Patrick Arundell Astrology Magazine - May 2019

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it's Mark Zuckerberg's Birthday! read his personal horoscope




Horoscope forecast

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The electric energies of Uranus in Taurus provides copious amounts of potential sparkle this month as it links brightly with Mercury, Venus and Mars respectively. It's a month when we can enjoy and appreciate life's simple and earthy pleasures, or get seriously creative with our resources.

With warm wishes for this Month, Patrick

Mark Zuckerberg's birthday Usually to find hidden treasure X marks the spot, but in this case, Mark spotted the X, finding the missing gap in the market when Mark Zuckerberg created lucrative Facebook for generation Z. Though, looking at his natal map, it is Zuckerberg himself who is the hidden treasure! As born with his Sun in Venus ruled Taurus, the Sign of personal wealth, along with money Venus also at home in the Sign of the bull, material prosperity is pretty much assured for these individuals, with the influence of Venus providing the ease to attain it. While his Mercury at a significant degree, just leaving Aries into Taurus, provides the entrepreneurial impetus to succeed through a form of communications.

However, his motives are not so simple to identify, perhaps due to a deeply private Virgo Ascendant, also bestowing him with an outward mercurial duality. Therefore, it is not surprising that Zuckerberg is a divisive figure, to some modern day Robin Hood, sharing his fortunes through philanthropic endeavours such as ‘the giving pledge’. While to others, a pirate, not of the waves, but web, alleged to have participated in trading others’ personal information. A persona unaided by Mark’s Sun opposing his Moon, creating a (face)-book not to be judged by its cover! For outward actions are at odds with inner emotions, making Zuckerberg difficult to comprehend, further intensified by his Scorpio Moon co-joined by the three Malefic Planets of Mars, Saturn and Pluto, all united in Scorpio.

This combination in another individual could create ‘mal where’ ever in the world, but Zuckerberg has spun this ‘dark web’ into gold, utilising this planetary formation to transform society in a lasting way through his ‘social network’. Due to his Moon allowing him to be in sync with the public mood of the times, but these Scorpio Planets also reveal Zuckerberg as an iceberg of sorts, with hidden depths and intense impulses beneath. Though, these may well surface now, as Uranus in Taurus calls Mark’s character and financial status into question. This following past transits from Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn to Zuckerberg’s Natal Capricorn Jupiter and Neptune, emphasising this legal grey area, which he is certainly not yet out of. Due to this matter being replicated by transiting legal Jupiter in Sagittarius now joining Mark’s Natal Uranus and South Node, meaning Zuckerberg might find himself caught in a net!

May Forecast ‘I’ve been expecting you Mr Bond’, could well be a line applicable to the Sun this May. As the fifth month not only follows the announcement of the fifth and final Bond film featuring Daniel Craig, but it also sees the self-orientated combination of the Sun in Aries replaced by the reliable Sign of Taurus, whose bond is normally his word! However, this May, this Earth Sign is something of a bond breaker, or perhaps you might say ‘bull breaker’!

For May begins with the Sun

Due to the fact that the

in the Sign of Taurus the bull,

I.D. of this bull is called

but this month you could say

into question, as they

this is a ‘bull and chain’, as

seem unrecognisable,

this usually contented bull is

acting completely out of

looking for an ‘early release’


or to ‘bail’ from the restraints it is under.

As normally a creature of habit, loving routine and

This is no doubt due to the

security, it seems under

influence of the unpredictable

the persuasion of Uranus;

Planet, Uranus, having now

they become ‘safe

progressed into this typically

crackers’ of sorts, not

conventional Sign. This

willing to put up with the

meaning that what you have

status quo any longer or

come to expect from the Sign

cracks begin to show,

of Taurus is no longer to be

where otherwise you

expected, as it undergoes a

thought things were safe!

U-turn, a full 180, or what you might otherwise call a ‘bull’s I’!

Therefore, those with

So, for those who have been

personal Planets in Taurus or

something of a ‘bull dozer’

indeed in the other Fixed

simply stagnating, Uranus

Signs of opposing Scorpio,

may well give you the short,

Leo and Aquarius, should

sharp shock needed to move

undeniably feel the effects of

on in life. However, remember

this transition, many desiring

this does not apply to

change and a greater sense

everyone, as some feel

of personal freedom. As

securely parked in their

individuals may find

‘comfort zone’ and may find

themselves breaking free from

they are now towed away. For

current situations or

in short, if you are not willing

responsibilities, whether it is

to change, instead change

moving home, countries,

can be foisted upon you!

changing jobs or ending relationships and so on. In short, there is a definite sense of this bull bucking the trend, as matters are upended. This may well be a welcome change to some, as Planet, Uranus is also the ‘awakener’.

This can certainly be a more

this change in climate was

unpleasant experience,

literally about climate

initially creating disorder,

change, as revolutionary

through volatile,

Uranus combined with this

uncontrollable and chaotic

‘down-to-earth’ Sign saw the

events. Though, it is best to

collective take to the streets

think of Uranus as ‘the

in peaceful protest. This not

lightning bolt’ in the storm,

being a one-off episode

after which there are clear

though, as Uranus is here

skies ahead. Therefore, in the

for the long-haul and it

long-term, this should prove

seems now in Taurus, the

beneficial, allowing something

alarming as well as

new to be created. This is not

irreversible alterations to the

just on an individual level,

Earth’s resources, are

especially now that Uranus

beginning to sink in. This

has left ego-centric Aries, but

further accentuated by a

on a wide-scale basis. Due to

New Moon in Taurus on the

Uranus being one of the

4th, bringing new initiatives

Outer Planets, causing

and new ways to use funds,

generational transformation.

as well as everyday Mercury

Therefore, it is not surprising

progressing into Taurus from

that as Uranus and the Sun

the 7th, shortly followed by

united in earthy Taurus,

Venus from the 14th.

This shifts the focus away

Whilst, also making it difficult

from self to ‘self worth’ in all

for enduring plans and

its senses, as personal

alterations to go the way

finances, styling and our way

envisioned, especially

of communicating, undergo

regarding ‘Brexit’. However, by

an element of modification.

the 18th, the Full Moon in

Though, with all these

Scorpio should provide a

Planets in the clutches of

glimmer of hope, as old,

Uranus, expect things not to

outstanding payments are

turn out as expected,

settled and austere measures

particularly regarding

corrected and shady dealings

government fiscal matters, as brought to light. This further some may find they gain

reinforced by legal Sagittarius

more money, while others

still in Jupiter, emphasising

gain less. This further

foreign matters, though it is

accentuated by Capricorn,

also still in a retrograde phase

Pluto and Saturn, still in

hampering advancement. This

retrograde motion, as these

causing frustrations as May

Planets continue to sort out

commences with Mars in

past mistakes regarding over

opposing Gemini until the 15th,

and underpayments, but this

as well as affecting transport

stationary position hinders

overseas and creating travel



This not lessening as the

not just in Europe but in

month continues, as from the

countries such as Venezuela.

21st, the Sun and Mercury

As this combined Taurus and

instead oppose Jupiter, also

Uranus energy creates a ‘Venus

highlighting the media and

fly trap’ in order to escape the

strange weather conditions,

poverty trap. So, this May is

accentuated by Neptune still

more on a ‘May day, May day’,

in Pisces. Though, animosity

an emergency sign, and you

may have moved elsewhere,

could say that Astrology is kind

as from the 16th, Mars

of Sign language, much like the

proceeds into Cancer,

phonetic alphabet. And as May

opposing Saturn and Pluto

begins, we advance from ‘alpha’

and heightening the effects of to ‘uniform’, as we leave the the Moon’s nodes, as the

masculine Sign of Aries, first in

public become fed up with

line in the Zodiac and progress

leaders and politicians

into the second in command,

dictating their lives, while

the Sign of Taurus! However,

many of them live different

this month it appears there is a

lives themselves. This leading chink in the chain in command, to this month’s earthy Taurus

as the Sign of Taurus is no

Planets pushing a

longer staying in the ‘line of

‘grassroots’ kind of


politics, from the ground up,

Monthly Horoscopes for all Signs - may 2019

Aries 21 March - 20 April What do you really hold to be precious in your life Aries? This question is likely to be much to the fore this month, on the back of a glorious New Moon on the 4th. Try to visualize the things that will add to your sense of plentifulness. This doesn't have to be material, it can be a sense of your self-worth, the people you hold dear or good food and wine. If you are looking for excitement in your love life, week three would be a perfect time to embrace a fresh approach, or someone rather different.

Taurus 21 April - 21 May You are rightly respected for your steadfastness, and how you stick at things. You often provide the foundations for others to thrive. But this is a month when you have a unique opportunity to dazzle people with your personal brilliance. With your guide planet joining your sign, a Taurus New Moon and the electrifying power of Uranus, there is so much for you to go for. The last two weeks can also see you absolutely roar into action, in the most amazing of ways, which delights you and impresses your peers.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June This month can throw up some delightful surprises, not least from within your own realm, when your thinking can be inspired. This can see you make connections and evaluate opportunities in a very instinctive, but inspirational way. As much as you may have a particular plan, and it could turn out to be something you can work around, your capacity for flexibility and connecting with old alliances or talents, can see you surge forwards powerfully, especially from the 21st, when the Sun and your ruler Mercury, enter Gemini.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July The Full Moon on the 18th of this month, can be a prompt action to not sacrifice your personal identity or flair by being ruled by the expectations of others. Yet this could be tricky, because there is so much to be gained by being co-operative and collaborative. And also, the connections you make with rather more unusual people, strangely could turn out to be the most gratifying. A leadership or important team role could shape up in the most unexpected of ways in the last half of May, Cancer.

Leo 24 July - 23 August Recognition can just seem to seek you out this month, whether you're actively looking for plaudits or not. And the acclaim you receive could come in rather surprising ways, but this can make it all the more pleasing. However, if your life is configured in rather more of a dutiful way, there can be the prompt to be more dashing and daring in your approach. Someone may even make a suggestion to you in the last half of the month, which could be very different and really get you thinking.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September

Your fascination with new horizons is going to be particularly stimulated this month. This may see you in the mood to get away from it all, even on some kind of spontaneous basis. But equally, you may be in the mood to change things around your career. With both your ruler and the Sun providing great support in the last ten days, this would be the perfect time to apply for a job, attend an interview or to carry out a presentation. A completely unplanned coincidence could prove to be rather fortunate.

Libra 24 September - 23 October Weeks one and two, can be excellent for interacting with others, and there can also be opportunities to thrive around any business interests. Romantically, the connection between your ruling planet Venus and Uranus in week three, can lead to a charismatic connection, and one which can prove very beneficial to you. Changes on the home front are also to the fore, but you may find your need for space is accentuated in the last ten days, which can be a perfect time to explore, book that holiday or to embrace new hobbies.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November Your belief systems and interactions with others are still finely poised, with change and renewal possible all at once. All of this can impact your relationships with others, and a beautiful New Moon on the 4th and the connection between Uranus, Venus and Mars from the middle of the month, can reinvigorate your enthusiasm for relationships of all kinds, and also see you be much more daring and spontaneous in your approach. Transformations can sweep into your situation in the last ten days of May.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December A sensitive lunation midmonth, can give you a lot of food for thought, particularly about how others perceive you, even in unspoken ways. But if you're keen to embrace the warmer weather and up your fitness regime, May can be a fine time to do so. A career opportunity can also come up in an unplanned way, providing an exciting chance to revitalise your enthusiasm. New responsibilities can come from this, and someone influential could prove to be a source of support in an unexpected way.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January Dare to be different Capricorn! Mars' brilliant and effervescing angle to the stimulating energies of Uranus in the second half of the month, and the arrival of Mercury and Venus in your sister earth sign of Taurus, together with a fine New Moon, can be the perfect launch pads for new ideas, fresh creativity or to showcase your talents. Single? Love may take some unexpected turns, but ones which can catapult you forwards in the most wonderful of ways. Be determined to go with the flow to capitalise.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February The first two thirds of this month can see you busy on home and garden-based projects. Any improvements you make in these areas can create a greater sense of serenity, and touches which improve comfort can feed into your sense of well-being. A family gathering is also possible, or the announcement a new addition. A sparkling alliance between the Sun and Mercury from the 21st however, can see you more playful, sociable and active. A contract can though need care in the last two days. Need advice Aquarius?

Pisces 20 February - 20 March Your great strength is your perceptiveness, but May is going to be a month when you make your mark in a much more communicational way, a time when you can really captivate people with the strength of your ideas, your quick wits and enthusiasm. If you have a sibling or a good relationship with someone in your neighbourhood, these relationships can also be much to the fore. Wherever you can, try to be innovative in your approach, for even older, tricky problems can be overcome by this.

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Welcome to my Monthly Horoscope Videos. Please CLICK on your ZODIAC SIGN BELOW for your FREE Horoscope Video Reading. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces...


The Tarot Card for May is The Lovers. Like all the Major Arcana, The Lovers refers to important events happening in your life now. This could be one big event or an attitude that colours the way you see everything around you. Don’t be fooled though, The Lovers refer to far more than romance. The Lovers asks you to consider what love means to you. Are you seeking an evening of naughty-but-niceness or a lifetime of support and commitment? Perhaps you should also stop to ask what the other person in the situation might want, or believe they already have from your interaction.

The Lovers often puts in an appearance when you need to make a choice regarding a relationship, such as whether to commit or move on. You may even discover you are inundated with admirers and have to decide which lucky person will win your heart. Alternatively, it may be you who is considering becoming involved with someone who is not available. If you are single, you could be aching to find a special someone. If you do, be a little cautious, don’t allow yourself to fall in love with the notion of love. Remember that although The Lovers sounds kissy and cosy, this does not have to be romantic interaction, it could also refer to a business arrangement, and you could well find yourself trying to decide if you would gain from taking on a business partner or new employee. Indeed, The Lovers can refer to any major choice which you face, usually one with a number of conflicting possibilities. As long as you are willing to remain level-headed and apply lashings of common sense, there is no reason why the decision you make should not be the right one.


Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one, and yes, when the Strength card appears, it can simply be that our physical condition is improving, which is why it is so welcome to those who have suffered poor health. Of course, if tarot cards were that straight forward everyone would be a tarot reader, so we need to think about strength in a more profound way.

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