Patrick Arundell Astrology Monthly Magazine - December 2018

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Hello and thank you for joining me for my

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December is always a very busy time of the year, but energy will be at premium early on due to Mars' square with Neptune. Brightly however, Venus and Mercury move signs, and the latter forges a fabulous link to the fortune bringer Jupiter in the run up to Christmas and some genuine good news can emerge.

Seasonal Greetings and wishing you a very special December. Warm wishes, Patrick

Taylor Swift's birthday For the girl who grew up on a Christmas tree farm, now you might say her Christmases have come all at once, due to her 'swift’ rise to global fame. Though, the pattern of this Taylor’s success seems cut from her own making! As born with an excess of Planets in initiating Cardinal Signs and driven Mars, Pluto and her vocational Mc all united in Scorpio, Taylor Swift was focussed from an early age, uprooting that Christmas tree farm by moving the family to Nashville. This paying off, as at 14 this singer/songwriter landed a recording contract, owing much to her personal, narrative lyrics.

These arising largely from her Moon’s position in emotional, watery Cancer, along with auspicious Jupiter’s placement there too. This combination in homely Cancer, making Country music a perfect Taylor fit, where she gained her first big break. However, with Mercury, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus and it is believed her Ascendant, all in contrasting Capricorn; a tendency to swing between polar opposites exists, as these two Signs are 'never, ever getting back together’! For she sways from self motivation to leaning towards relationship and family ties, finding it hard to find a middle ground and maintain both. Therefore, it not surprising that before long Taylor needed to 'shake it off’, in regards to her country singing image, as this songbird dislikes being pigeonholed. This due to her Sun in adventurous, freedom loving Sagittarius, as well as Venus and the North Node in liberated Aquarius.

Though, she also extends these courtesies to others, as wealthy Venus in this humanitarian Sign, encourages her to share her fortunate state of affairs through philanthropic endeavours. While, her fanbase know the meaning of 'swiftmas’ too, gifts often coming their way, as that significant opposition between Capricorn and Cancer Planets means Taylor has a reciprocal relationship with her supporters. Although, major alterations lie ahead, as expansive Jupiter transits her Sun, and Taylor undergoes her Saturn return, coinciding with Pluto and North Node transits on her, meaning the future suits Taylor!

December Forecast Are you going anywhere nice this Christmas or staying put? If so, are you staying within Europe and the Xmas markets, and have you checked their star rating, as I hear it might be slipping? Well, with so many unanswered questions this month, you may find yourself like that festive film classic ‘Home alone’ this yuletide season. Well, there seems to be much wandering over ‘Brexit’ this Xmas, as we reach the final month of the year, nothing is quite finalised. This unaided by the fact that December begins under a wandering star, with the biggest star in the sky now in the roaming Sign of Sagittarius.

For with the Sun having

but the Mutable Sign of

progressed into Sagittarius,

Sagittarius being at odds

the Sign of the centaur, half

with Piscean Planets this

man and horse, it is

December. Though, the

understandable that there is

upside of this

uncertainty about whether to

configuration, is that the

stay or go! For one half is

Signs of fiery Sagittarius

still thinking it through, while

and watery Pisces may

the other is ready to gallop

deal with matters in

off. So like a festive game of

different manners: one

‘pin the tail’, this centaur

racing in, whereas the

finds it hard to pin down the

other gently swirls around;

facts, especially with

but they both share a

Mercury still retrograde,

planetary link, seeking

making it blindfolded to

truth and knowledge.

some of them!

These two originally

These party games

associated with Jupiter,

appearing to continue as the

the Planet of justice, which

month draws on, not only

seems to be dominating

due to everyday Mercury

this winter month in one

remaining retrograde until

form or another.

the 7th,

As December commences not

Though, it does not just

only with the Sun in Jupiter

refer to physical travel, but

ruled Sagittarius, but this

also travels of the mind and

explorer is not going solo,

the expansion of ideas, as it

having a travelling companion

broadens horizons in

in the form of Jupiter itself in

general and people’s

Sagittarius. This you could

viewpoints. Therefore, this

call something of an ‘armchair

combination maintains all

traveller’ though, as this Sign

political and foreign affairs

resides at home in Jupiter, but

at the forefront of people’s

is associated with distant

thinking this December,


along with legal, educational, religious and racial issues. While, a Sagittarius New Moon joins these two Planets also from the 7th, hopefully bringing a favourable deal for ‘Brexit’.

However, now Jupiter has

Additionally, the

entered Sagittarius,

displacement of people will

worldwide leaderships may

receive no benefit from the

be challenged and changed,

weather, as unsurprisingly,

along with attempts to put an

clashing Mutable Planets are

end to terrorist attacks and

reflected in the environment,

immigration problems.

as erratic, turbulent

Although, malefic Mars at

conditions prevail. With

odds in Pisces all month,

Pisces Planets not only

brings to the surface

bringing stormy deluges

worldwide suffering as it

from the sky above, but also

joins Neptune in its natural

from the waters beneath, as

habitat. This no doubt,

this Sign is associated with

causes flare ups of anger

liquid forms and their

from groups dissatisfied with

evaporations from mists at

leaders ignoring people’s

sea to chemicals in the

basic needs.

atmosphere. Meanwhile abroad, there may well be more extreme heat and fires continuing this month, as Jupiter inflates the flames fanned by a Sagittarius Sun and airy Mercury from the

also stoking angst and

checking the remnants and

individuals. As under this

the empties, as hollow

transit care is needed to

promises are unfulfilled.

avoid minor niggles turning into major troubles and

This Mercury retrograde

overconfidence, and over-

period also having seen the

promising leading to failure.

Planet of movement and

President Trump in particular, communication backtrack into could fall foul to this, along

Scorpio, where it remains

with the idea that a viable

until the 12th, causing hidden

‘Brexit’ deal has now been

tensions to erupt over joint


finances and taxes. Along

For do not forget that

with Venus in Scorpio too

negotiations occurred under a from the 3rd to the month’s Mercury retrograde

finale, creating queries and

period, meaning that when

monetary concerns around

the Planet changes direction

State benefits and how much

from the 7th onwards, so

we get back when in need.

might people’s intentions.

Though, as Mercury enters

This leaving the Prime

Sagittarius from the 7th, more

Minister with a cabinet akin to focus will be on rules and a Christmas drink's one,

regulations, religion and educational pursuits,

with Cardinal Planets

homeless and have limited

initiating the idea that some of budgets, but yet have to these archaic rulings require

conform to outdated rules.So

updating and transforming,

the Full Moon in Cancer on

especially with the Moon’s

the 22nd at a critical degree

Nodes now in

opposing the Sun as it enters

Cancer/Capricorn and the

Capricorn, may see society

22nd’s significant Full Moon.

and the common people pushing for their own

This spurred on by Uranus,

independence and a better

which continues in its reverse

life for their own families in

stance all month in Aries,

today’s society. So December

challenging Saturn and Pluto

may appear all wrapped up,

in Capricorn still and forcing

but it could be more like an

individuals to question their

expensive, unwanted Xmas

own needs or lifestyles, as

gift, leaving neither side

the feeling stirs that those in

content and plenty of red

authority live a different

tape. Therefore, the

lifestyle at their expense and

Christmas month may be all

that many advances have

about the present, but

had the reverse effect. As

remember, not at the

more people are now

expense of the future!

Monthly Horoscopes for all Signs- december 2018

Aries 21 March - 20 April With Jupiter now invigorating the part of your solar chart to do with expansion, travel and new experiences, and Mercury emerging from its retrograde on the 6th and returning to Sagittarius on the 13th, you can find yourself wanting to experience new settings and surroundings over the festive period. A particularly positive link between Jupiter and Mercury in the run-up to Christmas itself, could see a stroke of good fortune linked to someone overseas or a journey you undertake.

Taurus 21 April - 21 May Venus your ruler, finally reaches the point where her retrograde began in early October, on 17th December. If a relationship has gone through a period of review, the chances are you can be much clearer by this point. Your listening skills can also be enhanced from the 3rd, and this can have real benefits around some practical strands in the week before Yule itself. With Mars combining superbly with Pluto in week three, your future direction can just seem so much clearer.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June The second half of November may have seen some confusion around a professional relationship or about your goals and future destiny. But all this fades away, and from the 10th, you can start to grapple with what's truly important to you. A quite joyous connection between your ruler Mercury and Jupiter from the 19th to Christmas Eve, can also see some romantic magic in the air. More worldly objectives can take a giant step forwards from the 17th to the 24th of December.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July The first ten days of December sees Mars combine with the dreamy energies of Neptune. This will be wonderful for absorbing the seasonal vibes, be it a carol service or see you finding some very thoughtful Christmas gifts for your loved ones. The Sun moves into your sector of relating on the 22nd, combining with Saturn by the year's end, and this can trigger serious conversations, but ones that can be so meaningful and give you a deeper understanding of your needs, and others'.

Leo 24 July - 23 August With Venus returning to the homeliest of sectors on the 3rd, this could see you making last minute home changes ready for Christmas. But a bubbly New Moon on the 7th, suggests you can be happy to host a gathering before the big day. With a sparkling link between Mercury and Jupiter in the run up to Yule itself, someone who is forward thinking, loves to travel but is passionate about their interests, can really grab your imagination. You will set some worthy New Year's resolutions.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September Your relationship sector is set to be a little hazy in the first third of December, but just as easily, someone could intrigue you, and especially if they have an air of mystery about them. But if you like to know exactly where you stand, the New Moon of the 7th, sees you more attuned to security around your love life, so try not to compromise on this Virgo. Yet from the 11th to the 22nd, you can power forwards in so many ways. One creative association can be particularly productive.

Libra 24 September - 23 October You can be the zodiac's ace people pleaser, but protecting your own energy and time is important too, in the first ten days of December. Mind, with your ruler Venus returning to your sign on the 3rd, a vibrant New Moon on the 7th and talk and thought Mercury re-entering Sagittarius on the 13th, you really can enter into the party spirit. Your word power will captivate the imagination of anyone you encounter. New Year's Eve can see you happiest with loved ones Libra.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November A plan which is important to you can gain momentum from the 6th. It could be that this has been off and on, but your personality power can help you to make progress. Finances can pick up from the 13th, with a real stroke of fortune emerging in the run up to Christmas. With your two rulers of Mars and Pluto combining from the 11th to the 22nd, you can find yourself in great form, passionate and motivated. Upgrading your tech can grab your attention in the sales this year Scorpio.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December Early in December, you could find yourself particularly sensitive, even introspective, but an exciting month IS in store for you Sagittarius, with a New Moon on the 7th in your sign, Mercury returning to you on the 13th and your wonderful ruler Jupiter combining with him as Christmas approaches. All this will see a burst of positivity after that gentle start. Look to focus on your individual ideas and wow people with them. In love, an old flame can come to mind.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January Social media plays a huge role in many of our lives, but you might look to tune out for the first third of December, as Mars and Neptune combine and cause confusion. More pleasing is the lovely Venus gliding once more into your sector of sociability on the 3rd, and it can be old connections or the sincerest souls that give you the most pleasure from spending time with. As 2019 approaches, the Sun's alliance with your ruler can see you very single-minded, and ready for the new year.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February 2018 has been a sensitive time for many Water Bearers, but this month can see you back on much more sociable form. As Mercury combines with Jupiter, the planet of fortune from the 19th until Christmas Eve, expect to be at the heart of celebrations. You can be particularly astute at tuning into other people on Yule, but then you can find yourself happier to withdraw and rest where possible through to the New Year. Mind, as 2019 dawns, passionate Mars moves to fire you up.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March Mars is the planet of drive and determination, but for the first ten days of December, he aligns with your co-ruler Neptune. This suggests that you may find it harder to focus on your goals and ambitions, and you may even encounter a little uncertainty. But the splendid New Moon of the 7th and Mercury's move on the 9th, and its combination with lucky Jupiter from the 19th to the 24th, could yet see a major ambition fulfilled. Long-standing friendships can fortify you over the holidays.

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Welcome to my Monthly Horoscope Videos. Please CLICK on your ZODIAC SIGN BELOW for your FREE Horoscope Video Reading. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces...


Temperance may seem a bit of a stodgy card, as it ambles along in its inoffensive moderate way, but at least it tells us that we are doing the right thing; in this case being sensible. Temperance implies that by following the middle path and avoiding any extreme, we will be able to reach our goals. As long as we don’t over indulge, our health, finances and emotional life should continue to tick along nicely. This is an ideal time to make a decision because we are able to see all points of view clearly and exercise large amounts of self-control. You will also find that we are able to calm any disagreements, as our serenity and willingness to compromise and co-operate influences others to see sense.


Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one, and yes, when the Strength card appears, it can simply be that our physical condition is improving, which is why it is so welcome to those who have suffered poor health. Of course, if tarot cards were that straight forward everyone would be a tarot reader, so we need to think about strength in a more profound way.

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