Patrick Arundell Astrology Monthly Magazine - January 2019

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WELCOME Hello & Welcome to 2019 and your FREE January Astrology Magazine.

It's a fiery and passionate start to the New Year, with a sizzling array of sparkling energies set to develop this month. Relationships can be born, and and on-going alliances revitalized. The Eclipses of the 5th/6th and 20th (along with the SuperMoon) can see radical new approaches battle with more conservative forces. The one thing January will not be, is dull!

Wishing you a very happy New Year. Warm wishes, Patrick

Alicia Keys birthday Ever forget where you placed your keys? Well, in the case of the unforgettable, R& B Singer/Songwriter, Alicia Keys, you just need to take a quick glimpse at her Natal chart and it seems to be in a good place! For born with all her planets on her own side of the Natal chart, it seems Alicia shapes her own reality, holding ‘the keys’ to her own success. Although with the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Air Sign, Aquarius and four planets in the sharing airy Sign of Libra too, Alicia likes to be in the company of others, collaborating in her working life.

While, this Moon, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Libra also illustrate the influential and transformative maternal role her single mother had on her growing up, being disciplinarian and fun figure all rolled into one. Even though, in astrological terms, Alicia Augello Cook as she was named at birth was born ‘an old soul’, as with all her Planets placed in the latter half of the Zodiac, from Virgo to Aquarius, she already possessed an inbuilt sense of herself. Therefore, it is unsurprising this ‘Cook’ was burning to get out of Hell’s Kitchen in New York, as before her ‘songs in A minor’; this minor knew she was ‘A’ star, enrolling at a performing Arts institution and landing a record contract thereafter. However, she seems destined to have been in the limelight, due to a Leo North Node and a lucky, Sagittarius Ascendant combined with creative Neptune. While, a Venus Capricorn makes earning a living easy. Though, it is her unpredictability and impulsiveness that could see her ‘fallin’, as with a tricky Scorpio Uranus placement and Aquarian planets on her South Node, she needs to watch when ‘this girl is on fire’. However, having overcome a difficult North Node transit and with Jupiter now transiting her Ascendant, as well as a surprising future Uranus opposition, bringing promising affairs and perhaps more children, it seems Alicia keys could unlock her own future!

January Forecast 10, 9, 8, 7 signalled the familiar countdown to the New Year all around the world, we turn our attention to the skies above to welcome in the future, witnessing the customary fireworks over Sydney harbour, London’s last chimes of Big Ben and Times Square’s ball drop in New York, events renowned for marking the end of one year and the start of another. However, once this January gets under way, will we see things chime into place or will it be ding dongs, fireworks and a dropping of the ball? Well, continuing to look to the heavens above, it seems some conflicting future planetary aspects show there maybe a few ‘time’s square’!

So remember while the

embarking on a type of

celebrations get going and

‘time travel’, leaving

the same old classic

December behind and

singsongs make an

entering January, but this

appearance, as ‘start

month has two faces of its

spreading the news I’m

own. As it may well be the

leaving today’ is belted out.

first month of the year, but

This line could easily apply

in a sense you could say it

to December, as the 12th

is split in two. As said to

month comes to a close and

be named after dual-facing

January arrives with

Roman God, this month is

everyone wanting ‘to be a

seen in the same light.

part of it’, New Year, New

Due to the fact that its

Year! Though the first

position in the calendar

month of 2019 may not be

means that while it looks

quite ‘so good they named it

forward to the New Year

twice, but even so do not

ahead, it also

forget the two faces of

simultaneously looks back

January’! For each year

too, still influenced by the

may begin with our faces

year that has just past.

turned towards a clock’s face, as we ‘watch’ everyone

So this first month on the

As every year ends and

astrological wheel is much like

begins in this Sign,

getting behind the wheel. For

providing the opportunity to

as this January begins, it

consolidate what has

seems you do not only have

previously transpired and to

to concentrate on what is

build on the knowledge and

coming up ahead, but also

wisdom we have gained in

what is still visible in the rear

the year that follows.

view mirror.

However, if this universal energy is not utilised

Therefore, it not only seems

effectively, there can be a

appropriate that each New

feeling that we have been

Year begins by singing the

here before or are going

line ‘should old acquaintances

around in circles making

be forgot’, bringing the past

the same New Year

into the present, but that it is

resolutions a year on, Brexit

the Sun in constant Capricorn

and migration problems

which unites them both, the

being the perfect example

Sign associated with the old,

of this.

joining the new.

For Saturn ruled Capricorn

While, if this was not enough

is strongly associated with

already, this month’s lunar

the karmic law of cause and

activity brings with it two

effect, this karma doubling

Eclipses, one falling in the

up as January opens, due to

Sign of Capricorn. As the

the Moon’s nodes now

Solar Eclipse accompanied

operating on a

by the New Moon on the 6th

Cancer/Capricorn axis at a

symbolises authority figures,

crucial degree from the 12th

along with past and present

onwards, affecting the sea’s

mistakes, as like a double-

tides and disturbing the

headed coin they seem to

Earth through agriculture

keep reoccurring. This

shortages, quakes and

accentuated not only by the

eruptions or avalanches and

Sun, but Saturn, Pluto and

financial falls.

from the 6th, Mercury all cojoining emphasising the Moon’s power. However, it is Saturn which is most closely aligned with this Eclipse’s message and that of the coming year, being the lord of it or you could say ‘time lord’.

Due to Saturn being known

This being evident as January

as old father time in a literal

kicks off, through the clashing

sense of the father figure and

Cardinal Planets. As the Sun

your elders and highlighting

led Capricorn Planets oppose

generational conflicts. As well the Moon of the people, as matters concerning those

implying a natural inert

in control, particularly through suffering from the masses. the hierarchy of institutions

For the Nodes epitomise the

and organisations.

mood of the masses, exemplifying a current

On a positive note, this ‘time

dissatisfaction with everyday

lord’ takes on the form of

life and work, typified by

‘stopwatch’, promoting

those ‘yellow vest’ protests.

patience, caution and

This heightened by daily

structured limitations,

Mercury’s quick movement

conservation or restrictions in

this month from optimistic

spending as in the ‘pocket-

Sagittarius to sombre

watch’. It being necessary at

Capricorn until the 22nd,

this period to make life plans,

underscoring political and

if not this is forced upon you,

leadership upheavals.

through intrinsic challenging examination.

This is not helped in any way

As Capricorn and Aquarius

by Mars beginning January at

were traditionally governed by

0 degrees Aries, activating

Planet, Saturn, but are like

critical decisions and actions,

two different sides of the

particularly concerning the

same coin. For Capricorn is

conditions around the first

Saturn at night and Aquarius

days of January, as

the day, but share in the

individuals become more

capability to be a ‘Sign of the

dismayed with life. While,

Times’! Hence, the latter half

Uranus in Aries turning direct

of January is a ‘Sun dial’ of

from the 7th combined with a

sorts, illuminating the

Capricorn uprooting Pluto,

scenarios not yet faced on a

indicates unexpected

humanitarian scale. So,

disruption as past incidents

whereas Capricorn is the

come back to bite. Though,

slow-hand in motion,

the heavy hand of Saturn is

Aquarius is the second hand

lightened a little from the 20th

moving at a quicker pace,

onwards when the Sun enters commonly linked to the airy Aquarius, swiftly

visionary and revolutionary

accompanied by Mercury

spirit of Planet, Uranus.

from the 24th.

This finding itself opposed

These erratic weather

this month by a Full Moon

conditions particularly evident

and Lunar Eclipse falling in

throughout January, as

Leo on the 21st, revealing the

Venus leaves Scorpio taboos

possibility of a de-stability of

behind from the 6th, entering

power, particularly involving

Sagittarius to co-join Jupiter

royalty, ruling Heads of State

and confront Pisces Neptune,

and governments in a

accelerating uncontrollable

dramatic manner from armies

and unpredictable weather

engaging, hostages being

fronts, as well as tackling

imprisoned and religious

immigration and foreign

disputes breaking out. While,

affairs. So 2018 may have

children and pleasure

ended following a wandering

pursuits are affected, fevers

star, but January 2019 is less

may sweep continents and

‘a star is born’ and more

excessive heat create

about ‘born identity’. For the

droughts and wild fires,

planetary movements in the

themes which continue

first month of 2019 provide a

throughout 2019.

clue as to the flavour of the year ahead, but do forget that 2018 still casts its ‘shadow’!

Monthly Horoscopes for all Signs- January 2019

Aries 21 March - 20 April The turn of the year positions the planets in the most advantageous way possible for you Aries. You're going to find yourself determined and single-minded, and ambitions can crystallize. But January also sees a unique set of influences involving Venus, Jupiter and Mars. All this can see you connecting with people most positively. If you're single, a chance introduction through a group situation or mutual friend could prove to be fated, and superbly so at that.

Taurus 21 April - 21 May Your ruler is the gorgeous Venus, and she moves on the 9th to connect with Mars, and from the 19th with Jupiter. These combinations are most unique, and could prove genuinely fortunate. This may be especially so if you can embrace change, and open up your world to new possibilities. Although you often appreciate stability more than most, there may be some aspects of your situation that do need refreshing. Seize this opportunity to do so with both hands Taurus.

Gemini 22 May - 21 June You're well renowned for your sociability, but January is often a month when many of us hunker down. However, this year is certain to be an exception. Whilst you may take any business or key financial issues immensely seriously, on the back of the Solar Eclipse of the 6th, from the 9th it can be relationships of all kinds which take centre stage. Your natural people skills can truly sparkle, and all sorts of positive interactions can light up the last two thirds of the month.

Cancer 22 June - 23 July Relationships are an incredibly important part of most people's lives, and the chances are, they're going to be even more so for you throughout 2019. A series of three Eclipses in your sector of relating, the first of which occurs on the 6th January, emphasises this. Your understanding of your own needs and the way you interact, can certainly grow. But equally, you can become much more attuned to what others expect of you. A work breakthrough can also light up this month.

Leo 24 July - 23 August You may well take your New Year's resolutions seriously in the first week or two of January. However, lighter vibes then sweep in, and your intent could be tested. Not only is there a marvellous set of energies reverberating in your sector of playfulness, there is a sense that change and breaking out of any limitations, can really appeal. Your ability to get on with others is also going to be enhanced. The Super Moon in your sign on the 21st, highlights your individuality.

Virgo 24 August - 23 September If you're hitting the January sales, snaffling items which can add to the comfort and cosiness of your home, is likely to be very appealing. In fact, activity centring on your abode can play a big role. For example, you may look to work from home or host a gathering of other like-minded people. 2019 is definitely a year to take your talents and flair seriously. Although you can be methodical and manage details well, try to ensure that this doesn't pulverise your passion Virgo.

Libra 24 September - 23 October Being an Air sign, how you think and express yourself is essential to your very being. And January can see you thinking very carefully about the foundations of your existence. But from the 9th, once Venus your ruler moves into the sign of Sagittarius, there is a glorious opportunity for the rest of the month to not only charm anyone you encounter, but also to impress people with the nuanced and diplomatic way that you make your points. Your popularity can skyrocket.

Scorpio 24 October - 22 November Modern astrology generally shies away from the concept of good fortune, particularly around money. However, there are a unique set of planetary influences this month, which could just see you doing much better, and also appreciating the good things life has to offer in the process. To truly capitalise, you may need to rethink certain core belief systems, or at least be open to those that others express to you. If you've become hidebound, do look to update your outlook.

Sagittarius 23 November - 21 December As you begin this New Year, Jupiter your guide and the planet of opportunity, has been with you for around fifty days. But its influence is really set to grow in January. This is encouraging you to recast yourself in as dynamic a way as possible, especially when it comes to your creativity and talents. Its link with both Mars and Venus this month, can make you so dynamic in your approach. This can turn heads, but along with a Solar Eclipse, see you make some shrewd moves.

Capricorn 22 December - 20 January Your sign is governed by Saturn, the planet of stability, good sense and firm action. He joins with the Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 6th, to provide a backdrop for the next six months. This suggests that 2019 is going to be defined by your determination to be single-minded about what's really important to you. Yet you can also be highly attuned this month to the people who are no longer in your world, and you may find yourself surprisingly sentimental, perhaps even about an old flame.

Aquarius 21 January - 19 February January can often seem like a very long month, and particularly for people of your zodiac sign, because the Sun spends two thirds of the month marooned in a reflective area. Although this is going to happen again this year, other planetary influences are simply so upbeat and uplifting, it is unlikely that you will spend quite as much time carefully considering your options. Instead, there is every chance that you will be setting the pace in so many different ways Aquarius.

Pisces 20 February - 20 March If you are determined to make it to the top in 2019, it may be a case of who, as much as what you know. Someone in a position of influence can most certainly put in a good word for you. However, whatever you plan is going to work out most successfully for you, whether you are involved with something or someone that really moves your soul. The Lunar Eclipse of the 21st and its attendant Super Moon, also give you an opportunity to refocus key practicalities.

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Welcome to my Monthly Horoscope Videos. Please CLICK on your ZODIAC SIGN BELOW for your FREE Horoscope Video Reading. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces...


January stars off with the Zodiac Sign of Capricorn. the tarot card that is linked with Capricorn energy is The Devil, who can seem like an alarming fellow at first, but what does this card really represent? In most readings, the appearance of The Devil suggests that we are bound by our fears, beliefs, or a situation that is no longer good for us. Like the two figures chained to the plinth, we seem to be trapped. The question is, who has laid the snare? The answer is simple, ultimately, no-one but ourselves.

We may have been ensnared by our own outdated stereotypes and this has stopped us recognizing the qualities and skills of those around us. The Devil also suggests that we may not know the truth or that we have been deceived in some way. We need to be sure we are not compromising our morals or values, although we might need to take time out to reassess our beliefs, viewpoints and goals. It could be that we also need to work out if the values we hold are truly ours, or have you unquestioningly inherited them from your family or society in general? If love is the question, but The Devil is the answer, we need to do some serious soul searching. Are we attracted to a special someone or their extra-special bank balance? Does our heart skip a beat when we see them, or is it simply the desire to soothe a stirring in us? It may be that peer pressure or someone dear to us is encouraging us to act in a way we would normally find morally questionable. If so, we should consider finding some new companions. The Devil emphasises the fact that we need to be aware of our actions and their results for ourselves and those around us.


Sometimes the most obvious answer is the right one, and yes, when the Strength card appears, it can simply be that our physical condition is improving, which is why it is so welcome to those who have suffered poor health. Of course, if tarot cards were that straight forward everyone would be a tarot reader, so we need to think about strength in a more profound way.

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