Patrick Arundell Astrology Monthly Magazine - March 2019

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WELCOME Hello & Welcome to your FREE March Astrology Magazine.

A whole raft of energies shimmer in the sign of Pisces. This sees Neptune, the ruler of the sign, combine with the Pisces New Moon on the 6th and with Mercury in Pisces (in detriment) going into a retrograde on the 5th, sensitivity will be heightened, but so can the potential for confusion. Still, Uranus moves into Taurus also on the 6th, and that is very exciting for environmental and ecological reform

With warm wishes for this Month, Patrick

Lily Collins birthday Star of film ‘Mirror, Mirror’, Lily Collins is the ‘fairest of them all’, more of an English rose than lily. As with natural onscreen beauty, this Lily seems to be springing up everywhere and picked for everything, from modelling and presenting to writing, acting and like her old dad, singing a note or two! Though, not in her father’s shadow, she does seem to have the ‘invisible touch’ of Musician, Phil’s talent, or can the seeds of this ‘genesis’ be found in her natal chart! For born with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and North Node altogether in watery Pisces, this combination means life and love appears to go along swimmingly for this ‘water-Lily’! As Venus bestows an ease here, in terms of communication, day to day living, appearance and in general, obtaining what one wants out of life.

As her father may have sung about not hurrying love and having to wait, ‘as love don’t come easy!’, but for daughter Lily, it really does. This evident by her big break into ‘showbiz’ at the tender age of two on BBC’s Growing Pains. While, her Leo Moon makes her instinctively at home under the bright lights, with an angular Pluto in Scorpio pushing her further into the spotlight. This strong Pluto placement also gives her a magnetic attraction, as well as an intense, dramatic quality, which needs channelling correctly in this lifetime. This making her perfectly equipped to take on many different parts and challenges, from Fantine in the BBC’s recent adaptation of ‘Les Miserables’ to Ellen in Netflix’s anorexia drama, ‘To the Bone’ and Serial Killer, Ted Bundy’s girlfriend in the new cinema release.

This aided by lucky Jupiter and action orientated Mars both in adaptable Gemini, allowing her to quickly learn new skills and reinforcing the ability to get where she wants to in life, with her plentiful Pisces Planets providing the momentum to drive her on. This aided by disciplined Saturn and creative Neptune together in Capricorn, along with Uranus giving her originality. This making now a significant time in her life, with transiting Capricorn Planets, including Saturn’s return activating her Natal Planets, this acting as a ‘Lily pad’ to springboard her career, as across the ‘Pond Lily’ finds her status elevated as well as in the UK, meaning she is a ‘Lily of the Valley’ and far beyond!

march Forecast Last month may have been about Valentine's and dating, but this month is concerned with that all important date and big break-up! For if February was about snuggling up and watching ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’, March is more about ‘Brexit and tiffs a many’! Although, both plots arising some might say out of what transpires after a disastrous date. However, will the 29th March bring a speedy break-fast or be drawn out into ‘the long goodbye’?

Well, looking at the

As this month, Europe

planetary movements this

may be left thinking of ‘the

March, it seems that ‘Moon

one that got away’,

River’ is still dominating

whereas the UK may wish

proceedings, as with the

they gave it another try!

Sun still floating along in watery Pisces as the month

For you could say this

opens until the 20th,

March it is more a case of

accompanied by idealistic

‘romancing the stone’, as

Neptune riding along beside

idyllic natured Piscean

it. It really is a case of ‘two

Planets literally find

drifters off to see the world’.

themselves run aground,

Though, as the song goes,

facing an iceberg in the

this pair may find

form of down-to-earth

themselves less ‘dream

Mars in Taurus and

maker’ and more ‘heart

sobering Capricorn

breaker’ this March, as they

Planets. These in the

may find cracks begin to

shape of Saturn and the

show in their fanciful way of

North Node, as they now

viewing things as the month

slowly move in touching

draws on.

distance of Pluto.

Therefore, bringing a stark

this mix can create an

reality check to the

atmosphere of panic and

proceedings so far, as this

paranoia or deception and

month feelings need to be put

avoidance, perfectly

to one side to an extent, in

exemplified by the current

order to achieve any sense of

stockpiling of resources in the

practical progress. Hence,

UK. Along with Neptune’s

utilised effectively, these

influence, contributing to a

planetary energies can be

lack of clarity over access to

combined, turning dreams into

its goods, such as medicines,

reality. This especially by

water, oils and so forth. Thus,

harnessing the attributes of

working against each other

Neptune in Pisces and Saturn

these Planets can generate

in Capricorn, as they both

great chaos and turmoil, as

currently function in their

Saturn creates divisions, quite

natural environments. This

literally in the US/Mexico

combination together capable

border conflict and leaving the

of providing sensible solutions

EU and its border

for those who are vulnerable

controls. Whereas Neptune

and in need, but not

seeks to dissolve boundaries,

channelled correctly,

so it is important to find a common thread to unite these conflicting attributes.

Though, this may prove tricky

to go back-over matters, wait

this month, as from the 6th,

and double-check. So this

everyday Mercury

Pisces water-baby may find

retrogrades in Pisces,

itself treading water or doing

affecting movement and

the backstroke, as progress

communications in all its

is something of a front crawl.

form, including individual

Furthermore, under this

thought processes. For

Pisces retrograding phase, it

Mercury and Pisces together

is likely finer details will be

is already something of ‘a fish

overlooked, as individuals

out of water’, being difficult to

get swept away by big ideas

fathom out. However, now

and initiating new ventures,

these little fishes find

due also to the 6th bringing

themselves canned in, so to

a New Moon in Pisces too.

speak, restricted by this

This particularly linked to

stationary period. As

business, public office and

retrograde episodes throw ‘a

the area of religion. Though,

spanner in the works’, as

on a positive note, this lunar

things never go as expected,

activity should help

instinct governing logic at

illuminate defects affecting

these times. These acting as

those less fortunate and the

interludes when it is

suffering of the masses.


This further accentuated by

co-joining Saturn and Pluto,

ethical Sagittarius in ruling

but at odds with Uranus. So

Jupiter all month, this

those in authority may

placement heightening

experience an unexpected

pressure around religious and shock when finalising costs, foreign affairs, as hidden and

especially in relation to the

deep-rooted issues relating to needs of the older generation. refugees, asylum seekers

This becoming a wide-scale

and the Vatican among

worry when Venus advances

others, continue to unravel.

into Aquarius, as the Sign

This reaches fever pitch by

highlights financial resources

the last day of the month,

for society in general, as well

when Mars leaves Taurus

as the travel and electronic

and enters Gemini to oppose

industry. With further

Jupiter and aggravate

pressure and unanticipated

Neptune. This brings an influx problems created by the of uncontrollable concerns to

position of Mars in Taurus

the forefront and onto

until the month’s end, joined

people’s doorsteps. While

by Uranus in Taurus from the

money matters continue to

6th. This causing

cause anxieties this month,

frustrations, and potentially

as Venus begins March on

extreme violence and

the last degree of Capricorn

eruptions of all kinds,

as like a ‘bucking bronco’,

So March is a month full of

Mars and Uranus react

conflicts, revelations,

against the slow, stubborn,

upheavals and backwards

plodding energy of that

motions, as nothing may

Taurus bull. These tensions

seem to go right until Mercury

over-spill even more into the

turns direct from the 29th now

public domain as the month

co-joining Venus in Pisces,

carries on, when Uranus

but still clashing with Mars in

already at 0 degree Taurus

Gemini opposing Jupiter on

comes into contact with the

the last day. Therefore, this

Cardinal Signs of Aries and

month we may be all ‘after

Libra. As from the 21st, the

the same rainbow’s end’, but

Sun enters Aries to the

first there is some ‘waiting,

month’s close, with the Full

round the bend’. Therefore,

Moon also at 0 degree Libra

this month it seems best to

on the 21st. So expect

veer on the side of caution, in

dramatic changes and

other words ‘jolly go-lightly’!

outcomes, especially with Brexit, legal and authority figures opposing the individual and those who go it alone.

Monthly Horoscopes for all Signs - March 2019

Aries 21 March - 20 April Lovely Venus moves into your sector of friendships on the 2nd, and despite the fact that there is a big emphasis on the most spiritual and reflective area of your situation in the early part of March, this points towards needing to cultivate those links that are based on sincerity and sensitivity. However, once the Sun moves into your sign on the 21st at the time of the Spring Equinox, you can take a firmer grip on your life direction. Yet clearing up any loose ends is likely to be a theme this month. Call one of our team to find out more and get the most out of this exciting time…

Taurus 21 April - 21 May Your friendships, connections and even primary causes, are going to take centre stage this month. The New Moon on the 6th, creates a very idealistic backdrop, and with Uranus moving into your sign on the same day, there can be a sense of new beginnings. But with Mercury rotating backwards from the 5th through to the 27th, it may feel like one step forwards and one step backwards at times. Fortunately, two very motivational influences from the 10th through to the 24th, can see you overcome many obstacles. Contact one of our sincere team of psychics for greater insights…

Gemini 22 May - 21 June Your creative talents can take you far this month Gemini. Although your ruler Mercury is in retrograde for three weeks from the 5th of March, it's possible this points you towards refocusing your energies and efforts into areas which are more richly rewarding and uplifting. If you have any interest in personal development or embracing a more spiritual approach to life, your situation can also benefit from an openness to new ideas or people. This can also be a month where past efforts pay off financially. Our sensitive team is waiting to guide you...

Cancer 22 June - 23 July On the back of a wonderful New Moon and its conjunction with dreamy Neptune on the 6th, your appreciation of travel, history, philosophy, film and photography can be absolutely scintillating this month. This is going to help you to apply your imagination in lots of positive ways. With Uranus joining with Mars in Taurus, this and some novel new associations and friendships can emerge. And the Vernal Equinox on the 21st, can see you show the leadership and confidence that makes a real difference. Call our team to gain insight on how to deal with any uncomfortable situations...

Leo 24 July - 23 August With Mercury re-tracing his steps on the 5th to the 27th, be as attentive as possible around long-term plans, business interests and shared finances. But your diplomacy is boosted by the role of Venus, and this also can help to create a more harmonising atmosphere around relationships of all kinds. Mars is also asking you to take your talents seriously, and when Uranus moves into Taurus on the 6th, you may start to think more creatively about the type of work or life role that you can fulfil. Call one of our supportive team of psychics to unlock this month’s true potential...

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

You can find yourself with a real gift to sense how others are feeling this month, and this asset can help you to navigate any relationship issues that you encounter. And there can be crossed wires. Why? Well, this is because your ruler Mercury is in retrograde from the 5th to the 27th, and therefore it's possible that you may resolve a longer term issue successfully, at last. The chance to travel, take part in sports activities or be more adventurous in your interests, is also likely to show up Virgo. Call one of our team to discover your destiny...

Libra 24 September - 23 October Your compassionate nature can be much to the fore this month, and if you work in a care or health arena, your skills have a chance to really shine. But you can also bring a lot of warmth and encouragement to any interactions you have with others. If you're single, your ruler Venus's journey through your sister air sign of Aquarius from the 2nd to the 26th, is a chance to mix and mingle. You may even find yourself making some bold moves around property, where you live and who with. Call for a one to one reading to find out what’s in store financially for you...

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November Look to invest time and energy in the things that really give you real pleasure. You could get some surprisingly good feedback and connections from others this month, as your relationships enter a much more dynamic period of your life. True, there may be some dates that are arranged and then changed, but your two rulers of Mars and Pluto connect brilliantly from the 19th to the 24th, when your ideas, enthusiasm and drive, can spark and inspire the people you come into contact with. Call for a confidential chat to help you stay focused...

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December The more home loving side of your nature can develop this month, but even if you're a bornagain traveller, you may find yourself wanting to hunker down, and give yourself time to think and reflect about the foundations of your world. You can be particularly sensitive to your environment, but this could also see you make some excellent changes which can add to its comfort and organisation. Mind, there could be some mixed signals from a family member, but Venus will help you to smooth out any issues. Call us to understand your romantic situation in full...

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January Pluto, the planet of passion and power, is hugely influential, angling brilliantly to the planet of expansion and fortune Jupiter all month, and linking well with the Sun from the 10th to the 16th and Mars from the 19th to the 24th. All of this is going to give you the opportunity to inject your situation with decisive moves, energy and personality. Uranus moves to join Mars in Taurus, and this and the New Moon, can see you engaging with others in a really upbeat way, whilst finances are blessed by Venus. Call us now for help and guidance around romance...

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February You may or may not be a dedicated follower of fashion, but as Venus joins your sign on the 2nd, the chances are you're going to give your personal appearance a complete makeover. Also, be aware that if you're solo, more than one person can show an interest in you this month, which can do wonders for your self-confidence. This can also be a month when the past comes back to you in a very positive way. Injustices can be righted, and hard work finally be recognised and rewarded. Contact one of our psychics for in-depth enlightenment...

Pisces 20 February - 20 March The New Moon in your sign on the 6th, is an opportunity to re-cast and re-energise the strands of your situation which are important to you. Some new beginnings can also shape up. Because Neptune your co-ruler is allied to this New Moon, your sensitivity and imagination can be real assets, but also you can find yourself connecting with others in a very chatty, upbeat and bright way, particularly from the10th through to the 16th. From the Spring Equinox, tangible evidence of your progress will emerge. Call one of our insightful psychics to find out if there's even more in store...

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Welcome to my Monthly Horoscope Videos. Please CLICK on your ZODIAC SIGN BELOW for your FREE Horoscope Video Reading. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces...


March stars off with the Zodiac Sign of Aries until the 20th of the month. The tarot card that is linked with Aries energy is The Emperor. The Emperor appears to have leapt up from his throne and be about to blaze into action. He is not in the first flush of youth, but he is an active, decisive man who is willing and able to take control of a situation.

The Emperor is a born leader and his presence in a reading, points to issues relating to leadership, authority, power and sometimes fatherhood. When this card appears upright in a reading related to business or your ambitions, you can be sure you have the drive and determination to reach your goals. Yet, it can also suggest that you lack finesse when exercising your power and this could alienate those around you - remember the saying - ‘be nice to the folks you pass on the way up the ladder, since you are sure to meet them on the way down’. Fortunately, the chance of you slipping down the slimy slide of success is small now. When The Emperor is in the upright position, vocational satisfaction is highly likely, as long as you have self-discipline and determination. Even upright, The Emperor is a rather unsettling card to appear in relationship related readings, as when it does, it tells us to follow our head instead of our heart. It also suggests you are drawn to a dominant person or someone who is a real ‘go-getter’, who is likely to be reliable, and whilst this is not a bad thing, they may also be inscrutable or at worst, cold.


Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one, and yes, when the Strength card appears, it can simply be that our physical condition is improving, which is why it is so welcome to those who have suffered poor health. Of course, if tarot cards were that straight forward everyone would be a tarot reader, so we need to think about strength in a more profound way.

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