Environmental technologies top italian directory 2015 (mr)

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WAMGROUP Hi-Tech Ambiente Enviromental Technologies


Waste Water Treatment Water recovery and re-use, with minimum environmental impact and reduced plant running costs Allegri Ecologia company has been operating in the field of urban and industrial water treatment for almost 30 years. The company designs and manufactures machines and equipment for the various different stages of the waste water treatment process: both in new plants and in implementation and revamping of already existing ones, Allegri components ensure very good performances, high efficiency, long-lasting durability. Being the result of a continuous research activity, carried out in order to optimize already available water treatment systems, they offer many important advantages, such as : high reduction of occupied areas and of civil works costs; very simple plant management, with low run costs and low energy consumption. Chiariflus ® Lamella clarifiers and oil separators: they speed up solids precipitation as well as oil surfacing, improving efficiency of traditional static systems. The sheets composing lamella packs are placed side by side, in vertical position, and not overlapped one another: this ensures the greatest structural strength and makes Chiariflus® lamella packs non-deformable. They are conveniently installed both in new WWTPlants, where they allow to reduce the area required for clarification / de-oiling stage, and in already existing settlers, when it is necessary to upgrade the flow-rate treated by the plant. They can be supplied already installed in a proper containing tank (“enbloc” version), in carbon steel or stainless steel Aisi 304L/Aisi 316L, according to the aggressiveness of water to be treated. Each Chiariflus® Enbloc Clarifier is divided in two parts by a longitudinal perime-

Compact Plant

Biological Disk Rotors

tral flange, so that they can always be transported by regular size trucks and /or containers, and easily fitted together when unloaded at the destination yard. RBD ® Biological Disk Rotors: they attend to the biological oxidation stage, both for urban waste water treatment and for industrial plants (food industries, dyeing houses, petrochemical, paper, textile industry and others). Rotors working system is very simple, self-regulating, so that it doesn’t require specialized personnel , on the

contrary necessary in traditional plants. Moreover, the electric power required for a rotor oxidizing stage is up to 1/15 (0.6 watt per inhabitant), compared with power consumption of other oxidizing systems. Another important advantage concerns the settling speed, as the sludge flocks produced by biological rotors are quite large, so that they settle down very quickly (up to 20m/h). This allows to reduce considerably the size of final clarification basins, with great saving on masonry works costs. Moreover, the machine covering will protect bacteria flora from low temperatures and will avoid bad smelling around. Chiarifilter ® Filtration plants: after oxidizing section or final clarification, a tertiary filtration stage will allow to get clearer water, in order to respect law limits and/or reuse treated water. Chiarifilter® filtration plant is a very simple and reliable system: waste water flows into the filter, the solids are caught

ALLEGRI Geom. Primo Srl Via Praga, 5 - 43010 Bianconese di Fontevivo (PR) - ITALY Tel.+39.0521.618579 Fax +39.0521.656407 info@allegriecologia.it

Hi-Tech Ambiente Enviromental Technologies


by the cloths inside and clear water runs out of the machine. standard production includes machine sizes able to treat up to 500 m³/h flow rates. The porosity of clothes varies from 20 to 100 micron, and will be chosen according to costumer’s needs (kind of water to be processed and quality of water requested at the end of treatment process). The whole machine structure, clothes included, is realized in stainless steel, in order to ensure the best and long lasting quality of the product. Thanks to the modular system and the little space taken up by the single machine, it’s possible to process big flow rates and, at the same time, spare on civil works costs. Chiarifilter® can be supplied complete with containing stainless steel tank, or be installed in already existing concrete tanks. A control board is always included, as the filter and its accessories are completely automated. Compact Plants for small communities and industries: Allegri Ecologia has recently designed a complete compact plant, able to treat waste water coming from small communities and from small industries or handcrafts. it includes the various necessary stages of treatment, depending on the specific situation: a preliminary study of Customer’s needs and problems will be followed by a technical proposal, offering compact solutions, easy to be installed and run. if necessary, plant may include a remote control, so to get easier running check-up and maintenance works planning. Allegri Ecologia offers its free technical advice in order to find out the solution which guarantees the best working and performance of the plant.

Interview with Alberto Azario Chairman of Ambienthesis Sustainable development must go beyond the concept of simple environmental protection and become the driving force of economic development, transforming waste management into growth opportunities definitively There is a wide understanding between green economy entrepreneurs that this economic crisis is deep and that it demands changes, but at the same time the belief that innovates, differentiates, converts manufacturing and consumption towards a green approach could significantly contribute to fuel an economic recovery, with investments in new markets. italy is experiencing a historical moment on the reclamations side of a stalled market, also because of the real estate sector crisis; foreign countries can therefore imply an important source of development. Ambienthesis, with its twenty-year experience in the remediation of contaminated sites - with over 150 restored areas including sites of national interest – therefore, poses as a key worker for European markets especially Eastern European and non-European markets, where the Group’s cutting-edge technological expertise would represent an important development opportunity in the environmental sector for these countries. Alberto Azario, Chairman of Ambienthesis – a company listed on the Milan stock Exchange explains the Group's strategies and the prospect of new international markets. The Italian reclamation market, also due to the decline of the real estate sector, appears to have stalled. Can foreign countries

countries do you have in mind? Can Eastern European countries represent an area of potential development? We have Eastern European countries in mind due to geographical proximity, historical presence of industrial and commercial partnerships with italy, and a beneficial phase for developing the gross domestic product of these countries. However, we are also looking at Middle Eastern countries. Ambienthesis already has a presence in Wales, where it has a landfill able to contain approxiAlberto Azario, Chairman of Ambienthesis mately 1,250,000 tons of waste. A project was carbecome a possibility then? ried out according to the highest i would like to start by saying operating and quality standards that, despite a stagnant domestic that was recognised by the Envimarket, Ambienthesis is opera- ronment Agency in Wales for its ting on the two most important innovative solutions. Are there reclamations at this time in italy: any other active or prospective the former Falck areas in sesto projects abroad that are being san Giovanni and the former A- defined? lumix area in Portoscuso in sardinia. Nevertheless, develop- Our presence in Wales could alment is our Group’s primary ready be a positive development objective and from this point of during the course of 2015. We view foreign countries definitely are also working to launch new represent a great opportunity. initiatives, but we are not at such an advanced stage yet to be conAs the historical leader of the sidered as having won an award environmental sector, what is the in aid of Ambienthesis and, thepolicy on international develop- refore, be transferable to the ment at Ambienthesis? Which market.

Hi-Tech Ambiente Enviromental Technologies


For years Ambienthesis has been operating as a leading company in the reclamation and treatment of industrial waste. What are the technologies that your Company could be putting into place to make it stand out abroad? A comprehensive technical answer would probably be too long and complicated, to summarise we can confidently say that we are able to address all different types of intervention. Above all, we can reclaim both land and foothills, using mobile and/or fixed equipment, which indeed in italy we are most experienced in. Are there any specific differences between investing abroad and in Italy in terms of procedures, bureaucratic requirements, start-up costs, which could push towards the preference even more for the international solution in the future? Considering that italy is definitely a country with particularly strict legislation and especially the most complicated in the world for permitting procedures and monitoring, interventions abroad certainly do not alarm us from this point of view. Of course, being able to count on greater support from national organisations and lenders, to favour investments of italian companies abroad would be a great help on the financial front, which often has a significant impact.

“Innovation in depuration” Ciem Impianti pioneering a new-patented technology for external biological tanks oxygenation The new revolutionary depuration system patented by Ciem impianti is the first and the only external oxygenation system for biological tanks, which guarantees multiples advantages reducing the maintenance and energy consumption costs and increasing your civil, zootechnical and industrial treatment plant performances. TECHNICAL DETAILS The treatment process is performed inside an accumulation tank which is aerated by the external modular system EOX in order to support the Microbioflottazione biological process. inside the EOX oxygenation reactor made in stainless steel, a pipe network connected to an appropriate number of nozzles is installed, mounted to create a proper

mixing of the wastewater contained in the reactor. A centrifugal pump aspires the wastewater from the bottom of the tank and distributes it under

pressure with an induction collector inside the EOX reactor. The system is overpowered with an air-blower in order to obtain an higher oxygenation capacity

for kW absorbed. The mixed liquor leaves the reactor EOX and is injected into the discharge pipe and enters inside the treatment tank where a flow accelerator immediately mix it with the liquid volume. OXYGENATION CHARACTERISTICS inside the EOX oxygenation reactor, due to the plant structure and the particular conditions of work, the wastewater to be treated expands and pulverizes (particle sizes from 6 to 20 μm), intimately mixing, under turbulence regimen, with the air aspired for the expansion effect. As a result, the oxygen of the air in contact with powder particles of the waste water and in a state of high kinetic agitation, dissolves in the particles themselves in more intense manner, because of the greatly expanded surfaces and films of interface between oxygen and wastewater, (ranging from 3,000 to 10,000 cm2/gr wa-

Hi-Tech Ambiente Enviromental Technologies


ter) with reduced thickness, in continuous replacement for the said kinetic agitation (turbulence). Through the aeration inside the EOX reactor, thanks to whole extensive area of wastewater particles in contact with oxygen, which is generated by the system, along with the strong kinetic agitation of the particles themselves, the constants of transfer are very usefully increased in favour to energy consumption. The dissolved oxygen in the waste water in the said intensive manner completely oxidizes the reducing inorganic substances possibly present (sulphites, sulphides, etc.., decreasing the toxicity for the biomass, measured in equitox up to 99%), and supports a bio-oxidation process of the nitrogen and organic matter, including, at least in part, those refractory to conventional biological treatments. As a matter of fact the peculiar function conditions trigger a sequence of chemical-physical oxydation/ cracking processes which lead to better treatment performances with “problematic” waste water compared to traditional oxygenation systems. Moreover, such peculiar and “extreme” environmental conditions select a bacteria biomass with a high turnover and fast kinetics. The peculiar EOX characteristics can also take advantage of liquid oxygen besides atmospheric air. ADVANTAGES WITH EOX REACTOR A biological treatment plant fitted with external oxygenation reactor EOX offers the following advantages: - Simplicity of the plant. The oxygenation system is external to the treatment tank and occupies a very small area. Only a simple flow accelerator to mix the volume of treated water, is installed inside the tank. Any accumulation of sludge and foam formation is avoided. - Control simplicity. The system requires a low personnel control and a minimal ordinary maintenance since simple machines like a centrifugal pump and an air blower regulate mechanical and physic parameters of the process.

Variable frequency drivers regulate the work frequency of the pumps and the air blower, according to data collected from parameters probes. - Emissions reduction. Due to the high oxygen efficiency transfer the air volumes required are lower, the mixing of air/water takes place in a closed tank and the distribution of the aerated mix in the liquid volume is in minimum turbulence conditions. - Easy maintenance. Extraordinary maintenance of the biological treatment tank is no longer necessary using EOX system, since the treatment tank itself does not need to be emptied and cleaned or requiring the use of special machines (crane, etc.) to extract the oxygenation system. A person can make the maintenance of one EOX reactor (outside of the tank) easily in one hour. Moreover, the plant shut down for maintenance is also no longer necessary since for medium and big size plants, due to its simplicity, the new EOX system can be equipped with a parallel by-pass line, which can be activated during maintenance operation in order to keep constant the oxygenation performances. - High treatment capacity. On biorefractory molecules and on wastewater with high Nitrogen load. Treatment with EOX high pressure system can significantly

increase the BOD/COD rate and then enhance the biodegradability of pollutant molecules. - Low sludge production. Reduced sludge production due to organic biological degradation by high efficiency biomass. - Low energy consumption. Thanks to the characteristics of Microbioflottazione process in the biological degradation of the organic pollutant load, the system can reduce the energy consumption up to 50% if compared with a classic mechanical aerator treatment plant and up to 20-30% if compared with a submerged membrane plates treatment plant. - Treatment flexibility. Thanks to the high oxygen transfer capacity and the control of the motors with variable frequency drivers and a CPU with data acquisition probes the system can absorb a large variations of the inlet polluting load so optimizing performances and energy consumption. - Reduced environmental impact. Bad smell and aerosols are minimized whilst noises are reduced. - Revamping of existing WWTP: Minimal installing operation in short time, without new civil works EOX + MBR REVAMPING CASE HISTORY The case history show a revamping operation in a spanish fac-

CIEM IMPIANTI Srl Via Torquato Tasso, 39 - 21100 Varese Tel +39.0332.831776 - Fax +39.0332.319278 E-mail info@ciemimpianti.com - www.ciemimpianti.com

Hi-Tech Ambiente Enviromental Technologies


tory for the treatment of special high-polluted wastes (plastic, paints, mineral oils, landfill leachate, etc.). The necessity to high standard quality and the possibilities to reuse the treated water, led to the necessity of an upgrade with a new advanced treatment phase. The best solution to reach the goal, thanks to new treatment technologies, was to use an MBR system. The MBR system supported by the Microbioflottazione process with EOX system, reached excellent and stable results in the outlet treated water, in terms of micro-pollutants, suspended solids and nutrients removal. The installation of an external oxygenation system (EOX) to replace the old biological aeration system and ultrafiltration membranes set for an MBR process, permitted to keep an high concentration biomass inside the biological tank in order to guarantee high treatment performances with inconstant flow. EOX with an MBR system, has led to a COD removal from 84% to 94%, and thanks to the oxygenation efficiency, the removal of Nitrogen was about from 85% to 98% thanks to the MBR ultrafiltration capacity to keep inside the biological plant nitrificant biomass. After the Microbioflottazione plant installation, with external EOX reactor system, thanks to the high performances to treat raw waters, the old Fenton system has been turned off (or used only in extremely rare case) with a important energy save, maintenance and running costs reduction by more than 35%.

Remove PM2,5 from smokes The new horizons to remove fine particulates using a two-stage treatment Population is increasingly paying attention to the emission of fine particles into the atmosphere, that is identified as the main pollutant we breath. Each year in the cities is renewed the problem of overcoming what is commonly defined PM10 or PM2.5, the parts of particles in the air whose dimensions are smaller than respectively 10 and 2.5 microns. This is the particulate in the lower air strate, made of micron and sub-micron parts. Attention is more and more focusing on PM2,5 , the finer particulate, which is more easily captured and fixed by the alveoli in our body. The presence of fine particles is mainly associated to traffic and residential heating problems, the most popular organic combustion processes familiar to us. it is known that that the more organic matter is complex and combustion imperfect, the greater is the production of unburned micron particles (typical example is diesel, compared with gasoline, about internal combustion engines). However, there are several combustion or simply thermal heating processes that generate emission of fine particles and that can be simply defined as "Organic fog" (in some cases they are inorganic). Thermal phenomena that produce this type of fog are very familiar to us, such as cigarette smoke, with its typical blue small plume, due to unburned bituminous substances, or wood fire smoke (especially when it is wet) which produces, due to the imperfect combustion of resinous substances, a plume which is often visible from far away. The same thermal phenomena can generate the emissions of micron and sub micron particulate also on industrial scale; e.g. are bio-



mass combustions and drying as wood, olive pomace and marc coming from pressing grapes, thermal treatments of raw synthetic fabrics and thermal heating of many plastic substances. The organic particles tend to make when in contact with the atmosphere and especially in cold weather, a visible fog which spreads in the space above the chimney, with a plume that is persistent and extinguished only at considerable distances from the emission point. in particular weather situations (e.g. thermal inversion) the plume tends to stagnate on the ground, causing considerable nuisance to the nearby businesses and residential areas. For this particle size, the existing gas treatment technologies achieve with difficulty the high abatement yields, because the particles less than 5 microns (and especially less than 1 micron) tend to escape from any wet wash, except for Venturi jet systems (however, with high operating costs resulting from significant flow resistance) and fabric filters bag (which may constitute fire and clogging risks). For this type of emissions, the wet electrostatic technology developed by Fidia Engineering can achieve high removal efficiencies by using a safe two-stage treatment - The first one with a preliminary washing phase (cooling or pre-

scrubbing), where larger particles are broken down and the flue gas is saturated, creating a "cloud" made of micro-droplets, which is dragged into the next phase. This phase promotes the ionization and therefore the capture of finer particulate (sub-micronic); - The second stage is the real electrostatic filtration section where, making use of an high-voltage electric field and the consequent generation of electrostatic discharges, the smaller particles (responsible for plume’s persistence) are ionized (negatively charged) and cut down. The ionization electric field varies around an average value of 30-50000 DC, with an electronically controlled discharge which reacts depending on the resistivity of the gas flow. The voltage is applied by a special transformer equipped with a rectifier and a controller, that adjusts the system depending of various flue gas conditions. The saturated gas, uniformly distributed over the entire filter section, passes through the several tubes-electrode. in the middle of each tube is located a ionization electrode, normally under electrical voltage that through metal spikes, appropriately distributed over the entire length, generates "electron clouds "that load the polluting particles passing through the tubes. The particles which pass through

Hi-Tech Ambiente Enviromental Technologies


the space between the metal spikes and tube-collectors walls are intercepted by these electron clouds and, once negatively charged, are drawn on the pipes inner surface, which is electrically connected "to the ground" and constitutes the 'positive electrode’ of the system. Once they are "migrated" on-tube collectors, the particles are deposited on the inner surface, slipping in the below water tank. The process is encouraged by the presence of water droplets which are micro-dispersed in the smoke. The electrode tubes and all the electrostatic section are regularly washed, automatically, by a superior ramps system equipped with nozzles (anti-clogging), thereby maintaining the efficiency of the filter over the time. The pressure drop relevant to the section of electrostatic collection is extremely low, estimated about 15 mm. An interesting example of our recent application of an electrostatic wet precipitator is that one installed at the service of a gas treatment line of a “middle italy” company specialized in drying olives pomace, which is a final biomass fuel. The installation of the electro filter made it possible to meet particularly strict limits imposed at the regional level and to resolve the longstanding problem induced by persistent smokes in the surrounding residential areas. From visual comparison between fumes living chimney with electrostatic filter off (washing phase) and the electric field active, it is clear that in the second case there is no longer the plume persistence. The wet electrostatic technology is applied successfully to many other types of fumes coming from combustion and drying processes and heat treatments.

Global solutions for water treatment Hydro italia is a leading company, with decades of experience, dealing with success in the field of industrial and civil wastewater treatment, especially in the treatment painting spray booths water, offering customized solutions and a complete service which includes the design of the system according to the specific needs of each user, the production of the systems, installation and technical assistance in addition of course to the range of chemicals products specially formulated in the operating process. Prior to the delivery of “turnkey” systems, Hydro italia examines all the problems of the customer through a design department that “customizes” the system on the basis of the results of treatment trials carried out in our chemical laboratory. Moreover, in addition to achieving sure savings of both time and money, Hydro italia systems are targeted in a very modern way to hygiene, occupational safety and environmental protection. Hydro italia has installed systems in the following countries: italy, France, spain, Portugal, Turkey, Russia, Korea, slovenia, Czech Republic, slovakia, Poland, UK, syria, United states,

China, iran, Argentina, Brazil, india, Thailand, Rumania, south Africa. The company works in the following sectors: - industrial: pre-treatment and treatment of process water with any type of technology (ion exchange resins, physical-chemical, flotation, oil separation, evaporation, osmosis, etc.); drainage final treatment through the most suitable techniques for removal or reuse of pollutants after their treat-

ment - Domestic: water purifying treatments, filtering, deferrization, manganese removal, softening, demineralisation, microfiltration, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis; any type of waste water biological treatment. The fields of activity are: mechanical engineering, chemical industry, electroplating industry, wood industry, automotive industry, tanning industry, naval aviation industry, petrochemical indu-

That kind of systems is indicated for the purification of domestic and/or industrial waste, if assimilable to the domestic ones (that is linked to productive activity basically characterized by organic charges, more or less continuous). Biological depurative typologies, for the treatment of civil waste, can be schematized as follows: 1. Active sludge plants, based on the purification carried out by a suspended bacterial mass. They have been successful for a long time for their great running elasticity, the relatively reduced room they need and its sufficiently rea-

Batch treatments


Customized solution

Biological plants

Reverse osmosis membrane systems

Spray booths water sludge removal

stry, plastic industry, food industry, resin -based adhesives, polluted sites decontamination, urban effluent treatment, painting, paint factories, dying factories cleaners, pharmaceutical industry, demineralization systems (resins systems, painting spray booth sludge removal, decontamination on the spot, biological systems, batch treatments, physical-chemical systems, oil separation systems, adsorption filtration, reverse osmosis, membrane systems, evaporators, customized solutions, chemicals). BIOLOGICAL PLANTS

Hi-Tech Ambiente Enviromental Technologies


sonable expenses. 2. Percolator filter plants, based on the purification carried out by a bacterial mass and other organisms developing on a fixed support. They are characterized by the simple running and exercise reduced expenses. 3. Biodisk plants, based on the essential scheme typical of percolator filters, they use, as a support for the bacterial mass, suitable disks in plastic material, put in rotation and partially immersed in the effluent to be treated. They are particularly suitable for small and medium communities. in such application they represent an improvement compared to the percolator filters, keeping anyway low the consumption of energy. 4. Diaphragm plants come from the combination of the active sludge traditional process and filtration on partially impermeable membranes process. The main advantages linked to that technology must be sought in the chance to remove or reduce the sedimentation unit downstream the biological section, therefore in the chance to drastically reduce the dimensions of the systems. The sludge-water separation, in fact, is assured by a partially impermeable membrane and no more conditioned by the capacity of sedimentation of the active sludge.

Decontamination on the spot

Demineralization systems resin plants



Filtration and adsorption

Oil separators

Physical-chemical plants


it is a physical process based on the employment of partially impermeable membranes, capable of separating the salinity of pure water. The reverse osmosis treatment has by now established itself as one of the most valid purification systems, both for primary water (e.g. desalination of brackish water, raw water) and for different types of wastewater (if combined with proper pre-treatment methods). The osmotised water is required in several industrial applications, such as textile, galvanic, electronic, pharmaceutical, food industry in general, car wash, etc. FILTRATION/ADSORPTION

The filtration makes a physical separation of solid bodies contained in the water.

bons. The most indicated uses of the adsorption on active carbon are the following: removal of bad smell, bad taste and many organic substances dissolved in water (colouring agents, solvents, detergents, mineral and vegetable oils, etc.). The filtration/adsorption systems can be applied in various fields: primary water treatment and purification, treatment of some typology of drains (car washes, washing water), finishing or safety treatments of waste water after physical-chemical or biological treatment.

Oils and grease are present in several domestic drains and are typically present in much water coming from industrial waste water. its elimination seems to be necessary, even if with different targets, to separate the oily phase from the watery one, before the introduction in any natural water body or before proceeding to the purifying treatment of the waste water, if that contains oils and hydrocarbons. in practical applications, two typology of oil separators can be distinguished: static oil separators by gravity with atmospheric pressare, oil separators by coalescence. DECONTAMINATION ON THE SPOT

The filtration systems, made available by Hydro italia, satisfy any need, both for drinkable and process water, as well as further purification treatment of domestic and industrial waste water. Filtering quartz, carbon, mechanical, and mixed systems are available and

anyway they are made according to the applications required. By adsorption it is meant the adhesion of a gaseous or in solution substance to the surface of a porous adsorbent material. The adsorbent materials more used in the water treatment are active car-

HYdRo ITALIA Srl Via Torricelli, 79 Z.Ind. Fossatone 40059 Medicina (Bo) - Italy Tel +39.051.856263 - Fax +39.051.856282 E-mail info@hydroitalia.com

Hi-Tech Ambiente Enviromental Technologies


in the dismantling of dismantled industrial areas very often polluting situations emerge related to the ground and to possible underlying layers. To that end Hydro italia developed some systems able to decontaminate aquifers. The target established for the design of those systems is the purification of polluted aquifers within the limits of the low. The purifying process will be adapted to the specific case, starting from a general basic pattern. The systems proposed by Hydro italia have a modular frame and constitute a range of models with delivery from 5 to 20 m続/h. Each model represents a single phase of the purifying treatment. Each time the system will be composed with just the elements useful to the purification, according to the characteristics of the water itself.

Island system for AC solar pumps and motors Neo-Solar Motive is an emerging outsider in the power transmission field, born in 2000 and driven more and more by innovation Motive was already known for its innovative variable frequency drives, as the one that launched the first wi-fi remote controlled moto-inverter called Neo-WiFi Before Neo-WiFi, there were factors that limited the availability of motor-inverters: for example the degree of protection that was needed (motors can be installed out in the open, while inverters normally could not) or the fact that the motor-inverter was too far or uncomfortable from whoever had to command it. Motive had solved all problems with Neo-WiFi: full of patents, easy to be understood and used by beginners, iP65, with removable keypad, remotable wireless.

characterized by a right price and will contribute in achieving notable savings in the energy bill. in solar pumps, the classic alternative is to use dc motors. Com-

pared to these, Neo-solar offers the following advantages: - it can work with a wider number of pumps that are already installed, since these are normally with AC motors, without any

BUT IT DIDN’T STOP THERE The last innovation of Motive, introduced in “Hannover Messe industrie” is Neo-solar: an inverter for assembly on motor board, directly powered by solar panels, and the novelty consists in the fact that, even if it is a variable speed drive that can operate also “island mode”, that is to say without power supply from the net, it needs no voltage stabilizers and batteries between solar panel and inverter. it can be mounted, for instance, on a pump used in places where the electrical power supply is not available, but also simply to have hot water while saving energy. in the sector, at present very rare inverters with such capacity exist and, apart from not being intended for an on-board assembly, they have high prices. On the contrary, when this solution is available on the market, besides being effective, it will be

MoTIVE SRL Via Le Ghiselle, 20 - 25014 Castenedolo (BS) - Italy Tel +39 030 2677087 - Fax +39 030 2677125 E-mail motive@e-motive.it - www.motive.it

Hi-Tech Ambiente Enviromental Technologies


need to replace the pump. AC motors are in fact the most used on pumps, they are more economic and they can reach premium efficiencies (iE3) - The installation and the maintenance of these systems is known and accessible for all technicians worldwide - Compared to DC pumps the current is lower, the cables are of thinner section, and there are less cable losses. - it is possible to connect the pump at the same time to solar panels and to the net or a generator, to make it work when the sun is not enough or during the night. - Higher max power, up to 22kW


Saving by purifying Chemical and biological technologies for water and environment from denitrification in settling 1,028.56 kg/d; secondary settling surface area 350 sqm; secondary settling volume 720 m続; ascensional velocity 0.51 m/h (high for activated sludge systems); theoretical sludge production 1,699 kg/d; sludge extraction (as dry matter) 1300 t/year.

objectives: to reduce the production of sludge and energy consumption Results: treatment for 6 consecutive months allowed the purifier to reduce the production of sludge by 38% and energy consumption by 34% NCR Biochemical has prepared an effective program to assist the bacterial flora of a purification system through the addition of specialised bacterial cultures for the degradation of lipid substances of fungal strains. The contemporary use of fungi and bacteria allows an increase in the reduction rates of overall organic matter and the elimination of compounds generally considered not very biodegradable, while reducing the amount of excess sludge and the consumption of energy required for biological oxidation. This program can address the following matters: improving the overall operation of the station (TKN and BOD removal), limiting the growth of filamentous bacteria beforehand, improving sludge settling indices, reducing the formation of sludge (kg Ms extracted/kg COD degraded), reducing energy consumption (kWh turbines/kg COD). such treatment avoids an increase in the input pollutant load, allowing the system's purifying capacity to be increased. THE PLANT The plant being tested belongs to a vegetable processing agrifood industry in Northern Europe. The effluents treated by the purification plant are approx. 80% of industrial origin, and specifically agrifood type. They are purified by a treatment station using activated

sludge with extended aeration (f/m equal to 0.027 kg BOD/kg MLVss/g) in carousel-type aeration channel. During spring and summer, the load in the system is greater due to the production period (processing of vegetables). A second sector, through an oxidation channel, allows this seasonal load increase to be absorbed. The "weak point" of the purification station is the undersized settling tank, which requires a good control of sludge settling; in fact, the creation of a new clarifier is foreseen. A theoretical undersizing of aeration also arises. The intake of oxygen, however, is optimised thanks to the syncopated operation of the aerators. The effluent input has the following characteristics: input flow rate 179 m3/h (4,300 m3/d); COD 2030 ppm, 8729 kg/d; BOD5 790 ppm, 3397 kg/d; ssT 940 ppm, 4042 kg/d; TKN 104 ppm, 447 kg/d; Ptot 54 ppm, 232 kg/d. The plant has the following characteristics: 16,000 m続 basin with activated sludge and 5,000 m続 of supplementary oxidation channel; MLTss 8 g/l (average); sludge age 8.6 days (average); f/m 0.027 kg BOD/kg MLVss/g; 10 surface turbines; installed power: 55 kWh; theoretical daily O2 intake 9,900 kg/d; theoretical O2 requirement for pollutant load 2208 kg/d, for biomass 8,960 kg/d, for nitrogen 1,878 kg/d; theoretical O2 return

TREATMENT APPLIED Biological treatment was applied through the association of fungi and bacteria: the cocktail of fungal strains was injected directly into the aerated basin; the specific bacteria against lipids were rehydrated and placed in culture in the grease receiving tank, and then injected into the aerated basin by overflow. The formulations used are: - Progen sA, a powder product, highly concentrated with lipolytic bacteria (4.109/g of product). The bacteria begin the deterioration of grease, transformed into soluble compounds and assimilated by all of the biomass in the aerated basin - Progen FL200, a liquid fungal concentrate, directly derived from fermenters and injected regularly in the activated sludge. The fungi participate in the biodegradation of pollution as well as the transformation of nitrogen, while consuming much less oxygen than a bacterial biomass for the same work. Along with the above-mentioned doses of adjuvants, a gradual reduction of the aeration thresholds was carried out, gradually lowering the level of O2 supplied. The treatment allows the purification performance to be maintained despite the reduction of aeration: fungi grow better in oxygen deficiency, whereas the bacterial biomass decreases its growth. This al-

Hi-Tech Ambiente Enviromental Technologies


lows the performance in sludge reduction to be obtained, also reducing energy consumption. PURIFICATION PERFORMANCE The analytical study carried out by the client's technicians showed a variable concentration of input COD of between 2,000 and 3,500 ppm, and an average COD at discharge equal to 60 ppm. The average yield of COD removal during treatment was 97-98%. Comparing the results before and after the treatment shows that the discharge COD values are slightly higher during this phase: on average 60 ppm during the treatment period, compared to 48 ppm before treatment in similar seasonal periods. The station, however, purified an additional load, in COD concentration in effluent input and in flow: 10,200 kg/d on average, compared to 8,800 kg/d usual (+36% with an average deterioration of the discharge parameters kept within just 12 ppm). SLUDGE PRODUCTION AND ENERGY CONSUMPTION still from the historical data gathered by the client's technicians, the average coefficient of biological sludge production is 1.27 kg ss/kg BOD (removed) before treatment, going to 0.79 kg ss/kg BOD (removed) after 6 months of treatment. Also, comparing the specific sludge production rate with previous years shows that the rate obtained with the treatment is the lowest observed and reverses the increasing trend undergone by the plant. The specific coefficient of electrical consumption per kg of pollutant removed before treatment is higher than 2.3 kWh per kg of BOD (removed); whereas, after 6 months of treatment, a value of 1.7 kWh per kg BOD (removed) is reached.




waste water of approximately 18 m3. However, the modular design of the tank allows even higher volumes, which are recommended in case of a strong presence of sand. The footprint of the standard system is approximately 14 m2. The maximum flow rate is about 60 m3/h for waste water with a solid percentage up to 15%. The plant complies with the "Essential safety Requirements" as per Appendix i of the EC Directive 2006/42/EC, known as the Machine Directive. The plant is, in fact, fully equipped with protective guards and casing so that treatment is carried out in a closed structure, thus limiting diffusion of odours and sprays, as well as ensuring access of the machine by the operator in total safety. Furthermore, the plant is arranged in such a way that every time the purge truck is connected for discharge, a complete preliminary, automatic washing procedure is carried out.

After more than thirty years of experience in civil and industrial sewage treatment, sPECO®, division of WAMGROUP®, has developed and tested the first treatment plant for sludge from septic tanks including four phases: 1) screening; 2) De-gritting; 3) De-greasing; 4) Compacting. For this system two highly innovative technologies have been introduced: - A ‘multiscrew’ system (POs) in siNTTM engineering polymer for screening; - A floating screw system in siNTTM tecno polymer for removal of floating matter. The WAsTEMAsTER ® TsB4 plant is equipped with electronic and electric components (control panels, instantaneous visual display of flow rate, acoustic and visual malfunction alarm, solenoid valves, blowers) to ensure problem-free operation during both discharge of the waste and work cycle of the machine. Tested for more than two years in a geographical area where, for the presence of tanneries and textile companies, the conditions of use are rather harsh, the WAsTEMAsTER® TsB4 Compact Treatment Plant is now available to customers. 2 – TECHNICAL FEATURES The WAsTEMAsTER ® TsB4 plant consists of a load pipe (1) through which the purge truck discharges the sludge from the septic pits. The sludge then passes through the multiscrew (POs) whose perforated siNTTM engineering polymer trough withholds coarse solids letting sand and liquid pass into the settling tank (2). A constant clearance between screen surface and screw, possible only thanks to the polymeric siNTTM material, along with the automatic washing system, enable continuous cleaning of the draining


bed, which results in highly reduced maintenance costs. inside the tank an air blowing system accelerates the sand sedimentation process (3). The sand decants on the bottom where a screw conveyor collects and conveys it into a second inclined screw conveyor (4). The sand is usually collected in special containers. The coarse solids are discharged into a screw compactor with a “swan neck” discharge (WAsTECOM™ CLE), which reduces the volume by more than 60%. The compaction phase generates further draining of liquids which are also conveyed into the settling tank through a perforated

siNTTM tecno polymer module included in the compactor. The screenings form a compact block that falls through the discharge opening of the compactor (5). Oils, fats and all floating matter are picked up by the floating siNTTM tecno polymer screw which, in addition to its low power consumption, also boasts the advantage of constantly adjusting to the water level inside the tank. The liquid purified from coarse solids, sand and floating matter is then conveyed through the outlet (7) to the following phases of biological and chemical purification. The standard WAsTEMAsTER® TsB4 treatment plant has an internal storage volume of pretreated

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ing. Fabio Caregnato from GiDA iMPiANTi DEPURAZiONi ACQUE s.P.A. of Baciacavallo (PR), italy: “The WAsTEMAsTER ® TsB4 system has been tested in the sewage Treatment Plant (iDL) of Baciacavallo in Prato, italy, exploiting the Capacity Residual (CR) of purification of waste water. Generally the Capacity Residual (CR) is defined as: "the difference between the maximum daily incoming pollution load that can be treated by the plant, to return an effluent that meets the legal limits for the particular final delivery, and the average daily incoming pollution load currently treated". it was decided to evaluate the remaining capacity of the treatment as previously defined, referring it only to the COD parameter and excluding the other parameters of concentration from the calculation. For the calculation and the necessary checks the average values of

COD have been used, recorded daily in and out from the plant in the years 2011-2013, referring to weekdays only. The difference between the COD entering the plant – net of what is permitted to unload within legal limits (125mg/l) – and the one broken down in biological treatment provides the residual treatment capacity. The following table summarizes the data for the two sampling points analysed: • flow rate of treated waste water in m3/d; • COD concentration resulting from the daily analysis of the process; • incoming or outgoing flow of COD as a product of the two previous data. summarizing the amount of COD in question in the various sections of the iDL are shown in the following table. From the analysis carried out, the COD is not a critical parameter as regards the capacity of the treatment plant, the limits of the regulations for discharge into surface waters being thoroughly respected. At the same time, however, this is one of the main critical issues in the purification process, since the plant is widely in deficit of carbonaceous substrate input compared with the design data, as summarized in the following table. in 2013 we decided to evaluate the contribution of the treatment of septic tank sludge in percentage terms on consumption of energy, chemicals, as well as the disposal of sludge and sand. The evaluation was carried out in a way that we believe to be widely cautionary, applying the percentage of incidence of the treatment of septic tank sludge on the pollution load (approximately 6%) directly on the costs of electricity and chemicals, while we applied a conversion formula of production of sludge from the pollution load from septic tanks, to better evaluate the percentage of its treatment (approx. 2% of the costs of sludge treatment). The evaluation was conducted over a period of time ranging from March to December 31st, 2014 during which approximately 4,700 tons of septic tank sludge were treated, with a maximum (718 ton)

reached in October. With these conditions we achieved a unit cost of treatment that is less than approximately 40% of the price charged to customers, excluding, therefore, the contribution of fixed costs, especially related to the co-

sts of personnel and maintenance. Regarding the evaluation of variable costs we want to emphasize how the unit cost of treatment is, however, an approximate value susceptible to future investigation. it is clear that the evaluation of da-

WAMGRouP Spa Via Cavour, 338 I - 41030 Ponte Motta di Cavezzo (Mo) Tel.: +39 0535 61 81 11 - Fax: +39 0535 61 82 26 Web: www.speco.it - Email: info@wamgroup.com

Hi-Tech Ambiente Enviromental Technologies


ta follows from considerations of technical-economic nature based on an analytical comparison with the operating costs of a typical waste water treatment plant of large dimensions such as that of Baciacavallo in Prato. This plant has peculiar characteristics of plant engineering nature such as the biological oxidation process with an oxygenation system, consisting of surface turbines installed for several years and a methane incineration system enabling almost complete autonomy in the treatment and disposal of sludge. These characteristics play a decisive role in the evaluation of costs and, in particular, in the calculation of the unit costs of treatment of septic tank sludge. it is, therefore, a clear need to adapt the analysis of the components of the unit costs to different plant contexts in which we imagine the machine to be included. As regards the direct costs of machine management, electricity and water, at this moment they have not yet been evaluated. For the fixed costs and, in particular, those related to personnel, the high degree of automation of the machine allows to consider negligible, at the time, costs of personnel dedicated to monitoring and control of the machine. On the other hand, personnel costs have to be considered for monitoring and management of waste reception, including checking of shipping documents, weight and entry of data in the company software. Again it is necessary to assess the minimum number of daily entries that would justify the provision of specifically dedicated staff. in summary, the experiments on an industrial scale confirm the effectiveness of the steps of pre-treatment of liquid waste from septic tanks performed by the compact WAsTEMAsTER ® TsB4 plant designed and built by the sPECO® division of WAMGROUP®. The comparison between costs and revenues of operation, which is still in the experimental stage, leaves highly interesting possibilities of application of this compact pretreatment system upstream of sewage treatment plants with appropriate sections of biological treatment of waste water”.


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