Week 4 Create Constant Calm™ SCM Follow Up

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Paula Youmell, RN Natural Health Education Herbalist, Yoga, Energy Medicine

Clearing Heavy Energy When we relax into Sacred Heart Space, allowing Heart to bridge and filter Human physical experience and Divine Soul experience, we live in flow.

There is nothing unique or magical about this, and yet at the same time, it IS very magical. Think of artists who get Divine inspiration to create. This is considered a Shamanic experience: the artist is the hollow bone of divine creative expression and their art flows through them. When we release into the flow of the Universe, our gift-medicine-magic in this lifetime, can shine and flow too. Most of us get too caught up in our Soul Growth Fuckery, this being like storm waves in our lives rocking us about to & fro, that we don't allow ourselves to flow in cosmic consciousness. A simple example are two artists I follow because I love their Nature based magical art. Both of these gals are in the flow of their souls' purpose here because creative art literally just flows out of them: • •

https://www.facebook.com/kathryn17 https://jainerose.com/cards/

We are all capable of this flow of intuitive creativity. Mine comes through as healing information and creativity as that is my soul's work. Becoming aware of what your gifts-magic are, to share, supports you coming into your Heart Space alignment and flow.

Methods Of Clearing Heavy Energy From Our Beings: •

Daily Yoga & breathwork, and remember that Yoga is NOT just the poses we do on the mat, Yoga is the way we walk through our world of existence in awareness & Sacred Heart Space. • Clearing energy body with the “rain” down of healing light we did in savasana guided visualization, end of class

Living in your awareness body, releasing old triggers and living in Sacred Heart Space & Choice. • Clearing your chakras with violet flame energy. • Clearing Sacred Heart Space with Violet Flame meditation. (wk 4 savasana guided meditation in savasana) When we sat at the fire, in our Sacred Heart Caves, the Fire is used for transformation. Each time you go into this space, with your crystal elevator OR however you want to travel there, sit by the Fire and write one thing you want to clear / transform on a tiny piece of paper & burn it in the Fire.

You can also, while sitting by your Sacred Heart Fire, blow this same thing you want to get rid of into a stick you keep in a pile by your fire. After blowing this intention into the stick, offer it up to the Sacred Violet Flame Fire to burn it out of your live with love and compassion. • Remembering that Love is all we are and all that is.

• Pulling symbolic energy into each chakra to fill it with the empowered energy you need to move heavy energy out. If this makes zero sense to you, that is OK. Week 5 guided visualization will make this one clear. • Use your imagination to come up with ways meaningful to you to move and clear energy in your chakras & energy body – aura. Be creative and fun!

Opening Reading Air

I Whisper I whisper to you on the breeze through the leaves, I sing My Love for you through the call of the Birds. Feel My presence in the stillness at twilight. Feel my power in the gale which uproots. Let My Winds blow through the clutter in your mind, Let My Peace come to you with each breath you take. I will fill you with inspiration and vision, That you may sing your soul’s song with joy.

Closing Reading Listen to the Wind, It Talks; Listen to the Silence, It Speaks; Listen to Your Heart, It Knows. -Native American Prayer

Class Slide Show Video: https://youtu.be/9omBywkAgm4

Many Blessings on Your Journey of Inspired Learning, Growing, Transforming & Clearing those Pesky Triggers from Your Neuropathways of Being. Deep Love to You ALL, Paula

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