Patrick Arundell Astrology Magazine July 2019

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it's Benedict Cumberbatch's Birthday! read his personal horoscope



Horoscope forecast

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WELCOME Hello & Welcome to your FREE July 2019 Astrology Magazine...

Balancing our need to feel secure, settled, protected and nurtured, against demands of fast moving political, world and work changes are likely to be the challenge this month. Still, Mars' glorious transit through Leo, adds some real glam and glitz to proceedings too.Â

With warm wishes for this Month, Patrick

Benedict Cumberbatch's birthday

It was ‘Sherlock’, the BBC series that turned Benedict

Cumberbatch into a worldwide phenomenon, which seems apt looking at his natal chart, as he certainly is under ‘The Sign of Four’! As born not only with a Sun in Cardinal Sign, Cancer, the 4th zodiac Sign, Benedict also has major planets in the other Cardinal positions, activating all four angles of his birth chart. For his Ascendant co-joins intense Pluto in deliberating Libra opposing Benedict’s impulsive Aries Moon, while an emotional Cancer Sun and Midheaven vie against a logical Capricorn Ic. So, in a sense, Benedict is ‘elementary’, fluctuating between these elements, making it tricky to distinguish the real him.

Subsequently, like the award-winning ‘Frankenstein’ Cumberbatch brought to life, he really is an individual formed from many divergent parts! Though, one thing you can say is that, he may play a ‘private eye’, but with this Cardinal configuration, he seems destined to be in the public eye! However, with his Sun in protective Cancer, he really is more of the ‘private I’, wishing to keep home life under wraps. This reinforced by natal Mars, which not only resides in reserved Virgo, but its 12th House position emphasises the need at times to retreat from the world or mull over actions. As the subconscious strongly influences behaviour here, making it difficult for even the individual to understand their motives.

Although, this can be effectively utilised through creative channels, making Cumberbatch an expert at ‘The Imitation Game’ of acting, stimulated by an artistic Neptune in Sagittarius, grounded in everyday life. While Uranus and a significant degree North Node in Scorpio highlight Cumberbatch’s ability to find worth, both financial and self, through an unusual avenue, with Taurus Jupiter signifying luck via aesthetic pursuits. Though with a South Node Taurus also, Benedict needs to find a balance in life.

This further underlined by everyday Mercury, indulgent Venus and restrictive Saturn all in Leo, again illuminating the spotlight, as his path to success. Though, it is the overbearing power of Pluto upon Benedict’s Ascendant, which seems to govern his chart, this giving him the capability to transform himself, playing anything and everything. As well as giving him a magnetic attraction and large fan following, but perhaps at times possibly inner turmoil. This perhaps coming out into the open with future transiting planets, as he faces dramatic changes from an opposing Uranus transit. While Jupiter increases creativity, but creates confusing times and health issues before moving into Capricorn uniting his 4th House, to radically impact his Cardinal Signs, as move of residence and a key career move are up-and-coming, especially from early February 2020.

July Forecast

July is normally the month to bathe in the Sun, splash about and put another ‘shrimp on the BBQ’. However, this month it seems the Sun is bathing in Water Sign Cancer, as this Mutable Sign creates a splash, with this hardshelled crustacean giving, rather than getting, the grilling! July is normally the month to bathe in the Sun, splash about and put another ‘shrimp on the BBQ’. However, this month it seems the Sun is bathing in Water Sign Cancer, as this Mutable Sign creates a splash, with this hard-shelled crustacean giving, rather than getting, the grilling!

Why might this be? It might

And during this stint,

seem that the majority of

remember you will not see

planets seem to have packed

things the way you usually do.

up and gone away for the

So, it is best to keep those

summer but really it is more

shades on and take cover,

complex. As Jupiter, Saturn,

putting off for tomorrow what

Neptune and Pluto are all in

does not have to be done

retrograde this month.

today! However, in reality, this

However, from the 7th, they

is not possible, so during this

are also joined by day to day

interlude, we need to take

energies of Mercury which

time to double-check and

also turns retrograde, with the

clarify words and actions

potential to cause chaos,

taken and prepare for

commotion and

unforeseen consequences.

calamities. Mercury in Leo, a sign known for seeking out the full glare of the limelight, is instead wearing shades for ten days, until it rewinds into Cancer from the 19th.

As with a break away from the

Thereafter, affecting those

norm it is not unusual to get a

with personal Planets here or

stomach upset. Well, you

in the Cardinals of Capricorn,

could say the same for a

Aries and Libra. Put simply,

Mercury retrograde

Leo is associated with the

occurrence, as during this

child and childlike activities,

chapter your gut is normally

whereas Cancer is the

signalling you to act in a

mother, nurturing and the

certain way, and it is best to

home. Of course, this is very

follow this at these times, as

simplistic, but these areas will

logical thinking is skewed.

no doubt be affected under

This particularly applies to

this retrograde period.

those individuals who have Leo personal planets and those in the other Fixed Signs of Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio, as well as areas governed by the Sign of Leo, until the 19th, when it is the turn of the watery Sign of Cancer and the matters this Sign rules.

As the Cancer idea of home

For those usually with the

is extended to matters

Midas touch, will find after

concerning our sense of a

this transit is over, the

homeland, domestic

saying ‘all that glitters is not

situations or professions, as

gold’ will definitely apply.

well as those in caring fields,

So, there may not be gold,

along with the collection of

but retrograde movements

things, whether this be people

can be priceless, as for this

gathered together, antiquities

episode, it is rather a ‘short

accumulated or drops of

break’ away in an ‘immobile

water as the sea’s and

home’ from everyday affairs,

Moon’s movements are

but do not forget that this

significant. While, Leo relates

stationary period begins to

to children and activities

influence events before it

involving them, pleasurable

begins and long after it is

pursuits, the entertainment

gone. For it should be

industry and holiday sector,

remembered that no-one is

as well as those heads of

fully ‘out of the shadows’ of

state and those with wealth

Mercury retrograde’s hold

and power or who have

until Mercury passes the

professions where these

degree at which it first turned

entities pass through their

retrograde, this not being


until mid-August.

However, this can be a

Therefore, under this period, it

golden period in a sense, as it may not be easy to see is a great time to ruminate

another’s strategy, in terms of

and re-think past endeavours, where they are coming from or as the old adage goes ‘every

heading to. This evident from

cloud has a silver lining’,

the start of the month, as July

especially if you need to re-do opens with Mars just getting something. For if you are

ready to leave this Sign, as

going back over events, this

Venus is preparing to enter it.

time it should work. Whilst, meanwhile the Sun So, with a plethora of planets

finds itself pincer gripped by

in retrograde mode this

this Crab until the 22nd, uniting

month, a different way of

with a retrograde Mercury from

approaching matters is

the 19th, as well as the Moon’s

necessary. This made all the

North Node and a New Moon

more apparent by Cancer’s

on the 2nd. Whereas, on the

sway this month, as like its

other end of the spectrum, the

symbol, the Crab, the sign of

Capricorn South Node finds

Cancer likes to deal with

itself still co-joining a

affairs indirectly, taking a

retrograde Saturn and Pluto,

side-on position.

but also a Full Moon on the 16th.

Therefore, with this Cardinal

Whereas conversely, Mars in

collision, there is a growing

fiery Leo, could see others more

swell of people beginning to

on the ‘inflatable’ scale, as they

realise that power is in their

begin kicking up a fuss. This

own hands, and it is not just

particularly relating to the

an entity purely for the elite to younger generation, who may gain from or those seeking

also discover this fiery energy

fame. So, there is something

finds an outlet through

of a pool party this July, as

unexpected infections this

individuals begin to pool

month. This not aided by

together and unite as one.

conflicting Uranus in Taurus,

While, with many planets in

causing unexpected eruptions

reflection this month, we may

and disruptions, heightened

see two differing modes of

even further by the Sun entering

expression this July, as some Leo from the 23rd, but choose Cancer’s starry-eyed

smoothed slightly by the

escapism from the mundane

presence of harmonious Venus

everyday and life’s restrictive

from the 28th. So, it is said that


‘time and tide wait for no man’, but what about ‘no body’, as this July, the heavenly bodies are turning back time and seem to be turning the tide of opinion!

Monthly Horoscopes for all Signs - July 2019

Aries 21 March - 20 April Are you ready to ride the winds of change? This month begins with a fiery blast, as Mars moves into creative and romantic Leo. It’s time to take your leisure time seriously and put yourself in the spotlight. There is also a cosy, domestic vibe, and yet with two Eclipses in play, this and your sector of goals is where change is set to take place. You may want to move, start a new job or perhaps start a family. As Mercury rewinds though, a steady pace can avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.

Taurus 21 April - 21 May The way you put things across can be crucial, particularly if dealing with sensitive strands. You may have to deal with a topic that requires discussion, and this could lead to powerful decisions and usher in positive changes. There is no harm in abandoning one plan, if it brings you closer to what you truly want. Home and family life are pleasantly active, and entertaining can bring out the best in you. However, with Mercury reversing, discussions with siblings or neighbours can prove fluid.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June Ready for a positive shift regarding your resources? This month, you’ll be ready to be more proactive to do so. The Solar Eclipse in your money zone on July 2nd, can encourage you to step up your activities to increase income and get more organized. Mind, with the planet of talk and thought reversing this month, think twice before committing to big ticket items. July can also be a good time to socialize and promote your best plans. Yet with Jupiter and Neptune squaring, follow up on any pledges.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July Relationships can be a dance this month, but remember Cancer, it takes two to tango. With two Eclipses influencing your relationships, it’s time to be the initiator of those changes you wish to see. Others might not like it, but if you set the right tone, they will likely be open to talk. Don’t deny yourself small treats, as a pampering session can do you the world of good. It’s wise to avoid impulsive purchases though. Even so, by selling unwanted items, extra cash could be yours to save or spend.

Leo 24 July - 23 August From July 1st, you’ll have more energy to initiate plans, attend to your love life and to socialize. Your dreams could influence you more than usual, and powerful stirrings could be a call to listen to your heart. What do you really want? Now is the time to figure it out. You may need to jettison activities that no longer interest you, and could feel better for it. From week three, you’ll be truly in your element as the Sun roars into your sign, and quite literally will fire up your vitality, key hopes and drive.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

What are friends for? Companionship is the obvious answer, but they can also point out flaws with the best of intentions. If someone you’ve known for ages tells you a home truth, embrace it, as it could be the beginning of a positive phase. And being willing to let go of a mindset that works against you is the mark of an aware person. Dreams and spiritual activities can contribute much to your life, and learning to meditate might also help. Your links to the past can see you more sentimental as the month ends.

Libra 24 September - 23 October Ready to make a splash? Acting from integrity and following your instincts, can heighten your vibration and get you more noticed, and from it a golden opportunity can follow. If you take steps to initiate a goal that is personal to you, be justifiably proud. Do let your family in on your plans, as they could object if you don’t. With talk and thought Mercury rewinding from the 7th, there could be delays, so be patient. Socializing though, can prove uplifting. Solo? Someone you encounter can have soul mate potential.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November If you’ve had dreams of exploring far-flung places, influences this month can push you to do something about it. A turbo charged lunation on July 2nd, can kick start a chain of events that could see your plan become a reality. The only thing that might hold you back is your own selfdoubts. Changing your mindset could stop you sabotaging your intentions. This is also a time to showcase your natural genius and promote your skills as the world is waiting, but clear communication is essential.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December Be prepared to go deep, as the cosmos encourages you to let go of aspects of the past that may be blocking the flow of love and goodness into your life. If you need to work with a professional to do so, it can be a catalyst for positive change. It may be time for old values and beliefs to be replaced by more lifeenhancing ones. The urge to expand your horizons may be equally strong. Do reach out to new and exciting opportunities, but know your priorities could quickly change Sagittarius.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January With the Point of Destiny as well as a Solar Eclipse in your sector of relating, being willing to meet others half way can enhance your relationships. By resisting, your options could begin to diminish Capricorn. A developing focus on your sector of transformation suggests that working through the issue that drains you most could also be very beneficial. Shared resources and business interests can be impacted positively by Mars, and later in the month the Sun and Venus, but do double check the small print.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February Are you doing what you want to do, or what others expect you to do? It’s possible that by following your passion, you’ll feel happier and might even be better off. It’s time to be true to yourself even if doing so does cause a temporary storm. You’ll also be keen to take an active part in group plans, as this is a time for teamwork rather than going it alone. Someone you encounter can have a splendid understanding of your deeper psyche, and give you some wonderful pointers to heal a wound.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March The early Solar Eclipse can spark a surge in creativity, and may inspire you to take up a hobby or learn a new skill. It’s also possible that you might fall in love at this time, and if so, hold on to your celestial hat! Developing healthier habits can also appeal, if you are ready to take your wellbeing to the next level. Working on a key goal or project? Keep track of the details to avoid unnecessary snafus. If you have work or health appointments this month, double check that you have the right details.

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Welcome to my Monthly Horoscope Videos. Please CLICK on your ZODIAC SIGN BELOW for your FREE Horoscope Video Reading. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces...


Remember the Three Wise Monkeys - they saw no evil, heard no evil and spoke no evil. Well, The High Priestess is a bit like them, she knows what is going on, but as she sits there quietly observing the world from her sanctuary, she says nothing. By sitting and watching, The High Priestess is able to discover the root cause of an individual’s actions and what it is that makes them tick. In modern terms, she is the ultimate psychologist.

Because of this, she can also act as a gateway to the subconscious and all other realities. The High Priestess reminds us that logical thought has its limits and that gut instinct, dreams and dimly recalled memories can be equally important at this time. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that these insights may be revealed by another person rather than to you directly. The High Priestess can also suggest that a secret is about to be exposed, or that unknown facts and hidden influences are playing a part in your life at the moment. It is important for you to look behind the veil of life’s illusions and what might appear to be the obvious or hard facts, and accept that life has its mysterious side too.


Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one, and yes, when the Strength card appears, it can simply be that our physical condition is improving, which is why it is so welcome to those who have suffered poor health. Of course, if tarot cards were that straight forward everyone would be a tarot reader, so we need to think about strength in a more profound way.

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