those actions and take into account others, outside factors and relationships in this ‘balancing act’! So as the continuous cycle each year goes from the Spring to Autumnal Equinox, we must remember, it really is an example of ‘what goes around comes around’!

MONTHLY HOROSCOPE VIDEOS APRIL 2018 Welcome to my Monthly Horoscope Videos. Please CLICK on your ZODIAC SIGN BELOW for your FREE Horoscope Video Reading. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces...


The Past - Four of Cups


Welcome to April's Tarot Card Reading. This focuses on the Past, Present and Future cards of the month.

The Four of Cups is a card that represents our deep emotions. We may be missing an opportunity right in front of us, especially if we are too concerned about what we have given up in the past. Sometimes when we are too focused on the mundane routine of life we can feel disconnected and even quite bored. Yes there are certain goals we have achieved but perhaps we want more? – It is not too late! We are being asked to take a step back from our situation and mediate deeply on what new opportunity may be just around the corner waiting for us.  If we have dismissed an offer or idea in the past because we thought it was unattainable then this card asks us to reconsider this option. As this is a card of emotion it can mean that it was a decision we made from our head rather than our hearts, but we can still change our minds. We need not fall into defensiveness, but rather open our eyes to a wider point of view. As this card is number 4 it means that the current halt in action is only small and is nothing to worry over. This situation may feel very real to us but it is actually a perception of our mind that CAN be changed. While this card can often relate to our relationships with people, it can also relate to our finances, how we relate to the world around us and business opportunities. Help could be on the way, but we may need to openly ask for it - which can often be difficult if we are usually the person who is the problem solver.

Changing our business/career may not be a wise decision for another few weeks – we may be better off waiting until we can see the full picture, as well as the opportunities in front of us, with clearer sense of clarity.

Astrologically this card is the Moon in Cancer. The moon can shine light on our deepest emotions and the sign of Cancer is very much linked to our family and home life. This may involve deep emotions with intimacy emerging, but it can also symbolise distractions. So it is important that we learn from the past and find time for balance this month.


Importantly the Four of Cups asks us not to take life for granted. It is a beautiful thing when we experience a period of security and stability, but we must hold on to gratitude. There are things we love in our lives, and we must be careful not to let them slip away over a lack of nurturing.

The Present - Queen of Wands This Queen of cups asks us, what are we waiting for? There is even more creativity and passion bursting inside us so we need not be afraid to show more of what we are truly capable of. Both males and females may feel more deeply in touch with our feminine sides this month. This can mean that we maintain confidence and feel as though we have reached a place in life, where we no longer fear what people think of us as much. This is true maturity that can only be learnt through life experience. This card can particularly represent the energy of Leo born women or women who can identify with the lioness energy. If we choose to partner up with someone, or work on a project with another this month then we must be very clear that we both hold the same vision. Otherwise we may quickly lose interest. In saying this, when we meet people of the same wavelength, we can truly create wonderful things! Astrologically this card relates to Capricorn in Sagittarius. Capricorns are known as the hardest working signs in the zodiac. This hard work is what will lead us to a feeling of huge accomplishment and pride in your work. Sagittarius is a sign if hopefulness and spiritual wisdom – The Capricorn aspect can bring us success and the Sagittarius energy can help us to use any success wisely this month.

The Future - Six of Cups

This card can often indicate that someone from our past may reappear in our life, and is likely to be someone that we grew up with or someone from our teenage years.


The Six of Cups is a card that suggests a past experience could be having an influence over our current situation. It could mean that we are reminiscing with someone we are close to about times gone by, or even our childhood. This is a bittersweet moment, where we feel gratitude for the happy times and maybe also a tinge of sadness that they have past.

Because Cups represents our emotions this person could have been someone that we were romantically involved with or someone that was a very close friend or family member, regardless there was deep love there. Sometimes nostalgia can make us think that some situations were worse than they actually happened to be. Or the opposite, nostalgia can also make us think we were happier then, than we are now. It’s important to review our past as just that, the past. The Six of Cups is also closely linked to children, so this could mean that we receive news of a pregnancy or birth. It can also represent the exchanging of gifts so this is all possible, but will likely include another person bringing new energy into our lives. Astrologically this card is represented by the Sun in Scorpio. Scorpio is a deeply emotional sign that feels on so many levels. It likes to delve into past memories from time to time in order to learn more about itself. However if there are feelings of betrayal lurking in those deep waters, it is usually very hard to forgive. If we relate to this notion, we must try and not be hard on ourselves. Remember, we hold the keys to move on.

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