Patrick Arundell Astrology Magazine August 2019

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Horoscope forecast

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WELCOME Hello & Welcome to your FREE August 2019 Astrology Magazine...

The Sun and Venus forge the most delicious alliance this month, and with Mercury AND Jupiter from the 12th, set to go forwards from retrogrades, a much brighter and more upbeat month can be in store.

Warm wishes for this month Patrick

Jennifer Lawrence's  birthday Do you follow 'the letter of the law', the letter J, as in J-Law? Well, award-winning Actress, Jennifer Lawrence, appears to follow her own 'Playbook' being 'a law unto herself', gaining more than just 'Silver Linings' and netting gold! This coming easy to this Sun Sign Leo, a Zodiac Sign not only associated with the element gold, but also creating 'TV gold'. For Leos are natural born entertainers with a flair for the dramatic. While for Jen this is multiplied, as she not only has her South Node in Leo, bringing these inherent gifts into this lifetime, but affable Venus in Leo too. This means the path to success is even smoother, as well as making her a 'Joy' and beauty to be around. Although, her luck does not stop there, as with lady luck Planet Jupiter, closely positioned near Venus, life and all its benefits fall into Jennifer's hands.

This especially because money Venus is around the millionaire's degree, at the finish of Cancer, as like Midas, it appears everything she touches turns to gold! Though, looking at Jennifer's whole natal chart, quicksilver dominates, making her mercurial in character, as she is cerebral, quick-witted, restless and full of nervous energy. Due to Jen possessing a Gemini Moon and communicative Mercury at home in Virgo, near a powerfully positioned Mc. This manifesting in social anxiety in early life, but the 'silver lining' now is that akin to her mutant shape-shifter X-Men character, Lawrence is something of a Mutable one, utilising these Mutable Sign's qualities through performance.

This spurred by a Mutable square, completed by her Sagittarius Ascendant and Pisces Ic, allowing her to instinctively absorb her surroundings. These acute observations informing her work, as Jennifer is something of a 'mocking J', never taking her work or self too seriously! However, there is 'hunger' behind the 'games', as she is capable of plummeting great depths and accomplishing great things, with hidden Pluto in Scorpio opposing a significant Taurus Mars, forming a fixed square too, with her Leo planets and Aquarian North Node. While, this Node signifies not only an independent spirit, but her influence, bringing her talents to a wider audience and giving ability to positively change humanity.

The weight of this she already embraces, perhaps as she shares with those of her generation, that 'Capricorn combo' of Saturn, Neptune and Uranus, instilling a desire to concretely improve society. Though, this period will further test this, with transiting Pluto, the nodes and her Saturn return, evident already in her announced engagement. However, she is set for further surprises, as Planets soon transit her natal Uranus and Leo Planets, followed by other personal Planets. So, she may have played mockingbird, raven and red sparrow, but this change will transform her into 'dark phoenix'!

august Forecast

The Sun may be shining in Leo from the start of August and especially in the Northern Hemisphere, but like a trip to the beach, we may find we are laden down with a lot more than we intended to bring along on this month's journey to bask under the Sun. Much of this coming from home, you might say, in the sense that the previous Moon Sign of Cancer and its association with the concept of security in all its forms, continues to loom large this month. This due in part to the two powerful Eclipses that accompanied last month's lunar activity. For as July saw us remember the first of Man's footprints on the Moon, you could say the Moon was leaving its print on us, causing some to take a 'giant leap' in some area of their life rather than a 'small step'!

This being particularly

Though, addressing these

momentous, due to these

matters may prove difficult this

Eclipses combining with the

month, as August opens with

karmic Moon's Nodal axis and

five Planets still in retrograde

the generational Planets of

motion, initially potential

Saturn and Pluto, having a

slowing things down.

universal and enduring effect.

However, on a positive note,

So, the implications of this

an initiating New Moon in Leo

lunar activity may not be fully

on the 1st of August and

obvious this month,

everyday Mercury turning

illuminations should bring

direct on the 2nd, moves

clarity. However, on a

proceedings forward like a

collective level, certain issues

well oiled production line, as it

are highlighted by these

speeds up movement and

Eclipses, such as the need for


change, accountability and limits, whether regarding social order; climate issues or migration and available resources.

By the 12th, Mercury has

Meanwhile, celebrities will hit

caught back up and clocked in

the headlines more than

on Leo's shift, shimmering

usual, with love affairs

alongside the powerhouse

seeming rife, and revelations

Leo Planets of the Sun,

and discontent has amassed.

Venus and Mars, united in this

These set to emerge by the

fun-loving playful Sign. Wow,

12th as Mercury enters Leo,

this means we will encounter

Sagittarius Jupiter turns direct

a few more days of burning

and shocking Taurus Uranus

charisma, but also potentially

indirect. For it seems no-one

some burning tempers. And

has emerged unscathed, as

this potential for flare-up’s can

hopes and wishes have either

see some more egotistical

not turned out as planned, or

personalities eagerly looking

not panned out as expected.

for attention, but also finds may find its pride (quite literally) rocked and need its ego stroked.

We may see some break-ups

Along with the recent

and heartaches that are of

Cancer/Capricorn Eclipses

surprise. While, changes

affecting a majority of

undertaken when these

people, as sudden changes

planets were retrograde will

are intensified and brought

not work out as previously

out into the open. For

envisaged. Indeed new UK

Eclipses always intensify a

premier Boris Johnson may

situation and bring a much

find his hopes for 'Brexit' not

needed turning point, but

what he desired. Though,

they need careful handling

whether he is able to unite a

when Mars or Saturn touch a

kingdom should become

vital degree in a person's

more apparent this month, as

Natal chart.

Mars in Leo activates the previous Leo/Aquarius Eclipse.

Whilst, this potential

but also unexpected budget

continues to be reinforced by

cuts and administrative

the Outer Planets this month,

problems too! This heightened

as they force you to revisit

by the Full Moon in Aquarius

matters not previously dealt

on the 15th, once again

with. For Capricorn Saturn

revealing the lack of

and Pluto, along with Pisces

humanitarian reform and

Neptune are all still

neglect going on, further

'remainers' in backward

reinforced in the latter part of

motion, emphasising past

the month by another New

mistakes and where

Moon in Virgo,

alterations are necessary. However, remember also on the 12th, Uranus turns retrograde too, stirring the melting pot and rubbing Leo planets up the wrong way. Add to the mix the concoction of a lot of earthy Planets, bringing not only monetary concerns into the open,

joining the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars, but opposing Neptune in Pisces. Once again there may be great focus on those in need that have been ignored for too long. With Jupiter now in a difficult aspect too, signifying the necessity for a new detailed approach towards the care of vulnerable people at the expense of red tape. So, this August, with the influence of the Eclipses, last month's Moonlight 'memories' cast a shadow, but the Sun akin to how the 'lamplight flickers', provides the promise of a 'new day dawning' in the 'circle of life'!

Monthly Horoscopes for all Signs - August 2019

Aries 21 March - 20 April With a major focus on your leisure zone, August has a very positive vibe. You may be eager to take up new hobbies, especially those that involve your creative skills. And if you love craft activities, this can be a particularly enjoyable time. Want to get noticed? Consider selling and promoting your work. From August 18th, cleansing and healing foods may appeal. You might enjoy gentle exercise, such as yoga or tai chi, that can balance your system, leaving you supple and at peace with the world.

Taurus 21 April - 21 May Ready to pour some positive vibrations into your home? An animated focus on your domestic zone can see you taking the time to beautify your place, to entertain and to catch up on any overdue maintenance jobs or DIY tasks. And if you feel like a little pampering, be sure to treat yourself. Cosmic influences emphasise more leisurely activities, so cultural events, art exhibitions or concerts can leave you uplifted and may inspire your own creative muse, leaving you eager to have a go.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June This can be a sociable and outgoing month, when networking and collaborating can bring many benefits. Have ideas to share? This is a great time to get support for your plans. And with outgoing Jupiter turning direct on August 11th, it’s plain sailing regarding any collaborations or team projects, with your hard work about to bear fruit. From August 18th, giving your abode a declutter and finishing up any decorative projects can prove rewarding. Free-thinking visitors may be a breath of fresh air.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July While it may be tempting to splurge, wise spending can see you getting the best value for money. Feel like a makeover? This can be an excellent investment that boosts confidence Cancer. Even so, the Full Moon on August 15th, can intensify feelings, so if you feel in need of some comfort, consider a massage or spa treatment to relax and unwind. Reading, writing and admin may keep you busy from week three. And there could be a meeting of minds that sparkles with a certain promise.

Leo 24 July - 23 August This is the month to relish being you and to revel in those things you enjoy most. By doing so, you are sending out a powerful vibe that can inspire others to live life with passion, the way you do. Make big gestures, enjoy being romantic and even dramatic, especially at the time of the Full Moon on August 15th. Planning an event? It could be a night to remember. Your finances can improve in the last ten days, so you may feel you can treat yourself to a healing treatment or some kind of lovely gift.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

Spiritual energies could inspire you to find closure on a relationship or other issue that may have been holding you back. And if you need a counsellor or confidante to help you, then their assistance can be invaluable. You’ll be very much in your element from week three, as the focus on your sign intensifies. Keen to get organized? It will help you to be more productive. Solo and looking for romance? A sparkling aspect on August 24th, could see you deeply attracted to someone.

Libra 24 September - 23 October This month brings some very special opportunities to socialize, make new friends and move in new circles. With expansive Jupiter pushing ahead from August 11th, the coming weeks can be excellent for team projects, promoting your ideas and getting support for your plans. From week three Libra, you may feel a draw to spend more time in reflection. Enjoy this opportunity to recharge, as it could be a restorative. Want to learn meditation or yoga? Doing so could be life-affirming.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November It’s time to claim the attention you deserve Scorpio. The more you put yourself out into the world, the bigger the rewards could be, with a promotion possible too. Finances are better starred from week two, and if you have put effort into a money-making venture, you should begin to see results. Your social life perks up from week three, and you can be drawn to those whose ideas and life direction chime with your idylls. Eager to move in new circles? This is your chance to expand your network of friends.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December Experiencing wanderlust? Getting away for a mini-break can be therapeutic Archer. Luck could strike from the 4th onwards, and if you are ready for new experiences, this is your chance to seize them. Plus, with expansive Jupiter your guide planet pushing ahead from August 11th, your efforts could begin to gain traction. There is much to be said for streamlining finances and business affairs. A willingness to dig deep and unblock stagnant emotions could allow money and love to flow in greater measure.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January You may have a flamboyant touch when it comes to handling those key areas of life such as deep soul bonds, money and business. Finding creative ways to close deals or to negotiate agreements could see you reaping rewards. But you’ll also be ready to travel and take on board new opportunities, even if they take you out of your comfort zone. Be prepared for unexpected, yet positive experiences. And a fascinating encounter can excite in the last ten days. A freer spirit can grip you.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February If a key bond has fallen into a rut, a dynamic lineup in your sector of relating, may add sparkle and liven things up. Need to clear the air? This is your chance to do so. And as electric Uranus rewinds in your home zone, it can be a call to rethink your strategy regarding a move or other major plans. This is no time to rush into anything. You may gain peace of mind by finding closure regarding an ongoing issue, as a gentle approach can free you from emotional entanglements.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March You may excel at work and business, as a very creative blend of energies can see you coming up with ideas that bring buoyancy and sparkle to plans. And if you have experienced delays regarding a goal or ambition, these will ease from the 4th, and progress should be easier. Your love life looks a lot more upbeat from week three Pisces, with the potential for a scintillating encounter or renewed passion around August 24th. August 30th is wonderful for re-booting your relationship hopes in general.

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Welcome to my Monthly Horoscope Videos. Please CLICK on your ZODIAC SIGN BELOW for your FREE Horoscope Video Reading. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces...


The Sun is a lovely cheerful card to find staring up at you from the tarot deck. When The Sun appears, it brings with it positive thoughts and the energy and drive to realize them. This is a time when communication is central, but as luck would have it, the channels for communication are running smoothly. When The Sun appears in a reading, thoughts and plans are crystal clear. Fortunately, with The Sun high in your sky, you will have confidence, drive, ambition and charisma to achieve your aims.

Nevertheless, you need to ensure you don’t use that charisma to be too pushy. You may think you know best, and to a point this may true, but you really shouldn’t try to bend everyone to your will. If you have questions regarding a romantic relationship, ask yourself if you are trying to change your loved one or are they trying to change you? Have you been having a difficult time recently? If so, you will be delighted to discover that your circumstances will change dramatically soon - a funfilled, carefree future awaits you. Keep your eyes open for a new relationship. This may not be a romantic revelation, in fact, it is more likely to be platonic, but it will be highly influential in your life. If you fancy tying the knot or starting a family, The Sun suggests this could be the ideal opportunity.


Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one, and yes, when the Strength card appears, it can simply be that our physical condition is improving, which is why it is so welcome to those who have suffered poor health. Of course, if tarot cards were that straight forward everyone would be a tarot reader, so we need to think about strength in a more profound way.

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