Patrick Arundell Astrology Magazine For July 2018

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J. K. Rowling Birthday!

30% OFF! Your 12 Month Personal Horoscope Forecast & Life Destiny Reports




| JULY 2018

30% OFF! Your 12 Month Personal Horoscope Forecast & Life Destiny

Contents Page 3 Welcome...

Pages 4-5 J.K. Rowling's Birthday Pages 6 - 9 July Forecast - What's in Store? Pages 10 - 13 July Long Monthly Horoscopes

My 30% off Special Offer is for the COMBINATION of Life Destiny & Forecaster 12 Month Horoscope Forecast Reports. These will give you stunning insights for the next 12 Months, and help you to time your moves across your life. Understand the deeper patterns at play in your situation and how to tap into your true potential...

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Page 14 - 15 My Live Spiritual Consultants Page 16 July Monthly Horoscope Videos Page 17 July Monthly Tarot Card Reading Page 18 My Horoscope Ace App

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WELCOME Hello and thank you for joining me for the Fourth Edition of my all

FREE Monthly Magazine.Â

July 2018 sees two very influential Eclipses and these can arouse strong feelings, debates and potentially resets to existing relationships. The wonderful news is also that Jupiter ends a four month rewind, and more expansive plans can get going. International affairs can also improve if nation states do not take inflexible positions. There is a lovely Leo vibe all month which give us the push to have fun, and not to take life too seriously, and progressive plans which are rooted in reality can also shape up well.

Wishing you a very special July with warm wishes, Patrick

J. K. Rowling Birthday Next time you complain about train delays, think of J.K. Rowling, who conjured up the Harry Potter idea while delayed from Manchester to London. Now, the multi-award winning books amass in excess of £500 million, making them the best selling series in history, allowing J.K. on the most amazing journey of them all, from State Benefits to Forbes’s rich list. Whilst, giving readers a vast array of exhilarating journeys of the mind, this seeming of great importance to her, as with the Sun in pleasure seeking Leo, she gains much gratification from others enjoying her work.

While, this Sun placement allows her to easily tap into her inner child, coupled with cusp Sign communicative Mercury, meaning she benefits from mercurial Virgo’s natural ability to write and amusing Leo’s talent to make it worth reading. This making her appeal to both young and old, as the adult following of Potter fans demonstrate, aided by vocational North Node and lucky Jupiter governing publishing in dual Sign Gemini. This also signifying writing was always her destination. A Sagittarius Mc, Part Fortune and South Node reaffirms this, but the latter is also a warning Sign that her outspoken views can derail her too. While, making her life direction like trains in opposite directions, emphasising her need to diversify and branch out, as she has achieved through fiction, TV, film and philanthropic work.

This making J.K. something of an inspirational figure, her Ascendant in visionary, groundbreaking, but also humanitarian Aquarius confirming this, spurred into action by fair-minded Libra, Mars. Though, her Saturn in Pisces placement makes her doubt herself and inclined to depression. However, combined with imaginative Scorpio, Neptune, she creatively channels this anguish, as in the Harry Potter’s ‘dementors’. With challenging Planets giving her courage to overcome obstacles, as Venus, Uranus, Pluto and the Moon in analytical Virgo keep her levelheaded, in dealing with the shocks and losses but rewarding transformation they have also brought. While, current transiting Leo/Aquarius Nodes create change affecting how J.K. is viewed and work/health life, perhaps enabling her to find new platforms, other than 9 and three quarters.

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July Forecast This July, the universe is broadly

Although, by the 13th, home

speaking, fixated on the

is not the only concern, as it

movements of a globe, yes of

becomes more a mystery for

course, it is a football, with the

Holmes, with this ‘Game of

World Cup well underway.

Shadows’! As the arrival of

Although, play on ‘Astro-turf’

the New Moon is

should not be overlooked either, as

accompanied not by Watson,

like the classic England ‘footie’

but what Sun? This occurring

song, this July planetary action has

due to a powerful Solar

‘got the world in motion’!

Eclipse in Cancer, not only pincer gripping those under

For as this Summer Season

the influence of this crab’s

continues, it is not only football

Sign, but to a lesser extent,

‘coming home’, but the Sun too. As

the other Cardinal Signs too,

the month opens, play with the Sun

particularly Capricorn. As this

in the homely Sign of Cancer or

Eclipse may well be a

perhaps you could say ‘crab sticks’,

forerunner to change, but to

as this symbolic crab prefers to

reach its goals it first faces

remain close to what is familiar. So

defence head on, due to Pluto

the first half of July is dominated

in Capricorn’s direct

by possession, seeing us not only

opposition, and backup from

rooting for our home team, but

Capricorn’s manager, ruler

homeland, as issues relating to our


abode and general sense of security and belonging take precedence.

Therefore, change may be

However, ascertaining progress

desired, but if it really is to be

may prove difficult, as this

implemented it will come at a

indirect crab prefers to sidestep

price. As promises made

rather than take a side, so there

regarding homes and families

may be a fair bit of this

cannot be realised without

apparent on and off the pitch

addressing past regulations and

this month, especially with

governmental mistakes, along

evasive Pisces Neptune’s

with privatised institutions and

influencing too. As well as a

the irregularity in salaries and

tendency to feel kept on the

living costs. A microcosm of this

sidelines, as if not kicked into

evident through the Grenfell

touch Cancers can be self-

inquiry, as it highlights wider

pitying, thinking ‘the grass is

social issues endemic throughout

always greener on the other

society, accentuated by the


Eclipse. As it heightens discord with the elite, thrusting some

Although, this is not to say that

under the spotlight, through their

this intuitive Water Sign does

impulsive acts, controversial

not have a point, as acutely

opinions or fights, such as

aware of undercurrents, they

stabbings and accidents.

know that it is not a level playing field for everyone.

With Italy, the UK, New York,

There being divisions outside of

Afghanistan and the United

the marked lines also. As

Nations, also affected. While,

football is often referred to as ‘a

Russia and the US are strongly

game of two halves’, but the

influenced by this month’s lunar

world at large seems to now

activity, pointing to troubled

markedly reflect this formed

White House relations. This

from the ‘haves and have nots’!

seeming to impact upon Canada by this month’s second Eclipse, also touching China, Mexico,

While, in Astrology, each month is

This takes on particular

always a game of two halves too, for

significance this month, due to

the month begins with the Sun in

several reasons, one being that

One Sign, but there is always a half-

the karmic Nodes continue their

time change. As from the 23rd, the

travels through Leo/Aquarius,

Sun is substituted with the Sign of

amplifying for some a realisation

Leo, the lion. However, it is not just

of goals or new achievements

a case of ‘three lions’ on a shirt this

largely initiated by the Leo North

month, as with the North Node,

Node. While, others may

Mercury and Venus beginning the

experience the other end of this,

month in Leo, it is not quite

notching up something of an

Sherlock’s ‘The Adventure of the

own goal instead, as they

Lion’s mane’, but this lion in the

undergo some kind of

main this month. So the Sun is in

vulnerability or loss under the

his element, as this Leo ‘lion king’ is

Aquarian South Node.

ruled by the Sun, able to express its energy naturally. Though, a match

This being clearly evident this

analysis this month sees a few

July, due to its second edition

Planets out of sync, like players not

Eclipse falling in the Sign of

playing in their usual position.

Aquarius, initiated into action by a Mars already in Aquarius too,

As Mercury begins July in its fall in

though in retrospective,

the Sign of Leo, not only impinging

retrograde motion. However, this

upon our day to day and romantic

month, it still opposes all these

affairs, but issues surrounding

Leo Planets. So akin to football

children, leisure and pleasures, as

anthem ‘Vindaloo’, expect

well as relating to those wealthy,

proceedings to be fiery, as

powerful or in the fame game.

revolts, revelations and destruction may arise.

This ranging from anything, such as further child sexual abuse cases and exploiting cheap child labour creating designer goods, to day care and education concerns or deaths of regimes and royal figures. While, this may only worsen by the 26th, when Mercury retrogrades, influencing daily routines and plans, meaning holiday arrangements may not pan out as envisaged, with travel and aviation industries again headlining. With weather conditions further affecting the situation, as this month like Sherlock’s ‘Sign of the Four’, all Fixed Signs compete in a battle of elements rather than elementary. This perhaps even giving rise to a volcanic eruption in Europe this time. As well as one in the political arena due to Uranus uneasy in Taurus and a conflicted Scorpio Jupiter continuing to cause concern over finances and legal implications. This accentuated around the 11th, with judicial Jupiter turning direct, after Venus moves on to uncomfortable ground in economical Virgo. So this July, with Eclipses in Water Sign, Cancer and Water Carrier, Aquarius we experience a few hiccups, illuminating how some cups are empty, while others are always full. This prompting a redistribution of ‘the lion’s share’, so all can drink from the ‘watering whole’ from a ‘World Cup’!

Monthly Horoscopes for all Signs - July 2018 Aries 21 March - 20 April This month does have a very homely dimension to it for you Aries, but also a sociable strand too. At its base are two Eclipses, the Partial Solar Eclipse of the 12th and the Total Lunar Eclipse of the 27th. But whatever you're trying to achieve in terms of the basic foundations and security of your life, your worldly interactions and also friendships are going to be very much to the fore within this. You may have to re-orientate some of your goals and ambitions, and some aspirations or future hopes may alter.

Taurus 21 April - 21 May Your mind is going to be alive to possibilities this month, and generally you can feel quite restless. However, with Uranus in your sign forging a brilliant angle to Saturn, change can occur in a progressive way where you feel in control. If you've always loved the idea of travelling further afield, or even testing yourself out in some kind of academic environment, there can be a big pull to do this. Mind, on the back of the Lunar Eclipse of the 27th, a family or property based issue may finally need tackling firmly.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June Your mind can be bubbling away brilliantly as this month begins, but with your ruler in opposition to Mars from the 3rd to the 7th, don't be surprised if you find yourself more assertive. Finances, and what you share closely with any other person, are also going to come sharply into focus, not just this month but also in the second half of the year. The most independent side of your nature is going to come very strongly into the open as the month draws to a close. You will resist any situation which hems you in.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July The Partial Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 12th, is your chance to actualize the ideas and hopes that have been fermenting in your mind for some while. But this may not be without opposition. Someone close may be more than happy with the status quo, but then perhaps you're consciously trying to push out beyond this and assert your own needs more clearly. Good for you if so Cancer! Solo? Your desire to change matters can certainly reach a peak on the back of the Lunar Eclipse on the 27th.

Leo 24 July - 23 August Your brightness and personality are the stuff of astral lore, and you thrive on working well with others, particularly where you have a key role. This part of your nature is really going to have a fantastic chance to flourish this July, but it's possible that something that's not quite been settled within your situation, is going to need looking at over the next six months, and you can feel compelled to grapple with this much more actively on the back of this month's Eclipses. Once you do, relief will flow through.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September You are one of the most methodological and organized members of the zodiac. But there is a lot more to you than this Virgo, and this month you're going to find yourself determined to demonstrate to people just how much. If you're in a job which has become rather predictable, you can look for a much more creative outlet for your talents. Even your personal interests can be revived, and new friendships can come to the fore. Expect to be very much the centre of the social whirl and much in demand.Â

Libra 24 September - 23 October The month begins with your ruler Venus and also Mercury, in a most social part of your situation. You may even find yourself spoilt for choice when it comes to invites. But your worldly role or responsibilities and obligations come sharply into focus on the back of the Eclipse of the 12th. Because this is in opposition to the planet of change Pluto, some part of your existence may evolve in quite a significant way in the following six months. This could prove exciting, and for some see a home move too.Â

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November You might find yourself in the mood for a some changes this July, and because you're a fixed zodiac sign, when you do make changes they tend to be quite radical. So patterns of life and ways of being that have been well established for a very long time, could make way for a much more varied and sparkling existence. So, see any alterations that you plan as being opportunities to inject a much fresher way of being into the heart of your world. This can include your work and worldly involvements too.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December Because you are the most philosophical member of the zodiac, your ideals are part and parcel of your entire identity. But this month, you can find yourself grappling with more practical elements of life, and especially the ins and outs around your finances. The chance to be creative and bring in new ways of doing things is going to be very strong, but also it needs to work for you at a more personal level. Find this balance, and July can be a month of real developments and solid changes Archer.Â

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January Your sector of relationships is very much in the astral mix this month. If you're hoping to meet someone new, a truly significant person can enter your orbit over the next six months, on the back of July's Partial Solar Eclipse. Involved? If you're happy, a new level of connection and intimacy can develop. Pluto is pushing you to embrace change, and Saturn is asking you to focus on what's really important to you. Pleasingly, Venus brings a dash of magic to proceedings in the last week, especially around travel.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February All the basic structures in your world are set to go through a period of renewal. Even everyday domestic routines can alter, as you tune into a deeper way of being. At the heart of this month is a fierce Full Moon in your sign conjunct with Mars, and this suggests that you're going to be determined to push through any alterations. Balancing what you do for others and what you do for yourself is going to be very important in this Aquarius. Although you can be very much a humanitarian, your needs count too.Â

Pisces 20 February - 20 March You need to express your qualities, the fun loving side of your nature and your creativity. And the Partial Solar Eclipse is a great opportunity to springboard your hopes. But it's also possible that something that was very important to you, may make way for new hopes and aspirations. With your two ruling planets perfectly aligned, and lucky Jupiter going forwards, you really can thrive. However, if there are any issues rumbling around in the depths, do share them with a trusted confidant.Â

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MONTHLY HOROSCOPE VIDEOS JULY 2018 Welcome to my Monthly Horoscope Videos. Please CLICK on your ZODIAC SIGN BELOW for your FREE Horoscope Video Reading. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces...

July MONTHLY Three CARD TAROT READING Welcome to July's Tarot Card Reading This focuses on the Past, Present and Future cards of the month. The Past - Wheel Of fortune Cyclical change, endings and beginnings, opportunities, inevitability and a new a turning point have been set in motion. The Wheel of Fortune is a generally optimistic card, as long as we are willing to try something new. The Wheel of Fortune tends to suggest that one aspect of our life is about to draw to a close in a gentle manner, whilst a new chapter in life awaits us.

The Present - The Hierophant Good advice, conformity, orthodoxy, formal learning, traditional values are traits of this card. This card is about teaching and knowledge. He is a conservative soul who likes things done the traditional way, and when he appears in our life, its best to play by the accepted rules.

The Future - Three of Pentacles Material gain, expertise, skill, teamwork and planning are energies of this card. This is not the time to be going it alone, our best work, and by extension, our best chance of good results, will be as part of a team. If we want to reap riches or gain some goods, we need to be organised and follow instructions.

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