Create Constant Calm™ May-June 2022 Yoga Pose Series

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Paula Youmell, RN Natural Health Education Herbalist, Yoga, Energy Medicine

Create Constant Calm™ Sacred Circle May-June 2022

Repeat all 4 on the opposite side, then move onto plank pose

Pick 1 or the other, or do both

Both sides

1 knee in at a time, then both together

Aaaah, Savasana, the deep, shining light secret of a yoga practice. For years I avoided it because, seriously, who the hell had time for just lying around? I invite you to take the time, every single time you practice yoga. 10 minutes of total relaxing into the mat, relaxing into Momma Earth, and allow your healing energy to flow, literally healing your DNA.

To invoke different Elements with Yoga poses & breathing Fire: Engage in a vigorous flow. Envision your Inner Sacred Flame. Water: Invite your body into a slow, reflective flow. Think shimmers on Water . Earth: Ground into longer holds. Visualize deep roots into Momma Earth. Wind/Air: Dance poses playfully, a bird soaring freely on the Wind currents. Ether: Envision yourself centered/balanced in all that is. Sacred Reciprocity.

Peace, Constant Calm, Prayer with The Elements May You know

Bright as the

May You know

Deep as the

May You know

Strong as the

May You know

Gentle as the

May You know

As Balanced



As the Ethers

May You Know Sacred Reciprocity In Everything

Copyright © Paula Youmell, RN, Wise Woman Nurse® Create Constant Calm™ Sacred Circle for Cultivating Peace

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