Create Constant Calm™ 15-20 minute Vagal Nerve Love

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Paula Youmell, RN Natural Health Education Herbalist, Yoga, Energy Medicine

Create Constant Calm Yoga Spinal Movement for Body-Mind-Spirit All poses can be lying, sitting (floor or chair), or standing. Move & live from your Heart Space. Know your body & do the poses as best for you. As your body opens, your poses transform.

Lie flat & elongate your spine

Deep Breathe in Mt. Pose Elongate the spine then Gently move like a washing Machine agitator

Arch upper back gently backwards w/face & sternum guided up to sky

Bend to both sides

Twist your torso, from the Heart space, both sides

Relax in corpse pose for 5 – 10 minutes, focusing on the breath moving in & out of the body, in & out of the lungs & Sacred Heart Space. Thank Your Body-Mind-Spirit for moving energy, toning the vagal nerve, and healing your DNA.

Copyright © Paula Youmell, RN, Wise Woman Nurse ®

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