PATTIRO Annual Report 2005
Pusat Telaah dan Informasi Regional (PATTIRO) Center for Regional Studies and Information Chief Officer Syahrir Wahab Executive Director Ilham Cendekia Resource Center Division Sad Dian Utomo Society Development Division Muhammad Subhan Finance & Administration Yusriani Manurung Advocacy Division Danardono Siradjudin Gender Division Maya Rostanty Media Division Dini Mentari PATTIRO TANGERANG Muslih M. Amin PATTIRO SERANG Ujon Sujono PATTIRO MALANG Much. Fahazza PATTIRO GRESIK M. Saifullah PATTIRO PEKALONGAN Aminuddin Aziz PATTIRO SEMARANG Susana Dewi Rohimah PATTIRO SOLO Setyo Dwi Herwanto
Executive Summary
From Marginal Side, Heading for Change
In the beginning of the new millenium, a hope for democratic society bloomed in Indonesia. As social and political changes carried over by 1998 Reform and local autonomy policy in 1999, hope for a better life sprung in the heart of Indonesians. The term “better life� does not refer to welfare or primary need sufficiency alone, it also refers to acknowledgement of human dignity, the chance to involve in steering the course of the country. Many people want to take active part in developing this country. It is not only for euphoria or impulsive passion in the midst of long crisis they endure since 1997. It is because they see that development approach applied by government was a failure. Weak and corrupt government, frail economical foundation and social culture of society at that time proved the failure. Public hoped there would be doors that let them participate equally in deciding which course this country should take. When the hope for public participation blew so strong, PATTIRO began its path. PATTIRO wants to involve actively and contribute to make this hope come true. PATTIRO sees that there are two approaches to reach it. First approach is approaching the people in order to empower
Executive Summary
and educate them. Hopefully, it would grow the necessary potential to participation inside the people. The second approach is getting into and attempt to influence the system. To influence means to suggest alternatives to renew public decision-making system. PATTIRO began with the first approach in 2000. Two years later, PATTIRO started to take the second approach without leaving the first one. Until today, people capacity strengthening walks along with advocacy effort to change thew existing public decision-making system. Year 2004 was a period when PATTIRO moved from “beyond system advocacy effort” to “changing system advocacy effort”. PATTIRO tried to strengthen its influence in order to change local puclic decisionmaking system. In doing so, PATTIRO seeks and provides new alternatives of public decision-making system which is open to public participation. PATTIRO offers public decion-makers those alternatives to be applied. PATTIRO’s effort moves from being civic-forum education and facilitation providers to stakeholder networking and political advocacy effort.
There is a reason behind this alter advocacy model. Citizens’ voice should be turned into an important part of public decision. There is no point of yelling outside the system, it will not change anything. From noise to voice, that is the hope which leads PATTIRO’s effort. Restlessness, uproar and energy of those who are marginalized from development’s priority are useless if they are transferred into anger only. This noise, if one call mass rally or demonstration, is not enough to promote change in Indonesia. Experience of previous years prove it. Those who hold power in this country know exactly how to use people’s rage for their own interest. PATTIRO attempts to transfer that rage into a new positive energy, something called: Solution. A voice! Voice that can solve problems. Based on that idea, in year 2004 PATTIRO carried out some agendas to help assisted community find solution of their problems. There are some issues to concern, namely: participation in public policy-making (local regulation), women participation in local budgeting, public services for the poor, participation room in legislation process, and women’s political rights strengthening in General Election 2004. Agenda of citizen participation in public policy-making was a follow up of previous program, civic forum capacity strengthening program, which has been carried out since 2000. On previous programs, PATTIRO emphasized on process, such as process of assisting civic forums, citizen participation capacity strengthening, and citizens’ problem and initiatives observation. While in year 2004, PATTIRO
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focused more on aiming the result, which is the ratification of citizens’ initiatives into local regulation. Unfortunately, there were many obstruction, such as General Election, which delayed our achievement. However in most of Program’s areas, we have successfully raised some issues of our advocacy effort to become public issues. Government policies, although not in the form of local regulations, also served to solve problems concerning those issues. Agenda of women participation in local budgeting was a follow up of women participation strengthening in public policy-making, a program carried out since 2001. At the beginning, this program was meant to facilitate and strengthen women/ women civic forum involvement in every room of public participation. For instance, women involvement in kelurahan discussion forums. In year 2004, Program was improved to emphasize gender budget advocacy effort, along with women groups in local level. On public services issue, PATTIRO carried out a program to find complaint mechanism model on public services which is affordable for poor consumers, particularly women. PATTIRO wants to strengthen voice mechanism for poor consumers who find public services dissatisfying but find no choice but to accept it. In this program, cooperative approach between citizens and government was important. To push the door for public participation in legislation, PATTIRO conducted a research on legislation function in national/local Legislative Assembly (DPR/DPRD). PATTIRO conducted this research with Local and National Legislation Reform Coalition. This research was meant to find out whether structure, function and capacity of DPR/ DPRD are conducive to public participation in legislation (regulation/ law proposal) process. Beside conducting research, PATTIRO also encouraged the creation of Legislation Body/Committee that plays as a door to let regulation proposals from public initiatives. Before General Election 2004, PATTIRO also gave political education specifically for women. It aimed at letting women reason to make their choice. At that time, PATTIRO also encouraged political contract with many women politicians. The contract stated that they must fight for women interest when they are elected. In all of its activities, beside being facilitator of democratization process originated from citizens, PATTIRO often had to be directly
PATTIRO Annual Report 2005
involved as actor. Involvement in various political process, whether in negotiation, cooperation or adversity process, is inevitable when it comes to public empowerment. New political power emerged in General Election 2004 who came from educated youth provide wider room for PATTIRO to develop cooperation approach in its advocacy effort. PATTIRO tries to offer various alternatives of public participation in order to improve the condition of society. In all of its work, PATTIRO gained support from various sources, such as mass organizations, student organizations, scholars, the press, public figures, political parties, local assembly and government. In this occasion, we would like to thank for all these supports. We would also like to thank Ford Foundation, The Asia Foundation, Tifa Foundation, Australia Agency for International Development (AusAID) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for their cooperation in citizen strengthening in Indonesia. â—?
Chief Officer of PATTIRO
Assalamu’alaikum Wrh Wbr, Praise and gratitude to Allah SWT, the Creator and Protector of the Universe. For His mercy gives us motivation, energy and thought to participate in democratization and justice establishment in Indonesia, particularly by promoting citizen empowerment and good governance, as stated in our mission. We, Center for Regional Studies and Information (PATTIRO), are very thankful to give contribution for citizen participation development in Indonesia, something that also brings us to exist as a non-government organization. We would also like to thank our fellow civic organizations, press, students, academics and local figures, particularly those in our working areas, namely Serang, Tangerang, Pekalongan, Semarang, Solo, Gresik, Surabaya and Malang. We also thank to our colleagues in Jakarta, who belong to NGOs, donor institutions, academics, and international agencies. They all contribute to PATTIRO’s works all this time. And because of their support, we can develop resource center, advocacy center, training center, as well as continue our work in local level. In showing our thankfulness, we publish Annual Report 2004, for the first time. It contains all works carried out by PATTIRO in 2004. This Annual Report is a form of PATTIRO’s accountability of its work for public interest. Hopefully, this brief report may also be a study material for other non-government organizations. We hope this report may allow opportunity for everyone who shares same vision, which is to strengthen Local Good Governance, to build cooperation with us. PATTIRO regards cooperation building important to strengthen citizen participation. Therefore, in the future, PATTIRO will build partnership with other important stakeholders, such as national/ local Legislative Assemblies (DPR/DPRD), executives, political parties, etc.
PATTIRO Annual Report 2005
Finally, we once again say thanks for everything. Hopefully, all our works may bring Indonesia to be a better place.
Introduction Annual Report
Introduction Annual Report
Year 2004 was the fifth year of our course. For an organization in learning age like PATTIRO, five years is a short time to build democracy. It is even a short time to build political awareness among a small community. Year 2004 was also a year of political festivity for Indonesian people, since there were three huge political events. Started with legislative election in April 2004, followed by first stage of presidential election in July 2004, and ended with second stage of presidential election in September 2004. Mass media were never absent publishing democratic discourses, legislative and presidential candidates, as well as campaign not to vote. Legislative and presidential candidates, the new system, and everything about election drew people attention. From villagers, the press, to NGO activists, whether they were enthusiastic or skeptical about it, all attention were drawn by General Election. Perfect festivity! This note captured PATTIRO’s course in the political festivity year. Like other NGOs, our attention was also drawn to General Election. We were pretty optimistic that the growing democracy as the political festivity passed may promote social change in Indonesia. When the series of election were over, we all had to look back to reality, apart from dreams built in General Election. We had to be realistic. We had to admit that the growing democracy in Indonesia is a procedural or symbolic democracy, not a real one. The building may be called democracy, but its residents cannot yet be called “public”. It is not absolutely wrong with this kind of development. After all, we have achieved much in democratization, although we find that there must be something more. We are more convinced that what this country need is: talking to people. Not only in five-year cycle when they are asked to vote for president or legislative members. But rather on every matter that consumes public money and subjects public to its result. We are more convinced that what should be developed is
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the system, not festivity of democracy. If its system is developed, democracy must reach everyday-problems faced by Indonesian people. We also hope, even in small tone, that direct local chief officer election will not create new festivities. Democratic model development in various form of needs now becomes our focus. In public service sector, we developed complaint mechanism to allow poor consumers to complain easily and cheap. In local budgeting process, we developed participatory budgeting model with gender perspective. In public policy-making, we facilitated citizen communities to formulate their initiatives into local regulation proposals. We also promoted participatory legislation mechanism in Local Legislative Assembly (DPRD). We hope that those various models may become seeds of more substantive democracy. We presents this note to all who wants to learn from us, including from our failures. We open our journal to you and hope your critical feedback. Because we learn from you. Our long journey is not the work of us alone. There are many people who spent their time to live our goals. Our fellow NGOs who provide constructive environment have helped a great deal of our growth. Support from various donors allow us to continue working on our plans. We sincerely thank for all that contribution. Regards,
Ilham Cendekia
Citizen Participation Strengthening Advocacy Effort in Local Regulation Proposal
In 2004, PATTIRO carried out advocacy effort for citizen participation strengthening in local regulation proposal. This effort aims at two objectives. Firstly, encouraging citizen participation process in local regulation making. Secondly, solving citizens’ public policy-related problems with local regulation whose substance came from those citizens. This advocacy effort was a part of PATTIRO’s program carried out in Serang, Tangerang, Bandung, Pekalongan, Semarang, Solo, Gresik and Malang. Ford Foundation is an institution that supports this advocacy effort. This advocacy effort is closely related with PATTIRO’s previous programs, such as Research on Local Institutions Readiness in Local Public Policy Monitoring (2000-2001) and Strengthening People Participation Advocacy Effort in Local Governance (2001-2003). In those programs, PATTIRO identified problems faced by citizens and then facilitate them to find initiatives on how to solve their problems. Advocacy effort for citizen participation strengthening in local regulation proposal is a follow-up action of making their initiatives policy solutions, in the form of local regulations. There are few steps taken by PATTIRO to achieve the above goals. These steps
include: community organizing, participatory local regulation proposal-making, and political organizing. Community- organizing involves civic forum assistance, capacity improvement and network building. Community organizing proceeded with facilitation on citizens’ problem and initiative observation. Their problems are grouped into: problems that need public policy as solution and those that don’t. Problems that do not concern public policy are better to be handled by citizens themselves. To help solve problems that concern public policy, PATTIRO participatory facilitated citizens to find initiatives of solution. Their initiatives were then formulated into local regulation
Laporan Program Ford Foundation
proposals. PATTIRO has been carrying out this community organizing since 2000 until today. This effort emphasizes citizen capacity improvement to take advantages of participation rooms. It proceeded with participatory local regulation proposal making. These proposals originated from citizens’ initiatives, result from the previous step. Their initiatives consist of local regulation plan and academic script. Prior to be proposed before Local Legislative Assembly (DPRD), they were materially examined. PATTIRO held public consultation to examine them. After that, they were delivered to DPRD. Until the end of 2004, PATTIRO has participatory facilitated local regulation plans and academic scripts in all of its Program’s areas. The next step is political organizing. This step aims at gaining support from
stakeholders to citizens’ initiatives. Support raising may take various forms, such as personal lobbying, rallies, cooperation and political contract. Prior to support-raising, PATTIRO facilitated citizens in making stakeholder-mapping. In general, this political organizing successfully improves bargaining power of citizens’ initiatives. While PATTIRO was raising support from various stakeholders, citizens delivered their proposals to DPRD. They also asked DPRD to exercise its initiative rights to discuss their proposals. Until today, PATTIRO is still focusing on political organizing. There are various issues to be the substance of advocacy effort. Most local regulation proposals are intended to protect marginal profession (very low income and uncertain profession), such as to protect becak driver (Solo), honorary teacher (Serang), madrasah teacher welfare (Gresik), and employ-
PATTIRO Annual Report 2005
ment status of transportation labors (Bandung). PATTIRO concentrates on education issues in two cities, namely education subsidy for the poor (Semarang), and education system improvement (Malang). Other issues taken by PATTIRO are social responsibility of Soekarno-Hatta Airport management upon citizens who live in airport’s neighborhood (Tangerang), ex-village asset management by its citizens (Pekalongan). In 2004, local regulation proposal advocacy effort by PATTIRO has achieved promising improvement. When all local regulation plan drafts and their academic scripts in the first quarter of this year, PATTIRO and its assisted citizens started to deliver their proposals to DPRD. PATTIRO suggested DPRD to exercise its rights to make initiative local regulations. The local regulation making based on DPRD initiatives is a new mechanism in local level. However, since it is more open to citizen participation in local regulation making, we are determined to apply this mechanism. Political organizing allows PATTIRO to build cooperation with important local stakeholders. They include political party prominent figures, legislative members, informal public figures and local government officials. Local regulation proposal process got big help with this cooperation. In almost all of Program’s areas, each DPRD agreed to discuss the local regulation plan proposed by PATTIRO. General and Presidential Election 2004 influenced greatly to PATTIRO’s advocacy effort. It brought good and bad impact as well to advocacy effort. The
good impact was that the tight political competition in local level before General Election urged local political figures to actively find alliances. In such situation, PATTIRO found it advantageous to seek for commitment and political contract from political figures and parties. Support for issues brought up by PATTIRO also rose up. However on the other hand, General Election weakened activities in local legislative bodies. Consequently, advocacy effort could not be optimized. Discussion on local regulation proposals were at slow pace since legislative members were occupied by their General Election agendas. All local regulation proposals were piled up on the desk of DPRD Secretariat. Discussion on these proposals was not started until General Election was over and new legislative members were inaugurated. When new legislative body formation was set and started to work, about October 2004, legislation function of DPRD has not yet actually worked. Some of them were still busy with assembly structure formation and internal code discussion. Advocacy on local regulation proposal was least possible to commence at that time. On the other hand, PATTIRO saw that discussion on internal code of legislative assembly was an important arena to open rooms for public participation. Specifically, PATTIRO encouraged opening a room for public to deliver local regulation proposals. PATTITO suggested a tool for it, namely Legislation Committee. Although this committee was not a brand new idea, its function was expected to improve to be
Laporan Program Ford Foundation
some kind of a door to let public send local regulation proposals. This idea was accepted by DPRDs of Malang, Solo, and Pekalongan. Unfortunately, after DPRD consulted with governor (as obliged by PP 25/2004), this hope dimmed. Executives objected to the
Committee for budget reason. Advocacy effort on local regulation proposals was not continued until end of 2004. Today PATTIRO is still doing political organizing to gain more support. â—?
Women Voter Conference: An Effort to Empower Women Voter General Election 2004 might mean more than just a five-year political cycle to Indonesian women. Women of various professions and backgrounds decided to engage in politics. It came as no surprise, since General Election Law Article 65, Section 1, obliged 30% quota for women legislative candidates. Consequently, the number of women who registered as legislative candidates increased in many political parties. On the other hand, PATTIRO saw that women voters (women who are eligible to vote) empowerment is an urgent agenda, since General Election 2004 applied different system that the previous ones. Women voters need to have correct information of the new system. These conditions drove PATTIRO to carry out Program of Women Voter Role Strengthening Toward General Election 2004 in four cities, namely: Jakarta, Semarang, Bandung and Surabaya. This program held various activities, namely: voter education on grass roots level by carrying out FGDs, serial discussions, and women voter conference. This program was carried out from November 2003 to March 2004 and supported by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). FGDs were held on 20 women groups in all of Program’s areas, except Jakarta. Women groups participated in FGDs included: housewives of poor families,
women who actively engage in PKK (Family Welfare Course), Aisyiyah, Muslimat, Fatayat, IPPNU, Salimah, students, elderly women, prostitutes, domestic violence victims, labors, women of Persis, church congregation, scavengers, teachers, beginner voters, pesantren women, and blind women. Voter education included two aspects: critical and technical aspects. Critical education was to educate women on the urgency of General Election, role and function of political parties, and criteria of good political parties and legislative candidates. Facilitators applied participatory method to encourage participants to express their ideas or opinions of society condition, legislative members behavior and performance. This process revealed the problems faced by grass roots women and performance gap of legislative members’ work, that most of them did
not work good enough to represent grass roots women’s aspiration. At the end of this session, participants were asked to express their expectations on the would-be legislative members. Their expectations were formulated into problem-mapping of grass roots women and issues to be represented by legislative members. Beside critical education, FGD also delivered technical aspect to participants. Technical aspect is also important to make sure that women voters know how to vote correctly and their votes are claimed eligible. This activity was to deliver learning process to women voters, so that they became independent and reasonable voters. Became subject instead of object in politics, for they can express what they want the legislative members to do in the next five-year period.
16 Serial Discussion was held in Jakarta. Serial Discussion was held five times during January to February 2004. The purpose of the events was to observe
concept and vision of political parties on some issues, namely women representativeness, corruption eradication, migrant workers, children rights and public participation. These events revealed that many political parties were actually not ready to biuld Indonesia. They do not have clear concept on solving problems related to those issues. This program was concluded with Women Voter Conference (end of February to March 2004), an event to gather women voters and women legislative candidates. In local level, women voters met women legislative candidates of DPRD I and II. While in Jakarta, women voters met women legislative members of DPR. In this forum, women voters could directly express their expectations on women issues. This forum started with explanation of each panelist who came from various
PATTIRO Annual Report 2005
too high or too hard to achieve. It was an interesting process since direct relation between legislative candidates and constituents began to grow. It did not happen in the previous elections for political parties ‘wrapped up’ their candidates so that voters did not have any chance to know people who would represent them.
political parties. They explained their effort to develop women. It is followed by Q&A session with participants. A warm dialog occurred as bargaining also took place. Bargaining took place when legislative candidates thought that expectations set by participants were
There is an interesting lesson learned from this program. Grass roots women were proven to be political, not apolitical as one would assume. They were enthusiastic to discuss topics about politics. They were also capable of expressing their problems, needs and expectations on legislative members. All this time they just do not have access to find information and express their voice. In the future, there should be more effort to listen and include grass roots women in many aspects. PATTIRO will welcome any cooperation offer to empower them. ●
Complaint Mechanism Model on Public Services in Local Level Basically, this program was designed to search solution alternatives on public service performance improvement in local level. This program encouraged public service providers to open a room for feedback from their consumers, in terms of complaint. Their feedback is important since there is no accountable parameter to judge effectiveness, efficiency and public-friendliness of bureaucratic performance, except feedback from service-users.
A program performed in three cities (Semarang. Malang and Tangerang) was generally aimed at five goals. Firstly, identifying complaint mechanism problems in public services (education, health and waste management) in the eyes of poor consumers in Program’s areas. Access for poor women to complaint mechanism obtained more attention. The second was searching the poor’s preference of gender equality perspective complaint mechanism on public services. It lead to the third goal, which is to set suitable complaint mechanism model on public services. The model should also base on gender equality perspective. When the model was set, it should be disseminated and presented on public consultation. Finally, when all the four goals achieved, Program encouraged consumer to perform proposal advocacy of the complaint mechanism to government and legisla-
tive body. During August 2004 to January 2005, Program has conducted the following activities: Quantitative Research. This research was conducted for a month. It took samples of 500 respondents in three cities for three sectors (basic education, health care and waste management). This research was to find out people perspective on public services and how they react on dissatisfying public services they receive. Qualitative Research. This research was conducted in two domains. The first was in grass roots domain. This research was to gain more observation on data of quantitative research, particularly on people habits when they file complaint and their preference of
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affordable complaint management mechanism. Observation took focus group discussion method, which was held five times. The second domain was service providers. Research method with structured interviews was applied to obtain description of policies on services they provide, minimum standard of service, and complaint management. Workshop on model setting. This workshop involved various parties, namely scholars, public figures, legislative members and NGOs. This workshop discussed the complaint mechanism model proposed by people at grass roots level. On the other hand, workshop also created commitment to bring complaint management issue into advocacy effort. Thus, in each city, complaint management issue is no longer PATTIRO’s, it belongs to all relevant parties. Those who were involved in this workshop also
agreed to be steering committee for the next event, namely seminar in their localities. Seminar. Seminar was held to collect inputs from various sources on complaint mechanism model set in the previous stage. This seminar was held in each Program’s areas and Jakarta. Book publishing. Journals of process and achievement of this program will be compiled in a book. The book will be published to share our experience in complaint management mechanism on public services. After went through all processes mentioned above, Program managed to achieve: A team (a kind of city-level coalition) of NGOs, scholars, public figures, and those who commit to perform advocacy effort on complaint management mechanism to be applied by local government, and
Initial agreement, although not in writing, with municipality (acting Mayor of Semarang and Mayor of Tangerang) to revise Minimal Standard of Service (Standar Pelayanan Minimal/SPM), which involve people participation, and SOTK when necessary as a consequence of SPM revision. Hopefully, complaint management mechanism is applied in SPM revision. With achievements mentioned above, we recommend further actions of advocacy efforts, such as: Realization of oral agreement with municipalities. Revise SPM and include complaint management mechanism in it.
Conducting pilot project by applying complaint management mechanism. Perform capacity building for public officers who are responsible for managing complaints. Give pressure to local parliaments in order that they create independent institution that plays as mediator when dispute between citizen (consumers) and service provider occurs. This institution should be able to monitor complaint management and proposals of bureaucracy improvement, whether concerns its policies or organization structure, in order to create effective, efficient and citizen-friendly bureaucracy. â—?
Report Program GENDER BUDGET
Reforming Budget, Empowering Women
Local Budget (APBD). This term gains popularity since decentralization era. APBD is an important issue to reform. Non-transparent process and inaccurate allocation are two major problems of APBD. APBD cannot yet give maximum benefits to people welfare. People remains in spectator seats instead of plays in the arena, although there is a process called people aspiration collection. All this time, there is an impression that people aspiration collection is merely ‘formality’ process. This impression emerges since people aspiration are less welcome and participants who join the process are elites. Women (particularly
poor women) attendance is low for access and information limitation. More over, poor women also face a womenspecific problem, that is domestic work. Inspite of those problems, their voice should reach the ears of policy-makers. Therefore, PATTIRO, supported by The Asia Foundation, arranged a program of “Gender-Responsive Program Proposal in Local Budget 2005”. The program was carried out in Jakarta, Semarang, Tangerang and Surakarta. Activities of this program included: need assessment basis, Local Budget analysis and political organizing. Need assessment process applied interviews and FGDs. This process
Report Program GENDER BUDGET
observed problems and solutions, and then translated them into program proposal to be accomodated in Local Budget. This process also involved community-organizing. Women groups were motivated to express their needs in organized manner. In each city, we held FGDs in 5 kelurahan. In each kelurahan we held FGD for five times. This program chose poor kelurahan as location of FGD and poor women and local prominent women as its participants. One of those locations was Kelurahan Panggung Kidul in Semarang city. In this location, people find two big problems, namely health (related to flood from rain and sea water) and education (high cost of education).
The forum concluded to make proposal of Fuel Provision Program. Fuel is important to supply flood drainage pump. They agreed to choose this program since they often suffer from the flood problem. Moreover, it adds more burden for women, since they have to clean up their houses when flood is over. Not to mention caring out children who are infected by skin germ carried by flood water. Fuel provision program to supply flood drainage pump would be very helpful to all citizens, particularly women of Panggung Kidul. This is an example of gender-responsive program, an outcome of participatory process. At the same time, Local Budget was analyzed, both for general and specific analysis. This analysis was to observe general pattern of Local Budget allocation, find over-spending allocation, and calculate percentage of allocation received by citizens, women, street
children, elderlies, and other marginal groups. The analysis result would serve as an argument basis on program proposal advocacy. Thus, there will be no more excuse, such as budget limitation, to reject proposal from citizens. Moreover, analysis result may serve as a ground for budget reallocation, cutting unnecessary budgets and allocate them on programs that directly benefit citizens, both men and women. Since 2003, when it reported indication of corruption in executive and legislative institutions, PATTIRO gains better bargaining position when delivering grass roots’ proposals and giving recommendations on Local Budget reallocation. Political organizing was applied in two methods, namely: activities that involve communities, and activities performed by facilitators. Communities were involved in hearing session with dinas and DPRD. By joining hearing session, hopefully communities may develop a sense of delivering program proposal. Another organizing activity was lobbying. Most lobbying targets were legislative members. These legislative members were given RASK. This lobbying activity grew to be technical assistance activity, in which many of new legislative members were not familiar with details of Local Budget. Another important activity was approaching the media. Mass media is best friend for shaping public opinion that related to advocacy issues. Until December 2004, PATTIRO has brought some program proposals to realization. For instance, road repairs in Podhorejo, more allocation for fuel provision program (related to flood
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drainage) in Semarang, clean water provision in Panggung Kidul (Semarang), and investment aid for establishing a cooperative in kelurahan Karang Timur (Tangerang). Some important reallocation were also achieved, such as budget for buying car for camat was reallocated to providing waste transportation vehicle. Process of Local Budget in DPRD become more open than it was before. We can draw an important lesson
learned from this program, that is involvement of poor women in earning budget allocation for their interest was quite effective. What they propose was not far from lessen women’s burden. Poor women spend all of their time to work, whether it is paid or unpaid work. It left them no time just to think about their own needs. Thus, lessening women’s burden is a start to empower women. In the future, PATTIRO invite everyone to cooperate in empowering women simultaneously. ●
Report Program BALEGDANAS
Study Of Participatory Legislation Capacity Strengthening
This program aims at identification of various problems that concern legislation process, both in local and national level, while at the same time trying to formulate potential of public roles in legislation process. In other words, this program attempts to encourage legislation process that allows more public participation, while observes the capacity of people and institutions involved in this process.
In addition, this program also specifically emphasizes the existence and capacity of institutions that focus on legislation in local/national legislative assembly (DPRD/DPR). Legislation Body, as in national legislative assembly, is regarded as an institution that supposed to encourage public participation
in making regulations. Local legislation bodies are supposed to do the same thing. Our research attempts to find whether they play the role well or not. And if not, what kind of problems that hamper them to do so? This program is conducted in local and national level. In national level, we focus on Legislation Body of Legislative Assembly (Baleg DPR). While in local level, program is conducted in two levels, namely provincial (Central Java and South Sulawesi provinces) and regent/city (Pekalongan and Malang cities) level. This program is expected to complete in 6 months, from October 2004 until end of March 2005. Consortium of three organizations, namely PATTIRO, Forum Kajian Hukum (FKH),
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Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pakuan Bogor and Konsorsium Reformasi Hukum Nasional (KRHN), carry out this program. Started with literature search and interviews with those involved in legislation process, this program proceeds to use this preliminary work as material for problem mapping. Problem-mapping concerns any problems with legislation faced by national legislative and executive bodies, as well as local governments. This step results in problem-map of legislation process as well as capacities of various actors involved in it. Those problems are thoroughly examined. It results in recommendations of making ideal and participatory legislation system. This system, of course,
involves other stakeholders, namely citizens, NGOs and scholars. The recommendations are then disseminated in seminars. In addition to dissemination effort, seminars are an event to gain more input, which is useful to improve the recommendations. Along with various inputs gained in seminars, the recommendations are then packed in one book and distributed. Until today, recommendations of ideal and participatory legislation process are still in formulation process. However, responses from various stakeholders are encouraging. In Malang, a number of local legislators are even actively involved in this formulation process. â—?
Cash on Hand
Current Liabilities
Program Liabilities
Cash in Bank Giro
Organized Grant
Staff Receivables
Prog. Receivables
Program Advances
Other Advances
Served Capital Served
Computer and Accesoris
DEPRECIATION ACCUMULATION (31,241,075) Computer and Accesoris
0 0
*) un-audited
PATTIRO PATTIROAnnual AnnualReport Report 2005
Statement Of Activities And Fund Balances For The Years Ended December 2004 In Rupiah STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES AND FUND BALANCES REVENUES GRANTS PROGRAM
Program Ford Foundation
Program UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
Program TAF (The Asia Foundation)
Program AusAID (Australian AID)
OTHERS Bank Interest
16,127,291 5,931,772
Individual Kontribution
LCD Rental
Book Seller
Program Ford Foundation
Program UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
Program TAF (The Asia Foundation)
Program AusAID (Australian AID)
Office Boy
Social Tax and Administration Bank Depreciation Fix Assets TOTAL EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCES *) un-audited
67,905,231 5,170,000
300,000 5,419,228 18,894,478 1,198,669,035 287,403,525
Pusat Telaah dan Informasi Regional (PATTIRO) Center for Regional Studies and Information Jl. Tebet Utara IIC No. 22, Jakarta Selatan Jakarta 12820, Indonesia Telepon: (62-21) 8297954 Fax.: (62-21) 8297954 Website: Email: PATTIRO’s core networks spreads in PATTIRO TANGERANG Komp. Pengayoman Jl. Perdata II No. 9 Tangerang – Banten Telepon: (62-21) 55794237
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