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WELCOME Hello & Welcome to your FREE April Astrology Magazine...
The big story this month is Jupiter beginning a four month retrograde on the 11th, in the sign of Sagittarius, one of the two signs it governs. This combination is very much about philosophy, international affairs, the rule of law, travel and exploration. It is very likely that there will be some slowing down in this areas, but the key for us all, especially with Jupiter squaring with both Mercury and Venus, is under-promise, over-deliver...
With warm wishes for this Month, Patrick
alec baldwin's birthday ‘Baldwin acting dynasty’s ‘big brother’ Alec, appears to be now adding ‘reality TV’, to his many credits. Due to his uncanny impersonation of the US President on Saturday Night live, which seems to ‘top Trump’s’ image of himself! Although, baptised with the name Alexander the third, a position of power seems only fitting, his natal chart exemplifying this. For he really is the perfect ‘leading man’ on and off stage and screen, born with his Sun at a significant degree in commanding Aries, ‘baby boss’ of the Zodiac! This Sign being a trailblazer, so no surprise that his brothers all followed his thespian footsteps.
However, this Fire-starter Sign is suited to be ‘chief’ not ‘bottlewasher!’ So, Alec may have started out busboy at the legendary Studio 54 nightclub, but was soon to be a legend of the stage and screen himself! As those with Sun in Aries do not wait around, but make things happen themselves, this aided by Alec’s determined Saturn in Sagittarius in positive aspect. While these Fire Signs make getting on easy, as Aries is naturally open and amiable, with Sagittarius imbuing enthusiasm and humour. Add to this the charm of Venus ruled Taurus, Mercury combined with a Libra Moon and lucky Jupiter placement here too, making Alec at home in front of an audience, as Libra wants to share and Jupiter entertain.
Although, the difficulty is there is a natural over-exuberance here, spilling over into antagonism. Whilst this is not helped by the fact that like President Trump, Alec’s Sun opposes his Moon, meaning he swings between these polarities, like between a ‘30 rock and a hard place’. Therefore, the ‘mission impossible’ is to reach a medium between aggression and dependency. This only intensified by feminine Venus and masculine Mars together in Aquarius, opposing Uranus in Leo, instilling unpredictable, dramatic qualities. Therefore, at times ‘it’s complicated’, as others may find Alec difficult to comprehend and relationships can suffer, especially with suppressed Pluto in Virgo and ‘the shadow’ of vague Neptune in Scorpio making connections to everyday Mercury. Nevertheless, Alec has managed to channel these attributes into his performances, via a vocational Scorpio North Node. This shortly opposed by transiting Taurus now in Uranus joining his Mercury, bringing unpredictable changes, shocks and surprises, which he can no doubt continue to use creatively, if he’s a smart Alec!
April Forecast We regularly band about phrases like, ‘have you got anything on the horizon coming up?’ or maybe ‘you just need a point in the right direction!’ Well, this spring we have had one, as the month of April begins following the Vernal Equinox, when the East ecliptic is intersected by the celestial equator, initiating new beginnings. This otherwise referred to as the Aries point, as it is at this instance in time when the Sun reaches zero degrees of Aries and forms the commencement of the tropical zodiac and an Astrological New Year. So, you could say this April, we will ‘Follow the leader, leader, leader, follow the leader!’
Though, Westminster seems
However, with this ‘stars in
to be having difficulty putting
their I’s’, akin to the TV
this into practice, but in
show, the Cardinal Sign of
astrological terms, this is an
Aries brings great change
easier task to accomplish, as
out into the public domain.
April begins with what you
Though, also comparable
might call a leading light, due
to this entertainment
to the Sun, the brightest star
programme, it may not be
in the sky, inhabiting the Sign
the change you had
of Aries, the leader of the
envisioned. For how many
pack. So, this April, rather
times have you watched
than ‘stars in their eyes’, it is
individuals transformed
a case of ‘stars in their I’s’, as
backstage on an episode
Aries being the first Sign of
of this series, for them
the Zodiac is strongly
only to emerge resembling
associated with the individual
nothing as expected?
and identity. Therefore, with this in mind, it is no coincidence that the date originally set for ‘Brexit’ occurred under the remit of Aries, the Sign of selfgoverning.
Just think of that ‘Brexit’
resided and continues to
withdrawal agreement and
occupy Pisces until the 16th,
Trump’s ‘wonder-wall!’ Well
a Sign renowned for its
Astrology-wise, there is a
ambiguity and illusiveness,
similar sentiment prevailing
and co-joined by Pisces in its
this month, particularly
natural setting in nebulous
because much of what has
gone on previously, occurred under a Mercury retrograde
Therefore, even though the
final astrological Sign of Pisces may represent the end
So even though Mercury is no
of the cycle, this month we
longer in a ‘backstop’ phase,
may find we need to circle
having turned direct on the
back on decisions and
29th March, the thinking and
undertakings, as either they
actions put into motion under
will not work out as foreseen,
this period ricochet like an
or we just do not view them
arcade amusement
the same way now we are not
throughout this April. This
looking back at a ‘blur’, but
made ever more poignant by
clearly ahead.
the fact that during these events, everyday Mercury
Though, on the positive side,
As many have had enough
this retrograde interlude in
of this proposed ‘definitely
watery Pisces, allowed an
maybe’ exit from Europe,
opportunity to go underwater
ignoring the ‘don’t look back
for a while, providing an
in anger’ sentiment, as the
‘oasis’ to re-consider options.
idea of revoking Article 50
However, with the burning
gathers momentum.
Sun heated further in the fiery Sign of the Ram, the Aries
This unaided by the fact that
point is more of a boiling point
like a reheated meal, the
this month.
same deal keeps being served up at the table, but
As Aries rules the head, the
rather than over-baked, it
Sun and the heart, thus a
appears half-baked. As the
struggle ensues for this
general feeling seems these
‘brave-heart’, as there is
pages would be better as
continued friction between
‘pulp’, starting over again,
Europe and Britain and within
but this time listening to the
the UK itself, this explosive
‘common people, with the
energy bringing something of
current Cancer North Node
a ‘Brit pop’ you might say.
representing ‘citizen smith’ in general,
and the Capricorn South
Furthermore, Jupiter is overly
Node showing the
comfortable in Sagittarius,
establishment at a loss,
making it susceptible to over-
unaided by Capricorn Pluto
reaching and promising, as
and Saturn, the first
well as making that molehill
retrograding on the 25th,
into a mountain, but a
followed by the other as the
retrograde period makes that
month ends.
mountain impossible to climb, as progress is thwarted.
This new start and individual
While, Jupiter also faces
‘power to the people’
opposition all month from
reinforced by the 5th’s New
Mars in Gemini, there literally
Moon co-joining the Sun in
being a culture clash here, as
Aries, concerned with law and religion, philosophies, order, public life and
legalities and education is
persuasive speakers, as well
as musical talents. Though, this song and dance is far
As some are not able to ‘see
from over, as with auspicious
the wood for the trees’,
Jupiter retrograding from the
versus others who consider
11th, it will be difficult to
the whole landscape.
discern outward success.
This also affects day to day
However, the downside is
routines, travel, transport and
there is no Pisces sense of
living conditions of foreign
‘sleeping with the fishes’ now,
migrants, those in war torn
as Aries aggravates matters
countries and those weak and causing fire and fury, quite ill, with Neptune united with
literally in some cases, as
Mercury and Venus through
gun and knife incidents
the first half of April, the
continue to cause concern
unacceptable arrangements
and individuals start to re-
and lack of financial support
think their needs, rebelling
is highlighted.
against governments in Latin America especially. For
Though, once Mercury
‘nobody puts baby in the
progresses into Aries from
corner’, while an enlightening
the 17th, shortly followed by
Full Moon in Libra on the 19th
Venus on the 21st, Jupiter will seeks the truth, revealing the feel the benefit, giving the
discreet manoeuvring that
time it has to mull over ideas
has been occurring, ‘dirty
something of a light-bulb
dancing’ you might say. For
moment, aided by healing
this Moon uncovers, due to it
Chiron, particularly regarding
forming a square with other
Cardinal bodies.
Meanwhile, further
So this April, the East ecliptic
shockwaves are caused by
may have been intersected
Uranus now inhibiting Taurus, gaining daylight as opposed as it rocks those things we
‘to-night’, but it is more of an
hold as secure, as the Earth,
East meets ‘West-side story’,
property and banking,
as cultures clash and not
financial documents, food
everything is ‘free in
resources and supplies, along America’. While, ‘the sharks’ with pleasurable pursuits and
are circling West-minster and
our way of spending money is many need to cool their ‘jets’, shaken up. As not only are
as this April leaves us not
limitations placed on them,
quite certain where we are,
but the way we consume
but it is ‘somewhere!’
needs updating, this already having started with selfservice checkouts, eradication of paper money and e-currency. However, with the Sun joining Uranus from the 20th, there will be glitches occurring and more of a pull towards change.
Monthly Horoscopes for all Signs - April 2019
Aries 21 March - 20 April On one hand the Sun's journey through your sign until the 19th and the New Moon in Aries on the 5th, give you a wonderful opportunity to get on the front foot. This will be augmented by Mercury entering your sign on the 17th and Venus on the 21st. But with Jupiter retracing his steps on the 10th, any plans for expansion need to be tempered by what your worldly prospects and responsibilities demand. As much as you may want to follow your individual hopes, some expectations are possible too.
Taurus 21 April - 21 May The Sun powers into your sign on the 20th, and merges with the restless energies of Uranus. This is going to really prime and revitalise a planetary push which is encouraging you to step outside your comfort zone and pursue a more daring lifestyle. If your instinct is to stick with very much what you know, this may seem daunting, and if so, give yourself an opportunity to really consider what you want to keep in your world, and what you want to embrace that is new and promising.
Gemini 22 May - 21 June The goals and ambitions that you have can be supported by your ruler Mercury and also the charming energies of Venus. Your people skills are going to be very important to this, and the New Moon of the 5th gives you a fantastic opportunity to network well. Mars is also firing up your energy right throughout April, giving you a tremendous amount of drive. However, care will be needed in the last week as Neptune angles to Mars, and you may encounter someone who is a little tricky or unreliable.
Cancer 22 June - 23 July You may find yourself travelling for work or engaging in opportunities to improve your knowledge. In a spiritual context, a workshop or new approach can prove to be enlightening and also uplifting. The practicalities of your existence are going to come under the astral microscope with Jupiter's retrograde. Between now and August, this could see you juggling your obligations and cutting back on anything that's not essential. More social trends kick in from the 20th, and one friend could surprise.
Leo 24 July - 23 August You can find yourself thinking about or even booking a summer holiday, but somewhere with a touch of mystery may appeal more than somewhere that you have visited before. All month, you can find yourself drawn towards strands that open up your existence or your thinking. Connections with people at a distance are also enhanced positively. With fortune planet Jupiter in retrograde from the 10th though, your creative hopes will require a more considered approach through to your birthday.
Virgo 24 August - 23 September
If you’ve got plans to move or make any changes to where you live, someone's assurances in week two can turn out to be overstated. Analyse carefully what you're told. Once Mercury comes out of shadow on the 16th, greater clarity can be achieved. With the Sun powering into your sister earth sign of Taurus on the 20th joining with Uranus, you can find yourself in an enterprising frame of mind and may even make the decision to join a course, work further afield or start your own business.
Libra 24 September - 23 October Your interpersonal skills can truly sparkle this month Libra, first with the Aries New Moon of the 5th and then the arrival of Mercury and Venus on the 17th and the 21st respectively, in your sector of relationships. With Mars also pushing you to be more adventurous, active and inquisitive, if you do want to make closer links with others, it's likely that you can take the initiative. However, with the expansive Jupiter retracing his steps, important correspondence and emails will need care.
Scorpio 24 October - 22 November Your creativity continues to sparkle. And from the 20th, you can start to get really encouraging feedback from others. Just who can prove to be something of a surprise. In fact, a completely new dawn for your relationships is created from week four for you Scorpio. This could see you break free of a tie that has been restrictive and oppressive, or see you embrace a new approach which encourages you to take your personal freedom or need for greater excitement and stimulation more seriously.
Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December There continues to be a lot of activity around the foundation of your existence. Making sure you're "on the money" around your resources, is going to be particularly important to you, and especially how this affects your home life, organisation and sense of comfort and security. But a more playful surge is possible too. It's just with your ruler Jupiter, beginning its retrograde on the 10th, any planned expansion will need to go forwards on a step-by-step and thoughtful basis Sagittarius.
Capricorn 22 December - 20 January You may find yourself putting into action some changes to where you live this month. This could be by redecoration, moving furniture around, working on your garden or moving altogether. Then again, it's possible you may consider working from your abode. Feeling organised and creative will inspire you. But more sociable possibilities come in from the 20th. You are known for being steadfast and constant, but from then, you may surprise yourself and others by becoming much more spontaneous.
Aquarius 21 January - 19 February This is probably not the best of months to be too loose with your spending. It's not just that Jupiter the planet of expansion, goes into a retrograde, it also forges right angles with both Venus and Mercury, suggesting caution is going to be the best policy. What is going to change is a step up and an increase of mental activity, and your mind can be absolutely buzzing with possibilities. But if you feel restless from the 20th for a week, you may find yourself more outspoken with friends or family.
Pisces 20 February - 20 March This can be a month when your financial situation improves, but this will require some careful marshalling of your resources. With both Mercury and Venus in your sign squaring up to the planet of expansion Jupiter, you may be tempted by some big ticket items. But Jupiter hits the brakes on the 10th, suggesting that any big goals and ambitions will need careful thought and actions. However, your ideas’ zone absolutely sparkles with energy from the 20th to the 26th, when you can be so inspired.
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The Tarot Card for April is The Hierophant. The Hierophant, sometimes known as The Pope, represents accepted teaching and knowledge. He is the sort of chap who thinks in a logical manner and is perhaps a little unimaginative, dare we say - dull. He is a conservative soul who likes things done the traditional way, and when he appears in your life, its best to play by the accepted rules. Whether you are worried about a relationship, bothered about business or fussed over a family issue, The Pope suggests that the best way forward is by following the norms of your society.
Furthermore, he encourages you to work as part of a team rather than breaking away from your peers in an act of defiant individualism. His appearance may also suggest you need to get some professional advice. You could also benefit from the reappearance of an old friend in your life who can offer you some wise insights. It may be, of course, that it is you who is asked for your opinion on a subject. If so, base you counsel on the facts and a pragmatic approach, rather than offering solutions based on emotion or radical new theories. The Pope reminds you that you may need to stick determinedly to your own values and beliefs but, equally, to remember that you should accept that other folks have the right to disagree with you.
Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one, and yes, when the Strength card appears, it can simply be that our physical condition is improving, which is why it is so welcome to those who have suffered poor health. Of course, if tarot cards were that straight forward everyone would be a tarot reader, so we need to think about strength in a more profound way.
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